10 leaders in agricultural products. Agriculture of the regions of russia

Global central banks "must continue to support demand and build confidence," said Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Stock market support

The IMF believes that the international community should take additional fiscal stimulus measures and coordinate its efforts in order to prevent the possibility of damage to the global economy in the long term due to the spread of coronavirus.

Georgieva added that "about 20 countries have shown interest" in obtaining loans in connection with the situation around the outbreak of coronavirus, in the coming days the organization will consider these issues. The IMF, Georgieva stressed, is "ready to mobilize its $ 1 trillion lending potential to provide assistance" to its 189 member countries.

The US Federal Reserve has cut interest rates to near zero, resumed buying bonds and deployed other measures from its anti-crisis arsenal, connecting the world's leading central banks to support the global economy, which is falling under the onslaught of the coronavirus. The Fed will provide $ 1.5 trillion to the short-term repo market, where banks take out short loans secured by Treasury bonds.

The Fed announced that it is re-launching its short-term corporate debt purchase program to improve credit markets under pressure from the coronavirus outbreak, which threatens the American economy with a recession. Under the Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), first launched in 2008, the Fed will buy short-term corporate debt directly from issuing companies. The commercial paper market is one of the key sources of short-term financing for a number of companies.

The Japanese regulator is also actively stimulating the national securities market. On March 16, the Bank of Japan decided to double the volume of repurchased assets of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and assets of real estate investment trusts (J-REITs). In March, the central bank so far bought back ETF shares worth just over 600 billion yen ($ 5.62 billion), about 80% of these securities are tracked by the Topix index. Last Monday, Japan's central bank doubled its annual buyback target to 12 trillion yen ($ 112 billion), also launching a lending program in an attempt to match the rate cut by the Fed over the weekend.

Since 2010, the Japanese regulator has been buying up shares of domestic companies and three years ago owned 75% of the country's exchange-traded funds. Today the Bank of Japan is one of the ten largest shareholders in half of all Japanese companies. The uniqueness of the Central Bank of Japan is that it is a pioneer in the implementation of super-soft monetary policy (MP), when the mass of money created by the Central Bank grows rapidly, while money becomes cheap, sometimes free.

Unconventional monetary policy measures are not limited to these examples. Experts talk about additional measures to provide domestic liquidity. These are direct money market instruments in the form of reserve requirements and liquidity ratios; systemic agreements on the allocation of liquidity - unlimited provision of national money, expanding the list of counterparties, easing requirements for collateral; providing liquidity with securities such as the exchange of illiquid securities for liquid ones. Non-traditional monetary policy measures include easing lending through the purchase of certain private securities or direct loans to investors in certain securities, and quantitative easing through direct purchases of unsterilized government securities and foreign exchange.

Kazakhstani support measures

“The increase in the base rate to 12% on March 10, 2020 had a preventive effect on the spread of panic in the markets and made timely adjustments to the strategies of market agents, which made it possible to limit the emerging inflationary risks and protect the value of tenge assets,” the press release of the National Bank of Kazakhstan says. - At the same time, the expansion of the interest rate corridor to 1.5 pp is intended to limit the possibility of speculative pressure on the exchange rate by market participants, increasing the cost of tenge borrowing for banks in the National Bank to 13.5%. Money market rates approached the upper border of the renewed interest rate corridor and reached 13.48% ”.

The regulator said that on a daily basis it conducts operations to provide liquidity to banks without restrictions in volumes. At the same time, the National Bank has the necessary tools to further stabilize the situation in the domestic financial market. If the situation in the world economy deteriorates, it is not ruled out that additional measures will be taken to maintain price stability, the situation in the foreign exchange market and the country's financial market.

Meanwhile, the situation on the money market in Kazakhstan since the beginning of 2020 remains difficult. Overnight REPO rates (concluded for one day) on government securities (GS) on the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) are kept at the level of 13.5% per annum. Market participants believe that in a situation of imbalance, the regulator could provide additional liquidity to stabilize the situation. In a conversation with Kursiv, several market players agreed that “the system is not balanced, and second-tier banks cannot ensure the normal functioning of the repo market, so the regulator's intervention is again required”.

When asked by Kursiva what unconventional monetary policy measures would help the Kazakhstani stock market, market players suggested several options for broader incentives for the Kazakhstani regulator. For example, according to experts, the incentives could be REPO operations against shares of national companies or the redemption of bonds of national companies. This "will not accelerate inflation and has a buyout logic." Stock market participants believe that such measures "will prevent a recurrence of the tenge famine of 2014-2016, will not allow the domestic capital market to close and free up liquidity, and squeeze money into the corporate sector."

The video lesson "Geography of world agriculture: crop production" is devoted to the second leading branch of material production - agriculture. Particularly in detail in the lesson considered the first direction of agriculture - crop production. In this lesson, you will learn how commercial agriculture differs from traditional consumer farming. Thanks to this lesson, you will understand what the Green Revolution is; you will learn the main features of agriculture and the geography of its location.

Topic: Geography of branches of the world economy

Lesson: The Geography of World Agriculture: Crop Production

Agriculture- the oldest and second most important (after industry) branch of material production. The industry is one of the most important, it is represented in almost all countries. World agriculture employs more than 1 billion economically active population.

The emergence of agriculture is associated with the so-called Neolithic revolution in funds, which began about 12 thousand years ago and led to the emergence of a manufacturing economy and the subsequent development of civilization.

The role of agriculture in the economy of a country or region shows its structure and level of development. The share of people employed in agriculture among the economically active population, as well as the share of agriculture in the structure of GDP, are used as indicators of the role of agriculture. These indicators are quite high in most developing countries, where more than half of the economically active population is employed in agriculture. Agriculture there follows an extensive path of development, that is, an increase in production is achieved by expanding cultivated areas, increasing the number of livestock, and increasing the number of people employed in agriculture. In such countries, whose economies are of the agricultural type, the rates of mechanization, chemicalization, land reclamation, etc. are low.

The highest level was reached by the agriculture of the developed countries of Europe and North America, which entered the post-industrial stage.

Two groups of agriculture:

1. Commercial agriculture (intensive farming and animal husbandry).

2. Traditional consumer agriculture (plow and hoe farming, pasture, nomadic animal husbandry, gathering, hunting, fishing).

Agriculture is engaged in the production of agricultural products, their storage, processing, marketing, etc. As a result, large TNCs of agribusiness are formed: Nestle, Unilever, Kraft Foods, Mars.

Rice. 1. Nestle emblem

In developing countries, small-scale agriculture (focused on feeding itself) and commercial agriculture (mainly export-oriented) predominate.

The largest exporters of agricultural products in general: USA, France, Canada, Netherlands, Belgium, China, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Australia.

Green revolution- a set of changes in the agriculture of developing countries that took place in the 1940s - 1970s and led to a significant increase in world agricultural production. It included the active breeding of more productive varieties of plants, the expansion of irrigation, the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and modern technology.

The three main components of the green revolution:

1. Breeding new varieties of agricultural crops.

2. Irrigation (the largest share of irrigated lands: Egypt, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan).

3. Industrialization of agriculture (introduction of machinery, equipment, fertilizers).

The Green Revolution made it possible not only to feed the growing population of the Earth, but also to improve its quality of life. The number of calories in food consumed per day increased by 25% in developing countries. In addition, grain harvests increased by 2-3 times, and the demand for machinery and equipment increased. At the same time, due to the widespread distribution of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, environmental problems arose. Intensification of agriculture has disrupted the water regime of soils, which caused large-scale salinization and desertification. Copper and sulfur preparations caused soil pollution with heavy metals, etc.

Plant growing

Production classification of field crops


- Wheat


15 leading corn producers (thousand tons).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The country


Agriculture of the regions of Russia- a series of analytical materials prepared by experts of the Expert and Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center". Below in the text, after the introductory part, there are links leading to articles on the agriculture of regions, territories, republics of Russia. The situation in agriculture in Russia as a whole, as well as trends in key food markets, can be found by clicking on the link -.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia. Rating of Russian regions for agricultural production

The volume of manufactured products in agriculture in value terms as a whole for the country in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 5037.2 billion rubles. Since 2014, the cost has increased by 16.6% or 718.1 billion rubles, since 2010 - by 94.7% or by 2,449.4 billion rubles, since 2005 - by 264.8% or by 3,656.2 RUB bln

The leader in the production of agricultural products in 2015 in all categories of farms - Krasnodar Territory - 333.6 billion rubles, its share in all-Russian indicators - 6.6%. Over the year, the value of agricultural products produced in actual prices increased by 16.4% or by 47.1 billion rubles, over 5 years by 65.5% or by 132.0 billion rubles, over 10 years by 243.5% or by 236.5 billion rubles.

The second place is taken by the agriculture of the Rostov region with a share of 4.6% of the total value - 229.3 billion rubles. Compared to 2014, the cost increased by 19.9% ​​or 38.0 billion rubles, since 2010 it has grown by 94.2% or 111.2 billion rubles, compared to 2005 - by 273.0 % or 167.9 billion rubles.

The Belgorod Region is the third agricultural region of the Russian Federation in terms of the total value of manufactured products (agricultural products were produced in the amount of 218.1 billion rubles; the share of the region in the total value of the Russian Federation was 4.3%). Over the year, the cost increased by 15.9% or by 29.9 billion rubles, over 5 years - by 122.3% or by 120.0 billion rubles, over 10 years - by 567.1% or by 185.4 RUB bln

Agriculture of Tatarstan is in 4th place. The republic produced 213.7 billion rubles in value terms. agricultural products or 4.2% of the total value. Compared to 2014, the cost increased by 14.9% or by 27.8 billion rubles, since 2010 the growth has amounted to 112.1% or 113.0 billion rubles, since 2005 it has grown by 246.9% or 152 , 1 billion rubles.

The top five is closed by the Voronezh Region, where in 2015 agricultural products worth 200.2 billion rubles were produced. This is 4.0% in the overall ranking for the country. The growth for the year amounted to 26.0% or 41.3 billion rubles, over 5 years - 193.6% or 132.0 billion rubles, over 10 years - 532.3% or 168.6 billion rubles.

The TOP - 20 key regions for agricultural production in value terms in 2015 also included: Stavropol Territory (175.7 billion rubles; share in the total cost in the Russian Federation - 3.5%), the Republic of Bashkortostan (152.1 billion rubles). rubles; 3.0%), Altai Territory (140.4 billion rubles; 2.8%), Volgograd region (125.2 billion rubles; 2.5%), Tambov region (124.2 billion rubles. ; 2.5%), Chelyabinsk region (120.2 billion rubles; 2.4%), Saratov region (119.1 billion rubles; 2.4%), Moscow region, including the territory of New Moscow (119.1 billion rubles; 2.4%), Kursk region (112.8 billion rubles; 2.2%), Orenburg region (99.6 billion rubles; 2.0%), Republic of Dagestan (99.3 billion rubles .; 2.0%), Leningrad region (99.0 billion rubles; 2.0%), Lipetsk region (99.0 billion rubles; 2.0%), Omsk region (96.2 billion rubles; 1.9%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (88.9 billion rubles; 1.8%).

Below are useful links leading to articles on agriculture in the regions of the Russian Federation... For convenience, links to articles by region are grouped by federal district. It also provides a brief description of agriculture in the districts of the Russian Federation as a whole.

Central Federal District

Agriculture of the regions of the Central Federal District (CFD) in 2015 provided the volume of production in the amount of 1,322.9 billion rubles. The share of the Central Federal District in agricultural products of the Russian Federation in actual prices amounted to 26.3%, which brought the district to the first place among all federal districts in this indicator. Per capita in the Central Federal District in 2015 produced agricultural products in the amount of 33.9 thousand rubles. (on average in Russia, per capita agricultural production was at the level of 34.4 thousand rubles).

In the regional structure of agricultural production in the Central Federal District in 2015, the first place belongs to the Belgorod Region with a share in the total production volume in the district of 16.5% (218.1 billion rubles). The five largest agricultural regions of the Central Federal District also include the Voronezh region (15.1%, 200.2 billion rubles), the Tambov region (9.4%, 124.2 billion rubles), the Moscow region (including the Territory of New Moscow) ( 9.0%, 119.1 billion rubles), Kursk region (8.5%, 112.8 billion rubles).

Crop production of the Central Federal District... The total sown area of ​​the Central Federal District in 2015 amounted to 15,354.6 thousand hectares, which is 19.4% of all sown areas in Russia.

In 2015, the Central Federal District collected 55.7% of all sugar beets produced in the country, 41.0% of potatoes, 38.6% of corn, 37.9% of mustard seeds, 33.1% of rape seeds, 33.0% of barley, 31 , 0% soybeans, 30.4% sunflower seeds, 27.3% peas, 24.7% buckwheat, 19.3% wheat, 17.2% oats, 14.8% vegetables in open and protected ground.

Livestock of the Central Federal District... The regions of the Central Federal District in 2015 together produced 45.8% of all pork produced in the country, 35.9% of poultry meat, 16.6% of beef, 17.5% of milk, 20.8% of eggs, 7.3% of mutton and goat meat.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in Northwestern Federal District

In the agriculture of the regions of the Northwestern Federal District, in 2015, products were produced in the amount of 244.0 billion rubles. The share in the total Russian agricultural production was at 4.8% (7th place in the rating of the districts). Agricultural production per capita amounted to 17.6 thousand rubles.

The structure of agricultural production in the Northwestern Federal District in 2015 is as follows: Leningrad Region (share in total production - 40.6%, volume of manufactured products - 99.0 billion rubles), Kaliningrad Region (12.4%, 30.2 billion rubles), the Vologda region (11.6%, 28.4 billion rubles), the Novgorod region (11.2%, 27.4 billion rubles), the Pskov region (10.6%, 26.0 billion rubles).

Crop production of the North-West Federal District... The sown area in the Northwestern Federal District in 2015 amounted to 1.8% of all sown areas in Russia (1,429.6 thousand hectares).

In the agriculture of the regions of Russia located in the Northwestern Federal District, in 2015 they produced 10.5% of the total volume of rape seeds grown in the country, 6.1% of potatoes, 5.2% of vegetables. The district's share in grain production is low. So in 2015, only 0.9% of wheat produced in the Russian Federation, 0.6% of rye, 1.8% of barley were harvested here.

Livestock breeding of the Northwestern Federal District... The Northwestern Federal District accounts for 6.2% of pork produced in the Russian Federation, 3.0% of beef, 8.4% of poultry meat, 5.8% of milk and 9.9% of eggs.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in the Southern Federal District

The volume of agricultural products produced in the Southern Federal District in actual prices amounted to 766.8 billion rubles. (15.2% of the total value of agricultural products in the Russian Federation). Agricultural production per capita in the Okrug is significantly higher than the national average and amounts to 54.7 thousand rubles. - the highest indicator among the districts.

The structure of agricultural production in the Southern Federal District by regions (indicators from highest to lowest in descending order): Krasnodar Territory (share in the total volume of manufactured products - 43.5%, production volume - 333.6 billion rubles), Rostov Region (29.9%, 229.3 billion rubles), Volgograd region (16.3%, 125.2 billion rubles), Astrakhan region (4.9%, 37.6 billion rubles), Republic of Kalmykia (2.8%, 21.6 billion rubles .), Republic of Adygea (2.5%, 19.4 billion rubles).

Crop production of the Southern Federal District... The sown area in the Southern Federal District in 2015 amounted to 11,711.3 thousand hectares. This is 14.8% of all areas in the Russian Federation.

In 2015, 89.5% of the total Russian crop of rice, 61.6% of melons, 38.3% of vegetables, 33.0% of corn, 29.9% of wheat, 28.7% of sunflower seeds, 19.9 % sugar beet, 13.9% barley, 10.5% soybeans.

Livestock of the Southern Federal District... Pork production in the Southern Federal District amounted to 5.2% of the total volume in the Russian Federation, beef - 13.0%, poultry meat - 9.5%, lamb and goat meat - 25.9%, milk - 10.7%, eggs - 10. 7%.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in North Caucasian Federal District

In 2015, the North Caucasian Federal District produced agricultural products worth 390.4 billion rubles - 7.8% of the total volume in the country (5th place in the Russian Federation). Agricultural production indicators in the district are at the level of 40.3 thousand rubles.

The structure of agricultural production in value terms in the North Caucasian Federal District was distributed as follows: Stavropol Territory (production volume - 175.7 billion rubles, share in the total volume - 45.0%), Republic of Dagestan (99.3 billion rubles, 25, 4%), the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (38.7 billion rubles, 9.9%), the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (28.0 billion rubles, 7.2%), the Republic of North Ossetia (25.8 billion rubles, 6, 6%), the Chechen Republic (17.2 billion rubles, 4.4%), the Republic of Ingushetia (5.7 billion rubles, 1.5%).

Crop production of the North Caucasian Federal District... The sown area of ​​the North Caucasus Federal District in 2015 amounted to 4,291.4 thousand hectares. This is 5.4% of all sown areas in the Russian Federation.

The share of the North Caucasus Federal District in the total volume of indicators in the Russian Federation in 2015 accounts for 18.6% of the harvest of corn, 15.4% of peas, 12.3% of wheat, 11.5% of vegetables, 11.2% of melons.

Livestock breeding of the North Caucasian Federal District... The livestock industry of the North Caucasus Federal District produced 1.9% of all pork produced in the Russian Federation, 9.9% of beef, 6.8% of poultry meat, 27.8% of mutton and goat meat, 9.0% of milk and 3.4% of eggs.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in the Volga Federal District

The volume of agricultural products produced in the Volga Federal District in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 1,147.7 billion rubles. The share in the total volume of agricultural products produced in Russia amounted to 22.8%. According to this indicator, the Volga Federal District is in second place in the Russian Federation after the Central Federal District. Agricultural production per capita in the Volga Federal District in 2015 was at the level of 38.7 thousand rubles.

The region with the largest share (18.6%) in the total volume of agricultural products produced in the Volga Federal District is the Republic of Tatarstan (production volume - 213.7 billion rubles), the Republic of Bashkortostan with a share of 13.3% and a volume of 152.1 billion rubles is in second place. The five key agricultural regions of the Volga Federal District also include the Saratov region (10.4%, 119.1 billion rubles), the Orenburg region (8.7%, 99.6 billion rubles), the Samara region (7.3%, 83.2 billion rubles ).

Crop production of the Volga Federal District... The regions of the Volga Federal District together in 2015 provided 73.6% of rye produced in the Russian Federation, 50.6% of camelina seeds, 40.9% of sorghum, 37.2% of lentils, 32.2% of millet, 30.2% of sunflower seeds, 27 , 9% oats, 24.9% barley, 23.7% mustard seeds, 21.8% potatoes, 20.7% melons, 20.7% peas, 15.5% wheat, 7.3% corn.

Livestock breeding of the Volga Federal District... In 2015, the Volga Federal District accounted for 30.0% of beef produced in the Russian Federation, 17.6% of pork, 20.3% of poultry meat, 20.0% of lamb and goat meat, 30.9% of milk, 25.1% of eggs.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in the Ural Federal District

In the Ural Federal District in 2015, agricultural products were produced in the amount of 319.5 billion rubles. (6.3% of the total Russian agricultural output). This is the 6th place in Russia. Per capita agricultural production in the Okrug amounted to 26.0 thousand rubles.

The volume and structure of agricultural products produced in the Volga Federal District by region: Chelyabinsk region (production volume - 120.2 billion rubles, share in the total volume - 37.6%), Tyumen region (83.6 billion rubles, 26.2%), Sverdlovsk region (75.0 billion rubles, 23.5%), Kurgan region (40.6 billion rubles, 12.7%).

Crop production of the Ural Federal District... The sown area of ​​the Ural Federal District in 2015 amounted to 5,197.4 thousand hectares. This is 6.6% of all areas in the Russian Federation. In 2015, the Urals Federal District collected 5.5% of wheat produced in the Russian Federation, 7.3% of barley, 9.8% of oats, 9.4% of rapeseed, 8.2% of potatoes. 3.7% vegetables.

Livestock raising of the Ural Ural Federal District. In the livestock industry, the okrug produced 6.8% of the total volume of pork in the Russian Federation, 5.8% of beef, 9.1% of poultry meat, 2.9% of mutton and goat meat, 6.3% of milk and 10.8% of eggs.

Agriculture of the regions of Russia located in the Siberian Federal District

Agricultural production in the Siberian Federal District in 2015 at actual prices amounted to 626.1 billion rubles. (12.4% in the total volume of agricultural products produced in the Russian Federation, 4th place among the districts). Per capita in the Siberian FD, agricultural products were produced in the amount of 32.4 thousand rubles.

The ranking of the TOP-5 regions in terms of the value of agricultural products in 2015 in the Siberian Federal District looks like this: Altai Territory (the volume of products produced in actual prices is 140.4 billion rubles, the share in the total volume in the district is 22.4%), Omsk Region ( 96.2 billion rubles, 15.4%), Krasnoyarsk region (88.9 billion rubles, 14.2%), Novosibirsk region (88.1 billion rubles, 14.1%), Irkutsk region (59.4 billion rubles , 9.5%).

Crop production of the Siberian Federal District... The sown area of ​​the Siberian Federal District in 2015 amounted to 15,026.7 thousand hectares. This is 18.9% of all sown areas in the Russian Federation.

In the Siberian FD in 2015, they harvested 46.5% of the total Russian buckwheat crop, 37.5% of oats, 18.0% of rapeseed, 17.2% of peas, 14.9% of wheat, 10.8% of barley, 8.5 % potatoes.

Livestock breeding of the Siberian Federal District... Livestock breeding in the Siberian Federal District provided 14.5% of all pork produced in the Russian Federation, 18.9% of beef, 7.6% of poultry meat, 12.8% of lamb and goat meat, 17.5% of milk, 15.4% of eggs.

Agriculture of the Crimean Federal District

Agriculture of the Crimean Federal District in 2015 provided the volume of production in the amount of 63.3 billion rubles. The share of KFO in agricultural products of the Russian Federation in actual prices amounted to 1.3% (9th place among all federal districts in this indicator). Per capita in the Crimean FD in 2015, agricultural products were produced in the amount of 27.4 thousand rubles.

In the structure of agricultural production in the Crimean FD in 2015, the main share of the total production volume belongs to the Republic of Crimea - 97.7% (61.8 billion rubles). The share of the city of Sevastopol accounts for 2.3% or 1.5 billion rubles.

A source: Expert and analytical center for agribusiness AB-Center. When using materials, an active hyperlink to the source is required.

AGRONEWS has compiled an agricultural map of the world, in which it tells about the leaders in the production of agricultural products.


China successfully grows 50 species of field plants, 80 garden plants and 60 garden plants. However, first of all, the Celestial Empire is known rice plantations... In 2015, it exported 287 thousand tons of rice. Since the 1990s, China has ranked first in the world in cereal production.


The undisputed leader in quantity livestock one can name India, where there are now 221.9 million Sahara- about 14 million tons per year. And last year India became the largest producer milk in the world with a share of 18.5%. The country annually exports products worth $ 112 billion.


In terms of the export of agricultural products, Brazil is in third place in the world (its share in world exports is 6.1%). And for the production coffee and sugar cane the country is ahead of the whole planet. Brazil also has a large cattle population (208 million heads). According to the latest data, the export of products from Brazil amounted to 199.7 billion dollars.

In terms of agricultural production, the United States is by far the largest country in the world. So, the United States ranks first in the world for the production of soybeans and the third - to collect sugar beet. It also grows 16% of the total world harvest. grains and 22% of global volumes sorghum... More than 2.5 million private farms have been created in the state, employing more than 20 million people. Favorable natural resource preconditions, scientific and technological progress, as well as investment from the government are factors that contribute to the development of agricultural production in the United States.


Indonesia produced 32.5 million tonnes in 2015 edible oil, which is 2/3 more than the second world leader in Malaysia. Overseas sales of Indonesian palm oil generated $ 19 billion last year. The main agricultural industry is agriculture... The main crops are rice, cassava (edible root vegetable used to make flour, porridge), coconuts, corn, bananas, sweet potatoes. Fishing has historically been of great importance. Now Indonesia ranks third in the world in terms of catch of fish and seafood.


First of all, Japan is famous for its love of fish and seafood... On average, a Japanese person consumes 168 kg of fish per year, which is the highest figure among countries in the world. However, the main branch of agriculture in Japan is rice growing. About half of all agricultural land in the country is occupied by rice fields. In 2014, the volume of Japanese exports of agricultural and food products amounted to 611 billion yen (about $ 5.8 billion). In particular, the export of salmon increased by 36.7%, by 33.1% - by traditional Japanese confectionery, by 41% - by beef and rice.


Turkey surpasses all countries in terms of harvest forest nuts, cherries, dates, apricots, quince and pomegranate... Also, the Republic of Turkey ranks second in the collection of watermelons, cucumbers and chickpeas, the third in the collection of tomatoes, eggplants, green peppers, lentils and pistachios. Fruits and nuts are exported from this country for $ 3.8 billion a year. In 2014, Turkey's total exports reached $ 157.6 billion, a record figure for this country.


Livestock breeding provides about 70% of marketable agricultural products in Germany. Among him pig breeding and cattle breeding... The latter, by the way, accounts for 2/5 of all marketable agricultural products, and about 1/4 falls on milk. At the end of last year, foreign supplies to Germany increased by 6.4% and amounted to 1.195 trillion euros.


France is the largest exporter of agricultural products. The country ranks first in Western Europe for the production of grain, milk, sugar beet, the second - for the production meat, potatoes and grapes... In terms of foreign trade turnover ($ 58 billion), France is in fourth place in the world.


At the end of 2015, agricultural production in Russia increased by 3.5%. The country is the third largest exporter in the world cereals... Last year, it amounted to 31 million tons. A quarter of vegetable oil from all production volumes is also exported from the country. Russian caviar is famous all over the world, in addition to it, honey is also an exclusive Russian product, the export of which goes up the hill year after year.

10 countries that, like everyone else, started with agriculture, but continue to thrive in it to this day

While the most developed countries in space continue to push the boundaries of our existence, exporters-giants create the basis for sustenance and strengthening of the power of all mankind, our own "fuel" - food. Also known as "nature exploration", agriculture has long been more than a way to grow animals, plants and mushrooms and other useful foods. Modern technologies have changed the face of agriculture and all related industries, it has entered a stage of development close to the plot of a sci-fi movie, sometimes quite frightening.
After all, not so long ago it was impossible to imagine that you go to the supermarket and buy yourself for lunch several different elements for preparing unusual dishes. In fact, before the industrial revolution took place in the world, most of humanity was employed in agricultural work, since this was the main way of survival. Imagine that you would need to travel to China to eat Chinese food, as nothing like the ingredients of this cuisine would otherwise be available! It took agriculture a huge and difficult journey of 11 thousand years in order to isolate and cultivate plants and animals taken from the wild. Through many generations of artificial selection, the nature of domesticated plants has changed a lot, and only comparing them with wild "ancestors" allows scientists to speculate about the difficulty of the road traveled.
After the emergence of cultivation methods such as crop rotation, irrigation and numerous other technologies that keep your salad so crisp and crisp, including natural fertilizers that have emerged and imperceptibly have become a natural and autonomous technology of our time. The past century has brought about a particularly strong shift in this area, including such important advances as the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, breeding and GMOs. All these high-tech transformations have played a role in transforming our world into a much more hospitable place, although, unfortunately, not yet for everyone. Let's take a look at the 10 most developed countries in agriculture:
10. Japan: total income from agriculture $ 51 billion
Our list is opened by Japan, a country with a large population, which also leads in many other industries. As we all know, Japan is one of the world's largest seafood producers. The Japanese economy is heavily focused on agriculture, and for good reason.
9. Argentina: total income from agriculture $ 59 billion
Argentina's main agricultural exports are wheat, soybeans and corn. Despite the fact that the country is in 9th place, the country's population is gradually moving away from agriculture as such.
8. Turkey: total income from agriculture $ 62 billion
The agricultural sector in Turkey is widespread and developed. The country is leading in a wide variety of products such as: figs, tobacco, lemon, lentils, pistachios, hazelnuts and much more.
7. Pakistan: total income from agriculture $ 63 billion
Pakistan occupies an honorable 7th place, this is not surprising, because almost half of the country's population is employed in agriculture. The agricultural capital of Pakistan, Punjab is an important center for growing wheat and cotton.
6. Nigeria: total income from agriculture $ 106 billion
Nigeria ranked 6th among the most agriculturally developed nations, with impressive export volumes of fruits, beans and nuts, including natural rubber.
5. Brazil: total income from agriculture $ 110 billion
Brazil is widely recognized as a leader in the production of products such as sugar cane, coffee, soy and chicken. They and other South American countries continue to develop the agricultural sector.
4. Indonesia: the total income from agriculture is $ 127 billion.
The fourth place goes to Indonesia, where almost half of the population works tirelessly in agriculture. A country that is the largest exporter of natural rubber, coffee, spices, cocoa and many other agricultural products.
3. USA: Total agricultural income: $ 290 billion
The country is ranked 3rd for its impressive record as the world's largest corn production. The rest of the country's major export items are various types of meat, milk and other livestock products.
2. India: Total income from agriculture $ 4134 billion
Half of the country's population is agricultural workers, although their number is slowly but surely declining. The Silver Medalist is exporting mainly to developing countries, but also to some developed ones.
1. China: total income from agriculture: $ 1 trillion $ 88 billion
China, which leads the top 10 countries with the most developed agriculture, is very close to producing the same amount of agricultural products as the rest of the rating participants put together. China is by far the largest exporter of agricultural products in the world.