Children's holiday in the Greek style. Party in the Greek style for people with fantasy

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And now games and competitions.

Competitors give a large container (so that the head freely enters), in which put a standard serving of Greek salad. Put 5-10 jelly worms in each dish.

The scenario of the wedding ransom of the bride in the Greek style "12 Labors of Hercules"

The task is to pull everything out without hands. The winner is the one who did it faster. Take a picture of the messes.

Competition "Apple of Aphrodite"

Props will need to be prepared in advance. Make fake zippers. They can be cut with a jigsaw from plywood or made from a metal rod. Arrange dolls and other toys (people, houses) for a merciless shooting with "lightning bolts". All guests take turns. Announce that the task is to shoot down all the targets as quickly as possible. Keep track of each participant's time.

Competition "Olympic Games"

Competition "Laurel Crown"

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Artwork Scene based on Greek myths

Mia Autumn

Scene based on Greek myths: "Orpheus and Eurydice" and "Asclepius"

Scene 1
Characters: Horus, Orpheus, Eurydice.

In the north of Greece there lived a young man,
They called him Orpheus.
He owned a gift: he was an excellent singer,
The people rejoiced at him.
Beauty fell in love with him for songs,
and soon became a wife.
- Eurydice, beloved, may heaven
They will praise only you and me.
- Oh, Orpheus, beloved, I love you
Play your kithara.
And while I pick up the roots,
To be used in a secret decoction.
- Oh sure.
And he started to play.
Sweet voice flew through the meadows,
Not even the birds dared to interrupt
This song was gods.
Suddenly there was a mournful cry,
And Orpheus threw back the cithara.
He ran after his wife, and in an instant
Soul succumbed to his heat
- Eurydice, well, say a word?
No answer. Only pale peace.
From grief our hero is chained,
Sheds tears one after another.
- What to do, where is the cute salvation?
He asked, looking up at the sky.
- Where did you make a mistake?
And in response, only the forests rustled.

Scene 2
Characters: Asclepius, Disciples.
Pharmacy scene.

- So, write down: aloe - will dry the wounds,
Opium will help in a sleepless night
For diseases of the stomach - decoctions
Flax seeds can help you.
Student 1:
“Oh, Asclepius, I am in my third year of study.
But I still don't know the secret
That will save me from death.
“You don’t complain about it, young man.
And Asclepius continued the story,
Not answering an important question.
The secret won't sell for anything
Will not tell. After all, it is not so simple.
The door to the office opened.
Student 2:
- Asclepius, come for a decoction:
They need a remedy for the pain.
- There are copies in the jar,
Radom, where there are alcohols.
Student 2:
- And he personally calls you,
Strange traveler. Over there by the road.
He doesn't come here.
He says that his legs are tired ...

Scene 3
Characters: Asclepius, Wayfarer, Choir

Hello traveler, did you call me?
I am the wisest of all sages.
Maybe you need salve ointment?
Or sell a decoction of flowers?
— No, Asclepius, I do not need
No decoctions, no ointments, no herbs
You show your skill
How do you resurrect.
- Well, right!
And Asclepius fell silent. severe
Became his penetrating look.
I don't see you unwell
Even the students will confirm.
So why do you need my rite?
Do you really want to watch it?
Then know - I'm cursed for him,
And I might as well die.
- Oh, Asclepius, let's take a walk
I'll tell you something
- There will be a couple of minutes
I probably won't refuse.

Scene 4
Actors: Wayfarer, Asclepius, Orpheus, Horus, Zeus.

And Orpheus was still lying with his beloved
He didn't believe she was dead.
He was vulnerable by nature.
Without it, there is no life at all.
Approached the heartbroken
Strange traveler and demigod
And here, next to the forest and the sea
A ball of passion ensued.
You are Orpheus, who sings sweeter than nymphs,
Living in the local forests?

Anniversary Scenario - "Bless the Gods"

I'm here. And this is not a myth.
Said without a smile on his lips
-What are you sad today, singer,
What kind of girl is in your hands?
-That's my wife. i'm a fool!
I decided to sing all the birds ...
And in the end I lost
Eurydice. How cruel the world is!
Oh, Zeus, why punished?
Why has her time expired?
- Do not grumble in vain, young man
What happened to your wife?
I am the creator
I return life.
She was bitten by a sly snake
Without breathing, she remained ... pale ...
Oh, Asclepius, please, hurry!
-I need silence. (Orpheus exits)
And Asclepius began the rite -
Rubbed the body of the maiden with grass
I saw a traveler, but he was not happy
That Asclepius again destroys peace.
Immediately he rose in the wind,
Turned into thick fog
And immediately he turned
In Zeus, hidden by deceit.
- Asclepius, you're a fool!
Stop disturbing the balance!
Hades is already furious, he is not blind.
Don't forgive me one more time!
You steal his soul... I couldn't take it anymore
And I won't defend you
Come what may, this is your result.
Once decided to play against God!

Scene 5
Characters: Hades and his wife are added to the previous ones

And the earth opened before them,
Even the sea trembles with fear.
Walking proudly in hellfire
Appeared with his wife Hades.
-Asclepius, are you brave or stupid?
How many souls have been stolen from me.
Of course, I'm not particularly stingy,
But you broke the balance of life!
It's impossible to play like that, bad!
At least I thought you were in for it.
Hades' wife:
With good intentions
But death will take its toll.
Here you save, she will not die,
But it will happen to someone else
But what about fate's turn?
Who should die young?
Oh, Hades, god of the underworld,
I didn't know, I just wanted to help
This is my duty. Found a cure
So cured. Here is my lot.
-Don't treat her, drop the idea.
- I can't, great Zeus,
After all, I promised Orpheus
That I will return my wife from heaven.
- If you do not listen to the will of the gods -
Receive punishment from them!
- I'll set my dogs on him!
Hades' wife: (grabs Hades' hands)
-No, Hades, please, have mercy...
He will forgive, but I will not forgive.
And he waved his hands to the sky,
Immediately the clouds thickened in them
The air became dense clubs,
The world is silent in anticipation.
Thunder. And lightning like a feather
Zeus obediently fell into the hands
Let everything be decided now!
On Olympus we are waiting for you cordially.
The great god swung
And plunged a thunderbolt.
Asclepius lay down dead
On the ashen grass.

Scene 6
Characters: Zeus, Asclepius, Goddesses

And gardens bloom on Olympus
And the gods live in peace
Fountains and ponds here,
Nobody counts the minutes.
Goddesses in games frolic
Gather wonderful flowers
They don't have to worry about anything.
Their thoughts are always pure.
- How did you get used to it here, with us,
Right, better than humans?
Yes, I shook you a lot
You became something even darker.
- O great god of gods,
Thoughts torment my soul.
Many people's houses
Troubles and diseases oppress.
But now I can't help
Powerless as long as I live here...
Let me go at least for the night
Transfer your knowledge to the priest.
“You know it's hard.
If you give them a secret...
Don't be reckless
Here's my advice to you.
- Well, wise Zeus, I listened.
I'm only sharing a couple of recipes.
For the human race to accept them,
Was able to heal without my advice.
- Go away, let me go.
Let your work be their support.
This is your destiny.
The world will not forget you.
On the way he went to Orpheus,
I asked him not to be sad.
Told - found Eurydice
And opened a way to return.
Asclepius revealed himself to the people:
I left my studies.
The gift for mortals was simply a miracle.
They called it medicine.

© Mia Autumn

Copyright: Mia Autumn, 2016
Publication Certificate No. 116120111010

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Wedding Scenario: "In the style of Ancient Greece."

The theme is quite popular and very beautiful. But in order to beat the Wedding in this style, you must definitely try. So let's start with the clothes:
- for the bride, you need to pick up a white, narrow dress to the floor, you can add an exquisite flower to your hair, make-up is better more natural (the bride acts as Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, so she should look very beautiful and amazing);
- the groom, here also should prevail light shades, white or light blue, but do not forget that the groom presents himself under the name of Ares - the God of War, and for this you need to make some kind of accent, for example, instead of the traditional flower on the front pocket, attach a brooch in the form of a sword;
- as for the table, the main decorations should be fruits, and the rest of the dishes, as usual, but decorated with some zest, royally;
- the hall needs to be decorated in the same way, for this you will need Balloons white and sky colors, white natural flowers, posters with beautiful angels;
For guests, you can prepare small souvenirs - small figurines of angels, they will be very pleased.
The host should also stand up in an airy white robe.
She was reborn from the foam of the sea,
The whole world is enchanted by her beauty,
Goddess of love was born into the world,
And forever named Aphrodite,
But let it be like a pseudonym,
And today we will call her by another name!
Dazzling (name), please come out to us!
(bride exits to applause)
And now comes the god of war
Under his sword we will all be equal,
He hits aimingly, not without interest,
And it bears the name of the great Ares!
Well, really his name (name),
And he comes out to us to your thunderous applause!
(everyone applauds, the groom enters)

Olympus was filled with guests in full,
Now it's time for the fire
I ask you young people to set fire to the Olympic flame,
And call your divine wedding open!
(the presenter brings the newlyweds a Greek-style torch prepared in advance, they set fire to it together with a lighter)

Now God and Goddess
I ask you to go to the abundant table,
To appetizers and real fine Greek wine!
(newlyweds take their places at the table)

Pouring wine, we are walking today,
We are playing a great wedding today.
(the name of the bride and the name of the groom) are united today,
And now these feelings are irreversible,
Let's drink to them in full,
To get a strong, divine family!
(musical break, meal)

I want to go down in history
Conduct an old rite
Like real Greeks, I ask you young people
We will say words sacred and dear!
(the groom and the bride go to the host, she conducts a real sacred rite with them, which usually took place at a wedding ceremony in ancient Greece)

And so first go to the fire.
And tell the torch the cherished words:
“I swear to love while my heart is beating, I swear to open the door to happiness, I swear to be one family with him (her), otherwise I will burn in fire above the earth”
(young people take turns approaching the torch and pronouncing these words)

Now the meal, the sacred cake and fruit!
But each eats from the other's hand!
(the presenter presents the newlyweds with a pie and fruit, they feed each other)
Now wash yourself with divine water,
She will make your life golden!
(the presenter takes out a jug made in the Greek style, waters each of the young in the palm of their hand and they wash)

Now the whole Olympus is satisfied,
And it was a moment
And from now on you are together
The groom swore an oath to his bride
So we walk until the morning,
And scream bitterly, without end!
(young people kiss, then go to their places)

And now I want the parents of our Greek gods to come out,
And they said a lot of sweet words!
(congratulations from parents)

And the toast will be full of simple main words,
Long live Greek love!
(young people kiss, musical break, meal)

And now I ask all attention,
For your Greek wedding,
Your friends have prepared a dance,
And they will shine there like gloss!
And so, the famous Sirtaki dance!
(this dance needs to be rehearsed in advance, it is not as simple as it seems, and training is needed, four girls and four guys take part)
(dance, applause at the end)

The dance was just brilliant
Greek, real
And don't need the best gift,
But still I will not be brief with you,
I ask everyone else to stand up, and our newlyweds, in turn, congratulate!
(everyone takes turns congratulating the newlyweds)

Glasses filled with fine wine,
And today we are all talking about one thing,
Behind new family, for the goddess and god,
We drink to the bottom, beautifully, standing up!
(musical break, meal)

And now I ask you my Greek friends,
Come out to me, now there will be a game!
The competition is called: "Apples of discord."

Eight people take part. First, the presenter tells a real myth, and then says that apples of discord also came to our feast, in the amount of four pieces, and so that they do not harm everyone, they need to be eaten, but only without hands, otherwise nothing will work. And so, all participants are divided into pairs, the leader distributes four apples hanging on a rope, and it turns out that one person in a pair holds an apple, and the other, holding his hands behind his back, eats it. Everything happens at the command of the host and preferably with Greek music. Whoever eats faster wins, prize: each with a book "Ancient Greece".

We dealt with apples
And they did it for an encore!
Young people say thank you to the participants,
And we don't know what would happen to us!
(young people say words of gratitude)

Well, to forget all this,
I suggest you drink some sweet wine!
This toast will be for all the guests,
For all relatives, for all friends!
(musical break, meal)

Usually in many countries at weddings, it is customary for newlyweds to release doves into the sky, but according to Greek tradition, young people will release more refined and beautiful creatures!
(the newlyweds go to the host, and meanwhile the host takes out a box with multi-colored butterflies)
So that everything in your life is beautiful, elegant and airy,
You need to set free beautiful butterflies!
(all together they go to the window, open it, and release colorful butterflies)

Now you will be famous like ancient Greece! You will be together for many happy ages!
I ask you to the table!
(the young people go to the table, but along the way, Hades jumps on the bride (a famous mythological character, you need to wear horns and black clothes) and drags her into another room)

Oh what happened
The figure of Hades lit up,
And he dragged the goddess of love,
A ransom will be demanded, no matter how you say it!
(Hades exits)

She will be on fire
If the ransom is not for me,
I want a bag of gold
And also to the groom,
Pushed back so many times
Then to make the dance at once,
Well I'll think then
Come on, I can't wait long!
(witnesses take out a golden bag and begin to collect a ransom from the guests, meanwhile the groom does push-ups, and then dances a dance of your choice)

It will not be easy to part with the goddess of love,
But this word is mine
Let her out of my underworld
But at the same time I take away my wealth!
(Hades pick up a bag of money and leaves for the bride, she runs out after 1 minute)

Defeated the villain, drove away,
We have not seen such a ransom before,
Well now let's dance
Glorify the Greek wedding!
(everyone goes dancing)

And now I ask everyone to come to the table,
For a Greek wedding cake!
(it is better to make the cake to order, with Greek towers, and in the middle of the newlyweds)
(cake meal passes)
(Meanwhile, the presenter makes a road of rose petals from the young ones to the exit)

Well, now it's time for the god and goddess to go,
Passionate deeds await them,
And we accompany them along the flower road,
And we all stand to drink to them!
(everyone drinks, applauds, and the bride and groom leave the noisy banquet)

Greek style party contests

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Choose the musical accompaniment of the holiday to your taste. Costumes will not contribute to rock and twist tracks. Therefore, carefully select suitable hits for the dance part of the celebration.

And now games and competitions.

Save the Greek Salad Contest

Two participants must save the dish prepared for Zeus from the worms that the evil Hera sent as a curse. Not a single worm should remain in the sacred dish.

Competitors give a large container (so that the head freely enters), in which put a standard serving of Greek salad. Put 5-10 jelly worms in each dish. The task is to pull everything out without hands. The winner is the one who did it faster. Take a picture of the messes.

Competition "Apple of Aphrodite"

The boys stand in a circle and dance around Aphrodite, who is blindfolded dancing with an apple in her hands. After a few seconds, he hands it to one of the boys at random. The music turns off, and the boys quickly move further, in a circle for a few steps, and the chosen one hides the apple behind his back (everyone also has their hands hidden behind their backs). The girl must guess the chosen one, if she succeeds, she kisses on the cheek and leaves the game with him, giving way to the new Aphrodite. If she didn’t guess right, she tries her luck 2 more times, until the end of 3 attempts. The more random pairs are formed, the more successful the competition was.

Competition "Initiation into the Spartan ranks"

How to become part of the strongest Spartan troops? Arrange such a casting for several applicants. First, organize an obstacle course: 4-5 chairs, past which you need to run around with a snake; a thin ribbon - to pass on toes without stumbling; a book on your head a couple of meters before the finish line and all this with a quail egg in your mouth or something else. Not only speed and agility are tested, but also the ability to save a trusted treasure.

Competition "Zeus Lightning Throwing"

Props will need to be prepared in advance. Make fake zippers. They can be cut with a jigsaw from plywood or made from a metal rod. Arrange dolls and other toys (people, houses) for a merciless shooting with "lightning bolts". All guests take turns. Announce that the task is to shoot down all the targets as quickly as possible.

Greek style party: entertainment, music, food

Keep track of each participant's time.

Competition "Olympic Games"

Where without sports competitions? It is not necessary to bore children with superheavy competitions, but you can use a parody of them. Set up a triathlon. According to ancient tradition, only men participated in the games. But this is up to you. The first stage: to race to get from the start to the finish, alternately rearranging the legs one after the other, touching the toe to the heel. Second stage: discus throw, instead of which use disposable plastic plates (3 attempts each). Third stage: long jump.

Competition "Laurel Crown"

Give two participants a piece of foil bay leaves, a stapler, and a wire crown base. Evaluate who made the divine crown faster and more beautifully!

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History teacher Tarakanova L.K.

final event
project "Ancient Greece. The gods live on Olympus"

scene participants music,
1 Herodotus declares:
— Dear participants of the conference, all year long we studied Ancient civilizations, prepared presentations, went on excursions to museums, drew, composed, prepared costumes. Today we have gathered for a conference on the Ancient Greece project. I invite you to Mount Olympus, where the ancient Greek gods live.
Sokolov Oleg Fanfare
2 Representation of the gods:
— I am the chief of the Gods — Zeus. I am the father of Gods and people, the head of the Olympian family of gods. I own thunder and lightning. I give people laws. My brothers, come to me: "This is Poseidon, this is Hades."
Davtyan Sergey Slides
computer presentation
"Gods of Ancient Greece"
(Answer: Bath Nikita)
2. Poseidon:
“I am the god of the seas, Poseidon. I live in a luxurious palace at the bottom of the sea, surrounded by nereids and other inhabitants of the sea, rushing across the sea on a chariot drawn by long-maned horses, with a trident, with which I cause storms, break rocks, knock out springs.
Pavlov Pasha
3. Hades:
- I am Hades - invisible, terrible, lord of the kingdom of the dead. I have a helmet that makes me invisible. The evil three-headed dog Cerberus serves me. My wife is Persephone, I stole her from the Earth.
Astapov Egor
4. Demeter:
I am Demeter, goddess of fertility and agriculture. I am Mother Earth. I am the patroness of farmers, I protect all life on earth. Evil Hades stole my beloved daughter Persephone.
Shanskova Alisa

I am the daughter of Zeus - Athena - the Goddess of just war and wisdom, in honor of the Greeks they named their city Athens. I am the goddess of knowledge, arts, sciences and crafts, the patroness of cities and states. I am smart and resourceful.

Zholtikova Vika
6. Gera:
I am Hera - the most powerful of the goddesses of Olympus, but obey my husband Zeus. I protect women and marriage. On my head is a beautiful diadem.

Party in the Greek style: divine holiday!

Botvina Lisa
7. Hermes:
I am Hermes, god of commerce, profit, intelligence, dexterity, trickery, deceit,
theft and eloquence, I give wealth and income in trade, the god of athletes. I am the patron of heralds, ambassadors, shepherds and travelers; patron of magic and astrology. I am the messenger of the gods and lead the souls of the dead to the underworld of Hades. I invented measures, numbers, the alphabet and taught people.
Shalyganov Pavel
8. Artemis:
I am the goddess of hunting Artemis, the goddess of fertility, the patroness of all life on Earth, I give happiness in marriage.
Selimzyanova Alina
9. Hephaestus:
I am Hephaestus, the god of fire, the patron of blacksmithing and the most skilled blacksmith.
Likharev Sergey
10. Aphrodite:
I am Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love, goddess of fertility, eternal spring and life. I am the goddess of marriages. Gods and people obey my loving power. I have no mercy on those who reject love.
Shangina Anya
11. Ares:
I am Ares, god of unjust war. I participated in Trojan War on the side of the Trojans, but Athena defeated me.
Tochiev Timur Music
for the dance
12. Spartans (2 people)
We are from Sparta, from the class of professional warriors, for us military service is the only duty in this life.
Podkolzin Artyom,
Lyzin Ivan
13. Persephone
I am Persephone, by my mother - the goddess of fertility, and by my father - the goddess of the kingdom of the dead. And why this happened, the historian and storyteller Herodotus will tell you later.
Knyazeva Nastya
14. Hebe
I am Hebe, goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera. And my husband was Hercules himself.
Vedeneeva Dasha
3 Olympic Games
I am Zeus, in honor of my victory over everyone, I organized the Olympic Games. Tell everyone about the Olympic Games.
Shalyganov Pavel
Tochiev Timur
Presentation of the Olympic Games.
4 Scene "The Abduction of Persephone"
The Olympic Games are interesting, and I will tell you the myth of Demeter and Persephone. Here she is - Demeter, admires her daughter, and her daughter Persephone picks flowers. But someone is stealing. Ah, this is the evil god of the underworld Hades.
“How beautiful Persephone is, I am in love with her. Dear Persephone, I cannot live without you, perhaps I will steal you.
Hades stole Persephone, Demeter wept bitterly. The flowers stopped growing, the fields were empty.
Oh main God Zeus, help me get my daughter back, I miss my daughter, I can't help people, help me, help me!
Hades, brother, stand before my eyes. Hades, return Demeter's daughter Persephone.
But I love her, I can't live without her. No, I won't bring her back to earth.
Brother Hades, but on Earth the plants withered from the grief of her mother Demeter, return Persephone or let's agree. Let her go down to earth for a while.
I agree, but only for a while.
- So Hades began to return Persephone to her mother for several months a year, Demeter rejoiced and flowers bloomed, fields were eared. When Persephone went back to Hades, winter came on Earth.
Sokolov Oleg

Astapov Egor
Knyazeva Nastya
Shanskova Alisa

5 Zeus:
- My daughter, Athena, tell us about your beautiful city of Athens.
Davtyan Sergey
Zholtikova Vika,
Savelyeva Anya
Show presentation of "Athena".
6 Zeus:
— Dear nymphs, amuse us.

Dance of the nymphs.

Davtyan Sergey

Milyutina Lisa
Bazarova Nastya
Lantsova Dasha

For the dance
7 Athena:
“I feel the tread of the stern Spartans.
We are a tough and athletic people. We will tell you about Sparta.
Lyzin Vanya
Podkolzin Artyom
Show presentation "Sparta"
Summing up the competition of drawings.
Zeus, chief of the gods, decide whose drawing is the best. The students drew us, our ancient Greek world. Who is better?
All drawings are good, but I strictly looked at the work and decided:
1st place awarded...
2nd place can be given...
3rd place awarded...
Botvina Lisa
Davtyan sergey
Showing a presentation based on student drawings
Awarding with diplomas
8 Dance "Sirtaki".
- At the end of our holiday, I invite everyone to dance.
Savelyeva Anya,
Selimzyanova Alina.
Shishkina Liza.
Oreshkina Anya,
Antobyan Sonya
9 Summarizing,
issuance of certificates.
Awarding with diplomas
"For the best costume",
"For the best performance of the role",
"For the best presentation"

Congratulations in Greek. How to congratulate and wish happiness in Greek. Congratulations on Christmas, Easter, New Year, birthday, name day.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Σας έυχομαι καλά Χριστούγεννα και καλή Πρωτοχρονιά!
sas Efhome kala christUena ke kali protochronia
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
— Επίσης. Καλά να περάσετε!
episis kala on perasete
- Mutually. It's good to celebrate!

Καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένος ο καινούργιος χρόνος!
kaLA ChristUyena ke eftichismEnos o kenUryos chronos
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Καλή Πρωτοχρονιά! Χρόνια σας πολλά! Καλά να περάσετε!
Happy New Year! Years! Have a good time!

Χρόνια pολλά και καλή χρονιά!
hronya polA ke kali hronya
long years and good year!

Σου (Σας) εύχομαι Αγάπη και Ευτυχία!
su (sas) Efkhome agapi ke eftikhia
I wish you (you) love and happiness!

Nα είμαστε όλοι καλά!
on Imaste Oli kala
For all of us to be well!

Ό,τι επιθυμείς στο νέο έτος να το βρείς!
Oti epiphimis one hundred neo ethos on that vris
To New Year bring you everything you want!

Happy birthday and name day greetings

Χρόνια Πολλά!
storage floor

Να τα εκατοστήσεις!
na ta ekatostIsis
Live to be a hundred years old!

Σου εύχομαι ό,τι καλύτερο!
su Efhome Oti calItero
I wish you all the best!

Χρόνια πολλά κι ευτυχισμένα! Και ό,τι επιθυμείς!
khronya polA ki eftikhizm Ena ke Oti epifimIs
Long happy years! And whatever you want!
— Σ’ευχαριστώ πολύ. Κι εσύ να’σαι καλά.
s'efharisto poli ki esi na se kala
Thanks a lot. And you all the best.

Να τα εκατοστίσεις. Να είσαι γερός κι ευτυχισμένος. Ό,τι επθυμείς.
na ta ekatostIsis na Ise yerOs ki eftikhizm Enos Oti epifimIs
Live to be a hundred years old! Be healthy and happy! Everything you wish!
— Σ’ευχαριστώ πολύ. Κι εσύ ό,τι επθυμείς.
s'efharisto poli ki esi Oti epiphimis
- Thanks a lot. May you have everything you want.

Αγαπητή Άνια!Χρόνια Πολλά για γενεθλιά σου!Σου εύχομαι υγεία, ευτυχία και χαρά!
Agapiti Anja! Xronia Polla gya ta genethlia sou! Sou euxome igia, eutixia kai xara!
Dear Anya! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you health, happiness and joy!

Σας εύχομαι υγεία.
Sas Evhome igia.
I wish you good health.

This, like Happy Birthday, can be sung to both the boss and the relative:
Να ζήσεις (name) και χρόνια πολλά
Μεγάλος (μεγάλη - if a woman) να γίνεις με άσπρα μαλλιά
Παντού να σκορπίζεις της γνώσης το φως
Και όλοι να λένε να ένας (μία - if a woman) σοφός

Na zIsis (Eleni) kai hrOnya pollA
MegAlos (megAli) na gInis me Aspra malliA
PandoU na skorpIzis tis gnOsis to fos
Kai Oli na lEne na Enas (mIa) sofOs.

Live for many years
Live to be a hundred years old (Live to be gray)
Spread the light of knowledge
And all to recognize your wisdom.

Happy Easter

Σας έυχομαι καλό Πάσχα και καλή Ανάσταση!
sas Efkhome kalo easter ke kalo anAstasi
I wish you a happy Easter and Sunday!
— Επίσης!
- Mutually!

Χριστός Ανέστη! Χρόνια πολλά!
christos anesti cronya sex
Christ is Risen! Years!
— Αληθώς Ανέστη!
alitos anesti
- You are truly risen!

At the table

Καλή όρεξη!

Party in ancient Greek style: Feel like a goddess of Olympus!

kali Orexy
Bon appetit!

Raising glasses
Στην υγειά σου (σας)!
steen iyya su (sas)
Your (your) health!

If someone gets sick

Περαστικά. Να’σαι πάντα γερός.
perastic on se panda yerOs
Get well. Be always healthy.
— Σ’ευχαριστώ πολύ. Κι εσύ το ίδιο.
s'efharistO poli ki esI to Idio
- Thanks a lot. And the same for you

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The idea for a youth party in a small company. The hero of the occasion acts as the main god of Olympus - Zeus (or the goddess Hera, if the birthday boy is a girl). Guests come to the party in the images of different gods and goddesses, not necessarily Olympic, but let's say, Scandinavian or Indian - after all, Zeus can invite anyone to his birthday!

Location: a fairly spacious room, not overloaded with unnecessary furniture. Ideally, there should be only sofas and a low large table, plus space for dancing and competitions. In summer it can be a gazebo, a veranda or just a place in nature.

Decor: you need to try to recreate the atmosphere of divine luxury, but without pretentiousness. White covers for chairs and armchairs, white and blue bedspreads for sofas, an abundance of pillows, the walls are draped in white fabric with a bright blue border or in combination with golden ribbons, silver or white tableware, gilded candlesticks and bowls, jewelry in caskets, a hookah - all this will help in the implementation of the idea.

Dress code: guests must definitely support the theme and come in "divine" costumes. In order to avoid repetitions, it is better to agree in advance who will appear as a god. The simplest costume is a white toga made from an ordinary sheet, decorated with a golden cord at the waist. Each god in mythology has a certain image, and it is better, of course, to stick to it - this way the hero will be understandable and recognizable. For example, the Scandinavian god Thor is always inseparable with his hammer, and Dionysus with a glass of red wine or a bunch of grapes.

Menu: refined, light, beautifully decorated. Snacks, seafood, sliced ​​​​meat, cheese, fruit, fruit in large vases. From drinks - wine and nectar, juices, mineral water.

Scenario variant

For example, you can take several gods and come up with contests that they could hold.

  1. Zeus- the main Greek god, the lord of lightning and thunder, the ruler of everything on earth.
  2. Apollo- the god of art, creativity and science, the god of light and the patron of travelers, as well as a recognized handsome man.
  3. Themis- the strict goddess of justice and justice, which is depicted blindfolded and with scales in her hand.
  4. Thor- also the lord of thunder, but already Scandinavian. A very strong god who is often depicted with his hammer.
  5. Freya- Scandinavian goddess, patroness of family, love and war, goddess of fertility.
  6. Loki- Another Scandinavian guest, the god of fun and jokes, deceit and cunning. A malevolent and self-righteous god.

The party can begin with a solemn greeting of the guests, showing great respect to the host (hostess) of the holiday. At the entrance, everyone is given a small scroll and a pencil, where the guest must write a short ode-wish to the birthday man, and then play it as if on behalf of his hero-god. So, sitting on soft pillows and having a snack, the gods begin to praise the chief at the party, dedicating their creations to him. And it does not matter that the text does not rhyme - the gods can be forgiven for everything.


Competition for the best nectar

From the proposed ingredients you need to prepare cocktails - who will turn out tastier and more interesting.

Throwing lightning Zeus

Zippers are made of wire, for greater beauty they can be wrapped with a cloth or rain. Competition for accuracy - who better hit the target with lightning. The target itself can be made of foam rubber.

Statue of Apollo

This god is always depicted as a stunning handsome man with a perfect body. It is the statues of Apollo that attract the attention of most visitors - and for good reason. A game like "The sea is worried once ...", only here you can say "Olympus swayed once ...". The host will not guess who the player is portraying (it is clear that the god Apollo), but what he is currently doing - reading, sleeping, flirting with girls, etc.

Doubts of Themis

Also a fairly simple game, stylized as a party format. The game "True or False" for forfeits. Themis (leading) the player asks a question from his life or the life of a famous person, and she must guess whether what was said is true or not. If you guessed right, you become a player.

Hammer of Thor

For this noisy and fun game will be required air balloons, which need to be well inflated, and a rubber toy hammer. With a hammer for a while, you need to break as many balls as possible - “make thunder”.

Loki's boast

It is God who believes that he can depict and play everything in the world - so he is given such an opportunity. One player makes Loki a phrase from a movie, a song - and he must show it to the others without words so that they guess. If you guessed it, the one who guessed becomes Loki, and the one who guessed it asks him a phrase.

The amazing beauty of Freya

A very beautiful and gentle goddess, Freya is kind and noble, so all the girls want to be like her - in which the men volunteered to help. The players are divided into pairs, and the boys paint the girls according to their taste and skill. The main thing is to stock up on a good makeup remover.

This "divine" party can last all night with slow conversations, wine and beautiful music.

Congratulations in the Greek style for women and men - for a wedding, anniversary or other holiday from the Olympic Gods - you can choose for yourself on this blog. First, I will start with the wedding theme, and continue with congratulations from the Gods on your birthday. If you are celebrating another celebration, then you will need to slightly correct what you have written or simply cross out unnecessary quatrains and - voila! Congratulations - done!

Here you will find poems that are also suitable for congratulating women on March 8, and indeed, for any holiday where you need to pay tribute to the admiration of the weak half of humanity.

Congratulations on the wedding from Apollo

I am Apollo - a handsome young man!
He descended from heaven at this hour!
In love, I'm sweet and crazy!
And with passion I hold you together!

I wish you a chic passion!
May the cup of tragedy pass you by,
Let the beds creak regularly
Both you and your neighbors...

I wish you this year
Learn the Kama Sutra - in detail!
I'll check, keep in mind...

Congratulations on the wedding from Bacchus

I'm Bacchus, yes! But I haven't slept yet!
On a cloud from Olympus I descended
To relax here at your wedding,
And take a sip of vodka from a glass!

Bride, I heard, God-like!
Beautiful, charming, smart!
(name) as a Goddess - incomparable!
For this, the gods themselves drink to the bottom!

A very frivolous congratulation from the Greek God Hephaestus

I am the god of fire, the master blacksmith!
I slander you, so:

I'm cuddling cuddling...
Years, destiny, worlds, planets,
I showed my grace!
Accept this golden chain!

I'll put on five more links!
Then sku another dozen,
So that on the anniversary of the birth family
Shackle you right up to your heels!

And nakuya seven children for you -
I kiss them and the Gods!
And you work every day
So that in Kindergarten led the way!

Congratulations from Aphrodite

I am an unearthly Aphrodite!!
I will teach love to all of you!
And to all the guests who wish
I will give today - master - class!!!

We saw a lot of brides
With yours - hardly anyone compares!
And the handsome Achilles himself
You don't fit in!

God-like you are ours!
Love more every day
The Gods will raise the cup for you!
Hand over the chains of Hymen!

Congratulations from Hymen

For this union to be indestructible,
So that it can last forever
I myself hastened from Olympus
To descend to the sinful earth!

Tell me, bride,
Will you be honest with (Name)?
Will you become a devoted wife?
And won't it be... "oh-oh"???

Spread everything, don't be afraid!
Do you swear to us??
(I swear!)

You tell me, young husband
Have you eaten pears?
Do you know the science of love?
Can you relieve boredom

Are you a beloved wife?
Will you be a prince on a horse?
Will you always be kind to her?
Do you promise it? (Yes)

Congratulations in the Greek style for a birthday or anniversary

The following verses are dedicated to congratulations in the Greek style on the anniversary or birthday of a woman

Congratulations from the Sun God Helios

I am the fiery messenger of the Sun!
I can melt the ice!
I am Helios - a heavenly wanderer!
I will always shine for you!

I want sunshine
And even if in the cold
And the cold - you will be undressed,
My light will always save you!

You are like a Goddess, closer to the sun!
Let the chariot of dreams
Brings good luck to the stars above
And everyone shines from above!

The star of my eyes is a beauty!
I want to wish you -
Melt in the rays of love from passion!
And never fade away!!!

Congratulations from Apollo on the woman's anniversary

I am Apollo - a handsome young man!
From heaven descended on the anniversary
In love, I'm sweet and crazy!
Hostess!!! Pour a cup!!!

(goes to the birthday girl with a cup)
Then he addresses all the guests:

I wish you all a chic passion!
May the cup of tragedies pass you by !!!

Let the beds creak regularly

And you! and your neighbors...

I wish you this year
Learn the Kama Sutra - in detail!
I'll check, keep in mind...
And I'll come with a candle ... sexy !!!

Congratulations from Bacchus on your birthday

Peace to you all honest people!
I see a feast in your mountain!
Everyone walks on Olympus,
Praise the Queen!

Like an honorary alcoholic
In the wine business, a workaholic -
I ask you to pour into glasses,
Let the fun flourish!!!

I heard, (name) - God-like!
Luxurious, charming, smart!
Like a woman!!! Goddess!!! - incomparable!
For this, the gods themselves drink to the bottom!

I'll ask the laity to raise their glasses
So that the blood plays, joy flourishes!

Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman from Hephaestus

I am the God of fire, the blacksmith is a master
I give you a hint, so:

I'm all kuyu kuyu!
Years, the fate of the worlds of the planet
I have chained your fate
Take this golden chain!!!

Five more links,
And I will lengthen your fate
Then sku another dozen,
To tie to the very heels,

Skuyu - centenary!
(Name), darling, pour!

To drink to us for the chain of fate,
So that only years, years ahead ...
To be beautiful by nature,

Happy 200th anniversary...
(Name), darling, pour !!!

Congratulations on the birthday of a woman from Aphrodite

Oh, I am an unearthly Goddess!!!
I will teach love to all of you!
And to all the guests who wish
I will give today - a master - class!

From Roman velvet curtains
Goddesses shout to you - encore!
Nobody compares to you
(Name), you are the main prize!
Athenian, Thais herself -
You don't fit in!!

The gods sometimes kiss the earthly,
Goddesses - the same sin ...)
To health so that the roads lead -
With you I drink brotherhood!

Party in the style of the Greek gods!

The atmosphere of majesty and pathos… wine, fruits, classical music…

Let each participant choose a prototype of God and create his unique image!

Athena is the goddess of war, a true protector! Red toga, helmet, menacing look ... a Greek god

  • Aphrodite,
  • Athena,
  • Demeter
  • Gera,
  • persephone,
  • Artemis.

Having found information about each of these goddesses, you can choose an image for yourself. And for men, gods like

  • Apollo,
  • Zeus,
  • ares,
  • Poseidon,
  • Eros,
  • Dionysus.

Men's outfits should be selected in accordance with the chosen image.

African party scene.


For a Greek-style party, you can arrange a buffet so that each guest can try what he liked. Bread, olives and wine are an integral part of the Greek table. Feta cheese and all the dishes associated with it will be a suitable menu. You can diversify the table with marinated seafood. Baked vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes. You can fry breaded squid rings. Give shrimp. And of course, where without Greek salad.

Party in style.


The ideal option would be the presence of Greek music. Throughout the evening, Greek music should be used as a background. And then use it for dancing. As an entertainment option, you can use the Olympic in miniature. Divide into teams and give the winners a prize in the form of an olive wreath. For such games, a large room is better suited, and the game will take place on a grand scale. In order for your event to go smoothly and be remembered by all guests, think over everything to the smallest detail when preparing it. Start by assigning roles to each guest and finish by decorating the Greek-style party space.

Anniversary in ancient Greek style - anniversaries

If the hero of the day is a creative person and ordinary festive events are boring for him, you can arrange a holiday in the Greek style, and let it be a kind and pleasant surprise for the birthday man. In the event that a celebration is held in a large hall, you need to prepare it in advance: lay snow-white tablecloths on the tables with folds and decorate with garlands of artificial olive branches and clusters of olives, hang laurel wreaths, walls with mountain landscapes, beautiful sea views. As decorations for the table, you can use slides from sea shells, sand, ornamental stones, laurel branches. If you have different figurines of Greek gods, be sure to use them when decorating the table. Throw a few branches of live ivy on a snow-white figurine - and your table will amaze guests with the nobility and sophistication of decoration. For decor, you can also use various antique candlesticks, and if you have modern candlesticks, with a certain skill you can give them the look of antique ones, for this it is enough to wrap modern elements with fresh or artificial flowers, choosing them to match the decoration of the room and tablecloths. If you wish to observe the traditions of Greek feasts, instead of traditional chairs, long and wide benches are placed along the tables, draped with burgundy bedspreads, on which it will be convenient to recline. However, in this case, guests will have to take off their shoes and wash their feet in special basins (this must be agreed with the guests in advance and clarify how ready they are for the exotic). At the entrance to the hall, guests should be met by nymphs and dryads dressed in appropriate costumes (green dresses, loose hair, a wreath of flowers or tree branches on their heads). The girls give each guest a white wide piece of fabric and help to drape it and pin it on the shoulders with pins. At the same time, men can take off their jackets and roll up their shirt sleeves, ladies can take off their stoles, jackets and top blouses. From the props, it is first necessary to prepare several laurel wreaths, which will be awarded for various and longest toasts. At the beginning of the evening, the host (this may be close relative hero of the day, his good friend or professional) addresses the guests: I thank you all, dear ones, that you chose to spend time With our venerable assembly, and came to honor the hero of the day. Today Zeus and his wife were going to visit us, but the path from Olympus is difficult, And the gods lingered along the way, let's not wait any longer, And let's start our fun feast, and start honoring the hero of the day. At this time, the first toasts are pronounced for the hero of the day. While the guests are drinking champagne, a delegation of the gods appears in the hall. Aphrodite walks in front with a huge armful of red or pink roses. She is wearing a pink Greek peplum, her hair is loose, and on her head is a wreath of small roses. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, walks behind her, wearing a helmet on her head, and carries a gift. Zeus has a large lush beard, snow-white clothes and a purple cloak on his shoulders. In the hands of the supreme god, a magic staff, he solemnly appears in the center of the procession, arm in arm with his wife Hera. The solemn procession is completed by Dionysus, in whose hands is a large bottle of wine, and Hephaestus with a huge hammer. Any group of guests or relatives of the birthday man, with whom the roles are rehearsed in advance, can act as gods. Zeus. The hard way was left behind, We had to overcome a lot of miles, We passed many villages, And here we are, in this huge hall. We hastened to congratulate the hero of the day. Many years have passed since those ancient times, As the shepherds ascended Olympus, They brought the baby to the gods, So that they generously bestowed gifts, Promised health, fame, money. Today, the hero of the day is already 30 (they indicate the hero of the day), Now let's see if there is something to be proud of. Come on, Athena, I'll give you the floor. Athena. Once upon a time, long 30 (the age of the hero of the day) years ago, Mind and wisdom became my gift, Passion for knowledge, striving for novelty, And with joy I see, The hero of the day has not lost time all these years. He graduated with success from the institute (all the achievements of the hero of the day in his studies are listed), And after 5 years the courses are called again, He became a master, he raised his rank Teacher, master, the series can be continued ... But most importantly, he strives for something new. For the hero of the day, I have something to be proud of, All that I dreamed of has come true. Toasts are raised for the hero of the day; if classmates, teachers, classmates, students are present at the anniversary, then they also speak after the words of Athena. At this time, Hera begins to vigorously pull Zeus by the beard, demanding a word. Zeus, who wanted to give the right to congratulate Hephaestus, is forced to retreat, and with an embarrassed look announces. Zeus. My wife wants to say a word, And if I want to stay with a beard, I must please my wife (gestures to Hera to understand that she can start her speech). Gera. I am glad that the family has gathered. I see a son, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a father. I wished in that old time Big, strong and friendly family. And pride fills my heart, There is support in joy and in trouble, Loneliness no longer threatens. My prophecy has been completely fulfilled. I have nothing more to wish you, I can only observe with joy from Olympus, How you live in friendship and harmony And together in rest you and in work. After the words of Hera, the time comes for congratulations and gifts from all the numerous relatives of the hero of the day. They make toasts and present gifts. Zeus (inviting Hephaestus to speak). Now it's Hephaestus' turn. Hephaestus. I will say in honor to all of you, my friends, I have a happy fate. They gave me the goddess of beauty as a wife, Pleased, my student, me and you. Craftsman, excellent cook, You used my gift correctly. He studied the craft everywhere, always. And fire, water are on your shoulder, Successfully passed the pipes of glory, Fate will hardly bend you. Success, career and recognition await. Well, let the path be honest work. The hero of the day is congratulated by colleagues at work, the head or director of the enterprise. Zeus. Great words my friend. Now the word is up to the goddess of beauty. Aphrodite, now you enter. Aphrodite. In the distant and wondrous I wished for love, earthly happiness, So that kindness instilled in my heart forever, So that there was mercy and compassion, Someone else's pain would seem to be my own, So that there were no enemies, sorrows, troubles around, So that life was full of love and beauty. And you fulfilled my order honestly. There are so many friends, the hall will not accommodate everyone. You won the love of your colleagues. You are honored, respected by the whole family. My support is no longer needed. Love stays with you everywhere And illuminates life with its beauty. Toasts are raised to the family. Zeus. Well, now it's the turn of the last of us. Dionysus, friend, tell us a couple of phrases. Dionysus (shaking the bottle). Well, there are plenty of fun, jokes here without me, And my gift is strong wine. It is cooked by young Hebe and gives years of life For the joy of the family, for the glory of the whole fatherland. Accept as a gift from us the immortal gift of the gods, And it's time for us to depart for our heavenly chamber. Zeus. And in parting, I'll tell you all, friends, It was not in vain that we rejoiced so much at the birth of a baby, It was not in vain that he gave generously, from the heart, He grew up to be who we represented. We have nothing more to wish him ... It's time to go, it's time and honor for us to know. The last toasts are raised for the hero of the day and the gods depart to the sounds of Greek music. Various competitions can be inserted between the performances of the gods. For example, after Athena, dedicated to the mind and wisdom, you can spend intellectual contests under the motto "We praise the mind, it sanctifies the way for us." There can be various literary riddles, quizzes on the knowledge of Greek mythology, geography, cuisine. After the congratulations of Hephaestus, various creative contests(for the fastest and most delicious salad or sandwich, for the most successful cocktail, for the most delicious shawarma, etc.). You can include blind needlework contests, make a poster gift for a birthday person, etc. After congratulating Hera successfully turn on interesting stories and anecdotes from the life of the birthday man, after the words of Aphrodite, you can arrange any pair dance competitions, as well as entertainment for dressing and undressing, take a short dance break, which the hero of the day opens with his (his) spouse. After the performance of Dionysus, the funniest pantomime or the newest anecdote is held. Each winner in the competition is awarded a laurel wreath, which is placed on the head by the nymphs and dryads who met the guests. After the speech of the god of fun, you can hold a competition “Who will eat more cakes (cakes, puddings, strawberries in cream, etc.)” or “Who can drain a glass of wine at a time” (the wine is diluted half with water, it’s better for the competition just use light wine drinks like Sangria). Anniversary scenarios The history of the celebration of the anniversary Picnic at the hero of the day Anniversary in the ancient Greek style

- Hello, dear guests!
Allow us to open our FESTIVAL OF CULTURES!
Now I ask everyone to stand up. The flag of the Hellenic Republic is brought under the anthem. (The standard-bearers enter.)

Today we will tell you about Greece: its history, myths, culture.

The motto of our festival:
Everyone in the Motherland has something that you definitely want to say out loud.
M. Prishvin.

Geographic location of Greece (children say)

Greece (self-name - Hellas, official name - Hellenic Republic) - a state in Southern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula and numerous islands of the Mediterranean Sea (large islands - Crete, Euboea, Rhodes, Lesbos). The population is mainly Greeks, the official language is Greek, the believers are predominantly Christians. The head of state is the president, the monetary unit is the drachma.

The highest mountain is Olympus (almost 3 thousand meters), there is Mount Parnassus (above 2 thousand meters).
Mountain rivers predominate, short, stormy, with picturesque rapids and waterfalls, often flowing to the sea in narrow canyons. The longest river is Alyakmon (over 300 km). There are more than 20 lakes.
The climate is warm and sunny. Wet mild winters and hot dry summers.
The swimming season opens from mid-May and ends in October.

The seven wonders of the world are also associated with Greece. These are: the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes, which is located on the island of Rhodes; the temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the pyramids at Giza, the lighthouse of Alexandria, the mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the gardens of Simiramide at Babylon, the statue of Zeus at Olympia.

Not many species of wild animals have survived in Greece. For more than 8 thousand years, people actively exterminated animals and plants in Greece. Small animals live here: hares, badgers, porcupines and different kinds mice.
Of the large mammals, like ours, the brown bear is common,
jackal, fox, lynx and wild boar. Many species of animals are listed in the Red Book. Among them: the Mediterranean sea turtle and the monk seal.

Greece is one of the largest cement exporters in the world. Greek marble is known.
Greece is one of Europe's leading producers of tobacco, cotton, grapes, citrus fruits, and tomatoes. Is an a major producer olive oil, canned fruits and vegetables, raisins. Sheep and goats are bred. Fishing and foreign tourism are developed.

(Milana - 1 "A", message)

Greek writing is alphabetical (letter). In Greece, letters appeared to convey vowel sounds, which was a new stage in the development of writing. The classical Greek alphabet consists of 27 letters that served
also for numbers. The Modern Greek alphabet has 24 letters and is read from left to right, like Russian.

- Attention! Muses, the patroness of sciences and cultures, descended from Mount Parnassus (2450 m) to our festival of peoples. (muses come out)

I, Euterpe, the muse of lyric poetry! I can awaken in people
different feelings and emotions: joy, sadness, love, hate, anger,
kindness, resentment, compassion, tenderness, confidence and much more.
Thanks to me, you will know what is beautiful and ugly.

I, Erato, the muse of love poetry!
Love each other, respect
And don't offend anyone!
May none of you taste
"apple of discord".

I, Calliope, the muse of epic poetry!
I tell people about their heroes.
And the people compose heroic songs and tales about them.

I, Clio, the muse of history!
Learn the history of your people
And write new chapters of it.

I, Thalia, the muse of comedy!
So that you don't get bored
I tell funny and funny stories,
And a smile appears on your face.

I, Melpomene, muse of tragedy!
Life is a theater, and all people in it are actors ...

I am Polyhymnia, the muse of hymns!
Let hymns be composed and songs of praise sung.

I, Urania, the muse of astronomy!
Study the sciences, work hard,
Let the stars light your way!

I, Terpsichore, the muse of dance!
I bless you!
Oh, almighty Zeus!
Send them joy!
Let them dance and have fun!

- Attention! The supreme god, the son of Kronos and Rhea, the father of gods and people, the lord of thunder and lightning, the almighty Zeus, has come to us!

(Zeus enters with fanfare, ascends the mountains)

- I'm Zeus! I came down from Mount Olympus to congratulate you on your festival and tell you a little about ancient and modern Greece. So how did it all start?
And let Olympus be gone for a long time already,
And even if I hardly meet Athena,
It burns in each of us in the soul,
Part of the Olympic flame.

Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games.

The first Olympiad known to us from antiquity was held in 776 BC. During the Olympic Games, all wars were stopped. Games were held in Olympia - a grove along the river Alpheus every four years.
The Greek festival officially lasted five days. At the Olympic Games there were competitions: running, chariot racing, throwing, wrestling.

(Scenes. someone depicts running, javelin throwing, wrestling)

A distant land of distant truths,
And antiquity is before you, child!

You are lined with wondrous mountains,
Through the eyes of memory...

Olympus smiled
Tartar swayed
After all, Prometheus
Found fire.

Once glorious Prometheus
Got fire. And for the people
He was brought from Olympus.
But Zeus was very angry.

Gave the order and nailed
Him to the rock forever.
A man could not bear
But Prometheus was a hero!

He endured everything: in his chains
Doomed to pain and fear
The eagle pecked him at night,
Though he rattled in full chains,
But he was bound.

Forever arrested.
And only Hercules after many years
Zeus broke that ban
And he saved Prometheus!

Before nm reverent
All Greece now lives
And sings glory to the feat!

Scene "Prometheus".


Prometheus: Hello, Hephaestus!
Hephaestus:- Hello, Prometheus!
Prometheus:“Look what I brought—it’s a sharp stone!” Tie him to a stick, and with his help you can hollow out a boat, you can dig up the ground, protect yourself from the beast.
(Hephaestus is making something, Prometheus looks at the fire)
Hephaestus:"Prometheus, what are you thinking about?"
Prometheus:– I was on Earth. People need fire.
Hephaestus:“But you know that without the permission of Zeus, I cannot give you the sacred fire. Do you understand what you're thinking? Do you want their mind and heart to become enlightened? If they receive the sacred fire, they will become like the GODS. How will gods be distinguished from men? Have you thought about how confusing it could be? No, it's better to let things be the way they are.

(Hephaestus imitates the movements of a blacksmith, Prometheus steps aside. People appear and pray to the gods.)

People: OH GODS! Send warmth, we're dying from the cold!
Prometheus: Come what may, I will help people!
(Hephaestus leaves. Prometheus steals fire, gives it to people.)
Hephaestus:- Can not be! Prometheus still stole the fire - there is no one else!
(Zeus sends a flood to the earth, all the lights go out.)
Zeus:- Let it rain heavily on the earth !!!
(It rains, the lights go out, everyone leaves.)
Prometheus:- Live the human race!
(Gives the last tongue of fire to the people)
Hephaestus:- Why did you do it, Prometheus?
Prometheus: I wanted to help people!
(Hephaestus chains Prometheus to a rock. People appear.)
People:- We will save your fire, Prometheus!
(People leave. Hercules and Titan appear. Titan holds the sky. Hercules approaches him.)
Hercules:- I'm Hercules. And who are you?
Titanium:“I am a Titan, holding the sky.
Hercules:“Do you know where I can get the apples of the Hesperides?”
Titanium:- I know. Hold the sky while I run after them.
(Hercules stands under the vault of heaven. The Titan goes for apples, brings, shows and wants to leave.)
Titanium:“Look, I brought apples of longevity. I see you're good at holding the sky. I then went. Now it's your turn to hold the vault of heaven.
(Hercules goes to the trick.)
Hercules:“Wait, help me at least make myself more comfortable under it.”
Titanium:"Alright, get in there, I'll hold him."
(While the Titan is holding the arch, Hercules grabs the apples and runs away. He approaches the rock of Prometheus. An eagle appears, pecks at the liver of Prometheus.)
Hercules:- Oh, Prometheus! I will help you! I will kill the eagle that pecks at your liver. (fighting)
Hercules:- I have apples of eternal youth and longevity from the garden of the Hesperides. I will pour the juice of this apple. (Pours in.)
(Prometheus comes to life.)
Hercules:- Prometheus, where is your sacred fire?
Prometheus:- Here (points to heart). It burns in the human soul.
Hercules:- Praise be to you, great Prometheus!

There is such a legend among the people that the mountain to which Prometheus was chained is located in the Jingirik region.

Scene "Argonauts".
The king of Colchis (Erid) had a GOLDEN FLEECE. The fame of the GOLDEN FLEECE spread far: whoever owns the golden fleece will gain happiness and power. All the heroes of Hellas gathered to build a ship called "Argo" (Orpheus, Hercules, Perseus, etc.). The Argonauts most of all wanted a cheerful wind, and they wanted to accomplish a feat. The bow of the ship was decorated with a statue of Pallas Athena. This ship was driven by Jason.
The path of the Argonauts was not easy: rocks stood on the way (Children depict mountains, holding hands. When the ship passes, the children unhook their hands.), Sirens met them: half-birds - half-women who lured the sailors with their singing and killed them. Portable - beauties enchanting with their voice (depict sirens)
- Hello, king of Colchis! Give me the GOLDEN FLEECE.
- Provided that you fulfill 3 conditions: in one day you
plow the field, sow it, and reap the harvest.
- I'm not a plowman, I'm a warrior!
MEDEA (daughter of the king of Colchis):
"I'll help you, Jason!" When the seedlings grow, throw a stone into the middle of the field!
(Jason throws a stone, takes the GOLDEN FLEECE and takes Medea with him).
The GOLDEN FLEECE was laid in the temple of Athena.
Light up your new path for Jason, bright-eyed Virgin Pallas.

The Argonauts are sailing, the Orpheus lyre is ringing,
New juices awaken in the gardens of the Hesperides,
And the Cretan maiden weaves a return thread,
And the glory of her labyrinth leaves the deep.

Ancient Greece.
The culture of Greece was formed over many thousands of years, starting from the time of the Minoan civilization.

The first inhabitants appeared in Greece about 40,000 years ago. On the island of Crete, the first great European civilization arises - the Minoan (named after the mythological king Minos). The Minoans were good farmers, hunters, builders. They knew how to trade well. They created their own writing.

Around 1450 BC. The Minoan civilization is coming to an end. From 160 to 1100 BC The Achaeans (Mycenaeans) invaded mainland Greece. They lived in small states, in the center of which was a fortified city. They built cities on high hills to protect themselves from enemies, surrounded them with a large ring of fortifications. This type of fortified city was called an acropolis (kremlin, upper city). The royal palace was located here, and next to it were houses for services, artisans and soldiers. The Mycenaeans were a militant people: they had armor, chariots, foot soldiers. The ancient Greek poet Homer in his poem "Illada" spoke about the Mycenaeans and the Trojan War. (1240-1230 BC) - the reason is the beautiful Helen from Sparta, who fled with King Paris from her husband Menelaus, brother of King Agamemnon from Mycenae . They decided to take revenge on the Trojans and conquer Troy. For 10 years they tried to subdue the city. Then the king of Ithaca, Odysseus, went to a trick: they built a wooden horse, inside there were several Mykene warriors who opened the gates to their soldiers at night.
In 1100 BC Mycenaean culture ceased to exist.
Alexander the Great (2-3 centuries BC)
After his death, Greece split into three parts: Macedonia, Persia and Egypt.
The period between the death of Alexander and the fall of the Greek Empire in 30 B.C. is called Hellistic. Main city in Egypt, Alexandria is the center of learning and art (Pythagoras, Euclid - mathematicians; Ptolemy - studied the movements of celestial bodies, the flowering of medicine).
The Greek Empire after the death of Alexander fell into decline and was conquered by the Romans. Egypt lasted the longest, where Cleopatra ruled, realizing that she could not defend her state, she committed suicide.
Scene "Trojan horse"

Modern Greece.
Greece vision of my dreams.
Homeland of mythical heroes.
The rocks here are the abode of the Gods.
The heroes of Troy live in memory.

The spirit of Orthodoxy reigns here.
The past is not sent after curses.
Russian is spoken everywhere.
The Greeks live among themselves like brothers.

And the Hellenes know a lot about food.
Give them only young meat.
Food without frills, but all for the future.
The impulse of the soul is connected with peace.

Hellene has a pure soul.
There is no layer of madness in it.

Fiery enthusiasm sparks in the hearts.
Rest in a big way indulge.

Dance amuses the soul of a Greek.
And what songs are sung here.

They invite everyone here to dance,
Grabbing you by the arms, by the shoulders.

The local wind is ready to caress everyone.
And children grow up for joy in families.
Mild climate, music, love.
Everything here has longevity.

Paying tribute to the legends of antiquity,
Architectural monuments are preserved.
They have been erected for centuries.
Greece in their glory will continue to dabble.

The spirit of the past is still alive.
Memory is not subject to oblivion.
Here the people are mild-mannered.
And he is not inclined to destruction.

The Holy Spirit has power over creation.
At any hour, the doors of the Temples are open.
And in honor the old man here is gray-haired,
Not betraying the true Faith.

There are many churches and monasteries here.
There is no excessive gilding in the Temples.
Love for Greece is in my blood.
Deity captivating beauty.

Culture of Greece.

Until now, Greek culture has served as a standard of excellence in European art. Many cultures look up to it.
On our territory from the end of the 9th century. Byzantine (Greek) influence on the Alans is increasing. Byzantine missionaries launched a wide church construction. Today, on the territory of our republics, the Sentinsky, Shoaninsky and Arkhyz churches are protected as unique historical and architectural monuments.
Byzantine (Greek) frescoes and the remains of Greek inscriptions have survived to this day.
First Greece was conquered by the Romans, then Turkey. Therefore, the culture of Rome and Turkey influenced Greek culture. Russia helped Greece: she freed her from the Turks. From 1856 to 1866 the Greeks moved to the northern Caucasus in the Kuban region. Here we have formed the village of Khasaut-Greek, on the bank of the Aksaut River, above the village of Kardonikskaya, as well as the village of Sparta - on the right bank of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River. The name of this village reminds us of the ancient state of Sparta, where the Spartans lived - very strong, courageous and loved freedom.
After the Russian-Turkish war, a lot of Pontic Greeks moved to Russia. They moved both by land and by the Black Sea.
A section of the Great Silk Road passed through the North Caucasus.
In the North Caucasus, the Pontic Greeks formed 10 groups.
(Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Crimean, Abinsko-Severskaya, Goryacheklyuchevskaya, Apsheronskaya, Maikop-Belorecheskaya, Stavropol-Pyatigorsk (Khasaut-Grechesky village, Sparta village)).
When the Second World War began, Nazi Germany attacked not only our country, but also Greece and other countries.
During the years of Stalinist repressions, the Pontic Greeks were subjected to mass deportation to Central Asia and Siberia, as well as the peoples inhabiting the North Caucasus.

National traditions.

There are national features in any country in the world. But the national features in Greece are Greece itself, its nerve, style, its unique way of life.
Greeks know how to enjoy life to the fullest. They want to have a good time and live for their own pleasure here and now, and tomorrow ... it will be tomorrow!
The cherished dream of a Greek is to get rich as soon as possible. But it would not occur to him to save money. He needs money to spend.
The Greeks are distinguished by ardor, sentimentality, combined with tolerance. Shaking the head from bottom to top in Greek means "no", and from top to bottom - "yes". In Greek, the sound "ne" means "yes", and the denial sounds like "oh".
Greeks love and cherish traditions. And not only protect, but also revive.
They do everything with passion - having fun and sadness.
The Greeks are not characterized by punctuality, they may be late for a business meeting. The Greek for "tomorrow" ("avrio") means something indefinite or a refusal.
The Mediterranean climate influenced the Greeks' habit of afternoon naps. After a delicious lunch from 15.00 to 17.00, it's time to relax. During the daytime period from 14 to 18 hours and in the evening after 22 hours in Greece it is not customary to make phone calls.
You should not enter the monastery in shorts or miniskirts, refuse refreshments in village houses.
The Greeks are in no hurry. It happens that in a restaurant you have to wait a long time for your order, and even longer for the bill. You should not leave a restaurant without leaving a tip. Nevertheless, the Greeks keep their promises, especially when it comes to business. True, there may be some delay with the timing. Greeks are very hospitable.
The Greeks believe in the power of the evil eye. Adults and children wear a turquoise bead as an amulet, sometimes with an eye painted on it.
A Greek will never praise anyone's elegance and beauty, especially children, without spitting three times and knocking on wood. This is done to ward off the envy of the gods from the one you praise, as we do.
It is considered bad luck not to offer something to drink to anyone who enters the house.
Guests play an important role. Especially important is the guest who will be the first to cross the threshold of the house in the new year. Therefore, they try to invite benevolent people as early morning guests. Entering the house, they must cross the threshold with their right foot, while wishing the family
Happy New Year. In the old days, they had to bring a pomegranate fruit and, entering the house, throw it on the floor. The scattered grains were believed to bring prosperity throughout the year.
A beautiful custom related to the rite of baptism of a child: godparents must give him a gold cross on a chain plus a full set of Sunday toilets, including shoes, otherwise it will be considered that the godson will stumble through life and he will never have enough clothes.

The relatively young dance "Sirtaki" in the modern world acts as one of the symbols of Greece.
Greek dances are very reminiscent of Ukrainian, Moldovan, Romanian.
Sirtaki is a popular Greek dance.

Greek dance Sirtaki.


Ripe olives turn black
In the green of the leaves.
From the sky Helios lets
Sultry rays.

Poseidon drives the surf
Nereids in the foam of the waves.
In the vineyards of the bacchante
Dancing in the sweetness of steam.

Throne gently the strings of the lyre,
I feed Pegasus
And stroke the wing.

Greece will stretch out its hands
In its swarthy beauty -
And already in a golden tunic
I run through the fields.

Ah, Greece! Dream of my soul!
You are a gentle fairy tale, but I am more tender to you,
Tender than to Hector, the hero, Andromache.
Take your sword. Be Serbia's sister

The main traditional holidays coincide with ours. This is:
New Year, Christmas, Easter, Trinity. There is Independence Day and the Feast of the Annunciation.
March 25 - Greek Independence Day. It was on this day in 1821 that the uprising began, which led to the liberation of the country from the four-century Ottoman yoke.
Greece honors the heroic past, calls for a happy future. On this day there are concerts and exhibitions.

Greek games.
Tavli is the favorite game of Greek men in kafenion coffeehouses. The Greek word tavli comes from the word tavla, translated as a board.
The game is played on a board divided into two sections, each marked with 12 narrow wedges or dotted lines. In other words, 24 wedges on the entire playing field. Each player has 15 chips. The paths of movement are determined by the thrown bones.

Tavli is definitely not a game of chance, but a game of strategy based on skill, intuition and psychology. There are three main versions of the rules of the game in Greece.
Portes (doors) game more or less corresponds to the backgammon rules familiar in Russia.
The second version is called plakoto (from the Greek word plakono, translated - to hide). The third option is known as fevga (start or fast).
In all three games, the idea is to be the first to move his pieces from the starting position to the victory zone.

Ball game on horseback.
The purpose of the game: the development of endurance, eye, strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
They usually play in large groups. Players stand in pairs in a circle. Count on the first or second. The first number sits on the back of the second. The starting rider throws the ball to another rider. He throws to the third, and so on. The ball is passed continuously and without any system.
Rules of the game:
the player who dropped the ball, as a punishment, changes place with a horse.
Develops: endurance, eye

Catch the one with the pebble
The purpose of the game: the development of mindfulness, speed.
At least five people take part in the game. Players line up on the playground in one line, against them stands the head of the game or the chosen leader. Players hold their arms outstretched forward with folded palms.

The leader of the game has a pebble, he walks in front of the line and pretends to want to put it in the palms of the players. Then he discreetly lowers the pebble into someone's palms. The one who gets the stone runs to the predetermined point and back to return the stone to the leader. The rest of the players chase him and try to catch him while he is in the field. You can't catch him on the line.
Rules of the game:
if the player comes back and no one can catch him, in next round he takes the place of the leader;
if the player is caught, the player who first touched the one who ran will take the lead position.

Greek cuisine.

One of the most important Greek national features is the universal love for Greek cuisine. Greeks love to eat a lot, tasty and delicious. Greek cuisine is its own world, its own national taste.
Greek cuisine is characterized by the extensive use of lemons, walnuts, raisins, olive oil, lamb, fish, garlic, tomatoes and plenty of spicy mixtures. Very popular in Greece are meat dishes cooked on a spit, dolmates (like cabbage rolls in grape leaves), chir-chir (like chebureks), alyan (a drink made from sour milk), and sweet dishes. Of the large number of Greek dishes, the most popular are: sea fish, vegetable salad with pieces of cheese, baked tomatoes stuffed with rice and meat, shrimp, lobster, squid, eggplant, pasta pudding or soufflé, a type of barbecue, pieces of meat on skewers; fish caviar salad. Wine is the most common drink in Greece. And, of course, Greek coffee. This is a strong black coffee served in small cups along with a glass of pure water.

Other distinguishing feature Greek cuisine is an abundance of olive oil. It is added to almost all dishes and is used
Another essential ingredient is lemon.
The special pride of the Greeks is cheese. In Greece, it is produced at least 50 varieties. Greeks consume the most cheese in the world. The most popular variety is called Feta. It is he who is used in the preparation of the famous "Greek salad". In Greece, this salad is called "horiatiki" ("village").

The brilliance of traditions, customs, excellent cuisine - everything is created to bring joy.
And now we invite our mothers, they will tell us about the dishes they have prepared.
With this, our holiday came to an end. Thank you for your attention!