Aem technologies atommash. Volgodonsk branch

“When evil winds go to sleep somewhere far, far away in the Salsk steppes and the red shroud of invisible grains of sand they have lifted falls, a green-blue chain of buildings opens on the edge of a beautiful young city. As if the Tsimlyansk Sea itself had splashed out into the steppe and froze into clear cubes and parallelepipeds. This is Atommash. He grew up here in order, by the will of the party and the people, to become a giant of the domestic power engineering industry with a well-oiled line production of nuclear installations of various types and capacities. "

This is a quote from the book "I am Atommash" published in 1987. The Chernobyl disaster had already happened and perestroika was in full swing, and the authors of the collection were still living with the sensations of the previous era. The era of large all-Union construction projects, grandiose plans for commissioning dozens of nuclear power plants - the need to solve colossal tasks in terms of volume instilled in people confidence in the future and a sense of the importance of the business in which they are engaged. “The plant was built and produced equipment at the same time,” says Alexander Fridrikhovich Groo, chief engineer of Atommash. - There was no stagnation here - people worked and all the time achieved some result. And imagine, then they come to me, a young energy engineer, my colleagues from the party committee, who know me as peeling, and say: "Have you started to rebuild?" Why do I need this? As I worked, I continue to work, I have no time to rebuild. Some kind of uncertainty appeared, and after all this came the collapse. Now to me, already a middle-aged power engineer, and to my comrades, confidence is returning again: after all, after a quarter of a century we returned home - to Rosatom. "

At today's Atommash, all these emotions - hope and dedication, confidence and active activity - are striking. When I met more techies, I saw: people really feel it and, most importantly, they know what they are doing, they know how their plant will grow. I fell under the charm of the important business that these people are doing here now, as, probably, once, in the mid-80s, the authors of the collection “I am Atommash”.

“You write correctly about our plant,” demanded the factory driver who met me at the Rostov airport, “otherwise even my neighbors do not believe that we have all living things at the plant, they say that there is no roof in the workshop, the windows are broken, all the machines are plundered. or raskurochenny, and for the new reactor we issued another Soviet one. I tell them: go to the plant yourself, old fools, there are excursions, children, students go, and you are with them - but where there is. Write - they will believe the Moscow magazine. " The reason for the trip to Atommash was the shipment of a VVER reactor vessel for the Belarusian NPP - the first one produced at the plant after almost a thirty-year hiatus and the first post-Soviet one, not made by Izhorskiye Zavody - an enterprise that had never been part of Rosatom.

City near Krasniy Yar

Atommash was to become the world's largest and most technologically advanced plant for the production of nuclear equipment, where it was planned to establish conveyor production of large-sized hull products. It was conceived back in the 1960s, when the rising Soviet economy began to face a growing shortage of electricity, and, having calculated the energy balances, business executives decided to cover it in the European part of the country through the massive commissioning of nuclear power units based on VVER reactors. It was assumed that three or four sets of equipment per year would be produced by the Izhorskiye Zavody, which had already gained turnover at that time, and by the future Atommash before eight. In 1969, a decree was issued by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of the Volgodonsk Heavy Machine Building Plant, and a year and a half later the construction was launched. The city of Volgodonsk itself grew in the late 1940s along with the Volga-Don shipping canal, another grandiose construction of socialism - then a port was built here, a center of convenient transport logistics with access through the Don and Volga to all the border seas of the European part of the Union, and during the construction of a new plant, the city actually experienced its rebirth.

At first, things went unhurriedly: earthworks were going on, infrastructure was being pulled up to Krasny Yar, a place not far from the city, but after the adoption of the technical project in 1974 and the announcement of the construction of the All-Union Komsomol, things went much faster. Viktor Vasilyevich Krotov, one of the main initiators and supervisors of the plant's construction, is called the catalyst of this colossal business. He is one of those great technocrats, almost unknown today, to whom we should be grateful for creating the country's industrial and energy infrastructure, which we still use today. At first, Viktor Krotov was in charge of Atommash as First Deputy Minister of Heavy, Power and Transport Engineering of the USSR, and since 1975, as Minister of Power Engineering of the USSR. And if in 1975 13 thousand builders and installers worked on the construction of the plant, then after two years, including through his efforts, - 27 thousand.

Mikhail Fedorovich Tarelkin, the second director of Atommash, recalls Vladimir Borisovich Kozlov, the curator of the plant museum and former deputy head of the enterprise's hull equipment, it did not take long to convince the minister that already at the construction stage it is necessary to start training specialists for the main production: “For this purpose, young people from different institutes were sent to a special faculty of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, where they were taught how to handle the equipment of the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant, then they trained them at the Izhora plant, and the most intelligent of them later took leadership positions here. "

The plant was innovative for its time. The idea was this, explains Alexander Groo: to group the technological flows in such a way that the logistics for reducing costs in the organization of the technological process is optimal. It was assumed that the workpiece enters one end of the vessel body, and the finished reactor emerges at the other end. The first building with a length of 720 meters and an area of ​​about 30 hectares is organized in this way, it houses the lines for the production of the main equipment of the entire primary circuit: the reactor, and the steam generator, and separators-superheaters, and other related devices.

“In our time, this approach has greatly simplified the task of specialists restoring nuclear production at the plant and introducing the production system of Rosatom, aimed at a qualitative increase in labor productivity,” said the technical director of the enterprise Andrei Anatolyevich Marchenko. In the 1970s, the creation of such technological lines led to new construction technologies - to speed up construction, a scheme of joint design and construction was applied, and the usual practice, when a building was built, and only then equipment was tied to it, was turned upside down: At Atommash, the world's best machine tools were first selected for the technological lines being built (60 percent were brought from abroad), and the builders already erected communications and a frame for them, and at the end they were covered with a prefabricated frame-type material - sandwich panels and a soft roof ... Moreover, they planned, thinking about the prospects for decades: ordering machine tool equipment, planning workshops - everything was done with the expectation of producing reactor vessels up to two gigawatts of unit power, that is, two times more than that of a serial VVER-1000.

Matchbox strategy

Construction went on around the clock. The headquarters of the construction was headed by the second secretary of the regional committee, members of the Central Committee and ministerial workers came one after another, from the ministries - all with engineering experience, says Chief Engineer Groo: “The same Krotov, upon arrival, immediately went to the workshops, he had a habit that at first seemed ridiculous: walking through the shops, he wrote something on a matchbox - and how much there, it would seem, you can write down? But after that he put it, covered with some signs, in front of him and, looking only at these notes, conducted very efficient technical meetings - he knew his brainchild so thoroughly that he could set both tactical and strategic tasks, using only insignificant prompts " ...

In 1979, shells - blanks for the reactor vessel were brought to Atommash from the Izhorskiye Zavody, where the entire domestic metallurgical and machine-building base for the production of VVER reactor plants was concentrated. Despite the thorough previous preparation, during the manufacture of the first reactor vessel at the new location, we encountered many surprises, recalls Vladimir Kozlov. To work on a responsible product, skilled specialists had to be looked for throughout the Union, professionals were even attracted from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, where they assembled nuclear submarines. “Although theoretically we were well prepared, in practice many nuances baffled us, the Izhorians helped us a lot then and took us literally on a short leash in order to cope with all the difficulties.” As a result, already in 1981, the first Atommash reactor plant was sent to the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant, where it is still being successfully operated.

If the chronicle of the construction of Atommash is detailed, then less is known about the plans and even the beginning of construction here, in Volgodonsk, of another enterprise - Energomash, which is not inferior to Atommash in terms of its grandiose swing. It was assumed that on an area of ​​more than two square kilometers, the Don analogue of the Izhora Plants should be located, that is, a metallurgical and machine-building complex with steel-making and rolling divisions, passing the baton of products to metal-working and machine-building shops. This industrial giant had to employ more than 20 thousand people, but at first Atommash, drawing off all resources, hindered this project, and finally it stopped after the honorable dismissal in 1983 from the ministerial post of Viktor Krotov, the main Volgodonsk lobbyist. Kramatorsk Energomashspetsstal, located about 450 kilometers from Volgodonsk, was ordered to fit into a single production complex with Atommash, which was left without its own metallurgy. Energomash, as a metallurgical project, finally came to a standstill after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which intensified the incipient decline of the Soviet economy.

In Soviet times, Atommash managed to produce 13 reactors - five VVER-1000 reactors are now operating at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, two thousand units in Russia - at Rostov and Balakovo nuclear power plants, another AST-500 was installed in Gorky at a nuclear power plant that never started working, and five buildings remained unclaimed due to the stoppage of the construction of nuclear power plants after Chernobyl.

The plant workers who were left without orders from the nuclear industry reconfigured some of the idle lines for the production of equipment for oil and gas workers, chemists and metallurgists. In accordance with the trends of that time, they began to produce consumer goods - luggage racks for "Zhiguli", metal products for school furniture. Later, in accordance with the 1989 Lease Law, according to which the labor collective could rent their enterprise from the state, the plant was divided into a hundred enterprises, which began to be fenced off directly inside the workshops. In the mid-1990s, the enterprise went bankrupt, and Energomashcorporation took over. This holding, which united many enterprises, including key ones for the nuclear industry, such as the Podolsk ZiO, which is now part of the Rosatom structure, has a different attitude, says Alexander Groo. But at the initial stage, the head of this company and the former director of Atommash, Vladimir Gerasimovich Ovchar, "pulled the plant out of a deep dive", managed to stop the complete dispersal of assets and the collapse of the enterprise: all cooperatives were squeezed out, the main equipment of the plant was preserved, barter funds appeared for the purchase of metal and promotion of the plant as a manufacturer of large-sized products, orders from oil and gas workers were sent, and the manufacture of spare parts for nuclear power plants continued. Gradually, the assets of Energomashcorporation were seized by Alexander Stepanov, who already in the 2000s started a grandiose project to create hundreds of small gas turbine CHPPs in Russia and created at the enterprise a new production of gas turbines for Atommash, as a result of which, in the opinion of the plant workers, firstly, the backbone of professionals was preserved under him, and secondly, many young people were trained, who still continue to work at the plant. About 120 turbines were assembled, but most of them, due to an incorrectly built marketing strategy, remained gathering dust in the workshops (for more details, see "How to remove the Chernobyl spoilage", "Expert" No. 6, 2013).

In 2009, Rosatom made the first attempt to buy the assets of Atommash, but they were “stuck” because of the debts of Energomashcorporation, which ended up under bankruptcy proceedings, and the deal fell through.

Core trap

By this time, Rosatom needed Atommash desperately. The fact is that the corporation was always aware of its vulnerability and dependence on the only at that time manufacturer of hull equipment for the "nuclear island" - Izhora Plants, which since 1996 have been part of the Uralmash-Izhora group (United Machine-Building Plants, OMZ , controlled by Gazprombank since 2006. - Expert). Therefore, after Sergei Kiriyenko came as head of the department in 2005, as part of the strategy of creating a full-cycle nuclear corporation, from the extraction and enrichment of uranium, the production of mechanical engineering products and the construction of nuclear power plants, to their decommissioning and disposal of radioactive waste, the atomic department began to create the missing link - power machine building division "Atomenergomash" (AEM). In 2006, Rosatom proposed to Gazprombank to create a joint venture for the production of basic equipment for the primary circuit of nuclear power plants, but the deal did not materialize, since, according to our information, Gazprombank allegedly did not like the idea of ​​taking the assets of the joint venture offshore under the control of Rosatom.

Relations with OMZ were aggravated against the background of Rosatom's then declared overly optimistic, in the opinion of many experts, program for the construction of a nuclear power plant, which required rapid production of equipment, leaving no time for organizing competitive production. The atomic department reasonably said that the owners of Izhorskiye Zavody are trying to pass on to consumers the solution of their problems, including in the price of products the modernization of their enterprises and their own inefficiency, which persists precisely because of the absence of conditions for competitive competition in the domestic Russian market. Without an alternative supplier, it was practically useless to put pressure on the only manufacturer of primary circuit equipment (a reactor, a steam generator and a number of large-sized critical items, such as, for example, a core melt trap, which was required by default at each new nuclear power plant in order to increase safety). At least, this was the opinion of Rosatom, which was forced to make a final decision on the development of its own power engineering industry, starting with the consolidation of disparate plants that are part of its own structure based on AEM-technologies. Since none of these enterprises were suitable for the production of reactor vessels, steam generators and other process vessels, and problems arose with the purchase of Atommash, it was decided to adapt for these purposes Petrozavodskmash (PMZ), an enterprise for the production of paper machines located at moment of purchase in 2010 in dire straits.

The subsequent winning by AEM Technologies (with basic production at PMZ) of Rosatom's tender for the supply of two reactor vessels for the Baltic NPP was perceived by market observers extremely painfully, in particular, due to the absence in the tender documents of the condition for the manufacturer to have references. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that at the negotiations at various levels, OMZ, according to experts who know this market, took a far from constructive position on pricing issues even before the tender at which Izhorskiye Zavody set a price of 1.7 billion rubles, and AEM -Technologies ", based, according to the company, on the estimates of world auditors, - 0.9 billion (for more details see" An expensive way to buy cheap "," Expert "No. 50, 2010). Meanwhile, such a step on the part of Rosatom, which could to a certain extent be assessed as a bluff, led to the fact that AEM-Technologies' offer became the base one on the Russian market and for subsequent trading. This does not prevent Izhoram from fulfilling its obligations to manufacture five reactor vessels and many other important equipment for Russian and foreign nuclear power plants under various Rosatom projects. Moreover, the corporation will not be able to realize its plans in the foreseeable future without Izhorskiye Zavody, even taking into account Atommash, whose inclusion in Atomenergomash marks the formation of its own vertically integrated full cycle power plant. Nevertheless, one can apparently say that OMZ lost to Rosatom in a corporate battle. It is now practically impossible to change its results, taking into account the support of Rosatom at the highest state level. The monopoly of the Izhora Plants has been broken.

In the same 2010, Rosatom acquired the Ukrainian Energomashspetsstal in Kramatorsk, which worked in Soviet times in a single technological connection with Atommash. Naturally, this step was also regarded as a blow to the OMZ-Spetsstal subdivision of the Uralmash-Izhora group, which at that time was the monopoly Russian manufacturer of metallurgical blanks for reactor vessels and steam generators. In Rosatom itself, the creation of a similar plant and the development of the necessary technological background from scratch - instead of buying a ready-made enterprise - was estimated at billions of dollars and believed that launching and debugging a new production could take more than five years. Surprisingly, having bought the assets of this high-quality metallurgical enterprise - one of the few successful high-tech acquisitions abroad in the practice of Russian enterprises, according to experts from leading world-class metallurgical organizations, such as St. Petersburg NPO Prometey or the capital TsNIITMASH, Rosatom had make excuses five years ago. Now, in the period of the unfortunate tension between Russia and Ukraine due to the irrepressible opportunistic bureaucratic love for the Motherland and the anonymous letters of patriots, many are trying to keep silent about the existence of this now by no means an import-substituting asset. Of course, the geographical proximity of Kramatorsk to Slavyansk should not give the EMSS owners optimism, but the Ukrainian company has not interrupted any supplies in recent years either under international agreements (this is more than 70% of the plant's supplies) or under Russian contracts. Blanks for VVER-1200 reactors and steam generators for the same Belarusian NPP and RITM-200 reactors (the offer price for blanks for ship reactors from the domestic OMZ-Spetsstal was almost twice as high as from EMSS) for new Russian icebreakers on time. Additional guarantees against disruption of supplies to Russia are the lobbying capabilities of Rosatom itself, which provides fuel and technological support for the operation of more than 15 nuclear reactors at five operating Ukrainian nuclear power plants, which today provide almost two-thirds of the electricity produced in the neighboring country.

People of the new wave

In 2012, Rosatom took control of Atommash and announced plans to transfer the manufacture of hull equipment from Petrozavodsk to Volgodonsk. “Many comrades had doubts about our plant,” Yuri Etingen, quality director of the enterprise, shares with me. - Moreover, Atommash went through a difficult period when its core production was stopped. But we have been manufacturing equipment for nuclear power plants for the third year already, and as a person sitting in this place, I am sure that we are doing it efficiently. " According to him, industry guidance documents dictate that if a product is manufactured at an enterprise for the first time or after a long break, then the volume of control points should be at least 50% of the total number of technological operations. For the equipment produced for the Belarusian NPP (apart from the reactor, there are four more steam generators), this figure reached 80–90%. So at various stages of production, only the reactor vessel passes 315 so-called control points, while collecting four times as many signatures of responsible persons.

Yuri Etingen is 34 years old, he has been working at the plant for the last eight years, they are the same age as technical director Andrey Marchenko, and both are from the wave of young people who came to the plant in the 2000s. Etingen says that in his department more than half of the specialists managed to work back in the 1980s, and they are well versed in the specifics of the production of hull equipment for a nuclear island, where the production of the product itself takes only 40% of the time, and 60% is spent on its control at various stages of technological redistribution.

“As for the personnel, Atommash is in an advantageous position in comparison with other machine-building enterprises,” supports his colleague Andrey Marchenko. - At key redistributions: welding, machining, assembly, in the design bureau - there are people with thirty or even forty years of work experience, and next to us, young people, but with the atommash sourdough. Other machine builders complain that they have pensioners and pioneers - some can no longer do anything, while others can still do nothing. Our situation is unique, and we, thirty or forty years old, were lucky: we had and still have experienced teachers, and we already know a lot ourselves, and each new shipment of a handmade product gives us more confidence. At the risk of sounding pretentious, but still I will say: we already understand that we are involved in an important matter, we have touched the miracle of creation. Making history. And most importantly, we see that Atommash has prospects, the portfolio of orders is clear. We can see the way. "


Atommash was built for the purpose of complete production of equipment for nuclear power plants. The design capacity of the plant, upon completion of the construction of all production facilities, could allow the production of up to eight sets of water-moderated power reactors with a capacity of 1000 MW. (VVER-1000) During the years of rapid development of the nuclear industry in the Soviet Union, in the 80s, Atommash reached the level of manufacturing four sets of NPP equipment per year. During this time, more than 100 pieces of large NPP equipment have been manufactured. These are reactors, steam generators, transport and technological equipment, pressure compensators, transfer machines, and biological protection equipment.

November 26, 1969- Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the construction of the Volgodonsk Heavy Machine Building Plant (VZTM).
May 22, 1970- Order No. 190 of the USSR Ministry of Heavy Energy and Transport Engineering established a commission for the selection of sites for the construction of Mintyazhmash plants near the city of Volgodonsk.

April 26, 1971 at Vasily Alexandrovich Lyapustin was appointed director of the Main Directorate of Nuclear Engineering and Boiler Building, which is being built in the city of Volgodonsk.

1972 year The technical design of the plant has been developed. It was reviewed by the expertise of the Ministry of Tyazhmash and Glavgosexpertiza of the USSR State Construction Committee and approved in 1974.
1974 year Start of construction of the plant. The construction was declared the All-Union Komsomol. The city was being built at the same time as the plant. All works were financed under the title of Atommash.

December 18, 1976 the first stage of building No. 3 is put into operation. On this occasion, a rally was held, and the launch of building No. 3 was timed to coincide with the birthday of L.I. Brezhnev).
1978 year- Completion of the construction of the first stage of the production building No. 1.
1979 year- Beginning of work on the manufacture of the reactor pressure vessel in 1 production building.
October 1, 1981 the building of the first Donskoy reactor was sent to the South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant.

1991 year- The plant manufactured 13 reactor vessels and more than one hundred units of reactor vessel equipment. Atommash also acted as a supplier of transport and technological equipment and handling machines for nuclear power plants. Manufacturing of large equipment for oil and gas chemistry and metallurgy was carried out.
1997 year- Joining the production structure of the Energomash group. Commencement of work on a project to manufacture the main equipment for the construction of gas turbine CHPPs.
2001 - 2012- Manufacturing of gas turbine equipment for gas turbine CHPPs of low power. Production of large oil and gas equipment for oil refining and petrochemical industries.

year 2012- The plant became a production branch of CJSC Engineering Company "AEM-Technologies", St. Petersburg. The plant is part of the machine-building division of OJSC Atomenergomash of the state corporation Rosatom and cooperates with partner enterprises in the nuclear industry. In the production of the branch, a program is being implemented to restore the production of equipment for nuclear power plants. Such key equipment as a reactor plant, steam generators, a melt trap, MCP casings, transport and technological equipment for four nuclear power plants: Baltic, Novovoronezh, Leningradskaya, Rostov and Belorusskaya are being manufactured.

year 2013- In August, the transport and technological equipment was delivered - a transport lock assembled for Novovoronezh NPP-2. In October, the Branch supplied a melt containment device for the first nuclear power plant under construction in Belarus. An order has been opened and technological preparation for the manufacture of a reactor for the Belarusian NPP is underway.

V 2013 year in enterprise developmentmore than 500 million rubles were invested. A computerized processing center OKUMA, welding heads for the modernization of automatic welding installations, equipment for performing single-layer electroslag surfacing, transport for technological transport, installation of eddy current control of steam generators were purchased.

2014 - 2015 the company continues to implement the modernization program. As part of the program, the main machining centers, gantry boring machines and other machining equipment were re-equipped with modern CNC systems and high-performance cutting tools. Welding stands, portals and manipulators are equipped with the latest generation of welding heads.

The modernization of the only hydraulic stamping press in Russia with a capacity of 15,000 tonnes of force was carried out, which allows stamping of bottoms with a diameter of up to 5000 mm, sheet thickness up to 3800 mm.

The modernized equipment for heat treatment, represented by chamber-type gas furnaces, including shaft ones, and a hardening complex, provides hardening and tempering of large parts.

To resume the full cycle of manufacturing steam generators, a pipe bending complex was put into operation, which makes it possible to produce sets of pipes in a fully automatic mode, including 11 thousand heat exchange coils of more than one hundred and twenty different configurations.

Also, a section for final assembly of steam generators was built in the production. Here, at special stands, heat exchange coils are welded to the coolant manifold. Welding is carried out in a fully automatic mode using specialized welding equipment. In the finishing area, two steam generators can be assembled at the same time.

In October 2015 and the manufacturing of the reactor vessel for the first power unit of the Belarusian NPP was completed. This is the first reactor vessel manufactured at the production site of the Atommash plant after an almost 30-year hiatus and the first one produced by the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.

December 2015, also after a long break, the production of a set of steam generators for the Rostov nuclear power plant was completed.

In March 1975, the construction of Atommash was announced as the All-Union Shock Komsomol Construction Project. On August 30, 1975, the first pile of the production building No. 1 was laid. In March 1976, the VZTM under construction was renamed into Volgodonsk Plant of Nuclear Power Engineering - Atommash. In December 1976, the first stage of the auxiliary production building No. 3 was put into operation.

The launch of the production of power equipment at Atommash was carried out already in 1977. The official commissioning of the first stage of the plant took place in December 1978. The capacity of the enterprise for the production of power equipment by 1978 reached 3 (three) million kilowatts per year, and by 1979 - 4 (four) million. In 1981, Atommash produced the first reactor for the second power unit of the South Ukrainian NPP.

To ensure the production and economic activities of Atommash, in accordance with the state program of social and economic development, a new part of the city with all the infrastructure (New City) was built in Volgodonsk. Before the construction of Atommash, the population of Volgodonsk was 35 thousand people, and in 1981 the population was already 135 thousand. According to the general plan, the city was built: modern quarters of multi-storey residential buildings, nurseries, kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, trade and public catering enterprises, consumer services, sports and recreation centers, cultural institutions, public and administrative buildings and much other. Many cities and regions of the country could envy the infrastructure of Atommash, necessary for the socio-economic development of any industrial enterprise. An important fact is that located on the banks of the Tsimlyansk reservoir and the Don River, Volgodonsk has a significant geographical advantage over industrial cities and regions not only in the South of Russia.

The archival materials about the history of the flagship of the domestic nuclear machine building Atommash (Textbook “History of the Don Territory”, section “Builders of Communism”, 1983), in particular, says:

“During the tenth five-year plan, a gigantic construction of the unique Atommash plant was launched on the Don land, which will produce thermal reactors for nuclear power plants of the Soviet Union and fraternal socialist countries. On an autumn morning in 1974, in the steppe near Volgodonsk, the first pegs were driven into the ground, protecting 600 hectares of the area of ​​the future giant. ... On the eve of the opening of the XXVI Party Congress, in February 1981, the vessel of the first Donskoy reactor was manufactured. A satellite city will grow near the plant on the banks of the Don. In July 1976, he received the first new settlers, and a total of 750 thousand builders, workers, engineers and their families will live in his comfortable multi-storey buildings. "

Manufacturing specialization

The design capacity of Atommash is 8 sets of reactor equipment per year. In 1989 the company produced 4 complete sets of equipment. Atommash was established as a specialized enterprise for the production of products for nuclear power. The Atommash Production Association was a key enterprise in the system of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building and produced a wide range of high-tech equipment for nuclear energy and industry. This enterprise produced nuclear reactors of the VVER type, including control and protection systems, steam generators, separators-superheaters and other equipment. Atommash manufactured the AST-500 reactor vessel for the first nuclear heating plant - Gorkovskaya AST, as well as the nodes of the Tokamak T-15 thermonuclear installation with a superconducting solenoid giving a field induction of 3.6 T. products for nuclear power plants. At different times, Atommash products were supplied to many nuclear power plants, including Rostov, Balakovskaya, Krymskaya and others. Before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Atommash produced more than 100 units of high-tech equipment for nuclear power plants, including 14 VVER-1000 reactors, of which 5 remained at the enterprise. During the bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC, these products were transferred to EMK-Atommash OJSC at a sharply understated residual book value (for next to nothing). Subsequently, some of the products in the form of components (parts) became the subject of disputes and proceedings in the Arbitration Court of the Rostov Region on claims between EMK-Atommash OJSC and the State Enterprise National Atomic Energy Generating Company Energoatom under Case No.A53-21263 / 2005, but already at multiply increased prices, and then in the Cassation Instance of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasian District on Case No.A53-4049 / 2006 with the issuance of a Resolution dated 23.03.2010.

The production area of ​​Atommash was about 6 million square meters. meters. Most of the equipment at Atommash was imported and purchased from such leading Western companies as Mannesmann AG, ESAB, Italimpianti, Varian and other enterprises. The quality of equipment for nuclear power produced by Atommash PO (OJSC) has been confirmed by the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) certificate.

1981 USSR postage stamp - ATOMMASH

In addition to complete equipment for nuclear power plants in its main profile, Atommash OJSC was able to produce over 1000 types of modern competitive industrial products and consumer goods, including: equipment for power (including heat, hydro and wind power plants), metallurgical, mining, oil and gas production and processing complexes, compact mini-refineries with a capacity of 50 to 500 thousand tons per year, structures for sea and river cargo and oil-loading ports, containers for transportation and disposal of radioactive waste, railway tanks for transportation of liquid gas, installations for desalination of seawater, bioenergy plants for processing animal waste into fertilizer with the production of heat and electricity, equipment for the rocket and space industry and much more. Atommash could manufacture equipment and products with wall thickness from 1 to 400 mm, diameter up to 22 m, length up to 80 m, weight up to 1000 tons. Atommash exported its products to various countries of the world, including Germany, USA, France, China, Japan, India, Singapore, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Cuba, Indonesia, etc.

Manufacturing of the main equipment at Atommash was carried out in a closed-cycle mode, starting from the receipt of the blank and ending with the shipment of the finished product. For the shipment and transportation of heavy and oversized cargo at the Tsimlyansk reservoir, a special berth was built, equipped with two powerful cranes with a total lifting capacity of 1200 tons.

Until 1990, the annual output of Atommash Production Association was about 130 thousand tons; the number of employees at the enterprise is 21 thousand people.

Privatization and corporatization

Logo of PO (later OJSC) Atommash in 80-90s

Atommash badge (70-80s)

Badge "Atommash - Volgodonsk" (70-80s)

Medal in honor of the launch of the first stage of Atommash (1978)

By the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 21.08.1992 No. 1542-r, the state enterprise of atomic power engineering, the Atommash Production Association, was transformed into the Atommash Open Joint Stock Company. By transforming Atommash into a joint-stock company, the state retained its special status as an enterprise of federal significance, included in the list of strategic facilities not subject to bankruptcy.

The legal status of the Atommash Production Association after its corporatization is Atommash Open Joint Stock Company, its abbreviated name is Atommash OJSC (Volgodonsk, Rostov Region). As of 1997, Atommash OJSC was a joint stock company. At the same time, a 30% share plus one “golden share” continued to be assigned to the state and controlled by the Federal Property Management Agency. The remaining 70% of the shares belonged to individuals and companies, of which the largest shareholder (with a 28.5% share) was the Moscow enterprise ZAO Concern YACONTO.

Bankruptcy 1995-1999

By the Orders of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation V.S. from 30.08.1993 for No. 1546-r, from 25.03.1994 for No. 378-r and from 08.09.1994 for No. 1437-r, in order to preserve unique specialized capacities for nuclear energy and support the development of Atommash OJSC from the budget targeted loans at low interest rates. However, in 1994 these loans were directed to commercial structures, and only then were they provided to Atommash in the form of loans, but at an extremely high interest rate. So, from July to August 1994, commercial loans were imposed on Atommash, issued through the VF CB Doninvest at 216% per annum. Thus, the organizers of the bankruptcy achieved a rapid increase in the debt of Atommash OJSC to intermediary creditors. Despite the fact that the amount of Atommash's debt was only a small part of the book value of its assets, and the book value of Atommash, in turn, was ten times less than its market price, it was this debt that served as a pretext for the Territorial Agency of the Federal Administration in insolvency (bankruptcy) cases (FUDN) in the Rostov region to initiate the bankruptcy of the industrial giant, which undermined the economic security of the country.

In a letter from the Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy Mikhailov V.N. from 21.05.1996 No. D-M-27 / 4-01 Chairman of the Committee for Industry, Construction, Transport and Energy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation V.K. Gusev. it is reported that on the basis of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10/04/1995 No.P-593ns, the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia sent to the State Property Committee of Russia, to the Federal Property Management Agency under the State Property Committee of Russia and to the Head of the Rostov Region Administration a justified proposal to convert the “golden share” into an ordinary one and secure the unrealized block of shares Atommash OJSC for up to three years in state ownership. But this proposal did not receive support in the above instances, as a result of which the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia lost the ability to influence decision-making on the activities of Atommash OJSC. Thus, having made the decision to introduce external management at the enterprise and not supporting the proposal of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia in the interests of the state, the State Property Committee of Russia, the Federal Property Management Agency under the State Property Committee of Russia and the Administration of the Rostov Region assumed full responsibility for the further fate of Atommash OJSC.

First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy Ryabev L.D. in his letter dated 12.09.1996 No. 03-2739 to the General Director of FUDN Mostovy P.P., to the First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation A.P. Vavilov. , First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation Y.M. Urinson , Head of the Rostov Region Administration Chubu V.F. and the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Rostov Region Voronin V.P. proposed a real Plan to save Atommash OJSC from bankruptcy, consisting of the following main points:

But the constructive proposals of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia did not find proper understanding and support. On the submission and lobbying of the Head of the FUDN Tera agency in the Rostov region, T.A. Gramotenko. The Arbitration Court of the Rostov Region appointed A.Yu. Stepanov as the External Manager of Atommash OJSC, who at that time was the First Vice President, and since 1996 the General Director of Energomash Corporation (EMK) OJSC (OJSC). The Founders of EMK OJSC included enterprises that were competitors of Atommash OJSC, which contradicted Russian antimonopoly legislation. The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation established that in just one year Energomash Corporation managed to buy 10.8% of shares and more than 40% of debts on loans from Atommash, which, according to international standards, demonstrates a clear conflict of interest.

Head of the Rostov Region Administration Chub V.F. used the letter of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia dated 12.09.1996 No. 03-2739 regarding the withdrawal of Atommash OJSC from the crisis in the interests of the activities of the External Manager of Atommash OJSC Stepanov A.Yu. In his address to the General Director of FUDN Mostovy P.P. from 19.09.1996 for №1 / 6049 Chub V.F. asked for permission to write off the cost of fixed assets and objects of unfinished construction of Atommash OJSC (according to the list) in the amount of 878 billion rubles due to a decrease in additional capital. This led to a decrease in the assets of the enterprise, the residual book value of which was already sharply underestimated. At the same time, the Governor Chub V.F. did not have any authority from the majority of the shareholders of Atommash OJSC to make an official request to the General Director of FUDN Mostovy P.P. on the approval of the devaluation and write-off of property that, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, was the property of thousands of equal shareholders, among which the state itself owned 30% of the shares of Atommash OJSC.

However, in reality, the “Plan for external management for the financial recovery of Atommash OJSC for the period from 11/29/1995 to 05/29/1997”, put into effect by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Rostov Region, did not lead to stabilization of the situation. The wage arrears continued to grow at the enterprise, the number of jobs was sharply reduced, and social tension grew in the city of Volgodonsk. Against the background of a sharp decrease in the physical availability and balance sheet value of Atommash OJSC assets, the share of its accounts payable increased sharply, growing exponentially. An extremely negative role was played by multiple markdowns and sale for a pittance of Atommash OJSC property, which led to a collapse in capitalization and the value of the industrial giant's assets. The result of the deliberately ineffective arbitration management at Atommash OJSC was the decision by the Arbitration Court of the Rostov Region to declare the enterprise bankrupt. Formally, Atommash OJSC was forcibly liquidated on November 25, 1999.

Thus, the bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC was actually carried out in the interests of the EMK-Atommash OJSC established on its premises, to which all the liquid property and production assets of Atommash OJSC were transferred. After the forced liquidation of Atommash OJSC, its unique property complex was owned by various affiliates of EMK-Atommash OJSC, including Energomash-Atommash LLC, and then Energomash-Atommash CJSC from the Energomash Group of Companies.

During the bankruptcy of Atommash, not only its assets were deliberately brought to prohibitively low prices. The workshops and technological equipment of the enterprise were leased to various limited liability partnerships (LLP) on conditions that were deliberately unprofitable for Atommash. Strategic raw materials, materials, components and semi-finished products were transferred to the LLP at many times lower prices. The products produced by these LLPs at the Atommash sites were sold with profit only for the LLP and with damage (losses) for Atommash OJSC, onto which these LLPs shifted their costs. Large non-core assets and vast territories belonging to Atommash were also alienated, including agricultural enterprises with their lands.

The bankruptcy of a strategic enterprise for Russia caused a great resonance in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and in the Government of the Russian Federation. So, in his letter to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. B. Khristenko. from 28.03.2001 No. А21-1175, First Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Fradkov M.Ye. asked to investigate the actions of the Russian Federal Service for Financial Recovery (Bankruptcy) in relation to Atommash OJSC.

Verification of the facts of bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC, carried out by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on the basis of an appeal by the Committee for Industry, Construction, Transport and Science-Intensive Technologies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2000 No. 3.11-21 / 1312, established that with the participation of specific officials the state suffered enormous material damage. This confirms that the bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC was carried out in order to deprive the property of its main shareholders - the state itself and Concern YACONTO CJSC (Russia, Moscow), and, consequently, control over the management of production, economic and financial and economic activities of the industrial giant ... In particular, the state lost 30% of the shares of Atommash OJSC. Based on the results of the audit, the Board of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation issued a corresponding Resolution dated 22.02.2002 No. 6 (289).

Mikhailov V.N., Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy (1992-1998), recalled in 2008:

“... we were unable to keep Atommash. Having escaped to market freedom, this leading machine-building enterprise for nuclear power plants, having lost its industry life-giving support and financial support, has for two years already slipped into an economic pit, from which it cannot get out to this day. It is regrettable that the Atommash team did not rebuff a group of people making a personal dubious social and ecological career by fighting the construction of the Rostov nuclear power plant and slandering the Russian nuclear energy and industry. Now, with the commissioning of the first unit of the Volgodonsk NPP, they are ashamed. The harm that was inflicted on the residents of Volgodonsk, the entire Don Territory, remains on their conscience, of course, if they have it.<…>I was offended for the privatization of Atommash, without the knowledge of the minister, just in accordance with the laws and procedures that were then established by the governors, believing that nuclear scientists were a cash cow, and there would be no need to invest money there. So the country has lost the flagship of the domestic machine building for nuclear power plants. "

12/25/2009 Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.I. Lisitsyn sent to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.V. letter No. LIS-767 / GD with a request to conduct an independent investigation of the bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC on the basis of an audit of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Resolution No. 6 (289) issued by its Board dated 22.02.2002. Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation V.Ya. Grin in his reply dated 01.02.2010 No. 16 / 2-4315-07 to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, he said that upon the bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC, the Investigation Department under the Internal Affairs Directorate for Volgodonsk conducted an inspection. However, the Internal Affairs Directorate did not take into account the materials of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, therefore, the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case was canceled and an additional check was appointed, which, in turn, also did not give results. Dissatisfied with the lack of results in organizing an independent objective investigation into the bankruptcy case of Atommash OJSC, 21.12.2010 Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.I. Lisitsyn. appealed to the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. with a substantiated letter No. LIS-1282 / GD, in which he asked to give a special instruction to the competent authorities to ensure the protection of Russia's national interests during the inspection by the Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation (out. No. A8-6296-5 dated 02.11.2010) of the deliberate bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC , which has no analogue in its scale. 07/08/2011 President of the Russian Federation Medvedev D.A. gave the Order No. Pr-1948 to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. to consider the issue of acquiring the property complex of the former Atommash OJSC in the interests of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, and to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation R.G. Nurgaliev. - to conduct an additional check of the materials on the premeditated bankruptcy of Atommash OJSC, submitted by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, and, if there are grounds, to make an appropriate procedural decision.


In the conditions of market relations, Atommash OJSC becomes diversified. The enterprise goes over to the production of technological equipment for a number of industries and transport: oil refining, metallurgical, etc. Individual individual orders were also accepted for implementation: for the Sea Launch project, Atommash produced a 140-ton installer for lifting and installing the rocket on the launch pad. In 1998, the nuclear industry accounted for about 30% of the enterprise's production volume, the second place was occupied by the manufacture of equipment for the metallurgical industry (25.2%), the third place was taken by the equipment for the petrochemical industry (10.9%).

In the 2000s, 80% of the company's production volumes were for the manufacture of equipment for oil refining and gas chemistry, 10% for equipment for nuclear power plants, and 10% for the production of components for gas turbines and other equipment. In the early 2000s, one of the main activities of the enterprise was the production of gate valves for oil trunk pipelines (since 1999) by the order of AK Transneft, which was curtailed by the mid-2000s. Since 2002, at the facilities that belonged to the bankrupt Atommash OJSC, serial production of gas turbines for CHPPs of low power (up to 36 MW) has been carried out. By 2003, the number of employees at the plant was reduced to 4,300 people with a production output of 1.4 billion rubles.

In 2004, the management of the enterprise announced a fourfold reduction in the output of products for nuclear energy enterprises and the orientation of the main production towards consumers in the gas industry. Since 2009, the production of equipment for nuclear power plants has been resumed at the facilities of the former Atommash OJSC. At present, the enterprise is a monopoly manufacturer of melt localization devices for nuclear power plants in Russia. In the future, Atommash may organize the production of vessels for lead-bismuth fast reactors SVBR-100 (power 100 MW), developed by the Podolsk OKB “Gidropress” for small and medium-sized NPPs. The delivery of the first reactor is scheduled for 2014.

Among the company's largest regular customers are such companies as LUKOIL, Atomenergomash, GAZPROM, Rosneft, Severstal, Akron, NLMK, Eurochem, TNK-BP and many others.

On March 21, 2009, Sergei Kirienko again visited Atommash together with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Rosatom State Corporation Sergei Sobyanin. Atommash is also interesting from the point of view of the development of competition in the nuclear industry,- Kiriyenko said, “Atommash can become a competitor not only for Russian, but also for foreign manufacturers of equipment for nuclear power plants.

In November 2012, for the first time after a 26-year hiatus, the Branch of AEM-Technologies CJSC in Volgodonsk (Atommash industrial site) began the complete manufacture of a nuclear reactor. The VVER-1200 type reactor manufactured by the Volgodonsk Branch of AEM-Technologies JSC will become the heart of the Baltic NPP reactor plant. This type of equipment is the main one for the plant, which was designed and built for the manufacture of unique equipment for the nuclear industry.

10/18/2011 Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.I. Lisitsyn sent to the President of the Russian Federation Medvedev D.A. letter No. LIS-1676 / GD with a request to support the proposal of YACONTO LLC (Russia, Moscow) to restore the status quo of Atommash OJSC through the implementation of Project-A or an alternative to it, set out in the YACONTO LLC letter to the President RF Medvedev D.A. (out. No. 111018-A01 dated 18.10.2011). In response to No. 1-13 / 12160 dated 06.04.2012 to YACONTO LLC, which is the full successor of YACONTO Concern CJSC and the majority shareholder of Atommash OJSC, to his appeal to the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev. (out. No. 120227-A01 of 27.02.2012) and on behalf of the RF Government Office, Deputy General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" KB Komarov. said that the State Corporation shares the concern about the current state of the Atommash production complex, which continues to be one of the largest power engineering enterprises in Russia, since orders for the production of equipment for the needs of the nuclear industry are placed at the facilities of the latter. The response of SC Rosatom to YACONTO LLC also informs that the issue of the possibility and procedure for the implementation of Project-A (to restore the status quo of Atommash OJSC) is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo) , whose competence, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2008 No. 432, includes the protection of property and other rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation in the management of federal property.

The Investigative Committee under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia initiated a criminal case against the owner of the Energomash Group of Enterprises, Alexander Stepanov (the former Arbitration Manager of Atommash OJSC). Stepanov is charged with unauthorized receipt of a commercial loan in the amount of 12.7 billion rubles from Sberbank of Russia. The criminal prosecution of Alexander Stepanov was initiated at the personal statement of Sberbank President German Gref. Upon completion of the investigation of the case, he was transferred to the Presnensky Court of Moscow (Case No. 1-149 / 2012, article 30 part 3, article 159 part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud on an especially large scale and

We continue to acquaint you with history of Volgodonsk... As far as you remember, birth of a new city was closely associated with the founding of the giant plant Atommash.

Exactly Atommash turned Volgodonsk to the center of the All-Union shock Komsomol construction site. What entailed in the middle 70s mass arrival of young people in the city.

Our young city was not accidentally chosen as a place for the construction of the plant. Its location was strategically convenient - the possibility of using the Volga-Don Canal made the transportation of billets and finished products several times cheaper.

Atommash was established primarily as a specialized enterprise for the production of products for nuclear power.

In March 1973 year By order of the Minister, the Volgodonsk Heavy Machine Building Plant (VZTM) was renamed into the Volgodonsk Nuclear Power Machine Building Plant - Atommash. From that moment, the history of the plant began, which thundered throughout the country. It was he who brought "the third youth" to our city.

At the facility under construction near Krasny Yar by that time, about 13 thousand people... The first director of the plant Atommash was appointed Mikhail Fedorovich Tarelkin. In March 1975 year building Atommash was declared a shock Komsomol construction site.

“You were born in Volgodonsk. So carry through your whole life love for your native city, respect for the good deeds of your fellow countrymen, bow to the hardworking hands of your father and mother, who built a beautiful city, erected the miracle hero Atommash. Be a worthy heir to their labor glory and working honor! Walk firmly along the path of life indicated by the great Lenin. Remember that life is measured not by the years lived, but by the fact that each of us has done good for people, which has left a mark on the Earth. "

Introduction to chapter # 2 of the book "I am Atommash".

December 22, 1975 the first column was installed on the main building. And already in June, the first block of overlapping of the main building was raised to the design level and installed. Its weight reached 76 tons, the area was measured in 540 square meters... In a year, in 1977, the launch of production took place. A in 1981 the first reactor was produced for 2nd power unit South Ukrainian nuclear power plant.

The third building was also erected in record time. April 7, 1976 in building 3, concrete was laid in the foundation for the equipment. The first machine was installed in October, and December 17 the corps was commissioned. There, on the square in 30 thousand square meters, housed 4 workshops preparation of production:

  • repair and mechanical,
  • workshop for non-standardized equipment,
  • electrical repair,
  • instrumental.

Two years later, over the construction of the plant Atommash in Volgodonsk worked harder 27 thousand builders and assemblers. And while the construction of one giant was going on, the city began to prepare for another grandiose construction.

April 25, 1979 the first stone of the Energomash plant was laid. According to the idea of ​​its creators, it was supposed to manufacture steam generators and water heating installations for the oil industry, as well as products for nuclear power plants.

In 1981 the first piles were installed for the giant, which was supposed to become larger Atommash... But, the far-reaching plans of the designers were never destined to come true.

One of the reasons for the termination of the construction of Energomash was the possible subsidence of the soil under the plant. And to it was added the fact that a cheaper way to increase the output of oil wells was found. All these events played a direct role in the completion of work at this facility.

In November 1982 year production association Atommash name was given L.I. Brezhnev ... Its CEO was appointed Vladimir Gerasimovich Ovchar.

In the end 1985 year Atommash workers produced the world's first atomic reactor AST-500... He was sent to the city of Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). After its release, similar products began to be mass-produced at the plant.

By the time the workers Atommash has already been manufactured:

  • three reloading machines MPS-1000,
  • three reactor vessels,
  • four steam generators assembled.

The State Quality Mark was awarded to six products for nuclear power plants. It is worth saying that even at the beginning of the 80s, the team set itself the task of producing all samples of products for nuclear power plants only for the Quality Mark.

Moreover, since 1977 13 kilometers from Volgodonsk construction site unfolded Rostov nuclear power plant... It was planned that it would become the place of work of many construction crews who, with Atommash will go to the station.

The Rostov nuclear power plant was named a regional shock Komsomol construction site, where young people worked from Atommash... Also, along with the construction and execution of government orders, in 1986-m the enterprise began production of a number of consumer goods:

  • parts for a VAZ car,
  • items of school furniture.

But already in those years the plant began to go through hard times. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, orders for the nuclear industry began to fall sharply. Residents of the city were categorically in favor of stopping the construction of the Rostov nuclear power plant.

Atommash is Russia's largest manufacturer of equipment for the nuclear power industry. The enterprise is located in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov region. Before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Atommash produced more than 100 units of high-tech equipment for nuclear power plants, including 14 VVER-1000 reactors - the most common nuclear reactors in their series.

At different times, Atommash products were supplied to many nuclear power plants, including Rostov, Balakovskaya, Krymskaya and others.

1. Since 2012, Atommash has been a branch of the AEM-Technologies engineering company, which is part of the Atomenergomash machine-building division of Rosatom. It is the only company in Russia that manufactures a complete set of equipment for a nuclear power plant's reactor hall.

2. A double-acting sheet metal stamping press with a force of 15 thousand tons can stamp the bottoms from flat billets up to 45 cm thick.

3. Manufacturing of vessel equipment - here the reactor vessels are assembled and welded.

4. In addition to equipment for the nuclear industry, Atommash produces equipment for the gas and petrochemical industries. These are mainly large pressure vessels, column equipment, pipeline fittings.

5. A cylindrical shell made of two-layer metal is an integral part of an oil refining column for one of the large refineries. The diameter of the ring is about 10 meters.

6. Installation for automatic submerged arc welding and surfacing of internal circumferential and longitudinal seams on shells of various diameters.

7. In one pass, this installation can provide cladding of a cladding layer up to 8 mm.

9. The electric arc burns under a layer of flux between the end of the welding wire and the metal to be welded.

10. The molten electrode and base metals are mixed in the weld pool. Crystallizing, they form a weld.

11. Assembly and welding area. Preparations are underway for control operations of the bottom component for the oil processing column. The bottom diameter is about 8 meters.

12. Manual arc welding of fastening elements on the billet of the bottom of an oil refining column.

14. Thick-walled (up to 11 cm) shells with internal anti-corrosion surfacing are integral parts of the oil refinery reactor vessel.


16. For welding thick-walled workpieces, heating of the weld zone is used with the help of electric heaters.

In this case, the temperature of the workpieces during welding should be at least 150 ° C.

17. Welding manipulator. Designed for welding and surfacing of circular seams of spherical and elliptical heads.

18. Welding of the girth seam of the components of the bottom of the oil refinery reactor is in progress.

19. The duration of the continuous welding process depends on the thickness of the parts to be welded and can last more than 10 days.

20. Manual surfacing of the inner surface of the branch pipe on the half-shell of a nuclear reactor.

21. After welding operations, all welded seams are cleaned with grinding machines for subsequent control operations: color and ultrasonic flaw detection.

24. The unique machining center is capable of performing not only turning operations, but also surface boring on heavy and large-sized workpieces. The weight of this billet exceeds 169 tons.

27. The 12 meter long steam generator casing is being machined on an INNSE horizontal boring machine.

28. This machining center can process holes along the entire length of the product from one installation.

29. Relocation of the reactor half-shell weighing 170 tons to the next technological operation.

30. Turning the edge of the bottom of the steam generator for welding.

31. Atommash has a large fleet of universal turning and boring machines capable of processing workpieces with a diameter of up to 5 meters.

32. Span of manufacturing steam generators for nuclear power plants.

33. Heat exchange tubes inside the steam generator housing.

34. Saturation of the steam generator with internals and devices.

35. It is necessary to install and weld about 11 thousand heat exchange tubes - coils to the collectors inside the body of the steam generator.

36. Welders.

40. Assembly of two shells over 10 meters in diameter with stiffening elements. This unit will soon become an integral part of a huge oil refinery column.

41. The area of ​​the enterprise is 170 hectares. The length of the production building is 800 meters. Therefore, workers (mainly line personnel) move on service bicycles along special bike paths.

42. Creation of a weld bead on an internal hole using machining - boring.

43. The operation is performed on the machine according to a given program.

44. Only machine tools with programmed control allow you to accurately, with the specified parameters, make repetitive holes in thick-walled shells.

45. A unique process for expanding the heat exchange tubes inside the steam generator header. Specialists need to expand and then carry out automatic welding and control of 11 thousand heat exchange tubes in the manifold.

46. To detect defects in thick-walled products with a wall thickness of up to 45 cm, X-ray inspection equipment is used. The photo shows the process of preparing an underground X-ray camera, into which the product will soon be placed for control.

47. Hydraulic tests of a nuclear reactor are carried out in a specially equipped underground test bench.

48. The stand provides pressure over 250 atmospheres and heats specially prepared water up to 80 ° С. It is under these conditions that reactors for nuclear power plants are tested.

49. To move the manufactured equipment inside the body, overhead cranes of various load capacities are used. Specifically, these cranes are in the shipping positions. They are able to work in pairs and lift products weighing up to 1200 tons.

50. Slinger.

51. Assembly and welding section for manufacturing reactor internals.

52. The process of inspection of welded joints using color flaw detection technology.

53. In October 2015, Atommash manufactured and shipped the first VVER-1200 reactor vessel for Unit 1 of the Belarusian NPP. In December 2015, the enterprise manufactured a set of MKP-1000 steam generators for Unit 4 of the Rostov NPP. Today, work is underway on a set of equipment for the Belarusian NPP unit No. 2.

Many thanks to the public relations department of AEM-Technologies JSC for organizing the photography!

For all questions regarding the use of photos, write to e-mail.