And we wish you success. "Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday"

Starting your own business is always associated with a lot of time, effort and material costs. Having created a business and initiated the development of a company or organization, its owner expects only positive results. That is why it is especially important to support his aspirations. A wish for success in business is perfect for this.

The need for such a gesture

For some, wishes of this kind are a simple formality, which is dictated, rather, by the rules of business etiquette, rather than a sincere desire to support a partner. First of all, we are creating this article for those who want not only to express wishes for success in business, but to express support and hope for the successful development of a colleague, relative or even a competitor's business.

For such people, both the method of transmission and the form of the wish are important. It is logical that relatives, friends and relatives will express a desire to present the wish in person. In this case, it is worth thinking about an accompanying gift, for example, a bouquet or a souvenir that will look good in the office.

A composition of plants is an excellent solution for congratulating a partner company. A beautiful bouquet can be ordered in a special salon, where a postcard will be attached to it, in which you indicate your wish for business success in your own words, or select a ready-made text.

The form of the text - prose or poetry, should also be chosen depending on the specific case. If you know the addressee personally, then a text composed in your own words will be quite appropriate. It will help make the wish more soulful and create

A poem is no less presentable, since it can consist of beautiful, especially sublime words. Thanks to them, the wish will acquire pomp, solidity and status.

Examples of wishes from family and friends

Dear (name)! In life, a person makes many important and sometimes fateful decisions. Together, they add up to achievements that should be strived for. Today you are opening a new chapter in your life. We wish that the business that you are developing becomes an excellent opportunity for self-realization, allows you to open up many new perspectives. Let success, self-confidence and professionalism accompany you in all your endeavors!

Our dear, (name)! In the roles of father, husband, son and brother, we have already managed to study you. Now another one will be added to them - a business owner and a manager. We wish you to always make wise decisions, guide the team in the right working direction and not give in to the difficulties that arise.

Examples of wishes from colleagues and partner organizations

Dear, (name, patronymic)! The management and team of (name of the organization) congratulate you on the start of your activity. We would like to express our wishes for success in business. Let the ability to make the right decisions, keep the situation under control, and competently at work contribute to the development of the company and its formation in the entrepreneurial arena. We look forward to further mutually beneficial, fruitful cooperation.

Dear, (name, patronymic)! I hasten to express my wishes for success in business. Let your subtle entrepreneurial flair and professionalism become a reliable basis for building a powerful, competitive company, and all the goals set will be achieved.

Wish you success in business with verses

Now we are partners

And we strive for the goal alone.

Decent measures are ready.

For any difficulty.

We want to wish you prosperity

And always achieve goals.

And all the worries and doubts

Leave behind yourself.

Thank you for your support and help.

Success awaits our alliance.

And today, partners are courteous,

Let's send your corporate "Hello"!

May optimism and perseverance

They accompany you in everything.

To have dexterity and agility,

And the strength to stand your ground.


Saying wishes for business success in prose or poetic form means showing respect for a partner company or colleague. Despite the competitive environment in which to be found, trusting and tolerant relationships between organizations are essential.

There are many ways to wish good luck in your endeavors or success in business. It is not so important how carefully you think over every little detail of the text or gift. Much more valuable is the very desire to support a person at such an important moment in his life. We hope this article helps you find inspiration for writing a wish.

01.09.2016 09:38:00

Chairman of the Education Committee Marina Generalova, Chairman of the Uzlovskaya regional organization of trade unions of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation Nadezhda Gladkikh
Dear colleagues!
On the eve of the new 2016/2017 academic year, we sincerely congratulate you and in your person all who study and work in the municipal education system with the opening of a new significant page in your life.
The results indicate that the educational institutions of the Uzlovsky district are aimed at achieving the main result - the compliance of education with the goals of advanced development. Our joint efforts have led to certain positive results. With the support of state authorities and local self-government, there have been obvious shifts in the formation of a new educational environment: renovated buildings of educational institutions, modern educational equipment, computer classes, school buses - all these are the realities of today's nodal education system.
By your conscientious work, you create the potential that allows you to confidently say that education today is a steadily developing field. On your shoulders is a great responsibility for the education and upbringing of our children. The future of our youth largely depends on your professional skills, pedagogical talent, creativity and spiritual sensitivity. You help our children find their way in life, become literate and worthy citizens of their country. Together we must continue to work to create the most comfortable conditions for education in our area. We are convinced that our efforts will guarantee that our children will be able to receive a decent, competitive education.
We sincerely wish all teachers, employees of the education system health, prosperity, inexhaustible creative potential, and, of course, new discoveries, bright achievements and talented students! I wish you success, dear colleagues, in the implementation of the most ambitious plans and undertakings.

The President of the Republic of Ingushetia Murat Zyazikov began to receive congratulatory telegrams on his birthday.

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, prosperity, the same inexhaustible energy and success in all your endeavors.

Health and good luck to family and friends.

Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation M. Trinoga

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

On this significant day, let me sincerely wish you personal happiness, good health, success in all your endeavors and the implementation of your plans in your difficult work for the good of our Fatherland!

Head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Property of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation A.A. Konyushkov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and success in your work!

Chairman of the Supreme Court of Russia V. Lebedev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept the wishes of good health, prosperity, inexhaustible vitality and energy, success and good luck in all affairs and undertakings for the good of Russia!

Happiness to you and your loved ones!

Best regards, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation A. Yatskin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On this wonderful day - your birthday, I ask you to accept from me warm congratulations and wishes of great human happiness, prosperity, good health to you and all your relatives and friends. Let the sun and clear sky shine over you and our beloved Ingushetia. May your diligent and selfless work for the good of Ingushetia and all of Russia bring more and more significant and resounding victories. May all your affairs be accompanied by success and good luck. May the Almighty protect you.

With sincere and deep respect, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation B. N. Agapov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your birthday. I am convinced that your high professionalism and competence, deep knowledge, subtle knowledge of the problems of the region will contribute to the development and prosperity of beautiful Ingushetia, and the improvement of the living standards of its inhabitants.

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, strength and energy in performing difficult duties.

Respectfully yours, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation N.I. Ryzhkov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you health, well-being in your family, stability and success in your responsible public office.

Respectfully yours, Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation I.M. Kostoev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On your birthday, please accept my warmest and heartfelt congratulations.

Your path in life deserves sincere respect. You have gained a reputation as a talented, professional manager, energetic and responsible person, always determined to search for an original, fresh solution.

Surely, today from all over the country words of gratitude and admiration fly to you. I am sincerely glad that I know you personally and highly value you as a kind, sensitive and sympathetic person for whom serving his fellow citizens is the highest goal.

I wish you with all my heart an excellent mood and inexhaustible optimism, good health, prosperity and all the very best!

Be happy and full of energy as always! Yours sincerely,

Director of the Department for Administration of the Government of the Russian Federation V. Kokunov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you success, strength and energy in your work at this state post, for the benefit of the people of Ingushetia and all of Russia.

Good health, happiness and prosperity to you, your family and friends.

Respectfully yours, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation N. Patrushev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I wish you good health, prosperity, new creative achievements and great success in your work for the benefit of our Russia.

Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation A. Gordeev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you good health, peace, happiness and inexhaustible strength for further work for the good of our Great Motherland. Let wisdom, decisiveness and luck in the implementation of your goals and objectives be your faithful and reliable companions.

I wish you success in all your endeavors.

Best regards, Director of the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General G. Kornienko

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my kindest and warmest congratulations on your birthday. May your life always be filled with respect and support of colleagues, warmth and love of family and friends, real human happiness, inexhaustible energy, optimism and the ability to implement the set tasks in the name of achieving positive changes in life.

I am sure that your high patriotism and love for the motherland will bring stability and prosperity to Russia and our long-suffering peoples, and will contribute to the further development of democratic processes.

With all my heart I wish you good health, family well-being, and success in your work. May all that is conceived come true, and all that is fulfilled will bring joy and prosperity.

Respectfully yours, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Chechen Republic S.K. Yakhikhadzhiev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

The goals you have achieved today will become a confident step towards new achievements. I am convinced that your enthusiasm and fortitude are the keys to success in your career, in creative endeavors, and in communication with loved ones. May your initiatives always be met with understanding and deservedly appreciated. Let like-minded people and those whom you trust will be nearby.

I sincerely wish you and your family health, prosperity and good luck!

Respectfully yours, State Duma Deputy A.E. Khinshtein

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

On this day, it is especially pleasant to note your enormous contribution as President to strengthening the economy of the Republic of Ingushetia and the cultural upsurge of the Ingush people, which is fraternal for us. I highly appreciate your human qualities: political wisdom, professionalism, high ability to work, decency and selfless service to our multinational Russia in a high state office. I wish you good health, vitality, well-being, an inexhaustible supply of mental and physical strength.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician M.Ch. Zalikhanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I warmly and heartily congratulate you on your birthday!

It is gratifying that you are meeting this date in full health, the prime of your intellectual and physical strength. I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, fruitful work, great success in the implementation of plans and plans for the good of the Motherland.

Let your faithful companions-in-arms, time-tested friends, relatives and friends always be with you. We wish you well-being and good luck in all your endeavors.

Respectfully yours, Deputy of the State Duma, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy V.V. Usachev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

I am sure that high professionalism, business and personal qualities will further contribute to your fruitful activity for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Republic of Ingushetia.

I wish you success in implementing your plans. I wish you and your loved ones good health and prosperity.

Chairman of the CEC of the Russian Federation V.E. Churov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you happiness, joy, prosperity, confidence and optimism!

May dreams come true and plans come true.

May luck help in business, and warmth, comfort and love always reign in the house!

Respectfully yours, Deputy Chairman of the CEC of Russia L.G. Ivlev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your birthday.

Not a single year of our life passes without a trace, each of them gives us a lot: life experience and wisdom, support and loyalty of friends, and, of course, achievements in professional activity.

I wish you further successful work for the benefit of the state, as well as good health, good mood and vigor. Patience to you, firmness, wisdom and good luck in everything.

Best regards, State Secretary of the Union State P. Borodin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Your career path, your fruitful work in responsible posts are an example of hard work, dedication and service to the people and the interests of the Russian state. The period of your strengthening of statehood, law and order and legality on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia is evidence of a worthy contribution to the preservation of the might of the Russian state.

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, kindness and peace, new successes in the service of the Fatherland.

With deep respect, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I wish you success in solving the problems of economic and social development of the republic, improving the living standards of its population.

I wish you happiness, good health and prosperity!

Best regards, Head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov region V.F. Forelock

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality, great personal happiness! Wish you new good deeds and achievements for the benefit of the inhabitants of Ingushetia and Russia!

Respectfully yours, Head of the Administration of the Lipetsk Region O.P. Korolev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you good health, prosperity, support from friends and like-minded people in achieving your goals, opening up new opportunities, and constant success in implementing all your plans and undertakings for the good of the Republic of Ingushetia and Russia.

Best regards, Governor of the Murmansk Region Yuri Evdokimov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on your birthday!

Governor, Chairman of the Government of the Orenburg Region A.A. Chernyshev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

You bear the burden of enormous personal responsibility for everything that happens in the Republic of Ingushetia, you solve a whole range of large-scale tasks aimed at improving the standard of living of your fellow citizens. On this holiday, I sincerely wish you effective and successful work, and the Republic of Ingushetia - stability and prosperity under your strong leadership.

Let, in the midst of creative endeavors, your deeds always be a vivid example of the ability to live, work, build tomorrow for the good of people, Russia as a whole!

Good health, happiness and joy to you and your family.

Best regards, Governor of the Kemerovo Region A. Tuleyev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the inhabitants of our ancient heroic Smolensk land, I warmly congratulate you on your birthday!

Please accept my sincere wishes for good health, happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, firmness of spirit and optimism, inspired work, further success in your work in the name of the prosperity of the Republic of Ingushetia and our great Russia!

Governor of the Smolensk region S.V. Antufiev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest sincere congratulations on your birthday!

Your human qualities, political will, initiative, energy, professionalism have earned high marks from colleagues and regional leaders.

May all your efforts aimed at the development of your republic, the rise of its economy and culture receive due understanding and support.

I express my hope for the continuation of mutually beneficial cooperation between Ingushetia and Mordovia, which will serve to further strengthen the socio-economic potential of our regions and Russia as a whole.

With all my heart I wish you good health, personal happiness, family well-being, success in all your endeavors for the good of the whole of Russia and the Republic of Ingushetia!

Head of the Republic of Mordovia N.I. Merkushkin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you good health, prosperity and happiness in your family, creative plans and their successful implementation.

May your work continue to be aimed at the positive development of the Republic of Ingushetia, strengthening stability in the region, and improving the quality of life of the population. Wish you new successes and victories, bright fruitful activities for the benefit of Ingushetia and all of Russia!

Head of the administration of the Tambov region O.I. Betine

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you good health and successful activities for the benefit of the residents of the republic. Peace and stability, family well-being and all the best. Good luck!

Best regards, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District A. Kvashnin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Your professionalism, courage, loyalty to the interests of the state and intransigence to any encroachments on the constitutional order allowed you to gain high prestige among the Ingush people.

I am convinced that under your leadership the Republic of Ingushetia will continue to successfully develop along the path of socio-economic progress, raising the standard of living of the population, strengthening the rule of law and social stability.

I wish you happiness, health and long life, new achievements in your work for the benefit of Ingushetia and all of Russia!


Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District P. Latyshev

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my sincere and kindest congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding and, of course, further success in all your endeavors and good undertakings for the good of our Fatherland. Let optimism, energy and good luck always be your faithful companions!

Good luck and prosperity to you!

Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District V. Zhukov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, which marks the beginning of a new year in your life. May the help of the Almighty strengthen you in the creation of good deeds for the good of our people, for the good of our beloved Fatherland, for the joy of relatives and friends. May the All-Merciful Almighty keep you in full strength, health, peace and tranquility for many more good years.

Best regards, Archbishop of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz Theophan

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you good health, happiness to you and your loved ones, prosperity, long and fruitful service to the Russian state.

Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment Gertsy

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you further fruitful activities for the good of the Fatherland, success in all your endeavors, health and well-being.

Respectfully yours, Director of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation V.P. Ivanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept from the staff of the Federal Agency for Special Construction and me personally the most sincere and warm congratulations on your birthday!

With all our hearts we wish you good health, happiness, new creative achievements, inexhaustible energy and great success in your work for the benefit of our Fatherland.

Best regards, General of the Army N.P. Abroskin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I would like to wish you lasting peace, stability, good health, political wisdom, prosperity and love. May the Republic of Ingushetia, under your leadership, overcome all difficulties, become a strong and flourishing corner of our great country. May good luck be with you!

Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation E.G. Semerikova

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the Central Council of the Russian defense sports and technical organization ROSTO DOSAAF and from me personally, please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday and wishes of good health, happiness, prosperity, new creative deeds and achievements for the good of the republic and all of Russia.

Chairman of the Central Council of ROSTO DOSAAF Y. Kamyshanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On your birthday, please accept my sincere congratulations. Your hard work, vast professional experience, business and human qualities have earned well-deserved authority and universal respect.

With all my heart I wish you further professional success, so that inexhaustible energy and good luck always accompany you in all your deeds and undertakings, happiness, health, prosperity and all the best to you and your loved ones.

Respectfully yours, Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation S.N. Ryabukhin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

With all my heart I wish you good luck in achieving your goals, success in your responsible work for the good of Russia. May your life always be accompanied by a good mood, good health and inexhaustible optimism. Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation M.I. Beshmelnitsyn

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you! I wish you good health, happiness, good luck, excellent mood and great success in your work, may every year of your life be saturated with creative energy, the warmth of the hearts of your family and friends, and may your knowledge, experience and dedication serve for the good of Russia.

Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation A.V. Nazarov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the command, the military council of the North Caucasus Military District, please accept my kindest and most cordial congratulations on your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health, family happiness and prosperity, vigor and optimism, great success in your responsible work in a high state office for the benefit of the development and prosperity of the Republic of Ingushetia and our Russian Fatherland.

Respectfully yours, Commander of the North Caucasian Military District, Colonel-General S. Makarov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the staff of the VSK Insurance House and from me personally, please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

With all my heart I wish you good health, peace and prosperity! May your relatives and friends always warm you with their warmth, may faithful friends and associates be next to you!

May only luck accompany you in all your endeavors!

Chairman of the Board of Directors S. Tsikalyuk

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

Today, in your responsible post, you are working to strengthen statehood, improve socio-economic relations, and stabilize the life of the population of Ingushetia.

Let the accumulated experience and kind creative energy determine your everyday life!

May luck and success always accompany in all deeds and undertakings!

I wish you Caucasian longevity, happiness, peace, kindness and further achievements for the good of the Republic!

And about. Head of the Southern Customs Directorate, Major General of the Customs Service S.V. Pashko

Dear Murat Magometovich!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

May this day bring you a lot of sun, joy and warmth. Let life be generous with all the best and kind in your life, and the support of colleagues, friends and family will give strength for the implementation of the most ambitious projects.

I wish you good health, Caucasian longevity, goodness and peace to your home!

Head of the North Caucasian Railway V.N. Goloskokov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Happy birthday to you!

I wish you continued success in your multifaceted and arduous state activities in the name of the successful implementation of national projects and programs of social and economic development of the Republic of Ingushetia. Ensuring a steady growth in the well-being of the people and strengthening the might of Russia.

I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Respectfully yours, Director of FSUE TsNII CENTER V. G. Artyukhov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the management and staff of System Operator of the Unified Energy System OJSC, I would like to congratulate you on your birthday!

I sincerely wish you good health, successful and fruitful work in the interests of stable and dynamic development of the Republic of Ingushetia!

May you always have sincere and comprehensive support from colleagues and friends. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you, your family and friends!

Chairman of the Management Board of JSC SO UES B.I. Ayuev

Happy Birthday to Murat Magometovich ZYAZIKOV!

We were able to place here only a small part of the kind words and glasses raised to you from our 10 million audience. After all, the friends of Komsomolskaya Pravda are also friends of our readers! Your "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and

Chief Editor, General Director V.N. Sungorkin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

I sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, new successes in the service of great Russia.

Chairman of the Parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic I. Bechelov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday. Your glorious career is a worthy example of professionalism and conscientious service for the benefit of the people of the Republic of Ingushetia. May the goals you have set be achieved and the tasks set be effectively solved.

I wish you successful implementation of all projects, as well as good health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Minnikhanov

Dear Murat Magometovich!

Congratulations on your birthday!

I sincerely wish you good health, longevity and success in your activities for the benefit of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Chairman of the Government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic A. Yarin

Dear Murat Magometovich!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and in your person the hospitable brotherly Ingush people!

You, as President and Chairman of the North Caucasus Association, have done a lot to preserve stable peace and harmony between peoples in our Caucasian home.

You have made an extremely important contribution to stabilizing the situation in the North Caucasus.

We wish you health, Caucasian longevity for the prosperity of the whole country.

From the members of the Association of Theaters of the Southern Federal District, from the collective of the Batyrai Darginsky Musical Theater

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation M. Ibragimov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation R. Charakov

What needs to be done to achieve?

There are more and more people who want to be successful in everything. And if you are the one who is looking for these ways to lead to success, then check out the following simple steps. Then you can easily answer the question: How to achieve?

First step. A clear goal

You need to know exactly what you are striving for. Write down your goal in your planner and highlight with a bright marker. You can set high, but always real, achievable and worthy goals.

Think well what you want, what will make your life exactly what you want. Decide in what area you want.

Second step. Know your result

You must know him in any situation. Be aware of every step that leads to the desired result. Ask the question more often - what do I want from a situation that has arisen in life? And how will this situation help you to achieve success?

Step three. Take action

Successful people never procrastinate, they act right away, grab every opportunity, and that's what makes them different from the rest.

Do not postpone your actions until tomorrow, there may not be another chance. If you decide, do it immediately. Many people say, "I can't do this, this is unreal." They are deceiving themselves. Believe me, you can do a lot!

Before they became so, everyone did not know for sure how to achieve this success, what instructions should be followed - they just acted, tried, made mistakes, but again and again - they went forward.

Fear often prevents people from succeeding. Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Fear of pain. Fear of rejection. And the only successful way to deal with it will be to face this fear and act in spite of it.

When you act to disregard fear, you train and strengthen the emotional muscles of your face. Each time it will be easier to achieve success, every day it will be much easier for you to make firm decisions.

For a realistic assessment of your capabilities, first just do it, try it, go ahead, and then analyze if you can achieve it. After that, move on again.

Fourth step. Belief in your idea and in yourself

And their own strength to take steps. This requires self-confidence. Develop a sense of this confidence in yourself. Failures and blunders are bound to be.

Think about it! Successful people are more likely to fail. Which makes them successful later. They have a lot of faith in themselves and in their idea. Get ready for defeat that will give you a tremendous experience. In the future, this will help to come to success.

Fifth step. Health

Remember your health. No one knows how long he is allotted to live, so appreciate and use every second to take steps forward and achieve your goals.

Now you know how to achieve. Go through all the obstacles on the way to happiness, or continue to be afraid of everything, and not believe that you can achieve much? The choice is only yours.

Colleagues, friends and associates wish Valentina Vasilievna a happy birthday!

Please accept my sincere birthday greetings!

I wish you continued success in your professional activity and good luck in your new endeavors. I am sure that your rich professional experience, combined with your talent as a leader and the ability to solve complex problems, will more than once serve for the benefit of the development of the Komi Republic. Good health, happiness, prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

On your birthday, we sincerely wish you good health, happiness, vitality, prosperity and bright events.

May stability and success accompany you in all your endeavors, and may you have faithful friends and reliable partners by your side, and may everything you have achieved become an incentive for new achievements.

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you continued success in your work, joy, happiness and prosperity.

Member of the Federation Council from the Komi Republic E.A. Samoilov.

Valentina Vasilievna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations and warmest wishes on your birthday!

Each next year in a person's life is always new plans, new hopes. I wish you many bright events, achievements, interesting meetings and happy days in your life!

I wish you health, creative inspiration, fulfillment of your plans and cherished desires!

May there always be peace, love, luck and prosperity in your home!

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you happiness, inspiration and optimism! May your life path delight you with a variety of opportunities and interesting impressions, luck and good luck accompany you in all matters, and dreams will find their reality!

I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy and good!

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday.

I wish you good health, inextinguishable vitality, good mood, family well-being!

Let the support of like-minded people, loyalty of friends and understanding of loved ones always help you and be the key to further success!

Best regards, Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the North-West region of the Russian Federation V.F. Kyurshin

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May your professionalism and creative energy serve the implementation of all good intentions and undertakings. May the support of colleagues and friends, understanding and love of loved ones always be with you. Let luck be your constant companion in life! Always be healthy and cheerful!

Best regards, Head of the FSB of Russia for the Republic of Kazakhstan A.P. Kalashnikov

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness, new vitality and success in your work, personal and professional achievements. Loyal friends, support and understanding from like-minded people, associates and colleagues!

I wish you continued prosperity and stable work. May you always be surrounded by the warmth of the hearts of relatives and friends, and happiness and prosperity will be constant companions of your life.

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

I sincerely and heartily congratulate you on your birthday! Accept on your birthday the kindest congratulations and wishes of success in work and the implementation of life plans! Empty self-control, optimism and luck accompany you in everything, and love and understanding of loved ones will be the support that will help you overcome any trials! I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

On behalf of the administration of the municipal formation of the urban district "Syktyvkar" and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your birthday!

You have always been distinguished and are distinguished by indomitable energy, dedication and commitment to success. On this wonderful day, accept the wishes of good health, good luck, optimism, success in all your endeavors.

May peace and harmony, prosperity and joy always reign in your home, and may there be faithful friends and reliable colleagues nearby. Peace, goodness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Head of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Urban District "Syktyvkar" I.A. Pozdeev

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

On this wonderful day of your birthday, please accept my most sincere congratulations and best wishes!

Each year of our life brings us the most varied experience of solving important problems, overcoming difficulties and experiencing happy moments of success. You are at the pinnacle of creative and spiritual flourishing, when you can solve problems, when wisdom and inner energy are in harmonious balance.

May every achievement of yours, every solved problem and realized idea continue to be a contribution to professional recognition and personal happiness.

I wish you good health - this is the basis of everything, energy and inspiration - this is the key to success, warmth and joy - this is a guarantee of a happy life!

Best regards, Chief Federal Inspector in the Komi Republic
O.A. Altukhov

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Happy birthday to you! With all my heart I wish you good health, vigor, optimism, prosperity and good luck in all your affairs!

Best regards, Deputy Prosecutor of the Komi Republic P. S. Morozov

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes on your birthday!

On this day, I sincerely wish that you have as many sunny days in your life as possible, that there are always loving people next to you who give attention and care. I wish you happiness, success, always excellent mood! Wish you all the best!

Best regards, Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts
Of the Komi Republic M.B. Evdokimov

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

On behalf of the United Russia faction in the State Council of the Republic of Komi and on my own behalf, please accept my warmest and sincere congratulations on your birthday!

I consider you one of the most effective managers in the Komi Republic. I note and appreciate your great experience as a leader, your ability to analyze and make the right decisions. To outline strategic goals and step by step to achieve their implementation. I wish you to realize all your plans, to realize all your conceived ideas! Health to you and your loved ones, love and understanding !!!

Secretary of the Political Council of the Komi Regional Branch of the WFP "UNITED RUSSIA",
Head of the United Russia faction in the State Council of the Komi Republic,
Vice-speaker of the State Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan I. V. Leonov

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

On behalf of the Committee of Forests of the Komi Republic and on my own behalf, please accept my heartfelt and sincere congratulations on your birthday!

You are the head of a very complex mechanism called a higher education institution!

In your hands is not only the organization of the educational process, but also the financial, economic, teaching and student life of the university!

Largely thanks to your enormous capacity for work, enthusiasm and truly inexhaustible creative energy, the Syktyvkar Forestry Institute holds high the bar of one of the most authoritative universities in the republic.

Let only high-class professionals leave your university.

May there be many pleasant events, interesting meetings, right decisions in your life!

May your health always allow you to work fruitfully and successfully! Happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Happy birthday to you! May this day be filled with the warmth and attention of your family and friends, lay the foundation for new ideas and achievements, add life optimism and confidence in the future!

With all my heart I wish you good health, good mood, happiness, success in all your endeavors and endeavors, peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Happy birthday to you!

I am sure that you will make full use of this day as a wonderful occasion to meet with relatives and people close to you, together with friends and colleagues, remember the unforgettable, discuss the present and do not forget to look into the future.

I wish that warm, sincere and at the same time solemn atmosphere of this day will remain in your memory for a long time. Let your birthday be a happy starting point in the realization of all your plans and desires!

I sincerely wish you good health, creative inspiration, good luck and good mood!

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

I wish you love, prosperity, vitality, optimism, success in all your endeavors, stability in everything: in finance; at work, in relationships with colleagues! But the most important thing is strength and good health!

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

On behalf of the staff of Ukhta State Technical University and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your birthday!

Please accept my sincere wishes for health and inexhaustible vitality, personal well-being, kindness and light. May your every day be filled with joy, may the love and understanding of your loved ones never leave you. May good luck always and in everything accompany you, and may it always be peaceful and warm in your house.

Many summers and fulfillment of your wildest desires!

Rector, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of RK universities,
Professor N. D. Tskhadaya.

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

Please accept from the staff of the Academy and from me personally congratulations on your birthday!

I wish you further creative success and prosperity for your Institute on a path so significant for the regional economy and the population of the republic - training highly qualified personnel for the forestry industry!

I sincerely wish you good health and personal happiness!

Rector of the Komi Republican Academy of Public Administration and Administration of the National Academy of Sciences. Nesterova.

Dear Valentina Vasilievna!

A team of thousands of employees, teachers and students of the Modern Humanitarian Academy would like to wish you a happy birthday!

Let me express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable contribution to the development of higher education in Russia, and your support and recognition of the activities of the Modern Humanitarian Academy as a university actively introducing information technologies into the educational process.

We are glad to see you as a reliable like-minded person who for many years has been directing his talent as a scientist, mentor, professional and creative forces to improve the educational level of the population of Russia, despite the disturbing tendencies that have become increasingly evident among officials from education.

We are proud to consider our university as one of your supporters, who clearly understand that the true result of the modernization of the educational sphere should be the emergence of specialists of a qualitatively new level, capable of making Russia in the third millennium a power that firmly dominates the world social space.

We sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible creative energy, fruitful realization of the most daring ideas, personal happiness and prosperity!