Why is it easy to open a business in the states. How to open your business in the USA: options, tips and a step-by-step guide

Today, there are about 23 million small businesses open in the United States. Photo: website

ForuDaily talks about how Russian-speaking residents of the United States have gone the hard way of starting a business, and also understands the complex procedure for registering a company.

There are about 23 million small businesses registered in the United States. These are firms where the number of employees does not exceed half a million people. Powerful Bank of America / CFI Group a year ago among private businessmen. Entrepreneurs rated the health of their companies 20% higher than in the same period in 2014.

Overall, according to the so-called satisfaction index, small business owners have become more optimistic about their success. Most of them gave 70 points out of 100 on a scale of positive assessment of their work.

ForumDaily found out what problems Russian-speaking residents of the United States faced, what they risked, and what they went through.

An economic miracle in Brighton Beach

Today in the most famous Russian district of New York - Brighton Beach - dozens of shops, pharmacies and restaurants work. V Lately very often Russian businessmen complain that things are not going at all. A resident of Brooklyn, and once from Kiev, Herman Misoni proved the opposite. He came here from Israel in 2003. In the United States, he decided to continue his business and first opened a clothing store. But the spread of the Internet and great competition forced Gera to reconsider plans for the future. Shirts and trousers are a thing of the past.

Two years ago, the Wise Espresso Bar appeared on Coney Island Ave near Brighton Beach. Within six months, customers were lining up to get to the cafe. In the Brighton Beach area, Herman's thriving business is now being called a Russian economic miracle.

"In the morning I woke up and told my wife: let's go have breakfast." I live in Brighton and we have nowhere to eat. Then I suggested: “Maybe we will build our own cafe, and we will have our own breakfast,” says Gera about how the idea of ​​opening a bar came up.

His wife Diana supported him. Friends and acquaintances dissuaded Hera from the dubious restaurant business. Everyone said: you will burn out.

“Everyone was laughing or not being serious about what I was about to do. Only my wife and our parents believed in my project, ”Herman shares his memories.

The first step was to find a place. Not far from the house, Herman looked after a hairdresser, which the owners rented out. The room was small, but quite suitable for a start.

“The fact is that there is a bus stop opposite here. The shop window is always visible, car parking is prohibited. Customers can see the sign from a few meters away. This is very important, ”says the businessman.

Herman will never forget the day he signed a 10-year lease for the building. Back road was gone. Gera himself developed the design of the cafe, turned to the architect, who asked for $ 5,000 in order to transfer ideas to paper. Herman took all the papers toNew York City Building Management Department (NYC Department of Buildings). After receiving special permission, the businessman began a large construction project.

“For $ 300,000, I hired a company that is responsible for the entire project. They made plumbing, electricity and gas, ”says Gera.

But then, as they say, unforeseen circumstances arose. Bureaucratic costs, as it turned out, also exist in the United States. The gas service of the city for some unknown reason delayed the license. The reason was trivial - it turned out that the officials had forgotten to put a tick in the computer program. Herman continued to pay $ 6,000 a month for rent, and the opening of the cafe was postponed indefinitely.

“I don’t like this, when money can buy everything. But at that moment everything was on fire. It was easier for me to give a bribe of $ 2000 so that I was allowed to conduct gas. But here, in the USA, I have no one to give money to, otherwise it would be according to the Soviet version, and that’s all, ”admits Herman Misoni.

After three months of inactivity, Hera was finally given gas. The inspectors re-checked and issued a final permit. The businessman himself made the menu and thought for a long time what to name his brainchild. As a result, I decided that the cafe would be "wise", that is, "Wise bar".

“I just decided for myself that Allegrova's songs will not sound in our cafe. I went online to see if there was a bar with the same name. Have not found. And then the word wise brought me to the logo of my future establishment - an owl, ”says the owner of the restaurant.

The first months of work for Herman turned into hell. He grabbed at everything: he was a waiter, bartender and even a dishwasher. But people noticed the European service. Have appeared regular customers, and after six months of work, there were practically no vacancies during lunchtime.

“I put everything into circulation. I didn't count how much I earned today or yesterday. The clients saw my attention, ”says Gera.

Later, Herman Misoni thought about expanding the territory of the business. It was lucky that another premises were rented out next to the establishment. Again construction, equipment of a new kitchen, and after renovation - again a full house. Hera, without changing his principles, again invested all the profits in the business.

“I meet and seat everyone myself. I do not sit cross-legged in the office and do not watch on video cameras what is happening in my cafe. I live by it ", - the businessman reveals the key to success.

Competitors now do not know what to do. Some, Hera says, come to visit to consult. Misoni admitted to ForumDaily that he only invested in the personal savings of his family. He did not expect to receive support from the state. True, with this money Gera wanted to buy an apartment in New York, but now his house is his cafe.

“The American Dream still exists, and that's why we have to dream. Now, mine is coming true, ”sums up Misoni.

Family row

Natalya and Asya Kuznetsov from St. Petersburg are walking towards the dream. Together with their little daughter Masha, they arrived in the United States two years ago. When Russia passed the notorious homosexual propaganda law, the girls decided to leave the country to keep their families together. In New York, at first they lived on personal savings, and then they created their own business. Natalia Kuznetsova invited her wife to open book store in the Internet. Asya supported the idea.

“We, like many emigrants, are concerned that our child does not forget the Russian language. Children integrate much easier in another country, but at the same time it seems important to us to maintain an interest in Russian culture. We started selling children's books in Russian, ”says Natasha.

Natalia worked in Russia graphic designer and a programmer. This knowledge helped the girl to create an online store website on her own. Today atColibri Bookstore mainly sells classic works for children in Russian. Natasha and Asya work directly with publishers, so they try to deliver the order to the client as soon as possible. Most often, already promoted brands are bought from them -"Turnip", "Kolobok" or "Uncle Stepa". There is also a demand for music books.

“They love Cheburashka very much. "Wait a minute," of course. Children's books are ordered from different countries... Basically, these are the USA, Canada and European countries.We do not fight with competitors, we just provide our clients with the best choice products and better service, ”says Natalya Kuznetsova.

According to Natalia, it is easier to register a company in the United States than in Russia. You can fill out the necessary papers directly on the Internet. Her online store does not have hired employees, and Natasha is engaged in accounting on her own. All this simplifies the procedure for starting this type of business.

“Our area of ​​business does not imply any license. First, we registered an LLC (limited liability company - ed.), Then received a tax number, then opened a bank account and also received a Certificate of Authority to collect tax in the state of New York, ”the girl shares her experience.

Natalya does not like to talk about the funds invested in her business, she says - a commercial secret. But he advises everyone who recently immigrated to the United States to carefully weigh the pros and cons. After all, for newcomers, starting a business is a big risk.

“I can say one thing for sure. If a person has nothing to buy food or he cannot pay rent for an apartment or room in the United States, then you should not start your own business, ”says Natalya Kuznetsova.

Thoughtful steps towards Obama will lead

But Larry Poltavtsev already feels like a fish in water on the American market. He came to the United States from Rostov-on-Don a quarter of a century ago. Five years later, Larry, together with partners, created a training Learnix Center , which is located in the state of Virginia in the city of Vienna. True, the company is registered in Florida. Larry helps recent immigrants to acquire a new profession as an IT specialist. Anyone can sign up for the three-month program.

“Among our most successful students are former ballerinas, opera singers, circus workers, economists, lawyers, philosophers. In a group of up to 10 students. Highly qualified teachers work with them as students, ”says Larry about the activities of the center.

Tuition will cost a student $ 4000. Upon successful completion of the course, each graduate receives a certificate.

“With a bonus, we are preparing for the passing of the independent international exam ISTQB (istqb.org). So far, all of our students have passed this test successfully, ”the businessman adds.

Larry Poltavtsev says that it is rather difficult to open such a center. It is very important to choose the right team of professionals. But there is an advantage - a license from the state is not required to create such a company. The training center is considered a regular training, it is like seminars for advanced training in Russia.

“In this case, it is more convenient to register LLC. That is a partnership. Then the profit is divided between the partners, but each is taxed only for his part of the profit, ”says Larry.

Larry can talk for hours about tax subtleties. The tax laws in the United States are very confusing, he said. One of the best states to register a business is Florida. If, for example, an entrepreneur indicates his residential address as the office address, at the end of the year he can write off part of the costs. Florida also has no income tax - businessmen are required to pay only federal income tax.

“It is beneficial to have your own“ main ”residence in Florida. Because according to state law, in cases of civil lawsuits, such a residence will not be taken away for debts or claims from business partners, or in the event of a divorce, ”says Poltavtsev.

Larry Poltavtsev has another business related to IT technologies. The company often invites specialists from the post-Soviet countries. The company's employees take on various projects. For example, they are engaged in the development of the financial systems of giant companies.

“We are participating in the development of video surveillance systems. For some government clients, an application was made to scan baggage at the airport, ”the programmer specifies.

Poltavtsev also discussed working issues at a personal reception with the President of the United States, Barack Obama. According to him, then he realized that in America people are met and evaluated according to their deeds, and not according to their place of birth or orientation.

“Obama is a very simple and easy-going person. With him, you can quickly resolve serious issues. You can be born in Rostov-on-Don, study and work a lot. And then meet with the president, get a job in his office. And for this you do not need to "have connections" - says Larry Poltavtsev.

And he gives the recruits the following advice: “The first is to study the market, assess your capabilities, choose the right direction. Secondly, seek advice from experienced businessmen. And the last thing is to take every step thoughtfully and gradually build up momentum, ”the programmer shared his business strategy.

Friendship is friendship, and money is counting

The graduate of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Lenin. Inna Furmanova arrived in the USA in 1999. At that time, many immigrants were retraining to become programmers, but Inna had no heart for IT technologies. She looked around (then the teacher lived in Brooklyn) and realized that working as a teacher in a kindergarten in Brighton Beach was also not her dream. There was only one thing left - to start your own business. Moreover, by that time Inna was expecting a child and decided to combine the upbringing of the baby with work.

“I was about to have a baby and I didn't want to stay in Brooklyn. My family and I got in the car and drove to New Jersey. It was there that I wanted to find a house, rent it and at the same time open it in the house. Kindergarten", - Inna Furmanova recalls.

Inna quickly studied the area. She realized that her home should be in a Russian-speaking area.

“The kindergarten became very popular because we had practically no competition, and after a year we decided to move to a large building, as we had more and more children,” she says.

And then something happened that Inna would never wish even an enemy. In New Jersey, she had a new friend, also a teacher, who began working with her in the Bell Kindergarten, which at that time was accepting about 30 children, and the business was bringing good profits. At some point, conflicts began between them, says Inna, and once a friend told her that she no longer needed help and was ready to run the business herself. Furmanova's acquaintances advised her to immediately go to court.

“It turned out that we have no partnership relations registered anywhere. It was like my first meeting with America. I started to sue. And I sued not very big, but still money. This was the first step towards my growing up, ”says Inna.

Inna lost her friend forever. Now she knows for sure that if you are going to open a business with relatives or friends, you cannot do without a partnership agreement. Even if you need to spend a lot of time and several thousand dollars on drawing up a contract. It's still better than endless litigation with the closest people.

“While the trials were going on, I wasted no time and opened a home kindergarten in Staten Island, New York. Of course, I didn't really like going to work from the second floor to the first, ”Inna shares her memories.

The teacher began to look for a new place. In 2008, Inna learned about the opening of the Orange Line children's studio, which was open only on evenings and weekends. The owners of the studio paid a lot of money for renting the building. Inna invited them to split the fee in half, and the director agreed. After that, Inna Furmanova turned to the specialists, who gave the go-ahead to move the home kindergarten called "Kangaroo" to the center.

“I arranged everything. We have different companies - there is a kindergarten, and there is a center, but we are in the same building. The inspector came and said that we were allowed to open a kindergarten here in the state health department, and the city law forbids this. And they shut me down one day, ”says the teacher.

According to Inna, the home kindergarten system in the United States is controlled by state laws. But the children's centers are run by the city. It took Inna Furmanova another year to draw up the documents correctly. Now the teacher understands all the intricacies of this business area. The main thing, says Inna, is to find out what type of children's institution you want to open and what requirements are needed for this.

“Home kindergartens, children's centers or a camp - all these types have different conditions and business requirements,” Inna specifies.

The first step is to contactNew York City Department of Health (NYC Department of Healph and Mental Hygiene). There you will receive all the information you need about the requirements. Department officials pay special attention to security issues.

“Once I was fined for the fact that the trash cans in the center were not covered with lids. If you use a waste bin for disposable tableware, for example, then it should be with a lid, ”Inna says with a smile.

Inna Furmanova's kindergarten today accommodates 30 children. Her company employs 5 teachers. For her services, Inna charges $ 900 per month from her family. Children are brought to the "Kangaroo" in the morning and taken only in the evening.

“I don't make millions here. This is my workplace. This is my favorite job. And without my colleagues, probably nothing would have happened, ”Inna Furmanova thanks the teachers who have been working with her for many years.

Useful tips and information for novice businessmen

How to register a company in New York State: step by step instructions

1. Registration takes place at the local Clerk Office ... To do this, you must fill out the Business Certificate form. Usually, every clerk office has a notary who issues this form and certifies it. For example, in Brooklyn, a notary-certified certificate costs $ 10.

2. Next, in Clerk Office you need pay the fee ($ 100-120), the employee enters the data into a special database and issues a copy of the document. Everything. Your business is registered.

3. Next, you need to register with the federal tax office or the IRS to obtain an Employment Identification Number. This is the tax number. The form can be completed online.

4. Having in our hands a business registration certificate and an EIN number, we go to the bank and register a business account with the bank.

If your business is related to the sale of goods or services, then you must register with the New York State Tax Office and obtain certificate for the right to collect sales tax (Certificate of Authority to Collect Sales Tax).

Now you can run your business, sell products or services, and even hire employees.

How US authorities help small businesses

Each state of the United States has special programs that support aspiring businessmen. For example, in New York, information about free seminars can be found on the websiteSmall Business Service Department ... Experts conduct courses in Russian as well.

In New York, you can also contactSmall Business Development Center ... On this site you can find step by step instructions how to open a cafe or grocery store.

For those who are starting their own business, it will be useful to study the siteUnited States Small Business Administration ... You can find here instruction to open a business on English language... There is information on how to get government support... The main office of this organization is located in the US capital - Washington.

Paid help

Of course, there are also paid business creation services in the USA. You can apply for help both to a law firm and to a lawyer. Alexander Almont has been providing such services for 15 years. An experienced lawyer told ForumDaily that in the United States, in order to register a company, from a legal point of view, you only need to have a passport. He believes that it is best to at least meet with an accountant or a lawyer when starting a business.

“There are often legal issues in setting up a business, which also make sense to discuss with a lawyer - starting with the place of setting up a business, which is often not obvious, and continuing with various subtleties in matters of intellectual property, licensing of a particular business,” advises Almont.

It is interesting that Alexander Almont does not take money for the first consultation. Price policy further business meetings will depend on the specific case, says the lawyer.

In general, when evaluating the market for such services, the help of a freelance accountant will cost you about $ 400. Again, it all depends on the specific business, staff and qualifications of the specialist. You can find an accountant who will charge half the price for his services, but it is not a fact that he will do everything professionally. But the help of lawyers is expensive. On average, lawyers charge from $ 3000 to $ 5000 to open a business in the United States. The comprehensive package of services includes company registration, account opening, accountant assistance and payment for online services.

For the owner of the Brooklyn bar Herman Missoni, the young Kuznetsov family, the programmer Larry Poltavtsev and who now knows everything about “ children's business”Inna Furmanova has already passed the initial part of the path - recently or quite a long time ago. Each of them, continuing to develop their business, hopes that their experiences will help those who are just about to embark on this path to avoid mistakes.

“The USA is a country where it is very easy to adapt and feel comfortable,” says Larry Poltavtsev, encouraging newcomers.

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Business immigration to the USA is perhaps one of the most simple ways move there for permanent residence. It cannot be said that it is low-cost, but all roads are open to persons with start-up capital. Read about which enterprise in America is easier to open, how to do it and where to start, read this article.

Definition of Small Business in America

Each country has its own definition. In the United States, this form includes enterprises that meet the following requirements:

  • One or more owners;
  • Up to 500 employees in the state;
  • Assets - no more than $ 5 million;
  • Annual profit is no more than $ 2 million.

Moreover, according to the number employed workers all enterprises are divided into smallest, small, intermediate, large and largest. The first three categories are small businesses in America. The smallest are 1–24 employees, the small ones - 25–99 employees, and the intermediate ones have from 100 to 499 employees.

Which company you open depends only on the financial component. It should be remembered that the United States is pursuing a more loyal immigration policy towards large investors.

A business in the USA can be bought or started from scratch

The options may be different, but the way to implement them is always the same. So, in order to create not just an enterprise, but a successful enterprise, several important issues should be consistently resolved:

  • Are you going to buy a ready-made business in America or start a company from scratch;
  • What form of ownership will your organization have;
  • The main question follows from the previous point - what taxes you will have to pay;
  • Where will you start a business (different states may not only have different economic opportunities, but also tax incentives for investors).

Having solved these issues, you can draw up a detailed business plan, which you somehow have to submit to the immigration service or to the bank in order to obtain a loan. They do not give loans to foreigners to open their own production, but you can get a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate.

US business options for Russians

The easiest way to invest is to buy real estate in the United States, but this is not a basis for obtaining a residence permit (the exception is).

When deciding which business to open in America is more profitable, analyze economic indicators, do not rush to make a choice. Unfortunately, niches such as real estate rental, transport and cargo transportation, tourism are already quite saturated. It is worth opening a business in one of these areas only if you are a very qualified specialist.

Analysts advise in 2017-2018 to pay attention to the service sector - animal care, selection of a nanny, various consultations, notary offices, coaching and coaching, online shopping, medical services(license required), construction and repair, car service. Please note that all assets of the enterprise are taken into account as investments, as well as real estate, inventory, etc.

Promising areas of business in the USA

If you already have a business in Russia, then it is easier to open its branch or subsidiary. Moreover, the existence of a business also speaks of the availability of sufficient funds.

Which organizational form will suit your company - this is a question for professional consultants and lawyers. The fact is that not all forms of ownership are available to foreign citizens, and in some cases a foreigner is prohibited from working at his own enterprise.

Steps to open a case without US citizenship

  1. First of all, you need to obtain an EB-5 business visa. It is quite difficult (or rather, almost impossible) if you do not have your own business. There is the option of initially receiving an invitation from partners and a B1 / B2 business visa. Upon arrival, you can already get permission and re-issue the type of visa.
  2. The second step is to buy or rent premises. The rental price will be from 1 to 5 thousand dollars, depending on the location, area and purpose. It is impossible to register a company without documents for lease. Having received them, you can submit documents for registration of an enterprise.
  3. According to US law, any business must be insured against various problems and losses. The cost of the insurance is about $ 5,000.
  4. The fourth step is to recruit employees according to the laws of the state where the firm is registered. By providing jobs for Americans, you will ensure immigration loyalty.
  5. You will definitely need it. You may not even count on being able to independently figure out all the intricacies of the organization entrepreneurial activity moreover, it is usually even more difficult for foreigners than for American citizens.
  6. The last step will be registration and payment of the fee, which averages about $ 1,000.

Unlike the European system, in the United States the compilation and registration of constituent documents enterprise (the procedure for electing the president of the company, an agreement on the distribution of shares and shares, etc.) is made after its creation, when a place has already been rented, employees have been hired, etc.

To register, you need to submit an application to the secretary of state, having previously learned about the application form, because they differ in different areas. The application must indicate legal address company and its name.

After reviewing the application, the Secretary of State will issue you a special Certificate of Incorporation and Corporate Chapter. Within a period not later than 1 month, starting from the first day of the month following the date of registration, a meeting of shareholders and elections of the president of the company, a secretary, at least one director, must be held, as well as all constituent documents must be drawn up.

You already understood that the registration process is not easy, but for this we recommend hiring a lawyer.

After all the above steps, you must register the company with the IRS and obtain an EIN Number. In principle, registration is now complete.

During the first year, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will be assailed by all kinds of checks that are designed to prove the reality of the business. If after a year the business remains afloat and shows an increase in profits, then you will be able to receive, and after another 5 years apply for US citizenship.

Where is it most profitable to open a business for a foreigner

The USA is a very interesting country in terms of state structure. Under a single constitution, the various states are given almost complete autonomy in dealing with criminal, administrative and tax law issues. Therefore, you should choose a state to start your own business wisely.


Of course, if you are planning to open a hotel somewhere in California or a restaurant in the state of New York, then immediately study the legislation of these particular areas. And if you are planning to run a consulting or other business using Internet technologies, then consider zero tax options.

So, in the states of Texas, Washington, Wyoming or Nevada, local taxation is 0%. In California and Delaware - 8.84%, 8.7%, respectively. And in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) local taxation is 9.5%. Federal taxes are the same everywhere.

Video: how to implement your plans for 30 thousand dollars?

If that same American dream lives in your heart, and you have enough ambition and courage to realize it, then dare and do not doubt the success of your little business!

The World Bank's 2017 Doing Business rankings rank the United States as the 8th easiest to do business in the world. That is why businessmen from all over the world are trying to open their own business in the States.

The founder of the company "Russian America" ​​Yuri Mosha in this column gives step by step guide for starting a small business, with the help of which you can correctly arrange everything legally and start your business in a matter of weeks.

What is in the USA

The US Small Business Act defines it as an enterprise:

    Which employs no more than 500 people;

    Whose assets do not exceed $ 5 million;

    The annual profit of which does not exceed $ 2 million.

The US government encourages citizens to open own business and provide quite loyal conditions for doing business. There are rumors on the net about inadequate taxes or excessive additional payments but this is all nonsense. The real level of taxes is only slightly higher. Moreover, all tax system absolutely transparent and understandable for a businessman.

For non-residents, the conditions for starting a business are absolutely the same as for citizens.

Step 1. Choosing a business organization

There are 4 main forms in the USA legal organization business. Each of them has its pros and cons, so before registering, you need to decide what is right for you.

Individual entrepreneur(Sole proprietorship). This type of business is the easiest in terms of legal formalities. You will have to fill out a lot less different pieces of paper than in other types.

SP is ideal for the service industry. It is most often chosen by lawyers, accountants, private doctors, hairdressers, manicurists and other specialties of the service sector.

But there is also a serious disadvantage here - unlimited financial responsibility. This means that fines and court compensation can also affect the personal property of the entrepreneur. And banks are very reluctant to give loans to individual entrepreneurs for business development.

Partnership- collective business management. It is divided into 2 main subtypes: general and limited liability. The general partnership strongly resembles SP - all its members are fully financially responsible. And in a limited liability partnership, participants risk only their own contribution to the enterprise - fines and other payments do not apply to personal property.

The partnership is ideal for teams of peers - lawyers, auditors, SEOs, and more.

Corporation- a universal type of business that is suitable for almost any business. But it is the most bureaucratic - there is just a huge amount of official papers that need to be filled out and kept, so it is impossible to figure it out without an experienced consultant.

At the same time, American investors prefer to invest in corporations. Because they make it easier to track the use of funds.

Limited liability company is the most common type of small business. It brings together most of the strengths of a corporation and a partnership. There is less paperwork than in a corporation.

Of the minuses, there are only different conditions for doing business in different states, so you just need to study the legislation of the state in which the company is registered.

Step 2. Checking the name

US law is very tough on plagiarism. Including in the names of companies. Therefore, before registering, be sure to check if your state has brand with the same name.

This can be done in 5 minutes and is completely free. On the state website, look for the "Business name availability" or similar section. Then you just need to submit a request for verification, which will be processed within 3 days.

For example, you can check the availability of a name for the state of California.

Step 3. Submitting an application for starting a business

You can register a company online, you do not need a personal presence for this. In the questionnaire, you must indicate the name of the company, information about the founders and the legal address of the company.

Please note that you only need to indicate the address in the state in which you open a business. If you have not had time to rent or purchase or plan to do so later, there is an easier option - rent a post office box. It is to her that official notifications will come.

The cost of a cell is about $ 100 per year. The service is available on many sites, so finding a cell is not difficult. For the very procedure of registration on the website of the Secretary of State, you need to pay a fee. In different states, its sizes differ: from $ 80 to $ 130.

Registration of a company in the standard mode takes 25 working days. But many sites have an urgent registration service for an additional fee. In this case, the process will take from 1 to 10 days, if all documents are drawn up correctly.

Step 4. Registration with the tax office

To be able to pay taxes and do business legally, you need to register a tax identification number. This is where a little disappointment awaits you. If US citizens can fill out an online form, then the non-resident is required to send the printed documents by mail. They are considered much longer than online applications, so the case can be delayed.

But there is a little trick. You can use the services of an intermediary in the United States. Authorized representatives are allowed to submit online applications, so waiting times can be shortened.

Step 5. Opening an account in

Most businesses and companies prefer cashless payments, therefore, for a full-fledged business, a bank account is necessary. If the previous stages could be solved remotely, without coming to the United States, then this will not work here. Indeed, to open a current account, a company requires a personal presence.

Some banks offer the option to open an account remotely, but we do not recommend using it. Too much hassle. At the same time, you need to wait for a decision at least 28 working days, and the refusal can be justified by absolutely any reason - even the most ridiculous. If you open an account in person, the decision is made within a few hours.

Example. In my practice, there was a case when a businessman wanted to bring to the American market Russian company, which is engaged in the production of premium sunflower oil. And if he went through the previous stages without question, then opening a bank account turned out to be very problematic.

Three banks refused him without explanation. He turned to us to understand the situation. Everything turned out to be very simple. Banks simply doubted the legality of the company's funds. And they cannot officially request confirmation of the legality of the income of a company located in another country.

But the client can provide evidence by himself. When we collected reports from the tax office for the last few years of work, the bank opened an account without any problems.

To open a company account, you need to provide a registration document legal entity and tax identification number. But remember that banks may also ask for additional documents. We recommend that you find out their list in advance on the website of the selected bank or by calling the hotline.

When registering, you will be asked to deposit up to a thousand dollars. We do not recommend placing any more - the bank administration may have unnecessary questions about the origin of the funds. If you need more money on the account - you will be able to deposit them without any problems in a few days.

Step 6. Obtaining licenses and permits

The last stage before starting a full-fledged business is obtaining permits for doing business. Even working as a hairdresser in many states requires a license. Serious fines are imposed for doing business or working without such a document.

Each state has different license requirements, and you can check them on the official website of the state. Here, for example, is the official website of the business department and economic development USA.

To find out exactly which licenses and permits you need, you need to indicate the state in which you intend to do business and the nature of the business. For example, a hairdresser or a lawyer. The system will give full list documents that you need, as well as the addresses of all organizations where you can get them.

Also, the site will select institutions where you can get help on licensing issues. The number of permits required depends entirely on the type of business. To open a car wash, you only need permission from the administration of the settlement, but to open a law office you just need a huge amount of licenses.

Example. Recently, we helped a cosmetologist to open licenses in two states at once - Georgia and Florida. She bought a house in Brunswick, near the Florida border. Therefore, I planned to work in two states at once. At the same time, the requirements for a beautician license in these states are fundamentally different.

In Georgia, you need to provide documents for training the profession, pass an independent examination in cosmetology and become a member of the Georgia Association of Cosmetologists. In Florida, the exam is more difficult and has several stages. The exam is common for cosmetologists, hairdressers and manicure specialists, so it is much more difficult to take it.

The girl had to additionally study the basics of hairdressing and manicure in order to take the test in Florida. Also, the procedure for confirming the license is different in the states, but we gave detailed instructions to the cosmetologist, so everything went quickly and without problems.

After obtaining licenses and permits, you already have the full right to legally conduct business in the state. But if you want to expand to neighboring states, then the procedure will need to be repeated again.

Starting a business in the United States is a lengthy process if you do it on your own. But if you value time, then we recommend using the services of intermediary companies that will help you collect all the documents for the start within a few days. Good luck in starting a business in the USA!

The United States became famous throughout the world for its highly developed and highly organized economy. This country has never experienced a shortage of business ideas, as a huge number of emigrants brought them with them. It is very profitable to develop and open a business on the territory of this country, but not everything is so simple.

Americans are a very strange people - they are ready to pay for the most seemingly ridiculous ideas, and even promote your business all over the world. Take Jobs, who made a phone without buttons - the iPhone is the most popular phone in the world. It would seem, who needs a phone with a small touchscreen without a physical keyboard? However, it was the Americans who snapped up the new phone in a couple of weeks.

Also, for example, you can take Larry Hall's business - he builds anti-nuclear shelters for individuals. So far, only one shelter for 70 places is being built, one place is worth $ 2 million. All 70 places have already been sold out. In addition to these projects, dozens of even more original ones were successfully implemented.

Ideas for business in America

However, what to do if you do not have such ideas or their implementation requires a lot of capital. Small business in the USA is gaining in popularity today. Here are the most popular destinations today:

  1. Gambling business in the USA. Residents of the States love to try their luck. In 2018, it is prohibited to open casinos in Russia, with the exception of some territories. However, in the USA, a casino can be opened by anyone who has a special license and initial capital, thanks to which in small provincial towns America has its own casinos. You can make a pretty big fortune in the gambling business, since casinos in the United States will be popular for a very long time.
  2. Many Americans are very fond of traveling around their country. Enterprising residents of small towns and huge metropolitan areas make big money by developing the hotel business. If you have a large apartment or have money to buy / rent a certain room, then you can open your hotel. Almost every town has a small motel or hotel. This area is quite competitive today, but if you manage to attract guests, then you will be provided with income for life.
  3. Catering business. Open a small cafe or restaurant in a small town. Residents love to sit in some eatery, and if you are also a good conversationalist, then expect that you will have many regular customers.
  4. Tourist. Another way to capitalize on the love of Americans to travel around their country is to open a small travel agency. In this case, you do not have to spend a lot of money. Your travel agency can provide various services, for example, assistance in obtaining a visa to Russia, assistance in choosing tourist routes, etc.
  5. Business on your farm. Today, Americans are willing to pay three times the price for organic food from farms. Having bought a small plot for agricultural work, you will have to sow this area, and then take care of the future harvest throughout the season. At first, you will spend a huge amount of capital, but after signing a couple of contracts with supermarkets and restaurants, your expenses will pay off very quickly.
  6. An innovative type of business. This segment is just beginning to gain momentum around the world and has a very vague concept. You can fix or collect computers in your garage, write various programs and sell them, install solar panels for private homes, and much more. The most successful firms in this business segment are Microsoft, Apple, Google, Adobe. Starting your own innovative business may require a very large initial capital, however, you have the opportunity to open it without having any capital at all.
  7. In 2018, these will be the most popular types of business, and in 2018, small business development in the United States will be carried out. However, do not forget that The States are a country of great opportunities and even the most ridiculous idea can make you a multimillionaire. Do not forget that in America the taxation system is very difficult for a Russian to understand, therefore, in order not to go into the negative, you will have to carefully study this system.

    What you need to start a business in the USA

    Starting a business in the United States is not as easy a task as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes it is more difficult to open a business in this country than in Russia.

    The complexity of the discovery is explained by the fact that the American legislation is more complicated than the Russian one.

    To successfully open a business in the United States, you need to perform a number of steps.

    After you complete the registration of your company in the United States, you can start building your business by purchasing various equipment, hiring workers, etc.

    What you need to know to run a successful business

    It is not enough just to open your own business, you still need to be able to run it correctly, otherwise you will either go broke or your company will be closed due to non-compliance with the basic economic laws of the United States.

    Failure to comply with certain rules, for example, tax evasion, can call into question not only the existence of your company, but also your stay in this country.

    Now let's look at the basic laws and aspects that you need to know in order not to run into trouble.

    In addition to observing all these points, you must also take into account that the success of your business mostly depends on you, no matter in which country you decide to establish it. There is no single strategy for all the activities that can be done in the United States. However, if you follow some tips, you may be able to create a thriving business:

    You should definitely buy everything necessary equipment, a certain area or room. Do not skimp on this, as your future success will depend on it. According to this scheme, medium and small businesses are developed, and part of the knowledge gained can be used to promote their business on the Internet.

Starting a business in the United States is the dream of many entrepreneurs. The market of this country is huge and the investments are limitless. In addition, the US dollar is one of the most reliable monetary units. Opening a business in the United States is quick and inexpensive.

The United States today is undoubtedly one of the most economically developed countries and the most attractive in terms of.

The United States has low taxes, and some states such as Nevada and Wyoming do not levy a so-called “state tax,” a local tax. And once a year they take a re-registration tax, which is 125 US dollars.

There is an agreement between America and the CIS countries, according to which, having paid taxes in the United States, you do not pay taxes on the territory of the CIS countries. Another undoubted advantage for non-resident businessmen is the absence of taxes on profits that the company receives outside the United States.

That is, in this way, by registering a company in the United States of America, you can conduct business outside its borders tax-free. If your business is stable and profitable, then you can count on the Green Card - a permanent residence permit. If things continue to progress as well, then in five years, the government will give you American citizenship. Another plus - the American corporation is considered one of the priority ones all over the world. Great attention in America it is also paid to the safety of businessmen.

If you do not want your personal data to appear in documents, then you can use nominee directors - people who do not have any property rights and rights to manage your company, but who have the right to sign documents on their own behalf and on behalf of nominee director, in accordance with the power of attorney.

When you create a branch of your "American" company in Russia or the CIS countries, you receive customs privileges on the import of the branch's property. It can be office equipment, computers and components, office furniture, and even cars. The corporation can engage in any business that does not require additional licenses, can open accounts in the largest banks in America, use credit cards, acquire real estate for its use, invest in other projects, etc.

We open our business in the USA

To open a representative office for an individual or company in the United States, you must obtain L-1 status. In this situation, the owner of the enterprise will be the only employee in the American office. The immigration service issuing this status will check your financial condition and creditworthiness. Therefore, if you want to gain a foothold in the United States, then try to have a positive balance on your current account during the first year.

Buying a ready-made business in the USA

If you decide in the USA, any enterprise that has been operating for more than one year, then, based on their laws, it will not fall under the stamp of "new enterprise", which is certainly a plus for you. You get the opportunity to apply to the embassy for a three-year work visa and rely on a Green Card in the future. With all this, you do not have the right to close all offices outside the United States (at least one must function) and work only in America.

You can do this if you have an E-2 visa or an H-1B visa, which do not require the obligatory presence of a functioning company abroad.

Opening a new company in the USA

To open a company in the United States or open a representative office, you can enter on a B-1 visa, which will subsequently help you obtain L-1 status. It is worth noting that you will not be able to come to the country as a tourist and start your own business, so take care of the appropriate visa in advance. When applying for a visa, inform the migration service that the purpose of your visit is business negotiations with partners, after which you will return to your homeland.

As soon as you make the final decision on starting a business, you will change your visa to L-1, or you can do this in your home country.

About work visas for family members

If in the future you want to move your family to the United States, then you need to provide them with positions in the company. However, they may have an L-2 non-work visa if you have an L-1 visa. If you, as the owner of the business, have a Green Card, then your family members are also eligible to receive one. Getting a Green Card is not done on the basis of "he is my relative", but on the basis of work.

About the number of transferred employees

US law does not limit the number of executive directors or managers, but defines the number of transferred employees. This figure should correspond to the type of organization. The larger the organization. the correspondingly larger number of workers can be transferred there.

A large corporation that employs more than a thousand Americans or has a turnover of more than $ 25 million can apply for expedited process registration of L-1 status.

Instead of a conclusion, a small information about the main forms of doing business in the United States. There are only four of them:

  • Private firms;
  • Partnerships;
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLC);
  • Corporations (Corp, Inc.).

We will write about them in detail in the next issues.