Competitions for the 20th anniversary of the girl. Cool birthday script for a woman “Everything for you

Any holiday is always a pleasant event. And if this holiday is a girl’s birthday, then this is a worldwide event! True, it will be so if you organize everything correctly and correctly. For example, you need a new cool birthday script for a girl. Many games and competitions can be held at home, so in our scenario there will be only such game blocks. So that you can organize everything yourself in your home. Watch, choose and celebrate.

Dear friends! Today we are gathered here to celebrate the birthday of our beloved (name of the birthday girl). Many do not know, but today we are celebrating the eighteenth birthday of (name of the birthday girl). Also, many do not know that this is already the fifth eighteen-year-old (name of the birthday girl). Fifth time, then this is already a small, but anniversary. Therefore, I ask her to congratulate her with loud applause!

And let's start our holiday with a little competition. Since you came to the birthday of (name of the birthday girl), then you must know her. I will ask you to organize two teams of 5-7 people each.

Competition with numbers.
Each person in each team is given a plate with a certain number. If there are 7 people in the team, then they have seven plates with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The essence of the competition is as follows: the host asks a question, and the teams must give the correct answer to it with numbers.
- what is the number of the apartment (house) of the birthday girl?
What date is the birthday girl's birthday?
- ambulance phone number?
- year of birth of the birthday girl?
- what date was the wedding of the birthday girl with her husband?
- What date did the birthday girl have a child?
- In what year will the birthday girl celebrate her fiftieth birthday?
- using your numbers, show the largest possible number? (here you need to stand up so that the numbers are in descending order: 7654321)

Competition - what the birthday girl loves.
This competition takes place several times, because the birthday girl has great tastes!
Two guests come out first. They take turns naming the types of alcohol (vodka, beer, wine, and so on). Who did not call, he lost. You can't repeat.
Next, two new guests come out, they call women's accessories. Also, whoever did not name, he lost.
Now two other guests name car brands, because the birthday girl loves cars. Who could not name, then leaves.
And so on, to name what the birthday girl loves or is fond of.

Game - why did you come to the birthday.
It is time to find out the truth and find out who and why came to the holiday. For the game, you need to prepare cards on which it will be written why you came to the birthday party. Each guest in turn takes out cards and reads.
Answer examples:
- I thought they poured it here, and I was not mistaken!
- I'm hiding from the tax!
- yes, in fact, for the same, why others - congratulations!
- I'll just eat and sit quietly and watch.
- you know, I'm already old, I can't walk for a long time, so I sat down here to catch my breath, and once they poured me, in general, I stayed.
- some of the guests owe me money!
- so I bought a gift, how not to come?
- called - refused, paid - could not refuse.
- I was promised something after the party...
- no matter why, the main thing came!
- Think what you want, and I will eat.
- this is too provocative question.
- I think you should clarify: I do not reveal my secrets.
- But how not to come when it smells of vodka ?!
“So you dragged me here yourself?”

Competition - balloons.
In this competition, couples participate: a man and a girl. Men are blindfolded and given 5-7 uninflated balloons in their hands. And the girls are given pantyhose in their hands. At the command of the host, the girls put tights on the men's legs. As soon as the tights are worn, the men inflate the first balloon and tie it in a knot. They give the inflated balloon to the girl, and she puts it in tights. And the man inflates the next balloon and so on. The first team to put all their balloons into their tights wins.

Twenty years is an excellent occasion to break away to the fullest, celebrating your anniversary in a really adult way. It is believed that it is at this age that people say goodbye to childhood and youth and enter adulthood. Therefore, the celebration of such an event, especially for a girl, should be unusual, bright and memorable. To do this, you need to take care of many things, such as the venue, the style of the event, the menu, the entertainment part, etc. And it is very important that the result completely coincides with the wishes of the birthday girl and is to the taste of the guests. To make everything go well, you will need a script for the birthday of the 20th girl.

Ideas for the anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the girl

Celebrating a girl's 20th birthday can be the last chance to have fun like in childhood. party in children's style- the most acceptable option. If you take the organization of the holiday seriously, not only the girl's peers and younger guests will be happy to participate in it, but also representatives of the older generation.

In any major city there is a shopping and entertainment center that provides a variety of entertainment for every taste. You can start the holiday program with a visit to the digital cinema. After a session in a digital cinema, you can visit the hall with attractions and video games, or play air hockey, since any major shopping center provides all these entertainments.

For the hero of the day, who wants to quickly leave her childhood, you can arrange a completely adult and luxurious reception for your guests by inviting them to a restaurant. Here you need to think more carefully about the menu, hall decoration and dress code, as well as entertainment program. If only young people are present at the party, it is more appropriate to gather in a sushi bar, after it go to a nightclub, and complete the celebration of the twentieth anniversary in a hookah bar.

All of these options are equally good for spending twenty summer anniversary girls, but quite expensive. With a limited budget, you can arrange a home celebration, which can turn out just as well, even more interesting. The main thing - creativity to the organization of the holiday.

The best gifts for a girl's twentieth birthday

Of course, there are no universal gifts. In order for the hero of the day to like the present, you need to know exactly her taste preferences. And who knows them better than their parents, best friend and loved one?

Parents on their daughter's twentieth birthday can give the thing for which she does not yet earn money. It could be jewelry, fur coat (unless, of course, the daughter is a vegetarian and animal rights activist), a ticket to warmer climes(if the birthday falls on a vacation or vacation), a fashionable gadget, a certificate for a clothing, lingerie or cosmetics store for a large amount. If the hero of the day does not like typical “girlish” things and spends a lot of time at the computer, you should think about purchasing components for it (best of all, together with the hero of the occasion, if parents do not understand anything about computers).

A gift from a loved one should be special and romantic. It can be a bouquet of twenty-one roses, an "edible" bouquet, a declaration of love on a billboard, a joint photo shoot or a trip. If the relationship with the girl is serious enough and plans for a wedding, you can give her a ring.

Present best friend should be unique and memorable. Here you should make a choice in favor of personalized gifts and order a mug, a T-shirt, or anything with a photo of the hero of the day and cool congratulations. If the budget allows, you can order a portrait of a friend by the best photo by a professional artist.

Whatever you decide, remember that a week before the holiday, you should have an event script ready for holding.

Girl's 20th birthday script

The program is prepared for holding the anniversary in a spacious room, so that guests have a place to roam. Games and competitions are selected so as not to let even the most fastidious of those present get bored. The number of guests must be at least 6 people. For victories and participation, symbolic prizes are provided for players.


Hello youth! How is your mood? Still with such a beautiful birthday girl! How about going all out? Cool! Then let's go!

Competition "Chevalier's Stash"

The presenter has 30 bills at his disposal, he invites 3 couples (a girl and a young man). The host gives each lady 10 bills. Dynamic music is included. The task of the girls: while the music is playing, you need to spread the money into the pockets (and not necessarily just the pockets) of your gentleman. As soon as the bills are securely hidden, the girls are blindfolded and they must perform a dance symbolizing the successful distribution of finances. When the music stops, the members need to find their stash. But while they are dancing blindfolded, the cunning presenter changes the places of the gentlemen. The girl who finds all the stash from her partner the fastest will be the winner. And the most inventive, in terms of hiding, young lady will receive an additional award.


Not a bad start! How about a harder task? It will have to work hard for the female half. Ready to prove yourself?

Contest "Give me a dress, honey"

Girls are participating in the competition. Imagine that your girlfriend saw a stunningly beautiful dress in the window of a boutique, but its price is wow! To earn an outfit, all the girls take turns going to the center of the room and performing something interesting for their beloved, for example, a ditty: “I’ll go out into the field naked, and let the bear eat me, all the same, I, poor thing, have nothing to wear at all.” Chastushka can be replaced with a song, a dance - something that will help to “beg” for an outfit. The best, in the opinion of the audience, performance is rewarded with a prize, for example, a brooch for a future dress.


And now for a little break! I propose to have a bite to eat and raise glasses for the birthday girl! At the same time, I will prepare the following tasks!

The game "The best lady of all times and peoples"

Each of the girls present at the birthday party congratulates her, introducing one of the heroines of different historical eras known for her beauty and talents. The guests take turns briefly characterizing the birthday girl, emphasizing her dignity. For example, “Our Natalya is a real princess, like Princess Olga. She is wise and fair, kind to her loved ones and merciless to enemies, purposeful and generous.” Or "Our indescribable beauty Julia is as passionate, sexy and smart as Cleopatra." Prizes are awarded for the brightest toasts, and the hero of the occasion gets a lot of pleasant minutes, listening to how beautiful she is.

Canape Crafts Competition

Participants receive a knife, an apple and a toothpick. The task is to string more pieces of fruit on a wooden skewer than the rest. To do this, you will have to cut it smaller so that there are more pieces. The timer starts and the competition is gaining momentum! The girls are given 1 minute to work. The winner is the one whose canape consists of more apple slices. As a reward, she receives a fruit canapé.


And our program continues, and I invite the next contenders for prizes in the fight for victory! By the way, maybe the birthday girl herself would like to participate? True, the rest in this case will not see the award as their ears ... Just kidding! So let's get started!

Competition "Harvest you count"

A certain amount of vegetables or fruits (most importantly: not soft) is placed in a dense opaque bag. The participant of the competition must determine by touch what and in what quantity is in the package. The winner is the player who most accurately determined the contents of the package. As a prize, he receives the contents of the package.

Competition "Great Hatters"

All participants receive a newspaper. The host gives a signal, and they begin to make unusual hats from the material received. 5 minutes are allotted for the competition. The one who creates the most original hat wins.


And now a competition that will require the participants to be resourceful and able to persuade! Therefore, I propose to take + 100 grams to the talent of persuasion! And let's start!

Job Interview Competition

The host must prepare in advance the costumes of fairy-tale characters, or just funny outfits. You can rent them, or you can make your own - it will turn out more interesting.

The game involves 5 people. The facilitator plays the role of the employer who conducts the interview. He puts forward some requirements for candidates. For example - they must dress up as prescribed in the "company charter". All these "charters" must be prepared in advance. They can be, for example, written on pieces of paper and hidden in a hat. Participants take turns pulling out these pieces of paper, reading, fulfilling the requirements written there - dressing in some kind of funny costumes. After that, they go to the center of the hall (on the stage) and begin to ask to be hired.

M On the eve of the celebration of round anniversaries, many people are worried in a special way. And this is not surprising, because almost every person wants his anniversary to be truly fun, interesting and unusual. Therefore, it is not surprising that people pay so much great attention organizing their anniversaries.

In order to organize a truly memorable anniversary party, you need to really take this issue seriously. The process of organizing and preparing a celebration scenario can take a really long time and take a considerable amount of effort. However, it is worth it, because anniversaries do not take place every year. Therefore, every 5-10 years you can try to organize an unforgettable holiday.

Young people take the process of organizing anniversary parties especially seriously. We are talking about twenty-year-old boys and girls who are celebrating their first serious anniversary. Therefore, for the first time, they want to spend everything unforgettable.

Ideas for organizing parties in honor of the twentieth anniversary of young guys and girls exist great amount. Therefore, each future birthday person can choose for himself the topic that is closer to him personally. However, there are also universal scenarios for youth holiday parties that are ideal for a 20th anniversary.

So, for example, if you are looking for a scenario for a girl's 20th birthday, then you can pay attention to parties in black and white style. The beauty of this theme is that it is versatile. That is, it is suitable for almost everyone, including a twenty-year-old girl.

Preparation for the holiday

If you decide to celebrate the girl’s 20th birthday exactly according to this scenario, then do not forget that you will need to carefully prepare for the holiday. This must be done, because if you and your guests just dress in black and white, then this will not be enough. You will need to work out the concept of the invitations to the party, as well as take care to decorate the room in black and white. In addition, you also need to choose music, menus and entertainment for the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the lady in this style.

There is no need to be afraid of preparing a holiday party in this style, because organizing it is really simple. Therefore, even if you do not have experience in organizing such events according to the scenario, then you can easily organize a black and white party for the girl's twentieth anniversary. Despite the simplicity of organizing a party in this style, it will surely appeal to both birthday guests and the birthday girl herself.
Black and white party invitations

A party in black and white is a truly stylish event, which is really important in this case. However, in order for the youth to surely like it, it is necessary to take a serious approach to its organization, paying special attention to all sorts of little things.

It is necessary to start the process of preparing for the holiday by choosing invitation cards for the anniversary of the girl of 20 years. Invitations must be in black and white. Remarkably, in this case, even ordinary printed invitations will be appropriate. However, if you want your anniversary invitations to look more original, then get creative with the process of creating them.

For example, you put on black cardboard the text of the invitation. Of course, the text should be in white. Such an invitation will look really stylish.

Apartment decor for a festive party in black and white style

As with invitation cards, the process of decorating an apartment for this event will not take you much time and effort. And this is not surprising, because decorating an apartment in black and white is quite simple.

To decorate the room where the celebration will be held, you can use black and white balloons. They look really stylish. Therefore, it is not surprising that such balls are quite often used to decorate the interior. You can hang these balloons almost anywhere. There won't be many of them.

Play with contrasts. For example, put white things next to black and vice versa. If possible, try to remove all colors from the room except white and black.

Pay special attention to the little things in the decor. Indeed, in many respects it depends on them how the interior of the room will look like, where the celebration of the anniversary of the girl of 20 years will take place.

Don't forget about table setting. For example, if you lay a black tablecloth on the table, then the dishes should be white. If the tablecloth is white, then the dishes should be black. What is remarkable. This applies not only to plates, but also to glasses.

Dress code for a black and white party

The main highlight of the festive party in this style, of course, will be the costumes of the guests. All of them must be dressed in black and white outfits. Remarkably, guests can use completely different clothes to create their images.

As for the outfit of the birthday girl, she can try on a stylish black dress and complement the look with white evening gloves.

Musical accompaniment for a black and white party

Mile Jackson's cult track "Black&White" could become the anthem of this festive party. You can also pick up other tracks that mention these two colors.

Black&White style party menu

Try to choose black and white dishes and snacks for the feast. For example, sushi can become the main course of the party. You can also serve sandwiches with black caviar. In general, here you can show your imagination, because there are simply a huge number of black and white dishes.

Party entertainment in black and white style

Surely, young people will be mainly present at the celebration of the anniversary of the girl of 20 years. So you need to take this fact into account when choosing entertainment for a festive party.

photography competition

At the very beginning of the festive event, you can announce a competition for the best black and white photograph. Surely every young guest who will be present at the celebration of this anniversary will have a smartphone with him. So almost everyone can participate in this competition. The essence of the competition is that guests will need to festive evening take a stylish photo in black and white. At the end of the evening it will be necessary to determine the winner by popular vote.

Contest of opposites

Since this anniversary is going to be in black and white, you can have a contest of opposites. How exactly to carry it out is up to you, because there are a huge number of options. The essence of the competition is that the presenter names an object, person or phenomenon, and one of the participants names the opposite.


Since the party will be attended mainly by young people, do not forget about the dances that must be present at this festive party.

There is no need to focus on games and competitions, because not all young people love such entertainment. It is better to focus on the entourage of the event, because young people pay attention to such moments.

Scenarios for women's birthday:

scenario of the anniversary of a young man 20 years old

Hello adult life...
Scenario of the 20th anniversary for a man.


Turning 20 is a pretty mature age. Especially for guys. Someone has already passed the army, someone is on the way to obtaining a diploma of higher education. But, one thing unites them, this is the past youth and the beginning of a new, adult life.

Today we celebrate two dozen
Today is (name's) anniversary,
And with these we all congratulate him,
And make it all more fun
And so that we can all start feasting,
We'll have to call him all together!

(they call the Anniversary in chorus, at the command of the presenter)
(Anniversary enters)
Here he is, our Anniversary,
Blinds us all like a lantern,
With its strength, beauty,
Courage and kindness!
Compliments to him today
And all our applause!

(To applause, the hero of the day takes his place at the festive table)
Now a toast will come in handy for us,
We wish you so much money so as not to spend,
We wish to always rule our lives,
And so that you have as many friends as you can’t even imagine!
Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)
And now I want to surprise you
And give me a keepsake!
I will give you balloons
You burst each and read your note!

(The presenter brings a big bunch balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will be just an inscription: “Happy holiday!” that is, without a gift, but where is a calendar, a pen, a towel, a key chain, a photo frame, etc., which means with a gift. The guests choose a balloon, pop it and read. Some are left with a surprise, some are not.
The lottery was held
The balls all burst
And again we came to congratulations,
Now we drink to
So that you (name), find your soul mate!
For love, for the future family!

Now I want to run a contest
So that you remember all the basics of childhood!
The competition is called: "How small I was!". Everyone is welcome to participate, but an even number of people are required. We divide into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, a chair is placed on which nipples are laid out (candy-nipples must be purchased at the store, very often they are found), and next to it, on the floor, there is a children's designer, and two bandages are also given out on knees. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages to their knees and crawls on their knees (like a small one) to a chair. Then he unfolds the candy pacifier, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the designer and puts it in the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, passes the bandages and so on one by one. At the sign of the leader, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words for creating a family, the presenter gives real nipples as a keepsake, for future children, participants.

That's how we had fun
As if in childhood they frolic,
And now back to the table, to the wine!
Now everyone who's gathered here
They say congratulations to us encore!
(all those present, in turn congratulate the hero of the day and give him gifts)

(musical break, meal)
Many were already here in the army,
And I hope you didn't forget anything
Today you will all shoot
And for this, a gift to receive!
The competition is called: "Festive Shooting Gallery!". Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron cans of beer are placed on the table, a note is attached to each: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the Anniversary. Whoever shoots down, he gets it.

And again there will be a mountain feast,
Let's celebrate 20 years, with a vengeance,
We all drink to our parents
Today we salute them!

Friends, I beg your pardon
But I'm leaving this room
I set the mood for you all
I told you all my words
Now let's go without me
Well, the last toast:
“For the Anniversary, everything to the bottom!”.

(music, food)

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  • In the evenings, when life stopped in the castle, he came here to the library, lit candles in an old overseas candelabra, took a book and plunged into another world, where there was a place for exploits, love for secrets. In the evenings, when life stopped in the castle, he came here to the library, lit candles in an old overseas candelabra, took a book and plunged into another world, his daughter had a place for exploits, love and secrets. day of these stories was a place for both fiction and truth. the daughters of the Red Navy were already ahead of him. In his day's quest to destroy the Earth, with all the ensuing consequences, he was driven by something other than the call of duty. day In these stories there were 20 fiction and truth. Wedding scenario Ulyanovsk
  • In the evenings, when life stopped in the castle, he came here to the library, lit candles in an old overseas candelabrum, took a book, plunged into another world, where there was a place for exploits, love and secrets. In his relentless quest to destroy the Earth, with all the ensuing consequences, he was driven by birth beyond the call of duty. 20 only there were no miracles in the past. 55th birthday script

Girl's birthday script 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30 years old

Invitation: the text of the invitation can be written in children's handwriting, drawings can be used in the design. An invitation card can be attached to a small soft toy or baby doll (for girls), to a typewriter or toy gun (for boys).

Registration: the room is decorated balloons, on chairs, armchairs and sofas lie Stuffed Toys, dolls, balls, toy cars. On the wall hangs with children's photographs of the birthday girl. Another wall is decorated with a fence made from several pieces of paper.

Hello, friends! Today we celebrate the birthday of a wonderful girl (name)

(age) - oh, what a date!

Let it not be an anniversary, not round,

This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.

It's behind two wings!

It's eight Fridays in a week

Time for trial, error and dilemmas.

Beauty and spirit in a healthy body,

This is life so far without problems!

This is a neighborhood with recklessness,

And now it's forgivable

The epicenter of adolescence and childhood,

This is fermented wine.

It's time for self-assertion

This is the best time in life.

From birth!

Happy birthday!

And still no fluff, no feather!

(Guests raise their glasses to the birthday girl).

Leading:(age) years - this is the beginning of adulthood, this is a farewell to childhood. Therefore, we decided to celebrate today's holiday in a way that we never did as children. The Day of Disobedience is declared! Today we will be naughty, have fun and tease each other, and also scream loudly. Screaming "Happy Birthday, (name)!"

(Everyone screams. It is done several times to make it loud and slender).

And today we will write whatever we want on the fences. I ask you to come to the fence and write on it to our birthday girl.

(Guests write to the birthday girl on the fence).

Leading: Birthday girl, now you have your wish fence. And may these wishes come true!

Auction "Our birthday girl".

The host announces that the winner of the auction will be the one who last says a kind word-definition of the birthday girl. The winner receives a prize - a large lollipop or a bag of sweets for the sweetest speeches addressed to the birthday girl. And the host offers to raise glasses for such an unusual birthday girl.

"Empty Relay"

The facilitator offers to remember the ritual of growing up. A game is played with a pacifier, which the participants must spit out as far as possible. The winner receives a prize - a bright dummy.

"On the chair"

The host talks about what kind of chairs were played in our childhood. We used them to get to the farthest corners of the sideboard or lockers where sweets were hidden from us. We built whole castles out of them. And how many times have we had to stand on it, recite poems and sing songs to the approving exclamations of adults and the proud look of parents.

The guests pull strips of paper from the box with 1 line from a children's poem. Then 4 people stand on chairs and read what happened.

"How it was"

Everyone gets forfeits. Participants must portray.

How the birthday boy learned to walk.

Depict how the birthday boy in childhood was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics;

Like a birthday boy, sitting on a potty, he called his mother.

How the birthday boy selected his favorite toy

As the birthday man demanded in the store to buy him a toy.

"Birthday Gifts"

From one box, guests draw cards with the names of the gift. The birthday girl pulls a card from another box with a description of what she will do with this gift.


The facilitator suggests recalling the game of "daughter-mother". Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team is given a bow. The first one ties a bow to the second one, the second one unties it and ties it to the third one, and so on. The latter ties the first. The team that did it earlier and more accurately wins.

"We all sang songs"

The host reads the definition to the children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.


A song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits ("Chunga-changa");

A song about a sky-colored vehicle ("Blue Carriage");

Song about being bad weather they cannot spoil the holiday ("We will survive this trouble");

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbaths ("I'm lying in the sun")

A song about a plant growing in conditions wildlife and a felled peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");

A song about how fun it is to march with the team ("It's fun to walk together");

A song about a small creature resembling a certain vegetable in color ("A grasshopper was sitting in the grass").

"Magic Bag"

During the guests pass each other a box. When the music stops, the one who currently has the box in his hands takes out something from it without looking and puts it on himself. The game continues.

Congratulations on your daughter's anniversary

Congratulations to your daughter on her 30th birthday

On this day I want to say:

Don't grieve and don't be sad!


You have a daughter behind.

And he is replaced by age -

Adventurous and intoxicating.

Thirty plus -

This is an amazing age!

You can do whatever you want

You are free in your destiny.

Let it be kind

Providence to you!

And it's not okay to listen to the "ancestors".

Ancestor - you are already yourself.

Virtues don't need to be hidden

In passion bins.

You can fall in love ten times

And once again give birth.

It is possible with Okudzhava together

"Amaretto" at night to drink.

Oh what a wonderful age

When three decades!

Better than age, by God

It just wasn't and isn't!

You can do whatever you want:

You are free in your destiny.

Let it be kind

Providence to you!

How to spend the first anniversary of 20 years for a girl, a guy - and congratulations

At the age of twenty, young people celebrate for the first time " round date birthday, the so-called "anniversary".

There comes an age of hopes and desires, the arrival of real and romance.

And it seems that the opportunity to conquer the world and earn the trust of many millions of people is so close and easy to implement. And so much can be done in this life! And it is not worth dissuading twenty-year-old youth of something and shaking their heads in disbelief. Let's wait and see. It is better to help your children in overcoming difficulties, to support their aspirations and aspirations. Do not move away from the new generation, but join it. A great idea can be a joint family holiday. For example, holding a birthday on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of a son or daughter.

And here it is worth understanding that at any age you have your own dreams and desires, which you should listen to. And how to congratulate a guy, a girl on this day, how to properly organize a holiday and what to look for when congratulating, let's try to figure it out. What do the young generation like, what are their interests, what are ambitions and perseverance connected with?

When organizing festive celebrations, the psychological aspect of the “problem” is always taken into account. Especially if the event is dedicated to a specific person. To bring him joy, you need to understand exactly what will please him. If a boy or girl loves modern music, dances and enjoys "lighting up" on the dance floor, arrange a party in his honor in a club or disco. Such a birthday, of course, will be to your taste and will be remembered for a long time by the whole company of friends who came to congratulate the birthday man.

If your child is a homebody or, on the contrary, simply “crazes” with travel and loves to enjoy natural beauties, then you should not have a noisy party. And, after consulting, go on a tourist trip or just enjoy the local beauties outside the city. There are countless amazing places on the planet. Give a "holiday of life" to yourself and your loved ones.

And it is possible that a girl or a guy will want to spend this exciting day with a loved one, if any. Don't interfere, step aside. Let the young people stay together. And suddenly this day will be decisive in the birth new family? After all, twenty years is a beautiful date, which is perceived by some as a transition to adult independent life.

As for the gift, then here you should not brush aside and give anything. Many today "do not bother" and like to present money. Yes, no one argues. always desirable, especially for "not firmly standing on the ground" people. But such an idea is wonderful only in the case of a present from a “tidy” sum. Then the "gift" will be pleasant. Especially if the money is already being saved for something.

But smart people when they give money, they will definitely present some other inexpensive thing, purely symbolically. And, again, based on the interests of the gifted person. It can be discs, any computer paraphernalia, a ticket to your favorite band…. And so, a subscription to the gym or swimming pool, stylish clothes, a laptop, a bicycle or even a motorcycle can serve as a wonderful gift.

It all depends on the joint desires and capabilities of the donor. And, if guys like technical “toys” more often, then modern girls are essentially romantic and ... practical. They are waiting for a meaningful gift, something significant. It is appropriate for young ladies of any age in any life situation to present a bouquet of flowers. But for a twenty-year-old lady, traditional roses of delicate colors or touching wild flowers are chosen.

Anniversary script. 20 years. Goodbye youth and hello adulthood...

The holiday can be celebrated at home, as well as in a cafe or outdoors.


Today we celebrate two dozen

Today is (name's) anniversary,

And with these we all congratulate him,

And make it all more fun

And so that we can all start feasting,

We'll have to call him all together!

(they call the Anniversary in chorus, at the command of the presenter)

(Anniversary enters)


Here he is, our Anniversary,

Blinds us all like a lantern,

With its strength, beauty,

Courage and kindness!

Compliments to him today

And all our applause!

(To applause, the hero of the day takes his place at the festive table)


Now a toast will come in handy for us,

We wish you so much money so as not to spend,

We wish to always rule our lives,

And so that you have as many friends as you can’t even imagine!

Congratulations! Hooray!

(musical break, meal)


And now I want to surprise you

And give me a keepsake!

I will give you balloons

You burst each and read your note!

(The presenter brings a large bunch of balloons, in each of them, before inflating, you need to put a small note. In each you need to write one name, where there will simply be an inscription: “Happy Holidays!” That is, without a gift, but where - calendar, pen, towel, keychain, photo frame, etc., which means with a gift. Guests choose a balloon, burst it and read. Someone is left with a surprise, but someone is not.)


The lottery was held

The balls all burst

And again we came to congratulations,

Now we drink to

So that you (name), find your soul mate!

For love, for the future family!



Now I want to spend

So that you remember all the basics of childhood!


The competition is called: "How small I was!". Everyone is welcome to participate, but an even number of people are required. We divide into two teams. In front of each team, at a distance of 4-5 meters, a chair is placed on which nipples are laid out (candy-nipples must be purchased at the store, very often they are found), and next to it, on the floor, there is a children's designer, and two bandages are also given out on knees. Task: in turn, each person from the team ties protective bandages to their knees and crawls on their knees (like a small one) to a chair. Then he unfolds the candy pacifier, puts it in his mouth, takes 1 piece from the designer and puts it in the base of the house. Then he returns to the team, passes the bandages and so on one by one. At the sign of the leader, the game stops. And whoever built the tallest house will be the winner. Prize: with parting words for creating a family, the presenter gives real nipples as a keepsake, for future children, participants.


That's how we had fun

As if in childhood they frolic,

And now back to the table, to the wine!

Now everyone who's gathered here

They say congratulations to us encore!

(all those present, in turn congratulate the hero of the day and give him gifts)

(musical break, meal)


Many were already here in the army,

And I hope you didn't forget anything

Today you will all shoot

And for this, a gift to receive!


The competition is called: "Festive Shooting Gallery!". Everyone is welcome to participate. Iron cans of beer are placed on the table, a note is attached to each: where is the gift, where is the riddle, where to sing a ditty, where to dance, and where to say the best compliment to the Anniversary. Whoever shoots down, he gets it.


And again there will be a mountain feast,

Let's celebrate 20 years, with a vengeance,

We all drink to our parents

Today we salute them!



Friends, I beg your pardon

But I'm leaving this room

I set the mood for you all

I told you all my words

Now let's go without me

Well, the last toast:

“For the Anniversary, everything to the bottom!”.

(music, food)

Scenario of the anniversary of the 20th anniversary of the daughter

Professional holidays / Lawyer's Day of Ukraine (October 8) "Beloved Daughter"

I send you congratulations in the morning

And I write a wish in SMS:

Good luck with contracts

Always get a big salary

After all, Lawyer's Day, daughter, you have,

I want to celebrate it well,

And always come to work

WITH good mood just! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 2191 Announcements For the wedding anniversary / 9 years - faience wedding In the calendar of family dates

Faience her outfit.

A whole year before the anniversary:

Without "nine" the account does not go!

Although you do not have an anniversary,

I want to congratulate you soon

Happy ninth anniversary

Not without reason at all.

We congratulate you on this date!

Live friendly and rich

Love, happiness and family,

And so - to gold!

Watch the sequel...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 945 Although you don't have an anniversary,

faience year,

I want to congratulate you soon

Family without problems!

A whole year before the anniversary

But 9 years is more important;

Here the minutes count,

Love is even stronger!

In the calendar of family dates

Mark in red

Faience her outfit

Ringing and beautiful!

Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 242 On the wedding anniversary / Anniversaries of the wedding

Days did not leave the bed ...

Mother-in-law, it's your wedding day!

Years flew by like days

calendar sheets,

Mission knowing the holy

And give to the whole world

Your golden daughter!

For vodka, borscht and kharcho

Live together without getting sick.

We love you dearly

Not just for anniversaries! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 363 On the wedding anniversary / Anniversaries of the wedding There is no more beautiful anniversary in the world,

Native mother and father:

Your silver wedding -

Happy long years crown!

You went through heat and cold

A moment of quarrels, an hour of separation ...

But everyone is both strong and young:

Time has stopped in you.

And I'm already flying with wings

With your beautiful dream

There, congratulations where once

You with your wedding - golden!!! Watch the sequel...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 399 You have been married for two years already!..

They seem to be barely familiar.

Because the weather has changed

During this time, twice.

First two wonderful summers

Then - two Russian winters.

In the radiance of the eyes, in a smile somewhere

We see great happiness!

Live in love without getting sick

You raise children together:

Until golden jubilee

Then we will definitely survive! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 277 On the wedding anniversary / 40 years - ruby ​​wedding The hand is strong, the look is sharp,

Speech - a call, become - slim.

You are forty today!

Hurray - the country screams.

And we all sing too

You have a cheerful anthem:

It's not time to sum up life -

Give your light to others!

Yes, until the centennial big anniversary

Live loving, being friends, working and not getting sick!!! Watch continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 280

There is no kinder, warmer and whiter ...

You, too, old ones, would be called

At least for my centenary!

Do not rush to live - lie down:

Let's do what needs to be done...

You yourself will live to a hundred years

We are happy - young grandchildren!

Great-grandchildren "look" without getting sick,

And suddenly you will understand in a moment

golden jubilee weddings,

How much you are in love with them! Watch the continuation...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 1421 We congratulate everyone, loving -

There is no brighter anniversary in life -

Happy thirty years to you!

You are smarter and nicer than everyone!

All your virtues cannot be counted,

The road leads up and up.

In you (that's the truth, not flattery!)

Lots of good, warmth and light!

Take care of family comfort

Wealth will come to you soon

And let your children sing

In love for you a huge choir !!! Watch the sequel...28.07.2013|NoName|Votes: 222 On the wedding anniversary / 35 years - a linen (linen, coral) wedding Really thirty-five?

Let me hug you soon!

How much is done on the way

How much happiness in the middle

Your anniversary!

I wish everything:

Money, laughter and love!

Be with luck not on "you",

And on "you"! Big success -

Be always the most beautiful of all!

Let dreams come true!

Don't be afraid of heights

Grow straight up to the sun

Live a hundred times thirty-five

Control your destiny