The legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Ii

"On the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN" (together with "Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards. SanPiN")

Edition of 05/22/2003 - Valid



dated May 22, 2003 N 98


Based on the Federal Law "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650) and the "Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization" approved by the Resolution The Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295), I declare:

1. Introduce sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2003, from June 25, 2003.

Chief state
sanitary doctor
Russian Federation,
First Deputy
Minister of Health
Russian Federation



Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations


1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) are developed in accordance with the Federal Laws "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population" dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650) ; "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.2000 N 29-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 2, Art. 150); "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens" of July 22, 1993 (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 33, Art. 1318), Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 554 of July 24, 2000 sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation and regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological rationing "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295).

1.2. Sanitary rules establish hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products in order to ensure the safety and nutritional value of food products in the process of production, storage, transportation and circulation, as well as during their development and putting into production.

1.3. Sanitary rules do not apply to bottled and mineral waters, bacterial starter cultures, starter cultures, biologically active food additives.

1.4. Sanitary rules are intended for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities whose activities are carried out in the field of production, storage, transportation and sale of food products, as well as for bodies and institutions exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.5. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for food products, the quality of which, after a certain period of time from the moment of their manufacture, deteriorates and they acquire properties that are dangerous to human health, in connection with which the suitability for their intended use is lost, expiration dates are established.

Products that, subject to the established storage rules, do not require special temperature storage conditions, should be considered non-perishable.

Products requiring special temperature and / or other regimes and rules to ensure safety, without which they can lead to harm to human health, should be considered perishable and especially perishable products that must be stored in cold conditions and are intended for short-term sale.

1.6. Food products during their manufacture and circulation (production, storage, transportation and circulation) must be stored under conditions that ensure the preservation of their quality and safety during the entire shelf life.

1.7. Draft regulatory and technical documents and prototypes of new food products, in terms of shelf life and conditions of manufacture and circulation, are subject to a sanitary and epidemiological examination and are approved in accordance with the established procedure, in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the documentation.

The requirements of the approved documents are mandatory for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in the production and circulation of specific types of food products.

1.8. Deadlines the shelf life and storage conditions of especially perishable and perishable food products produced according to regulatory and / or technical documentation are specified in Appendix No. 1 to these sanitary rules, unless other shelf life is specified in other documents.

For similar types of new food products, including those developed according to new technological processes of their manufacture, the same shelf life and storage conditions, which are indicated in Appendix N 1, can be established.

1.9. Shelf life and storage conditions for products exceeding the terms and / or storage temperatures for similar types of products presented in Appendix N 1 (prolonged), as well as shelf life and storage conditions for new types of products that have no analogues in the specified Appendix N 1, must be justified in the prescribed manner.

1.10. When justifying the expiration date, the manufacturer or the developer of the documentation submits information to the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation on measures to improve the safety of food products (improvement of technology; introduction of new types of packaging, improved quality indicators of raw materials, reinforced sanitary regime during production, etc.), and the results of product tests, indicating their safety and suitability for use as intended during the entire shelf life.

1.11. Justification of the shelf life and storage conditions of food products specified in clause 1.10, as well as specialized products for baby and dietary nutrition should be based on the results of the sanitary and epidemiological examination of specific types of products and comprehensive sanitary and epidemiological studies in the prescribed manner.

1.13. Shelf life of food products produced by regulatory documents, should be justified on the basis of the results of extensive production tests by industry research organizations accredited in the prescribed manner, with the participation of institutions authorized federal body executive power in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare.

1.14. When importing food products into the territory of the Russian Federation and their registration in accordance with the established procedure, the authorized person submits information on the regulation of the shelf life and storage conditions of products, and, if necessary, the results of product tests at the end of the specified storage periods and conditions.

1.15. When establishing the shelf life of canned products, sterilization (pasteurization) regimes should be developed and the shelf life should be justified by testing.

1.16. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the possibility of establishing the shelf life of perishable food products, products made using new technologies and / or from new types of raw materials, baby products, medical and preventive nutrition, incl. canned; products obtained from genetically modified sources are issued by the federal executive body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being after conducting an examination in the institutions authorized by it at the location of the manufacturing organizations.

For other types of products (non-perishable), sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the possibility of establishing expiration dates are issued by the bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation after the sanitary and epidemiological examination and testing by the institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.


2.1. To conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the shelf life of food products, the manufacturer or developer submits documents in accordance with the established procedure, attesting to the safety of such products for humans.

2.2. When the products are put into production, the sanitary and epidemiological examination of the shelf life of food products can be confirmed by studies according to a simplified scheme in the prescribed manner.

2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological studies of the quality and safety of food products to justify the shelf life and storage conditions are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

2.4. For certain types of food products, when establishing shelf life by the manufacturer, it is allowed to use express studies approved in the prescribed manner, followed by confirmation of the results of these studies in accredited organizations and obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in accordance with the established procedure.

2.5. Expert review and studies to justify the expiration date are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.


3.1. Requirements for the regulation of shelf life

3.1.1. The shelf life of a food product is determined by the period of time, calculated from the date of its manufacture, during which the food product is suitable for use, or the date before which the food product is suitable for use.

The period of time (date) during which (before the onset of which) a food product is suitable for use should be determined from the end technological process its manufacture and includes storage in the warehouse of the manufacturer, transportation, storage in food trade organizations and at the consumer after purchase.

3.1.2. The information applied to the label on the shelf life of food products should include an indication of: hour, day, month, year of production for particularly perishable foods, products for baby and dietary food; day, month and year - for perishable food; months and years - for non-perishable products, as well as the rules and conditions for their storage and use.

3.1.3. The shelf life of perishable food products applies to products in those types of consumer and shipping containers and packaging, which are indicated in the regulatory and technical documentation for these types of products, and do not apply to products in containers and packaging opened in the process of their sale or in violation of its integrity.

3.1.4. Repackaging or repacking of perishable food products after opening and violation of the integrity of the primary packaging or containers of the manufacturing organization in organizations selling food products, in order to establish new expiration dates for the product by these organizations and to justify their duration in new packaging or containers, is not allowed.

3.1.5. Perishable food products after opening the package during the sale should be sold within no more than 12 hours from the moment of opening, subject to the storage conditions (temperature, humidity).

For products in special packages that prevent their direct contact with the environment and the hands of workers, it is allowed to set storage times after opening these packages in accordance with the established procedure.

3.1.6. It is not allowed to re-evacuate perishable food products packed by manufacturing organizations in films under vacuum, vapor-gas-tight casings and in a modified atmosphere, by organizations selling food products.

3.1.7. Defrosting (defrosting) of frozen food products by organizations selling food products is not allowed.

3.1.8. The shelf life of non-perishable food products subject to packaging in consumer containers during the sale must not exceed the shelf life of the product in the primary packaging and must be counted from the date of manufacture of the product by the manufacturer.

3.1.9. When justifying the shelf life of multicomponent food products, the shelf life and storage conditions of the components used must be taken into account. The shelf life reserve of the raw materials and semi-finished products used at the time of production of the multicomponent product must correspond to the shelf life final product.

3.2. Requirements for organizations producing food products with prolonged shelf life

3.2.1. The production of products with prolonged shelf life is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the specified products.

3.2.2. Production of products should be carried out in organizations (in workshops):

Those that meet the sanitary rules for organizations of the relevant industry sector and have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the type of activity for the production of these food products, issued in accordance with the established procedure;

Possessing the necessary technological equipment that meets the requirements of regulatory documents;

Having a stable supply of raw materials and materials corresponding to hygiene requirements safety and nutritional value and regulatory documents;

On which the production control is organized in accordance with the established procedure.

3.3. Food storage requirements

3.3.1. For perishable and especially perishable foodstuffs, storage conditions should be established to ensure their nutritional value and safety for human health.

3.3.2. Storage of food products should be carried out in the prescribed manner with appropriate parameters of temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of product.

3.3.3. The amount of products stored in the warehouse of the manufacturer or trade organization should be determined by the volume of working refrigeration equipment (for products requiring refrigeration) or the size of the storage room sufficient to ensure appropriate storage conditions throughout the shelf life of this product.

3.3.4. Joint storage of raw foods and semi-finished products together with ready-to-eat foods is not allowed.

3.4. Requirements for the transportation of food

3.4.1. The conditions of transportation must comply with the established requirements for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for the corresponding mode of transport.

3.4.2. Transportation of food products is carried out by specially equipped vehicles, for which a sanitary passport is issued in accordance with the established procedure.

3.4.3. Perishable products are transported by refrigerated or isothermal transport, providing the necessary temperature conditions transportation.

3.4.4. It is not allowed to transport finished food products together with raw materials and semi-finished products. When transporting foodstuffs, the rules of commodity neighborhood must be observed.

3.4.5. It is not allowed to transport food products by random vehicles, as well as together with non-food products.

3.4.6. Food products entering warehouses or trade enterprises and Catering, must be accompanied by documents certifying their quality and safety (certificate of quality, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, veterinary certificate, if necessary).

3.4.7. Requirements for medical examination and personal hygiene of personnel serving food transportation and maintenance Vehicle, must comply with the sanitary rules for trade and public catering organizations, the manufacture and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them.

<**>The shelf life of specific types of products is determined in accordance with the established procedure.

Active Edition from 22.05.2003

Name documentDECISION of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 05/22/2003 N 98 "ON THE INTRODUCTION OF SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RULES AND STANDARDS SANPIN" STANDARDS. SanPiN ")
Type of documentregulation, rules
Host bodyChief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Document Number98
Date of adoption01.01.1970
Date of revision22.05.2003
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice4654
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice06.06.2003
  • "Express-Law", N 33, 2003
NavigatorNotes (edit)

DECISION of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 05/22/2003 N 98 "ON THE INTRODUCTION OF SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RULES AND STANDARDS SANPIN" STANDARDS. SanPiN ")

3.2.1. The production of products with prolonged shelf life is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the specified products.

3.2.2. Production of products should be carried out in organizations (in workshops):

Those that meet the sanitary rules for organizations of the relevant industry sector and have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the type of activity for the production of these food products, issued in accordance with the established procedure;

Possessing the necessary technological equipment that meets the requirements of regulatory documents;

Having a stable supply of raw materials and materials that meet the hygienic requirements of safety and nutritional value and regulatory documentation;

On which the production control is organized in accordance with the established procedure.

3.3. Food storage requirements

3.3.1. For perishable and especially perishable foodstuffs, storage conditions should be established to ensure their nutritional value and safety for human health.

3.3.2. Storage of food products should be carried out in the prescribed manner with appropriate parameters of temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of product.

3.3.3. The amount of products stored in the warehouse of the manufacturer or trade organization should be determined by the volume of working refrigeration equipment (for products requiring refrigeration) or the size of the storage room sufficient to ensure appropriate storage conditions throughout the shelf life of this product.

3.3.4. Joint storage of raw foods and semi-finished products together with ready-to-eat foods is not allowed.

3.4. Requirements for the transportation of food

3.4.1. The conditions of transportation must comply with the established requirements for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force for the corresponding mode of transport.

3.4.2. Transportation of food products is carried out by specially equipped vehicles, for which a sanitary passport is issued in accordance with the established procedure.

3.4.3. Perishable products are transported by refrigerated or isothermal transport, providing the necessary temperature conditions for transportation.

3.4.4. It is not allowed to transport finished food products together with raw materials and semi-finished products. When transporting foodstuffs, the rules of commodity neighborhood must be observed.

3.4.5. It is not allowed to transport food products by random vehicles, as well as together with non-food products.

3.4.6. Food products entering warehouses or trade and public catering enterprises must be accompanied by documents certifying their quality and safety (quality certificate, sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, veterinary certificate, if necessary).

3.4.7. Requirements for medical examination and personal hygiene of personnel serving the transportation of food and the maintenance of vehicles must comply with the sanitary rules for trade and public catering organizations, the manufacture and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them.


Annex 1
to SanPiN


<*>Except p. 39 - 42, 56.

product nameBest before dateHours / days
1 2 3
Meat and meat products. Poultry, eggs and their products
Boneless semi-finished meat products
1. Semi-finished lumpy foods:
- packaged meat, semi-finished portions (tenderloin; natural steak; langette; entrecote; rump steak; beef, lamb, brass pork; escalope, schnitzel, etc.) without breading48 hours
- portioned semi-finished products (rump steak, natural lamb and pork cutlet, schnitzel), breaded36 - " -
2. Semi-finished products, small pieces:
- beef stroganoff, azu, frying, goulash, beef for stewing, meat for barbecue, special roast, cold cuts (without sauces and spices)36 - " -
- pickled, with sauces24 - " -
3. Semi-finished minced meat products:
- molded, including breaded, stuffed (cabbage rolls, zucchini)24 - " -
- combined (meat and potato cutlets, meat and vegetable, meat and cabbage, with the addition of soy protein)24 - " -
4. Minced meat (beef, pork, from meat of other slaughter animals, combined):
- produced by meat processing enterprises24 - " -
- generated by trade and public catering enterprises12 - " -
5. Semi-finished meat and bone products (lumpy, portioned, small lumpy)36 - " -
6. Offal of slaughter animals (liver, kidneys, tongue, heart, brains)24 - " -
Semi-finished products from poultry meat
7. Semi-finished products from natural poultry meat:
- meat and bone, boneless without breading (carcass prepared for culinary processing, legs, fillets, quarters, chicken tobacco, thighs, drumsticks, wings, breasts)48 - " -
- meat and bone, boneless, breaded, with spices, with sauce, pickled24 - " -
8. Semi-finished products from poultry meat, minced, in breading and without it18 - " -
9. Minced chicken12 - " -
10. By-products, semi-finished products from poultry by-products24 - " -
11. Sets for jelly, stew, soup12 - " -
Culinary products - prepared meals from meat and meat products
12. Boiled meat (for cold dishes; large pieces, cut into portions for the first and second courses)24 - " -
13. Fried meat stew (fried beef and pork for cold dishes; fried beef and pork in large pieces, cut into portions for second courses, stuffed meat)36 - " -
14. Fried minced meat products (cutlets, steaks, meatballs, schnitzels, etc.)24 - " -
15. Meat dishes
16. Pilafs, dumplings, manti, belyashi, pancakes, pies24 - " -
17. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, ready-made sandwiches, ready-made pizza24 - " -
18. Jellied meat products: jellied, brawn, jellies, jellied meat12 - " -
19. Boiled meat by-products (tongue, udder, heart, kidneys, brains), fried24 - " -
20. Liver and / or meat pates24 - " -
Poultry culinary products
21. Carcasses and parts of poultry carcasses smoked, smoked-baked and smoked-boiled72 - " -
22. Ready-made poultry dishes fried, boiled, stewed48 - " -
23. Dishes of minced poultry meat, with sauces and / or with a side dish12 - " -
24. Dumplings, poultry pies24 - " -
25. Jellied poultry products: brawn, jellies, jellies, including assorted meat from slaughter animals12 - " -
26. Poultry and offal pates24 - " -
27. Boiled eggs36 - " -
Sausages from meat of all types of slaughter animals, poultry
28. Cooked sausages produced in accordance with GOST:
- premium and first grade72 - " -
- second grade48 - " -
29. Cooked sausages in accordance with GOST in vapor-gas-tight casings:
- premium, gourmet, with added preservatives10 days
- first grade8 days
- second grade7 days
30. Sausages, boiled sausages, meat breads produced in accordance with GOST72 hours
31. Sausages, boiled sausages in vapor-gas-tight casings7 days
32. Sausages, sausages, wieners cooked, cut and packed under vacuum, in a modified atmosphere5 days
33. Boiled meat products (ham, rolls, pressed pork and beef, ham, bacon, pressed pork head meat, lamb in the form)72 hours
34. Meat products boiled, sliced ​​and packed under vacuum, in a modified atmosphere5 days
35. Liver sausages, blood48 hours
36. Sausages, sausages, wieners boiled with the addition of offal48 hours
37. Cooked sausages from poultry meat (sausages, meat loaves, rolls, sausages, sausages, ham, etc.):
- top grade72 - " -
- first grade48 - " -
38. Sausages cooked from poultry meat, packed under vacuum, in a modified atmosphere5 days
Fish, non-fish species and products derived from them
Semi-finished fish products
39. Fish of all types, chilled48 hours at a temperature of 0 - (-2) degrees. WITH
40. Fish fillet24 - "- 0 - (-2) deg. C
41. Fish, specially cut24 - "- from -2 to +2 degrees. C
42. Minced fish food, molded minced products, including with a flour component24 - "- from -2 to +2 degrees. C
43. Crustaceans, live bivalve molluscs, chilled12 hours
Cooked fish products with heat treatment
44. Fish, boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, baked, stuffed36 - " -
45. Dishes from fish cutlet mass (cutlets, zrazy, schnitzels, meatballs, dumplings), baked goods, pies24 - " -
46. ​​Fish of all names and hot smoked rolls48 - " -
47. Multi-component products - hodgepodge, pilaf, snacks24 - " -
48. Jellied products (jellies, brawn, jellied fish)24 - " -
Culinary fish products without heat treatment
49. Products chopped from salted fish (pates, pasta)24 - " -
50. Fish and seafood salads without dressing12 - " -
51. Herring, caviar, krill oil, etc.24 - " -
52. Caviar oil, krill oil, etc.24 - " -
53. Boiled crayfish and shrimps12 - " -
54. Structured products ("crab sticks", etc.)48 - " -
Culinary caviar products
55. Culinary products with heat treatment48 - " -
56. Multi-component dishes without heat treatment after mixing12 hours at a temperature from -2 to +2 degrees. WITH
57. Fish pastes in polymer consumer containers 48 hours
Milk and dairy products<*>, cheeses
58. Milk, cream, whey, pasteurized buttermilk:
- in consumer packaging36 hours
- in flasks and tanks36 hours
59. Baked milk5 days
60. Liquid fermented milk products<*> 72 hours
61. Liquid fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria72 - " -
62. Natural kumis (from mare's milk), kumis from cow's milk48 - " -
63. Ryazhenka72 - " -
64. Sour cream and products based on it72 - " -
65. Curd and curd products72 - " -
66. Thermally processed cottage cheese and cottage cheese products5 days
67. Pastey milk protein products72 hours
68. Cottage cheese dishes - lazy dumplings, cottage cheese pancakes, cottage cheese fillings, pies24 - " -
69. Casseroles, cottage cheese puddings48 - " -
70. Homemade cheese72 - " -
71. Cream cheese5 days
72. Cheese, soft and pickled without ripening5 days
73. Cheese butter48 hours
Products for children's dairy kitchens<**>
74. Fermented milk products:
74.1. Kefir:
- in bottles36 hours
- in a polymer container72 - " -
- other fermented milk products36 - " -
75. Cottage cheese for children36 - " -
76. Curd products24 - " -
77. Sterilized products (adapted milk mixtures, sterilized milk):
- in bottles48 - " -
- in a sealed container10 days
78. Products for medical and preventive nutrition on fermented soy or non-dairy basis36 hours
Vegetable products
Semi-finished products from vegetables and herbs
79. Raw peeled sulphited potatoes48 - " -
80. Fresh peeled cabbage12 - " -
81. Carrots, beets, peeled raw onions24 - " -
82. Radish, processed radish, chopped12 - " -
83. Parsley, processed celery24 - " -
84. Processed green onions18 - " -
85. Processed dill18 - " -
Culinary products
86. Salads from raw vegetables and fruits:
- without refueling18 - " -
12 - " -
87. Salads from raw vegetables with the addition of canned vegetables, eggs, etc .:
- without refueling18 - " -
- with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)6 - " -
88. Salads from pickled, pickled, pickled vegetables36 - " -
89. Salads and vinaigrette from boiled vegetables:
- without dressing and adding salted vegetables18 - " -
- with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)24 - " -
90. Dishes from boiled, stewed, fried vegetables24 - " -
91. Salads with the addition of meat, poultry, fish, smoked meats:
- without refueling18 - " -
- with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)12 - " -
92. Side dishes:
- boiled rice, boiled pasta, mashed potatoes12 - " -
- stewed vegetables18 - " -
- boiled potatoes, fried18 - " -
93. Sauces and dressings for main courses48 - " -
Confectionery and bakery products
Test semi-finished products
94. Yeast dough for baked and fried pies, for pies, pies and other flour products9 - " -
95. Fresh puff pastry for cakes, pastries and other flour products24 - " -
96. Shortbread dough for cakes and pastries36 - " -
Culinary products
97. Cheesecakes, juices, half-open pies from yeast dough:
- with cottage cheese24 - " -
- with jam and fruit fillings24 - " -
98. Chebureks, whites, table pies, fried, baked, pies, pies (with meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage, liver and other fillings)24 - " -
99. Semolina, millet meatballs (cutlets)18 - " -
Mealy confectionery, sweet food, drinks
100. Cakes and pastries:
- without cream finishing, with whipped protein finishes, such as soufflé, creamy, fruit and berry, fondant72 - " -
- cake "Potato"36 - " -
- with custard, with whipped cream, with cream cheese filling18 - " -
101. Biscuit rolls:
- with creamy, fruit, candied fruit, poppy seeds36 - " -
- with cottage cheese24 - " -
102. Jelly, mousses24 - " -
103. Creams24 - " -
104. Whipped Cream6 - " -
105. Kvass produced by industry:
- unpasteurized bread kvass48 - " -
- kvass "Moskovsky"72 - " -
106. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices48 - " -

<*>The shelf life and storage conditions of sterilized, ultra-high-temperature processed (UHT) and thermized after packaging products of these groups are indicated in the documents for specific types of products.

<**>The shelf life of specific types of products is determined in accordance with the established procedure.

On the website "Zakonbase" is presented the DECREE of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 05/22/2003 N 98 "ON INTRODUCING SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RULES AND REGULATIONS SANPIN" . SANITARY - EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RULES AND STANDARDS. SanPiN ") in the most recent edition. It is easy to comply with all legal requirements if you read the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislative acts on a topic of interest, you should use the convenient navigation or advanced search.

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dated August 27, 2004 N 4
I, the chief state sanitary doctor in Moscow, Filatov N.N., having examined the materials of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision on the dynamics and structure of infectious morbidity in the city's population and its dependence on the efficiency of ventilation and air conditioning systems, I note the following:
- the rate of infectious morbidity with an airborne (aerosol) transmission mechanism is growing, in the structure of which 95% are occupied by diseases that are not effectively amenable to the effects of specific prophylaxis (influenza and acute respiratory viral infections);
- in the city, the likelihood of the emergence and spread of infectious diseases with an airborne transmission mechanism, especially new infections (SARS, bird flu etc.);
- modern multi-storey administrative and public buildings, industrial buildings and other places of mass gathering of people are zones of increased aerobiological danger as possible foci for the spread of infections;
- owners, managers, tenants, other users of premises do not ensure the implementation of sanitary and preventive measures aimed at increasing the epidemiological reliability of indoor air, including cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
To date, the most effective way to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases transmitted by airborne (aerosol), not controlled by means of specific prophylaxis, are ultraviolet disinfection of indoor air, as well as timely cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
Guided by Federal law N 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", by decrees of the Moscow Government N 1065-PP of 12/30/2003 "On improving the organization and implementation of disinfection, disinsection and deratization measures at Moscow facilities", N 289-PP of 05/11/2004 "On the target medium-term program" Improvement of environmental and epidemiological safety at urban facilities and in crowded places on the basis of modern ultraviolet technologies for disinfecting water and air (2005-2007) "I decide:
1. Establish that:
1.1. The technology for cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems includes the following:
- Conducting a sanitary and epidemiological examination of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as the premises in which they are installed, in order to assess their sanitary and hygienic and sanitary-technical condition;
- development of tactics, a plan for the cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems, the choice of cleaning and disinfection methods, as well as cleaning and disinfection means, and the necessary preparatory work;
- actually carrying out works on cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of the work carried out to clean the ventilation and air conditioning systems.
1.2. Cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems (central ventilation and air conditioning systems and household air conditioners) is carried out by legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) with an appropriate sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
1.3. Sanitary and epidemiological examinations of ventilation and air conditioning systems are carried out at least once every 6 months as part of production control over compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures, as well as according to the orders of officials authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.
1.4. Responsibility for organizing and carrying out measures for cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems rests with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are owners, managers or tenants of facilities.
2. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs performing work on cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems:
2.1. Carrying out works on cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems should be carried out only if there is an appropriate sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in Moscow.
2.2. When carrying out cleaning and disinfection works, ensure compliance with the sequence of technological operations (clause 1.1).
3. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who own, manage or lease buildings and premises equipped with ventilation and air conditioning systems:
3.1. Organize cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems. In the absence of the necessary conditions for cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems, these works may be performed on a contractual basis with specialized organizations that have an appropriate sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
3.2. Provide equipment of ventilation and air conditioning systems with bactericidal equipment based on modern ultraviolet technologies.
3.3. Ensure keeping records of the work carried out on cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems and recording the operating time of bactericidal equipment installed in ventilation and air conditioning systems.
4. To ask the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government Resin V.I. instruct the State Architectural and Construction Supervision Inspectorate, when commissioning facilities, to present requirements for the provision of a document confirming the creation of conditions for cleaning and disinfection as an annex to the act of commissioning and complex testing of ventilation and air conditioning systems, including those equipped with germicidal ultraviolet irradiators ventilation and air conditioning systems and the actual performance of the above works.
5. To ask the prefects of administrative districts, heads of departments and committees of the Moscow Government to oblige the heads of subordinate and supervised organizations to ensure compliance with the requirements of this resolution on organizing and conducting cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems and equipping them with bactericidal ultraviolet irradiators.
6. Request funds mass media publish this regulation.
7. The chief state sanitary doctors in the administrative districts of Moscow, on transport in Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo, ensure control over the cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems, as well as over equipping them with bactericidal ultraviolet irradiators. At the same time, be guided by the order of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in Moscow No. 107 of 12.08.2004 "On the organization of control over the cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems."
8. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the first deputy chief state sanitary doctor in Moscow, A.V. Ivanenko.
N.N. Filatov




I, the chief state sanitary doctor in Moscow, Filatov N.N., having examined the materials of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the observance of sanitary rules in residential, administrative and public buildings in Moscow, I note:

Owners, managers, tenants, tenants, other users of residential buildings do not ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 13, 1996 N 30 "On the establishment of standards for the operation of the housing stock of the city of Moscow and control over their observance", Resolution of the Moscow Government dated 4 June 1996 N 465 "On the standards of Moscow for the operation of the housing stock" in terms of cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes;

There are no regulations governing the cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes and garbage containers;

During the construction of residential, administrative and public buildings, garbage chute shafts are installed from materials with high adhesive properties, which does not allow them to be efficiently washed and disinfected;

When installing garbage chute shafts, due to discrepancies in the inner diameter of the pipes, a stepped structure of the shaft is created and the ledges formed in this case are an obstacle to

transportation of waste, which leads to the accumulation of garbage on them, the formation of blockages and, as a result, the spread of domestic arthropods and rodents;

V last years with mechanisms for cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes are equipped with houses - new buildings. However, due to the technical imperfection of some types of mechanisms and the impossibility of ensuring compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements, they are not subsequently used.

In connection with the foregoing, guided by the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 " Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Regulation ", the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 13, 1996 N 30" On the Establishment of Standards for the Operation of the Moscow Housing Fund and Monitoring Their Compliance ", Resolution of the Moscow Government dated June 4, 1996 N 465 "On the Moscow standards for the operation of the housing stock" and the sanitary rules SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 "Sanitary rules for maintaining the territories of populated areas", SanPiN "Sanitary - epidemiological requirements to residential buildings and premises ", I declare:

1. To approve and put into effect from May 1, 2002 in Moscow the Instruction on cleaning, washing and disinfection of waste disposal systems of residential, administrative and public buildings (Appendix 1).

2. Establish that:

2.1. Garbage chutes must be equipped with mechanisms for cleaning, rinsing and disinfection.

2.2. The trunks of garbage chutes of residential and administrative and public buildings should be made of materials that ensure water resistance, smoothness of the inner surface, lack of adhesive properties, and ledges at the inner joints of pipes.

2.3. The materials used for the manufacture of garbage chute shafts must have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

2.4. The preparation of a working solution of a disinfectant for disinfection of the chute trunk should be carried out using a device that automatically adjusts its concentration in the working solution in the range of 0.02-2.0%, and it should be supplied to the inner surface of the chute trunk under pressure.

2.5. When carrying out disinfection, the operating personnel should not come into contact with the space of the chute shaft.

3.1. Ensure the functioning and subsequent maintenance of mechanisms for cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes.

3.2. Carry out cleaning, washing, disinfection of garbage chute shafts and garbage containers in accordance with the Instruction approved by clause 1 of this resolution, at least once a month.

3.3. Exclude access of unauthorized persons to the mechanisms of cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes.

3.4. Do not allow persons who have not received special training to service cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting chutes.

3.5. By May 1, 2002, develop schedules for cleaning, washing, disinfection of garbage chute shafts and garbage containers.

3.6. Ensure the calculation of the need for disinfectants for the disinfection of the garbage chute and garbage containers and the availability of a minimum monthly supply of disinfectants for these works.

3.7. Ensure keeping records of the work carried out on cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chutes, garbage containers.

4. To ask the first Deputy Mayor in the Moscow Government Resin V.I .:

4.1. Demand from construction organizations carrying out the construction of residential buildings, public and administrative buildings, equip garbage chutes with mechanisms for cleaning, washing and disinfection and prevent the use of materials for chute shafts that do not meet the requirements of clause 2.1 of this Regulation.

4.2. Instruct the Inspectorate of State Architectural and Construction Supervision (Milent'ev N.I.) to include in the list mandatory documents in the act of the acceptance committee, the act of commissioning and complex testing of waste disposal systems.

5. To ask the First Deputy Mayor in the Moscow Government Aksenov P.N. to consider the possibility of including in the city program "My Entrance, My Yard" the issues of bringing the garbage chutes of residential buildings into proper condition and providing conditions for cleaning, washing and disinfecting garbage chutes and garbage containers.

6. To ask the prefects of administrative districts, in agreement with the centers of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the administrative districts of Moscow, to develop schedules for equipping residential, administrative and public buildings in operation with systems for cleaning, washing, disinfecting garbage chutes with a deadline for completion of these works by January 1, 2005.

7. To ask the chairman of the Moscow Committee of Architecture Kuzmin A.V. to develop Moscow city building codes governing the design, installation, and commissioning of waste disposal systems.

8. To ask the director of MNIITEP Yu.P. Grigoriev. in accordance with this resolution, make additions and changes to project documentation for the construction of standard buildings of residential buildings.

9. Chief state sanitary doctors for the administrative districts of Moscow, for transport in Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo:

9.1. When considering projects for the construction of new, reconstructed residential and administrative - public buildings, putting them into operation, make demands on the use of mechanisms for cleaning, washing, disinfecting garbage chute shafts and materials for manufacturing garbage chute shafts that have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and meet the requirements set out in waste disposal systems. in clause 2.2 of this resolution.

9.2. To organize and conduct in 2002 checks in residential buildings, administrative and public buildings of conditions for cleaning, washing and disinfection of garbage chute shafts and garbage containers. Based on the results of the inspections, make appropriate proposals to the organizations operating these buildings, district administrations and prefects.

10. Request the mass media to publish this resolution.

11. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor for Moscow, Fokin S.G.

Chief state

sanitary doctor in Moscow

N.N. Filatov

Annex 1

to the decree of the main

state sanitary

doctor in Moscow


Chief state

sanitary doctor in Moscow

N.N. Filatov





1. Scope and general provisions

1.1. This Instruction was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", the Law of the City of Moscow of November 13, 1996 N 30 "On the establishment of standards for the operation of the housing stock in Moscow and control over their observance ", by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated June 4, 1996 N 465" On Moscow standards for the operation of the housing stock "and SanPiN 42-128-4690-88" Sanitary rules for the maintenance of populated areas ", approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on August 5, 1988 city ​​N 469-88, SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises".

1.2. This Instruction provides for the organization and implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemiological (preventive) measures aimed at preventing or eliminating the process of accumulation, reproduction and spread of pathogens of infectious diseases and their carriers by destroying them in garbage containers and garbage chutes of residential buildings, administrative and public buildings.

1.3. The instruction is intended for owners, owners, tenants, tenants and other users of residential, administrative and public buildings, as well as for institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Moscow.

2. Terms and definitions used

2.1. Disinfection (literally - "without infection") - sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at destroying microorganisms at facilities external environment that can cause infectious diseases in humans.

2.2. Disinsection - sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at killing or scaring off arthropods of epidemiological and sanitary-hygienic importance, in order to regulate their numbers.

2.3. Deratization - sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures aimed at killing or scaring off rodents that have epidemiological and sanitary-hygienic significance, in order to regulate their numbers.

2.4. Disinfectant - A physical or chemical agent that includes a disinfectant.

2.5. Preventive disinfection, disinsection and deratization is a sanitary and anti-epidemiological (preventive) measure that is carried out in the absence of an identified source of infection and is aimed at preventing the occurrence of infectious diseases, the spread, accumulation of pathogens of these diseases or their carriers at facilities environment to protect a person from possible infection.

2.6. Waste collection system - component complex engineering equipment residential, administrative and public buildings and structures designed for collection, transportation and temporary storage (accumulation) of solid household waste and includes: garbage collection chamber; garbage chute trunk; loading valves; gate; mechanism for washing, cleaning and disinfection.

3. Requirements for equipment and apparatus used

for cleaning, washing, disinfection of garbage chute shafts

and waste containers

3.1. The mechanism for cleaning, rinsing and disinfection of the chute barrel must provide:

3.1.1. Emergency manual lifting by means of the handle of the manual drive, permanently installed in the cleaning mechanism, of the washing (brush) unit to the upper extreme position in case of a power outage at the time of cleaning or in the event of a drive breakdown.

3.1.2. Automatic shutdown of the drive when reaching the upper and lower positions on the cleaning device in the trunk of the garbage chute, when the cable sags at the moments of lowering and lifting the cleaning device with sound and light signals, when it is overloaded.

3.1.3. The location of the electric drive and / or control system in the chute barrel so that all its elements are outside the barrel area and are enclosed in a separate shell (cabinet), which ensures dust and water tightness and electrical explosion safety, and excludes direct personnel contact during cleaning, washing and disinfection of the chute barrel with trunk space.

3.1.4. Continuous automatic mixing of the disinfectant solution with water and regulation of the required concentration of the disinfectant solution.

3.1.5. The presence of a device that prevents the ingress of disinfectant solution into the water supply system.

3.2. The dimensions and layout of the room in which the mechanism for cleaning, flushing and disinfecting the chute shaft is installed should ensure easy access for service personnel to all the units of the mechanism, maintenance, repair and maintenance work.

3.3. It is not allowed to use equipment and equipment for disinfection work that have not passed state registration with the Ministry of Health of Russia in the prescribed manner.

4. Requirements for disinfectants

4.1. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of disinfectants is allowed only if there is a certificate of state registration(registration certificate) issued in accordance with the established procedure by the Ministry of Health of Russia, guidelines for their use, approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, a certificate of conformity to the GOST R system.

4.2. To achieve a reliable effect on the destruction of microorganisms, it is necessary to comply with the basic requirements set forth in the guidelines for the disinfectant used - consumption rates, concentration, exposure time (contact), method of application, frequency of processing, disinfectant formulation.

4.3. When choosing a disinfectant, one should take into account the characteristics of the object being treated (material, shape, size, presence of pollutants of organic, inorganic nature, etc.), biological properties of circulating microorganisms (duration of existence on environmental objects, type and form of existence, resistance to certain other classes of antimicrobial substances), features of disinfectants (spectrum of antimicrobial action, active substance and its concentration, solubility in water, methods of application, etc.).

4.4. Appendix 1 to this Instruction presents the priority properties of disinfectants when choosing them for disinfection of garbage chute shafts and garbage containers.

5. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements

during storage, transportation of disinfectants

and carrying out works on cleaning, washing, disinfection

garbage chutes and waste containers

5.1. Storage of disinfectants should be carried out in containers regulated by the normative - technical documentation(GOST, OST, TU) and guidelines for each drug, in special warehouses. The walls and ceilings of the warehouse for the storage of disinfectants must have a finish that prevents the sorption of harmful or aggressive substances and allows wet cleaning and washing. The room temperature should be in the range from 0 to +20 degrees. C. In the premises of the warehouse it is prohibited: to store food, drinking water, eat, smoke, the presence of unauthorized persons.

5.2. Disinfectants must have a label indicating the name of the product, its purpose, concentration of the active substance (AD), date of manufacture, state registration, certification of shelf life, precautions, manufacturer's details.

5.3. Transportation of disinfectants from the manufacturer to the consumer should be carried out by a separate transport in a factory container, which ensures the safety of containers with disinfectants.

5.4. When carrying out disinfection work, it is imperative:

5.4.1. Compliance with the requirements regulated by the current guidelines for a specific disinfectant (its purpose, consumption rate, methods and frequency of processing, methods and modes of use, protective measures, etc.).

5.4.2. The presence of a representative of the organization operating the building (when disinfection is carried out by a third-party organization).

5.5. Persons who have undergone special training, a preliminary medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated March 14, 1996 N 90 "On the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations workers and medical regulations for admission to the profession. "

5.6. The hired employees are instructed on the use of protective equipment, measures to prevent poisoning, and provide first aid to victims. The head of the organization is responsible for the briefing.

5.7. All persons carrying out disinfection measures must be provided with overalls and footwear in accordance with current regulations, as well as means individual protection and a first aid kit.

5.8. Preparation of working solutions of disinfectants for disinfection of waste collection chambers, waste chute valves must be carried out in a special room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. It is prohibited to store personal belongings, foodstuffs, the presence of unauthorized persons, eating, smoking in these premises.

5.9. The equipment and equipment used during disinfection work must be in good working order, clean, corresponding to the tasks set and the disinfectant used.

5.10. Before disinfection of the garbage chute, garbage collection valves are closed on all floors; they have a sign with a warning about cleaning, washing, disinfection and a temporary ban on the use of the chute.

5.11. After that, debris residues are removed from the chute barrel, the garbage collection chamber, and the chute barrel is cleaned by lowering and lifting the brush assembly with a load - at least 3 cycles. This operation is carried out without supplying water and a working solution of a disinfectant to the trunk of the garbage chute.

5.12. Next, the garbage chute is washed, lowering and raising the brush assembly with continuous hot water supply to the inner surface of the garbage chute barrel by means of an annular shower. It is necessary to carry out at least 4 washing cycles of the chute shaft.

5.13. Disinfection of the chute barrel is carried out after cleaning and washing it by supplying a working solution of a disinfectant with a given concentration to the inner surface of the barrel while simultaneously lowering (raising) the brush assembly. At least 2 cycles are performed.

5.14. The preparation of a working solution of a disinfectant should be carried out with a special device that is part of the cleaning, rinsing and disinfection mechanism.

5.15. The mechanism that provides mixing of water with a disinfectant must work automatically and have a device that allows you to adjust the concentration of the disinfectant in accordance with the guidelines for the use of the drug with a deviation of no more than + 10%.

5.16. The area to be treated is calculated by multiplying the circumference of the chute trunk by its height and depends on the number of floors in the building. Based on this, the required need for a disinfectant is calculated.

5.17. At the end of the exposure time of the disinfectant to the chute trunk, it is dried using natural or forced ventilation (after the process is completed, the chute trunk must be dry).

5.18. Ventilation of the garbage chute to prevent the spread of odors in the premises of residential, administrative and public buildings must ensure the constant removal of air from its shaft through the exhaust shaft into the atmosphere. Its operation should be checked monthly through the open holes of the loading valve of the lower and upper floors of the building.

5.19. Cleaning, washing and disinfection of the chute shaft is recommended to be carried out by a team of at least 2 people.

5.20. After cleaning, washing and disinfection of the chute shaft, they begin to clean, wash and disinfect the garbage collection chamber, loading valves, garbage disposal carts, garbage bins (containers) and the sites on which they are installed. Disinfection of these elements of the waste disposal system is carried out using hand-held sprayers with working solutions of disinfectants.

5.21. Disinfection of metal waste bins (containers) in summer period carried out once every 10 days with a "non-replaceable" collection system and after each emptying of the container with a "replaceable" system for the removal of solid household waste.

5.22. Residents of residential buildings, employees of administrative buildings, persons living in hotels must be notified in advance about the timing of disinfection work and precautions.

5.23. It is not recommended to use for disinfection of elements of the chute shaft, metal containers (containers), etc. disinfectants, in which the active substance is chlorine or hydrogen peroxide, due to their pronounced corrosive effect.

5.24. Disinfection of the garbage collection chamber, loading valves, waste bins (containers) and the sites on which they are installed is carried out after processing the trunk of the garbage chute and includes:

Sprinkling with a working solution of a disinfectant on the walls, floor and gate in the waste collection chamber;

Treatment (after their preliminary cleaning from contamination) of the inner and outer surfaces of the loading valve, waste bins (containers);

Irrigation of the surfaces of the sites on which the waste bins (containers) are installed and their fences.

5.26. Cleaning material (rags, brushes) at the end of the work is immersed in a disinfectant solution and, after appropriate exposure, rinsed under running water.

5.27. After finishing work in a specially allocated room (in which the preparation of working solutions of a disinfectant was previously carried out), the equipment is washed, personal protective equipment and overalls are removed, overalls are sent to the wash.

5.28. The organizations operating the building or legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) performing these works are responsible for the timely and high-quality disinfection of the garbage chute and garbage containers.

6. Carrying out disinsection and deratization of garbage chutes

6.1. Disinsection and deratization of garbage chutes in residential, administrative and public buildings is carried out legal entities or individual entrepreneurs having a sanitary - epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of their activities with sanitary rules.

6.2. The multiplicity, the area of ​​treatments and the timing of disinsection and deratization of garbage chutes are established based on the results of a sanitary and epidemiological survey by organizations or experts accredited by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Center in Moscow.

6.3. Disinsection and deratization of garbage chutes are carried out in accordance with the sanitary rules of SanPiN "Requirements for the organization and implementation of measures for the destruction of household insects and mosquitoes in basements", sanitary rules SP "Organization and conduct of deratization measures".

6.4. Notes on the results of disinsection and deratization of garbage chutes are entered in the sanitary passport of the object subject to disinsection and deratization.

7. Precautions for disinfection,

first aid for accidental poisoning

7.1. When preparing working solutions of disinfectants, avoid contact with the skin and eyes.

7.2. All work with disinfectants must be carried out with the protection of the skin of the hands with rubber gloves (sometimes glasses and a respirator are required to protect the eyes and respiratory organs).

7.3. After work, wash your hands with soap and water.

7.4. When working with disinfectants, it is not allowed to drink, smoke, or eat.

7.5. Preparations should be stored separately in a lockable metal cabinet (or in a separate room on easy-to-clean shelves).

7.6. Before starting work on the disinfection of the garbage chute of a residential, administrative or public building, put into operation for the first time, you must:

Require an act of acceptance testing of the mechanism for flushing, cleaning, disinfection and familiarize yourself with the results of tests for the performance of all devices;

Carefully study the instruction manual;

Depending on the disinfectant used, establish a mechanism for adjusting the percentage of the disinfectant in the working solution in accordance with the required concentration;

Turn on the mixer and, without pouring the disinfectant into a special tank, apply voltage and test the operability of the drive mechanism. After that, you can start working.

7.7. Do not operate the cleaning, rinsing and disinfection device in the following cases:

If there is no annular shower for spraying the working solution or the drive and live parts are located in the area of ​​the barrel space;

If, during disinfection, the personnel carrying out the work is forced to contact the space of the trunk of the garbage chute.

7.8. First aid measures for accidental poisoning:

If funds enter the stomach, it is necessary to rinse it, for which you need to drink several glasses of a weakly pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting, and then take an adsorbent (activated carbon tablets). If necessary, consult a doctor;

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with running water for 5-10 minutes, then drip a 30% sodium sulfacil solution (albucid). If necessary, consult a doctor;

If the product comes into contact with the skin, rinse the affected area with plenty of water. Then lubricate with an emollient cream;

At emergency situations(spill of the drug on large area), non-observance of precautionary measures, acute poisoning with the drug is possible (this mainly concerns aldehyde-containing substances). In this case, the victim should be taken to another room or to fresh air; if necessary, he should be provided with medical assistance.

8. Control over the organization and conduct of disinfection,

disinsection and deratization of waste disposal systems

8.1. Control over the organization and correctness of disinfection, disinsection and deratization of waste disposal systems is carried out during:

8.1.1. Production control over the observance of sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

8.1.2. According to the orders and orders of the chief state sanitary doctors and their deputies.

8.1.3. Within the framework of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the implementation of sanitary legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.

8.2. Control over the organization and implementation of works on disinfection, disinsection and deratization of waste disposal systems is provided by specialists of territorial institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and experts accredited in the prescribed manner.

8.3. Control over the implementation of deratization and disinfestation measures is carried out in accordance with the decree of the chief state sanitary doctor of Moscow dated August 21, 2001 N 10 "On control over the conduct of disinfestation and disinfestation measures."

Annex 1

to Instructions






p / p

Indicator name

Priority requirement

Spectrum of action on

Disinfecting activity in
in relation to all types of microorganisms,
incl. bacteria, viruses, fungi,
mycobacterium tuberculosis, and
causative agents of especially dangerous infections

Release form

Liquid or tableted

Water solubility


Washing effect

Compatible with soaps and surfactants

Method versatility

Can be disinfected by all
ways, incl. by wiping,
immersion, irrigation

Hazard Class

4th hazard class for inhalation
exposure, application to the skin and
introduction into the stomach

Possibility of use in the presence

Exposure time

No more than 60 minutes

Content control
active substance

Availability of methods for monitoring DV in
disinfectants and
express - methods of control of DV in their
working solutions



Requirements for the company -
manufacturer (supplier)

Manufacturers and suppliers
disinfectants are required
have a sanitary and epidemiological
conclusion on the conformity of the form
activities to the requirements of sanitary
regulations and a laboratory accredited
in the prescribed manner and having
a license for the right of quality examination
disinfectants, or an agreement with
another organization with a similar

Appendix 2

to Instructions





p / p

The address



(sq. m)

(sq. m)

in liters
for 1 sq. m

solution (%)

the original
in 1 l

solution on
1 processing
in liters

the original
drug in
total volume

in year

the original
in year

Date ___________________ ____________________________

(day, month, year) (full name, position, signature)

Calculation scheme:

1) gr. 4 x gr. 5 = gr. 6;

2) gr. 6 x gr. 7 = gr. 10;

3) gr. 8 x gr. 10 = gr. 9;

4) gr. 9 x gr. 10 = gr. eleven;

5) gr. 11 x gr. 12 = gr. thirteen.

The Association assists in the provision of services in the sale of timber: favorable prices on an ongoing basis. Timber products are of excellent quality.