Profession Librarian. Who is a Librarian

The profession of a librarian is considered ancient. It appeared along with the first handwritten books. However, over the course of several centuries, the duties of such specialists have changed. Today, a librarian is a professional librarian who processes, organizes, manages the collection and provides information material to his visitors.

A feature of the profession of a librarian can be considered the fact that it is impossible to do without such employees even in the age of technological progress. Not a single machine is yet able to replace a specialist in the field of popular science, art and special literature. But unfortunately, the salary of such workers is small, and the demand for the profession of a librarian in the labor market is low.

Librarian responsibilities include:

  • serving visitors, filling out their subscriptions. The librarian selects and gives out the necessary books for reading at home or in the reading room;
  • monitor the safety of the library fund, complete it;
  • placing orders, purchasing new books;
  • processing of incoming literature;
  • cataloging;
  • organization of literary conferences, thematic seminars, discussions and exhibitions of newspapers, magazines, books.

It should be noted that the work of librarians is not limited to books. Modern specialists do not lag behind progress and use all new technologies in their work. Information Technology. Today, librarians work with various information media, with audio and video materials, email, electronic catalogs. They skillfully use computers, office equipment and the Internet, create databases and electronic presentations.

In connection with such changes in the profession of a librarian, new specializations have appeared, such as a manager information systems, librarian-technologist and database administrator.

Children get acquainted with representatives of this profession at school. The school librarian has a great responsibility. This sensitive specialist can advise the child on an interesting book, thereby instilling in him an interest in reading. At the same time, the school librarian must take into account the age characteristics of children. A librarian can safely be called an intermediary between a person and a book.

Some mistakenly believe that this profession is very simple and does not require special skills. But this is far from true. Such work requires a specialist to be able to analyze and synthesize information, process a huge amount of it.

This profession is very respected, as evidenced by the annual competition "The Best Librarian". It takes part professional staff libraries. This competition not only raises the prestige of the profession of librarians, but also encourages specialists to self-improvement and the desire to improve their skills.

Of course, being a librarian has its pros and cons. Opportunity to learn and interact with different interesting people These are the benefits of this type of activity. But the low wages and a noticeable drop in the population's interest in reading are distressing.

Personal qualities

The main qualities of a librarian are attentiveness, perseverance, stress resistance, goodwill. People of this profession need to have an excellent memory, patience and not be afraid of monotonous work.

Education (What do you need to know?)

A professional librarian not only gives readers the required literature, but also talks with them, offers his help in choosing. At the same time, the librarian must know the content of many books of various kinds, be able to quickly navigate in fiction, popular science and specialized literature, and master the methodology for conducting conversations with visitors. For such work, one should graduate from a library technical school or study librarianship at an institute.

Place of work and career

Representatives of this profession work in the libraries of universities, schools, various enterprises, in state and departmental libraries. The likelihood of career growth for such employees is low. In the presence of higher education the librarian can become the head of a department or the entire library.

Each library has different requirements for a librarian candidate. Specific responsibilities are set out in job description organization employee. In general cases, attention is paid to the personal qualities of a potential employee and education. Among the desired qualities are noted: accuracy, responsibility, good memory, emotional endurance and others. When applying for a job, work experience is less important.

The librarian executes the instructions and orders of the management. Separate requirements are imposed on the level of knowledge of the librarian. He must know the content of fiction, special, scientific and other literature. This requirement is explained by the fact that the librarian helps visitors in selecting the right books, consults, and gives recommendations on choosing the necessary literature.

The duties of a librarian include accounting, storage, search and issuance of the book fund. Thus, the librarian must know the relevant rules for the processing and acquisition of library literature. He compiles lists of missing literature at the request of readers, monitors updates in the book industry. In addition, it keeps the necessary records of the main indicators characterizing the efficiency of the library.

Professional qualities of a librarian

In the performance of duties, a librarian needs such qualities as attentiveness, concentration and patience. Professional quality librarians also allow him to ensure the preservation of the literature of the library. He knows the alphabetical catalogs of books and magazines kept in the library. The librarian is obliged to apply measures to improve customer service. First of all, this requirement refers to the creation of comfortable conditions for readers, to satisfy their requests for literature.

The librarian also learns about upcoming thematic exhibitions in the city and takes part in them on behalf of the library. He is preparing a handout and visual material on topical issues of science and production experience, draws up exhibition stands.

Today, a librarian needs knowledge of computer programs and skills in using them. So, in his activity, he forms catalogs of databases available in the library of literature in in electronic format. It is worth noting that the work of a librarian has disadvantages. These include lack of career growth and low wages.

What should be a librarian?

What qualities are needed in a person's profession to become a true specialist in their field? Everyone knows that a librarian teaches a person to communicate with a book from an early age. It stands at the threshold of an independent life for each of us. He is a role model for children, he is a mentor and a good adviser. He is approached for help various issues: help choose a book, write an essay, select the necessary literature for a conversation, teach you how to work with dictionaries and reference books, etc.

In his daily activities, the librarian not only transfers his knowledge and skills, but also presents, first of all, the lessons of morality and spirituality, which later become an important life guide. Truly, the work of a librarian is noble.

The profession of a librarian is both difficult and honorable. Here are some qualities that are key to becoming a true master of your craft.

The first and most important thing is respect for your readers. Despite the fact that the readers are still young, the librarian should not affect his self-esteem, but should respect and accept him as a person, become his friend, helper and adviser. In the work of a librarian there is such a principle: “to be with the child”, and not above the child. The establishment of such a principle can only come from a person with great inner peace and a good heart. A librarian who does not see the child's inner potential will never see the child's character or ability. For such a librarian, the inner world of a child is forever closed.

The second quality that characterizes a librarian as a professional is his erudition and creativity. A real librarian is a comprehensively developed intellectual, showing an interest in everything new and progressive.

The librarian tends to actively participate in the search for an original creative path. Creative work is a way of self-improvement, and information becomes accessible and understandable for every reader.

The third quality of a librarian is organizational skills and abilities. In his work, each person must skillfully plan and organize his business, including in the profession of a librarian. Organizational abilities and skills are manifested in different situations: in planning or conducting any events, be it a conversation, a matinee, a travel game or a reader's conference.

So, the image of a modern librarian is made up of love for children, the need and ability to give oneself to them, the desire and ability to work in a team, high professionalism, the search for innovative ways, the need for continuous improvement of self-education.

If a librarian combines love for his profession and for his readers, he will be a good and perfect librarian. We, future and present librarians, should also strive for such perfection.

The job of a librarian has never been easy. But the one who has chosen this profession must follow it honestly, remaining true to a noble cause, bringing the light of kindness and humanity to people. Only then can they truly be called "sowers of the reasonable, good, eternal," a person faithful to his profession.

Briefly about the profession


The librarian is the most beautiful profession in the world. And if you put your soul into work, you can achieve a lot. The library profession is located at that point in human existence, in which stinginess and generosity, past, present and future, the world of books and the world of people, where one goes into another, requiring great efforts to maintain measure and balance, come into contact every day.

Conducting reader conferences, literary evenings require a librarian to have a high speech, ethical culture, and oratory skills.

Individual work with readers presupposes the librarian's knowledge of psychology and pedagogy. This is a librarian-teacher, a librarian-psychologist who conducts bibliotherapy sessions. After all, it was not in vain that in his poem Lev Oshanin said: “Good healers of human souls.”

V last years librarians have to conduct sociological, marketing research, in connection with this, such specialties as a librarian-marketer, a librarian-sociologist, a librarian-researcher have arisen.

Information technology" href="/text/category/informatcionnie_tehnologii/" rel="bookmark">information technology: owns a computer, all types of office equipment, video equipment and other equipment.

Professionally important qualities : high communication skills, tact, emotional endurance, good memory.

Personal qualities : The librarian must be able to express his thoughts simply and convincingly. But the most important quality for a librarian is love for the book, without which the professional activity of a specialist is impossible.

Education: Higher or secondary specialized library education.

Place of work : Basically, librarians work in state and municipal libraries, in libraries educational institutions and schools, media centers and libraries of individual enterprises.

Features of career growth : The profession of a librarian is not a career one. There is an opportunity to become the head of the media library, coordinator educational project, site editor or organizer of remote support of the educational process. You can reach the rank of head of any department or head of the entire library.

v Zimina, A. "Keeper of culture and kindness": (profession - librarian) / A. Zimina // Education of schoolchildren. - 2006. - No. 9. - P. 40-45; 2007. - No. 1. - S. 31-39.

v Nikolaeva, T. Lord of the books: [for some reason, many profession librarian seems boring and gray, but in fact, working with literature is an interesting activity, and the introduction of computer technology in libraries allows you to expand the scope of this profession!] / T. Nikolaeva // Marusya. - 2010. - No. 2 . – S. 38-39.

v Quail, from wisdom: is it easy to be universal specialist: [librarian- collector, keeper and conductor of human thought] / V. Perepelitsa / / Library business. - 2008. - No. 5. - S. 12-13. - (There is such a profession).

v Nishina, I. (Lalya). One day in the life of a schoolboy librarian I: essay / I. (Lyalya) Nishina // Neva. - 2011. - No. 9. - P. 148-157.

v Neshcheret, M. Professionalism as a way of life: [professional and personal qualities which must have bibliographer] / M. Nescheret // Independent library lawyer. - 2010. - No. 1. - S.

v Oleneva, : on the issue of status: [features of the profession bibliographer a] / // Bibliography. - 2002. - No. 6. - P. 3.

Library work -
Seemingly simple and quiet work.
Far from lush honor
Librarians live.
But their calm domain
Peaceful life is not promised.
The reader's inquisitive gaze
He conveyed his excitement to them.
For different tastes, different opinions
You need a special string.
Need for speed of movement
And the speed of the mind is needed.
You need a detailed conversation
That in a sign of consent - a nod.
Then you are a modest adviser to people,
And that is a serious teacher.
Hidden in books is the essence of knowledge.
Read - the pages come to life.
library vocation
Seemingly simple and quiet work.

Compiled by:

Is it easy to be a LIBRARY? : a reminder about the choice of profession / comp. ; issued , . – Kem, 2012.

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Is it easy to be a LIBRARY?

“The library is something like a magical study. The best souls of mankind are bewitched there, but they are waiting for our word in order to come out of their muteness. We must open the book, and then they will wake up.”

Jorge Luis Borges

A librarian is an information processing professional in the library and information sciences who organizes and manages information services and materials for all who require that information.

A librarian is a library worker, a specialist in the field of fiction, popular science, special literature.

The profession of a librarian is aimed at working with readers. The librarian serves visitors to the reading room, selects and gives them the necessary literature, completes the library fund - forms orders and purchases books, carries out technical processing of new incoming literature, compiles catalogs, fills out reader's subscriptions, organizes exhibitions of books, magazines, newspapers, monitors the safety of the library fund .

In cultural and educational institutions, it ensures the selection of literature necessary for readers, the rapid fulfillment of their requests. Gives literature on loan and to reading rooms, examines the requests of readers in order to assist them in choosing literature. Participates in the acquisition of the library fund, the processing of literature and the compilation of catalogs, in the work of accounting and storage of the fund, in the promotion of books, in the research and scientific and methodological work of the library. Conducts individual conversations with readers, assists them in choosing books, magazines, organizes thematic literary conferences, book fairs, completes the book fund, keeps records of the library fund, etc.

The librarian must know the content of fiction, popular science, special literature, the methodology for conducting individual conversations, the forms and methods of holding conferences, exhibitions, etc., the rules for accounting and processing the book fund. A librarian must know the rules for compiling catalogs, special library computer programs, have communication skills with people, a good memory, love to read, and also have such qualities as perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, organization, concentration, patience, tact, emotional stability, a tendency to perform monotonous work.

Professionally important qualities of a librarian: high communication skills, tact, emotional endurance, good memory.

Medical restrictions: Neuropsychiatric disorders. Allergic to book dust. Respiratory diseases. Very poor eyesight. Low intelligence.

Qualifications: Library technical school or the corresponding faculty of the institute of culture.

As a rule, librarians work in public libraries or libraries of higher or secondary educational institutions, elementary or secondary schools, media centers, libraries within enterprises or companies. In the West, some librarians may be self-employed, working as information specialists, cataloguers, and other specialized jobs.

Level wages The librarian is usually short. Career opportunities for a librarian are present up to the position of a librarian.