Sergey Divin: Business in IT education was a logical continuation for me after working at EPAM. The most detailed photo report from the new EPAM Systems office in the heart of the HTP Sergey divin

The IT sector of the Belarusian economy is one of the most dynamically growing and attractive for young people. In the era of globalization, a Belarusian by profession a "programmer" has become a "liquid" emigrant on the world market. Will the domestic IT industry be able to reverse the outflow of such valuable specialists? What secrets does this sector of the Belarusian economy, the most open to the world, keep?

Our correspondent decided to find out the answers to these questions from the leaders of the leading players in the Belarusian IT industry, - the general director of the JV CJSC International Business Alliance (IBA) Sergey LEVTEEV, the general director of EPAM Systems (EPAM) Sergey DIVIN and the business director of LLC " Effective Programs (EffectiveSoft) by Alexander KIRKOVSKY.

How, in your opinion, has the Belarusian IT services market changed over the past year? What trends and transformations of the global market have influenced it?

Sergey Levteev (IBA). First of all, it is necessary to clarify that two essentially different IT services markets are significant for Belarus: the Belarusian IT services market and export IT services performed by domestic companies. The Belarusian IT services market has remained stable over the past year. This is natural, because the IT services market follows the market as a whole, and the domestic market has not undergone big changes. The exception was the banking sector, where several serious IT projects are being implemented. Thus, Belarusbank, with the participation of IBA, began implementing the SAP Solutions for Banking Business project to replace automated banking system(ABS). This is a sure sign that banks are taking automation more seriously. Returning to the question of the difference between Belarusian companies, it should be noted that they are also divided into those that produce products and firms that provide services. IBA is one of the few IT companies in the country that operate both in the product market and in the service market. For example, we have manufactured a significant share of banking equipment in Belarus and most of software for him. Successful experience in the Belarusian market aroused interest abroad. We began to implement similar projects in the markets of Russia, Kazakhstan and Bulgaria.

Sergey Divin (EPAM). In the domestic market, the demand for modern software solutions on automation of business processes, budgeting, consulting. Enterprises willingly invest in the development of their own IT departments, use the services of domestic integrator companies. For example, the Coca-Cola Beverages Belorussiya invited our company to a project to adapt the SAP ERP system.

The export of IT services is also growing. According to some estimates, its growth rates are the highest in the CIS. Most domestic software development companies (and there are more than 500 of them in Belarus today) work specifically for export. Outsourcing has become an important part of the business not only of global corporations, but also of small Western firms. It is more profitable for them to entrust the development to reliable partners from Eastern Europe, which attracts customers with the talent and qualifications of developers, displacing the traditional leader in this area - India. In 2007, according to Market-Visio Consulting/Gartner, the projected volume of software exports from Belarus may be about 250 million USD, in 2008 - already 300-350 million USD. With an annual growth of 40-60%.

Sergey Levteev (IBA). Foreign companies continue to actively attract resources from Belarus, traditionally considered a “forge of high technologies” on the territory of the former Soviet Union. A number of well-known IT corporations have opened their development centers and representative offices here. Thus, in June 2007, a representative office in Minsk was opened by one of the giants of the industry of software products "SAP AG". Perhaps, the strengthening of the presence of world leaders in the IT industry in Belarus increases the shortage of specialists in the domestic market, but still, this option for the development of the IT sector is better than the mass departure of programmers abroad. And this trend, unfortunately, has only worsened over the past year.

Sergey Divin (EPAM). The interest in Belarus of such corporations as SAP AG, Oracle and Nokia is connected with the emergence of the Hi-Tech Park, which plays an important role in the development of the IT sector of the country's economy. Recently, the first foreign residents were registered in the HTP.

And domestic IT companies have more large customers and partners. For example, EPAM Systems has become a global partner of Hyperion, a world leader in business performance management software. The volume of projects developed by the company for the world news agency Reuters has increased.

Sergey Levteev (IBA). The rapid growth in demand for IT services in Russia has a serious positive impact on the country's IT market. Russian IT is developing 4-5 times faster than the IT sector of any other country in the world. Of course, in its structure it differs significantly from the world or Western European market. In Russia, only 21% of all funds are spent on IT services, while in the world - 58%. However, the trend of outstripping growth of IT services compared to other items over the past couple of years is clearly visible. In this regard, we intend to expand our presence in Russian market. Significant steps have already been taken in this direction. Thus, the company recently signed an agreement with OAO Uralkali on the implementation of the IBA development at this enterprise - a system electronic document management"Chancellor".

- What would you advise the enterprises of the industry from your experience in terms of solving common problems?

a) looking for orders

Sergey Levteev (IBA). To increase orders, we have stepped up the holding marketing research in Europe, USA, Russia. The growth of orders is facilitated by participation in specialized exhibitions and conferences, holding our own seminars and organized jointly with vendors (companies that supply branded products under whose trademark products are produced (for example, IBM, SAP - author). At them we declare ourselves, our capabilities, getting to know potential clients, strengthening already established ties. State support can contribute to the increase in demand for Belarusian IT products (both on the domestic market and abroad). domestic developments are already not inferior in quality to the best foreign products and solutions.

In addition, new customers come to us on the recommendation of our old partners (there is, so to speak, the transfer of the company "from hand to hand").

b) recruitment and retention

Sergey Levteev (IBA). Since its inception, IBA has been trying to preserve and increase the “golden reserve” of Belarusian IT specialists. The company strengthens cooperation with the country's leading universities in creating and equipping laboratories, providing general network communications with Internet access, training and internships for students in real projects, providing universities with preferential programs, holding seminars and participating IBA specialists in the educational process, introducing new forms of education ( e.g. remote). IBA is a traditional sponsor of educational events for young people, as well as the BSU team at the World Programming Championships. We actively use such factors as the possibility of professional growth, the stability of the company, and an impressive "social package".

Sergey Divin (EPAM). Collaborating with 11 universities, equipping their laboratories, great expectations We entrust the initiative of the HTP administration to create an IT academy, which will involve graduates of related engineering specialties in the IT industry, retrain and improve the skills of specialists who have previously received higher or secondary specialized education.

Everything greater value acquires the weight of a "social package". In June of this year, EPAM Systems, together with Priorbank, announced the launch of a mortgage lending program. Now EPAM employees working in the Belarusian offices of the company have the opportunity to take advantageous loans for housing construction. Confirmation of the attractiveness of the company and in some way a guarantee of care for potential employees can be the fact that in 2006 EPAM Systems took second place in the competition “Best Entrepreneur of 2006 in Minsk” in the field of creating new jobs. In 2006, the company provided more than 400 new employees with comfortable working conditions, and in the first half of 2007, more than 250 more.

c) ensuring decent wages

Alexander Kirkovsky (EffectiveSoft): Employees of the company have been transferred to a contract form of employment. This gives us the opportunity, within the framework of the legislation, to raise wages to the industry average. But we feel the powerful pressure of foreign, incl. Russian companies who enter our market with a very high level of salaries. Moscow firms associated with the banking and oil and gas business, and opened in Lately in Belarus, branches of foreign companies that have the opportunity to attract developers with a very significant salary. Our companies are trying to resist pressure from neighbors. In particular, we try to find customers who are willing to pay for high qualifications and a good education. But at the same time, we remember that people work not only for the sake of money. Other things being equal, they will choose an interesting job.

If your company is an HTP resident, what gave the company this status? What do you plan to get from HTP residency?

Sergey Levteev (IBA). The regulation on the High-Tech Park excludes the possibility of participation in it of our main Development Center in Minsk. The fact is that, in addition to software, this Center develops and produces hardware (for example, payment and information terminals). Nevertheless, in 2006, in order to expand IBA's export opportunities, as well as to represent the interests of the alliance, IT Park was established in the High Technology Park, which in 2007 became an HTP resident. And although we have not yet been able to fully evaluate the benefits of HTP, we hope to use them more actively in the future.

Alexander Kirkovsky (EffectiveSoft). We joined the HTP in December 2006. Our presence in the HTP gives clients confidence that the IT industry enjoys the support of the Belarusian government. Important is the preferential taxation, which allows to compete with competitors from India, China, Vietnam, Argentina, CIS countries. It is important for us and Information support park administration.

How would you comment on the reproach of the representatives of the so-called. of the real sector of the economy, that IT enterprises practically operate offshore (they say, if they wish, they easily take their income abroad)? Another question on the topic: do IT companies need internal control and audit?

Sergey Levteev (IBA). There are no motivations to “steal income abroad”: the Belarusian taxation system for software development companies is quite preferential. All funds that come from Belarusian customers remain in Belarus. Another thing is that many Western clients have their own standards of contractual relations, which often do not coincide with the requirements of the Belarusian legislation. In particular, with the Belarusian export regulation. In addition, often a foreign partner prefers to sign a contract with a resident of his country or, for example, the European Union, realizing that the work is actually performed in Belarus. In these cases, a contract is signed with one of the company's sales centers outside of Belarus. Perhaps that is why there is an erroneous idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"care of income abroad."

And audit and control, of course, are needed. The publicity of the work of an IT company is also important. As a rule, the customer collects information about financial indicators, structure, leaders of the future partner. This information is usually provided by the companies themselves. No serious potential partner will sign an agreement with a company whose activities he does not understand.

Sergey Divin (EPAM). You can say whatever you want about the "non-transparency of work", but facts are stubborn things. Over the past years, the founders of our company have been constantly reinvesting export earnings in fixed assets, creating new jobs, and office engineering infrastructure. In 2006-2007 investment in fixed assets through own funds amounted to 4 billion 135 million Br. More than 7 billion rubles have been invested in the creation of new jobs alone.

The creation of a special legal regime in the Hi-Tech Park encourages its residents to invest their income in Belarus, the Hi-Tech Park, creates economic prerequisites for the growth of foreign investment in the country and the increase in exports information technologies. In 2006, the production of goods and services in the software sector amounted to 83 billion Br, of which the export of services of the park's residents was more than 40 billion Br. The export orientation of HTP residents, which is not based on a raw material component, is a very relevant and breakthrough direction in the development of the country's economy.

Alexander Kirkovsky (EffectiveSoft). IT business is not an oil or gas business with windfall profits. We, like any other enterprises in the Republic of Belarus, need to develop our business, update equipment (and in the IT industry this is critical), train people, and pay salaries. We all live and work in this country. That is why we need money here.

The editors would like to thank the guests of the issue for their frank answers. Incl. and for answering the not-so-convenient last question. Their assessment of the IT industry market and its problems makes it possible to see the prospects of Belarusian business entities in the world market. So far they look quite optimistic.


Inspiration: Sergey Divin

A story about life, inspirations, business and children

A few weeks remain before the start of the Teens2Business business school for teenagers, and we decided to talk with the main mentor of our project, educational trajectory designer, business angel educational projects, and in the past the CEO of EPAM Systems in Belarus Sergey Divin. Sergei spoke about his professional path, shared his thoughts on the modern school and ideas about what skills a child needs today to be successful in the future.

Sergey, how did you study at school? What items did you like?

I was a strong middle peasant, almost all the marks were 4. I liked the humanitarian subjects most of all, but I can’t single out any particular one.

Did you go to clubs or sports clubs?

As a child, my parents tried to send me to all kinds of circles. At first I tried to make music. Then it turned out that I had bad hearing, and I switched to sports. He played for the Bobruisk volleyball team. We have participated in a lot of competitions. Somewhere they won, somewhere, of course, they lost. I felt the greatest benefit from my training in the army: sports training allowed me to withstand the stress of two years of service.

Did you have a role model as a teacher?

Unfortunately no. And this regret came years later, when I realized how important a person-authority (not counting parents) is in a child’s life, who would suggest how to develop and move forward.

Did your parents tell you?

My parents worked hard and did not impose their values ​​and attitudes on me. This was probably the biggest plus. The so-called soft skills brought up the yard and books in me. I was known in all the libraries of the city of Bobruisk, I read a lot.

Did you have any special book that influenced your worldview?

As a child, books about exploits made a strong impression: “The Tale of a Real Man”, “How the Steel Was Tempered”. A little later I read the book One Hundred Years of Solitude. After it, I could not come to my senses for a long time, walked, looked around, tried to realize the new reality in myself.

Imagine that you decide to write an autobiography, each chapter of which is an important segment of your life. What would these chapters be called?

Let's take "Childhood" as a basis. Adolescence. Youth” L.N. Tolstoy. The first chapter would be called "School". But the school was not a motivating stage for me, it left me with a feeling of despondency, dullness. The next chapter is "Technical school". It was a place where decisions were already made on their own. Of course, one of the important stages is the "Army". Here I acquired inner strength, physical hardening for years to come. And after the army - a large and unfinished chapter dedicated to professional activity.

Let's go back to today and talk about school. What, in your opinion, is lacking in modern school education?

School today is often a place of temporary residence of a child, where for 9-11 years they are trying to invest a large amount of knowledge from different areas of human activity. And most of this knowledge, unfortunately, is of little use for future professional activities. For many years I ran a company that now employs thousands of people. (note EPAM Systems Belarus). In fact, I saw what the education system gives "at the exit" for the labor market or entrepreneurship. And, having participated in numerous interviews, I realized that the school was missing out on skills that are very important for a career.

We are talking primarily about the following skills: the ability to take responsibility; the ability to empathize, understand the feelings of another; the ability to make a choice; the ability to set goals and achieve results; teamwork skills; the ability to critically perceive information.

I have noticed more than once that it is sometimes easier for “C” students to achieve great results in business than for “A” students. "Three students" are always in an uncomfortable situation, therefore, they are constantly learning to solve problems, get out of difficult situations, and negotiate with parents and teachers. An excellent student gets good grades, praise, he is comfortable. And when he comes to work and there they don’t give him a “10”, but require him to solve problems, he doesn’t know what to do. Often such people become isolated and stop moving forward.

What can you say about vocational guidance at school?

Career guidance in our schools today, like many years ago, is that girls are taught to sew, sew on buttons, and boys are taught to cut straight with a jigsaw and make stools. At the same time, the landscape of professions last years changed a lot, so the school could well become a place where children would receive the necessary knowledge to choose a profession. But so far it is not such a place. Therefore, such a project as Teens2Business can help children to plunge into different areas, understand what they would like to do in the future, and gain the necessary skills to work in a company or business.

Your sons have already decided on future profession?

The youngest son is not there yet, but the eldest (he is 14 years old) has already created his resume, started a profile on LinkedIn. Since, like many children, he plays computer games, he wants to continue to engage in game development. I'm trying to help him build an educational path around this hobby. He is already volunteering for a game project and making 3D models for experience. He doesn’t ask me: “Dad, give me money!” And he asks the question: “Where can I earn money?” I try to help him and find some part-time jobs, and not just give pocket money.

What do you expect from the Teens2Business project?

Using my example, I want to tell teenagers what opportunities entrepreneurship opens up. I would like to show parents that teenagers are actually capable of a lot. You don't have to wait until you graduate from university to start thinking about a business or profession. Those who start pumping their business skills earlier achieve success earlier, there are many examples of this. We are now seeing a large number successful startups founded by guys aged 18-24. They think differently than adults, it is easier for them to create new services and products that solve the problems of the modern generation.

Once upon a time, a lot was written about the fabulous success of the Belarusian Arkady Dobkin, who, having left for America in 1992, founded the company EPAM Systems, which eventually turned into the largest supplier services in the field of software development in the territory of the former Soviet Union and in the Central and Eastern Europe. The company, whose main headquarters is located in the States, today has 17 offices in 8 countries around the world.

Since last year, the development of EPAM Systems promises to be even more dynamic - in June the company became a resident of the Hi-Tech Park. About what benefits she received by registering in the Belarusian Silicon Valley, and what prospects await the company in the future, told the correspondent of "EG" CEO foreign enterprise "EPAM Systems" Sergey DIVIN.

– Sergey Fedorovich, what results of EPAM Systems participation in HTP can we talk about today?

In general, it is too early to talk about concrete results, since the Park and we, as its resident, have existed for only half a year. The special legal regime operating under the HTP allowed our company to release additional cash and direct them to the development of engineering infrastructure, to the creation of new jobs. In 2006, EPAM Systems' portfolio of orders expanded significantly. We have created 428 new jobs, increased the profitability of production up to 116%, export earnings - by 180%. The company's investments in fixed capital at its own expense amounted to 2 billion 765 million Br. Such growth in all areas was largely due to the fact that we became a resident of the Park.

– How much does it cost a software development company to create one job, and how did registration in the Park contribute to an increase in the portfolio of orders?

About 5 thousand USD is required to create one workplace. This is taking into account the necessary infrastructure, renting premises, purchasing necessary equipment, learning. In 2006, we invested more than 2 million USD in creating new jobs. As for the portfolio of orders, all our partners know that EPAM Systems has become a resident of the Hi-Tech Park. After that, many of them visited us, in the administration of the Park, which in itself contributed to the establishment of more stable contacts. In addition, the creation of the Park demonstrates the support of the IT industry from the state, it also attracts customers of IT technologies from many countries of the world.

– The Regulation on the HTP (approved by Decree of the President N12) refers to such a type of state support for Park residents as exemption from customs duties and VAT when importing goods into the customs territory of the Republic of Belarus for certain types innovation activities, including analysis, design and software information systems. Does IP EPAM Systems use this privilege?

Not yet. As far as I know, it requires the development of additional normative act. Exemption from customs duties is a complex issue, because there is a danger of duty-free importation of high-tech equipment for further sale, rather than the implementation of projects within the HTP. When this issue is resolved, for the residents of the Park and, most importantly, for industrial enterprises Belarus implementation information complexes will become more accessible.

– Why has EPAM Systems, as an international company with offices in many countries of the world, not yet become a resident of any foreign technopark?

We follow the development of the IT industry in other countries as well. We have already been offered to become residents of several Russian technoparks. But since EPAM Systems was originally created in Belarus and its main development center is also located here, the company's management believes that its development should take place here. In addition, when comparing the legislation on foreign IT parks and the legislation on the Belarusian Park, participation in the latter, if not diametrically, but still turns out to be more profitable. For example, the principle of extraterritoriality as a criterion for selecting HTP residents allows high-tech enterprises (or projects) from any region of Belarus to be registered with the HTP.

– The HTP project is not least aimed at solving such a common problem for all developing countries as the migration of high-tech personnel, mainly programmers. How are things going with your staff?

Currently, the bulk of Belarusian programmers are migrating to Russia, where IT technologies are also developing at a very fast pace. It often happens that a Belarusian programmer can work in Moscow from Monday to Friday, and at the weekend he is back in Minsk. In our company, we are also seeing similar trends. Last year, many who left EPAM Systems left for the Russian Federation. But taking into account the newly hired personnel, the increase in personnel is much higher and amounted to 400 people in 2006.

In general, the problems of the development of the IT industry in Belarus, in my opinion, are 90% in the shortage of qualified personnel. Today, the needs of the Belarusian IT industry are several times higher than the current capacity of universities to graduate students. If specialized universities tripled the number of students, they would all be in demand.

– What are the plans of EPAM Systems to increase the staff?

The company has developed a development strategy for the coming years. Already today we have joint educational laboratories at BSUIR, BSU, BATU, the universities of Gomel, Mogilev. We rely not only on today's students and ready-made professionals. Now we are preparing a joint project with the Institute of Informatization Technology and Management of Belarusian State University. As part of this project, it is planned to attract specialists from non-core industries for their retraining. This is our pilot project with which we want to find out how responsive this segment of the labor market is. The course of study will be very small - about 4 months in full-time education and about 6 in the evening.

What percentage of your company's products are currently exported?

About 90%. Currently, Belarus is considered by international experts as one of the most attractive regions for the development of export-oriented programming in Eastern Europe, primarily due to the high level of programmers' qualifications recognized throughout the world.

– At present, IP EPAM Systems exports services and solutions in the field of software development, isn't it more profitable to produce a finished software product?

Naturally, it's more profitable. We are striving for this, but it is a long process. In order to develop a software product, for example, strategic management an enterprise requires hundreds of specialists, research alone will require millions of dollars. For example, Indian companies, in order to move to the level of production of finished software product, it took 30 years. Here, more than one conceptual document on the development of the IT industry was developed. Now Belarus has very good chances to take a worthy place in the world IT-technologies market in the future. The main thing is not to miss these chances.


EPAM Systems was founded in 1993. The company has 2,200 employees, 1,500 of which work in Belarus. EPAM Systems carries out projects in more than 30 countries around the world. Among the clients of EPAM Systems are Gazpromneft, Rosneft, BMZ, Mozyr Oil Refinery, Rosenergoatom, Russian fund federal property, Power Machines, Severstal, VimpelCom, etc.

In 2006, EPAM Systems improved its performance in the industry-renowned Software-500 for the third time in a row, moving up from 312th to 272nd. The list includes the world's leading software vendors and IT service providers. At the same time, EPAM Systems is the only Belarusian company marked in the rating.


Divin Sergey Fyodorovich- CEO of Epam Systems since 2001.

Biography, career

Born in 1972 in the city of Bobruisk (Republic of Belarus), in 1990 he graduated from the Bobruisk State Mechanical and Technological Institute with a degree in power supply. In 1993-1997 he studied at the Belarusian Institute of Law with a degree in business law Faculty of Economics. From 1998 to 2000 he received additional education at the Belarusian Institute public relations in the field of management in the field of public relations. In 1998 - 2002 he received the second higher education at the Belarusian State Economic University with a degree in international economic relations.

Prior to joining EPAM, Sergey Divin worked as a leading lawyer in a financial and credit organization, and then headed the legal department of a holding company, dealing with export-import transactions, corporate and contract law. In 2000, he joined Epam Systems, heading the legal department, and then becoming the company's CEO.

Sergei Divin is a member of the council of the science and technology association "Infopark", which unites more than 50 information technology developers in Belarus and heads the association's drafting committee. He has more than ten years of experience in the field of foreign investment regulation, tax legislation, commercial information protection, copyright in the creation of intellectual property, including software development in Russia and Belarus.

Quotes, interviews

  • Belarus has good chances - an interview with the Economic Newspaper
  • WILL WE STOP THE DEPARTURE OF "LIQUID" EMIGRANTS? - interview to the Economic newspaper

“Today, the needs of the Belarusian IT industry are several times higher than the current capacity of universities to graduate students. If specialized universities tripled the number of students, they would all be in demand” (on the prospects for IT in Belarus)

“Go here, don’t go there. I realize mental images into practically tangible things.

“The era of automation is coming, soon everything will be robotized. And we still have children sawing with a jigsaw at labor lessons in schools,” says Sergey Divin, CEO of the Belarusian division of EPAM Systems. Together with like-minded people, the head of the chief resident of the High-Tech Park is trying to introduce in our country education, which is popular today in the West, with the involvement of new technologies. TUT.BY visited an unusual combined lesson of physics, engineering and robotics in one of the gymnasiums in Minsk.

Sergey Divin is confident that very soon the number of jobs for low-skilled personnel will sharply decrease. “We don’t talk about it, but in America they are not afraid to speak openly”. In an era when robots completely replace human manual labor, only highly qualified specialists will be in demand. Only they will have a chance to get a job, he believes.

"A terrible thing is happening.- Sergey Divin is serious, - despite the fact that the country has a High-Tech Park and a Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park is being created, schoolchildren cut with a jigsaw at labor lessons, schoolgirls sew handkerchiefs. I have not heard that jigsaw sawing companies are registered in the industrial park or in the Hi-Tech Park."

Already, our factories are barely breathing, the industry is very hard, says the CEO of EPAM Systems. “Of course, we can close all borders, come up with tariff regulation measures so that an imported TV costs 30% more than a Belarusian one. But no measures will save when robots start to assemble TVs en masse.”

Divin is sure that the country needs to train engineering personnel.

You have to start at school. Firstly, at least some work is being done at universities today. Secondly, career guidance begins at school. "Now Belarus needs STEM schools and STEM teachers, not military hands or jigsaw specialists".

What is STEM education?

STEM education (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) is a direction in education in which the natural science component is strengthened in the curricula, plus innovative technologies. Technologies are used even in the study of creative, artistic disciplines.

For example, abroad, musicians are taught not only to play music, but also to use computer programs to create musical works. Engineering skills are now indispensable anywhere, Divin assures.

STEM education in the West enjoys simply unthinkable state support, says Sergey Divin. Classmate, like-minded person and colleague of Divin on a new project Andrey Chupikov I recently traveled for three weeks in the United States of America. With the support of the US Embassy in Belarus, I visited all the leading American STEM centers. “It turns out that in the United States, a lot of funding is allocated for STEM education. Schools buy equipment for STEM lessons with public money.”

The first STEM lessons in Belarus on the basis of gymnasium No. 2 in Minsk are just an experiment. The curriculum for the classes was developed by a physics teacher and a mathematics teacher Alexander Frantskevich. Lessons are not part of the school curriculum. Rather, it is a paid circle. For four lessons per month, parents give about 600 thousand Belarusian rubles.

Lessons in the second metropolitan gymnasium are just the beginning. By October, the team of initiators plans to open an interschool STEMLAB center in Minsk.

STEM lesson starts

The general feeling is that we came to a physics lesson using new technologies.

But curriculum developers call their classes a combined lesson in physics, mathematics, engineering, programming, and robotics. "After all, the guys usually complete and program the equipment on which they conduct experiments", - says the teacher and one of the founders of the STEMLAB educational center, a former physics teacher with 14 years of experience .

The topic of the lesson is the force of friction.

Children from different classes came to the lesson: from the fifth to the seventh. In groups, 10-12 people are engaged at the same time.

Even before the beginning of the lesson, the children assembled a robotic installation for measuring the friction force from the Lego constructor (a special educational set). Usually, on desktop computers, children themselves write a program for a robot, or rather, make it up from ready-made blocks. But the program that will be used today has already been written. It is uploaded to the designer's microcomputer. Now the robotic installation is capable of performing certain tasks.

The teacher tells how the friction force is measured, dictates the formula. Children, together with the teacher, are looking for the answer to the questions: why are there protectors on the wheels of the car, why does the fish slip out of the hands, and others.

And when the guys understand the essence, they are dictated a scientific formulation: "The force of friction is the force that opposes the movement of one body over the surface of another."

A toy wheel is placed on the horizontal plane of the installation, the program is started, and the plane begins to rise from one side. "When the wheel begins to slip, the force of friction no longer holds it", says the teacher. Just at the moment the wheel begins to move on the surface, the guys must turn off the robot and look at the equipment screen for the values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary to calculate the friction force. The force of friction between the wheel and the plane is calculated.

Then it is determined by the computer.

"Children, you calculated the value of the friction force, and then it was determined by the computer. The values ​​\u200b\u200bconverged. What conclusion can be drawn? Igor Shevchenko asks. - That's right, the calculation of the friction force can also be performed by a computer. But the program that was used for installation today was not written by you. The human has to check what the computer has done."

And a couple more tasks to consolidate the material.

"The car is driving on the road. Should the friction force between the wheels and the road be increased or decreased? What about the friction force between the moving parts of the car?"

"The red light of the traffic light came on. To stop the car, do you need to increase the friction force between the parts of the car or decrease it?"

What is all this for children?

Fifth-graders unanimously say that what they like most in STEM classes is to build robots from the Lego constructor.

"They don't understand yet how much such lessons discipline them", - He speaks Marina Sukhareva. She teaches mathematics to these fifth graders and physics to sixth graders.

“In our gymnasium, all the children are strong, because they all passed the tests in the fifth grade. But the boys who began to attend classes using robots since the New Year are already standing out in the class. If most children of this age answer chaotically in the lesson, these guys logically build their answers. They get used to putting information on the shelves, building an algorithm."

The benefits for children are obvious, the teacher believes.

"We hope to increase the interest of schoolchildren in the natural sciences- says Igor Shevchenko. - We want to make sure that more children enter first classes with a mathematical bias, and then enroll in engineering specialties at universities."

The organizers set themselves the task of growing special specialists. "Today, in order to solve a certain problem, four professionals must meet: a physicist, mathematician, engineer and programmer. But the labor market dictates new demands. And our task is to make sure that the same person is a specialist in all these areas." Then he will find a solution at the intersection of disciplines on his own.