A short sketch for February 23 for men. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults

cool scenario corporate party with a unique entertainment program that allows all men present to honor comic nominations and giving them a chance to showcase their best qualities in exciting competitions, will help arrange an unforgettable holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Hall decoration: The venue of the holiday is decorated with balloons, posters depicting the military with the faces of the staff of the team (photoshop to help) and comic congratulations from 23 February. Before entering the hall you need to attach a "stadiometer".

Required attributes:

  • Height meter
  • Evaluation sheets
  • Props for contests
  • Presents for men


For the role of hosts, you should choose two sociable and cheerful employees who will be able to attract men to participate in competitions.

Event progress

In the hall, on one of the walls, there is a “height meter” with markings from 1 to 2 m.

Near the labels are the following inscriptions:

  • 1 m 60 cm - "Economic"
  • 1 m 65 cm - "Small and remote"
  • 1 m 70 cm - "Superlover"
  • 1 m 75 cm - "Eurostandard"
  • 1 m 80 cm - "Star of the catwalk"
  • 1 m 85 cm - "Ideal man"
  • 1 m 90 cm - "The Hope of Basketball"
  • 2 m - "Alpha male"

At the entrance to the hall where the festive event will be held, guests are greeted by a woman with a bandage on her hand “Assessment point”. She says that only men who have “assessment sheets” will be able to enter the hall and invites them to undergo an examination. Girls in white coats give each representative of the strong half of humanity a form in which his last name, first name, patronymic and age are indicated. "Nurses" weigh men, measure the volume of the chest and measure height with the help of a "stadiometer". All data is recorded in the "evaluation sheet", while the growth is indicated in accordance with the names that were next to the labels.

Participants of the event hand over the forms at the entrance to the hall and take their places at the tables. The festive party begins with congratulations from male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is preferable to perform all congratulations in poetic form, using beautiful toasts. It is worth mentioning all the men by name, to say a few pleasant words about each. entertainment program it is recommended to start after the participants of the event “satisfy the first hunger”.

The presenters invite all the men present in the hall to take part in the show program "Man of the Year".


Competition "Sharpshooter"

For the competition, you will need three targets, arrows with Velcro from the game of darts. Task: as accurately as possible (preferably in the "ten") to hit the target with a dart. The most accurate participant becomes the winner in the nomination "Sharpshooter".

Contest "Hit it"

Men receive 5 nails, hammers and blocks of wood. Task: drive all the nails into the bar with a hammer. The winner in the nomination "Economical man" is the one who coped with the task faster and better than anyone else.

Smell Contest

For the competition, you need to prepare a blindfold and several containers with spices. Task: to smell the spice. The one who coped with the task best of all becomes the winner in the nomination "Sharp scent".

The hosts report that the popular group "VIA Gra" came to congratulate all the men on the holiday.

A musical break is held (performance by girls dressed as members of the VIA Gra group with the song February 23).

Then the presenters offer all the participants a little refreshment (a feast with toasts and congratulations).

Competition for women "The most attentive"

All women present are invited to participate in the competition. Task: carefully look at the proposed video sequence (make a slide show using photographs of male colleagues who participate in the holiday) and determine which of the men they belong to by body parts.

  1. First video sequence "These eyes are opposite." Women need to determine which of the men owns the eyes on the slide. First, the eyes of the man are shown, and then, when the answer is given, the whole face is shown.
  2. Second video sequence "Amazing Smile" recognize a man only by his lips.
  3. Third video sequence "Strong male back": recognize the man from behind.

The most active participants are awarded with lollipops. Men, whose body parts were guessed with ease, become winners in the nominations "Expressive eyes", "The most charming smile", "Courageous man".

Competition "Best Actor"

The presenter reads the poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly”, as if she is frightened, and then tells the rules of the competition to the participants. Task: you need to read the verse, adhering to a certain image. With the help of a lottery, it is determined to whom in what way the rhyme is to be told.


  • embarrassed
  • Like a Japanese
  • Like a Georgian
  • Like a person who doesn't pronounce the letter "r"
  • Like a little child
  • mysteriously
  • Sexually
  • offended
  • enthusiastically

The strength of the applause determines who did the best job. The winner is awarded the Actor of the Year nomination.

Competition "Harem"

Oriental music sounds and the hosts offer women present in the hall to dance (a small master class on oriental dances is held), and men take a closer look at the dancers, because they will have to be “sultans” for a while and assemble their harem from the ladies present at the festival. All male participants are given ribbons or rubber bands for money of a certain color. Assignment: while the music is playing, the "sultans" should put on the "bracelets" on the women's wrists. The more "concubines" you can "ring", the better. An important rule: one lady cannot wear more than one rubber band. The winner in the nomination "Loving man" is the one who has more "harem".

Competition "Stirlitsy"

Men are invited to become "Stirlitz" for a while. A girl is invited from the audience to conduct the competition. Participants are invited to carefully examine her outfit and try to remember even the smallest details. Then the “observation object” is taken out of the hall and several details are changed on it: they unbutton a button, tie a scarf, remove or put on earrings, or a ring on a finger, change a blouse. The more inconspicuous details are changed, the better. After the manipulations, the “object” is returned back to the hall. The task for the participants: to find the differences between the previous image of the girl and the created one. The man who named the largest number of differences becomes the winner in the nomination "The most observant man."

Competition "Fishermen"

Option 1. Props for the competition: a fishing rod with a fishing line to which a sinker is tied, empty beer bottles, a stopwatch. The task for the participants: to hit the neck of the bottle with a sinker, make a "cut" and "pull" the fish (pull the fishing rod so that the bottle falls on its side). The winner in the nomination "Fisherman of the Year" is the player who caught the most "fish" in 1 minute.

Option 2. This option is good for the case when the nomination "Fisherman of the Year" needs to be assigned to several participants at once. Props for the competition: three ropes 3 meters long, with sticks tied to them at the ends; dried fish tied to a rope in the center. Task for the players: stand opposite each other and grab the sticks tied to the rope. On a signal, quickly start winding the rope around the stick in order to be the first to get to the fish. Whoever spins the rope first is the winner.

Party scenes for March 8 and February 23, Unlike impromptu fairy tales will require some preliminary preparation, it is desirable to at least partially costume them and rehearse in advance, but the skits will be a pleasant surprise for your friends or colleagues.

Such numbers, prepared on their own, always arouse great interest, cheer everyone up and make any holiday brighter and more fun.

1. A scene with sign language translation for a corporate party.

(Two guests participate in: one of them reads the text on a piece of paper, the other shows it with gestures)



sign language interpreter

To you…………… Shows his hand at everyone.
for the holiday ... ... Clicks on the throat.
we……………... Shows himself and the Man.
Come!………... Depicts steps.
Congratulations…..Click on the throat.
brought!……….Carries a heavy load with both hands
Let's sing……..He opens his mouth wide.
and have fun!……Waving his arms.
today…………Looks at the clock.
don't get drunk!…….Click on the throat.
Holiday………..Waving his arms.
together…………..Shows with his hands at everyone.
note……….Click on the throat.
from the heart…………Hand to chest.
you……………… Shows at all.
congratulations!. …..Shakes his left hand with his right.
Ten times,………Quick clicks in the throat.
or even twenty ... Quick clicks with both hands.
wish………..Hand to chest.
you ……………… Shows at all.
wealth!………… Shows pieces of paper with his fingers.

However, money ... Shows pieces of paper with his fingers.
nonsense, .…………..Waves it off.
The main thing is …………..Index finger up.
health,…………..Hand to heart.
yes?……….. ………. Nod of the head.
Happiness……………Waving his arms wide.
to all of you…………..Points to all the guests.
full …………… Shows a big belly.
house! ……………….. Depicts a roof with his hands.
And love… ……….. Sends an air kiss.
huge …………..Describes a large circle.
in him! ……………… Shows the roof of the house.
To live………..He drives with his shoulders.
you - ... ... ... ... ... ... Shows at everyone.
do not grieve, … ……… Threatens with a finger.
We ……………………………… Shows everyone.
always ready………. Pioneer salute.
drink! …………………. Clicks on the throat

(Source: domprazdnika.ru)

2. Scene for February 23 "Guarding the peace of men"

Actors and props:
Sniper - fashionista (in high heels)
The scout is the thinnest (binoculars around her neck)
Topographer - the most businesslike (in the hands of a roll of papers and a topographer's tablet)
The artillerywoman is the most powerful and lively (in a helmet, with a fake gun)
Nurse instructor - solid (with a first-aid kit, a bandage with a red cross on the sleeve)
Quartermaster - housekeeper (with tape rolls toilet paper on the neck and a string bag in which bread and a loaf of sausage)
Kultorg - the smallest and nimble (in the hands of any props of the mass entertainer)
Driver (has a car, holds a fake steering wheel in his hands)
Sang - vociferous (in the hands of a toy harmonica)
Platoon commander - boss or authoritarian lady
Commissar - a stately woman (in a military tunic with shoulder straps)


Women (without props), as if walking after work, come out in a group and stand in a group, conducting a free conversation among themselves. Standing aside is the Leader - the observer.
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
Not in a hurry for dinner
The ladies are unmarried.
They don't want to break up
We looked at the sunset.
Look at the military
They talk among themselves.

The conversation of women, during which they gesticulate, pointing in the direction of the proposed military enlistment office nearby.

First: How many good men would be for us, women,
Kab, not vodka, not tobacco, if not for war!
Second: From the call of jerks taught to run,
And good men were lured into a contract.
Third: If it goes on like this, then what will we come to?
Soon there will be no one to breed offspring.
Fourth: Only women will save this position.
Maybe the women's militia can save the men.
Fifth: So, we will go to serve under the contract ourselves.
At ease, girls, around, quickly for things!

They run backstage, take their props, each one equips herself in her own way, go out, stand in a crowd, as if at the military registration and enlistment office.


Commissar appears.
Commissar: This is who we are? Women's brigade?
Patriots? Do you need to protect men?
Have you decided to join the army under a contract?
(All loudly unanimously agree: yes, yes.)
So, calm down, stand up! There will be registration!

(Takes a tablet and a pen for recording recruits, walks along the line.)

Clearly: last name, age, what you know how to do.
Women give their names and clearly underestimate their age.

First(gives name): 20 years.

I can shoot accurately with my eyes,

I will lay down the enemy!

(He shoots with his eyes around, saying: Choo! Choo! Choo!)

Commissar: We write - a sniper.

Second(gives name): 20 years.

I can explore

I will hide behind any tree and behind a branch.

(Hides behind the first woman and peeps out through binoculars.)

Commissar: Yes, scout.

Third (gives name): 25 years.

I can draw up a military map, put all the fighters in their places.

Commissar: Yes, a topographer.

Fourth (gives name): 25 years.

I own heavy weapons

I’ll hit it so hard that no one will have time to utter a word.

Commissar: Yes, heavy artillery.

Fifth (gives name): 25 years.

I am a health worker, I can heal,

I can be of last help.

Commissar: Yes, a nurse.

sixth (gives name): 25 years.

I have a business idea

I want to do military supply.

Commissar: Yes, the quartermaster.

seventh(gives name): 25 years.

I can create a platoon cultural brigade,

(The military commissar shrugs his shoulders - they say, here's another pigalic ...)

seventh (requestingly):

I can carry anti-aircraft guns if necessary.

Commissar: Okay (waves), cult trader

eighth(gives name): 20 years.

I'm good at driving

I can drive a car.

Commissar: So - the staff driver.

ninth (gives name): 20 years.

As soon as I start up, the enemy will go deaf!

Commissar: Yes, she sang.

Tenth(gives name): 25 years. (Speaks pompously.)

On the guide I ate the dog

I can raise a platoon to attack.

Commissar: Yes, the platoon leader.

All attention. Question with meaning:

Do you know the slogans of the women's militia?

All(in chorus): We know!
Those who are 20 years old shout: "Marriage!"
Those who are 25 years old shout: "Not-to-be-whether-bridge!"


So, we have formed a platoon.

Everyone get gear and uniforms!

Quietly, to the left, march forward!

(Everyone turns to the left, some to the right, then they get up as they should.)

Sing a drill perky!

ninth (sings):

Oh, beautiful sunsets over the Volga,

You escorted me to the soldiers.

All (pick up).

You shook your hand, you saw off,

You followed, you followed...

The platoon leaves, minting a step.

Commissar: (to the men in the audience)
Well, men, should you be sad?
You are now our real rear!
The women didn't let us down.
They are strong enough to protect you!
To you, our dear and dear,
We wish you to live carefree
And save energy in the economy,
To bring children into the world.
Women love you unconditionally
Happiness, joy, success await you!
After all, in the world, everyone has long known,
There are many women, enough for all of you!

(Source: domprazdnika.ru)

3. Scene scenario for February 23 "Three heroes"


First hero

Second hero

Third hero

Horse of the first hero

Horse of the second hero

Horse of the third hero

(Two heroes on “horses” come out to participate in this one. “Horses” are also characters. These are actors on all fours in horse costumes.)

First hero: Well, where is this alcoholic?

(The third hero comes out. With an umbrella, and on a colorful horse.)

First hero: Well, do not see help?

Second hero: Nothing is visible

Third hero: I see, I see ... The girls are swimming in the lake! (gets hit in the neck) Serpent Gorynych, come out - we will fight!

First hero: This is not the Serpent Gorynych! These are Tatars.

Third hero: Oh, and I see so many heads. So, who is the boss there?

First hero: There they are - sitting in the very center, s-s ... falcons!

Second hero: Right now, I'll cut off the heads of these falcons!

Third hero: Don't get excited, Ilyusha, maybe we'll agree, we'll take the girls.

Second hero: I will not go to my sister Alyonushka!

First hero: Why?

Second hero: She has a goat brother!

First hero: Where then?

Third hero: To the girls on the lake!

Second hero: To the old women in the cemetery.

First hero: Oh, look, Baba Yaga is flying.

(plywood sounds "I'm a crow")

Third hero: I flew to Zmey Gorynych. She has an affair with him in the middle head.

Second hero: It used to be on the left.

Third hero: And she confuses left and right, so she chose the middle one. Only now, when she kisses, it seems to her that someone is spying on her.

First hero: Confuses left and right. Do you know where the left is?

The third hero: I ... Musik, show me where to the left. Well, show me... Musik, don't embarrass me in front of the boys.

First hero: Oh, protector.

Third hero: Yes I?! Yes, I am a protector! I can't even get a mouse between my legs.

Second hero: Of course, you have a horse between your legs.

Horse of the first hero: Think about it, they called him a woman!

Horse of the third hero: I am not a horse, I am a horse. Isn't it noticeable?

Horse of the second hero: They can't see from above. Oh, look, the Serpent Gorynych is flying.

(Plywood Vysotsky "I am a YAK fighter ...")

Horse of the third hero: And he has an affair with Baba Yaga with an average head.

Horse of the first hero: It used to be like that on the left.

Horse of the third hero: And he is not greedy

Third hero: Why, is he on the roundabout?

First hero: Yes, I got stuck on a pole.

Second hero: I'll unhook him right now!

Zmey Gorynych: (behind the scenes)- What are you, a fool, on the kidneys?!

Third hero: Guys, what happened to me. I scored, so yesterday the arrow with Avdotya from Ryazan in the evening in the hayloft. I come, and there ... And there ...

First hero: Who, who is there?

Horse of the third hero: Who, who! I'm in a coat!

Third hero: Imagine, this mare put on my trophy coat and looks so brazenly in the mirror!

Horse of the first hero: Stunned!

Horse of the second hero: Wow!

Horse of the third hero: And why, over there at Ivan Tsarevich Sivka walks in a cloak, well, I decided to try.

First hero: Well, what are we going to do with the Tatars?!

Second hero: Fight!

First hero: Then for the Russian Land!!!

Second hero: For Mother Russia!!!

Third hero: For beer "Russian" and for girls!!

Horse of the first hero: Look what fillies the Tatars have.

Horse of the second hero: Beautiful...

Horse of the third hero: You do what you want, but I won't fight women.

(The horses begin to gallop in the other direction, the song of Vysotsky sounds “Something the horses caught me picky ...”)

(Source: rsnd-kvn.narod.ru)

4. Scene for the party "Wine and Vodka Squad"










Port wine,







We, as we all drink, head straight into the dishes,
Or we hit someone on the lenses,
We still don't have a culture of drunkenness,
There is no culture, so to speak, of alcoholism.
We drink everywhere! Always! And everything in a row
Meet: the wine and vodka squad!!!

(A detachment of girls comes out with a long stick, to which various bottles of alcohol are tied. Speakers knock bottles with spoons. You can put colorfully drawn bottle labels around your neck. Everyone sings to the tune of the song “A Bottle of Wine” or goes out to any song like “One Hundred Ballerinas » !)

1. Drinking water, believe us, is dangerous,
Yes, but it doesn't taste good either.
There are hordes of terrible bacteria in it,
It is also full of poisons and chemicals.

2. Do not harm the liver and cells,
Fill your glasses quickly.
Even if "100" on the label-
It's for health, you know.

3. So that we do not know grief and sorrow,
So that this life does not go in vain,
We want the glasses to rattle.
Let's knock over the stopar together!

4. So that everyone sings and dances,
We all love to drink and dance.
Well, so that your trousers do not sleep
Glasses should be poured more often.

Vodka: Hello! I am Vodka! With me, the holiday is clear.
Beer: To look beautiful, Only Beer Helps.
Ruff: Mom is here! And dad is here! Everyone calls me Yershom.
Moonshine: Respect to all! I am Moonshine. After vodka to catch up.
Champagne: You can also have a great time with "champagne" - Champagne.

Braga: Not! For a clear pull - people choose Braga.
Dry: I, sorry, no, because I am Dry.
Liquor: I will glue everything to you like a solution, Because I am Liquor.
Cognac: Who is a feasting expert? Five Star Cognac!
Port wine: Every third is my friend. Who doesn't love "Porter"?
Whiskey: If with soda - in English. But even so Whiskey will roll.
Gin: And I taste better than you, damn it! Even sirs love Jean!
Tequila: There is no villa - it's "forks"! But now there is Tequila!
peppercorn: There is Kedrovka, there is Zubrovka, And for cool "peppers" - Pepper.
Hennessy: Oh, sorry, and I'm here - Homemade Hennessy.
Leading: Friends! You need to try to give yourself to all the guests somehow.
Salad: (runs in with a big bowl of lettuce) Give it up! I'm Salad! Your faces will be happy!
Leading: No, we ask you to pour into glasses - whatever your heart desires! Let's live, let's drink now and every year! For you, dear men! Happy Holidays!!
(Source: banket.net)

5. Scene in the style of the USSR "Report meeting on March 8"

(on the stage there is a table, at the table the presidium and speakers, all roles are played by men)




First speaker

Second speaker


Secretary: Hello! We ask our reporting meeting, dedicated to women and their holiday on March 8, is considered open. I propose the agenda of the meeting: Reports of speakers, debate.
Chairman: Well, I think everyone can hold a debate at home.
Secretary: Women's Day doesn't happen every day. At least for men. Therefore, we must gather our strength and discuss this problem ... this holiday, and how to spend it.
Chairman: Now the first speaker will tell us what he specifically did for the better half of humanity.
First speaker: I have carried out the most versatile work to make the female half of humanity happy. As a result, I made 18 women completely and 34 women partially happy. Let's just say that I set a difficult task for myself, but women already have the first shifts.
Chairman: And, tell me, were there any marriages in your work.
First speaker: Unfortunately, many of my colleagues allowed marriages in their work, but for me the main thing is to work without marriage, with a twinkle!
Chairman: But still, can you be more specific, how exactly do you make women happy?
First speaker: Yes, in different ways. Some, for example, are already happy that I am no longer with them. Some irresponsible citizens even refuse to be happily bathed. So they tell me: we don’t need such happiness. It's all from ignorance. And now, I want to declare from the rostrum: Women! Don't resist your happiness. Surely, it is somewhere nearby, walking and prowling, walking and prowling, wants to make you happy.

Secretary: Now our other speaker has the floor. He solves this problem not quantitatively, but, so to speak, qualitatively.

Second speaker: Yes! I decided to start by making one woman happy completely. And I did a lot. Over the past year, for example, I gave her four ... no, three bouquets of flowers. Of these: roses - three pieces, carnations - four pieces, dandelions - 12 pieces. In total, for 3700 rubles. To make life easier for her and the management of our joint household, I purchased: brooms - 2 pieces, an enameled household bucket - 1 piece and a trolley for hand luggage - 1 piece. And then she likes to carry heavy bags every day, but with a cart it will be easier for her!
Chairman: Very interesting. I think other men should learn from such an interesting experience.
Second speaker: In addition, to raise cheerfulness, I said affectionate words 84 times, of which “Bunny” - 22 times, “Fish” - 12 times, “My berry” - 4 times, “My Hippo” - 48 times.
Chairman: Tell me, do you give gifts to her personally, so to speak, from clothes?
Second speaker: Certainly! I bought and donated a household apron - 1 pc. There are also pockets for notes, what else she needs to do around the house. And to improve her cultural level, I presented her with 4 books with my dedicatory inscriptions: “About tasty and healthy food”, “To help a young housewife”, “Plumber's Handbook” and “Carpenter's work around the house”, part 1.
Chairman: Do you satisfy her female needs?
Second speaker: Well, yes! I took out the garbage 8 times, went for potatoes 6 times. I have everything written down!
Chairman: Well, anyway, how are you doing?
Second speaker: Excellent. She often tells me (points to throat) That's how I'm fed up with your happiness. So there's not much left!
Chairman: Yes, it would be hard for women without people like us - conscious and loving men.

Secretary: And now another speaker, a poet known to us, who writes beautiful poems for women. Let's applaud, he likes it.

Poet: Hello Hello! Women - these beautiful spiritual beings - are the source of my creativity. I write about women, I write for women, and that's how I make my living. For example,
"If there is a woman in the house,
That means there will be something to eat.
Or here is some advice for our men:
"If you want to make a woman happy,
Don't drink a lot of vodka, but drink better beer!
Here are some tips for women:
"Drink compote and drink kefir,
you will be Claudia Schiffer.” Well, I haven't finished it yet...
And here are some of the latest:
Woke up in the morning with a headache
In vain I ran for the second yesterday.
- And what about the women?
- How about what? And why do you think I got so drunk.
By the way, before that I wrote a lyric:
"I was standing north of you,
in my hand the iron shone so brightly.
You teased me for twenty-eight minutes.
And the iron flew south.
What to do in autumn (author S. Korsun).

Poet(continues): So, dear women, I wish you love, big and real:
“On the family front without change,
But I'll still take you prisoner.
Although, if the veil is lowered from the eyes,
I myself would like to be captured.”
(bell rings)
Poet: Yes! (To the side) This is the wife.
What? I'm busy. Call back later.
(bell rings)
- Yes! I told you I'm busy. Stop distracting me with trifles. Than, than .. I congratulate women on the holiday. Everyone back off!
Poet(continues): So, dear women. With all my heart I want love. And so that your beloved men never get tired ...
(bell rings)
(To the side) Well, everything. Now I will tell her everything. (Into phone) Well, what do you need? Tender words?! Are you crazy? We have been living together for eight years, and such delights. How is March 8th? Today is March 8th? Happy holiday to you, my dear! Wait, I'll call you back.
(Speaks to the hall) And I want to wish that your beloved men never get tired of admiring you. Thank you for being with us!
Chairman: Well, guys, let's go and celebrate?
All: Let's go celebrate!

Playing this about love is very symbolic on the first spring holiday dedicated to women. The host invites those who wish from among the guests, dresses them up in accordance with the scenario and distributes pre-prepared texts-cues describing the actions. If time and space permits in the next room, you can hold a rehearsal in secret from the rest of the guests. Finally, the presenter invites the assembled guests to watch an Indian film on the theme of "eternal and endless love." Everyone takes a seat for the audience. There is a palm tree and a table on the improvised stage. Indian music sounds (palm tree, wind, table, etc. can be portrayed by guests in the form of pantomime).



Son - Shashi

Girl - Devika


Leading: 1 series.
Two people in Indian robes enter the stage (the turban may simply be a wrapped towel; the fabrics wrapped around the figure represent a sari).
Son (a young man about 20 years old): Good morning mommy.
Mother: Good morning, son, eat, you're hungry for the night.
Son ( eats, suddenly jumps up and asks loudly): Mom, who was my father? You didn't tell me about him!
Mother: He was a noble man and helped the poor!
Son: So we were rich?
Mother: Your father died at sea when you were a baby. We sailed on a ship and got into a storm. Everyone, except for you and me, died, and our house in Calcutta burned down. We have become beggars.
Son(flashing eyes): Mom, I'll be rich and you'll be happy again (all leave).
Leading: Episode 2 - 10 years have passed.
Young woman(runs after the guy and screams): Thief, give me your bag!
Son(his name is Shashi) takes a bag from a thief using elements of karate; the thief lies lifeless.
Young woman (Davika): How grateful I am to you! In my purse is my late mother's talisman.
("Dance and song". Heroes dance a parody Indian dance to the music.)
Voice(rough translation):"I don't know if I'll see you again, but my heart is full of love for you."
Voice: 5 years later.
(The heroes stop dancing, their faces are full of anxiety.)
Shashi: How long have I been waiting for you!
Davika: You know, father is against our love, you are poor.
Shashi: But no one will separate us!
(Father enters. A white sheet is thrown over him.)
Father: Oh, criminal daughter! What are you doing next to a homeless ragamuffin? (slaps him on the cheek).
Shashi: Don't you dare touch her!
Father: I'll deal with you, rogue!
(A fight. The father fills up Shashi and starts to choke him. At this moment, Shashi's mother appears. She is with a dagger.)
Mother: Oh son, I will save you! It's your father's dagger!
(He hits his father in the back. The sheet falls. On the back of the shirt, a red stain from paint imitates blood. He turns his back to the audience.)
Father: Hema, is that you? I found you!
Mother: Son, this is your father.
Father: I'm dying (falls) but I'm happy!
(Father takes the hand of Devika and Shashi and unites them.)
Father: Be together, my children!
Son: Father, we cannot get married, because if you are our father, then we are brother and sister.
Father (getting up): Oh no! One day someone threw a small child on my porch. It was you, Devika!
Son: Oh, Devika, what happiness!
Davika: Father, do not die at this happy moment!
Mother: I will save him! I have the balm of the sacred mountains.
(He rubs his father's wound with it. The father begins to slowly "come to life", smiles.)
Father: Oh, I feel the life-giving force pouring into me!
(Music. Two couples are dancing.)
Voice: Approximate content of the song: "Eternal love in my heart, my heart sings about you, my love."
Leading: End.
After the performance, one of the participants in the scene pronounces a festive toast: "Let "eternal love" settle in your homes, dear women, let their moments of sadness, quarrels, jealousy and betrayal, let only happiness, only love reign within their walls and fill our hearts with joy How are we going to fill these glasses now!

Characters: Host, Host

Props: symbolic, comic diplomas for all men, awards for winning the competition, 2 sets of cards with the image of shoulder straps, 2 toy pistols, blindfolds, 10 plastic cups, 30 plastic cups, 3 rolls of bandages.

The event is best held in a non-company or organization. To do this, it is preferable to rent a banquet hall and decorate it in accordance with the theme of the holiday. The guests enter and sit down to the music. In a moment, the leaders appear.

This February evening
I'm glad to see you,
We've already lit the candles
Everything is ready for us!

Waiting for a lot of different toasts,
Joy and goodness awaits
The evening will be bright
Everything will be fine!

Dear men,
I want to congratulate you
And with good congratulations,
I'll start the evening!
And from myself happiness to you,
Health and love
Colleagues are now reading
Congratulations in turn!

(Invites the director or organizer of the company to the microphone)

We will check the glasses
And let's lift them up
And we'll drink to what we've said
For dear men!

(It is important, after each toast, to maintain a 5-10 minute pause so that guests can eat and chat)

And we would like to continue our evening with compliments! But, not men will pronounce them, as required by etiquette, but our beautiful women!

Competition "Compliments".
3-4 girls are selected to participate. Everyone should give original compliments while squatting. If the compliment is repeated, the participant is eliminated. The one with the most unique compliments wins.

The girls got a little pumped up, lost weight during the competition, and it's time to replenish the stock of calories burned. I propose to drink for their eloquence and ability to give compliments in the most unusual situations!

(pause 5-10 minutes)

And now, for the next task, I would like to invite our heroes of the occasion, so to speak, to test their knowledge.

Competition "Shoulder straps".
2 participants are selected. Everyone receives the same set of cards with the image of shoulder straps. The task in 1 minute is to arrange them in the correct order. Whoever gets the job done wins.) What you need: 2 sets of epaulette cards.

For you men
I suggest you drink
So that you are always cheerful!
To never get sick
And plenty of money for you friends!

(pause 5-10 minutes)

But I wonder how accurately your colleagues can shoot? I suggest you check it out!

Competition "Shooter".
2 participants are selected. Everyone gets a toy gun. At a distance of 50-70 cm, plastic cups are placed. The task is to shoot down the target blindfolded in 1 minute. The one who hits the most targets wins.
You will need: 2 toy guns, blindfolds, 10 plastic cups.

I give the word
beautiful girls,
Toasts will say
And drink for you today!

(Girls alternately pronounce)

(Pause 5-10 minutes)

You sat up for something
Gotta fix it
Get up and ask
You now dance!

(Dance break, lasting 15-20 minutes)

Please do not disperse, I have prepared an interesting task for you!

Competition "Pilots".
3 participants are selected. Each of them acts as a Pilot. The task is to persuade the girls to become part of their team in 1.5 minutes. Once the teams are formed, the pilots must pilot their "aircraft" by passing through an air loop. To do this, one of the presenters first forms a strip using plastic cups for this. All team members hold each other by the belt, and try to maneuver between the cups. The team that knocks down the least cups wins.
What you need: 30 plastic cups (10 per lane for each team).

I suggest everyone to drink for aerobatics so that there are no crooked stripes in your life!

(pause 5-10 minutes)

Friends, between the next dance break and the competition, I want to ask you a few riddles to test your vigilance, so to speak!

Options riddles:
1. Where, unlike you, does the soldier go?
(to service)

2. Where are the military stars?
(On shoulder straps)

3. Where does the soldier sleep?
(In the barracks)

4. Where does the soldier go on a date?
(In Dismissal)

5. Army signature dish?
(Barley porridge)

Great, and we continue! For the next competition, I need 3 pairs!

Competition "Oh, these dances".
Couples stand with their backs to each other, joining their arms at the elbows. The task is to dance to the given music. The duration of the competition is 2-2.5 minutes. The duration of the songs should not exceed 30 seconds.

(The couple that manages to do this in the most harmonious way will become the winner)

As for me it turned out harmoniously! I suggest the rest, take a place on the dance floor!

(Dance break 10-15 minutes)

But I wonder if our charming girls, in which case, will be able to provide first aid?

I suggest you check it out!

Contest "Bandage me".
6 participants are selected (3 men and 3 women). Each woman receives a roll of bandage. The task is to bandage the “wounded” in 1 minute. The winner will be the one that will cope with the task better and better than everyone else.
What you need: 3 rolls of bandages.

I want to raise a toast to men
And wish everyone well
There is no reason for sadness, evil,
Get rich, prosper!

Here we smoothly moved on to the most pleasant part - the presentation of gifts!

And you thought we forgot about gifts? No, we all remember!

(Symbolic gifts and certificates are presented, after which dances and feasts continue)

You can add more if needed

1 leader.

Hello! We are glad to welcome you to our evening dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

The February wind ruffled the pages, putting things in order in the calendar

A long time ago, the holiday was established ...

What can I say, tradition is strong

We congratulate the boys again - we wish them peace and good.

2 leader. The history of this holiday has its roots in the distant past. It first appeared in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army and personified the victory near Narva and Pskov over the German conquerors. Since then, every year February 23 has been celebrated as Red Army Day. Since 1946, it became known as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. AT new Russia the day of military glory has been preserved, but under a new name - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

1 leader. Congratulations to all men, defenders of the Motherland on the holiday of February 23. This is our tribute to all generations of Russian soldiers, from ancient times to the present day, who courageously defended their native land from invaders. On this very “masculine” day, male representatives, from boys to elderly men, accept congratulations and gifts, and military personnel deserve the most sincere congratulations - because they have a very important and honorable profession - to defend the Motherland.

Song Cadets.

2 leader. And now, to warm up a bit, we're going to have a Scrabble quiz.

1 leader. Take an active part, boldly answer the questions posed.

1. Hercules performed them 12. (Feats)

2. Loves the Motherland. (Patriot.)

3. Red fabric. (Kumach.)

5. A song that is listened to while standing. (Hymn.)

6. Solemn movement of troops and military. (Parade.)

7. Military position D.A. Medvedev. (Commander-in-Chief.)

8. They call into it and mow it down. (Army.)

9. This revolution, despite the name, took place in March. (February Revolution.)

10. Both an order bearer and a boyfriend. (Cavalier.)

11. Postgraduate student in uniform. (Cadet.)

12. Morning team. (Climb.)

15. headdress of a real general. (Papakha.)

16. Chief Cossack. (Ataman.)

17. On the shoulders of the military. (epaulettes.)

18. Soldier's house. (Barracks.)

19. Three platoons. (Company.)

20. Tank door. (Luke.)

21. Chief on the ship. (Captain.)

22. Sea cook. (Cook.)

23. Aircraft garage. (Hangar.)

24. Airplane ladder. (Ladder.)

25. "Banzai" in Russian. (Hooray.)

26. Petka's girlfriend. (Anka.)

Dance "Katyusha"

B1 - A man is a word that stands next to the same-root manly and courageous, and this is not accidental!

B2 - A man is one who is brave, who in all situations is characterized by the presence of fortitude.

Scene "Hobby"

1 leader. In a beautiful name Man
Gathered courage and become
Ability to think and dream
Being inspired for no reason.
Know how to love, know how to give.
To leave, then to return.
To be so fickle
To seem like such a support.

2 leader. guard his destiny
From lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be kind
Give life full, without flaw.
And let the words intertwine
About the only, beloved,
Whom nature has named
Beautiful name - man

Sergeant #1 - Align, at attention, alignment to the middle.

- (approaches the second private) Surname

Private No. 2 - Vasya Batareikin

Sergeant #2 - Smart yes, but 10 push-ups!

Sgt. 1 - Push up better, you were born to make a fairy tale come true

Sergeant No. 1 - Well, the generation went, they didn’t accustom them not to discipline, not to service

Sergeant No. 2 - Well, you know how to sing

Privates (all) - Yes

Sergeant #1 - Can't hear

Privates (all) - Yes (very loud)

Sergeant No. 1 - alignment to the right with a song, bypassing the hall at a march pace.

Privates (everyone sing)

song “Cap-cap-cap” A. Zatsepin - L. Derbenev

green spring

Under the old pine

Vanyusha says goodbye to his beloved.

He rings chainmail

And softly says:

"Do not cry, do not cry, Marusya-beauty!"

Marusya is silent and sheds tears,

Sadness hurts her soul.

Tears drip on the spear.

Drip-drip-drip - from the clear eyes of Marusya

Drip bitter, Drip - drip-drip - Drip directly on the spear.

Commander: Comrade Soldiers, boots should be cleaned in the evening so that they can be put on in the morning on a fresh head. It's clear?

Soldiers: That's right.

Commander: Today we will clean the stage, that is, the parade ground. From fence to lunch.

Soldier: Comrade Commander, what to do with the puddles?

Commander: We will sweep the puddles so that the officers, that is, the artists, do not wet themselves. Get out to do it.

1 leader. There is no day of men yet in the world,
Oh, those poor men!
The entire male half
Lives without a holiday!
The floor is light, tender and beautiful,
In a hurry to congratulate men is not in vain,
Smiles, happiness, giving them joy,

1 leader.
Even on the twenty-third of February!
After all, the first lady was born,
As we remember from Adam's rib,
That's why the fair half,
I want to exclaim:
Long live MEN!

Scene "Captured by the Amazons"

Drum roll sounds. Four girls run out in costumes with elements of soldier's clothing (helmets, camouflage nets, belts), high boots, dark glasses, with brightly painted lips and point any sham (children's) weapon at the men (Fig. 6). First. Everyone stay where you are! You are under arrest!

Second. And be a prisoner of the women of the Amazon planet!

Third. Answer, why did you complain?

Fourth. You have the right to invite

lawyer and remain silent until the decision of the Supreme Court.

They say that the Amazons are Brawlers all as one. You do not believe - this gossip is provoked by the Moon. Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-ma!

We are smart, eloquent, Noble and gentle. All were born from a test tube, so dads are not needed. Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-ma!

We live without knowing worries, Training every day, We accurately send arrows from the bow and into the target! Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-ma!

Long-legged and beautiful, We will stand up for ourselves And our planet is alive From men we will protect! Oh-la-la, oh-la-la! Eh-ma!

First. We have captured beings of a higher order. Judging by the appearance - the inhabitants of the planet Earth. Leader. Perfectly! Our tigers are not fed today. Amazon 1. And if they are poisonous? Leader. Need to check! Connect to the computer system of the planet Earth and take all the data down to the smallest detail. Second. Down to the smallest? Leader. Yes! And so that not a single detail escapes! All. There is!

Four Amazons take the hand of the nearest man, sit on his knees, hugging his shoulders.

Leader. Contact! Amazons. There is a contact! Leader. Release information!

First. A biological individual with speech and consciousness.

Second. Physical data correspond to the following parameters: two legs, two arms.

Third. Head with two screens through which they perceive the world and sound pickup devices. Fourth. The chest is flat. There is dystrophy.

Leader. And it's all? Amazons. All!

Leader. Yes, they are of no use! I suggest destroying it. Who agrees?

Half of the Amazons raise their hands. Who is against?

The other half of the Amazons raise their hands. What are your arguments?

Amazons from the detachment begin to express their opinion.

Amazon 1. They have great ability to physical labor: sawing firewood, hammering nails, drilling holes everywhere. Amazon 2. Normal habitat: sofa - slippers - TV! Amazon 3. But they are smart, have intelligence and the ability to organize large financial transactions. Amazon 4. Every evening they gather in groups of three or more people with dance songs and the solution of the philosophical question “Do you respect me?”

Amazon 5. But they know how to make money.

Amazon 6. The amount of money earned does not correspond to women's needs and demands.

Amazon 7. And they spend the second part of the day in the company of females, who really like it!

Amazon 8. And very often they change the object of their adoration.

Amazon 9. Men say affectionate words and sometimes even give gifts!

Amazon 10. Their vocabulary consists of universal words: “give”, “now”, “don't interfere”. Leader. All is decided! (Pauses.) We desperately need men. After all, we are weak women and cannot do without you ... First. Smart! Second. Best! Third. Loving! Fourth. Caring! Leader. And how good it is that there is a real men's holiday when you can say:

All. “Congratulations! Dear ours!


1 host .. We congratulate you again! And we continue the holiday together,

We invite everyone to the stage.

Without delay, show all the valiant courage,

Even though they don't carry a sword these days.

2 leader. You be all bolder, stronger

Smarter, more beautiful and friendly!

Everyone here wishes you victories!

You can not feed honey,

Just give them a chance to show!

1 leader. Show strength first

And, if possible, be surprised.

An ordinary balloon needs to burst,

But it's not just to clap,

And squeeze it between your legs

And start the fight with the ball!

The competition "Burn the ball" is held. Balloon it must be clamped between the legs (possibly between the knees), and thus it must be burst - without the help of hands. This is a rather complex task that seems simple only at first glance.

2 host:

Well... the strong men are here!

Do you want to eat?

We will surely feed you

And try to instantly

Dress up as heroes

And eat apples!

After all, for the kindest men

Every vitamin is good.

1 leader.

And who will get them faster,

Everyone will be stronger and healthier.

But! A little complication

Here you need to apply skill,

To get this apple

And enjoy them to your heart's content!

There is a competition "Who will eat the apple faster". The difficulty lies in the fact that the apple floats in a bowl of water, and you can not touch it with your hands. You can even tie each contestant's hands behind his back. Each player has his own bowl of water and an apple.

2 leader. Yes, the reputation is tarnished ...

The crowd fell silent with laughter.

And everybody wants to know now

Who is the most graceful of all of you?!

Being strong is always an honor

(Although the reputation is wet!),

But show grace

Twist your ass lightly

Perhaps the audience now

They will love you even more!

Competition "Pencil into the bottle" To the pants, at the back, where there are loops for the belt, a pencil is tied on a string. Put a bottle on the floor. The task of the participant is to, without the help of hands, get the pencil into the bottle. Very cheerful and interesting competition! The first participant to complete the task wins.

1 leader. The crisis is not terrible, we, of course,

Let's congratulate the knights slowly,

They are our support, protection,

And from the villain, from the bandit

Men will always protect us

And they talk about epics

How well done the wall got up,

How do you protect your families...

2 leader.

We wish you boys

(Although still waiting for study, books),

So that you behave with dignity,

Chase the insolence of robbers,

Protect your girls

And don't leave your homeland.

We rely on you with hope

We wish you all the best!

Dance "Tango"

B1 - We welcome everyone again.

B2 - And first of all you.

B1 - Our dear ones

B2 - Sensitive.

B1 - Strong.

B2- Courageous

B1 - Generous.

B2 - Wise.

B1 - Beautiful.

B2 - In a word

Together - real men.

Young soldier.

1.- Get up! Equal! Attention!

Private Korkin, why haven't I finished the command yet, and you are already following it?
- I do everything as you taught, comrade ensign: I carry out the command from a half-word!

And why were you late for the formation, Private Kutsenko?

Because everyone lined up before I came.

2.- You know, I had a great dream.

What is it?

I dreamed that I could not pay for living in the barracks, I was evicted from it, and I returned home ...

3.- Welcome, guys, to our friendly army family, - he greeted us. - Here you can feel at home. And always remember that you are one family, and the commander is your father.

(Immediately after these words, one of us took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it.)

What are you doing? - asked the foreman.

I feel at home,” the recruit replied. - When dad spoke, I always lit a cigarette.

That is great! - praised the foreman. After smoking, go to the company toilet and wash everything there to a shine.

4.- What I will tell you will please and upset at the same time. First, good news. Today, at company training for the forced march, the pace will be set by Private Mundshtukov.

We hummed happily: Mundshtukov is a fat man and runs extremely awkwardly.

And now, guys, a little disappointment. Private Mushtakov will set the pace for the company on my motorcycle. Are you clear?

Song "Brother"

5.- I need two volunteers to do a difficult job. What? Not a single volunteer in the entire platoon?

None, Comrade Ensign.

Well, young people, you apparently do not yet know the army order: if there are no volunteers, they are appointed. Private…….., get out of line!

6.- Comrade senior lieutenant, from such shooting results I am ready to shoot myself!

Shoot, you say? - asked the commander. - I wonder from what time you get into yourself?

7.… Private Zheludkov, what happened?

Nothing special, comrade senior lieutenant, the belt fell off.

Why was there such a crash?

So the machine is tied to the belt!

Private Gordeev, where do you start cleaning the machine gun?

First of all, I'll check the machine number.

Why is this?

To make sure that this is my machine, and not someone else's.

8…- Comrade senior lieutenant, where is the justice?.. The order says that I received a penalty “for a rusty machine gun”, and I only had a rusty shutter! I think that it is necessary to reduce the penalty accordingly!

nine-. ... - Whose cigarette butts? he asks sternly.

Draws, one of us briskly reports. - If you want, you can take and finish smoking!

10 Who sings well?

Caruso, one of the soldiers joked.

Caruso, sing along! - ordered the foreman

The song "Youth in boots"

B2 - How proud the word "Men" sounds! And what is she talking about?

B1 - A man is courage

D1 - Will.

D2 - Generosity.

D3 - And nobility.

D4 - Courage.

B2 - And strength.

B1 - And also - politics.

D1 - Business.

D2 - Army.

D3 - Football.

D4 - Woman.

B2 - And a TV.

B1 - But at a difficult moment, our men are always there, ready to protect and support.

Q2 - I absolutely agree that today a man is a very busy people and to arrange a holiday for them is another reason to draw attention to himself.

B1 - i.e. do original gift? And what can we give?

B2 - We will give them ourselves.

D1 - Your smiles

D2 - Good mood.

D3 - Perky laughter.

D4 - The warmth of our hearts.

B1 - And of course love.

The song "Army girls are needed"

Scene "Women in the army"

Dear viewers,

We wholeheartedly want

Now congratulate you on the most

Bright holiday for men!

With the one that is sure

Will soon enter every home ...

It begins with a military command:


And with smiles on their faces

We tell our families:

May I apply?

We want to congratulate you!

And accept flowers from us

Roses are bright in bloom

Because on defense

Our happiness is worth

You are at the military post!

Song "Defenders of the Fatherland"

MBOU "Secondary School No. 3", Kogalym


The script used materials from various Internet sites.

SONG "A soldier has a day off ..."

February is the busiest month of the year! Maybe that's why the biggest and most severe men's holiday appeared in February.

If you think that February 23 is a holiday for military personnel, then you are deeply mistaken! February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.

And every man, whether he is a naval officer or a programmer, a businessman or a policeman, a scientist or a teacher, is a Protector.

February 23 is the Day of the Defender of your Fatherland, your family, the honor of your workforce. February 23 is Real Man's Day.
Every day and every hour we are surrounded by real men - men whom we love, with whom we are friends, who help us solve industrial and domestic problems. So the most my sincere congratulations on February 23rd.

There is a common title - a soldier.
Both general and private
It is solemnly kept
They are always ready to fight.
Forever imprinted in granite
Hero names.
Who is ready for battle - that world keeps
We don't need war!

Do not renounce the sense of proportion,
Do not rush to the departed after,
Don't desecrate your creed
Other days, other times.
And, keeping the honor of the uniform,
Life directing to the shores,
Do not make yourself an idol,
Don't make an enemy!

No, not for titles and awards
The soldier was the hero in battle.
He defended his country
Children, mother and wife,
Spring through canopy
Birches and lindens relatives ...
We congratulate you on this day
Your defenders!

SONG about WAR performed by future defenders of the Fatherland, students of 10 grades. (Here may be a song with a guitar)

The look of a woman - he is not looking for beauty,
But - strength, strength, faith, kindness.
And with a gentle but weak hand
A woman sometimes looks for support.
A man is a monolith of life,
He is the salt of the Earth, he is a warrior, he is a magnet.
We love you, worthy sons,
And we will not forget how to love - neither we nor you.

Who would give us tender names?
And we were protected, when not for them?
Who would sing? Who would kindle a fire in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield with strong shoulders?
Who paid with his blood in battles,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of rain, to the whispers of branches?!
The hearth with them warms warmer,
You can’t count the dishes on dostarkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It's good, men, that you exist!!!

SONG "I will name the planet by your name" performed by a 10th grade student.


Three girls at the tea
The conversation went like this:

They say they live in the world
several heroes - wonderful people.
On a working day, everything is by eight
They are gathering.
And the work began to boil -
They love their job very much.

Yes, those heroes
Always a lot of ideas
They make plans
The whole class is controlled.
And with a computer
For many years already

There are among the heroes, that
That knows all the laws
Reading the history of the country
This man, anywhere
The lesson is preparing for Cheers. B. (history teacher)

There is a hero there
What follows the figure of any,
He brings everyone to the gym
And any competition holds. G. (physical education teacher)

You know, in our time
Everyone needs security.

Don't worry safety
Will provide a rich man.
So that you can be calm
Our entire female team M. (physics teacher)

Processors, hard drives, modems,
Operating Systems, Internet -
Can't live without high technology
Today this man is bypassed. E. (computer science teacher)

He union work
Lead with success for many years.

Yes, they keep up with progress,
Let the path be hard sometimes

Still owns miracles
Men from the office of labor G (labor)

At the glorious squad
At the head is not Chernomor,
And the general director
He is the most important person there. M. (director)

And the obegist is just an ace there.
Bogatyrs are all top class. H (To the teacher of life safety)

And after work they rest:
Watch football and read books
Hunting, fishing, writing poems.
Do not list all hobbies.

And it’s better not to find that squad,
At least go to the thirtieth kingdom.

Vedas: And on this day we congratulate all men,
And we dedicate our fairy tale to you all.

SONG performed by a teacher of Russian language and literature. OK.

Let there be new achievements
Victory, true friends,
And the course lies - on achievement!
Happy February 23rd!

Always be proud of your work
And surround your loved ones with care,
Strive to reach your goal
And be the first in your favorite business!

We always want to be on top
And to win in everything is easy, impromptu!
At every latitude and longitude -
Only new plans! New horizons!

I wish you success, wish you good luck
It is easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy in fate
I met yours more often
So that everything comes out and everything works out.


Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
From myself I want to wish you:
Be calm and patient
Protect the motherland and women.
May courage always sound in the hearts,
Let a bold gleam shine in your eyes,
Let the song help you in your soul,
TO YOU, MEN, I wish

SONG "Don't cry girl..." Traditional song of our school