Unique rewrite. What is rewriting and how to rewrite text? Creating a quality rewrite

The final stage of work on creating a rewrite or copyright is to check the resulting text for uniqueness. In this we can help both individual programs and online service s.

The most famous programs for checking the uniqueness of the resulting work are:

1. Advego Plagiatus. Program from the largest runet content exchange advego.ru. The program is officially in constant development, so we download the latest version from the office. site - Service - Uniqueness Check. Works without glitches. Of course, it requires an internet connection.

And you should not be sure that if you composed some text from your head, then it will be 100% unique for search engines. The more discussed the topic is covered in the article, the more likely someone before you has already voiced it in words very similar to yours.

If you, like me, do not like to litter your computer with rarely used software, then to check the uniqueness, you and I have a direct road to online services:

1 Probably one of the friendliest online uniqueness check services is Text.ru

2 Boasts about his advancement, but forgets to mention severe limitations and chronic inhibition when online verification for the uniqueness of the service from miratools.ru
I haven't tested istio.com myself yet, but I've seen positive reviews.

What should be understood about the services proposed above for checking the uniqueness of the content of articles:

  1. These services and programs are NOT made by search engine developers. This means that even 100% uniqueness cannot guarantee you the love of search engines. Services with a high probability can show that a simple person, when reading, will not be able to guess the source of your rewrite, considering it to be a unique text. But the common man and the search giants are very different concepts. It is so?
  2. Using such services to check your freshly written articles carries potential threat be left without a unique article. Judge for yourself. You upload your article that has not yet been published to an unknown person on the server. That is, from the point of view of search engines, if a dishonest online uniqueness check service publishes it first, then you are not the author! And you can’t prove your authorship with anything. "Who is the first one and slippers."
  3. None of the services for checking the uniqueness of an article offers you a frequency analysis of the naturalness of what is written. This question is rarely advertised. when discussing the topic of creating a unique rewrite. Do you know why? because you will never buy a paid synonymizer, knowing that all these programs are guaranteed to destroy the naturalness of your rewrites. And after such a hidden murder, no percentage of uniqueness will provide you with top positions in search engines. And also, knowing about Zopf's laws, you will not buy low-quality rewrite from hacks. More precisely, by putting forward the requirement for the frequency naturalness of the text, you will not let such hard workers of the pen and keyboard cut down on you loot for free.

That is, the text should be liked by both search engines and people.

How to do good rewrite?

  1. Read the source carefully.
  2. Start retelling with the first two or three sentences. Cm.
  3. Try not to pour water, remove all excess.
  4. After the presentation of the first paragraph, we repeat the same for the rest.
  5. At the end, we decorate the text with subheadings, lists.
  6. We postpone the result of the work for a couple of hours, come back and check:
  • remove all unnecessary using
  • we read again, all angular places and understatements are immediately corrected
  • we check the text: uniqueness 95% (not lower), there are no errors in spelling and punctuation. It's like that? Congratulations mate, you've done good rewriting.

What is a rewrite?

The word "rewrite" is of English origin, and in translation means "rewritten". In fact, this is how it is: in order to make a rewrite, the source text is retelled in their own words, doing something like a school presentation.

How unique should a good rewrite be?

The uniqueness of a rewrite is determined by programs like Advego or Text. The text is compared piece by piece with others on the Internet and the percentage of uniqueness is determined.

It is believed that the uniqueness of at least 95% according to Text.ru is an excellent indicator. Although some argue with this statement, saying that texts with 80% are also indexed by search engines.
Conclusion: uniqueness of 80% is acceptable for satellites, but SDL should have higher rates.

Which rewrite is better: automatic or manual

Automatic rewrite - the opposite of good rewriting. After all, if you look at the result of the work, then without serious corrections it cannot be allowed for publication.

How much does a good rewrite cost?

The cost of rewriting on exchanges ranges from 10 rubles to 2-3$. With the ability to competently draw up technical specifications, you can find performers at the lowest price, but do not expect unmistakable and ideal texts from them in all respects. If it is important for you that all commas are in their places, there are no spelling errors, raise the price at least twice. If you need impeccable speech turns and lack of water in the text, increase by another third. If you are too lazy to look for a source for rewriting yourself - add another 20 cents to the price. The total is obtained in the region of 40-50 rubles per kilosign good rewriting. But keep in mind that, firstly, all requirements must be set out in the order card, and secondly, no one is immune from delays and unscrupulous performers who use or write. How can you protect yourself from these problems? First, make the first orders small in order to check the performers. Secondly, there is something like selection on a competitive basis on the exchanges - you accept applications for order fulfillment and choose one from dozens of applicants. If you do not have time for this, contact the authors of the site "Text of the article" (see).

Is good rewriting a deep rewriting?

Here we come to the end of our article. A little higher we mentioned surface rewriting, and it is worth noting that this option is unlikely to be suitable for SDL. After all, there are already two online services (Text.ru and contetnt-watch) that recognize the source of the rewrite with an accuracy of 99%. And for a rewrite made using an ultra-high-speed technique (a superficial change in some words), the percentage of uniqueness falls below nowhere. For comparison: Advego does not recognize superficial rewriting and shows 95%. We check the same text on Text.ru - we get 48%! This kind of text is useless.

By the way, if you order texts on Advego, indicate “deep rewriting” in the TOR. This will reduce the chance that instead of good rewriting you will be given the result of a 5-minute

Greetings, dear readers! Continuing the theme of the transition to remote work, I want to tell you what rewriting is and why newbie copywriters should start with this.

Who uses transcribed texts?

There are situations in which rewriting is fully justified, and even inevitable:

  • For example, rewriting news. Agree, different publications daily cover the same events, which are rewritten in every way in different words. Some exchanges contain special sections where copywriters post rewrites of current news for sale.
  • Promotion with the help of links - the article is placed only in order to leave a link to your site in it. In this case, it is not advisable to order an expensive author's text, but uniqueness is still required. Here rewriting comes to the rescue again.
  • Filling partner sites - when information from the main site needs to be placed on several others, while uniqueness everywhere should be high.
  • When the budget is limited and there is no way to order high-quality unique texts, rewriting comes to the rescue, which costs much less.

Who benefits?

Rewriting has a number of advantages, both for customers and performers:

  1. It is much easier for a copywriter to rewrite than to create a unique text from scratch. And it takes much less time.
  2. For beginners, rewriting is a great exercise to improve your skills.
  3. For customers, the main advantage of rewriting is the lower cost compared to the author's text.

Quality check

Focusing on the criteria by which the customer checks the result of your work, you will rewrite quickly and efficiently.

Here are the main of these criteria:

  • Text literacy. Always check finished work for errors (spelling, syntax, punctuation). Here is an instruction on how to check the text for errors (link will be later). Mistakes in work - the collapse of a copywriter's career.
  • Lack of "water". Introductory words, constructions that do not carry a semantic load - all this is superfluous, we get rid of it without hesitation.
  • No "gag"- the rewrite should contain only the information that was in the original text. Often the authors have a desire to supplement the article with their knowledge, but this possibility should be discussed with the customer separately.
  • Clear text structure. Easy-to-understand suggestions. Headings and subheadings that should also be rewritten. Dividing text into paragraphs, numbered and bulleted lists - all this improves appearance your work, and hence its quality.
  • High uniqueness. Aerobatics - achieve 100% uniqueness. In some cases, it is almost impossible to achieve such a result, for example, when the article contains a lot of special terms (technical, legal, etc.). Such subtleties are discussed with the customer in advance. Install .

Rewriter tools

How to do a rewrite? There are a number of techniques that are used when performing rewriting.

We list some of them:

  1. Replace original words with synonyms. If the desired synonym does not immediately come to mind, you can use special dictionaries, links to which will be given by any search engine.
  2. Convert direct speech to indirect. Rewriting should not contain quotes, as they greatly reduce the uniqueness of the text. In this case, it is necessary to convey the meaning of the quoted phrase as accurately as possible so as not to change the context.
  3. Replace nouns with verbs or vice versa. For example, walking is walking, understanding is understanding. However, verbal nouns should be used as rarely as possible, since their large number greatly reduces the quality of the text.
  4. Change sentence structure. Long - break, short - combine. Always keep an eye on how easy to understand the new proposal is.
  5. Write numbers in words. And vice versa - to replace the prescribed numerical values ​​with numbers.
  6. Replacing verbs with participial and participle constructions. But it is also important not to overdo it. The abundance of such structures greatly complicates the perception of the text.

At first glance, everything is quite simple. But in fact, this work requires jewelry skill. A special program can also automatically substitute similar words into the text - a synonymizer (the link will be later), but such text becomes unreadable and its the target audience- search robots.

When it comes to the source of information for real people, it is worth setting for yourself Golden Rule that rewriting is not a lower quality text, it is a new unique high quality text. With this approach, you will always be in demand as a competent rewriter.

Types of rewriting

Depending on the degree of change in the source text and the tools used, there are several types of rewriting:

  • Surface- when the original words are replaced one by one with synonyms. This type of rewriting is often performed by beginners.
  • Deep- the original text is completely rewritten and turned into a new unique text. To understand how to do a deep rewrite correctly, remember the Russian language lessons at school when you wrote your essay. Here the same principle is to master the information and create your own text based on it. Sometimes, to write a deep rewrite, several original sources are used, the essence of which merges into one final text.
  • SEO rewriting- when the source text is rewritten by adding keys to it (words and phrases that are most often used to find information on a particular topic). There are certain rules for writing SEO texts and implementing keywords, we will look at them in more detail in an article about SEO copywriting.

How much can you earn from this?

For obvious reasons, the cost of rewriting is lower than the cost of creating unique author's texts. But when doing this work, the level of payment is highly dependent on the level of skill of the performer. Therefore, the cost of 1000 characters for rewriting can be estimated in the range from 10 to 100 rubles.

I know people who have achieved great professionalism in this field and work from home with daily pay for their work.

Often, customers place rewriting tasks on exchanges in order to find a high-quality performer for large volumes.

Step by step to success

The main advantage of rewriting for a beginner is the rapid growth of skill, because with each work you complete, you replenish your piggy bank of tricks and chips that will later help you when creating your own texts.

Start with simple steps, dear readers. After trying your hand at surface rewriting, move on to more complex tasks. Small successes lead to big ones. I wish you perseverance in achieving your goals.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you have a website, or you are planning to acquire one, then, of course, you have heard the word “rewrite” and you probably know that it is related to texts. Let's take a look in detail what is rewriting, why is it needed and where to get it.

If you attended Russian language classes at school, then you can easily remember how you wrote your presentations. The teacher read aloud or let you read some text on your own, and then you had to convey its content in your own words. So, in those distant times, you, without suspecting it, acted as a rewriter!

Why do rewriting?

Filling the site with content, beginners in this field often find texts they like on a given topic on the net and boldly place them on their site. It seems that everything is simple, and the site turns out to be informative, and readers are satisfied, why pay money for texts? I'll explain now.

If you use text that is quite popular on the Internet on the site, then readers from the first lines will understand that they have already read it, they will suddenly leave your resource and will not return. It may also happen that users see this text for the first time and are happy to read it, but the site's rating will still inexorably fall. Why?

But because search engines know for sure that this one is, and they will simply stop indexing the page. The fact is that the text on your site appeared later than the original source, so search engines will exclude you sooner or later from the search results!

So that your site does not suffer the fate of a resource forever lost on the Internet, use only unique content (?), which can be obtained by rewriting.

What are the benefits of rewriting

Of course, the site can be filled with unique author's texts, which), but in most cases rewrite is the best solution, which allows you to fill the site in the shortest possible time.

Here are the main benefits of rewriting:

  1. the ability to use as a basis the text you like, carrying the necessary information;
  2. relatively low cost;
  3. uniqueness for search engines;
  4. the possibility of SEO-optimization;
  5. novelty for the reader.

Where to get rewrite

The easiest way to get new unique texts based on existing ones is online services for text rewriting. On the Internet, you can find many free synonymizer programs that create unique content by replacing words with synonyms. This method allows you to get the result very quickly and absolutely free.

But, unfortunately, the well-known principle applies here too - good things don't come cheap. The text created by the program will really turn out to be unique and it is likely that it will be well received by search engines (although they Lately much wiser), but for users it will definitely be a meaningless set of words that cannot be read.

If the guarantee of the popularity of your site is high in search engines, and users do not go there at all to read texts, then software rewriting can be used. But keep in mind that this popularity will be short-lived - there is a high probability that the search engines will greatly lower you in the search results and success will be fleeting.

But in any case, if you rewrite the text in an online service (especially a free one), then I advise you to re-read the result and make some manual changes. And if you write for people (created), then I advise you to spend the N amount of money and order texts from a professional rewriter.

Rewriter - who is this? This is a specialist who will competently write a unique text based on the selected sample. Replace words with synonyms, change the structure, harmoniously enter key phrases, come up with interesting subheadings, format the text in lists, add new sections - will do everything in order to preserve the semantic thread of the original text, but make it absolutely unrecognizable either for search engines or for people .

It is easy to find a rewriting specialist - there are many private ads on the network from specialists who provide such services. The price range is very wide, so you can always find a suitable option.

This method has a single, but very significant drawback - you can become a victim of scammers who will take an advance payment and disappear, or accidentally choose an illiterate, but very self-confident person who calls himself a "rewriter". So I do not recommend contacting a stranger, whose professionalism and decency you know nothing about, because there are no guarantees.

The most reliable way to fill the site with quality content is (at the link you will find an article where they are compared). There are quite a few of them on the net.

  1. Textsale - I advise you to first read the review from a professional on how to optimally build your scheme of working with

Of course, you have to pay the exchange a percentage for services, but in return you get certain guarantees.

Benefits of content exchanges:

  1. a large selection of performers;
  2. the presence of a portfolio of most authors;
  3. the ability to choose the level of skill of the rewriter;
  4. a wide range of prices;
  5. opportunity to return own funds in case of non-fulfillment of the order, as well as in case of low quality of the finished text;
  6. automatic uniqueness check.

By choosing an author with a solid rating and a large number of positive reviews, you don't have to worry about the quality of the texts. As a rule, experienced rewriters with a high level of professionalism work in this segment. But, I should note that the prices in this segment "bite".

For a symbolic cost, you can order a text from a beginner. Here you must understand that you run the risk of not getting the result you wanted in the end. Although, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that in this category you can meet not only mediocre and not very competent rewriters, but also beginners, but very talented and responsible authors. So it's up to you to choose which author to entrust the filling of sites with content.

How to check the uniqueness of a rewrite

The uniqueness of the content is one of the most important criteria that cannot be ignored. Getting written before posting on the site.

Content exchanges such as Advego, Etxt, Text.ru are equipped with own services to check for uniqueness ( and ). When ordering a rewrite on these platforms, the system checks the texts automatically. A free text quality check is also available for third-party users. On the first two resources, you can download a free program, and on the third, you can check it online.

Programs for checking the uniqueness of a rewrite “look through” texts already posted on the Internet and look for matching fragments. The result of the check is percentage of uniqueness, which should ideally be at least 85-90%. Non-unique fragments are automatically highlighted, it is recommended to get rid of them.

So we figured out what rewriting is and who a rewriter is, now you know where to get an interesting, unique text for any resource. Do not spare time and money - fill the pages of your sites with only high-quality content, then popularity among users and high rankings in search engines will become an axiom.

The competition on the Internet today is simply huge, so be different from millions of others - surprise readers with an interesting, useful information, and search engines - harmoniously, but aptly entered keys and uniqueness of texts. I wish you professional rewriters!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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The lion's share of content on the web is rewriting. Is this good or bad? What ratio between the author's text and rewriting can be considered acceptable?

How Internet resources are created

Website content can be filled in different ways:

  • write author's articles;
  • present publicly available and well-known material in your own words;
  • combine both.

It is not always possible to afford original, author's texts - this is both long and expensive, and it is not easy to find performers who understand the topic. According to various sources, the percentage of author's text on the web ranges from 1% to 10%, but there is no clear statistics and it is hardly possible at all. It turns out cheaper and more reliable to create a unique and high-quality product using already available materials on the Internet.

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Creating a quality rewrite

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Some popular tricks:

  • take the original text, swap words in the text or replace them with synonyms, slightly change the structure of the article. When reading the original and rewritten materials, you will see that the same topic is stated in different words;
  • rework the "source" completely, change and / or add logical connections, swap sentences, paragraphs, recycle tables into text or vice versa, and much more. Reading the revised and original text, only by logical analysis, one can determine that this is the same information, only presented in different ways. It will be a quality product a high degree originality, which can only be achieved by a competent performer;
  • take a few "sources", analyze them, understand the essence of the issue and state the topic in your own words. Such work can be performed by a qualified person with narrowly focused knowledge on the topic. In such a text it is difficult to determine whether it is information processed with 100% uniqueness or original/author's text.

What "pitfalls" should be considered?

  • the performer, for one reason or another, does not have sufficient knowledge about the subject / topic, this leads to the fact that the original information can be transmitted in a distorted form;
  • errors may be from misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the original text;
  • the authors of technical texts (source codes) themselves can invent what was mentioned in the text, and a performer who does not have deep knowledge on the topic will not be able to convey what the source author has kept silent about;
  • the author of the original deliberately does not provide information in full, hides or distorts something, and a non-expert performer will add something of his own on top of this information, as a result - you have inaccurate information on the site, sometimes more like a crazy person.

Is there an acceptable rewrite percentage in the site content?

There is no single answer. The most ideal option for filling the content of the site is 100% unique information, but this is not so easy to do.

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money on the Internet, including ways to make money on rewrite

The percentage of uniqueness of a quality rewrite is at least 95%. For technical texts, especially those containing a large number of specific terms - about 80%, and the more specific terms, formulas, references to regulatory and other documents in the source text, the less likely the uniqueness of the information presented.

How to develop content for a beginner

Based on your capabilities, decide on the requirements for the content:

  • what ratio of author's information and processed information is acceptable on your site, given that the uniqueness of site information is determined by the totality of the uniqueness of all information posted on the site;
  • upper and lower threshold of uniqueness;
  • which of the methods of creation is preferable;
  • on the basis of what source materials you intend to create content and where to get them;
  • Your financial capabilities, the availability of professionals with narrowly focused knowledge on the subject of the site;
  • development timeline.
How to get started as a copywriter? Start writing articles ✍️ on TK or sell your finished texts

How to make money online?

If you and your team can create unique and quality content- go for it!