How and where are advanced Russian helicopters produced . Personal helicopter: What to buy? How to fly? Where are the helicopters

Car enthusiasts have a good life: they drive along the tracks over which they hang road signs and pointers. There are no road signs in the sky, just like the roads themselves. Does this mean that a helicopter pilot can fly in any direction? Let's figure it out.

On the ground of traffic rules. And in the air?

Air traffic is also carried out according to the rules. But first things first. To fly a helicopter, you must complete a pilot course and obtain a license. The training lasts for several months. During your studies, you will receive theoretical training. To get admission to the exams at Rosaviatsia, you need to fly 42 hours.

During the course, you will learn regulations that govern the movement aircraft. Pilots of private and service helicopters must study the following documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 138 of March 11, 2010. These are the rules for the use of airspace - an analogue of traffic rules.
  • Overview maps of local air lines (IL). They are necessary for the planning and implementation of flights in zones C and G of the airspace. MVL cards are issued for each territorial zone defined by unified system Air Traffic Organization of the Russian Federation (EU ATM). For example, you can purchase an MVL card for the Moscow zone. The maps are compiled by the Aeronautical Information Center (FSUE TsAI).
  • Radio navigation charts for planning and implementation of visual flights on MVL. They can be purchased in paper form. On the FSUE "CAI" website, maps are available free of charge in electronic form.

Useful advice: Download maps to a navigation program such as SAS.Planet. This will allow you to use modern electronic devices during the flight, rather than paper maps. Use mapping software such as Global Mapper to download. You can also purchase the FSUE “CAI” aeronautical tablet with software necessary for planning and carrying out flights.

Where can you fly a helicopter

Almost everywhere. Decree No. 138 dated March 11, 2010, the Government of the Russian Federation identified the following airspace zones:

  • Zone A. It is intended for flights controlled by controllers and monitored by instruments. In short, passenger aircraft and other large aircraft fly in zone A.
  • Zone C. This is the airspace near airports. Here you can fly helicopters. The pilot must notify the controller that he has entered zone C.
  • Zone G. Small aircraft fly here, including private helicopters. There is no need to additionally notify the air traffic control services about flights in zone G.

There are several hundred registered helipads in the Moscow EU ATM area. You may fly from pad A to pad B without notifying air traffic control (ATC) if the pads are in Zone G airspace.

In addition to airspace zoning, there are MVL routes plotted on maps. To use the route of local airlines, you must notify the ATC no later than two hours before the flight. Notification is carried out by telephone or via the Internet.

Where you can't fly

You cannot fly in a private helicopter over the restricted areas that are marked on the maps. For example, you will not be able to move over Moscow. The boundaries of the restricted zone coincide with the Moscow Ring Road. Departmental aircraft receive permission to fly in restricted areas ah in special order.

In addition to the restricted areas, you cannot fly in the border zone without special permission. It includes the entire territory at a distance of 25 km from the state border of the Russian Federation. To obtain permission to fly in the border zone, it is necessary to coordinate the flight plan with the ATC authorities. In this case, the pilot is obliged to maintain constant communication with the dispatch service.

What do you need to go fishing

Of course, you will need a helicopter and a pilot's license. If you have not been trained yet, please contact HeliCo Group. If your helipad and the pad next to your favorite river or lake are in Zone G, you don't need to notify anyone. If a helipad has not yet been registered near the fishing spot, don't be discouraged. It is enough not later than 2 hours before the flight to notify the ATC authorities by phone. And you can land almost anywhere, even on the ground. Oh, and don't forget your fishing rods at home.

In the middle of the last century, he was the first in the country to master the serial production of rotorcraft. Starting from the debut model of Mikhail Mil Design Bureau Mi-1 - to modern modifications of the most massive family of Mi-8 helicopters.

In addition, for the first time in Russian practice at a plant in Kazan, they designed and mastered the production of the Ansat light helicopter from scratch. The company is part of the Russian Helicopters holding. Over its history, Kazan Helicopter Plant has produced more than 12 thousand helicopters.

The main products of the Kazan enterprise today are the world famous multi-purpose helicopters of the Mi-8 family and its export version Mi-17.

The prototype helicopter of this family was tested in July 1961 in Moscow, and four years later its mass production began. On October 26, 1965, the first serial Mi-8 helicopter took off, the crew commander was test pilot Leonid Antropov.

With the advent of serial samples, the helicopter began to take part in all major international exhibitions. The helicopter flew under its own power from country to country, and once, on one of these tours, pilot German Alferov flew 35,000 kilometers, thereby making a “round-the-world flight”.

Today, the Mi-8 is the world's most massive helicopter with two engines - it is operated in more than fifty countries around the world.

At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War aircraft factory No. 387 was evacuated to Kazan from Leningrad. It was merged with a local factory of convoy products, which began with the production of carts, carts and other horse farms. During the war years, the new aviation enterprise mass-produced the legendary U-2 (Po-2) combat “whatnots”. After the Victory, Kazan mastered the assembly of self-propelled combines. The first serial production of helicopters in the USSR in Kazan began in 1951.

Preparing the bow of the Mi-8 for glazing.

Preparation for the interior decoration of the middle part of the fuselage.

Slip assembly of the bow.

About 6,000 people work at the Kazan Helicopter Plant today. The average salary is 38 thousand rubles. In the long history of the enterprise, there have been different times. In the harsh years of the war, factory workers were undernourished, cases of dystrophy were detected. There is a well-known episode when hunger pushed two minders to a desperate hunt: they stole the assembled U-2 and began to shoot a flock of geese from a machine gun in the air.

In the economically difficult 1990s, Kazan was negotiating with famous companies Eurocopter and Bell on a joint project of a light helicopter adapted for Russia. However, the Europeans and Americans in response offered only a "screwdriver assembly" of their models. It was this that ultimately led to the creation at the Kazan plant of its own design office and development from scratch of the domestic multi-purpose Ansat helicopter.

The Ansat prototype was created in 1997. The car took to the air for the first time in 1999.

The name "Ansat" is translated from Tatar as "simple" or "light". This helicopter can carry about 1300 kg of payload.

Multifunctionality is considered one of the main advantages of the Ansat helicopter. The machine can be quickly transformed for various needs: the transport of passengers or cargo, for fire fighting, search and rescue, etc.

The Ansat fuselage is all-metal. And in the production of non-power structural elements are widely used composite materials. The propeller blades are fiberglass.

Preparation of the rear fuselage compartment of the Mi-8 for the installation of electronic equipment.

The quantitative record for the production of the Mi-8 was set in 1973, when the Kazan plant produced 371 vehicles, more than one helicopter per day.

Tail boom riveting.

Final Assembly Shop.

The Mi-8 is equipped with two high-altitude gas turbine engines with a maximum power of 2200 hp. from. If one motor fails in flight, the second automatically goes to increased power.

Column rotor Mi-8. The five-bladed propeller in cruise mode makes 192 revolutions per minute.

Mi-8-MTV-1 takes on board in the main and additional tanks up to 3.5 tons of fuel. The maximum flight range exceeds 1000 kilometers.

Installation of electronics in the bow of the Mi-8 cabin. The radio-electronic equipment of the helicopter allows it to fly at any time of the day, including in adverse weather conditions.

As part of the program of the Russian Helicopters holding company to create a medium multi-purpose Mi-38 helicopter, the plant is responsible for building experimental prototypes of the helicopter and organizing its mass production.

Installation of wiring harnesses in the cargo-passenger cabin of the Ansat helicopter.

The multi-purpose Ansat, in addition to the standard one, is produced in a training version for training military pilots. The medical option is also extremely promising and in demand: the equipment of such a helicopter allows not only to transport patients, but also to carry out resuscitation during the flight.

Assembly of patch panels on the Ansat helicopter.

The Ansat's power plant is two 630-horsepower Pratt & Whitney Canada engines. The electronic-digital control system allows you to continue the take-off of the machine in the event of a failure of one engine. In the future, it is planned to equip Ansat with Russian-made engines.

Sprinkling process.

A helicopter is placed under an intensive “shower” to check the tightness and moisture protection of the cabin.

Workshop of milling machining.

Rotor elements are washed after electroplating with a cadmium-phosphate coating. In March 2018, an updated electroplating production was opened at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

Workshop of all-metal blades.

There is a legend that a gift helped to set up the production of reliable and durable all-metal blades in Kazan

What to choose
If you compare buying a car and buying a helicopter, then there are both differences and common points. Like a car, you can buy a rotorcraft both new and used. By the way, a helicopter that has already been operated earlier is called a resource helicopter. There is a third option - the purchase of the so-called kit-kit, that is, a set of components and assemblies, including the engine, intended for self-assembly. You can assemble it yourself, or entrust the assembly to professionals in the service center.

go and buy new helicopter it doesn't always work right away. As a rule, new helicopters are delivered to order. Yes, popular in Russia american helicopter Robinson R44 will have to wait from 3 to 6 months, the French Eurocopter EC-130 T2 - up to one year. True, at official dealers there are always own, pre-ordered helicopters with a close delivery time. As for the resource helicopter, its advantage is that you do not have to wait for it. Therefore, a helicopter aged 1-3 years is almost like new. But in the future, the price of cars falls quite slowly.

Eurocopter EC-130

In addition, you have to choose between a piston helicopter and a gas turbine.

The advantage of the first will be its low fuel requirements. Piston Robinson is refueled with aviation gasoline, but automobile AI-95 is also used, the main thing is that the quality of the fuel does not fail. Gas turbine helicopters fly on aviation kerosene, which is much more expensive. In addition, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the purposes for which the helicopter is purchased. Piston machines are designed primarily for amateur pilots flying for their own pleasure. Gas turbines involve flights in various weather conditions and high intensity of exploitation. But they are also significantly more expensive.

Helicopters are registered by the Federal Air Transport Agency - Rosaviatsia. Helicopters, like airplanes, are subject to registration in the State Register of Civil Aircraft of the Russian Federation.

Heavenly "Robinsons" and others
It so happened that the main machines in this segment, presented in Russia, are helicopters of the American company Robinson Helicopter. The company's arsenal includes three types of rotorcraft - two-seat R22, four-seat R44 and five-seat R66. In addition, the company produces Robinson Helipad helipads designed for installation on the roofs of buildings. The share of our country in the company's sales is approximately 15%. In total, the company produces 800 cars a year.

Robinson R22 is a light single engine helicopter. Powered by Lycoming O-360 piston four-cylinder petrol engine. The helicopter is double, designed for a pilot and one passenger. Produced since 1975. The starting price of the R22 Beta II as standard is $288,000. But this is in the USA. Transportation and customs clearance will increase the price by about one and a half times. Announced late last year, the R44 Cadet is also a two-seater, but unlike other 44-series helicopters, it starts at $339,000. Apparently, he goes to replace the R22. The R44 Cadet has the same overall dimensions as the four-seater R44 Raven II, but unlike it, it has a spacious cargo compartment instead of rear seats.

The Robinson R44 first flew in 1990. This is one of the most popular helicopters in its class. Like the R22, it is also powered by a piston engine. The helicopter is designed for 4 people. The R44 Raven II helicopter is priced at $461,000 as standard.

Robinson R66 - Robinson Helicopter's first gas turbine helicopter. Supplied since 2010. It is powered by a Rolls-Royce RR300 turboshaft engine. It has five seats and a separate cargo compartment. It no longer consumes gasoline, but aviation kerosene. The price of the R66 Turbine helicopter in the basic configuration is $869,000.

Robinson R44 Raven II

The Rotorway A600 Talon is a light two-seat piston helicopter manufactured by the American company RotorWay International. The model has been produced since 2007. Supplied disassembled. It takes about 450 hours to fully assemble. As a fuel, ordinary automobile 92nd gasoline is used. The factory cost of the kit is $98,000. Russian price will include VAT, customs duty and, if you do not assemble yourself, then the cost of assembly.

Rotorway A600

The Italian Heli-Sport CH-7 has been manufactured by Heli-Sport aircraft since 2009. It is also a two-seat tandem-seat piston helicopter. The DIY kit will cost $115,000. The pilot and passenger seats are arranged like on a motorcycle - one behind the other. There is a version with a classic in-line seating arrangement - HeliSport CH77.

Heli-Sport CH-7

If there are sufficient financial resources you can look at the Eurocopter helicopters from Airbus Helicopters, subsidiary the well-known concern Airbus Group and Bell from the American Bell Helicopter, which is part of the Textron conglomerate. But their cost will be much higher.

It is still difficult to choose something from domestic helicopters for personal use. Russian Helicopters, the main domestic manufacturer of civil and military helicopters, can offer Ansat and Ka-226T in the relatively light segment. In the future, perhaps, the Ka-62, which first took to the skies in April this year. Light domestic helicopters - Kazan "Aktai" and Togliatti "Berkut" - did not go into production.


Where to store and where to fly
Since a helicopter does not need a runway, unlike an airplane, it can be stored at home. Of course, if it is a country house. But this requires registering a helipad. This requires a flat piece of land with an area of ​​35 by 35 meters. And on the takeoff course at an angle of 45 degrees there should be no obstacles. It can also be stored at the heliport. Depending on the type of storage, street or hangar, and the list related services the price of storage will also depend. Like an airplane, a helicopter can be rented between flights, which can pay for its storage and maintenance.

The airspace of Russia is divided into zones of three classes: A, C and G. For flights of small aircraft, including helicopters, zones C and G are used. In the second case, permission is not needed. There are also areas where flights are prohibited, for example, within the Moscow Ring Road. For flights in class G airspace, notification procedure flights. Notification can be submitted no earlier than 5 days and no later than one hour before departure. Such notification may be submitted either by telephone or fax, or via the Internet.

Helicopter training
Helicopters are harder to fly than airplanes. And learning to fly a helicopter will also cost more. If you have to pay from 300,000 rubles for a training course for an amateur pilot, then prices for helicopter courses start at 800,000 rubles. The price of training, as a rule, includes the cost of renting a helicopter and an instructor, as well as aviation fuel. By the way, helicopters consume more fuel than aircraft of similar weight, which also affects the cost of training. In addition, for a fee, an instructor can be called to your home.

In the process of training, cadets need to attend theoretical courses and fly more than 42 hours. The theoretical course includes: the study of the design of a helicopter, engine, instrumentation and radio equipment, aerodynamics, meteorology, navigation and helicopter piloting. The practical part of the training includes: flying in circles and along the route, hovering, moving and turning near the ground. Upon completion of training, the cadet will have to pass an exam and receive a private pilot's license.

Maybe a gyrocopter?
The world of light aviation is not limited to helicopters and airplanes. There are also gyrocopters, other names: autogyro and gyroplane. Outwardly similar to a helicopter (helicopter), a gyrocopter, however, is arranged differently. A gyrocopter, like a helicopter, main rotor designed to generate lift. However, the gyrocopter propeller rotates freely in autorotation mode under the action of aerodynamic forces. He only creates lifting force. The driving force is generated by the propeller, which gives the gyroplane the horizontal speed. In a helicopter, on the contrary, the lifting and driving force is created by the main rotor.

Unlike a helicopter, a gyrocopter requires a runway to take off. In addition, the gyrocopter will not be able to hover in the air. But if necessary, it can land anywhere. Since the gyrocopter is constantly in autorotation mode, if the engine fails during the flight, it is able to descend to the ground without any problems. In addition, the cost of a flight hour is several times less than that of a helicopter, due to lower fuel consumption. Prices for gyrocopters (gyroplanes) are also noticeably lower than for helicopters. Russian ones cost from 2 million, foreign ones - from 4 to 7 million rubles.

If you are tired of traversing the hilly expanses of Los Santos exclusively on wheels, on solid ground, or simply your soul asks for the sky, then GTA 5 provides a great opportunity to soar into the sky in a personal helicopter! In this article we will tell you where you can find a helicopter in GTA 5 and GTA Online.

As for the solo mode, if you don't feel like wasting time and money, you can always use the helicopter cheat or trainer to get everything without any effort. Telling you that cheats are not fair would probably be useless. Remember that using cheats affects achievements and reduces the enjoyment of the game by about 60-70%.

The most obvious honest way is to take a helicopter from Trevor Airfield. True, he becomes available only after the mission with the kidnapping of a suspect from the office of the Office. However, this is not the only way get your own helicopter. By the way, in order to store a helicopter, you will first have to purchase a helipad.

The military reconnaissance helicopter Buzzard can be stolen from the Zancudo military base or bought through a browser on your phone for $2 million.

The high-speed four-seater Frogger is also available for $1.3 million at After the purchase, the helicopter will appear on helipad or at the airport that the character owns. To select vehicles from those already purchased, go to the hangar/site marker and click "Change Vehicles".

Maverick and its variants (cop, news and ambulance) or steal from the roof of the Central Hospital.

It can also be found on the helipads of skyscrapers or purchased online for $780,000.

Cargobob is an even heavier landing vehicle, bought for $2.2 million online or stolen from military bases.

Be careful: this helicopter has a habit of taking off from the pad and flying around the base. At the time of the theft, you will have a crowd of military men on your tail, so this can be difficult.

Where to find a helicopter in GTA Online

As for, it can be more difficult to find a helicopter here, first of all, because you are not the only one who wants to get a "bird". There are several places where helicopters periodically appear. They spawn randomly, so it is impossible to predict which car will be waiting for you.

First point located on the roof of the hospital in the central part of Los Santos.

Just climb up the stairs to the roof, next to the exit to the parking lot, then up another ladder to the helipad.

Second place helicopter locations, also within the city, can be found in the parking lot next to the shore of a small bay within the city. The helicopter stands right on the ground and is not guarded by anyone, being an easy prey for the players, so if you want to get it, you cannot do without some luck.

Another helicopter appears at the airport, on the helipad, directly opposite the hangar of Devin Weston. Getting to it is not difficult.

Next helicopter can be found on the roof of one of the buildings in the research complex in the Palomino Highlands.

Enter the complex on the road, overcome the first barrier, then stop at the blue fence. There will be a transformer box to your right, climb on it, and then through the blue fence. After that, run straight through the parking lot to the building, on the left on its facade there will be a ladder to the roof. By the way, if you're lucky, there may be another one on the next roof, a helicopter.

Number of programs: 3

Do you want to feel a lot of unbridled positive emotions with a touch of excitement and adrenaline? Give yourself, your family and friends an unforgettable helicopter flight. We will help arrange an original walk. Do you dream of admiring the lights of Moscow at night from a height or seeing bright natural landscapes that are combined with the view of modern urban buildings? Nothing is impossible with us! An experienced pilot will organize an interesting excursion for your family, loved one, colleagues or friends.

For those who want to ride a helicopter cheaply, we offer a sightseeing flight lasting 20 minutes. An indescribable view of the picturesque suburbs of Moscow will open before you. During this time, the participants of the trip will be able to experience the full range of extreme emotions, experience the feeling of free flight and enjoy the beauty of the endless sky. You can find out how much such a pleasure costs on the website, and for more information, you can contact the managers.

If your plans include a more detailed excursion, the opportunity to get acquainted with the control of a helicopter, participation in the performance of simple aerobatics - choose one of the seven familiarization flights, lasting from forty minutes to two and a half hours. The price of this entertainment depends on the time spent in the air.

Extreme as a gift

Can't figure out how to make a good surprise for a loved one? There is a win-win option that will delight him - helicopter riding. Regardless of whether he dreams of getting a big dose of adrenaline or prefers a calm, smooth vacation, the opportunity to fly above the ground will be an amazing gift.

Helicopter ride for two will be an unforgettable romantic adventure. The beauty of Moscow at night, the vibrant landscapes of the river banks, modern complexes or the powerful energy of church architecture - choose a route depending on the tastes and preferences of your partner. And the mysterious airy atmosphere is a unique opportunity to make a marriage proposal to your beloved. Be sure that the girl's consent is guaranteed to you. For two lovers, this flight will be remembered for vivid impressions for a long time.

The opportunity to ride a helicopter over Moscow will be a great present for an extreme boss. The travel certificate envelope is valid for six months, so participants can choose their own travel time. And after the flight, get ready to listen to your colleague's new feelings during work breaks.

Air adventure features

The company "" offers its customers to fly a modern powerful helicopter under the control of an experienced pilot. A professional aviator will conduct a detailed briefing before the trip and share the secrets of performing simple air maneuvers. You will get an excellent opportunity to fly at the helm of a car under the strict guidance of a specialist.

During the walk you will be able to:

  • ride on a modern maneuverable helicopter;
  • enjoy views of the historical and cultural sites of Moscow;
  • see the city or natural parks from a bird's eye view;
  • to fully experience an unforgettable surge of adrenaline and feel a sense of freedom;
  • Take video and photo shoots to show off your adventure on social media.

The flight starts at one of the ten airfields in the Moscow region. As soon as the car rises into the air, you will see an indescribable landscape of the beauty of the heart of our country.

The site provides up-to-date information on how much it costs to fly a helicopter over Moscow. The price depends on the duration of the trip and the number of participants. Follow the news of our company in the social. networks, we regularly hold discounts and promotions, so it often becomes possible to walk inexpensively through the air spaces.