Create your own magazine: instructions for beginners, tips and secrets. Do-it-yourself glossy magazine: an original gift to the director Homemade magazine made of paper

Municipal educational state institution "Vladimirovskaya secondary school of the Oktyabrsky district"

Project topic: Creation of a children's magazine

The project was completed by: grade 3 students

Project Manager: primary school teacher

Rybachuk Taisiya Alexandrovna

Project type: research, creative


Now the culture of reading periodicals in families is lost. And few of the parents know about the existence of the mass of magazines for children. The younger student learns to concentrate his attention, to think logically, he is interested in everything that happens around him, it is important that hundreds of "why?" Appear in his head more often. and why?". Children's magazines help to develop and educate a child in a relaxed and entertaining way, in a playful way. And a variety of topics will allow everyone to choose reading according to their interests. The project will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with various children's magazines, help to navigate in their subject matter and structure.

Objective of the project

creation of a children's educational and educational magazine in a creative association of children and adults.

Project objectives

1) Arouse children's interest in children's magazines; 2) expand the horizons of reading in the field of children's periodicals; 3) get acquainted with the technique of creating magazines; 4) study the reading interests of the children of our school;

5) analyze: who visits the library more - girls or boys.

Object of study

Children's magazine


Suppose that the creation of a children's educational and educational magazine will have a positive impact on the reading activity of students.


How it all began ...

Stage 1. Choosing a project theme .

The first magazine was published in France 340 years ago

Magazines appeared in Russia 100 years later

"Journal de savan" - the journal of scientists

And the first children's magazine came out in the 18th century.

It was called “ Children's reading for the heart and mind " .

Its publisher was Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov, writer, scientist and public figure.

History of unusual magazines

"Tram"- Russian children's magazine, published in 1990-1995 with a circulation of 2,118,500 copies, which became a favorite for a whole generation of children, and also, due to its uniqueness, for their parents

"Children are like children"

Chief Editor - Tim Sobakin, aka Tikhon Khobotov, Savely Pingviniev, Nika Bosmit and others. But in general - Andrei Viktorovich Ivanov.

"Children are like children" turned out to be a special edition and unique in its own way. This magazine is made by the children themselves.

Problematic question

How not to get lost in the world of magazines, how to find what you need? - Which magazine is the most interesting?

Problematic issues

Can we create a magazine ourselves? What do we need to learn to be able to create a magazine? What information will we fill our magazine with? What are our readers interested in? How will our magazine be different? What should we call our magazine?

Stage 2 Choice of research object

Preparatory stage.

Getting started, we first decided to find answers to the following questions:

What is a magazine?

Types of magazines?

In the modern explanatory dictionary T.F. Efremova, the word "journal" has the following meaning:

  • Periodical publication in the form of a book containing works of art
  • a) A book or notebook for the regular recording of events, decisions, decisions;

b) Personal records kept from day to day (diary)

3) A book for recording student grades

From the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, we learned that “The magazine is periodical in the form of a book containing articles and works of art by different authors. "

Research phase

While working on the project, we continued our research.

It turns out that magazines, like newspapers, are classified:

by frequency- there are no daily magazines, only weekly and monthly as well as outgoing once in two months; by format; by topic; by the nature of the filing .

From literary sources, we learned that magazines are:

  • male
  • female
  • baby

  • magazines for children from 4 to 6 years old
  • magazines for children from 6 to 10 years old
  • magazines for children from 10 to 14 years old

Children's magazines by content

classified into:

  • Literary magazines ("Periwinkle", "Veselye kartinki", "Misha", etc.)
  • Popular science magazines ("Miracles and Adventures for Children", "Young Erudite", "Miracles and Mysteries of Planet Earth")

  • Game development magazines (Luntik, Klepa, Klassny magazine, Smeshariki, etc.)
  • Craft magazines ("Veselye Ideyki" , « Collection of ideas ")

  • Historical magazines ("Bus", "Mother")
  • Journals about travels and travelers ("GEOlenok", "Restless kids")

  • Magazines - comics, humorous magazines ("Yeralash", "Shrek's Adventures")

The creative stage of the project

We carried out our work on the direct issue of the magazine according to the plan. We had to: 1. Determine the title of the journal.

3. Determine who will be responsible for which heading.

4. Think over what illustrations are needed.

5. Prepare questions for the interview.

6. Conduct a survey among students

  • Do you like reading?
  • Do you have a home library?
  • What do you like to read the most?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Do you often visit the library?

Possible answer





2. Do you have a home library?

Possible answer

There is a home library



After the meeting, the results of the questionnaire were summed up and the following results were obtained:

  • 3. What do you like to read the most?


Fairy tales

Children's magazines



Stories and stories



After the meeting, the results of the questionnaire were summed up and the following results were obtained:

4. What do you like to do in your free time?


Watch TV

Walk in the street

Play computer games


5. Do you often visit the library?

Possible answer






From the guys' answers, we understood:

  • v primary school most boys and girls like to read;
  • 10 girls and 7 boys have a home library with books about travel and friendship; fairy tales and many others.
  • most of all girls and boys love to read fairy tales;
  • in their free time, girls most of all like to walk on the street;
  • Boys in their free time most of all like to walk on the street, play computer games.

That is, reading as a favorite pastime is in second place for both girls and boys.

  • The most active readers are elementary school children.
  • The library is attended by approximately the same number of boys and girls.
  • Basically, they take to read works according to the program, that is, what the teachers ask.

We decided to make our magazine informative and entertaining.


Chief Editor : Skachkova Sofia Editors : Kibardina Alisa, Komarova Anastasia. Painters : Komarov Vitaly, Konovalova Polina Authors of Articles : Saigina Arina, Ayzharykov Samat Designers : Daniel Filippov, Nikita Mikhalap, Daniel Egorov Photographer : Rodionov Alexander

  • Deal what pages or headings will be in the magazine
  • Distributed magazine pages

How to issue a magazine?

We certainly won't be able to create it like in a real typography. But we know how to type text on a computer, we know how to draw, make an application. Therefore, we decided to print the text and decorate the magazine with drawings and applications.

How to design a cover?

From the cover, the reader receives the first information about the magazine. Our magazine "Class" was published in October 2016. We have placed riddles about autumn on the cover. And the photos of our class suggest that the reader will learn something interesting not only about autumn, but also about the life of our class.

Our creativity.

On this page we have placed the works of our class. These are crafts, drawings, applications for the autumn and winter theme.

Do you know that

Did you know that the largest snowflake that we managed to fix had a diameter of more than 12 centimeters.

Snow is not only white, but high in Antarctica it turns pink, red and even purple. And it is called watermelon snow. This is due to the algae that live in it.

Doctor Smart

On this page we have placed a crossword puzzle, puzzles, riddles, quizzes. Everyone loves them.

We think the reader should find out how people and animals greet autumn and winter. They offered to print the stories of Sokolov-Mikitov "Blizzard Winter", "Winter Night", Nikolai Sladkov's fairy tale "Under the Snow". From the fairy tale, the reader learns how some animals hibernate under the snow. And also the stories of M. M. Prishvin about autumn "The Beginning of Autumn", "The Last Flowers", the tale of Nikolai Sladkov "Autumn on the Threshold". From this tale, the reader learns how animals and birds greet autumn.

Attempt at writing

In literary reading lessons, we compose poems and stories on various topics. In one of the lessons, the theme "Autumn" was proposed. This is how we got the "Pen Test" page. The reader can get acquainted with novice poets from grade 3.

Your safety

Winter is fun, joy, snowball games, ice games, etc. It is important to remember to be extremely careful in winter. This is how the heading "Your safety" appeared. In it, we talked about first aid for frostbite, about the rules of behavior on ice.

Do it yourself

The guys love to make different crafts. Therefore, we have offered the Do It Yourself rubric. According to the scheme, you can assemble a New Year's toy.


During the execution of this project:

  • learned to work with parents to create a project;
  • learned about the existence of various children's magazines;
  • learned about how magazines are made and what headings they consist of;
  • realized that the creation of the magazine pursues not only an entertainment goal, but also an educational one.

Results of the research:

The children of our class have an increased interest in printed publications, a desire to visit the library has appeared. Interest in working to create their own cool magazine has increased. Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed.

Dear young reader!

We introduced you to some pages of our magazine. We hope that from all the variety of entertaining information, you will find the most interesting for yourself! Read our magazine and you will not regret the time spent!


Getting started

  1. Create a theme or focus. What is the main theme of your magazine? Keep in mind that most magazines are niche publications that target a specific audience (for example, people interested in handicrafts or brides looking for new ideas).

    • Ask yourself: Will it be a standalone publication or a serial? If this is part of a series, what is your overall theme?
    • Try to get the title of the magazine out of this general topic of yours. Please note that for most magazines, the title consists of one or two words (for example, Forbes, National Geographic, Rolling stone, TIME). A short title can not only successfully summarize the topic, but also help define the design.
    • What is this post focused on? How can you use this to tie all the materials together?
      • A prom for a teen magazine or swimwear for a fashion magazine is a good example of a theme for an issue. All content in this issue is related to the main focus.
    • What is the theme of the issue? If necessary, what is the theme of the number series?
      • Annual example room titles include Swimwear magazine Sports Illustrated, Hollywood magazine Vanity fair, September magazine Vogue.
  2. Decide how you will compose your journal. The method you choose to compose the journal can determine how you collect and combine content. Here are some points to consider:

    • While the glossy, programmed look of the magazine is the standard, if you do it without the help of a computer, it will add art house to the magazine. However, it will take a lot of extra time and talent and is best suited for people who have already done similar projects.
    • InDesign is the standard (albeit expensive) design program for computer-developed magazines. Text is often written and edited in InCopy, which is associated with InDesign. Some publications use Quark.
      • If these options don't fit your price range, then Office Publisher can be an effective alternative.
  3. Set deadlines. When do you plan to finish the magazine? Ask yourself if you are setting a reasonable time frame, and if a real finished magazine can be in your hands and readers' hands by the end of the deadline.

    • The deadline is more important if you are dealing with topical issues (for example, news or humor), or if you are creating an issue about an annual event (for example, fall fashion trends).

    Content creation

    1. Write articles, columns and stories. What do you want to tell your reader? Whether your magazine is based on humorous anecdotes, art fiction, news, highly intelligent interviews, or any combination of genres, you will need text content. Here are some options:

      • Write articles on topics that you or your employees care about. Are you worried about the problems of humanity? Or are the topics related to current events? Do they offer advice or interviews with interesting people?
      • Write short stories to give your magazine a more personal touch. It could be fiction or real story, depending on how it relates to your topic.
      • Dig up old poems or ask friends if you can publish their work in your magazine. This will give the magazine an artistic touch.
      • Working with friends to get different perspectives is a great way to approach this aspect of the magazine.
    2. Collect images. Even if your focus is on written articles, magazines are visual media. Beautiful images will keep readers interested and add another dimension to your articles.

      • Take photos related to the contents of the magazine. Be sure to take a photo with empty, neutral space. These will be great backdrops against which to place your written content.
      • Make a photojournalism project. This means that you study one topic in depth and present it to the reader with a series of photographs. This is a great option for people with good photography skills.
      • Search for Creative Commons licensed images online. While all of these photos will be free, be sure to read if you can or should sign the photo, get permission to modify it, or perhaps it can only be used for non-commercial purposes.
      • Purchase images from the stock photography database. While a slightly more expensive option, stock photos are designed for just such projects, making it easier for you to find images that match your content.
      • Draw your own pictures or join forces with someone who can do it. This approach is recommended for art house magazines.
    3. Cover design. Your magazine cover should beckon the reader to see what's inside without revealing too much. There are several ways to achieve this goal:

      • Make sure your magazine title is prominent. Although many magazines change the color of the title from number to number, the font is almost always the same. Choose one that is easy to read, recognizable, and aesthetically consistent with the content of the magazine.
        • Most magazines place the title at the top of the cover to make the brand visible. One of the most interesting examples of how you can play with the interaction of title and cover are magazines Harper "s Bazaar.
      • Decide what will be on the cover of this issue. Fashion magazines often use model cover photos, celebrity magazines use paparazzi photos, and news magazines can use portraits. Whatever images you use, they should be compelling and related to the main theme of your magazine.
      • Write explanations (optional). Some magazines write an explanation or the title of only the main topic (for example, TIME or Newsweek), while others write about multiple cover stories (e.g. Cosmopolitan or People). If you chose the second option, make sure your cover doesn't look too cluttered.

    Content assembly

    1. Choose the final look for your magazine. The look of your magazine depends on the brand almost as much as it does on the content. Think about:

      • Font: Do you use a font inside the magazine that is easy to read and consistent with your theme? Does it echo the typeface of your magazine title on the cover?
      • Paper: Are you going to print your magazine on glossy or matte paper?
      • Color: Some magazines, such as People, were printed half color, half black and white to save on ink. Many literary magazines are printed in black and white, although most major brands have switched to color. Think about how much you can afford to spend on ink for each issue, and how you can incorporate that into the look of your magazine.
    2. Create a layout for your magazine. Now that you already know how to post your content, it's time to post it. How you decide to do this will determine what software you will (or not) use, but there are certain points to keep in mind:

      • Do formatting consistently. Use the same borders, styles, numbering, font, or fonts on all pages. Making a Frankenstein that looks like it was glued together by twelve different people is the last thing you want.
      • Number the pages, especially if you have entered a table of contents.
      • Make sure your final product has an even number of pages (including covers). If you try to do with an odd number, you will be left with at least one blank page.
      • If you are creating a story manually, now is the time to figure out how you will move content to pages. Will you print it out? Will you write directly on the pages? Insert a photo?
    3. Submit your journal. You can do it the old-fashioned way by putting it in print, or you can publish it on the Internet. Consider your options to figure out what works best for your budget.

      • Bind your magazine (only for magazines self made). When you have finished the pages, you can bind the magazine to keep them together.
    • Be sure your post is ethical. For example, a journal about protection environment printed on glossy pages scares off readers, although glossy paper can be produced in an environmentally friendly manner. For this example, it's best to stick to matte pages. In other words, know your readers and their expectations!
    • Distribute some copies of your magazine free of charge, for example, to libraries to help educate readers about your product.
    • Think about subscription programs. This guarantees you money to save production of the magazine and is a great way to create specials and communicate directly with readers.
    • It's a lot harder to learn how to use Quark, but the pros who use it are really happy with it.
    • To get your magazine across to a wider audience, try self-publishing.
    • InDesign is truly a great graphic design program for publications. It is quite easy to learn and very flexible. Text-Edit is also good and easy to use. Refine the article in Text-Edit, then copy and paste into the appropriate column.
    • Try adding an introduction page before starting your “editor / author letter” and talk about the positives of your magazine and some of the pages aimed at a specific audience, about who will be interested in your magazine. Add facts about the product you are presenting.

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An unusual birthday gift can be a glossy magazine made especially for the birthday boy. This great gift for birthday, February 23rd or March 8th... AND for a person who has everything, it will be a memorable gift. Especially such a gift idea suitable for a director or supervisor... After all, they often cannot be surprised with anything, but here and individual approach, and recognition of his merits and a reason to brag to friends))

How to make a magazine with your own hands? To create such a surprise, you need to have some basic Photoshop skills, a color printer, a few high-quality photos of the birthday boy, and some imagination. It is better, of course, to print the pages in a printing house, since the printing should be of high quality and two-sided. You can also ask and glue the magazine there. If you do everything yourself, then you can glue the pages with ordinary office glue along the edge. Just put the magazine under oppression for a day so that it sticks well.

Style your photo with the cover of a publication. If this is your director, then it could be Exquier, Boss, Forbs, and so on. If a friend - then Maxim or Men`s Health. Cosmopolitan or "Glamor" is suitable for a girl. But you can also call the magazine the name of the birthday person. On the cover, print the announcement - the title of the articles with small illustrations. Articles can be about anything - a report on your joint vacation, an overview of the countries where the birthday person is going, comic ratings, recipes for your favorite dishes, a horoscope, congratulations from his friends with colorful photos, and so on. You can post an article in the style of a yellow newspaper - Celebrity such and such (having a birthday boy) was seen in the company .. (insert the name of her / his idol). With Photoshop and compromising photos can be added. Or place an interview with relatives and friends, in which they will tell Interesting Facts and funny stories from the biography of the gifted.

Print the magazine, present and enjoy the effect produced)

If the birthday is themed, then make the magazine in the same style. For a gangster party, a newspaper called the Chicago Tribune is more suitable. Complete it with thematic pictures, stylized ads.

Jeanne Haliman

Many educators, like me, subscribe to various literature on preschool education. What about already old but useful and necessary magazines? How and where to store them?

I bring to your attention the idea of ​​self-flashing magazines or newspapers... The technique is very simple and easy to use. For firmware to us will need:



Thick cardboard;

Stationery tape;


Adhesive tape.

1. We measure our magazines, namely, we are interested in the length, width, and width of the stack magazines which we are going to flash.

2. We cut out the cardboard according to our parameters. Here's what we have turn out:

3. We glue them together with adhesive tape, leaving gaps for folds:

4. Having tied the string, we wind it around our "core" loosely enough so that there is space between the cardboard and the rope. (there will be subsequently inserted magazines) ... We make the number of skeins equal to the number magazines in our firmware... Leave the tail of the twine outside.

5. We put it in the rope magazines open in the middle.

6. Cut off the required size of self-adhesive paper (with a margin for bending)

7. We paste over our firmware.

Now home storage magazines are convenient and aesthetically pleasing.

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