What products are blacklisted by Rospotrebnadzor? There is no way back: unsold bread will not be returned to bakeries for recycling Rospotrebnadzor banned the second freshness.

We publish the results of the Roskontrol examination: products that you can safely buy, and those that contain preservatives and E. coli.

Usually not expensive products are counterfeited, but in demand. Manufacturers often deceive buyers by not indicating the full composition of the product. Instead of expensive raw materials, they use cheaper substitutes.

Alexander Borisov

Alexander Borisov, co-chairman of the Roskontrol Consumer Union, confirmed that the quality of products in Russian stores is declining. There are three reasons for this:

  1. In 2010, obligatory certification was canceled in Russia food products and a declaration of conformity has been introduced. That is, the release of a product does not require the participation of an independent examination and laboratory research.
  2. Sanctions. With a decrease in competition, new manufacturers and new products poured into the market. Certification bodies have ceased to cope with the sharply increased volumes of new products.
  3. In modern economic conditions manufacturers were forced to go to a significant reduction in the quality, and sometimes the safety of products.

Rely on yourself only. Read labels carefully and watch what you put in your grocery basket! The independent non-profit organization"Roskontrol". It conducts research on products through donations from companies and people, among which there are no interested parties.

Representatives of the organization buy all goods as ordinary consumers - through retail stores.

Then they depersonalize them and send samples to experts. If tests show that the product is a threat to human health or the manufacturer is deceiving the buyer, the product is blacklisted.

Of all the products that Roskontrol studied, we chose the most popular ones: dumplings, sour cream, yogurt, chocolate, crab sticks, and sausage. As a reminder, in Issue 46 of November 18, we also published the results of checking popular products. If you want to know the results of all Roskontrol's research, visit roscontrol.com.


Successfully tested:

"Meat house of Borodin"

Security - 62%
Naturalness - 65%
Usefulness - 30%
Tasting – 80%

Pros: Delicious, safe, no soy, no preservatives.

Disadvantages: high price, contains chemical food additives - color fixatives, antioxidants.


Security - 61%
Naturalness - 50%
Usefulness - 11%
Tasting - 66%

Pros: Safe, no preservatives, no soy, no starch.

Disadvantages: contains collagen animal protein (in a small amount), as part of chemical additives.


Security - 64%
Naturalness - 40%
Usefulness - 15%
Tasting - 66%

Pros: Safe, no soy, no preservatives, moderately salty.

Disadvantages: contains many chemical additives; hard to read markings.



Degree of danger: average.

The manufacturer uses the invented name "Doctor's Classic", but the product does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52196-2011 in composition and quality.

"Cherkizovsky MPZ"

Danger level: high.

Sorbic acid, a preservative, was found. An excess of the mass fraction of phosphorus was also revealed. This is a non-compliance with security requirements.


Danger level: high. Does not meet safety requirements. The preservative was found to be benzoic acid. Also exceeded mass fraction phosphates.

sour cream

Successfully tested:

Brest-Litovsk 20%

Security - 85%
Naturalness - 72%
Usefulness - 52%
Tasting - 72%

Cons: Contains more saturated fat than others tested.

Ostankinskoye 20%

Security - 75%
Naturalness - 73%
Usefulness - 52%
Tasting – 75%

Advantages: safe, does not contain starch, phosphates, preservatives, antibiotics.

Disadvantages: the label depicts a child, although the product is not intended for baby food.

Prostokvashino 20%

Security - 85%
Naturalness - 55%
Usefulness - 53%
Tasting - 86%

Advantages: no preservatives, vegetable fats and starch.

Disadvantages: with a high degree of probability there are stabilizers. According to the regulations, a product with food additives cannot be called sour cream.


Rostagroexport 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. The antibiotic streptomycin was found. A stabilizer has been added to the product.

"Milava" 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. Does not meet safety requirements: antibiotic streptomycin detected. The product contains stabilizers.

Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant 20%

Degree of danger: maximum. Violation of safety requirements: the content of yeast fungi is 2000 times higher than the standard. The product contains a stabilizer.


Successfully tested:


Security - 94%
Naturalness - 85%
Usefulness - 69%
Tasting – 60%

Advantages: safe, without vegetable protein and starch.

Disadvantages: high price, discrepancy in the amount of fat: actually 6.7%, while the label indicates 11.2%.

"Siberian delicacy"

Security - 91%
Naturalness - 85%
Utility - 50%
Tasting - 72%

Pros: Safe, no soy or starch.

Disadvantages: a rather high salt content, the amount of proteins and fats does not correspond to the labeling.


"Russian hit"

Degree of danger: average.

The composition contains cartilaginous tissue, chicken meat and starch, not indicated on the package.

"Siberian collection"

Degree of danger: average. Does not meet safety requirements. Bird skins found.

"From Palych"

Degree of danger: maximum. The examination revealed bacteria of the Escherichia coli group. Also in the composition revealed poultry meat, not specified in the composition.

crab sticks

Successfully tested:

"Russian Sea"

Security - 56%
Naturalness - 23%
Usefulness - 22%
Tasting - 76%

Disadvantages: high price, dryish texture, foreign taste.

"Santa Bremor"

Security - 62%
Naturalness - 28%
Usefulness - 14%
Tasting - 58%

Pros: Safe, no preservatives.

Disadvantages: little protein, contain phosphates.


Security - 65%
Naturalness - 43%
Usefulness - 9%
Tasting - 72%

Advantages: microbiological parameters are normal.

Disadvantages: no indication of the content of glutamic acid, fat is 614% less than stated.


"Every day"

Degree of danger: average. Fat is 50 times less than stated. A preservative sodium benzoate was found, which is not approved for the manufacture of crab sticks.

"A" sea

Degree of danger: average. False information about the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product. An unapproved preservative for crab sticks, sodium benzoate, was used.

Danger level: high. The protein content is 34% less than stated. There is no information on the added glutamic acid on the label. Found sodium benzoate, not listed in the composition.


Successfully tested:

Vkusnoteevo 1.5%

Security - 95%
Naturalness - 28%
Usefulness - 68%
Tasting – 85%

Advantages: contains lactic acid bacteria.

Cons: Contains artificial flavor and color.

"Bio Balance" 1.5%

Security - 90%
Naturalness - 15%
Usefulness - 69%
Tasting – 85%

Advantages: contains lactic acid microorganisms and bifidobacteria, rich in protein.

Disadvantages: contains fragrance and dye.

Frugurt 1.5%

Security - 78%
Naturalness - 20%
Usefulness - 70%
Tasting – 60%

Advantages: contains lactic acid microorganisms, low fat, low calorie content.

Cons: Contains artificial flavors and color, no fruit.


Danone 1.6%

Degree of danger: average. It contains many food additives, but too few lactic acid bacteria.

"Miracle" 2.5%

Degree of danger: average. The number of beneficial lactic acid bacteria is 100 times less than indicated on the label.

Frugurt 2.5%

Degree of danger: maximum. The number of beneficial microorganisms does not correspond to that indicated on the label. Lots of nutritional supplements.


None of the tested samples was blacklisted.
Chocolate Rating:

"BUT. Korkunov

Advantages: natural, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: more lead than other tested samples.

"Gold Mark"

Disadvantages: high price.

"A priori"

Advantages: safe, healthy, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: high price.

Ritter Sport

Advantages: safe, healthy, fatty acid composition corresponds to cocoa butter, does not contain palm kernel and coconut oil.

Disadvantages: high lead content compared to other samples.

And at this time

Products must not only be produced in accordance with all standards, but also properly stored and sold under special conditions.

In January 2016, the Rosselkhoznadzor Administration conducted scheduled inspection Belyov city market (Belyov, Sovetskaya st., 83).

The inspection revealed violations:

  • no cleaning interval
  • the integrity of the floors and walls in the pavilion was violated
  • no knife sterilizers
  • temperature conditions are not provided
  • regular disposal of waste is not ensured

The market was fined 50,000 rubles.


63 samples products and food raw materials in 2015 and January 2016 were checked at the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Tula Region for the content of antibiotics.

1 sample did not meet the standards.

35.1 tons products and food raw materials were rejected in 2015 in the Tula region.

164 samples dairy products were studied in the Tula region in 2015.

10.3 percent of which did not meet the mandatory requirements.

The organization did not check the Tula manufacturers. You can do this yourself. In the Tula region, goods are checked by the laboratory of the Tula Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

Store shelves are full of low-quality, harmful and expired goods. As a rule, when choosing a particular product, the buyer refers to the popularity of the manufacturer, the design of the packaging and the recommendations of friends. Quite rarely, the consumer pays attention to its composition. The packaging contains information that allows you to find out how high-quality and natural this or that product is. Food inspections are regularly carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. The black list of products is constantly updated. Thanks to him, you can buy only high-quality goods.

Full check of goods in production

This year, Rospotrebnadzor tested a number of products. Specialists visited great amount not only stores, but also industries. Already in the first quarter, they checked more than 100 enterprises. Experts sent more than 1,000 food samples for examination. Almost 2% of the goods turned out to be unsuitable and dangerous for consumption. They're in urgently have been blacklisted.

Blacklisted foods include nutritional supplements that, if consumed in excess, can lead to life-threatening illnesses. It is for this reason that it is important to pay attention to the components that are included in the product you have chosen.

Checking stores

Rospotrebnadzor has done a tremendous job this year. Food products were carefully studied not only in factories, but also in stores. More than 50% of outlets have not been tested. As a rule, in this case, entrepreneurs sold expired and low-quality products. They did not adhere to the storage conditions and did not have the goods.

During the audit, more than 120 protocols were drawn up. The court ruled to confiscate the low-quality one and seized it in the amount of 53,000 rubles.

Sold expired goods: what to do?

Not everyone thinks about what we eat. Due to your own carelessness, you can buy expired goods in almost any store. Irresponsible sellers often put such goods on the counter consciously, wanting to avoid financial losses. The use of expired products can cause not only intestinal infections, but also other diseases. In the event that you purchased an item that has expired, do not rush to throw it away. From our article you can find out what actions to take in such a situation.

The quality of goods is regularly monitored by Rospotrebnadzor. Products are checked both at factories and in stores. However, after some time, many entrepreneurs again begin to sell low-quality and expired goods. When purchasing such a product, first of all, you need to take the receipt with you and try to return it back. The seller will replace the product with a fresh one or return the funds you spent on its purchase.

In the event that the distributor refuses to replace the product or return the money, you will need to write a written statement with a complaint. This must also be done if the product has caused food poisoning. The application must be accompanied by a photo of the product and a receipt for its purchase.

Often there are situations when the expiration date has not yet expired, but in this case, you can also demand a replacement product or a refund. If you have not saved the check, then it will be more difficult to carry out this procedure. To clarify this situation, it is necessary to demand a review of the recordings from CCTV cameras. Witnesses who went shopping with you can help return the money or replace the goods.

If the store employees refuse to return the money or replace the goods, then be sure to demand a complaint book and describe the fact of violation in it. The written statement, which we talked about earlier, must be taken to Rospotrebnadzor or an organization for the protection of consumer rights.

How to file a complaint about a defective product?

Rospotrebnadzor regularly seizes low-quality products and goods. However, they are not able to check all outlets in the country. In this case, they are helped by complaints written by consumers. Absolutely everyone should know how to file a complaint against an irresponsible entrepreneur with Rospotrebnadzor. It is statements like these that help gross violations by entrepreneurs.

In a complaint against a store that sells low-quality goods, it is necessary to indicate the address and details of the director outlet. You will also need to enter your personal information. These include full name, phone number and address of actual residence. The next step is to specify detailed information about the product, namely, give its description, cost, date and time of purchase, as well as the expiration date indicated on the package. If you are attaching a check to the complaint, then this must be indicated on the application without fail. At the very end, you must sign and date the application.

Quality degradation

Rospotrebnadzor checked the quality of products not only locally produced, but also imported. Experts have found that the quality of goods made outside Russian Federation, deteriorates markedly. This summer, Rospotrebnadzor developed a strategy that will improve the quality of absolutely all products until 2030.

Experts say that every year imported products become more harmful. Every year, the number of dangerous additives in it increases. Such changes do not correspond to generally accepted norms. Many do not think about what we eat. Often, buyers pay attention to the popularity of the manufacturer. During the first half of this year, a large number of popular imported goods were seized. Such products accounted for 65% of total poor quality food.


This year full check conducted Rospotrebnadzor. The black list of products was supplemented by counterfeits. Butter is also most often counterfeited.

The black list includes creamy which is produced by the Kursk milk plant. After examining the samples taken, it was revealed that the composition of the product includes vegetable fat that is hazardous to health. The degree of danger is at an average level. The product cannot be called butter because it contains only up to 50% milk fat. The cost of goods is about 70 rubles per pound.

"Dixie" and "Traditional" are two types of oil that are also blacklisted. The package says 82.5% milk fat. The test showed that the composition includes 81% of such a component. These types of butter almost completely correspond to the information stated on the packaging. However, they were blacklisted due to violations of safety standards during manufacture. The product is high in fatty acids. Buyers note that these types of butter have a rather unpleasant odor, and do not recommend purchasing it.

Ostankino sausages can be attributed to falsifications. Rospotrebnadzor claims that the manufacturer saved on their manufacture. The components declared on the packaging have been completely or partially replaced by soy, cartilage and skin. The number of dangerous microbes in such a product exceeded the norm by 52 times. This may indicate that sanitary requirements are completely ignored in production. Buyers note that Lately the quality of these sausages has noticeably deteriorated.

Poor quality sausages

This year Rospotrebnadzor compiled a black list of products. It includes a huge amount of sausages. This is no coincidence. For testing, sausages of famous trademarks. Only one of 8 samples was found to be safe to consume. The shelf life of such a product ranges from several weeks to a month. However, due to violations in the manufacture, they are not recommended to be consumed a week after packaging.

In all samples, a huge number of microorganisms were detected. The use of sausages, which are included in the black list of products, can cause serious food poisoning. Violators face a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles. If their use caused harm to the health of the buyer, the fine will double. In some cases, the offender may face a prison term.

Is it possible to give sausages to children?

Many parents prefer boiled sausage and sausages when preparing breakfast or a snack for a child. However, Rospotrebnadzor does not recommend the abuse of such products. It is undesirable for children under 14 years of age to include sausages in the diet. After all, they contain additives that affect the development of the body. The composition also includes phosphates, which remove calcium. They can cause excessive fragility of bones and teeth.

It's best to cook on your own. Such a product will not contain harmful components and will be useful not only for children, but also for adults.

Children's drinking water

Rospotrebnadzor conducts regular inspections. The black list of products contains a huge number of products that do not meet generally accepted standards. Rospotrebnadzor checked products that are intended for children with particular care. In August of this year, 5 samples of children's water were sent for examination. None of them passed the test. Mercury was found in three samples. Such a component accumulates in the body and can cause a deterioration in the general condition of the child.

Some of the samples have a pronounced odor when heated. This indicates that the water contains hazardous substances.

Summing up

Rospotrebnadzor regularly checks food products. Every year there are more and more low-quality goods. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the black list of products and pay attention not only to their price and popularity, but also to the composition. Be healthy!

The share of products harmful to health on our shelves today ranges from 30 to 62 percent. These are expert estimates. Official data is also scary.

Last year, Rospotrebnadzor specialists inspected more than 56,000 enterprises that produce and sell food. It turned out that 66 percent of producers violated the sanitary conditions of production and storage of products. 73,000 batches of food products were withdrawn from sale, which is more than 3,000 tons.

Rospotrebnadzor has identified at least 100 products with non-existent companies listed on their labels. In other words, these products were made by no one knows who, no one knows when, and no one knows what they were made of. But nevertheless, the stores took them for sale, and people bought and ate it all.

And no sanctions trade enterprises cannot be applied. No law obliges them to conduct their own investigation on each supplier and find out if the address stated on the label is actually a dairy factory or a sausage shop?

Rospotrebnadzor: 66% of manufacturers violated sanitary conditions for the production and storage of food

On Tuesday, this was discussed in the Federation Council. And they came to the conclusion that it is urgent to create a system of quality control and food safety "from the field to the counter." Recall that in 2002 GOSTs were canceled in Russia. And they introduced TU - specifications, which the manufacturers themselves install. So it's hard to complain about the quality. Well, he stuffed palm oil into his cake, and who's to say that it's harmful? Palm oil is not officially banned. In addition, as Mikhail Shchetinin, chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, emphasized, when checking the quality of products, no one takes into account its nutritional value. As a result, "pacifiers" are on the shelves - products that contain only harmful fats.

Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Fishery Petr Savchuk spoke about his inspections of the conditions for the sale of fish products in stores. “We checked several large chain supermarkets and small shops within walking distance. And we found a lot of violations,” said Savchuk. do not support temperature regime. We found chilled fish, the temperature of which was plus 7 degrees. And the norm is 2".

There is also the problem of recycling of discarded products. By law, everything that stores did not have time to sell for set time implementation, should be decommissioned and destroyed at special landfills. But, as the correspondent was told, Russian newspaper"Representatives of industry food unions, unscrupulous sellers put up to 40 percent of expired products, as they say, back into business. As a rule, most of them end up in salads and pastries - products that stores sell under the brand name" own production". And no one knows yet how to deal with it either.

According to Savchuk, in order to create new efficient chains for the passage of products from the producer to the consumer, it is necessary to use electronic commodity circulation. As the representative of Rosselkhoznadzor added, various electronic systems product testing, all regulatory bodies have laboratories, but there is no consistency in their work. There is no prompt exchange of information between the participants of supervision. All checks are highly selective. According to the representative of the Rosselkhoznadzor, there is a need to create a single regulatory agency to monitor the quality and safety of products.

Summing up the discussion, Mikhail Shchetinin promised to transfer all proposals to the relevant ministries and departments. Experts advise not to postpone the creation of a new chain of control indefinitely. The situation on the shelves is urgent.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) checks products to determine their safety.

The work of the service is aimed at caring for the population of the country. Rospotrebnadzor, as far as possible, tries to prevent the sale of products that pose a threat to the population or do not comply with Russian legislation.

The Consumer Protection Act requires manufacturers of any food product to list all ingredients on their packaging. Thanks to this, a person learns whether the product is useful, whether it is worth its price, whether such a purchase is necessary for a person.

Having found a discrepancy between the composition and description of the contents of the package, Rospotrebnadzor employees blacklist the product and prohibit its sale.

Products with inappropriate quality are on the black list of Rlsptrebnadzor

One of the frequent violations that Rospotrebnadzor is fighting is that food manufacturers do not indicate that their products contain palm oil, various substitutes, and potentially hazardous substances of category “E”.

The check is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • conformity of contents and labels;
  • compliance with GOST and TU;
  • production and storage conditions;
  • use of prohibited substances;
  • sanitary and epidemiological safety of products;
  • availability of necessary licenses, permits and certificates.

This approach makes it possible to identify poor quality products and its manufacturer.

After the discovery of low-quality products, employees of Rospotrebnadzor determine at what stage of production or storage the product ceased to meet the standards adopted in Russia. Then they remove the entire batch of products from sale and send a request to the manufacturer to correct the detected deficiencies. Until the deficiencies are corrected, the product is blacklisted by Rospotrebnadzor.

If at the appointed time the manufacturer or supplier has not eliminated the deficiencies, then Rospotrebnadzor blacklists all the products of this enterprise.

Where can I read the black list of Rospotrebnadzor products?

According to Rospotrebnadzor employees, a portal will be created to publish a black list of prohibited products. Now this information has to be found on websites regional offices this organization.

The black list of different regions is different, because there is no single database in which all the results of inspections would be entered.

Therefore, buyers have to rely on black lists and the results of verification of various organizations posted on the Internet.

Are blacklisted products dangerous?

Blacklisted products are considered dangerous because they contain harmful substances

To understand whether products from the black list are dangerous or the harm from them is exaggerated, you need to understand why they got there.

For example, at http://yastrebov.ru/files/doc/zakupka.pdf there is a report from one of the independent organizations, which lists the products that were blacklisted and the reason why this happened. One of the products, Kostromskoy cheese, produced by Mastersyr LLC (Voronezh region), was purchased at the Magnit store located in Yaroslavl, st. Kalinina, 11 and owned by ZAO Tander. According to the results of the check, a discrepancy with GOST R 52972-2008 was found and the presence of sterols in the cheese, which should not be there.