Business plan for a feed mill. Selling compound feed as a business

Feed production as a business will be a profitable enterprise only if everything is organized correctly. The agricultural industry today presents many opportunities. Constant growth farms makes services in demand for their maintenance. People who keep a large number of livestock always need a nutritious and balanced animal feed. Therefore, the production of compound feed is one of the most successful business formats.

The main advantage of this area is the simplicity and ease of marketing. Farms often lack feed, so even a novice entrepreneur has every chance to gain a foothold in this industry. In this review, we will consider what the production of feed as a business is, the features of this area. In addition, we will draw up a rough plan.

Production features

Despite the fact that agricultural feed is a highly sought-after commodity today, a beginner in this business will definitely have to take into account the requirements of customers. Experienced farmers will never buy poor quality feed. It is extremely important that the product you produce is balanced. It must contain all the microelements and vitamins necessary for the animal's body. Only in this case the livestock will be healthy. For this, it is not at all necessary to adhere to ready-made recipes. You may well create new varieties of food. This diversity will attract new customers.

Raw material

What is feed production as a business? Plan this enterprise must necessarily include such an important item as raw materials. Typically, entrepreneurs use legumes and grains for production. Also, in some cases, hybrid varieties can be used. Feed production will only generate regular profits if you start producing quality products. The farmer can easily determine how balanced the nutrition is. They very often refuse cheap products that are poor in composition in favor of more expensive products that are high in natural protein, microelements, vitamins and other useful microelements. If an entrepreneur can create a really good food recipe, his products will always be in demand.


How profitable will the production of compound feed at home be? Of course, enterprises with large raw material productions demonstrate the highest profits. However, to open such a business, it will take enough big investment- starting from 2 million rubles. But small entrepreneurs also have a right to exist. Of course, their level of profitability will be much more modest.

Before starting the production of compound feed as a business, you need to think about distribution channels finished products. Usually entrepreneurs in this field work with consumers such as nurseries, farms, zoos and individuals. So that the products are not stale in warehouses, most of them should be sold wholesale customers. For this, it is also recommended initial stage conduct business to conclude supply contracts. You can also try to offer your services government organizations. However, the most promising buyers are private farms. Firstly, they are interested in buying a quality product, and secondly, they are willing to pay a high price for the product.

Types of compound feed

What are they? How to start a feed business? Let us determine that granulated raw materials can be intended for the preparation of feed for various animals and birds. Usually, cereals are included as the main ingredient. In order for the composition to promote the growth of livestock, it is necessary to additionally add nutritional protein supplements to it. In addition, vitamins E, A and D must be included. Microelements and amino acids are also included in the feed. For individuals of different ages, the composition of raw materials may vary. Basically, the concentration of biologically active substances will change.

Relationship between composition and quality indicators

Many today are interested in a business plan for the production of animal feed. The requirements for this product are mainly based on providing the animals with all the necessary nutrients.

The following indicators will depend on the composition of the feed:

  • the rate of growth and development of livestock;
  • physical activity;
  • speed of gaining muscle and fat mass;
  • hair growth rate;
  • egg production;
  • volume of milk produced.

A balanced and nutritious diet is especially needed for birds and animals kept in closed aviaries and pens. The fact is that such individuals do not have enough free space to maintain the required level of physical activity. Therefore, their development and growth have to be stimulated with food.

Who is suitable for

Who can set up the production of animal feed? The business idea is perfect for owners of their own farms. They can not only save a significant amount on the production of feed, but also independently control their composition, select only the highest quality ingredients that are optimally suited to the birds and animals kept.

Many farmers prefer to buy feed from major suppliers. Therefore, a business plan for the production of animal feed can be especially useful for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Product range

Large farms choose major manufacturers also because of the wide variety of products. After all, different animals require different sets of ingredients and nutrients. Many manufacturers are still creating special product lines for young animals, pregnant and lactating animals, and adults. The first category is characterized by a high content of nutrients.

Products are usually classified according to nutritional value. contain a wide variety of nutrients. Balanced additionally enriched with microelements and vitamins useful for animals. For daily use in farms, full-ration raw materials are usually used.

If you are considering the production of animal feed as a business, then you can specialize in one type of feed, or several at once.

Release form

At the initial stage, you will also need to decide in what form you will start producing finished products.

Here are the following options:

  1. Granular food: available in the form of elongated or rounded wads.
  2. Briquetted: this variety is characterized by an increased density of raw materials. Produced in the form of rectangular and square tiles.

The demand for a particular type of product for the most part depends on who the food is made for. Large livestock farms prefer to buy products in briquettes. For poultry and pigs, loose and granular compound feed of medium grinding can be used. But how to determine which form of release will be more in demand? This question is asked by many of those who have decided to plunge into the production of animal feed as a business. Professional reviews will help you choose correct format. Experts will also advise on how to select components and develop a composition. Please note that after creating the recipe, it will be necessary to carry out the necessary laboratory tests and studies. The results of such an examination will be evidence High Quality nutritional value and health benefits of your products.

Business plan

What does he represent? How to write a business plan for an IP? Feed production is an extremely specific type of activity that requires taking into account many factors. If necessary, here you can still use the help of specialists. Entrepreneurs with experience in the production of mixed feed will help you correctly assess the real cost of finished products, determine the size necessary costs and the approximate demand for the product from farms. If a novice entrepreneur is extremely serious and plans to open a large production with various product lines, then it is better to work in several directions at once. The wider the range of products, the more customers the entrepreneur will be able to attract. The end result will be a good profit for the entire enterprise.

What you need to get started

What is needed to set up the production of animal feed as a business? The first issue to take care of is the purchase of raw materials. As a rule, entrepreneurs in this area use meal and cake. Quality straw and grain can also be used.

Additional components are:

Production technologies

What do you need to know about it? The quality of the finished feed also depends on the production technologies used. For example, during the release of bird food, peeling the grains is a mandatory procedure. This is not required for other types of raw materials.

Most entrepreneurs today prefer to produce granulated feed. This process consists of several stages. First, the raw materials are ground on special equipment. The size of the obtained particles varies from 10 to 40 mm. After that, the raw material obtained in the first stage is placed in the dispenser. There it mixes with various additives. The quality of the finished product will depend on the accuracy of dosing of all ingredients. To mix all the components of the compound feed and turn them into a homogeneous mass, special equipment is used. After that, granules are made using a press. Then the finished chilled products are packaged in bags.

In the production of loose compound feed, the first technological stages will be exactly the same. Finished products are packaged immediately after mixing.

Premises and equipment

What does it take to set up feed production? The idea of ​​a business requires a significant investment to implement. If a novice entrepreneur decided to open a full-fledged automated production, he will need a fairly spacious room with professional equipment. It is also worth taking care of the place for storing raw materials and finished products in advance. There are no special requirements for the warehouse premises. The key is to keep it dry.

All equipment in the production hall must be installed in accordance with the regulations. Therefore, it is best to purchase specialized equipment from large suppliers who also debug and install it. The quality of the finished product will ultimately depend on the quality of the technologies used. It should be borne in mind that the production of granular feed is a rather costly process. The purchase of one production line of sufficient capacity will cost you 1.5 million rubles.

Compound feed is a product in which grain and herbal components, vitamin supplements and meat and bone meal are balanced. Provides complete nutrition for agricultural animals: chickens, rabbits, pigs, cattle. On the rise Agriculture the compound feed business becomes profitable for entrepreneurs.

To organize the production of compound feed and wholesale, it is necessary to register an organization, select a room for a workshop, purchase equipment, certify production and establish distribution channels.

Company registration

A manufacturing business can be registered as a limited liability company (LLC). For registration, collect the following documents:

  • articles of association;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders or the decision of one founder to establish an organization;
  • establishment contract;
  • application in the form P11001 for state registration;
  • receipt confirming the payment of the state duty 4000 r.

WITH ready documents contact the registration authority tax office. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, applications for registration legal entities reviewed within five business days. After registration of the company, you will be given a package of documents:

  • a copy of the charter of the LLC;
  • OGRN (main state registration number);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Room selection

For the installation of equipment and storage of finished feed, premises with an area of ​​70 sq. m. Typical list of departments of a feed mill:

  • production room (includes departments for crushing grain, processing farinaceous raw materials, heat treatment and extrusion, dosing and mixing, packaging and granulation);
  • grain cleaning shop;
  • herbal flour production line;
  • processing shop for oilseeds;
  • warehouses for raw materials and finished feed.

Composition and quantity industrial premises can be changed depending on the annual production program, the number of employees of the company and the tasks of the enterprise.

The premises of compound feed production must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements:

  • ceiling height 4–5 m;
  • air temperature min. +5 °C;
  • sufficient space for equipment and product storage;
  • service workers - 1-2 people.

You can design the location of workshops and units individually. When determining the number and composition of production and storage facilities, take into account the range and volume of production of the finished product, the remoteness of sources of raw materials, as well as sales activity.

Line elements can be purchased separately

Purchase of equipment

To get started, equip the workshop. You will need:

  • grain crusher;
  • herbal ingredients grinder;
  • extruder for thermal operations;
  • mixer;
  • conveyor or conveyor;
  • granulator, packing device.

The equipment is sold individually or as automatic production lines.

The compound feed granulator works like a press, turning the steamed mixture into granules

Product certification and marketing

Having released the first batch of compound feed, certify the product to prevent negative impact on animals and distrust on the part of buyers. Contact the certification body and order food testing for compliance with GOST and veterinary standards. Choose a certification scheme - 3a or 5. Duration of the procedure - 30 days from the date of application.

At the same time, agree on the sale of products. Establish direct deliveries to one or two farms wholesale prices. Organize points of sale in local markets.

Video: business idea for the production of animal feed

Peculiarities of demand in the compound feed market and types of products

Select the food you plan to sell. To do this, study the types of feed and analyze the state of the industry in the region.

Types of feed

Compound feed for animals and birds is prepared in accordance with the recipe, taking into account the age of the livestock and the desired result of farming: to get wool, meat, milk, etc.

According to the nutritional value of feed are:

  • complete, replacing food;
  • concentrated, with a large amount of protein;
  • supplements containing minerals and vitamins.

By type of finished product:

  • loose, similar to fine or medium flour;
  • briquetted, in the form of pressed bars or tiles;
  • granular, resembling cylinders.

On the Russian market there is a demand for granular feed - its production is more profitable than others.

Granulated compound feed is the most popular, it is convenient to store and use.

Market analysis

The basis for the development of the feed market in Russia is the formation of sustainable demand in the relevant areas of animal husbandry. Today, livestock farms consume up to 60% of feed, of which:

  • cattle - 19%;
  • poultry farms - 56%;
  • pig breeding complexes - 23%;
  • other - 2%.

Poultry farming gains sustainability thanks to the federal program for the development of the industry for 2013–2020. An increase in the number of poultry farms is expected in the Leningrad, Penza, Tomsk, Voronezh, Belgorod and Chelyabinsk regions, their activity will be directed to export.

Pig breeding is developing unstable due to the increased level of competition with imported suppliers. Foreign firms ensure the sale of goods for low prices, which Russian farmers cannot allow for many reasons (worn-out material and technical base, lack of breeding work with livestock, insufficient volume of high-quality feed, limited and unstable investments).

The situation with cattle (cattle) is extremely difficult. During the crisis of 1998, the number of livestock fell by 60%, and the market share of beef cattle decreased by 0.37%. By 2020 as implemented targeted programs development of the meat and dairy industry is expected to increase in the industry.

Conclusion: the mixed feed market in Russia is developing due to consumption by poultry farms.

Poultry farming is an industry where compound feed is most in demand

Business development costs

Calculate the initial cost of opening a feed mill and the monthly investment. Prepare a detailed estimate for potential lenders.

Table: initial investment

An approximate list of costs for opening a feed mill is presented in the table.

Table: monthly expenses

After the successful launch of the enterprise, you will have to pay the following amounts.

Planned income and payback period

The profit of the feed business depends on the productivity of the equipment, as well as the average market prices for raw materials and the finished product. Until stable sales channels are established, equipment utilization will be incomplete - 50%. For a unit with a capacity of 1 t/h, incomplete loading reduces the amount of feed produced to 0.5 t/h. The average profitability in the industry is 20%.

Table: payback period calculation

Which feed is more profitable to produce and why

For the production of compound feed, the owner of the plant spends the same resources, regardless of the type of animals for which the feed is intended. For comparison, below are the compositions of feed for birds and pigs.

Table: composition of feed for birds and pigs

The profitability of production depends on market demand, price dynamics and the purchasing power of farmers. In the total volume of concentrated feeds, the proportion of combi is 31%, of which:

  • 41% for poultry;
  • 35% for pigs;
  • 21% for cattle
  • 3% - other.

Compound feed for full-ration poultry is popular on the market (profitability of production is 20–30%). The second place is occupied by concentrates, the third - by mineral additives.

With the expansion of pig-breeding activities, the demand for combined complete feeds increases. The profitability of production is increasing (18–20%). Russian consumers use concentrates and additional balancing feeds less willingly due to high cost.

Video: feed recipe for laying hens

Feed production technology

The process of making compound feed is divided into stages:

  1. Reception of raw materials (grain).
  2. Taking herbal ingredients and supplements.
  3. Reception of vegetable oil.
  4. Grain crushing.
  5. Chopping grass.
  6. Mixing ingredients.
  7. Conditioning.
  8. Granulation.

Simplified diagram of feed production technology

The grain enters the line cleaned and goes through the grinding stage at the grain crusher. Herbal components are processed into fine flour and mixed with ground grain. Mineral components (salt, chalk, vitamins) are added to them. The mixture goes through the conditioning stage - moistening loose feed with hot steam (up to a temperature of 65-75 ° C) to form dense granules. Vegetable oil served for finishing spraying on the surface of the granules.

Video: how to make feed at home

Organization of distribution channels

There is a lot of competition in the food industry. Before you start mass production, agree on the sale of finished feed. Conclude supply contracts with public or private livestock enterprises. Other potential buyers:

  • breeding nurseries;
  • zoos;
  • intermediaries;
  • private firms.

If your production is located within the city, offer products to zoos. Find compound feed recipes for outlandish animals and release a trial batch. It is unprofitable to work with intermediaries - they buy goods at low prices and resell them with a 150% markup. Feed not sold directly can be sold on the market.

Compound feed is sold wholesale and retail

Possible problems (table)

Opening the production of compound feed, you run the risk of encountering difficulties and making mistakes.

Type of risk

Way to warn/fix

Equipment delivery delay

Provide for a delivery time and a penalty for non-compliance with the deadline in the contract.

Room design flaws

Select qualified designers, require supporting documents. For downtime, demand fines and penalties.

Unstable supply of raw materials

Conclusion of long-term contracts with suppliers.

Low sales

Poor quality work of staff

Development of an employee incentive system, financial incentives, creation of good working conditions.

Prospects for the development of feed production

Feed business development options:

  • improvement of product quality;
  • development of a regional network of feed mills;
  • formation of a feed export system;
  • construction of own livestock complex.

To improve the quality of feed, it is necessary to improve the production quality control system and increase the number of controlled criteria, adapting GOSTs to the requirements of customers and improving the recipe.

Agriculture in Russia, despite numerous difficulties and obstacles, is developing. Since sanctions have reduced imports of products from abroad, animal husbandry has become a relevant and sought-after industry.

Many farmers and agricultural enterprises give their preference to ready-made dry food for their animals. Buying ready-made products helps save time and give pets all the necessary trace elements and vitamins for health and growth.

In order to properly organize the work and avoid problems, first you need to study all the features of this business, figure out which feed is better to produce, and what is needed for this. This is what we will talk about today.

Is it possible to make money in the production of animal feed

Various types of feed mixtures are in stable demand in the market. Feed manufacturers produce mixtures with useful trace elements, vitamins, and medicinal substances.

Therefore, farmers and agricultural enterprises prefer to buy already tested complete products, rather than assemble them themselves.

A product that is popular is always easy to turn into a source of income. Many aspiring entrepreneurs choose this idea for a business, as it is the most cost-effective and perspective view entrepreneurial activity in the agricultural industry.

But keep in mind that buyers put forward strict requirements for the quality and composition of extruded feed. The main condition is a balanced composition.

When designing a business project, remember that the key to productive work and long-term growth is product quality and its cost.

In order for your business to really be able to gain a foothold in the market and be in demand, you need to invest a lot in it. Money.

What are the feed

A good compound feed should be a complete replacement for the usual food of animals. That is, it must be filled with all necessary elements for the healthy growth of pets. Mixtures are divided according to several criteria.

According to the form of release, compound feed can be of 3 main types:

  1. Loose. Available in powder form. The main disadvantage is that at high humidity the mixture gets lumpy, which worsens its quality.
  2. Granular. The most popular form of the product. It is convenient to store and transport. In addition, it is easier to give to animals and does not need to be pre-diluted or mixed with other products.
  3. Briquette. Available in the form of rectangular or square tiles. To prepare a mixture from a briquette, special devices and additional time are needed. Therefore, they are not very popular.

Separate food is selected for each type of animal, depending on their size and age. For example, rabbit food is different from bird food because the animals need different micronutrients.

Technology of production of granulated feed - 5 main stages

The production of a granulated mixture consists of several successive stages. The quality of the final raw material depends on the intensity of work, its duration and complexity.

The most popular option on the market is pelleted food. It is convenient to operate, transport and store. Therefore, most farms, businesses, zoos and livestock lands choose it.

The production technology of this type of mixture takes place in 5 main stages:

  • grinding;
  • distribution and packaging;
  • mixing;
  • production of granules;
  • package.

Primary raw materials are processed in a crusher. The resulting powder is weighed and packed into a dispenser. After packaging, additional components (vitamins, trace elements, antibiotics) are added to the feed. Next comes the mixing step. All raw materials are thoroughly mixed in a mixer until a homogeneous mass.

When the mixture is ready, granules are made from it. The feed is pressed into small oblong or round molds. This form of release has a high density, so animals eat several times more useful trace elements and vitamins than when eating regular food.

When all stages are completed, the resulting feed is packed in hermetic packs, boxes or bags for long-term storage and easy transportation.

Peculiarities technological process compound feed production is shown in the video.

Where to get raw materials

To produce and sell animal feed, it is necessary to purchase primary raw materials. The composition of the mixture includes straw, hay and cake, grain.

Auxiliary ingredients include:

  1. Cereals.
  2. Limestone flour.
  3. herbal mixtures.
  4. Raw materials based on starch.
  5. Salt, chalk, minerals.
  6. Chemical components (additives, flavorings).
  7. Vitamins.
  8. Antibiotics.
  9. Proteins fats carbohydrates.

The recipe depends on the purpose of the feed. Feed producers purchase primary raw materials from private and state enterprises specializing in growing and collecting the right items. Buy raw materials from different enterprises to find out which one will be the most suitable for the production and sale of your feed.

For the production of mixtures, you will need a mini feed mill. The type, quantity and models of equipment directly depend on the type of raw materials produced, since separate technological lines are used for each.

If you plan to produce compound feed from barley, then you will need pressing equipment for the workshop. If the composition of the mixture includes wheat, then such equipment is useless.

To minimize opening costs own business, buy the basic equipment of machines for the production of granular or loose type of mixture for animals. This technique does not require special skills and knowledge to work and works automatically. In addition, these types of feed are the most popular.

After the business begins to grow, you will purchase more powerful equipment due to the profits. The installation of such equipment will help to increase the volume of work and expand products. When choosing models, focus on quality. Pay special attention to the services provided by the manufacturer.

Good company for the production and assembly of feed equipment should provide the following services:

  • installation and configuration of equipment;
  • formation of a technological line;
  • provision of post-warranty and warranty services in case of equipment malfunctions.

The price of an extruder for the production of animal feed is on average 150-160 thousand rubles. The pellet press will cost 50,000 rubles. This is the main equipment for a mini plant at home. Whether it will be necessary to buy additional machines for production depends on the recipe and composition of the animal feed.

To whom to sell finished products - distribution channels

The competition in the feed business is fierce.

Before starting to produce feed in large quantities, it is necessary to agree on the supply of finished products. The ideal option is to conclude agreements with public and private livestock organizations.

Potential clients can be:

  1. Farms.
  2. Reserves.
  3. pet stores.
  4. Zoos.
  5. Poultry farms.
  6. Intermediaries.

How to calculate the profitability of a business (expenses and profits)

The main money will go to:

  • purchase and installation of the machine;
  • workshop registration;
  • purchase or lease of premises;
  • purchase of primary raw materials and packaging material.

Next, we calculate how much money will be spent on payments to workers and public Utilities. This also includes the costs of possible force majeure situations - an increase in the cost of utilities, raw materials, rent, equipment breakdown.

  1. Quality and speed of work.
  2. Working shift of people.
  3. Number of releases per month.
  4. Amount of work per month.
  5. The average cost of the received raw materials.

Mixtures commonly fed to livestock and poultry are called compound feeds. They are called so because they contain in their composition all the necessary nutrients and vitamins necessary for the growth of animals. This is a balanced complex, which is a complete food. Feed production equipment is relatively inexpensive. The simplest complex can be bought for 150 thousand rubles.

  • Animal Feed Technologies
  • How much money do you need to open a feed mill?
  • How much money do you need to open a feed business
  • Feed production technology

The lion's share of capital investments will need to be spent on the purchase of raw materials for animal feed. It can be very different. The feed formulation depends on the type of animal or bird, its age and purpose. Quality and energy value depend on the correct balanced ratio and the right raw materials.

Often, farmers open workshops for the production of feed for their needs. If surpluses are formed, they can be sold to other farms or the population. You can purposefully open this business, especially since everything related to agriculture in our country is a promising business. Before describing the technology for the production of compound feed, you need to figure out what types of them exist.

Animal Feed Technologies

There are such types of feed:

There are also protein-vitamin-mineral supplements. They are used as a supplement to the main feed when needed.

The technology consists of several stages:

All ingredients are ground to the same size. The grain must be cleaned and also crushed. This stage is always present when feed is being prepared for birds or weaners. Electronic scales are used to weigh the components. You need to know exactly how much to add this or that component to the mixture. Accuracy is the key to obtaining a quality product. After mixing, the process is usually completed. Such a loose product is suitable as compound feed for carp and poultry. Sometimes compound feed is pressed on a press granulator. There, the mixture takes on a uniform size and shape. With the help of a jet of air, the lumps are dried and then they go for packaging.

More modern technology which is mastered successfully at modern enterprises - extrusion. Compound feed produced in this way has the best taste. Due to the thermal effect, flavored substances are released from the raw materials. They are able to activate the secretion of enzymes in animals. After passing through all stages of processing, the level of toxins is significantly reduced. In the extruder, raw materials are processed under high temperature(200 C). In addition, it is subjected to pressure equal to 40 atmospheres. Swollen, porous material comes out of the apparatus. Changes in raw materials lead to the fact that final product has a pleasant bready aroma.

Feed extruder.

Production lines for the production of compound feed by this method are expensive, therefore, in our country, a method is more often used that allows the production of a granular or loose product. The choice of technology and equipment is a very important part in production planning. It depends on how much compound feed usually costs, its quality and the segment of future buyers.

How much money do you need to open a feed mill?

On the domestic market The choice of equipment for the production of combined feed is quite large. Its price directly depends on performance. The line, which can produce feed in granules up to 10 mm, will cost 1.5 million rubles. At the same time, its productivity will be 1000 kg of the finished product in one hour. There is equipment that can produce 3 thousand kg of feed in the same time. Its price reaches 3 million rubles. The lines usually do not include a shredder. A model that can crush straw and hay loaded in bulk will cost 20 thousand rubles. If the raw material is formed in the form of rolls and will be supplied for processing in this form, then a more powerful grinder will be needed. It costs about 350 thousand rubles.

There are certain requirements for the room in which the equipment will be located. The main ones are:

  • ceiling height not less than 4.5 m;
  • heating must be provided. In winter, the temperature in the workshop should not be less than 5 degrees.

Depending on the capacity of the equipment, 2-4 people can serve it. Usually suppliers together with the line give a complete description of the technological process. Thanks to this, future costs can be planned. The main thing is to choose the right equipment.

Taking into account the lease of premises for production and storage, the initial purchase of raw materials, the initial investment will amount to 2.5 million rubles. Business profitability - 17%. Investments pay off within 1.5-2 years.

How much money do you need to open a feed business

Required amount initial investment depends on many factors and is selected individually. Depending on the region and the scale of the enterprise, you can calculate the average amount of financial investments.
The list of costs for opening a feed mill:
- business registration 10 - 15 thousand rubles;
- purchase of premises from 500 thousand rubles;
- purchase of equipment 1–1.5 million rubles;
- purchase of the first batch of raw materials 500 - 600 thousand rubles;
- wage employees - up to 100 thousand rubles;
- Utilities - from 20 thousand rubles;
- taxes 50 000 rubles.
Conclusion: To open this kind of production, it is necessary to invest from 2.5 to 3 million rubles.

Feed production technology

Production different type compound feed consists of several stages. Grinding of raw materials is carried out on hammer single-rotor crushers and is carefully controlled. The size of grain grinding is determined by the age and type of birds that produce the final product.
There are two ways to peel oats and barley to separate their shell from the kernel. Such feed is intended for animals whose organs cannot digest roughage, which has a high fiber content. The first way is on scrubbers with abrasive cylinders or centrifugal peelers. According to the second method, grain crops are first crushed in crushers or roller machines, after which they are sorted depending on the level of crushing.
To improve the quality of production and the usefulness of grain raw materials, mandatory methods of preparing grain crops are used. Flattening is a grain preparation process based on hydrothermal preparation followed by flattening. This method improves the nutritional quality of the protein and carbohydrate complexes. Micronization of grain is also used, when the raw material can be processed with infrared rays, which enter the culture and provoke its swelling and cracking.
Extrusion takes place in an extruder press, in which, under high pressure, the crushed grain is rubbed and heated to a mark of 130 -150 ° C. At the outlet, due to the large pressure difference, the finished mass swells. All options for preparing grain crops before production contribute to the destruction of all fungi and bacteria, and also improve the absorption of the finished product by the animal's body.