When is the day of agriculture in Farmers feed us

In order to get to know the history of the emergence and development of the industry, as well as to find out when the Worker's Day Agriculture 2018 will be celebrated in our country, we offer to make a historical and educational excursion prepared by professional experts in this field.

Interesting facts about agriculture

According to researchers of ancient civilizations, the agricultural craft originated more than 10,000 years ago in the Middle East and Egypt. It was in this region that people first mastered the skills of agricultural cultivation of the land and learned how to domesticate wild animals. A little later, the tribes inhabiting North Africa, India and Persia mastered the ability to cultivate cereals. The inhabitants of Ancient China also succeeded in this craft, who 7000 years ago learned to grow simply rice and soybeans. The first historical evidence of agricultural fishing in Europe dates back to the 6th millennium BC.

As for "modernity", for the first time about agriculture, as an integral part of the economic sector, they started talking in Britain. This is where it appeared scientific definition this industry. In the period between the 15th and 19th centuries, the inhabitants of the mentioned lands reached an unprecedented volume of wheat harvest for that period, which made it possible to fully provide the population with food. this region. Since the beginning of the 19th century, there has been an active development and introduction of advanced agricultural technologies in Europe, and thanks to the progressive development of breeding, various varieties of valuable fruit plants have been bred, more adapted to weather disasters.

In the middle of the 20th century, the so-called "Green Revolution" took place in the world of agriculture, which brought dramatic changes to the concept of farming. In the period from 1940 to 1970, the world increase in grain and fruit and vegetable crops reached record levels at that time. In order to increase the productivity of agricultural labor in many countries of the world, and in particular in Russia, a unique program of mechanized cultivation of arable land has been successfully introduced. Innovative organic fertilizers have been developed and applied to increase yields, and thanks to modern means protection against natural pests and weeds, it was possible to avoid damage to plants important for agriculture.

As for the realities of modern Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, a plan for progressive agrarian reform was adopted in the country. The government agreed and clearly defined the main tasks and mechanisms for improving the agricultural sector.

Currently, this industry is one of the most important in the domestic economy. Thanks to the active development of agriculture and competent policy authorities, the yields and exports of Russian wheat have increased many times, and the population of the state is fully provided with a full range of necessary food products.

What date is the holiday?

In order to show how important the labor of agricultural workers is for people and the country as a whole, the government Russian Federation The Decree on the establishment of the corresponding holiday was initiated and signed. This document was approved in 1999, and the 2nd Sunday of October was chosen as the official date of the celebration. Taking into account the floating calendar of the holiday, another opportunity to congratulate the representatives of this sphere will be presented on October 14, 2018.

A few words about the profession of agrarian

Agriculture combines representatives of many professions. This category includes:

  • agronomists, private farmers, breeders and agricultural engineers;
  • tractor drivers, combiners and mowers;
  • operators of automated equipment and mechanical engineers;
  • producers of agricultural products;
  • veterinarians and other members of the profession.

However, this is only a small list of specialties related to the agricultural sector. In addition to them, on this day, congratulations are received by all those who work on the land every day without holidays and weekends, growing vegetables and wheat, who supply milk, meat and other food products that are part of the daily diet of Russians.

Holiday traditions

The day of the agricultural worker is notable for a number of solemn events. On October 14, 2019, congratulations to their friends, relatives and colleagues will be voiced not only by friends, family members and heads of domestic agricultural enterprises, but also by the first persons of the state. best workers the agricultural sector will traditionally be celebrated with honorary awards, prizes and memorable gifts. Many Russian television channels will broadcast thematic programs dedicated to the problems and achievements of this industry. In some cities of Russia, large-scale presentation events will be held, at which modern agricultural equipment used in various areas of agricultural activity will be demonstrated to the attention of the audience.

This coming Sunday, October 13, Russian farmers will celebrate a professional holiday - the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers. In Belarus, this celebration falls on the third Sunday of November (in 2019 - November 17). The custom of glorifying the completion of the harvest probably originated with the advent of agriculture. All peoples honored the best grain growers for well-deserved work, and the Slavs, the ancestors of Belarusians and Russians, were no exception.

Belarusian traditions: Bogach and Dozhinki

The Belarusian harvest festival was called "Rich Man" and was celebrated in autumn on the day of the equinox. For this celebration, each village family brought a handful of rye to the common "Bogach" - a small box of bark. A candle was placed in the center of a full lubok. A specially invited priest celebrated a prayer service, after which the inhabitants carried a popular print with grains of rye and a lit candle around the village. Also with the "Bagach" went around the herd.

After the rounds, the box with grain was brought to the hut in which the "Rich Man" was to be stored for a year, until the next harvest festival. It was believed that this ritual object would bring prosperity, health and well-being to the entire community, and especially to the farmer in whose house it is located.

But what is it? According to the medieval Slavic tradition, on the last day of the harvest, the most respected and respected woman in the village went to the field and at dawn began to harvest the remaining harvest. Gradually other villagers joined her. At the same time, some of the ears during Dozhinki were not cut off, but tied with a ribbon - they “curled their beard” to the spirit of the field, which, as it was believed, was hidden in the last sheaf. At the end of the harvest, each of the women set aside an ear for a common harvest sheaf, which was solemnly carried throughout the village to the house where the festive feast was held.

It is worth noting that in addition to the ritual function, Dozhinki also had practical benefits: during the holiday, with jokes and songs, all the villagers helped to squeeze the grain to those farmers who did not have time to collect the grain on time.

Day of Agricultural Workers in Belarus

Rural celebrations and rituals have grown into a professional holiday of agriculture, fixed at the state level, already in Soviet time. The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 26, 1966 established the All-Union Day of Agricultural Workers. It is celebrated annually on the second Sunday in October. And a week later, on the third Sunday of the month, they celebrated Workers' Day. Food Industry.

Professional days were separate until 1986, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR did not approve new holiday- Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex. It should have been celebrated on the third Sunday of November.

The same Sunday is fixed for the celebration of the workers of the village and in sovereign Belarus. The Day of Workers of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Agroindustrial Complex was approved by the Decree of the President of Belarus of November 10, 1995. And the folk rite of Dozhinok today is reflected in the festivals-fairs of the village workers of the same name, which are held annually in all districts and regions.

Day of agricultural workers in Russia

But in Russia, the original date, the second Sunday of October, has been chosen for the main holiday of farmers. The Day of the Worker in Agriculture and the Processing Industry was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 679 of May 31, 1999.

The Day of the Agricultural Worker in 2020 will be celebrated on October 11 in Russia and November 15 in Belarus.

The well-being of the agricultural industry depends on changeable and capricious weather, which can either increase or destroy the crop. People working in the agricultural sector deserve respect for their hard work, the result of which each of us enjoys every day.


During the existence of the USSR, there were two holidays for workers in the agricultural and processing industries. With the change in legislation, in order to show how important the activity of agriculture is for each of us, the government of the Russian Federation in 1999 signed a decree on the establishment of a single professional holiday.

The beginning of October was chosen as the day of celebration - the time when all large-scale field work ends and preparations for the winter period begin.

Agriculture has always been a leading component of the economy of most countries. Many progressive states are investing enormous capital in the improvement of their agriculture.

The agro-industry is an incredibly important part of the Russian economy, it accounts for a third of the country's GDP, and about half of the Russian budget is spent on the food basket.

For Russia, agriculture is an incredibly promising industry, in which many important issues have accumulated at the moment that require competent solutions. For this, the government of the country adopted a law on the development of agriculture. This document indicates the goals to be achieved, directions for the development of agricultural production and sales markets, and the possibility of financial assistance.


This professional holiday is celebrated by everyone who is responsible for the availability of any agricultural products on the tables of the inhabitants of Russia. On this day, congratulations are voiced not only by the authorities, relatives and colleagues, but also by members of the government, noting how important the work of agricultural workers is.

Television broadcasts thematic programs, telling about the achievements in the agricultural sector, its problems and history. It is also typical to hold various exhibitions of agricultural products and machines involved in this field of activity.

Agricultural workers sum up the results of the past agricultural year and work out plans for the next one.

The Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry in the Russian Federation, annually celebrated on the second Sunday of October, was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 1999. In 2018, the date falls on October 14th.

Initially, the holiday was established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 26, 1966 and was called the "All-Union Day of Agricultural Workers." It was also celebrated on the second Sunday in October. On the third Sunday of October, the "Day of Food Industry Workers" was celebrated, established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 30, 1966.

In 1986, these two holidays were combined into a single one - "The Day of Workers in Agriculture and the Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex". It was celebrated on the third Sunday in November. In 1988, it was combined with the "Meliorator's Day" into a single holiday with the name "Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers", which. In 1999, the date of the celebration was moved to the second Sunday in October, and the word "workers" was replaced with "worker" in the title.

Russia has a significant share of the planet's agricultural land - 4.5%. In the country, as well as throughout the world, agricultural production is the largest life-supporting sphere of the national economic complex. His condition and economic efficiency functioning have a decisive influence on the level of food supply and the well-being of the people. The agro-industrial complex (AIC) largely determines the state of the entire economy of the country, since it closely interacts with other sectors of the national economy.

Conducted in the country, since the early 1990s, without prior scientific study, agrarian reforms, mainly reduced to unregulated market liberalization, led to the collapse of the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex and system production technologies, their primitivization, threatened the existence the main, non-renewable means of production - land, without which the functioning of this industry is generally impossible. The production of the agro-industrial complex has almost halved, and in the structure-forming industry - agriculture - by 40%, which limited the country's ability to provide the population with food of its own production.

Since 1999, economic growth in agriculture began, which continued until 2006. During this time, the volume of agricultural production increased by 34.4%. But since 2002, there has been a trend towards a decrease in the pace of development of agriculture, their lagging behind the pace of development of the economy as a whole.

slowdown economic growth in agriculture, the lack of conditions for alternative employment in the countryside, the historically low level of development of social and engineering infrastructure have led to the aggravation of social problems in the countryside.

To overcome the crisis and bring the agro-industrial complex to sustainable development was adopted in 2006 the federal law"On the development of agriculture". In pursuance of this law, the "State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food" for 2008-2012 was adopted in 2007, and the state program for 2013-2020 was adopted in 2012.

State measures aimed at stimulating agriculture have proven to be effective. The industry began to show growth, actively began to develop various forms agricultural activities: not only large enterprises, but also small peasant farms.

Today, agriculture, the agro-industrial complex as a whole, is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian economy. Russia has become a leading grain power and occupies a leading position in the world in wheat exports. Positive dynamics in other areas, such as the production of pork and poultry meat, the collection of oilseeds, sugar beets, fruits and vegetables.

The volume of Russian agricultural production in 2017 increased by 2.6% compared to 2016 (and by 20% over the past five years), and the export of agricultural products in 2017 exceeded the level of 2000 by 15 times.

Russian producers fully provide the domestic market with grain, sugar, vegetable oil, chicken meat, fish and borscht vegetables. In 2017, the share of domestic grain in the total resources of the domestic market was 99.3%, beet sugar - 94.6%, vegetable oil- 84.8%, potatoes - 97%, meat and meat products - 90.4%, milk and dairy products 82.4%, salt 63.6%.

Russia in 2017 broke the historical record for grain harvest set in the USSR in 1978 (when 127.4 million tons were harvested), and received a crop of 134.1 million tons of grain (according to Rosstat). The wheat harvest for the first time in history amounted to 85.8 million tons. Grain exports from Russia in the 2016-2017 agricultural year (from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) amounted to a record 35.474 million tons, including 27.075 million tons of wheat. The country in 2017 increased the export of wheat and meslin (a mixture of wheat and rye)

When you go to the market or to the store, you think about how all these delicious products and various goods ended up on these shelves. I think that no one ever visits these thoughts. Simply because we are accustomed to milk in bags, fresh hot bread, meat, which has already been carefully cut into portions, and many other products. We have completely forgotten about those people, thanks to whom we can freely acquire and enjoy all this. It is worth reminding us city dwellers about hard work these strong people- agricultural workers. This article will discuss the holiday, the official name of which is:. There were times when agriculture was a priority in our country, and although now there is a slight decline in this area, it is thanks to agricultural workers that we are always full.

Agriculture Day 2019

Your professional holiday - Day of agriculture and processing industry, people of this sphere celebrate annually on the second Sunday of October, thanks to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 679 of May 31, 1999. Since that time, specialists and managers of agricultural enterprises, workers in the processing and food industries, farmers, field workers, rural intelligentsia have their own professional holiday - agriculture day. In the modern economy, agriculture is of great importance. It becomes a profitable industry, developing and providing new jobs to rural residents. And because the holiday, the day of agriculture, is also beginning to acquire its significance. The many unprofitable farms that characterized almost a century of inadequate land and farmland use are no longer in existence. The history of agriculture in the 20th century was complex, and sometimes just brutal. One has only to remember how many different reforms the Russian economy: collectivization, the times of the New Economic Policy, thoughtless development of poor lands. There were times when a peasant did not even have a passport. Until recently, urban residents went to the countryside to help during the harvest season, often they were schoolchildren and students. But these dark times are over. At present, agriculture and the processing industry are of great importance, and even an official holiday has been established - the day of agriculture. Finally, we realized that, having such vast lands, it is impossible to occupy such low rates for agricultural products in the world. Agriculture was simply necessary to transfer to market relations, and not to use the labor of non-professionals. In 2019, the celebration of the Day of Agriculture falls on October 13. And therefore we will have time to prepare for it in advance and prepare the original ones.

Congratulations on the day of agriculture

In different regions of Russia, agricultural and processing industry workers celebrate it in their own way. Celebrations are held in agriculture day concert, this is an indispensable event in the holiday scenario, many people remember their successes and achievements. Conduct trade fairs. Leaders prepare congratulations on the day of agriculture to their employees. Modern Russia you need a strong agriculture and processing industry to have competitive products in the world market. We all want to return to the times when Russia was the world leader in the supply of grain. We did not buy, but from us. To do this, it is necessary to support the village, train qualified personnel, and provide assistance to young specialists. Whatever the program of the state in helping agriculture, each of us must remember those people, thanks to whom we can eat environmentally clean products, meat and milk. May every citizen of the Russian Federation, every year in second Sunday in October remembers the workers of the village and be sure to congratulate everyone Happy Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker's Day.