Birthday script for 35 man. "Hero of the Evening"

If the 35th anniversary is not far off, it is better to prepare for this event in advance. A birthday is already a special holiday, and a round date should be remembered as one of the best holidays. But do not forget that for a successful organization of the celebration, you will need a carefully thought-out script for the anniversary of 35 years for a man. It is necessary to take into account every little thing, so as not to allow any incidents in any case. Make an event plan: prepare invitations, decorate the place of celebration, develop a menu, select music, contests and games. Think about how to deliver guests home after the holiday.

Original ideas for a men's 35th birthday

  • Beach party. If you live by the sea, then this option will be an excellent completion. holiday. And for those who are interested in outdoor activities, you can start the morning with scuba diving or surfing.
  • Climbing wall. Not everyone has the preparation and courage to climb the mountain, but no one is forbidden to go to the nearest climbing wall. It is very useful for the body, fun and at the same time work up an appetite.
  • Museum. Take your family, friends and go to the thematic museum that best suits your interests. Believe me, everything fans demonstrate, starting with racing cars, sabers and ending with wine corks or butterflies.
  • Horseback riding. Head to the nearest stud farm or farm. Isn't it an attractive idea to celebrate the 35th anniversary on a horse?! And both literally and figuratively. Clean air, communication with nature, a four-legged friend and a lot of memorable pictures. This is just what you need to set an excellent mood right in the morning.
  • Automobile travel. Why not jump on a steel horse and take a trip to the places where you spent your childhood and youth? Pleasant nostalgia, memorable pictures, good mood. Grab your friends and go!

Celebration styles for a man's 35th birthday

In order for everything to go like clockwork, a couple of weeks before the anniversary, you should already have a script ready for carrying out. Would you like to celebrate the holiday with a spark? How about choosing a specific theme? We offer the following options:

  • Pirate style. A cocked hat, a shabby sailor suit, a sharp saber and a faithful parrot on his shoulder. You can safely go in search of treasures! True, with the preparation will have to try. Decoration, chests of gold, old map pieces hidden in rum bottles, nets, sails and other paraphernalia. But what an effect!
  • Cowboy style. Oh, the spirit of adventure! Prairie romance, a cowboy hat, a pair of Colts, a sturdy steed and a lasso throw. Feel like a real western hero!
  • Beer party. No special preparation costs. Funny garlands of paper mugs, colorful triangular flags, balychok, shish kebab, Bavarian sausages, squid and croutons. Save time and enjoy your holiday!
  • Pioneer style. Missed the world of red ties, pioneer chants, summer camps and other delights of the Soviet past? Then we jump into the time machine, buy lemonade, popsicle, herring, doctor's sausage and go! We complement the atmosphere with the symbols of the USSR and the corresponding musical compositions.
  • Style anniversary. Records on the walls, we make colored garlands of paper ties, stylish glasses, bright suits - and we begin. Rock and roll, twist, boogie-woogie and more. Let's have fun to the fullest. The main thing is to pre-arrange the "phaser's hut"!

Scenario for the 35th anniversary of a man. Walk, people!

This script for the birthday of a 35-year-old man is chosen for any company. Games and competitions are sure to captivate any guest. Entertainment is designed for the number of guests from 6 people. The presence of prizes and fun tasks are guaranteed to promise an excellent holiday atmosphere.


Greetings to the hero of the day and his guests! Before we start, I want to personally congratulate the birthday man, wishing him a great holiday and sparkling fun. And now it's time to move on to the competition, friends! Who is the bravest?

Competition "Lumberjacks"

A box of matches is thrown out in front of each of the lumberjacks. On the “start” command, the participants begin to collect firewood in a neat, even pile. Whoever completes the task the fastest will be the best lumberjack.


Not enough to warm up, right? Let's drink to our birthday boy and continue as soon as possible!

Competition "Checking a step"

Usually the competition is held on the street. Its participants are given a piece of chalk. On a signal, each of them starts moving to the finish line. At the same time, each time, placing a foot on the asphalt, the participant must circle his foot with chalk. The one who gets to the finish line first wins.

Competition "Sculptor"

Participants of the competition must choose cards, the reverse side of which contains some letter. Then the participants are given plasticine. The main task is to mold plasticine as quickly as possible, whose name begins with the selected letter. The winner is the most creative and inventive sculptor.


Can you congratulate the hero of the occasion without words? Let's see which of you is the most creative and quick-witted. And the hero of the day will decide who is the best master!

Competition "Newspaper Duck"

Participants of the competition from the received old newspaper or magazine must cut out some illustration or text in a certain time, for example 1 minute. The clipping should symbolize congratulations and a gift to the hero of the day. The content of the clipping may consist of photographs of some valuable things or individual wishes to the hero of the day, for example, “happiness”, “well-being”, “abundance”. The contestant whose gift is more valuable is declared the winner.


How well do you know our hero of the day? Let's see who's the best friend here. Are you afraid to sit in a puddle? Then let's go!

Competition "From the childhood of the hero of the day"

All children, when they learn to speak, funny distort letters and words, distort phrases. Naturally, the hero of the day is no exception. The showman, having previously received relevant information from the elder relatives and friends of the hero of the day, writes down such expressions and lists them one by one on the anniversary. Participants must guess the meaning of these words. The one who guesses the meaning of more children's birthday expressions is rewarded. Practice shows that such a competition arouses genuine interest and fun among its participants.


I suggest you take a break and continue. entertainment program. While you are honoring our birthday boy, I will prepare the following tasks!

Game "Fatal Numbers"

Participants are divided into several teams of several people each, to whom the showman offers to unravel the meaning of a large number of numbers. Each number means some significant event in the life of the hero of the day. For example, the first number is the day when he took his first steps on his own, the second is the date of marriage, the third is the first working day, and the like.

Contest "Make no mistake!"

Guests are divided into teams (two or three). You also need to choose a jury whose duty is to observe what is happening. A song is playing in the hall, for example, “The Blue Carriage”. Participants receive words for the actions they will perform. For example, one should wave his hands to the words “ambulance” and “blue”, the second - to the words “train” and “car” will raise his hands up and then to the sides. The third participant to the words “swings” and “runs” - run in place and so on). Each participant performs their actions in accordance with the text. The prize is given to the team whose members did not make mistakes or they turned out to be less than the rest.

Game "Across countries and continents"

A slightly more complicated and more interesting version of the city game. Participants in a circle name the country for each letter of the alphabet. It starts, of course, with "a". The difficulty is that you need to pronounce not only the name of the country, but also add a couple of associations associated with it. For example, America - the Statue of Liberty, Negroes; Bulgaria - roses, oil and so on. A player who fails to come up with a country with a certain letter is out of the game. The winner is the one who manages to hold out the longest.


The holiday program is coming to an end, but I still have a few prizes left! Let's have a couple more competitions, after which I'll have to leave you. But I'm sure you can maintain a good mood without me!

Competition "Hands off eggs!"

Participants, whose hands are fixed behind their backs, at the signal of the showman, must peel boiled chicken eggs from the shell without the help of hands. The winner will be the first one to do so. The competition can be diversified by placing an egg made of wood on one of the participants. Or divide the participants into pairs and make it mandatory to feed the partner's peeled egg.

Competition "Hedgehogs"

Participants in this competition, who have pre-prepared needles, must pierce as many inflated balloons for the same time. To simplify and accessibility of entertainment, the calculation of punctured balls is carried out by the participants of the competition, but the jury does not sleep either. Whoever does the best gets a reward.


Well, friends! It's time for me to say goodbye to you! But I hope that you enjoyed our program and that we will definitely see you again in the near future. Once again, congratulations to our hero of the day! I wish you all the best! See you!

Such a scenario for the anniversary of 35 years will surely appeal to a man without exception. Many memorable photos, cheerful mood and happy birthday! What could be better? Happy holiday!


35 years for a man is a very important age and an important date, because he already has everything: family, work and true friends, which means that there will be quite a few guests at the holiday. It is best to mark such round dates in establishments such as cafes and restaurants, where you will feel pleasure without too much fuss and home cooking.

We decorate the hall. A man's holiday should be truly masculine, so we suggest you arrange a holiday with beautiful car posters, balloons severe shades. You can choose the color of the flag: white, red and blue. To allocate a place for the Anniversary at the table, put a large glass for drinks for him, which will be decorated in a strict tuxedo, you can do this thing yourself or buy it in a special store "Everything for the holiday". You can also stick special stickers on the bottles: “For the Anniversary”, “For 35”, etc.


(all guests and the Jubilee sit at the table)

Today we will congratulate
Well, also praise
One young man
Who will live longer than a century,
He's only thirty-five today,
But on this date he was able to take a lot from life,
He has a beloved family, and you are friends,
And these figures are golden, which cannot be ignored!
So let's start right away
Pouring wine into glasses!

(everyone fills glasses)

For (name of the Anniversary) so that his life is good,
We all drink a glass of wine!

Guests that you stayed too long
You got drunk and ate
It's time to get up quickly
Anniversary congratulations!

(the time for congratulations begins, but congratulations at first are not ordinary, but theatrical, first they congratulate five different guests, who are given emblems with brands of different cars, they come out, congratulate and give the Hero of the Day a collectible model car)

#1 Ferrari.

So that everyone from the crowd recognizes you,
So that under the hood the horses tore,
I give you a Ferrari!

#2 Toyota.

It's always a pleasure to drive on it,
And even if this is not the choice of a patriot,
But Toyota is hurrying to you as a gift!

№3 Lada Kalina

And even if you don't need it
And with her the road is not with the taste of chocolate,
Accept as a gift, your Kalina Lada!

No. 4 Skoda.

And let the machine for the class of the middle people,
But behind it is quality and fashion,
The gift will be a Skoda car!

It is made by us
He will not let you down at the right time,
So take it now
Now it's yours - the Russian UAZ!

(all other guests, in turn, congratulate the Anniversary)

The words are all said, the gifts are presented,
Now let's we
Let's fix it all with wine
And we'll all clink our glasses!

(everyone drinks, a meal passes, music plays)

And now I want to tell
More precisely, to describe
As the hero of the day lived to thirty-five,
So (name of the Anniversary) you come out here to my power!

(a theatrical scene takes place about the life of the Anniversary, and the presenter, the Anniversary and a couple of guests in the images take part in it: Educator kindergarten and friend)

(The hero of the day sits in the center of the hall, the presenter leads the story)

Thirty years ago to sing
Among the cares and joys, (the name of the Anniversary) was born,
He turned out very handsome!

(puts a baby cap on his head and ties it)

Began (name of the Anniversary) to grow up,
The pacifier began to live!

(the presenter puts a pacifier in the Anniversary's mouth)

(here comes the guest in the form of a kindergarten teacher)

A kindergarten teacher:

I (the name of the Anniversary) loved very much,
Always praised him for everything
And I could pamper a couple,
Buy him a delicious candy!

(the teacher takes a candy, unfolds it and puts it in the Anniversary's mouth, he eats it)

(a friend approaches the Anniversary and pretends to hit him in the face area, meanwhile the presenter paints on the Anniversary under the eyes of bruises, blue eye shadow)

But then he settled down
I studied well at school
And even received diplomas in the future,
And he graduated from the institute with honors!

(the presenter wipes the bruises and presents the Diploma)

Then he became a young man
Married, became a father,
And today celebrates its anniversary,
Thirty-five wonderful years to celebrate!

(gives the hero of the day the medal “Happy 35th birthday”, everyone applauds, the hero of the day sits down in his place)

This is how life was
And now my friends
You need to drink for (the name of the Anniversary) of the year,
After all, thirty-five is a great time!

(everyone drinks, a meal passes, music plays)

We sat with you
Empty the tables
We need to change the pace
It's time for everyone to dance!

(dance break, fast and slow songs play)

And now I ask the Anniversary,
To prepare his strength,
I am very happy to announce the anniversary cake,
Candles there burn like fires!

(a large cake with candles (35 pieces) is brought into the hall; it is brought directly to the place of the Jubilee)

Well, Anniversary, are you ready,
So that all your dreams come true?!
Then blow out the candles to applause,
And cut the cake solemnly!

(To the applause, the hero of the day blows out the candles, a sweet meal passes, the host leaves the holiday, and it already continues without her)

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Scenario 35 summer anniversary for a man

To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends

Let me take the floor today!

We're here for the anniversary

us a dear person!

So we wish you many years

Love, health and good luck,

Fate that will take away from troubles

And our tasks will be solved!

May all dreams come true

Trust me, they are doable!

And as a source of kindness,

Give warmth to your loved ones!

May the days, intertwined in a round dance,

Always bring happiness to your home!

And every coming year

Add more tender passion!

And it's not a sin on this day We raise our glasses

Wish you happiness and wish you love!

Ivan is the hero of folk legends, He was brave and daring,

He overcame foreign adversaries.

The enemy fled, seeing him, And not feeling his feet.

To know that God gave us the happiness of Ivan!

Well, now, when everyone is sitting at the table, we will pour full stacks

And the first toast - We drink for the birthday boy!

Well, while you eat and drink, I would like to report the forecast of today's celebration:

Cloudy expected today, anniversary hurricane with wine and vodka

The temperature above the table is 40, the air is filled with fun.

My head is foggy at night, clearing is possible in the morning.

They also say that they don’t go to a strange monastery with their own rules, and therefore I want for some guests to read the rules of conduct at today’s celebration (name some of those present)

1. _________________ we ask you to have fun, otherwise we won’t let you get drunk

2. ______ _______ you must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go without an invitation

3. ___________ after the 10th glass, it is desirable to sing, but it is undesirable to get your elbow into the neighbor's plate. 4. ___________________ I ask you not to lose heart, to dance until you drop.

5. ___________________ can't dance standing up, dance sitting down

6. _________ ______ put candy wrappers, fish and meat bones not on the table, but in your neighbor's pocket 7. ________ _______ remember: drink to the bottom, but do not lie down on the bottom.

8. ________ ________ undertakes to sing until tired

9. (female ______________) kisses the birthday boy as soon as he is sad.

10. (2 people) ___________ and _________ it is strictly forbidden to meet under the table or on the roof

If you before leaving Have found out slightly On yourself other people's things This right does not matter.

But we strictly forbid Going home then,

When someone else's husband or wife is next to you.

So, drink more, be sad less, don’t hide corks, don’t eat flowers, I ask everyone to fill their glasses, glasses and drink for the rules of conduct at today’s holiday.

In the meantime, you, dear guests, have a snack, I will briefly talk about the life of our birthday boy Ivan. Like a brand new fifty kopeck that sparkles and glitters,

Today is your birthday, “Dazzling in appearance”!

We wish you a lot of money, the best moods,

A lot of happiness, meetings with friends And pleasant dreams at night.

All kinds of wishes, earthly blessings and new “knowledge”.

Always be in excellent shape, Achievements in personal life

I wish you a good journey, With friends, go this way,

Health so as not to occupy, And never lose heart.

Smiles, joys, good luck, Live to a hundred! And not otherwise.

35! May this date not give you a reason to be bored,

After all, everyone has to celebrate such a date sometime

And a simple proposal, let's drink to the hero of the day standing. (I ask everyone to stand up, raise their glasses and drink to the hero of the day!)

Now I will ask the guests to answer some questions (they pull out a question and you need to answer it)


1. When and under what circumstances did you meet the hero of the day?

2. What do you like most about the hero of the day?

3. What tree can be compared to the hero of the day and why?

4. Why would you award the order to the hero of the day?

5. What great joyful events do you know from the life of the hero of the day?

6. Try to guess the dream of the hero of the day.

7. What question have you always wanted to ask the hero of the day?

8. Tell an interesting incident that happened to you and the hero of the day.

9. How many times did the hero of the day change his place of residence?

10. Confess to the hero of the day using modern jargon.

Thank you very much, so we learned some new facts about the birthday boy.

Dear Ivan!

Life isn't that hard if you're not alone

Your first friend is your wife, We will give her the floor. (Congratulations to the wife.)

Dear guests, please look at this table. On it we see delicious beautiful dishes.

They were made by masters of their craft. Now look at each other. You are all beautiful and smart. All costumes, dresses, hairstyles were also made by masters of their craft. Now look at our hero of today's celebration. And it was created by the masters of their craft, his parents.

Without them, this fun holiday would not have happened .. Well, now, friends, the moment has come

Fill a glass for parents. For those who gave the joy of life, And opened the doors to the beautiful world.

For those who taught him kindness, He endowed him with a considerable mind. For those thanks to whom Vanya is now sitting among us as a birthday man. Word to parents.

So, let's fill our glasses and drink to those thanks to whom, now
Our birthday boy sits among us (for parents)

Competition for the hero of the day "Cool macho"

The blindfolded birthday boy should take them out in turn, telling how he could use them. The most interesting thing is that among the car keys, wallet, razors and deodorants, there are “accidentally” a few curlers, pads and other surprises. Comments are unnecessary - such a turn of events will cause a lot of positive emotions.

There is always peace in the soul, When the children are all with you.

It's time for them to say all the words to the Anniversary. (Congratulations to the children.)

Today we celebrate the anniversary of:
Around flowers, smiles, sonorous laughter.
On such days we dream of happiness,
And we gather close to all loved ones!
Everyone loves and always respects,
Our anniversary. We congratulate him!

Now after each of my lines, all of you will have to say together - We simply adore the hero of the day!

We see off all troubles with a kick from him.
We just adore the hero of the day!
We delight the ear with speeches of laudation.
We just adore the hero of the day!
And we overload the brain from problems
We just adore the hero of the day!
I praise the favorite of fortune
We just adore the hero of the day!
And quickly, in an adult way, we think
We just adore the hero of the day!
Being with the hero of the day seems like paradise for everyone.
We just adore the hero of the day!
The stock of kindness is inexhaustible
We just adore the hero of the day!
And his image is unforgettable
We just adore the hero of the day!
And we increase all wishes
We just adore the hero of the day!
Dreams and desires today we fulfill it.
We just adore the hero of the day!

Hey, Ivan, such a thing - Vodka boiled in glasses,

Schaub she did not run out of steam, We must sip a little on us.

For a reason like this Let's say the toast is small.

Masha and Glasha meet.

Masha, how is your husband Misha?

As he drank - he drinks, as he beat - so he beats.

Well, thank God, if only I didn’t get sick! To the health of all those present!...


And now I want to tell
More precisely, to describe
As the hero of the day lived to thirty-five,
So __________ you come out to me in power!

(a theatrical scene about the life of the Anniversary takes place, and the presenter, the Anniversary and a couple of guests in the images participate in it: Kindergarten teacher and Friend)

Scene.(The hero of the day sits in the center of the hall, the presenter leads the story)


Thirty-five years ago, Among the care and joys, Ivan was born, He appeared very beautiful! (puts a baby cap on his head and ties it)

Ivan began to grow up, he began to chew the Pacifier! (the presenter puts a pacifier in the Anniversary's mouth)

(here comes the guest in the form of a kindergarten teacher)

A kindergarten teacher:

I loved ___________ very much, I always praised him for everything,
And she could pamper him with a couple, Buy him a delicious candy!

(the teacher takes a candy, unfolds it and puts it in the Anniversary's mouth, he eats it)


Then ____________ began to grow further,
And sometimes disobey, be naughty, He did not like to wash,
I wanted to fight all the time! (a friend approaches the Anniversary and pretends to hit him in the face area, meanwhile the presenter paints on the Anniversary's eyes with bruises under the eyes, with blue eye shadow)

But then he settled down, he studied well at school,
And even received diplomas in the future,
And he graduated from the institute with honors!

(the presenter wipes the bruises and presents the Diploma)

Then he became a good fellow, got married, became a father,
And today he will celebrate his Anniversary, Thirty-five years of wonderful celebrations!

Birthdays and jubilees for birthdays of young and middle age have their own characteristics: the heroes of the occasion have not yet a particularly eventful life story behind them, but now they are full of hopes and plans for the future, active and energetic. Yes, and the company of such anniversaries gathers, mainly youth, ready to dance a lot, have fun and “make fun”.

That is why the program author's script for a young man "The hero of the day is a superstar!" consists of comic entertainment and congratulations and active dance and music competitions (with thanks for the ideas of some of them to the talented authors of the Internet). Musical accompaniment attached.

Scenario of the anniversary of a young man

Music sounds at the exit 1. Instrumental. Opening

Leading out


The vast world around is full of colors,

Everyone has their own destiny and a special path is planned

And it is important not to turn off, to go forward and not to give up.

Accept life as it is! And smile!

You have to hurry to meet the heights and dreams!

Fate caresses those who strive for the impossible!

And our hero of the day is just like that, (name) always positive!

And he deserves congratulations of the kindest and most beautiful!

Yes Yes! It's time to raise glasses to the birthday boy!

And shout out (Name) friendly and triple: “Hip-hip-hooray!”

(small break)

The song sounds 2. Gulyarin. happy birthday friend



Good evening, dear ladies and no less dear gentlemen, we are: the presenter ... .. and the DJ .... with pleasure we will take part in this holiday with you! And it was not by chance that we started it so solemnly, because our hero of the day is young, full of plans and hopes, he has achieved a lot, but the main achievements of the hero of today's celebration are yet to come! And meet such a historical moment of your life (name) decided in the circle of the closest people and true friends.

Dear guests, are you ready to support the hero of the day in this solemn and responsible hour of his life and inspire him to great deeds? (Guests answer).

Some kind of discordant and unfriendly choir turned out for us. Does everyone in the room know each other? (answer: no) Then it's time to get acquainted, and since our hero of the day is unusually young and good-looking, then we will get to know each other unusually: musically and, I'm not afraid of this word, dancing.

(Author's note: the presenter finds out in advance from the customer which companies of guests will be present and includes those musical greetings that are necessary. You also need to clarify whether it is worth introducing the guests by name: if necessary, then the host acts according to the proposal; if not, then you can change the eyeliner simply to charge the birthday man with positive from different groups of guests, and do not ask for names)

Musical acquaintance of the guests at the anniversary "It's time to become a superstar!"


Now the first piece of music will sound, it is for a group of close friends, are there any in the hall? We beat our acquaintance with you in this way, we make the “Victoria” gesture with our hands (shows) more "kAncrete" boys demonstrate "purely kAnkretny raspaltsovka" (shows) dance and give a boost of energy to a friend. Go!

Sounds 3. Beating Yes-yes-yes

(The presenter approaches everyone and with light comments introduces everyone to the representatives of this group of guests)


And now the word to a group of colleagues, respond, are there such people in the hall? We hear and see what is, now, who exactly knows about the prospects of our culprit, and therefore they will inspire him to accomplish something like this: hands on hips and boastfully spinning to the music (shows barrels).

Sounds 4. Sounds beat Opa-opa

(The host comes up and introduces everyone to the representatives of this group of guests)


And now relatives will share their positive and faith in the birthday boy: aunts, uncles, nephews (if any) parents and wife (again, which of them is in the hall) speak separately. For you, movements and music are the most natural for relatives - we send him kisses.

Sounds 5. Beat Aga-ah-love

(The presenter introduces everyone to the representatives of this group of guests) .......................................... .

Musical congratulations "Scream in the style of rock"

(Author's note: this congratulatory comic chant can be sung, if the vocal data of the presenter or one of the guests allows, under the minus songs of the Queen group: the soloist verses, and all the guests chorus in unison. If there are no singers, then the verse can be pronounced in recitative without music, maintaining the rhythm, and turn on the rhythm on the chorus and sing the common words under it: "Let's drink, drink vodka." Hyphens are placed in places where it is necessary to stretch the sound a little so as not to bring down the tempo of the chants, there are also accents on keywords- emotional emphasis on them). ..............

An excerpt to illustrate:


1. Today is the anniversary of a cool dude /

A - we e-mu still / and spe-whether! /

Didn't sing about it / what we value / ,

And for the sake of something, let's all get drunk in smoke! /

Chorus (all in unison):...............................

(both versions and minus songs as a whole and only the rhythm for the chorus are included)

Board game for guests. Comic fortune-telling "When will I become a star?"

To conduct the game, it is necessary to prepare cards with answers or, if the audience is ready to improvise, then the cards are offered only to the delayed guest.

The essence of entertainment: each guest comes up with for his neighbor at the feast a variant in rhyme to the phrase: "You will definitely become a star ..."

1. Eyeliner option when improvising guests:

2.Eyeliner option when playing with cards:

(20 ready-made card options are offered)



- Comic rallying game "Crazy guests"

This is a game to raise the degree of mood (and the real degree) of the audience, whether to drink every time completely or just clink glasses and sip - at the discretion of the company.

Lead to the game (leader says): The first acquaintance and the first healthy toasts in honor of the dear hero of the day have already been said and drunk, it's time to get to know each other even closer. And to do this in Russia, as you know, is possible only with filled glasses. Now I will offer various sketches from life, and everyone who recognizes himself in it raises their glasses and glasses higher so that comrades out of habit or conviction can notice you, clink glasses with you and drink .......

(a game is being played, after each quatrain, the guests are looking for "friends" in the hall, those who also do this and clink glasses)


- Cheerful scene - impromptu "On the anniversary of the Superstar or everyone is in shock!"

It's absolutely new begalka, which is played according to the traditional rules of the game "Six Chairs". 6 participants are called, each draws a card with the name of the character and a replica, and everyone sits on chairs. Then the facilitator reads the text of the tale, each, as soon as he hears a mention of his character, jumps up and, shouting his words loudly, runs around the chairs. When the word “anniversary” is found in the text, everyone runs and shouts: “Hurrah!”.

(Author's explanation: the organizer must definitely explain to the participants that it does not matter how the name of the character will sound: in the singular or plural and in what case - you must always react. It is better to insert the month and place of residence into the text specifically where and when the celebration takes place. And even if someone goes astray, do not correct, the whole charm of the idea lies in its festive bustle)

Actors and lines:

Star: "I'm shocked!"

Superstar (anniversary):"I'm in shock!"



Present:"The coolest!"

Darling:"Most of all!"

Vodka:"Where, without me!"

Text (read by presenter).................................

- Cool outdoor game "Sorry, madam!"

(A game for the liberated adult company, the plot is based on a children's card game. The presenter explains that as soon as the couple hears the phrase in the text: "Sorry, madam" - the man kisses the lady's hand, "Hi, jack!" - the lady kisses the gentleman on the cheek, "Shoot" - they push off the priests from each other, "The real colonel" - the lady jumps into the hands of the gentleman)..............................


An excerpt to illustrate:

A REAL COLONEL - a lady's dream,

And without a dream, SORRY MADAM, life is empty!.................

- Costumed congratulations from friends "Matryoshka - strippers"

Presenter: Most best gift that they can come up with best friends, is to order a striptease for him. Our evening is no exception. Meet striptease in Russian style "Matryoshka Strippers"

"Matryoshka" dolls come out, dancing, one after another - sounds 15. Matryoshka excerpt 1

Presenter: Good evening, girls, the fact that you have red faces makes us all extremely happy, but we have strippers on the program ....................... .................

- Comic congratulations Anniversary "Fan Show"

To carry out such a congratulation, it is necessary to prepare a tablet or easel on which a pre-prepared double poster will be fixed. The first layer of the puzzle, i.e. a large full-length photo of the hero of the day, cut into pieces, the reverse side of each of them should be numbered. The second layer, which is opened only after the puzzles are sorted, is a list of joke rights that a fan has purchased.

(Or, if the pieces of the puzzle are large enough, you can write directly on them and dispense with the second layer).

Lead to entertainment: Each of us knows that where there is a show, there are fans, and where there are fans, there is a separate show. Enthusiastic fans are ready to take apart their idols for souvenirs. Our show is dedicated to one star - our hero of the day (Name). We ask him to our impromptu stage!

.......(Joke lifetime rights options included):

- Cheerful dance competition "Tango with a horse"

To conduct the game, you will need three horses on a stick, factory or home-made, and musical accompaniment..............................

- General dance "Avtoledi begin and ..."

Lead to dance fun: What do you think, who according to statistics are the best drivers: ladies or gentlemen? LADIES! Let's go out here everyone who agrees with this! (exit). And now, who strongly disagrees with this? (exit). And now I ask you to leave those who have not yet decided ...

The essence of the game:........................

Musical excerpts for illustration:

Bonus Application :

In the bonus application, we share ideas and material that do not belong to the authors of the site and which we gleaned from open sources from brilliant authors and presenters. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TALENT!!!

1. Table role-playing tale "Why don't you drink?!"

2. Merry radio Fairy tale for adults "The Three Little Pigs"

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (500 rubles) to the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the following document presents detailed information about how to get full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

Fairy Tale Bonus

This scenario of the men's anniversary is also perfect - fun and playful, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who purchase this scenario, bonus discount 200 rubles, therefore, those who wish to have both a script and a fairy tale in their arsenal can send 600 rubles to the site fund, without a fairy tale, respectively, 500 rubles will be enough.

35 years is a significant age, speaking of the maturity of the birthday man and the fact that in his life he has already managed to do a lot of things. This is exactly what should be emphasized in congratulations. But compared to women, men give more attention and strength to work, therefore, the main congratulations concern just this side. But there is no such emphasis on the family.

In accordance with this scheme, and built anniversary script for a 35 year old man. But you should not make this event too strict and prim, otherwise it may not leave a very pleasant impression of it, as a boring and by no means exciting event.

Any successful holiday is built from several components. Let's start with one of the most important. Do you think this is a script? No, it is not him. It's about choosing a venue. The abundance of tobacco smoke in the air, not too pleasant neighborhood, little space and excessively loud music can spoil the impression of the most wonderful holiday. Therefore, take the choice of the right place with sufficient responsibility. It can be both a restaurant and a country cottage area. But for such solemn occasions, decent places are most often chosen. After all, you can have a good rest in nature on other days, and such a responsible celebration must be held in the best place. This is the most common mistake when organizing a holiday. The cost of a restaurant doesn't always affect how guests feel at ease and have a good time.

The second component of success is the general idea of ​​the holiday. The ideal anniversary should not be a careless jumble of various competitions. It is best if all parts of the program are connected by one thread, some original idea, which will give novelty to the whole holiday, and most importantly, it will be remembered by everyone.

Another component of success is the right scenario. It is very important, you should not let things take their course and turn the anniversary into a drinking bout. Not too good and arrange long and unnecessarily official event, which will consist entirely of eulogies.

The presence of humor in moderation is a must. The birthday boy, of course, is the central face of the event, but everyone should have fun.

Another component of the event is the right guests. Here the principle already operates - it is better less, but it is better.

Voice greetings on the phone

Right now, choose the option of congratulations and send directly to mobile phone hero of the day.

The theme of the script for the 35th anniversary of a man

"Such a different birthday." Competitions will be all fun, and interesting, and most importantly not monotonous. After all, at 35 you can and very much need to laugh. The room where the holiday will take place can be decorated with various balloons, ribbons and thematic posters. It is also not bad to purchase a poster of wishes, on which all the guests present could write their wishes and congratulations as a keepsake for the Anniversary.

35 years old, this is the so-called golden mean, youth. The man has a family, work, friends, he has achieved a lot and done a lot, but his appearance still allows them to admire, because he is still young, both outside and inside. So this date needs to be celebrated and it needs to be done solemnly. And if not in a restaurant, then this feast can be arranged at home.

35 is not much
It's not a year at all
35 is the road
At 35, life is so sweet!
Here we celebrate them all
These marvelous 35,
We will meet with great joy,
And we hasten to call the Anniversary!
Let's repeat after me, at the expense of one-two-three, Anniversary dear come out!
(guests on the command of the presenter call the Anniversary, he comes out, they applaud him)

Well, who is 35 here?!
What will you be serving?
Here is your first task:
To celebrate the holiday
You have to dance
And just dance well
Otherwise, we won't let you drink wine!
(some good fun music sounds, the hero of the day is dancing, guests can support him)

They danced very well
There is still a task ahead, and most importantly,
Now we are waiting for a ditty from you,
And sing it, you are no worse than an old woman!
(the host gives the text to the Anniversary, he reads or sings it to the music)

Well, now you can pass,
I eat different food and drink wine,
But before I make a toast, I'll tell you
In the meantime, applause!
(The hero of the day goes to his place)

Presenter (toast):
For your life, for 35,
For the fact that you can surprise with this,
After all, perhaps you won’t give so much,
You are flawless and this is not a mirage
So let's drink to
May you always be the same, and only improve over the years like wine!
(musical break, meal)

Now let's play a contest
And there for the first places and prizes we get!

Contest "Congratulations from the animals"

Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter takes out a bag with animal masks, each in turn takes out one mask for himself and must congratulate the Anniversary in it, but in such a way as to correspond to the animal. That is, if a tiger, then growling, if a bunny, then jumping. Then, with the help of applause, you can determine the best congratulators, they are awarded prizes: each with a set of masks.

We played a competition with you,
I hope you didn't get bored
Then we continue the feast
Pouring wine into glasses
And for the dear Anniversary - we drink!
(musical break, meal)

And now it's time to congratulate
Who wants the best (name) wish,
I ask you to come to me
And say congratulations in turn!
(guests alternately congratulate the Jubilee)

And now for all this
Again I suggest you drink wine!
Let's be guests for you
Why is everything here and now!
(musical break, meal)

And now I ask you to become,
Stretch your body a little
We need to dance!
(music sounds, alternate fast and slow, guests dance at will)

They danced perfectly
It's customary for a holiday
Well, now we fill the glasses again,
And we drink for the bright future of the Anniversary!
(musical break, meal)

I announce the competition again
I invite everyone who wants to!

Competition "Chicken eggs"

Everyone is welcome to participate, we are divided into two teams. The presenter announces that everyone should imagine themselves as chickens, a bowl of eggs is placed in front of each chicken team at a distance of six meters, which they must drag in turn. Task: go to the pelvis on your haunches, take as many eggs as you can with your hands (you can put them in your mouth, between your stomach and legs, if you have handbags and pockets, then go there too), but you can’t carry them in your hands, just put them, and return to the team. And so, the team that transfers the eggs the fastest wins. Prize: a pack of quail eggs for each.

Well, we played with you,
You squatted like chickens,
It's obvious that everyone was having fun.
You definitely did not skimp on emotions,
Now let's fill the glasses
And congratulations to the hero of the day on his 35th birthday!
(musical break, meal)

You beg me, forgive me
Have more fun together
Well, it's time for me to leave
I can't be with you anymore
Once again, congratulations to the hero of the day,
And at 35, I only wish you all the best!
(the presenter leaves, but the celebration continues)

And finally, a toast to a 35-year-old man:

A toast to a 35-year-old man should be short, but not so short that everyone thinks that there is nothing to say about him. The toast must be witty, but not so that everyone laughs for 2 hours, and, finally, it must be smart, but not so much that everyone thinks for a long time what they just said. In a word, something like this: “For you, you are our innovative!”.