Aircraft triplane Hercules Lightning 1000. Space reconnaissance rarely gets bored without work

The aircraft "Hercules" can be based on out-of-class airfields or airfields of the 1st class with taxiways modified if necessary. When using pneumatics low pressure operation is also possible on prepared unpaved airfields. The aircraft developer, NPO Molniya, uses the experience gained during the creation of the Buran spacecraft during ground testing of the units, which guarantees the high reliability of the aircraft. "Hercules" can be manufactured at existing factories aviation industry Russia.
The project of the aircraft "Hercules" was awarded the Gold Medal of the World Salon of Inventions and Scientific Research in Brussels "Eureka-95".

The aircraft is designed to transport large-sized cargo weighing up to 450 tons or passenger modules with a capacity of up to 1200 people on an external sling. It can also be used as a carrier aircraft for launching orbital stages of aerospace systems such as MAKS from it. Triplane "Hercules" was developed according to the two-fuselage scheme with the placement of outboard modules between the fuselages under the wing center section.
Advantages. The use of the bearing properties of all three planes of the triplane and the placement of cargo on the external sling significantly reduce the load on the structure and provide a significant - up to 20% reduction in the size and weight of the aircraft compared to traditional schemes. With the same dimensions, the carrying capacity of the Hercules is one and a half times higher than that of the well-known AN-225 Mriya aircraft. The lifting and lowering system available on the Hercules shortens the cycle and simplifies loading and unloading operations, without requiring the airfield to be equipped with bulky cranes. The aircraft "Hercules" can be based on out-of-class airfields or airfields of the 1st class with taxiways modified if necessary. When using low-pressure pneumatics, operation is also possible on prepared unpaved airfields.

Developer NPO Molniya
Designation Lightning-1000 "Hercules"
Type super heavy transport aircraft
Crew, people basic 4
removable 4
Maximum passenger capacity, persons 1200
Geometric and mass characteristics
Aircraft length, m 73,4
Wingspan, m 90,4
Wing area, m 2
Height, m 17,5
Chassis track, m 16
Maximum cargo dimensions, m: 60x11x9.4
Maximum takeoff weight, kg 900000
Maximum payload weight (including fasteners), kg 450000
Maximum fuel supply, t 358
Power point
Number of engines 6
engine's type turbofan
Engine power, kgf (kN) 6x 40000
flight data
Cruise speed, km/h 840
Cruise altitude, m
Flight range, km with maximum fuel 8300-11800
with maximum load 2300-3100
distillation 18000
Takeoff run, m 2350
Landing run, m 1000

In modern Russia, they are so embarrassed by their Soviet past that they are trying to destroy everything that still somehow reminds of past achievements and former greatness.

It is much easier to talk about the queues for sausage during the “twilight of stagnation” and subsequent Perestroika, the general and natural backwardness of Soviet science and economy, the doom of the USSR destined by fate itself and, consequently, privatization, as a natural and only correct reaction to the current situation, if the people just forget about what really happened in the USSR. Including about space.

And how else can you explain the situation that has developed at the Tushino Machine-Building Plant, which a few years ago was not only a production, but also a scientific flagship of the country's aerospace industry?

How many billions were dissolved in the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome? What happens to construction contracts at Baikonur if the contractors (they also turn out to be persons admitted to state secrets) are held accountable for embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars and flee abroad with money and secrets?

There is money for dubious construction projects and entertainment events, but there is no money for the space future of the country ... And this is under joyful promises that the whole country will move into a new technical era.

Today I want to bring to your attention an article by V.I. Boyarintsev and A.N. Samarin about what is happening in modern Russian space. The article is quite voluminous, but really interesting. However, the authors have a lot of questions, but there seems to be no answer to them. Although the answer is obvious. But the truth is rarely sugary and comfortable.

Who is the mysterious enemy here?

- Vladimir Vysotsky asked.

From the mouths of the leaders of democracy, we are accustomed to hearing about the successes of our developing rocket and space industry.

Here is the rocket and space company - the Tushino Machine-Building Plant, until recently the largest enterprise in the aerospace industry of Russia, organized in 1932 with the aim of mastering the latest models of the aviation industry (Stal-2 aircraft), which became Soviet time under the name of NPO "Molniya" by the creator of manned orbital shuttles "Buran".

The team was led by Academician Gleb Evgenievich Lozino-Lozinsky (1910-2001), one of the leading developers of Soviet aerospace technology, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize and two Stalin Prizes.

In Soviet times, 28 thousand people worked at an enterprise called the Tushinsky Machine-Building Plant, under the conditions of democratic capitalism it was gradually destroyed: in the early 2000s, the number was about 3,500 people, in 2013 - already 860 people, after an organized bankruptcy procedure of the plant in 2013-2015, no more than 150 people remained in the state, apparently, the number needed to protect the territory.

In 1993, an American delegation arrived at the enterprise, which for the most part consisted of career intelligence officers, after which the intellectual plunder of the Lightning began with the flow of state secrets abroad and the physical liquidation of the enterprise.

In November 2011, Sobyanin visited the Tushino Machine-Building Plant, called it “not bad” and promised to help with the payment of 6 billion debts. Did not help…

On December 10, 2015, a fire broke out at the plant, the area of ​​which exceeded 15,000 square meters. according to some sources, it was not the warehouse with engine oil that burned down, as was announced, but the most modern workshop No. 110 at the plant, where the control and test complex (CEC) was located with a huge chamber in which Buran was assembled and prepared for flight.

In 2018, the property of Tushinsky machine-building plant put up for sale, at open auction they ask for 10 billion 350 thousand rubles. The moment is not ruled out that it can be bought by a foreign owner, although this is unlikely, since all the secrets of NPO Molniya have long been sold.

Who and what did the former advanced rocket and space enterprise interfere with?

The main trouble of NPO Molniya was that since the completion of the creation of Buran, work was underway on the project of the reusable aerospace system MAKS, a large cooperation (about 70 aviation and space industry enterprises) developed a preliminary design.

According to the plan, a small winged ship equipped with an external tank is launched from the An-225 Mriya booster aircraft, after which it goes into orbit with the help of its own engines, performs maneuvers and independently returns to Earth.

The MAKS system, the spacecraft itself looks like a baby against the background of its life support.

As the late head of NPO Molniya Academician G.E. Lozino-Lozinsky noted, “the task of using the modernized project in the form of a reusable aerospace system MAKS is again urgent. And now Buran, as if paying a debt to its predecessor, is ready to put at its disposal the entire huge stock of theoretical and engineering knowledge accumulated by its creators, new design methods developed at NPO Molniya, a unique laboratory and bench base ... "

In confirmation of the design specifications a large amount of experimental research work was carried out in aerodynamics, gas dynamics, strength of structural elements and other areas.

This unique project, according to experts, differs from its counterparts in the Russian Buran and the American Shuttle in its mobility, which allows the device to be launched into various orbits. The main elements of the MAKS system are reusable, except for the external fuel tank and launch unit. The system is based on conventional aerodromes of the 1st class, additionally equipped with the means of refueling with fuel components, ground technical and landing complex necessary for MAKS, and fits mainly into the existing facilities of the ground-based space systems control complex.

MAKS has undeniable advantages over existing launch vehicles:

  • lower cost of launching payloads into orbit compared to disposable launch vehicles and first-generation reusable launch vehicles;
  • the ability to launch in any direction;
  • the possibility of launching into orbits with the necessary phasing and parallax relative to the departure airfield;
  • the possibility of wide maneuvering in the longitudinal and lateral planes when returning from orbit;
  • efficiency of application;
  • the possibility of returning payloads and their reusable use;
  • the possibility of returning the MAX when canceling the launch;
  • the ability to use existing aerodromes of the 1st class, equipped with the necessary means for MAKS refueling with fuel components, ground technical and landing complex.
  • environmental friendliness (reduction of fields of falling steps and non-toxic fuel components).

It can be argued (specialists agree on this) that such a system is the future for the next 25-30 years.

The project has already spent 14 billion dollars.

At the beginning of 2006, Roscosmos announced a competition for the creation of a rocket and space system, but all projects were rejected, and only one technical comment was made on the MAKS project - it was supposed to use a foreign-made aircraft (Ukraine) as a carrier. But there is a project to create your own aircraft, which has a greater carrying capacity than the Ukrainian

Soviet version of the aircraft. "Molniya-1000" ("Hercules") - a super-heavy triplane, was developed by NPO Molniya.

Despite the fact that the United States, Russia and China are actively working on Air Launch, and each country goes its own way, the unique aerospace program begins in the Soviet Union. And all modern foreign technologies are like only timid attempts to copy what was developed in the USSR almost 40 years ago.

On May 31, 2017, the Stratolaunch Model 351, a multipurpose carrier aircraft for the aerospace system, was solemnly shown in the USA.

They say that there is no money in Russia, but 15% of the budget goes to create a “bright” image of Russia for foreign football fans, colorful variety and sports events with the participation of the president in a foreign wedding.

From a letter from the factory workers (2010):

- The destruction of real-life and still having backlogs and potential ... enterprises, with all the vastness of plans for the development of aerospace topics in Russia, is not just strange, but also criminal. We are convinced that with proper verification and investigation, everything that happens at NPO Molniya will be qualified by the court as a CRIME! ...

In Soviet times, this was called: sabotage, a grave state crime that undermines the defense capability. A military tribunal was investigating such cases ...

This was the second appeal to the President, the Prime Minister, the Prosecutor General, which did not give any result.

Here is an excerpt from the Hero's appeal Soviet Union, Lead Pilot of the Buran ISS, President of the Assistance Fund national projects I.P. Wolf to the President of the country:

“In order to ensure the fundamental possibility of developing a number of projects of promising models of hypersonic and rocket-space technology, including those included in federal state programs, it is necessary to unconditionally preserve and use the potential of OAO NPO Molniya as a single research and production complex and fully reconstruct the scientific school ...”

From the Internet:

  • The plant was burned, in my opinion, on purpose. Until now, its restoration has been called into question. Thousands of skilled professionals ended up on the street and joined the ranks of merchants, drunkards, security guards, and the like. This is a clear crime of the authorities, who do not care not only about industry, but also about people.
  • “I think the plant is being destroyed on purpose…,” the plant worker believes.

Journalist and publicist Maxim Kalashnikov believes that modern Russia, having spent money on repeating the projects of the 1950s, which were already closed then as unpromising, gave the production of light aerospace systems to the USA and China, and domestic "cosmonautics will remain in the last century with expensive spaceports and disposable rockets ..."

True, Kalashnikov naively believes that this is the result of the stupidity of the leadership, and not a national crime.

Who does not need the MAKS system in Russia?

It is not needed by the leaders of the military space complex, as it requires attention, responsibility, technical knowledge, the involvement of systematically destroyed specialists and hard work, which cannot be expected from a government created on the basis of personal loyalty and complete incompetence.

MAKS is not needed by the government, the government, consisting of lawyers and economists, the government, which is no longer ours, concerned about obtaining high personal incomes and maintaining their posts in the course of activities, in fact, hostile, leading to the complete subordination of the country to world capital.

The situation with Molniya is typical of the current full-scale national tragedy, the destruction of Soviet civilization. Someone's forces abroad are interested in the de-industrialization of Russia, the elimination of its former power, and pay for it.

The top leadership of the Russian Federation "Takes under the visor"

And here once again you can ask the question of Vladimir Vysotsky: "Who is the mysterious enemy here?"

P.S.: On August 10, 2018, representatives of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow and the city organization of the trade union of aviation industry workers took part in a joint visit to the enterprise of JSC NPO MOLNIA.

The question of the development of Moscow industry was discussed.

The meeting of this commission, judging by the photographs, resembled a commemoration, but without vodka and snacks, in the upper right corner of the photo one can see a model of Buran, a symbol of the achievements of rocket and space technology that have died.

It would be easy if only this one enterprise got into such a situation. However, everything that happens is more like a system than a misunderstanding or economic oversight.

Spaceships are still flying, especially commercial flights, something is being built somewhere, i.e. a lot of money is being invested. Only this is very little like the development of the industry and concern for the future of Russian space. This is almost 100% commercial investments and projects for today. Business on public money and nothing else.

Fighter (hypothetical) "Triplane Bezobrazov".

Developer: Bezobrazov
Country: Russian Empire
First flight: 1914

On October 7, 1914, the Moscow Governor-General S.I. Muravyov telegraphed to the aviation command of the Russian army: “... today was Moscow the first test of a new aircraft three monoplanes of ensign Alexander Alexandrovich Bezobrazov point successful flight immediately after the completion of construction without preliminary tests. Further, the Governor-General argued that Bezobrazov “can quickly set up a large workshop both for his type and for types of any system.

The beginning of the work of A.A. Bezobrazov dates back to 1913, when a young enthusiast decided to make an airplane of his own design, which was supposed to stably stay in the air, without any horizontal tail, i.e. be tailless. The idea was interesting and tempting, but so unusual that even the first drawings caused skepticism and categorical doubts among many consulting well-wishers. To no lesser extent, specialists were embarrassed not only by the three-winged tailless tandem, but also by the age of the inventor, his lack of sufficient experience and education. Some interpreted his last name as follows - without education, they say.

In February 1914, Alexander showed his project to the famous Italian designer and pilot-athlete Francesco Mosca, who came to Russia in 1912 to catch his fortune. Then he succumbed to the tempting offer of Russian pilots Max von Lerche and Georgy Yankovsky to build a NAM aircraft together. Francesco Mosca actually became Bezobrazov's co-author in the creation of the aforementioned "trimonoplane", taking on his shoulders a significant part of the design work.

There were a lot of flying "whatnots" with three or more wings at the dawn of aviation development. If not all of them, then surely most of them did not have a fundamental difference from aircraft of other schemes from an aerodynamic point of view. To ensure longitudinal stability and controllability, they were endowed with horizontal tail, mounted at a large distance (shoulder) from the center of gravity of the apparatus.

In the case under consideration, the triplane did not have a horizontal tail, “it was a rare scheme of a three-wing tandem with a large offset of the wings along the horizontal axis and a small separation along the height of the triplane box.” All wings had the same basic geometry and profile. In terms of appearance, each of them resembled the letter “M” stretched to the sides with a constant profile chord of 60% of the span equal to 0.5 m. Roundings were introduced at the sweep fracture along the leading edges, which gave each load-bearing element the shape of a bird's wing.

The profile for the wings was chosen to be triangular with apex at 35% of the chord with a slightly concave undersurface. Structurally, each wing consisted of two halves. The front and rear wings had a junction of parts in the plane of symmetry of the airplane, and the middle wing consisted of a pair of shortened halves that were attached to the fuselage along its sides. The rear wing had a rigid attachment to the tail of the hull in the form of a Y-shaped boar.
All wings were interconnected by four longitudinal beams made of steel pipes oval cross section. The pipes were arranged in pairs at 30% and 60% of the span. The beams had a mustache on the bottom of the hanging front wing and on top of the rear supported wing. Through the middle wing they passed through, fixed to its spars with the help of elliptical metal flanges. End fittings of all four longitudinal power elements of the triplane box had similar flange fittings. In the areas where the wings were attached to the beams (in front view, the latter resembled racks), their profile was pierced with vertical trusses for wiring the upper and lower aileron control cables. The sprengel seals were tied on top with braces with a high four-rod fuselage boar, and below with landing gear.
In addition, a diagonal bracing network was arranged for connecting the beams in the wings to each other, with the exception of the central truss of the front wing, which was prevented by a rotating propeller.

The chassis consisted of two U-shaped racks, to which the lower curved crossbars were attached, necessary for installing the wheel axle and connecting it with a rubber cord shock absorber.

The fuselage began with a casing covering the Gnome engine (80 hp) of the French designers Seguin and Luke, then a compartment occupied by the central transmission of the engine was arranged, above which the fuel and oil tanks were installed.

According to the original design, the motor was supposed to be installed in the middle of the fuselage with a long shaft gasket to the front pulling screw. At the same time, Bezobrazov planned to install the pilot's seat behind the engine in a closed glass cockpit with a periscope, which would give the fuselage a streamlined spindle shape. But an experienced companion F. Mosca objected to him and the aircraft was built with a normal fuselage, in which the pilot would have a circular view from the open cockpit. The front side of the pilot's workplace, on top of which a transparent celluloid visor was installed, was raised above the upper fuselage spars on a convex convex fairing. Such an elevation was introduced to install the necessary flight instruments in front of the aviator's eyes. Behind the back of the pilot's seat (the airplane was single) inside the tail section of the hull tapering in width and height, 5 rectangular frames sheathed with plywood and covered with canvas were braced diagonally.

A.A. Bezobrazov repeatedly expressed regret that he did not realize his idea of ​​a streamlined round fuselage, but F.E. Mosca repeatedly returned him to the current reality. In the conditions of a primitive production base located in a shed-workshop (at Khodynka field), it was almost impossible to glue a good monocoque. In addition, the first World War and the lost illusions had to be consigned to oblivion.

The construction of the airplane was completed by October 1914, a month after the start of hostilities at the front. Bezobrazov saw in his creation a single-seat fighter. His colleague did not share this opinion, believing that their pterodactyl was interesting as a purely experimental aircraft.

The first flight, to the amazement of many aviators, F. Mosca made very successfully, without making any preliminary runs and approaches. A strong wind picked up at the airfield as the pilot taxied out of the parking lot to run back and forth across the grass. Feeling that the car itself was asking for the sky, the pilot gave gas and the airplane easily, like a butterfly, fluttered up 50-70 meters. Having made three steady turns at an altitude of 200-250 m around the launch site, Mosca landed. There were no flowers and music - no one expected that day that this "web" would fly.

A.A. Bezobrazov could not rejoice at such a significant event, since in the first days of September he was already at the front as a career officer. He had to return to business only in December 1914. After a serious injury, he spent a long time in the hospital. His "trimonoplane" at that time was transferred to the Crimea (closer to flying weather), where F. Moska continued to test and fine-tune it at the Sevastopol Aviation School.
A.A. Bezobrazov arrived in the Crimea in January 1915, and already without Moska, throughout 1915 he continued to alter and improve the apparatus, until in June next year did not return to Moscow. On August 6, 1916, pilot I.A. Orlov crashed while trying to take off. Due to the failure of the wheel axle, the airplane pecked with its nose and rolled over on its back. The repair of the "triplane" was completed by March 1917. Further experiments with the airplane were suspended. The installation and type of weapons on the hypothetical fighter A.A. Bezobrazov are not known.

Type: Triplane Bezobrazov
Maximum speed, km/h: 100
Practical ceiling, m: 2000
Flight duration, h: 2
Wing area, m2: 17
Takeoff weight, kg: 547
Empty weight, kg: 388
Fuel reserve, kg: 70
Engine: 1 x PD "Gnome"
-power, hp: 1 x 80
Specific load on wings, kg/m2: 32.2
Specific load on power, kg / hp: 6.85
Weight return,%: 29.1.

Triplane Bezobrazov.

Triplane Bezobrazov.

Triplane Bezobrazov.

Triplane Bezobrazov. Back view.

Triplane Bezobrazov.

Triplane Bezobrazov.

Triplane Bezobrazov.

Triplane Bezobrazov.

Triplane Bezobrazov in flight.

Triplane Bezobrazov after the accident.

Triplane Bezobrazov. Picture.

Triplane Bezobrazov. Scheme 1.

Triplane Bezobrazov. Scheme 2.

List of sources:

Mikhail Maslov. Russian aircraft 1914-1917.
Ivnamin Sultanov. Technique and Armament. Triplane Bezobrazov.


Sopwith Triplane fighter. — Russian aviation

Sopwith Triplane fighter.

Developer: Sopwith
Country: UK
First flight: 1916

Poor forward and upward visibility from the cockpit of the biplane was a major problem for pilots. The situation was exacerbated in 1916, when such tactics as entering from dead zone or from the sun. They tried to solve the problem in different ways: lowering the upper wing down or making slots in it. It was not possible to reduce the wing chord, as this led to a decrease in its lift. It was also impossible to lift the wing up, as this reduced the margin of safety of the entire structure. But Herbert Smith dared to go down both forbidden paths at once. He narrowed the wing and lifted it up. To compensate for the drop in lift, he added a third wing, positioning it at the level of the upper side of the fuselage.

The plane turned out very quickly, since the standard fuselage from Papa was used in its design. On May 28, 1916, test pilot Harry Hawker took the plane into the air. The car was equipped with a Clerget 9Z engine with a power of 110 hp. Hawker praised the aircraft's flight qualities, noting, above all, its maneuverability. On August 26, they flew around the second prototype, equipped with a Clerget 9V engine with a power of 130 hp. The plane showed best performance. The Admiralty ordered 500 vehicles for naval aviation.

In September 1916, serial production of the aircraft began. The plane was given a banal name: "Sopwith Triplane" (Sopwith Triplane), especially since it turned out to be the only triplane produced by this company. At the end of 1916, triplanes appeared in combat units. Aircraft of this type were produced both by Sopwith Aviation Co. in Kingston itself, and under license by Clayton & Shuttleworth in Lincoln and Oakley & Co. in Ilford. Only 150 cars were produced, along with prototypes and trial copies. The latter were two: No. 509 and No. 510. These aircraft were tested in-line Hispano-Suiza engines.

Sopwith Triplane aircraft were in service with only six squadrons of naval aviation. They remained in service only until the middle of 1917, giving way to the new Kemels. But in this short period of time, the pilots were able to achieve good results. For example, flight "B" of the 10th Naval Aviation Squadron, consisting of five Canadian pilots, led by Raymond Collishaw, shot down 87 German aircraft within 4 months, including Collishaw himself - 16. His "Triplane" with a hood painted black with one of his own the appearance caused panic among the German pilots. Other pilots also won many victories on the Triplanes: R.A. Little, R.S. Dallas, R.J. Compston, K.D. Booker and others.

The combat career was also relatively short. Triplane was very inconvenient to maintain. The fuel and oil tanks could only be reached by substantially dismantling the wings and fuselage. Even relatively minor repairs had to be done in repair shops located deep in the rear. In addition, there were difficulties with the supply of spare parts during the summer of 1917.

There were also cases of wing failure in steep dives, as it turned out later due to the use of thinner than intended braces on 46 aircraft built by the contractor Clayton & Shuttleworth. Some pilots of No. 10 Squadron used additional cables to make the aircraft more rigid. Another equally important disadvantage of the Triplane was its light armament. By the time the Triplane was introduced, the Germans were already equipping their fighters with twin machine guns, while the Triplane was equipped with a single Vickers machine gun. Attempts were made to strengthen the armament of the aircraft. At the Shuttleworth factory, six experimental aircraft with twin machine guns were built, but due to the negative impact of the additional weight on the aircraft's handling, things did not go any further, the work was curtailed.

Despite everything, the aircraft received rave reviews from front-line pilots. At that time, the highly maneuverable and fast enough Triplane was perhaps the best British fighter, although its armament was already considered insufficient. And the two-machine-gun Camel that appeared soon, which was practically not inferior to the Triplane in maneuverability, prevented the wide distribution of the three-winged fighter.

During the summer of 1917, the Triplane were gradually pushed out of the front-line divisions into training ones. At the same time, several copies of the car came to Russia and were subsequently used by the Bolsheviks in the civil war.

Description of the aircraft.

The Sopwith Triplane was a single-seat single-engine triplane of wooden construction.

The aircraft had the usual for that time all-wood construction with linen covering. The fuselage truss was formed by four pine spars, struts and struts, which were held together with knots stamped from sheet steel. The rigidity of the farm was provided by wire braces. The nose of the fuselage was sheathed with aluminum sheets. The shape of the fuselage fairing and sides in the bow was set by a light formwork consisting of plywood frames and pine stringers.

Triplane box - from three equal in span and chord two-spar wings with internal wire braces. Spars - from nipple bars, ribs - from the same rails and plywood. Between each two ribs, two additional socks were installed.

The wing profile was thin, with a relative thickness of 7%. The close-fitting is linen, the fabric was sewn to the ribs with thick threads, followed by sealing the seams with a keeper tape. The relatively narrow wings of the aircraft improved visibility from the cockpit. Ailerons connected by braces were hung on the rear wing spars. The number of racks and wing bracing bands was minimal. The wings were mounted on four identical wide pine struts with a streamlined profile. Two middle struts passed through the fuselage and were bolted to its upper and lower spars.

The tail unit had a traditional shape for Sopwith aircraft and was a lightweight wooden frame, reinforced on the outside with bracing tapes. Controlled rudder trims had not yet been invented at that time, therefore, for flights at different speeds, the stabilizer on the Sopwith, as well as on many other aircraft, was balanced by a special rearrangement mechanism. It consisted of a small screw jack and a steering wheel on the starboard side of the cab, connected by cable wiring. The leading edge of the stabilizer was hinged on the fuselage truss, and the rear edge could rise, changing the installation angle from +2° to -2°.

Initially, the aircraft was equipped with a nine-cylinder rotary engine "Clerget" 9Z with a power of 110 hp. Some later aircraft with a 130 hp "Clerget" 9B rotary engine. had a further improvement in flight performance. Some aircraft were equipped with 9-cylinder Le Rhone engines with a power of 110 hp. The engine nacelle was closed with a streamlined aluminum hood of circular cross section. Propeller - wooden, type "integral". An impeller-driven fuel pump was located on the right wing strut.

Aircraft control cable. In places where the cable was bent, rollers were installed, covered with inspection hatches.

The Sopwith Triplane was armed with a single 7.62 mm Vickers machine gun mounted on the fuselage in front of the pilot. The machine gun is equipped with a synchronizing mechanism for firing through the propeller.

The instrumentation included a tachometer, speed indicator, pressure gauge and magneto switch and was located on the dashboard. The engine control levers were mounted to the left of the pilot.

Modification: Sopwith Triplane
Wingspan, m: 8.07
Length, m: 5.73
Height, m: 3.20
Wing area, m2: 21.46
Weight, kg
- empty aircraft: 499
- normal takeoff: 698
Engine type: 1 x PD "Clerget" 9B
- power, hp: 1 x 130
Maximum speed, km/h: 188
Cruise speed, km/h: 161
Flight duration, h.min: 2.45
Maximum rate of climb, m/min: -
Practical ceiling, m: 6248
Crew: 1
Armament: 1 synchronized 7.7 mm Vickers machine gun (2 machine guns were installed on a small number of fighters).

Sopwith Triplane of the Royal Air Force.

Sopwith Triplane of the Royal Air Force.

Sopwith Triplane of the Royal Air Force.

Sopwith Triplane of the Royal Air Force.

Sopwith Triplane fighter in the parking lot.

Sopwith Triplane. Front view.

Sopwith Triplane. Back view.

Sopwith Triplane cockpit.

Sopwith Triplane cockpit.

Sopwith Triplane cockpit.

Sopwith Triplane projections. Picture.

Sopwith Triplane RKKVF. Picture.

Sopwith Triplane. Scheme.

List of sources:
V. B. Shavrov. History of aircraft designs in the USSR until 1938
Aron Sheps. Aircraft of the First World War: Entente countries.
Vyacheslav Kondratiev. Fighters of the First World War.
Site "Corner of the sky". 2010 page: "Sopwith Triplane".


Triplane Wikipedia

Triplane transverse triplane

In Russia

see also



Lightning-1000 "Hercules" super-heavy triplane. Russia

Developer NPO Molniya
Designation Lightning-1000 "Hercules"
Crew, people basic 4
removable 4
Aircraft length, m 73,4
Wingspan, m 90,4
Wing area, m 2
Height, m 17,5
Chassis track, m 16
Power point
Number of engines 6
engine's type turbofan
Engine power, kgf (kN) 6x 40000
flight data
Cruise altitude, m
Flight range, km 8300-11800
with maximum load 2300-3100
distillation 18000
Takeoff run, m 2350
Landing run, m 1000

Triplane - Wikipedia.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caproni Ca.60 - the record holder for the number of planes.

The so-called "longitudinal triplane" Su-30MKI

Triplane- a type of aircraft, the design of which is characterized by the presence of three wings - three surfaces for creating lift. As a rule, the wings are located one above the other, while such an aircraft is called transverse triplane. Such triplanes became most widespread during the First World War.

The desire to use many planes was feature the origin of aviation - practically nothing was known about aerodynamics, and the creators of the first aircraft - almost always enthusiasts without a serious education - tried to increase lifting force. However, due to the increased frontal resistance, aircraft of this design quickly gave way to biplanes and monoplanes.

In Russia

Currently, Sukhoi Design Bureau aircraft, which, in addition to the tail, also have front horizontal tail (PGO), are called "longitudinal triplanes" or "horizontal triplanes". These are Su-30, Su-33 fighters and experienced Su-27M and Su-47 fighters. The American F-15S / MTD fighter also has a similar scheme.

Related videos

see also



Lightning-1000 "Hercules" super-heavy triplane. Russia: alternathistory

The Hercules transport aircraft is the heaviest of the aircraft designed by NPO Molniya. It is made according to an unconventional two-beam "triplane" scheme with an external suspension of the transported cargo under the wing center section between the fuselages. The use of the bearing properties of all three planes of the triplane significantly reduces the load on the structure and provides a significant reduction in the size and weight of the aircraft compared to traditional schemes. With the same dimensions, the carrying capacity of the Hercules is one and a half times higher than that of the well-known An-225 Mriya aircraft.

The aircraft "Hercules" can be based on out-of-class airfields or airfields of the 1st class with taxiways modified if necessary. When using low-pressure pneumatics, operation is also possible on prepared unpaved airfields. The aircraft developer, NPO Molniya, uses the experience gained during the creation of the Buran spacecraft during ground testing of the units, which guarantees the high reliability of the aircraft. "Hercules" can be manufactured at the existing factories of the aviation industry in Russia.
The project of the aircraft "Hercules" was awarded the Gold Medal of the World Salon of Inventions and Scientific Research in Brussels "Eureka-95".
The aircraft is designed to transport large-sized cargo weighing up to 450 tons or passenger modules with a capacity of up to 1200 people on an external sling. It can also be used as a carrier aircraft for launching orbital stages of aerospace systems such as MAKS from it. Triplane "Hercules" was developed according to the two-fuselage scheme with the placement of outboard modules between the fuselages under the wing center section.
Advantages. The use of the bearing properties of all three planes of the triplane and the placement of cargo on the external sling significantly reduce the load on the structure and provide a significant reduction in the size and weight of the aircraft, up to 20%, compared to traditional schemes. With the same dimensions, the carrying capacity of the Hercules is one and a half times higher than that of the well-known AN-225 Mriya aircraft. The lifting and lowering system available on the Hercules shortens the cycle and simplifies loading and unloading operations, without requiring the airfield to be equipped with bulky cranes. The aircraft "Hercules" can be based on out-of-class airfields or airfields of the 1st class with taxiways modified if necessary. When using low-pressure pneumatics, operation is also possible on prepared unpaved airfields.

Developer NPO Molniya
Designation Lightning-1000 "Hercules"
Type super heavy transport aircraft
Crew, people basic 4
removable 4
Maximum passenger capacity, persons 1200
Geometric and mass characteristics
Aircraft length, m 73,4
Wingspan, m 90,4
Wing area, m 2
Height, m 17,5
Chassis track, m 16
Maximum cargo dimensions, m: 60x11x9.4
Maximum takeoff weight, kg 900000
Maximum payload weight (including fasteners), kg 450000
Maximum fuel supply, t 358
Power point
Number of engines 6
engine's type turbofan
Engine power, kgf (kN) 6x 40000
flight data
Cruise speed, km/h 840
Cruise altitude, m
Flight range, km with maximum fuel 8300-11800
with maximum load 2300-3100
distillation 18000
Takeoff run, m 2350
Landing run, m 1000

Source -

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Sopwith Triplane, UK, 1916

In 1916, the British aircraft manufacturer Sopwith began to develop a super-maneuverable fighter, under the direction of engineer Herbert Smith. The new aircraft had to compete with the powerful German Albatros. Not having at his disposal an engine similar to the German engines in terms of power, Smith took the path of reducing the aerodynamic drag of the aircraft by adding an additional wing to the Sopwith Pup fuselage.

      Thus, the total area of ​​the planes did not increase, however, each wing had smaller geometric dimensions than that of a biplane. Accordingly, the mass of each plane also decreased, the number of racks and the total length of the braces were reduced, and due to the smaller wing chord, the pilot's visibility improved. As a result, the aerodynamic drag of the apparatus decreased.

                                      flight was made on May 26, 1916 by test pilot Harry Hawker. As it turned out, the small chord of the wings also contributed to the improvement of the maneuvering characteristics of the aircraft, but also tightened the requirements for the centering of the machine. At the same time, the longitudinal and directional balancing worsened somewhat. The aircraft proved to be very easy to fly and extremely manoeuvrable. At the same time, he had a relatively high aerodynamic quality and easily left behind the Poup biplane created by Sopwith three months earlier, whose speed was 20 km / h less.

      Serial production was launched in September 1916 and immediately the triplane began to enter the troops.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP The 1st Squadron of the Royal Air Force was fully equipped with triplenes in December 1916, but it did not participate in any significant hostilities until February 1917. 8th Squadron received new aircraft in February 1917. 9th and 10th Squadrons were equipped with Triplanes between April and May 1917. In addition, 17 aircraft were transferred to the French naval squadron based in Duncreek. In 1917, aircraft in a small number also got to Russia - to the troops of the interventionists and the White Guards, later becoming combat trophies of the Red Army.

                                                         tried to avoid the unusual aircraft. The response from the German command was the appearance at the end of 1917 of the Fokker Dr.I, which was essentially a copy of the captured Triplane.

      The 10th Black Flight Squadron under the command of Lieutenant Raymond Calshaw was especially successful on the German front. The fairings and stabilizers of the aircraft of this squadron were painted black. In June and July 1917 alone, Black Flight destroyed 87 German aircraft in air battles, losing only one. Calshaw himself scored 34 aerial victories in the Triplane, becoming the highest scoring Sopwith Triplane pilot.

      The fighting career was also comparatively short. Triplane was very inconvenient to maintain. The fuel and oil tanks could only be reached by substantially dismantling the wings and fuselage. Even relatively minor repairs had to be done in repair shops located deep in the rear. In addition, there were difficulties with the supply of spare parts during the summer of 1917.
There were also cases of wing failure in steep dives, as it turned out later due to the use of thinner than intended braces on 46 aircraft built by the contractor Clayton & Shuttleworth. Some pilots of No. 10 Squadron used additional cables to make the aircraft more rigid. Another equally important drawback of the Triplane was its light armament. By the time the Triplane was introduced, the Germans were already equipping their fighters with twin machine guns, while the Triplane was equipped with a single Vickers machine gun. Attempts were made to strengthen the armament of the aircraft. At the & Shuttleworth factory, six experimental aircraft with twin machine guns were built, however, due to the negative effect of the additional weight on the aircraft's handling, things did not go any further, the work was curtailed.

                                                                   design of the usual for that time with fabric lining. The fuselage truss was formed by four pine spars, struts and struts, which were held together with knots stamped from sheet steel. The rigidity of the farm was provided by wire braces. The nose of the fuselage was sheathed with aluminum sheets. The shape of the fuselage fairing and sides in the bow was set by a light formwork consisting of plywood frames and pine stringers.

                                             Spars - from nipple bars, ribs - from the same rails and plywood. Between each two ribs, two additional socks were installed.

      The wing profile was thin, with a relative thickness of 7%. The close-fitting is linen, the fabric was sewn to the ribs with thick threads, followed by sealing the seams with a keeper tape. The relatively narrow wings of the aircraft improved visibility from the cockpit. Ailerons connected by braces were hung on the rear wing spars. The number of racks and wing bracing bands was minimal. The wings were mounted on four identical wide pine struts with a streamlined profile. Two middle struts passed through the fuselage and were bolted to its upper and lower spars.

                        Controlled rudder trims had not yet been invented at that time, therefore, for flights at different speeds, the stabilizer on the Sopwith, as well as on many other aircraft, was balanced by a special rearrangement mechanism. It consisted of a small screw jack and a steering wheel on the starboard side of the cab, connected by cable wiring. The leading edge of the stabilizer was hinged on the fuselage truss, and the rear edge could rise, changing the installation angle from +2° to -2°.

      Initially, the aircraft was powered by a 110 hp Clerget 9Z nine-cylinder rotary engine. Some later aircraft powered by a 130 hp Clerget 9B rotary engine. had a further improvement in flight performance. Some aircraft were equipped with 9-cylinder Le Rhone engines with a power of 110 hp. The engine nacelle was closed with a streamlined aluminum hood of circular cross section. Propeller - wooden, type "integral". An impeller-driven fuel pump was located on the right wing strut.
Chassis - the usual design for those years, made of steel pipes with a drop-shaped section. The chassis axis consisted of two articulated parts. Depreciation - rubber cords. Wooden crutch, controlled, with rubber cord cushioning.

      Rope control of aircraft. In places where the cable was bent, rollers were installed, covered with inspection hatches.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Sopwith Triplane was armed with a single 7.62 mm caliber cartridge machine gun fixed on the fuselage in front of the pilot. The machine gun is equipped with a synchronizing mechanism for firing through the propeller.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSp Recores Tachometer, Speed ​​Index, Pressure Gauge and Magneto Switch and was located on the dashboard. The engine control levers were mounted to the left of the pilot.

      The initial order was to make 500 copies. Aircraft were being built at a rapid pace, but their production was soon discontinued - the more modern Sopwith Camel was replacing the triplanes. In total, about 147 vehicles were built, which were used at the front in the first half of 1917. The remaining vehicles served as simulators until the end of the war.

                                               , two original aircraft survived, the first one - N5912, one of the three aircraft built at the Oakley & Co Ltd factory. At the end of 1917. The aircraft did not see action, serving with the No.2 School of Aerial Fighting and Gunnery. After the war, the aircraft was part of the Imperial War Museum until 1924. In 1936, the aircraft was purchased and restored by the Royal Armed Forces for participation in the Air Force demonstrations. Today the aircraft is in the Royal Air Force Museum.
         The second one - N5486, equipped with skis, was Russian government in May 1917 to assess the combat and operational qualities. At the moment, the aircraft is in the Central Air Force Museum in Monino.

      Six replicas of the aircraft were also built for museums and private collections.

      Model aircraft - Sopwith Triplane BLYMP No. 5493 by Australian ace Robert Alexander Little (07/19/1895 - 05/27/1918). The pilot received this aircraft in April 1917, a limited edition aircraft with a modified tail, double Vickers machine gun, and also with the pilot's seat moved forward 10 inches forward. This made the aircraft front-centered and increased its dive speed, which was of the utmost importance to Little. Blymp is the nickname of his son, who was born a year earlier. Little won his first air victory on this aircraft on April 28, and the last on July 10, 1917, during this period 20 German aircraft were shot down. According to this indicator, "Blymp" became the second Sopwith Triplane after "Black Prince," N5492 Calshaw.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSPs Mold was seriously damaged in air combat on July 28, under the control of Edward Crandoll, but was restored. Red hearts appeared on the sides of its fuselage, the name was removed, and the red stripe around the fuselage was expanded. On September 6, 1917, the aircraft was completely destroyed in a collision with a SPAD VII belonging to 19 Squadron.

      Model - Revell, Scale - 1:72

LTH Sopwith Triplane

   Wingspan, m………………………………… ..8.07
   Length, m………………………………………………….5.73
   Height, m…………………………………………………3.2
   Wing area, m 2 ………………………………21.4 6
   Take-off weight, kg……………………………….. …….698
   Empty weight, kg……………………….499
   Engine………………………………………………..rotary, 9-cylinder Clerget 9B, 130 hp
   Maximum speed, km/h…………………..187
   Ceiling, m………………………………………………..6250
   Flight range, km………………………………….4 50
   Duration of flight, h…………………………….2:45
    7.62mm synchronized Vickers machine gun

Friends, I will not be modest, with great pleasure I am glad to start new topic in this section. The museum collection has been replenished with a new aircraft. Meet and get acquainted! Lightning-1 ML-012 RA-__104.

The plane is interesting, unusual. We do not have enough technical and historical information on it, but we will look for all the opportunities to fill in the gaps.
For now, in short, from what is available on the web.

Light passenger 6-seater aircraft "Molniya-1" is intended for mass and individual use, business flights, transportation of goods and wide use in solving other tasks (patrol of forests, oil and gas pipelines, etc.). The layout of the aircraft is made according to the original two-beam scheme with three bearing surfaces - "triplane", with a rear piston engine with a pusher propeller.

Click to reveal...

The light multi-purpose aircraft Molniya-1 developed by NPO Molniya is designed for 4-5 passengers and is intended for mass individual use, business flights, cargo transportation and use in the national economy. The aircraft is equipped with an M-14PM-1 engine (360 hp). Preparations were made for mass production at the Samara aircraft plant JSC "Aviakor"Light multi-purpose aircraft


  • Lightning-1-011 - version with a Lycoming TIO LT-540 engine and Bendix King equipment;
  • Lightning-1-012 - basic version with the M-14P engine and domestic equipment;
  • Lightning-1-015 - with M-14P engine and equipment from Bendix King;
  • Lightning-1-017 - with an engine from Teledyne Continental Motors; approximately in the middle of 1995, an agreement was concluded for the construction of this modification with an undisclosed foreign investor;
  • Lightning-2 - modification with two engines and a drive for one pusher propeller (see below);
  • Lightning-3 - modification with Allison TVD series 250 B17; the aircraft can be lifted into the air 9 months after the start of financing of work in the required volumes; the installation of a theater of operations will lead to an increase in the cost of the aircraft compared to basic option for $150-180 thousand;
  • Lightning-5 - created in accordance with the requirements of the FPS.

Click to reveal...

We have been planning the transfer of the aircraft to Monino for a long time. This summer, the active phase of the event began. All formal requirements were agreed upon and approved between the three parties, NPO Molniya, EMZ im. V.M. Myasishchev and the Central Committee of the Air Force, the relevant documents were signed.
In the summer, a brigade of Monino volunteers prepared the plane for the upcoming transportation. The wing consoles were undocked, which structurally have the ability to fold up, as on some carrier-based aircraft.

It should be noted here that initially we planned to transport the aircraft on a low-loader trawl, and in this form we would fit into the maximum overall restrictions for transportation on public roads. However, after a short discussion, it was decided to undock the consoles completely, as they say - just in case. And this decision turned out to be correct.

The search for a suitable transport dragged on. We traveled to different cities, hoping to find a suitable cart for the plane. At one motor depot, they even considered the possibility of repairing a trawl with a damaged traverse. But the repair promised to be too serious. Frankly - we were looking for a low-framer for the future. There are plans for the future, but here time is running out. Having weighed all the pros and cons, knowing the exact overall dimensions of the aircraft in the form in which we left it after preparation for transportation, we went the other way, which promised to be straighter, simpler and shorter.

It was decided to use the more familiar automotive equipment. At first we thought about the scow, but in the end...

And in this case it was more than the right decision. Maneuverability, sufficiency and fit into the maximum dimensions. Such a combination looks, of course, unbanal.

The width of the KamAZ-53501 body is almost 2.5 meters. The track gauge of the Lightning-1 chassis is 3 meters. For safe transportation, they made an appropriate expander on which the aircraft could rely.

The plane was loaded into the body of KamAZ-53501 with a front loader.

A garland of flashing modules was hung on the plane, appropriate signs were attached to oversized elements, and we are ready to leave. And as if by the hour, the VAI crew arrived to accompany the transportation. Let's go!

They occupied two lanes, and carefully drove one by one ...

There were also eccentrics for whom neither the warning signs on the cover car nor the escort car meant anything ... Clowns. But in general, the transportation turned out to be more than smooth and calm, which is the merit of the truck driver, fighter Artyom, the escort of the VAI and cover vehicles, in the role of which even the car of the film crew of the Vesti program acted, and the crew of our colleague Edwin (who was also technical chief). Thanks!

We turned to Monino ...

We arrived, the Museum receives a new aircraft for a long time for its collection.

Of course, there is a lot of work to be done with him. Missing engine and air propeller. Cabin and instrumentation equipment is also almost completely absent. The condition of the external surfaces leaves much to be desired.

In the near future we will prepare a complete defective statement, lists of missing and necessary equipment, and we will start working in the direction we are used to. the first thing we will do is change the shoes of the landing gear of the aircraft.

We express our deepest gratitude for the organization and assistance of an important event for the Central Air Force Museum:
- employees of NPO "Molniya";
- employees of EMZ them. V.M. Myasishchev;
- command staff of 8 ADON;
- commanders and personnel of the motor depot and automobile battalion of the division;
- to the head of the 101st VATI and the crew of the escort vehicle for professionalism;
- to our friends from the car lovers club, who provided rigging equipment for the safe transportation of the aircraft.

For the completion and restoration of the aircraft, we are looking for, on the first run:
- M-14P engine;
- propeller MTV-3, MTV-6 or even MTV-9. (so far we can judge that MTV-9s were used on later versions of the aircraft, and presumably ours once had an MTV-3 or MTV-6);
- aircraft instrumentation;
- aircraft cabin equipment.

The engine, propeller, equipment and spare parts may be defective, damaged during operation and unsuitable for further intended operation.

Despite the constant improvement of reconnaissance equipment installed on reconnaissance satellites, space reconnaissance has a number of limitations that do not allow it to be called flawless.

Overview and Capture

For example, there is a problem of obtaining information related to weather conditions - clouds and fogs. In the northern hemisphere, cloudless days make up only 30-40% of total days, so part of the time, the satellites of the specific reconnaissance "idle" without work.

In addition, reconnaissance spacecraft (SC) have limitations on the size of the swath of the terrain, which their equipment scans in order to detect objects and military equipment.

The swath is a small visible part of the Earth's surface, which the instruments installed on the satellite see directly under the spacecraft to a width that depends on the height of its orbit.

So, satellites in low orbit are able to see a band up to 1,000 km wide, and those in geostationary orbit are able to see the entire hemisphere of the Earth. But what they see is unlikely to be used for military intelligence purposes. That's all they can report: "A suspicious object has been detected in the swath." And that's it, without specifics and detail. Based on such information, you can’t draw up a plan for a fight, agree.

In order to find out what kind of object it is, other equipment is used, which, by increasing the characteristics of scanning devices, clearly identifies the object in a short moment of satellite flight over it. But at the same time, this is done in a smaller swath.

This detailed swath is called the swath. For example, the civil Russian earth remote sensing (ERS) satellite Resurs-P has a swath width of 950 km, and a capture swath of only 38 km.

The life of a companion in war is fleeting

To create continuous monitoring of the situation on our borders, several satellites are put into orbit, united in a constellation. This allows you to receive intelligence information continuously and around the clock. In peacetime, several constellations of spacecraft can simultaneously be in the Earth's orbit, performing the tasks of visual and electronic reconnaissance.

During hostilities, the importance of reconnaissance satellites increases critically. Obtaining information about the concentration of enemy troops behind the front line or the coordinates of his aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) is strategically important for the use of high-precision weapons when firing at maximum distance. Therefore, in the first weeks of a possible military conflict, the destruction of reconnaissance satellite groups, as well as spaceports, becomes the main task for the enemy armed forces.

According to the calculations of many experts, the spacecraft grouping existing in peacetime can be completely destroyed in 2-3 weeks after the start of active hostilities. At the same time, ICBMs similar to the American Trident II D5 missiles, which have a circular probable deviation from the target point of only 90 meters, or satellite weapons systems from orbit, will hit the spaceports. However, the answer cannot but be the same ...

Having lost all satellites and spaceports, industrially developed country lose strategic parity.

Of course, the command of our armed forces is aware that during the war the life of a satellite in orbit is fleeting. Since the time of the USSR, the task of replenishing satellite constellations has been the main one for the domestic military space forces. But times are changing, and what was relevant yesterday is very quickly outdated today. Let us consider several ways to replenish the orbital constellation and fulfill the tasks of the spacecraft as intended during a protracted military conflict.

Ground complexes

So far, the only existing way to replenish satellite constellations is to launch carrier rockets with spacecraft from the strategic reserve from cosmodromes. For the reasons mentioned earlier, any spaceport can also be disabled. Therefore, as an alternative, methods have been developed to launch satellites using ballistic missiles. One such ICBM can carry several small satellites, life cycle which in orbit is no more than 60 days.

This method has an advantage: the launch of ICBMs can be carried out from anywhere in Russia - thanks to the mobile launchers of the Yars and Topol-M mobile ground-based missile systems (PGRK). At the same time, the main disadvantage is the limited number of ICBMs converted for spacecraft launch, as well as the very number of satellites that take a long time to create.

In a protracted conflict, the number of satellite launches in this way will tend to zero due to various circumstances, including the destruction of missile and satellite production sites.

Air complexes

"Air launch" - a project that was previously worked on in the USSR, and is now being intensively developed by the US military-industrial complex - is an alternative to ground launches.

The advantage of this method lies primarily in economic indicators: launching a rocket from a specialized carrier aircraft reduces costs by 30-40%.

Secondly, indisputable advantage remains the way to start. It is possible to launch a spacecraft to any inclination of the orbit, thereby expanding the range of working orbits of a space reconnaissance vehicle from equatorial to polar latitudes. At the same time, this method has not only restrictions on the number of missiles and spacecraft, as well as ground-based systems, but also restrictions associated with ensuring launch safety. Air launches in wartime can only be carried out under the cover of air defense systems.

With the development of anti-satellite systems, the life cycle of small reconnaissance satellites launched into orbit using ground or air launchers can be reduced from several days to several hours.

The fact is that earlier, in order to bring down a satellite, it was required to detect it, identify it and calculate the orbit.

With “peacetime” satellites, such a process took three turns: on the first turn, the spacecraft was detected and identified, on the second turn, the orbit was calculated, and on the third, they were shot down. Small satellites are difficult to detect against the background of "space debris" consisting of fragments of other satellites, but now this task has been successfully solved with us and is nearing completion with our unfriendly "probable partners".

Therefore, these methods of replenishing the satellite constellation in the medium term may be ineffective.

Some kind of bleak picture is obtained with these satellites, you must agree. Does the situation seem hopeless? Yes, if you move by traditional methods of launching satellites into orbit. No, if we remember the legacy left to us by Soviet aerospace science, there is a way out, and it is worthy.

Aerospace systems

Aerospace systems (ASS) were born at the junction of two science-intensive industries - aviation and astronautics. In the days of the USSR, the second method of excretion was by plane, or, as it is also called, according to the second formula of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, it was difficult to implement due to the lack of appropriate technologies and materials, as well as engines and control equipment.

Therefore, domestic scientists went to work on a hybrid: launch - like a rocket, return from orbit - like an airplane. By the way, it was according to this scheme that our ISC "Buran" was sent into orbit.

Before Buran, there was the Spiral project, according to which a small orbital aircraft (OS) was sent into orbit, launched from a carrier aircraft. An-225 "Mriya" was chosen as the carrier aircraft, modernized for an air launch complex with the An-325 index. As an alternative, instead of the An-325, the An-124 was considered, two projects were calculated for it - "Air Launch" and "Mizan".

"Air Launch" is essentially a project of crossing a rocket and an aircraft, when one product is mated with another. In principle, it works, but few people know that it was an intermediate project. He was supposed to work out research related to the launch of the AKC in the air (project "Mizan"). In addition to this project, under the air launch program, NPO Molniya developed a project for a twin-body aircraft Molniya-1000 (Hercules), which, according to the System 49M project, was supposed to launch the AKS into orbit.

Unlike satellites, the AKS orbital aircraft could freely change the parameters of the orbit, performing a maneuver outside the visibility zone of the enemy's electronic means that control outer space. Therefore, on the radars of anti-satellite systems, our OS will look every time ... like a UFO. In addition, launching from an aircraft excludes the presence of a spaceport, and, therefore, makes the AKS invulnerable to destruction.

The second advantage of the AKC is the reusability of the OS. After completing the combat mission, he will return to the base. In addition, on the same OS, you can install various reconnaissance equipment - optoelectronic or radio engineering. In addition, the OS can also perform purely combat missions: the destruction of spacecraft or enemy ground targets.

The third advantage is the economic component. The cost of launching the ACS is about 20 times cheaper than launching with launch vehicles and 15 times cheaper than Air Launch. And if we add to this the savings from non-produced rockets and satellites, then you yourself understand, we will be able to conduct strategic space reconnaissance continuously.

For war and for peace

The significance of the ACS for military tasks is confirmed by the fact that work is now in full swing in the United States to master our technologies. The Kh-37V, an analogue of our BOR-5, flies in orbit. In 2020, the Dream Chaser orbital aircraft, a copy of the EPOS aircraft from the Spiral project, will dock to the ISS. The twin-fuselage Stratolaunch (“twin” of the Lightning-1000) is also being put on the wing in America, which will put the Dream Chaser into orbit. All of these programs are either funded or controlled by the Pentagon.

Therefore, in my opinion, Russia's asymmetric response lies precisely in the creation of the AKC. Taking into account the fact that we have developments left from Soviet times, Roskosmos can implement the domestic ACS in the short term.

Yes, and more. Perhaps it is the AKC, in its civilian version, that will be able to once again bring our cosmonautics to the forefront in the world.