Congratulatory scene for the birthday of a friend is cool. Best birthday for best friend

Birthday is an important holiday. And you can't spend it in a gray, boring, ordinary way. But what can you think of so that this day will be remembered for a long time, so that guests do not spend time in boring conversations, looking for a new suitable topic, but united in exciting games and contests, jokes, charged with positive and drive for a long time? Three bright and funny scenarios for a girl that will help turn a birthday at home into an extravaganza of emotions and joy await you later in the article.

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Scenario 1 "Land of the Looking Glass"

The hall is decorated with mirrors, bizarre elements reminiscent of the tools of an alchemist - a large glass ball, flasks with multi-colored liquids, decorative candles are burning. Twilight reigns in the room, muffled mystical music sounds. Covered tables are laid out against the wall, but now they are hidden from everyone by a screen. Before people take their places, they must go through the control of the Alchemist.

  • ALCHEMIST (host 1):

    - Hello, dear guests, hello good people. Why did you come here, to my castle, to my abode of mysteries and mysteries?

    (Something appears from the depths of the hall shaggy, eccentric, but infinitely cheerful - an inhabitant of another reality, let's just call it, Presenter 2)


    - But how are you, oh wisest, oh most talented, who knows the mysteries of nature and the secrets of distant stars, the language of animals and birds, and the fact that Alla Pugacheva is going to arrange the twentieth concert in honor of her farewell to the stage, and you do not know so important! After all, today is the most amazing day!


    - What is it? Don't be tired! You know I don't like puzzles!


    - Today is the birthday of the most beautiful of earthly girls, the kindest and sweetest! There she is! (points to the hero of the occasion)

  • ALCHEMIST (looking closely):

    - Yes, yes ... now I understand why the stars in the sky today shine brighter than usual. Now I understand ... But who are these people?

  • HOST 2

    - Well, you grouse! Forgive me, these are the guests of our beauty! Who also want to congratulate her.


    - I have an idea!


    - Ty you! Again he is with his ideas. Now he comes up with something like that, which until nightfall is not cleaned up ... Oh-ho-hoshenki, I feel today not to eat my cakes. And I love them so much ...


    - Don't gundi. Here's what I came up with. Now we will find out with what thoughts our dear guests came. (addressing the guests) Please, choose for yourself one balloon from those that hang on the wall (points to the wall where the balloons are previously hung).

  • (Lead 2 enthralls the audience to choose balls for themselves, then the Alchemist takes out a needle and approaches the first person with the ball, pierces it. Inside the ball is a rolled note with a wish or some kind of joke)

    - So, so ... what is this guest thinking? (Reads) "There is no friend in the world more wonderful and kinder than our birthday girl!" Yes, that's a good idea. Please come in and take your place at the table.

    (So ​​the Alchemist goes to everyone and reads out the note stored inside the ball, or gives this right to the one who holds the ball.

    Notes should be kind and funny, without negative statements.

    After reading, everyone sits down at the table. After the feast, good wishes and songs with a guitar, a series of funny contests begins).


    - Many of you probably know that the word has tremendous power. I propose to do this: now we will wish something kind, good for our birthday girl, but not just like that, but by doing Hedgehog. What it is? You tell me. I explain. We take an apple and stick a match into it with a wish. As a result, you will get a lovely hedgehog, a talisman for the happiness of our beauty. So let's go!

  • HOST 2

    - Now, let's play! I have one word in mind, and now I’ll quickly draw it as best I can. Of course, I'm not an artist, but still I will try. Your task is to guess which word I originally conceived! Whoever guesses first will receive a prize.


    - And now I would like to check how well you know our birthday girl! (He takes her behind the screen and returns with an enigmatic expression) So, you have to answer simple questions correctly. What color was the blouse (dress, skirt) of our beauty. What color are her eyes. What color is her lipstick and eyeshadow (if any). What she loves the most. What he dislikes the most. What kind of music she listens to. Do you think she has a dream, and if so, what kind of dream.

    (Questions can be different, funny and simple. The person who gives the most correct answers gets a prize)

  • HOST 2

    - Yes, you know our birthday girl well. But, it seems to me, we sat too long at the table. It's time to joke and have fun. Well, get up, I am announcing the beginning of a new competition!

    (The essence of the next competition is as follows: the guests are divided into two teams, one stands opposite the other, in two ranks. The competition is something like a relay race, but not
    sports, and theatrical,
    that is, the presenter asks the first in the row some simple task, for example, to portray friends who met after a long separation or, conversely, inveterate enemies, and people should try to portray the task. Then they go to the end, and perform the task already second in the row, and so on until the end of the row. Those who do not cope with the task are eliminated from the competition. There are no winners here, friendship wins, and as a sign of this, all participants in the game are awarded with souvenirs).


    - What talented guests have gathered today! We can collect a real theater company worthy of the capital's theater stages. You have done a good job in our contests. And now I turn the dial of my time machine back to ... oh! I wanted to turn it back just half an hour to watch the beginning of the holiday again, but now ... we move in time and find ourselves ... in the 19th century, to the royal ball! It's horrible!

  • HOST 2

    - This is wonderful! How many of us have had such a wonderful opportunity to get into the romantic 19th century before? Music, maestro! (beautiful music plays, dances begin)

Scenario 2 "Dancenight"

The room is decorated in a youthful style - posters, posters of famous rock stars, some attributes of active youth - headphones, CDs, leaflets with notes and song tests. Incendiary music plays.

Instead of tables, there are pillows, rugs scattered on the floor, a blanket is spread on the floor, on which dishes are arranged in a youth-like fashion.

Scenario 3 "Merry Pun"

The hall is decorated with bright pictures, tinsel, in general, everything that can be found in the house - sweets, oranges, bananas, so that the room turns into a harmonious chaos of colors, aromas, things. Dance music is playing.

The leader can be one of close friends, or a husband, if the birthday girl is married, or maybe a specially hired person. A scripted party can be arranged in a banquet hall or in a spacious room at home, depending on the number of people invited.

an envelope with a phrase, a photograph of a birthday girl, cards with inscriptions, sweets, prizes for contests, several certificates, album sheets, two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds, a gift bottle,

The host meets all the guests.

Hello dear guests! I am glad to see each of you at this magnificent celebration, which was organized in honor of our dear (name of the birthday girl). On this day, the world had a special honor to know this amazing, incomparable woman. I ask everyone to take their places. We begin.

As you might have guessed, tonight is tonight under my leadership! But, there are many of you, and I am alone, so I need my personal assistant! Look, please, everyone under their chair, who finds an envelope, will be my assistant for the evening!

(An envelope with a short phrase is attached to the chair, for example, "wow," the person who found the envelope will loudly pronounce this phrase before each toast)

Like every social event, our holiday has its own rules that everyone must follow! Now I will read them:
1. Have fun until you drop;
2. Do not be sad, do not lose heart at the table and outside;
3. Make beautiful toasts;
4. Drink whatever is poured;
5. Take part in all conversations;
6. Dance, dance, dance;
7. Obey the presenter in everything.

All gathered for a long time
It's time to raise everyone's glasses
For a beautiful birthday girl,
It's time to say congratulations to us!

While you are all having a friendly snack, I want to remind you that you can leave the hall only with the permission of our beautiful Queen of the evening and only in your own things.

(Name of the birthday girl) they say that in the East there is one wisdom that I really want to voice:
It's not hard to beat your age
You can't refuse it,
Although in principle it is possible
If you have friends next to you!
Let you be 100 or 200,
But your soul is young
Pour your glasses quickly
Drink to youth (name of the birthday girl) to the dregs!

Do you know how wonderful it is sometimes to immerse yourself in the memories of your childhood, adolescence, youth. Probably not everyone remembers what kind of girl our hero of the occasion was, but now, thanks to the efforts of her close friends (children, family, husband, parents, depending on who takes on this creative process), you can plunge into her past, and see what she was and what she has become.

(Prepare in advance a collage with photos or a presentation about the birthday girl. It is important to make this surprise bright, cheerful. You can insert a few jokes, photos into pictures, write some funny facts and life stories)

But, without (the names of the parents of the birthday girl), this event simply would not have happened. Therefore, I propose to raise glasses to them, for the fact that they gave us such a beautiful woman who fills the life of each of you with happiness!

In the meantime, you are having a snack, I would like to tell you one story that you may know, which you may hear for the first time. So, it happened a few decades ago. In one town, in the most ordinary apartment, a miracle happened, from nowhere a tiny girl appeared, who remained to live there. The girl grew, grew, grew, grew and grew! Many different people arose on her way, but she settled the most special in her heart. And so, so many years of desperate searches have led her to those with whom she shares her holiday today, to those whose love and support are most important in the world. For friends, comrades, for you!

You eat, eat, and for now I will hold a small auction! So, friends, three special lots are being drawn, including a photograph of the birthday girl, a dance with the birthday girl and a hug lasting a whole minute! Let `s start?

(Auction of "Compliments". The guest needs to call compliments to win. Whoever utters the most compliments gets the lot. Props: photo of the birthday girl)

I suggest you drink to you compliments
Who touched the birthday girl's soul
Fill up your glasses soon
And reinforce everything you said!

Traitor, please attention! I recently passed by a magic shop and bought cards. But, these are not easy cards, but magic ones. They will tell you what the people around this table think of you. Draw the card gentlemen!

(Cards are prepared in advance, on which one of the qualities of the birthday girl is written. For example, "I think you are great at putting on the kettle" (if the hero of the occasion does not know how to cook). The inscriptions should be funny, but at the same time truthful. You can also make cards with predictions. Props: cards with inscriptions)

It is a pity that our magic session was not long, but he made it clear the thoughts of the guests. Now, I would like to talk about love, about a wonderful feeling that fills our soul (name of the birthday girl). And now, the man of her whole life will tell her about his feelings. As far as I know, he cooked.

(A husband is invited, or a boyfriend, if no one is there and the birthday girl's heart is free, the item is skipped, or they just raise their glasses to love)

Dear guests,
Your turn has come
Congratulate our birthday girl,
Anyone interested, please come here!

(Guests take turns saying their wishes and).

While you are having a snack, I want to run a small competition, the winner of which will receive a valuable prize. I will ask questions about our birthday girl, for each correct answer - candy, the winner is the one who collects the most sweets!

(Requisites: sweets, certificate of honor)

1. What day of the week was she born?
2. How much did you weigh on your birthday?
3. How much does it weigh now?
4. How long did she spend the most on the phone?
5. Favorite color?
6. Is she moping in the fall?
7. How old are you?
8. What was her grade in algebra?
9. Favorite sweetness?
10. How much time does he devote to sports?
11. How many pairs of shoes are in her wardrobe?
12. Does he like to chew at night?
13. Does he smoke?
14. First boyfriend's name?
15. Favorite flowers?
16. Favorite music?
17. Favorite movie?
18. Excitement, her faithful ally?
19. What did she dream about in 1st grade?
20. Who was the first to receive the kiss?

(Questions may not necessarily be these, it is important to get the answers beforehand in order to know who guessed it. Questions are read loudly and quickly)

Something you all stayed up too long,
We need to fix it
Did you want what you wanted?
Let's dance fast!

(The presenter announces a dance break)

And now, my dears, I suggest you play a little. You all dance well, and I want to suggest to you, to diversify your steps a little.

Contest "Repeats".
Each guest must repeat the movements after the other; whoever copies the best will receive a prize.

Glasses are waiting, it's time to go to the table,
Let's go back to the dance floor
It's time to wish you health, happiness,
Friends, follow me!

Now, I would like to torment our men a little. More precisely, I want to test their dexterity! Ladies, how do you look at this?

Contest "Kisses".
Men are given sheets of paper. In half a minute, they have to collect the kisses of the ladies who have come, whoever collects more gets a prize!
Props: sheets.

I would not want to be distracted from our hero of the occasion, but it seems to me that our men also deserve our attention, I propose to raise a toast to them!

Dear guests, I suggest you draw a little! But, the drawings will be unusual. You will have to portray the birthday girl!

The guests are divided into two teams. The first participant is blindfolded, and so on in a chain. The team with the best drawing will receive a prize.
Requisites: two Whatman paper, two markers, two blindfolds.

Now stand in a row
We will play with you
We will, we will have fun
Long to remember the evening!

(The presenter announces the competition "Shores". There are two code words "Shore", "Water". When the word "Shore", everyone jumps forward, when the word "Water" is back. ocean, etc. The inattentive fall out, the most attentive gets a prize. age features participants, if necessary, you can use another).

Now, I invite you to be the singers! The task is not difficult, you have to sing for our dear birthday girl!

(The presenter names the word with which the song should begin. The one who sings the most will win)

I want to raise this toast,
For happiness, for health,
So that the birthday girl always blooms
To make everything bad recede!

Now, it's time to hand over gifts to us,
And to make it more interesting
You must describe your gift,
Will the Princess guess him!

(Guests take turns giving gifts, while describing them, but not naming them)

But the gift is common, it is from everyone,
It will become a good memory
It is recommended to open in 10 years,
And treat the guests who have come!

(The presenter gives the birthday girl a bottle of good wine, or brandy. You can decorate the bottle, and instead of a label, stick a photo of the hostess of the evening)

Wonderful congratulations sounded
Nice toast you all said
It's time for the birthday girl to say
Thank you for visiting!

(The birthday girl gives her speech, thanks the guests for coming)

(Addressing the birthday girl) did you manage to make a wish? Think well, now is the time to blow out the candles!

(Bring out the birthday cake)

Friends, our glorious evening is coming to an end. I'm sorry to part with you, but I still have to. Finally, I want to wish our beautiful birthday girl ordinary female happiness and happy, prosperous days! Thank you for the atmosphere and good mood!

Invitation: the text of the invitation can be written in a child's handwriting, use pictures in the design. The invitation card can be attached to a small soft toy or baby doll (for girls), to a typewriter or a toy pistol (for boys).

Registration: the room is decorated with balloons, on chairs, armchairs and sofas lie Stuffed Toys, dolls, balls, toy cars. Hanging on the wall with children's photographs of the birthday girl. Another wall is decorated with a fence made of several pieces of whatman paper.

Hello, friends! Today we are celebrating the birthday of a wonderful girl (name)

(age) - oh, what a date!

Let it not be jubilee, not round,

This is the dance of the waves and the riot of the garden.

This is behind two wings!

It's eight Fridays in the week

Time of trial, error and dilemmas.

Beauty and spirit in a healthy body,

This is life without problems so far!

This is a reckless neighborhood,

And now it is forgivable

The epicenter of adolescence and childhood,

This is fermented wine.

It's a time of self-affirmation

This is life's best time.

From birth!

Happy birthday!

And still no fluff, no feather!

(Guests raise their glasses to the birthday girl).

Leading:(age) years is the beginning of adulthood, this is a farewell to childhood. Therefore, we decided to celebrate today's holiday in a way that we never did as children. The Day of Disobedience is declared! Today we will be mischievous, have fun and tease each other, and also scream loudly. Shouting: "Happy birthday, (name)!"

(Everyone shouts. It is carried out several times to make it loud and slender).

And today we will write whatever we want on the fences. I ask you to come up to the fence and write our birthday girl on it.

(Guests write to the birthday girl on the fence).

Leading: Birthday girl, now you have your own wish fence. And may these wishes come true!

Auction "Our birthday girl".

The host announces that the winner of the auction will be the one who is the last to say a kind word - the definition of the birthday girl. The winner receives a prize - a big chupa-chups or a bag of sweets for the sweetest speeches addressed to the birthday girl. And the presenter offers to raise glasses to such an extraordinary birthday girl.

"Empty Relay"

The presenter suggests remembering the ritual of growing up. A dummy game is played, which the participants must spit out as far as possible. The winner receives a prize - a bright dummy.

"On a chair"

The presenter talks about what kind of chairs were played in our childhood. We used them to get to the farthest corners of the sideboard or cupboards, where sweets were hidden from us. We used to build whole castles from them. And how many times did we have to, standing on it, recite rhymes and sing songs under the approving exclamations of adults and the proud look of our parents.

The guests pull strips of paper from the box with 1 line from a children's poem. Then 4 people stand on chairs and read what happened.

"How it was"

Everyone gets forfeits. Participants must portray.

How the birthday boy learned to walk.

To depict how the birthday boy did rhythmic gymnastics as a child;

Like a birthday boy, sitting on a pot, he called his mother.

How the birthday boy took away his favorite toy

As the birthday boy demanded in the store to buy him a toy.

"Birthday Gifts"

From one box, guests draw cards with the names of the gift. The birthday girl pulls a card from another box with a description of what she will do with this gift.

"Mothers and Daughters"

The presenter suggests remembering the game of "mothers and daughters". Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. Each team is given a bow. The first ties a bow to the second, she unties it and ties the third, etc. The latter is the first to tie. The team that did it earlier and more accurately wins.

"We all covered songs"

The presenter reads the definition for a children's song, and the guests, guessing, sing it.


A song about a piece of land surrounded by water, the inhabitants of which are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits ("Chunga-changa");

A song about a sky-colored vehicle ("The Blue Carriage");

A song about that bad weather cannot spoil the holiday ("We will survive this nuisance");

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes a sun bath ("I lie in the sun")

A song about a plant that has grown in conditions wildlife and a felled peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");

A song about how fun it is to march with the team ("It is fun to walk together");

A song about a small creature resembling a certain vegetable in color ("A grasshopper was sitting in the grass").

"Magic bag"

During the dance, the guests pass the box to each other. When the music stops, the one who at the moment has the box in his hands takes out, without looking, some thing from it and puts it on himself. The game continues.

Birthday script

Birthday in any life girls- this is a kind of milestone, a time for summing up the results of the past year, as well as another opportunity to have fun with your best and closest friends. If you want to give your girlfriend an unforgettable celebration with a sea of ​​positive emotions, lively music, fun until the morning, with incendiary contests and dizzying dances - arrange a Hawaiian-style party in her honor, which can be easily organized at home.

Scenario for a girlfriend's birthday, games, - and congratulations

My friend's birthday is coming soon To entertain guests after the festive part of the holiday, you can offer a variety of games, for example, playing forfeits is very fun at the birthday celebration. It consists in completing tasks (forfeits), which are prepared in advance and written on folded sheets of paper. The player randomly pulls a phantom from the box and performs it.

All guests do not need to know the task of a particular participant, it turns out even more interesting. However, to some people, some of the forfeits may seem difficult, so you can write the word "SILENT" or "OUTLOOK" before each task, depending on the complexity, so that it is clear whether to read the task itself or not. And explain it to the players. We advise you to still read the text of the fantasy after execution. It is advisable to complete the task without much preparation and deliberation, impromptu.

Do the forfeits presented below only in a company with a sense of humor and with a desire to amuse yourself and those around you!

Introduce everyone present to the hero of the celebration! Talk about good qualities birthday person with a displeased grimace, but about bad qualities (touchiness, moodiness, alcohol consumption, smoking, use of a mat, etc.)

With a smile on my face and stroking my head.

To praise the dishes on the festive table as they would in the "Shop on the Sofa."

Suddenly it seemed to you that you are the host of the program "In the world of animals" and there are a lot of interesting specimens of fauna (guests) around you, tell us about them.

Say congratulations, saying all words in diminutive form.

You are the chairman of a crumbling collective farm. Milkmaids, a shepherd, a tractor driver, a blacksmith, etc. gathered at the conference table. Give everyone a stick and make them accountable. But after every speech, even one word, fanatically admire what was said.

Treat several players with different dishes, as if you brought some goodies to the "Field of Miracles" program.

In a stranger at the holiday, you find your sibling. Run joyfully to hug him / her and tell everyone your story as if you were numb with happiness (with gestures, facial expressions).

Praise the hero of the day in the "Sex on the phone" style.

Performing squats, quickly read the tongue twister three times in a row "Near the pit there is a hill with coolers, I will sit on the hill, I will correct the sack."

Compliment any part of each player's body and kiss that spot. Body parts should not be repeated!

- Play Guess the Tune for your friend's birthday... For singing, participants should always use the words "Happy bezdei tu yu", but the motives that come up should be different.

Remind why everyone gathered at the festive table, proclaiming a toast to the birthday man, while replacing all vowels in speech with the letter "O".

Congratulate the birthday man, through the word using his name, and in different forms(Sasha, Sasha, Shurochka, etc.).

You are a guide in the museum, tell guests with inspiration about the surrounding objects in the room where you are, weaving any tales about them great history.

Talk about how you like at the party, while trying to flirt with each player (wink, blow kisses, touch yourself and the participants, etc.)

Woman's birthday script.

Birthday script for woman female happiness

Idea: to organize a birthday girl for her husband and children with contests and entertainment. If you want your wife to say after her birthday that she is the most happy woman then this scenario will suit you.

* A few days before your wife's birthday, collect family council... You don't need to call your wife to him. You and your children must decide who will do what at the birthday party. Let the children help you in cleaning and in the kitchen. And the rest, you will do it yourself.

* Print out all your mom's photos, where it turned out beautifully. Just take photos of more than one period. Let your wife be in the photographs first as a young, unmarried girl, then photographs from and so on until her birthday. Write above the photos: “Every day you become more and more beautiful. We love you very much!".

* Now start looking for a gift. What can you give your wife for a holiday to make her happy? Of course, jewelry... If she loves jewelry. And if she loves something original, give her a bouquet of flowers "Louise". Women, without exception, love flowers. And give her a certificate to the beauty salon.

* In the morning, gather everyone in the room. Hang up a holiday poster. Let everyone take something for congratulations. The husband will take the flowers, the children will take the balloons and the gift. And the whole friendly delegation go to congratulate your beloved wife and mother.

* It was the beginning of the day. While mom in the beauty salon brings herself as a gift, you do not wait for her, start setting the table. Show all your imagination and do it very beautifully, so that your wife is not ashamed in front of the guests.

* When guests come, show them the poster first and have them sign under your sign. Let them confirm your opinion that your wife is only getting prettier every day. After they have written wishes on a poster with photographs, invite everyone to the festive table.

* The first toast should be said by the husband. It would be great if you dedicated poetry to your wife. If you yourself cannot express your love in words, and even more so to tie everything into rhyme, then you can order an exclusive congratulation in verse for your wife.

* After the husband, leave the word for congratulations to the children. It is advisable that the children also prepare creatively for congratulations. They can sing a song to mom or tell a poem about mom. This is especially pleasant for mothers.

* Now it's time to spend table competition... This one is called "Named Wish". Each guest should come up with a wish for the birthday girl. But there is one small complication. Which? You will find out if you read the terms of the competition.

* You can hold a contest "Karaoke for the birthday girl". But the conditions should be set such that each man sings a song for the birthday girl that he would like to dedicate to her. Believe me, your beloved woman will be delighted. And most importantly, all cleaning after the birthday also falls on you and the children.

Wishes to your wife and mother We are your female happiness, and you are our only and beloved happiness. We are ready to do whatever you want for you. You are the most beautiful wife and the most caring mother. You have merged all the qualities of a real woman. Beauty, intelligence, charm, kindness - you are the greatest treasure in the world for us. We love you! You can see other versions of the texts in the section "Birthday Wishes"

Comic scenario of a girlfriend's birthday - nicelady women's magazine

Your friend's birthday is coming soon. In order to have fun with it, come up with something new, create an atmosphere of fun and great celebration at the birthday party. Organize a breathtaking event, invite to the holiday only those guests whom you will definitely be glad to! It doesn't matter how many there are - two, five or ten - the main thing is that all the participants are cheerful, noisy and groovy!

In order to fill the party with surprises and surprises, organize it outside the home. How do you like the idea of ​​having a friend's birthday in a sauna? After all, this is such a great chance! We so rarely manage to combine business with pleasure!

First, you need to decorate the room where the feast will be. Inflate balloons, hang them on the walls. Prepare a large postcard on which each guest should leave their wishes for the birthday girl. You can attach banners with congratulations when all the participants of the event gather, the toastmaster is the closest friend, invites everyone to the festive table. She is given the first toast. Words of congratulations are heard, and a gift is presented. This is followed by an invitation to drink a glass of champagne for the birthday girl.

The master of ceremonies offers a competition "The smartest". All participants are preparing to enter the sauna, for which they need to undress in time. The winner is the one who was the first. The winner is awarded a small prize. Everyone goes to the sauna for no more than 5-10 minutes, after which they run to the pool to cool off. Between congratulations, going to the sauna, dancing and swimming, further congratulations are heard and contests are held.

1. The game "Surprise". A rope is prepared in advance, small objects on a thread are tied to it. The player is blindfolded, untwisted and directed to a string with surprises. The participant should try to get the surprise with the help of scissors by cutting it off. The rest of the guests help him in this, shouting "cold-hot".

2. A joke game. There are two participants: a man and a woman. The lady is given a piece of candy in her mouth, and she is seated on the sofa. it is proposed to take the candy from the lady blindfolded. The comedy of the situation is that as soon as a man is blindfolded, another man is seated on the sofa! The competition ends with loud shouts and cheerful laughter from the guests.

3. The most hot man... Men are given a piece of ice each. The first one to melt it is the hottest one. You can drown in the palms, between the legs, under the armpits, on the torso. Laughter and screeching are guaranteed to you!

Nothing brings a company together like singing familiar songs! You can choose a melody and sing a congratulation for the birthday girl with a chapel.

For example: ("Robins" melody).

Learning about her birthday,

We all came to the party.

All rushed together to the light,

Champagne here to drink to everyone for health!

Please, friend,

Don't be sorry for the wine.

Pour it to all the guests

And me too ... pour!

Food went to no one knows where,

There weren't enough bottles for all of us,

Suddenly the hostess felt sad then,

Why did I invite them here?

And the guests do not even lead an ear,

All together happy birthday congratulations,

Big and a whole bag of money,

With all their hearts they wish her everything!

At the end of the holiday, be sure to carry out the rite of cleansing the birthday girl. While she is busy over the holiday table, prepare a surprise for her. Put floating candles and flowers into the pool, turn off the lights. Guests stand around the perimeter of the pool and blow bubbles. The toastmaster and the birthday girl descend into the water. "Our Father" is read and the hero of the occasion is washed with water. The guests, with a whoop and shouts of delight, jump into the water to the "sinless" one.

Believe me, this is also a liberating action!

After such events, the rise of moral and physical strength is guaranteed to you for a long time!

Happiness to all of you!

Woman's birthday script



The presenter writes the first letters of the name and surname of the birthday girl.

Decipher them by the first letters!

For example, for Tatiana:




B - soft



The only one



What a woman!

The birthday girl chooses the option that she liked best, and this adjective fits on a sheet of Whatman paper


Dear friends! Let's try to define the most

erudite guest! The theme, of course, is still the same - Birthday.

Only not in life, but on the screen!

A token is awarded for each correct or witty answer. According to the results

quiz for the largest number of chips a prize is awarded. For example, a chocolate bar. If the guests cannot guess, the host should give a hint,

remind a little about this movie.

Comic questions and answers (for guests):

You make two bags of questions and answers. First, the person announces who he will ask the question to, draws the question and reads it out. He hands over a bag of answers to the one he named. Then the one named draws out the answer and reads it out. Then he also announces to whom he will ask the question, draws out the question and reads it out. Etc. (PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR)

Comic competition for attention (PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR)

Dance at the command of the leader (PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR)

Congratulatory telegrams-riddles (including from guests)

The presenter announces:

Congratulatory telegrams came for Tanya, but they were all unsigned. You need to guess the sender. These are people known to all, as well as guests. And even fabulous heroes!






























The one who gave the correct answer first, are awarded chips. A prize is awarded for the highest number of chips.


The prize goes to the one who guessed what it is.

You can ask the facilitator leading questions. He answers "yes" or "no". (PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR)


Everyone pulls out tickets or gets them for a joke, anecdote.

During the drawing, the Moderator says:

Now we will try fate and find out what she has prepared for whom.

Gives out gifts, starting from the first issue and reads out the forecast for the next year. (PLEASE CONTACT THE AUTHOR)

Test "Draw a non-existent animal"

You ask guests to draw a non-existent animal and write it

title. Then summarize on this principle:


You need to draw a person from 12 figures: you can use

round triangles, squares. (There are 12 in total)





Any holiday is always a pleasant event. And if this holiday is the birthday of a girl, then this is an event of a worldwide scale! True, it will be so if you organize everything correctly and correctly. For example, you need a new one cool script birthday for the girl. Many games and contests can be held at home, so in our scenario there will be only such game blocks. So that you can organize everything yourself in your home. See, choose and celebrate.

Dear friends! Today we are gathered here to celebrate the birthday of our beloved (name of the birthday girl). Many do not know, but today we are celebrating eighteen (name of the birthday girl). Also, many do not know that this is already the fifth eighteen-year-old (name of the birthday girl). Fifth time, this is already a small, but anniversary. Therefore, I would like to ask her to congratulate her with loud applause!

And let's start our holiday with a small competition. Since you came to the birthday of (name of the birthday girl), then you should know her. I will ask you to organize two teams of 5-7 people each.

Competition with numbers.
Each person in each team is given a plate with a specific number. If there are 7 people in the team, then they have seven plates with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The essence of the competition is as follows: the presenter asks a question, and the teams must give the correct answer to it in numbers.
- what is the apartment (house) number of the birthday girl?
- what date is the birthday girl?
- an ambulance phone number?
- birthday of the birthday girl?
- what date was the birthday girl's wedding with her husband?
- what date was the child born to the birthday girl?
- In what year will the birthday girl celebrate her fiftieth birthday?
- Using your numbers, show the largest possible number? (here you need to stand so that the numbers go in descending order: 7654321)

Competition - what the birthday girl loves.
This competition is held several times, because the birthday girl has great tastes!
First, two guests come out. They take turns calling the types of alcohol (vodka, beer, wine, and so on). Those who did not name lost. You cannot repeat yourself.
Then two new guests come out, they call women's accessories. Also, who did not name, he lost.
Now two other guests name the brands of cars, because the birthday girl loves cars. Those who could not name, then drop out.
And so on, to name what the birthday girl loves or is fond of.

Game - why did you come to your birthday.
It's time to find out the truth and find out who and why came to the holiday. For the game, you need to prepare cards on which it will be written why you came for your birthday. Each guest in turn takes out cards and reads.
Examples of responses:
- I thought they were pouring it, and I was not mistaken!
- I'm hiding from the tax office!
- yes, in fact, for the same, why should others - congratulate!
- I just eat and sit quietly look.
- you know, I'm already aged, I can't walk for a long time, so I sat down here to catch my breath, and once for me - and they poured it, in general, I stayed.
- some of the guests owe me money!
- so I bought a gift, how not to come?
- called - refused, paid - could not refuse.
- I was promised something after the party ...
- no matter why, the main thing is to come!
- think what you want, and I will eat.
is too provocative a question.
- I think you should clarify: I do not disclose my secrets.
- and how not to come when it smells of vodka here ?!
- so you yourself dragged me here ?!

Competition - Balloons.
This competition is attended by pairs: a man and a girl. Men are blindfolded and given 5-7 non-inflated balloons. And the girls are given tights in their hands. At the command of the presenter, the girls put tights on the legs of the men. As soon as the tights are on, the men inflate the first balloon and tie it in a knot. They give the inflated balloon to the girl, and she puts it in her tights. And the man inflates the next balloon, and so on. The winner is the team that first shoves all their balls into their tights.

An original, fun and memorable holiday can be held even at home. Therefore, if you are planning to arrange the birthday of your beloved wife, mother or friend, you need to prepare in advance a birthday script for a cool woman at home. Planning birthday celebrations at home is never easy. Indeed, in a limited space, it is difficult to come up with contests and games. However, if you choose this option, you can not only save money on paying for the restaurant, but also have fun and unusual time in the company of close relatives and friends. In this article, you will find a birthday scenario for a woman at home with contests and games.

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at home, then outdoor games and competitions, fireworks, dances and similar traditional holiday events will not suit you. It remains to show your imagination to make the holiday fun and unforgettable. For example, the theme of the holiday can be the birthday girl's favorite color. This scenario is all about yellow, but you can think of a similar scenario for any other.

All guests should be warned in advance to wear something yellow. The room should also be decorated with yellow balls, a yellow tablecloth and napkins should be laid, and a cake with yellow elements should be ordered.

What you need for the event:

  • Invitation cards. V Lately it is very fashionable to invite guests with special postcards. They can indicate that you need to wear something yellow and what you need to take with you.
  • Balloons, paper garlands, posters and other decorative elements in yellow.
  • Birthday cake and candles.
  • Nice little things that will be used as prizes for winning contests.
  • And most importantly, the host of the event. They should be a cheerful, sociable and active guest.

After the guests are gathered and seated, it is necessary to say opening words. It is not worth starting an event with contests. It is necessary to give the opportunity to those present to congratulate the birthday girl, say toasts to her and taste the festive dishes.

Many guests are embarrassed to say toasts, so in order for all guests to participate in the congratulations, prepare a special sun in advance. The sun has rays behind which words are hidden. Each guest should pick one ray and come up with a congratulation with this word. After the main toasts have been said, you can proceed to the main part of the event - fun contests.

After the guests have had a snack and said toast, the event should move into a more active and fun phase. Otherwise, it will become boring, and the birthday will not differ from the usual gatherings at the table. Therefore, invite your guests to take part in contests. They need to be prepared in advance.

The fastest

The competition will require several chairs and participants, one more than the number of chairs. The chairs are placed in a circle, with their backs inward. Contestants stand around the chairs. The participants dance around the chairs to cheerful music. As soon as the music dies down, you need to sit down on a chair. Whoever does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. Then one chair is removed and the competition continues. And so on until only the winner remains. Be sure to hand him a small souvenir. You can also make a medal for the fastest guest.

Two halves of lemon

The next competition is also associated with yellow. It is perfect for a company of any age. Any number of players can be accepted in the competition, but if we are talking about a small room, then three pairs will be enough. Prepare yellow paper caps and pieces of paper of the same color for the participants in advance. But the main thing is to prepare in advance intellectual questions on the topic of lemon. For example, which vitamin is the most contained, when it appeared in Russia, which country is its historical homeland, and so on. After the facilitator asks the question, one team member must give his own sound signal, and the second must answer the question.

Ball competition

Another yellow-themed competition is the ball game. Those interested are divided into two teams. Two inflated balloons are tied to the feet of each participant. The task of each team is to burst as many balls from opponents as possible and at the same time keep their balls intact. After a few minutes, the presenter will count the losses of the teams and announce the winners.

Birthday contests for a woman: cool at the table

If the venue for the event is small and you cannot allocate a separate room for outdoor games, then some contests can be held at the table. In addition, guests who are embarrassed to go out into the hall are more willing to participate in such contests.

Guess the animal

A very funny competition, who will enjoy both its participant and all spectators. The facilitator selects one participant and asks him to turn away. Then he shows a photo of some celebrity. The participant turns and the presenter asks him to guess which animal is shown in the photo. The audience is always delighted after the participant questions whether this animal has horns or hooves.


A great competition in case the table gets bored. It consists in the fact that all participants in turn tell anecdotes. If someone knows this anecdote, he shouts "beard" and can finish his story. This participant receives a beard made from yellow paper. Whoever of the participants has the fewer such beards wins.

Best friend deserves an unforgettable birthday. The scenario "Into Fire and Into Water" will make the holiday bright and interesting. Spend your birthday with a loved one.

Give her a lot of positive emotions using our cool woman's birthday script.

Features of organizing the birthday of the best friend

It is necessary to create a living corridor from the guests of the celebration. Participants should have balloons and various firecrackers in their hands.

At the moment the birthday girl appears, you must turn on the appropriate musical composition.

You need to meet the hero of the occasion with thunderous applause and shouts of congratulations. After that, the presenter should say congratulatory words. The guests can now sit down at the table. The hero of the occasion should be in the center of the table.

The first toast should be for her and sound something like this:

With my friend we will go through fire and water
We are with her even in the worst weather.
She is not a friend, but a real fighter
And she is always well done!
Now we will drink to you
My dear!

After that, the friend is awarded the Order "Into Fire and Water". The order is presented by the captain of the female guard, which must first be dressed in a special uniform. The captain can be either the best friend or any other of the guests.

Why do we drink and don't call me? Attention! We quickly pour glasses and in one gulp for the hero of the occasion! A-two!

I have a very serious assignment. I need to assess the situation, test it, and then reward.

To receive the order, you must complete the tasks. First of all, you need to go into the house on fire. After that, stop the galloping horse, and finally accept congratulations.

So, to carry out the test, you need a house and a fire. Now the leader needs to choose four guys and two girls. The females will be hut, and the males - by fire.

For this performance, you need to choose a musical composition.

While the women put their hands up and represent the roof, the guys in bright wigs represent fire. As soon as the music turns on, the guys begin to move around the girls and not let the birthday girl into the house. In such a commotion, it is not so easy to get into the hut, but the birthday girl easily passes this test.

When a friend's birthday comes, then you need to not only congratulate her beautifully, but also come up with a script for her birthday. And we came up with a scenario for a friend's birthday with a possible option for decorating the venue. The girlfriend's birthday script will be the coolest gift from you for your girlfriend. And she will answer you in kind.

Girlfriend's birthday script.

The script is designed for those who are ready to spend their friend's birthday themselves, and believe in themselves, and do not hire a toastmaster.

You need to start by decorating the room where the party will be held (banquet). We offer you our decoration option: in addition to balloons, decorate the walls with photographs from your friend's life - your joint photographs, photographs from childhood, photographs with some funny moments, etc. Also hang up posters with congratulations, made by hand, or you can see the version from our website. You can also attach a wall newspaper somewhere in a prominent place, where there will be birthday greetings to your friend, short biography, of course, photos of the hero of the occasion, a place for congratulations from relatives, acquaintances, relatives and friends. An example of registration can. Stock up in advance with prizes that you will give to the winners of the contests. Prizes can be as practical as a keychain, as well as fun, such as a clothesline. Give funny gifts (yes, in general, that's all) with interesting statements... For example, for a clothesline for a woman, you can say: knit your husband or boyfriend more tightly to you. Think of the statements yourself.

Magic tree.
Each of the guests is given a piece of paper in the form of a leaf from a tree. They will have to write wishes for the birthday girl, but not simple wishes, but those that can come true. For example: having two children, having a dog, buying a car, getting married, getting rich, etc. After everything has been written, the leaves are attached to the magic tree so that the birthday girl does not see what is written on them. Then, when the moment comes, they will bring her to the magic tree and she will "pick" 3 leaves, wishes on which will come true in the next three years (or 1 leaf, on which the wish will come true in the coming year).

The feast is an integral part of all celebrations. And of course, you need to prepare thoroughly for it. But you will do it yourself, it all depends on who will be at the party, where the party will be held and what your imagination is capable of. We can only offer each of the guests to make badges that will show who will be located where. This can also be done in a competitive manner. For example, a table where friends will sit will be marked with some color or flower. Let's say blue. The same color should be on the badges as on the friends. Or, for example, on this table there will be a vase with a rose, then a rose should be drawn on the badges. The table of relatives, of course, will be marked with a different color or a different flower, and the badges of relatives will have the same color or flower. And so for each of the guests. And the essence of the competitive moment lies in the fact that whoever is the first of the guests to completely sit down at the table, they will receive a bottle of champagne or other drink.
Option for gifts to the birthday girl: if it's not money, but some thing, then you can do special place under gifts, where guests will put their gifts (like under a Christmas tree on New Year), and the birthday girl will then open them and guess who gave it to her. If the gifts are money, then you can see ours.
Here the guests sat down at the table. The holiday has begun. And you can start it with the words: Let's fill glasses, glasses and wine glasses with strong, entertaining and delicious drinks, and drink them to the bottom in honor of our birthday girl, and in combination (wife, daughter's sister, colleagues - depending on the position) and myself best friend(name).
At my friend
Today is the best day
Her birthday
Congratulations to all of her!
I struck everyone with beauty
Conquered our hearts!
I wish you happiness
To avoid bad weather!
Let them admire you
You always stay like that!

Then everyone drinks and snacks. This is followed by congratulations, which also depend on who will be at the holiday. If the parents, then you need to start directly with them, if only friends and acquaintances, then the roles are assigned themselves. Not everyone should congratulate at once. Again, if there are relatives, then first there are the closest family ties, then again eating cooked dishes, contests and the following congratulations.

Let's move on to a possible competition option.

1. Merits and qualities.
Everyone probably knows how to play cities. If someone has forgotten, recall: the name of the city, for example, Samara, the next one must name the city that begins with the last letter of the name of this city, for example, Astrakhan. Etc. The essence of this game is the same, only instead of cities you need to name the qualities and dignity of the birthday girl. But not adjectives, but nouns. For example, beautiful is beauty, smart is mind, gentle is tenderness.

2. Ostrich and sand.
Very interesting competition... V this competition girls and boys are involved, and there are one fewer girls. If 6 guys, then girls 5. Girls put their hand on the waist so that it forms a semicircle, and stand in a circle. It will be sand. And men, of course, will be ostriches. Music is playing. The ending of the music will speak of danger, but what does the ostrich do when it is afraid? That's right, sticks his head in the sand. Thus, when the music is over, the guys will have to squeeze their head into a hole formed by a girl's hand. The one who did not have time, drops out, and takes any of the girls with him. The game continues until there is only one girl left. This is where the fun begins. As a rule, sand tends to crumble. Therefore, now the two remaining guys must stick their head ... into the legs of the remaining girl, set as wide as possible. The winner is a prize. And the girl too - for her courage!

3. Feed your neighbor.
Guests are divided into teams. A spoon is at the ready in front of each of the guests. On command, the first person (the one on the edge, usually) takes the given spoon, fills it with the first that comes to hand (salad or something else) and feeds it to his neighbor on the right. The neighbor, after chewing everything, does the same. And so on, until the last of the team is fed. And then, for more fun, everything is repeated, but in the opposite direction.

And to end the holiday, according to tradition, dancing. And at the end of the birthday it wouldn't be bad

The cool birthday script "Everything for You" is designed to be celebrated at home with family and friends. Suitable for women of any age and is designed for a company of up to 30 people.

Additionally, it is required to organize funny congratulations from unexpected guests, gifts from children, and other entertainment - this will help create the right mood for everyone present. Guests and the birthday girl will receive a charge of humor, positive emotions and vivid memories of a fun birthday party.


It is important to pay special attention to decorating the room in which the celebration is planned to create a festive atmosphere. There is a banner "Happy Birthday" on the wall, from the photographs of the birthday girl you can add an application in the form of a figure - the age of the hero of the occasion. Guests will be interested to see how the birthday girl changed with age.

You can entertain guests with a photo zone, which is easy to make with your own hands. For example, create a wall of paper flowers of different sizes or decorate with balls. You can download a photo zone template on the Internet and make large-format printing.


Plays an important role at any holiday. The repertoire should be thought out in advance, including the tastes of all invited guests. Music helps to tune in to the celebration, so it is better to turn it on immediately on the way of the guests. In anticipation of latecomers, music cheers up.


  • 3 helium balloons;
  • broom with a bow;
  • photo frame with family photo;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • medal or cup "The Best Mom";
  • bag with tasks;
  • photo frame 50x40;
  • multi-colored markers.

For the Japanese:

  • robe;
  • wide belt;
  • sticks for sushi or pencils to make your hair.


Leading: It is beyond words how beautiful you are. And on this day of your birthday, we want to wish you many sunny days, radiant smiles, sincere friends and female happiness. Be ready to receive congratulations all day!
Dear guests, the rules of today's holiday are simple, please read:

1. Set aside sadness and sadness.
2. No need to be ashamed, dance until you drop.
3. Do not get too drunk, do not meet under the table, do not kiss the salad.
4. Raise toasts for the birthday girl more often.
5. Do not forget to hand over gifts.

Violators will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Dear guests, today there will be many more wishes for the birthday girl. Each of you, I know, has something to say! I propose to raise the first toast to the birthday girl. Let this day be remembered by you as one of the best, brightest and most fun. We are here for you. Happy birthday!

(A short snack break after the first toast)

Leading: Friends, who knows why men drink standing up for women?

(Guests express their assumptions)

Leading: Good options, but in fact, the men drink while standing, so as not to hear from the ladies sitting next to the phrase “Stop, you’ve already had enough”. So, men, I ask you to get up and drink to the ladies present here - friends and relatives for the birthday woman!

Leading: I hope you had time to have a snack, talk, because now a surprise awaits you. Dear (name), having learned about your birthday, a special guest flew in from a very distant country. He flew in not alone, but with an interpreter, because he does not speak Russian at all. Are you ready to accept congratulations?

Congratulations from the Japanese

We need two: a Japanese and a translator. It is advisable to change: a dressing gown, a wide belt, a hairstyle will do. A broom is hidden in the hands of the Japanese - a gift for the birthday girl.

Japanese: Nihau good-natured mare and mare san
Translator: Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Shine Watashi in the eye of Yaponidze.
Translator: I am a representative of the country rising sun- Japan.
Japanese: For some reason, priperetsa is Japanese mother.
Translator: I came to congratulate (name) on his birthday on behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: Bast shine, don’t change the dignity mare.
Translator: I wish you a lot of happiness, good luck, family well-being.
Japanese: Do not trump snot, do not break the dishes.
Translator: May every day be filled with joy.
Japanese: Euro dohrenati, head off the lotus.
Translator: A lot of money in my wallet, pure thoughts in my head.
Japanese: Nahlebatstsa autumn hochezza.
Translator: I am delighted to be present today at this wonderful celebration.
Japanese: Kharya is our Japanese mother.
Translator: On behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: Hotezza give this trinket.
Translator: Let me give you this expensive gift.
Japanese: Relieve crap from whining.
Translator: Let him keep your home from sorrow and hardship.
Japanese: Blossom like sakura!
Translator: Happy Birthday!

Leading: In my opinion, very good congratulations... (Name), we will invite the representative of the Japanese state and his assistant to the table, and we will drink to friendship between peoples!


Leading: Here we are all gathered at this table for the sake of our dear birthday girl. There are family, friends and work colleagues here. Each of you knows about (name) something that others do not know. It's time to show your cards! Everyone should tell some fact about the birthday girl, starting with the phrase "I know that (name of the birthday girl) ...". For example, I know that (name) is celebrating a birthday today.

(The game begins, during which the guests try to praise the woman as much as possible).

Leading: Our beloved (name), you heard so much about yourself, revealed all your secrets. Tell me, do you regret that you invited us? We are ready to make amends with a good toast, the oldest representative of your family will say it. Attention, the floor is given to the grandmother (grandfather, mother, etc.).

(Toast sounds)

Leading: A lot has already been said today good wishes, but birthday is not only congratulations, but also gifts. Honey, get ready to receive gifts from the people closest to you - your children.
Children prepare gifts in advance, the delivery of which is accompanied by verses.

Congratulations from the children

We will always remain children for you,
There was so much between us.
We'll keep it all
Save your best moments too, Mom. (Photo frame with photo)

To our beloved mom
Only the best flowers.
Always be so beautiful
May your dreams come true. (Bouquet of flowers)

Thank you mommy for everything:
Care, tenderness and love.
For your words in response
We are the children of herself best mom in the world. (Medal or Cup "The Best Mom")

Leading: From a very distant and little-known country, the Sopranos came to congratulate the birthday girl with modest chorus girls. They are very shy and worried, let's support them with applause.

Congratulations from fairytale heroes

Before leaving, the presenter distributes a helium balloon to 3 guests. You need to draw in air to make your voice high. The heroes perform a song-alteration to the tune "Someone has come down from the hill":

Came to wish you a happy birthday
And wish from the bottom of my heart
Good luck, joy, luck
And never lose heart.

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
Everything is also (name) good.
Bloom like a rose
And let your soul sing.

Strong health and money,
Mutual and great love
And many, many birthdays
Another noteworthy young.

We sang this song
Without falsehood, sham and lies,
And in conclusion they wanted
Say "Blossom, (name), bloom!"

Leading: Today we raised our glasses for the birthday girl. Wanted a lot of good. And to make it more fun, I propose to drink to the guests!

(Pause for snack)

Leading: A holiday is not only gatherings at the table, but also movement, fun, laughter. I suggest we warm up and dance a little.

(Dancing begins)

Leading: Each of you came here to wish (name) a happy birthday, right? And that's not true! The leader cannot be fooled. The presenter knows everything and will lead anyone to "clean water". I have in my hands magic cards that can read people's minds!

I came to my birthday because ...

The presenter selectively approaches the guests and invites everyone to choose one card on which the true reason for the guest's presence at the party will be written.

1. I wanted to drink for free.
2. It was necessary to hide from the wife / husband.
3. Not a single holiday is complete without me.
4. I have something to say to the birthday girl.
5. The door to my apartment slammed shut, but the keys remained inside.
6. I want to find a soul mate here.
7. I am a secret agent and collect dirt on everyone.
8. I was forced.
9. The food is delicious here.
10. The birthday girl means a lot to me and I want to share such an event with her.

Leading: Do not rush to get bored, we continue to play.

Game "Special Bag"

The guests are sitting at the table. Music plays, they pass a bag of tasks to each other in any order. On whom the music stops, he takes the task out of the bag and performs it. If someone refuses to complete an assignment, they should make a good toast. If the guests agree that the toast is good, the bag is passed on.

Job options:

1. Depict the flight of an eagle.
2. Like a cockerel, in the early morning, crow 3 times.
3. Speak the tongue twister "Art Ferrari will be promoted in a spiral" without mistakes.
4. Emotionally confess your love to your neighbor on the right.
5. Sing an excerpt from the birthday song.
6. Kiss the birthday girl.
7. Take off one thing.
8. Make a toast so that all words begin with the letter "D".
9. Come up with and sing a ditty in which the words "congratulate", "wish", "from the heart" will be.
10. Dance the dance so that the guests can guess what kind of dance it is.

Leading: Today we danced, congratulated, gave gifts, raised toasts to the happiness and health of the birthday girl. Each of you has decorated this holiday with your presence. And the memories of this day will remain in the memory for a long time. I have a frame in my hands, inside is a blank white sheet. Let's give our (name) her own portrait, because an artist lives inside each of us. Does the birthday girl mind?

(The host distributes to all guests a felt-tip pen, they should be multi-colored. Guests take turns drawing the birthday girl in full growth, one guest - one part of the body)

Leading: (Name), we tried very hard, painted with love, we hope we managed to create your portrait. Hang it in a prominent place so that this work of art will delight you every day and serve as a reminder that you have a loving family, loyal friends, reliable colleagues, and we all love you very much. Happy Birthday!