The residents of Ugra were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation. Presentation of state awards of the Russian Federation

The awards will be given to scientists and artists

Moscow. June 7. website - The winners of the 2016 State Prize of the Russian Federation were announced at a briefing in the Kremlin on Wednesday, an Interfax correspondent reports. By tradition, the prize will be presented on the Day of Russia on June 12 by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

State Prize in Science and Technology

The 2016 State Prize in Science and Technology was awarded for the creation of systems for the development of gas and oil fields in Western Siberia, the reduction of mortality from heart rhythm disturbances and for the study of black holes, the names of the winners were announced by the adviser to the President of Russia, Andrei Fursenko.

The first prize will be awarded to representatives of the management of Surgutneftegaz - the general director of the company, Doctor of Economics and Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation Vladimir Bogdanov, his first deputy Anatoly Nuryaev and adviser to the chief geologist of Surgutneftegaz, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yuri Baturin - "for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and oil and gas fields in Western Siberia ". It is noted that the laureates confirmed laboratory research and industrial practice "rational principles for the development of oil and gas fields in Western and Eastern Siberia." Developments allow oil and gas to be extracted efficiently and safely, with new automated systems allowed Surgutneftegaz to save millions of dollars for the purchase of foreign analogues.

The second prize will be awarded to cardiologists - Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexanlr Karaskov, his Deputy for Scientific and Experimental Work, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny Pokushalov and Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute of Surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky "Ministry of Health of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Amiran Revishvili -" for scientific substantiation and implementation in clinical practice new concept reduction of morbidity and mortality among patients with cardiac arrhythmias. "It is noted that their work has formed a whole scientific direction to study the influence of the autonomic nervous system on the formation of cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure. The laureates are the authors of 111 patents, have developed new drugs and carry out unique operations.

The third prize will be given to famous astrophysicists - head of the department of relativistic astrophysics of the State Astronomical Institute named after V.I. P.K. Sternberg Moscow State University Lomonosov Nikolai Shakura and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Theoretical High Energy Astrophysics of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Rashid Sunyaev - "for the creation of the theory of disk accretion of matter onto black holes." Both physicists are pioneers of research related to how black holes attract matter from neighboring space, including hot gas from neighboring stars, and as a result, a bright accretion disk visible from Earth is created around them. They managed to substantiate and describe the physical processes that underlie this phenomenon, which is now called "the standard disk of Shakura and Sunyaev". Most black holes were discovered precisely due to the glow of accretion disks.

State prize in the field of culture and art

The composer, author of music for Soviet films Eduard Artemyev, legendary ballet master Yuri Grigorovich and general director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky became laureates of the State Prize in the field of culture and art. Their names were named by the adviser to the President of Russia on culture Vladimir Tolstoy.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Artemyev will be awarded the prize "for his contribution to the development of national and world musical art." The composer is one of the founders of Soviet electronic music, and the first composer to use electronic music in Soviet cinema - more than 140 films, including such iconic works of Russian cinema as "Solaris", "Stalker", "Mirror", "Siberian Barber" , "Courier", "Sibiriada", etc. "He is rightfully considered one of the greatest composer in the world of cinema," Tolstoy said.

The most famous choreographer of our time, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of many professional awards, Grigorovich will be awarded "for his outstanding contribution to the development of domestic and world choreographic art." His performances - "The Nutcracker", "Raymonda", "Spartacus", "Ivan the Terrible", "Stone Flower" and others have been standard examples of classical productions for more than 60 years. "A person who does not need additional recommendations, is known to the whole world, a person who has been in the profession for 70 years, he continues to work on ballet performances," Tolstoy said.

The General Director of the Hermitage, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, historian Piotrovsky will receive an award "for his contribution to the preservation of national and world cultural heritage." He is the author of over 250 scientific works on the history and culture of the Middle East, the history of Islam, and has headed the Hermitage since 1992. “For a quarter of a century, Mikhail Borisovich has undoubtedly been the head of the country's main museum, a symbol of our museum business. In addition, since the creation of the Union of Russian Museums, he has been the permanent president, defending the interests of the entire museum community. ...

Another State Prize of the Russian Federation in this area has already been awarded - on June 3, at the Konstantinovsky Palace, the writer Daniil Granin received it from the hands of the President of Russia "for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian work in 2016".

State prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2016 were awarded to: Baturin Yuri Efremovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Advisor to the Chief Geologist - Deputy General Director of the open joint stock company Surgutneftegaz, Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich, Doctor of Economics, General Director of the open joint stock company "Surgutneftegas", Nuryaev Anatoly Sergeevich, the first deputy general director of the same joint-stock company, for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas-oil fields in Western Siberia.

As Vladimir Putin noted at the awards ceremony, “dedication to their cause determined the successful cooperation of the authors of unique hydrodynamic models, which made it possible to substantiate rational systems for the development of fields in Western Siberia.

The ideologist of their creation, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yuri Efremovich Baturin has been working on this topic since the beginning of the development of the region. Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov, Doctor of Economics, has been the head of Surgutneftegaz for over 30 years. He and his deputy Anatoly Sergeevich Nuryaev take an active part in scientific research. The results of their activities have become a significant contribution to the promotion of resource-saving technologies and, in general, to the development of Russia's strategic raw material potential ”.

General Director of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” Vladimir Bogdanov expressed his gratitude and emphasized that he perceived the State Prize as a high assessment of the activities of the entire team of many thousands of “Surgutneftegas”.

“Allow me on this solemn day to express special gratitude to the scientists of Surgutneftegaz, who, along with the authors of the work, made an invaluable contribution to the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas-oil fields based on our innovative technologies... I want to note that an important role in the introduction of the latest developments on an industrial scale was played by our engineers and technicians, designers, workers of all professions who work in the fields, designers, as well as workers machine-building enterprises of our country, with whom we have been cooperating for many years in creating new technology and its implementation.

We are proud of the science and production base that we have created, which now allows and will allow in the future to effectively solve, on the basis of scientific and technological progress, all issues related to the development of both old and new deposits with any field characteristics, mining and geological conditions and achieve while maximizing oil recovery and achieving high economic efficiency.

We have an intense difficult job ahead of us, and we realize how important it is for the development of the state, for the well-being of society.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Thank you again for the high award. Let me assure you that Surgutneftegaz was, is and will be one of the guarantors of the energy security of our country, ”said Vladimir Bogdanov.

First Deputy General Director of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” Anatoly Nuryaev, accepting the award, said: “It is with a sense of understandable excitement and pride that I present at this solemn event the professional school of“ Surgutneftegaz ”- an enterprise that turns 40 this year. All these years the company remains one of the industry leaders.

The values ​​and achievements of our team can be enumerated for a long time. I will name only the key elements corporate policy that are at the heart of our success. This is self-reliance, including in the field of science. Through the work of our scientists and engineers, rational oil and gas and oil fields, which made it possible to carry out oil recovery from deposits of different geological structure with high technical and economic efficiency, to produce A complex approach to the arrangement of deposits. It is also a huge focus on culture and production safety. And of course, high social responsibility. It is expressed, among other things, in a careful, diligent attitude towards environment... The principles of rational environmental management are a priority for all employees: from workers to managers. Modern technologies, which Surgutneftegas uses everywhere, allow us to ensure environmental safety and increase the yield of fields, which means that we can use the resources of the Siberian subsoil as efficiently as possible for the benefit of Russia.

Thank you for the high award. I join in the congratulations and wish prosperity to our country and all our compatriots, ”said Anatoly Nuryaev.

Russian Federation Prizes in Science and Technology 2016 were awarded to:

Baturin Yuri
Efremovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Advisor to the Chief Geologist - Deputy
General Director of the open joint stock company "Surgutneftegas", Bogdanov
Vladimir Leonidovich, Doctor of Economics, General Director
Open Joint Stock Company "Surgutneftegas", Anatoly Sergeevich Nuryaev,
to the first deputy general director of the same joint-stock company - for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas-oil
deposits of Western Siberia;

Amiran Shotaevich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Federal
state budgetary institution"Institute of Surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky"
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Karaskova Alexander
Mikhailovich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Federal
state budgetary institution "Siberian Federal Biomedical
Research Center named after academician E. N. Meshalkin "of the Ministry
Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Anatolyevich Pokushalov,
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific and Experimental Work of the same institution - for the scientific substantiation and introduction into clinical practice of a new concept of reducing morbidity and mortality among patients with cardiac arrhythmias;

Nikolay Ivanovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of Department
relativistic astrophysics of the State Astronomical Institute named after
P.K. Sternberg of the Federal State Budgetary Educational
institutions of higher education "Moscow State University name
M. V. Lomonosov ", Sunyaev Rashid Alievich, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Head of the Laboratory of Theoretical Astrophysics and Scientific Support
the project "Spectrum-RG" of the Department of High Energy Astrophysics of the Federal
State budgetary institution of science Space Research Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences, - for the creation of the theory of disk accretion of matter onto black holes.

awards of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art in 2016

Eduard Nikolaevich, composer, for his contribution to the development of national and world musical art;

Yuri Nikolaevich, choreographer, for his outstanding contribution to the development
domestic and world choreographic art;

Mikhail Borisovich, General Director of the Federal State
budgetary cultural institution "State Hermitage" - for the contribution to the preservation of national and world cultural heritage.

prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian
activity in 2016 was awarded to Granin Daniil Alexandrovich. Ceremony
the presentation of the State Prize to D. Granin took place earlier - on June 3 in St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Putin: Dear laureates! Expensive

I congratulate you, all citizens of our
countries with the Day of Russia!

Today, according to tradition, there is
solemn ceremony of awarding the marks of the laureates of the State Prize. It is always a special and impressive event, because extraordinary,
wonderful, truly outstanding people. Their
brilliant achievements have brought great benefits to the Fatherland, deserved public

Scientific and artistic
creativity has a lot in common, they are brought together
striving for knowledge of the world, its harmonious
transformation. Science and culture reveal the richest
the possibilities of man and mankind as a whole, form values ​​in society
patriotism, dignity, freedom, honor and decency.

In fate and literary activity
Daniil Alexandrovich Granin a huge role
it was science that played. His books, dedicated to the life of scientists, their innovation and moral search, entered the classics of Russian culture and together with journalistic, educational works
had a great influence on the worldview of whole
generations, to educate in them the ideals of justice, humanism, mercy. Daniil Alexandrovich was awarded the prize for outstanding achievements in the humanitarian
activities. The laureate's badge was solemnly presented to him on June 3 in St. Petersburg.

Dear friends! Peter I somehow accurately and for centuries defined the meaning of culture and scientific
discoveries. He said: "Protecting the Fatherland
security from the enemy, must
to find the glory of the state through art and science ”. Our today's laureates were able to fully
to realize their talents, abilities,
talent, and confirm the high mission of serving society, people.

Devotion to their cause determined
successful collaboration of authors of unique
hydrodynamic models that allowed
substantiate rational systems of field development
Western Siberia.

The ideologist of their creation, doctor
Technical Sciences Yuri Efremovich Baturin
has been working on this topic since the beginning of mastering
region. Vladimir, Doctor of Economics, has been the head of Surgutneftegaz for over 30 years.
Leonidovich Bogdanov. He and his deputy
Anatoly Sergeevich Nuryaev takes an active part in scientific research. The results of their
activities have become a significant contribution to the promotion
resource-saving technologies and, in general, in the development of strategic raw materials
potential of Russia.

Dear friends! With us, you know
the people often say: "A doctor from God." Such an assessment is evidence
high level of knowledge, professionalism, competence
doctor, his caring, sympathetic attitude towards the patient. The principle of selfless service to people is considered
our laureates Amiran are also the main thing for themselves
Shotaevich Revishvili, Alexander Mikhailovich
Karaskov and Evgeny Anatolyevich Pokushalov. These are world-renowned scientists, leaders of modern arrhythmology and cardiology, physicians-thinkers and practicing surgeons. Their vocation was the fight against a widespread, life-threatening ailment - heart rhythm disturbances. Amiran Shotaevich once said in one of his interviews that one needs a hundred
percent hit the target that causes
complex arrhythmia. Verified diagnostic methods,
the results of the work of our laureates allowed
approach this goal and save the lives of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people.

Thing scientific activities
academician Rashid Alievich Sunyaev and doctor
physical and mathematical sciences Nikolai Ivanovich Shakura - the study of the so-called "black holes" and "neutron stars". They have chosen this direction of astrophysics for over 40 years.
back and, as young scientists, formulated
the theory that brought them worldwide fame.
Their discovery was made even before the beginning of X-ray studies of the sky. Now
the phenomena predicted by our laureates
find practical confirmation with
the most powerful orbital observatories and ground-based telescopes. It is difficult to disagree with Rashid Alievich that
we are experiencing a time that is akin to an era
great geographical discoveries... Only today scientists are making this path to the unknown on the scale of the whole Universe.

Dear friends! Each of you
its own extraordinary destiny in science, in art. Often, you walked unbeaten paths, following your vocation and talent, you were able to overcome everything
difficulties, to prove that you can achieve achievements
the highest intellectual and creative heights.

Composer Eduard Nikolaevich Artemiev - one of the creators
new direction of electronic music. Be
a pioneer is always difficult, always difficult.
Such people meet many obstacles, but dedication and creative courage
Eduard Nikolaevich defeated
routine attitude to art. Today he
authoritative master, researcher of electronic music, he is called
architect and poet of sound. Edward
Nikolayevich is the author of works of various styles and genres, including those for cinema and theater. He
worked with the most famous directors.

Yuri Nikolaevich Grigorovich literally burst into art with distinctive, original ballet performances. For him always
the space of freedom was important, he knew how
defend it with their amazing talent and colossal
labor. His innovative ballet performances are truly perfect, we were all brought up on them. Grigorovich is
a whole era not only in Russian choreography.
He and his work had a huge impact on the development of world ballet.

State Prize awarded
Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky. His name,
personality, life principles, cultural code
inseparable from the Hermitage. But the scientific community knows Piotrovsky also as a major
Arabist, orientalist. Despite the extreme
busy, he makes time for research
in this area. Mikhail Borisovich, as he himself says, adheres to in his activities
conservative position. For example, if the Hermitage exhibits works of contemporary
world art, then only in combination with recognized classics, and this does not prevent the museum from being advanced, introducing the most
modern technologies. Piotrovsky is convinced
that the Hermitage is one of the symbols of Russia's openness.
This is the manifestation of the special mission of the great museum, for the development of which the director has done so much and is doing so much.

Dear friends! I sincerely thank each of you and sincerely congratulate you on the high title of laureates of the State
Russian awards.

Good luck to you!

video recording of the ceremony of presenting the State Prize to Daniil Granin,
held on June 3 in St. Petersburg.)

V. Bogdanov:


honor to be here among the outstanding
compatriots who do a lot for
strengthening the power of our country.

Vladimir Vladimirovich! Thank you, and I perceive the State Prize as a high assessment of the activities of our many thousands
collective. Let this solemn
day to express special gratitude to the scientists of Surgutneftegaz, who, along with the authors of the work,
have made an invaluable contribution to building sustainable
systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas-oil fields, based on our innovative
technologies. I want to note that the important role
in the introduction of the latest developments on an industrial scale, our engineers and technicians played,
designers, workers of all professions,
who work in the fields, designers,
as well as employees of machine-building enterprises of our country, with whom we
for many years we have been cooperating on the creation of a new
technology and its implementation.

We are proud of the science we have created
and a production base, which now allows and will allow in the future to effectively solve all
issues related to the development of both old and new deposits with any field characteristics, mining and geological conditions and reach at
maximize oil recovery and achieve high economic efficiency.

We have a tense
hard work, and we realize how
it is important for the development of the state, for the well-being of society.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Thank you again for the high award. Let me assure you that Surgutneftegaz was, is and will be one of the guarantors of the energy
security of our country.

Congratulations to all laureates of the State
awards with well-deserved awards and Happy Day
Russia! I wish you new achievements for the good
our Fatherland.

A. Nuryaev:
Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Expensive
friends, colleagues!

With a sense of understandable excitement and pride, I represent on this
a solemn event, the professional school of "Surgutneftegaz" - an enterprise that this year
turns 40. All these years
the company remains one of the industry leaders.

The values ​​and achievements of our
the team can be listed for a long time. I will only name
key elements of corporate policy,
which are at the heart of our success. This is self-reliance, including in the field of science. The labor of our scientists and engineers has proposed and substantiated
confirmed by theoretical, laboratory and field studies, implemented on a scale of Western and Eastern
Siberia rational oil and gas and oil
fields that made it possible to carry out oil recovery from deposits of various
geological structure with high
technical and economic efficiency, develop an integrated approach to field development. This
also great attention to the culture and safety of production. And of course, high social responsibility. It is expressed, among other things, in a careful, prudent attitude towards the environment.
The principles of rational environmental management are a priority for all employees: from workers to managers. Modern
technologies used by Surgutneftegas
everywhere, allow us to ensure environmental safety and increase the yield of deposits, and therefore - to use the wealth of Siberian
subsoil as efficiently as possible for the benefit of Russia.

Thank you for the high award.
I join in congratulations and wish you prosperity
our country and all our compatriots.

A. Revishvili: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Dear guests, colleagues and friends!

Today, on the Day of Russia, it is a great honor for me to receive the highest award
Motherland - State Prize of the Russian Federation
in science and technology.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Presidential Council
Russian Federation for Science and Education,
to you personally, Vladimir Vladimirovich, for such a high assessment of my work and the work of my colleagues.

Unfortunately, cardiovascular
diseases are one of the main causes
mortality of the population not only in our country, but throughout the world, including this sudden arrhythmic cardiac death.
The country loses hundreds of thousands of its citizens every year
from sudden arrhythmic death. And, of course, the development of new technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
hearts have made the goal of our great integrated work to which we dedicated
more than 20 years. We are two Russian
medical surgical and arrhythmological
schools in Moscow and Novosibirsk.

I want to emphasize that not only
physicians, cardiologists and cardiac surgeons
took part in this work, but also engineers, biophysicists, mathematicians and programmers contributed to the development and implementation of new methods in clinical practice
diagnosis treatment.

Our project and its implementation is
an example of translational medicine, which is fully implemented in our country, from basic research influence
the autonomic nervous system to form
arrhythmias of the heart, non-invasive computer diagnostics and effective treatment using original,
less traumatic procedures and operations. Dozens
thousands of diagnostic tests and therapeutic
original techniques and technologies that we used for the first time in the world in medical practice will certainly be
help reduce mortality
from cardiovascular diseases and cardiac arrhythmias.

On this solemn day, I want to thank the Ministry of Health
Russian Federation, Russian Academy
Sciences, the Russian Science Foundation, patrons and private investors who contributed to the development of the direction and the creation,
first of all, new diagnostic devices. Thanks to my teachers, parents, my family, colleagues, colleagues for their support and patience over the years, who
were devoted to the development of this new direction. Without you, our work would certainly be impossible.

Dear President of the Russian Federation! Dear guests and colleagues! Let me thank you again
and congratulate you on the Day of Russia and on the eve of our professional
holiday - Day medical worker- to wish you good health.

A. Karaskov: Dear
Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Let me express my sincere
gratitude and recognition to you, members of the Council
under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education for such a high assessment of our work.

Extensive use of achievements
fundamental clinical practice in the development of a technological base
allowed to achieve really high
results in delivering medical care even with the most complex diseases. This fact allows us to follow
the strategy outlined by the country's leadership to support and protect the health of the population of the Russian Federation.
We hope that the technical capabilities of the leading centers
countries will grow by equipping them with the latest medical equipment and materials that meet global
standards, since the high level of medical care largely determines the social stability of society and the strategic security of the country.

Dear President!
Dear colleagues and friends!

Today for all citizens of our
country is a special day. Get high state
the award on such a significant day is a great honor and a tribute to all
to those who work in the name of Russian science and healthcare.

Thanks a lot.

E. Pokushalov: Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Dear Members
Governments! Colleagues! Friends!

I thank you, thank the members of the Presidential Council
Russia in Science and Education for the high appreciation of the work of the research team of the Siberian Federal
Biomedical Research Center named after academician Evgeny Meshalkin. I would also like to thank the director
our center academician Alexander
Mikhailovich Karaskov, as well as our entire team. Without hard work my
colleagues, neither our achievements would be possible,
nor our awards.

Actually, with your permission,
I would like to address this award to young specialists of our center, in general to all young personnel
Russian medical science. Confident high
the state assessment of our work for them is the most accurate vector, the same
a strong guarantor that they have chosen the right
path - the path of serving Russian science for the good of the future

They say there is no prophet in his
Fatherland, but it is not. Indeed, over the past
For decades, a breakthrough in world medical science comes from Russia. The achievements of our clinical scientists are recognized
worldwide. It is especially gratifying that the merits
our scientific school primarily appreciated at home. This award is another confirmation of this.

To be honest, to achieve success in research on the occurrence of arrhythmias for us
managed only through perseverance and the ability to think outside the box. Believe me, 15 years ago, our hypothesis that
arrhythmia is not associated with structural changes in the heart, but with a breakdown in the regulatory system, it seemed
very strange, no one took her seriously. But we ignored the skeptics and just
continued to work - in the end they were right. Not to catch up with others, but to offer, to reason unconventionally, to be able to see several steps ahead and to work painstakingly - this is our strength and our advantage, which,
I am sure they will raise Russian medical science to new heights.

Today, medical science for
Russia is the same advanced, strategic industry, the same state-forming component as
a strong professional army and a developed diversified economy. In Russia, as in the rest of the world, in the foreground
the problem of high mortality comes out
from cardiovascular diseases. Population growth and increase
life expectancy - two serious
challenges facing us today. This is for the sake of
what we work for. In the absence of objective prerequisites in the foreseeable future
large-scale demographic breakthrough, multiple
comparable to the pace of demographic growth in Asia, to the fore
leaves the preservation of the health of the nation, increasing the working age. This is a strategically important task of the state
self-preservation. Its solution is also facilitated by the success of medicine, marked today by high state awards.

Reducing not only mortality, but also the level of disability of the population stimulates the growth and prosperity of Russia. Looking for answers to these challenges
modernity, the Russian
medical science, and step by step it wins.

A healthy mind is in a healthy body, the ancients said, and here we are talking not only about the human body, but about the world order in general. Therefore, the spirit of the country that cares about the health of its citizens and encourages its medical scientists is strong.

Thank you again for the recognition and support of our work aimed at the good
and the prosperity of future generations of Russians. I wish our hearts to work like clockwork.

N. Shakura: Dear
Vladimir Vladimirovich!

On this solemn and bright day new Russia I express my deep gratitude to you and the members of your
Council for Science and Education for such
highly appreciated my scientific activity.

I also thank Moscow State University,
which gave me higher education in which I
began his scientific career and now

On this day, first of all, I
I remember our outstanding scientist
Academician Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich, whose contribution to the world
science and currently retains its importance. In the now distant 40-50s
years he, as well as Igor Kurchatov, Andrei Sakharov and other great scientists of the great
countries have established a critical defensive nuclear
the shield of our Motherland. Since the mid 60s
academician Zeldovich begins to conduct research in the field of relativistic
astrophysics and cosmology. Based on the Moscow
Lomonosov State University
and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, he created a school of relativistic astrophysics from the then young students and graduate students. The results of scientific activities of this
schools, as well as the astrophysical works of
academician are well-known and recognized by the world
scientific community. Academician Zeldovich was
my scientific advisor and Rashida Syunayev during the years of our postgraduate studies. And in those distant 70s we
performed pioneering works on the theory
disk accretion, which has served to develop an entire industry
modern high energy astrophysics. We will continue to actively continue
work for the good of our Fatherland, attracting
to this work the young generation of Russian

Again thank you very much Thank you very much to the rector
Moscow University, Academician Victor
Alexandrovich Sadovnichy.

R. Syunyaev: Kolya [Nikolai Shakura] said practically everything. I'll tell you a little about the future.

It is a great honor to be recognized at home, in your country, in the country where you were born, in the country where you are
studied, started working, wrote his best
work, in the country where your children were born and where
hundreds of years, according to family legends, your
ancestors. So for me today is the day
a very, very unusual and wonderful day.

I want to say that Kolya and I were very young, we were not even 30 years old when we worked on
article that has received such a high rating today. And the only thing that
what we wanted to do then is to understand how it is that black holes, which are completely
absorb light that do not release light
perfectly, how can you make them visible?
And so we managed to find such a solution, and today every 18 hours, it's even nice, somewhere in the world comes out
article where people use our
formulas or the results we obtained then.

Then, at that time, almost no one believed that black holes exist in the world,
there were two black hole candidates. Question
natural: "What did you do next?" It was 45 years ago. And we did the following. I want you
say: the very last thing we have is
that Russia, Roskosmos, in a year
plans to launch a huge observatory,
space observatory called "Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma", and the purpose of this observatory, it would seem, is very
simple - create a detailed map of the entire
The universe, put millions of sources on it.
Each of you has seen X-ray any
parts of your body. So, this will be a map of the entire Universe.

I would like to say that one of these telescopes was made in Germany. This is a huge telescope, it is noticeably taller than me, and in diameter, weighs. The device, the complex that has already been delivered to Russia, is also larger than me - not like that, but
so, if you put me, like this. I AM
I want to say that that German telescope is the best that Europe can do in this class today. It is tested, calibrated on a 150-meter tube with X-ray
sources. This is a wonderful device, it
proved to be wonderful.

the device was made in Russia, it was conceived at the Space Research Institute of our
Of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but manufactured at the famous Russian Nuclear Center in Sarov,
where our teacher and Kolya worked for many years - academician Zeldovich. This is the first oblique telescope
fall, created in Russia, and both of these telescopes are now
have been standing for five months in the assembly shops of the famous NPO named after Lavochkin (everyone has heard about him, about this
famous enterprise in Khimki), and they are waiting,
when will the docking with the satellite begin, when
the last checks will be carried out and when
Russia will launch this satellite at the second Lagrange point, at the point at which the Sun, Earth and Moon will be
always on one side of the satellite. This is very
important to us. And the distance to this point is one and a half
million kilometers, 100 days only to fly to the satellite

What is the purpose? I told you in the beginning and you know we got the black prize
holes. So one of the goals is that we
we will see in the sky at least three million
supermassive black holes, let's map
and people will know: black holes are sitting here, three million! And I want to tell you that the brightest and most powerful of these objects, in order for them to shine like this, needs
"eat" a lot - one Earth, the mass of our Earth, every second. And so we see these objects, and we
let's put all of them in the universe on the map.

I can talk for a long time about how
we will measure a cluster of galaxies as we
we will look, search.

The last thing I wanted to say. We
we will deal with both dark energy and dark
substance, many others. But I want to say
that space exploration is a very difficult business.
And behind us - not "behind us", but they are working on it - thousands
people who design and create
satellite, which are assembling another mighty Proton rocket for us. These are the people who will work at the huge radio antennas of the distant
space communications, these are engineers who
will receive, process, primary, gigantic primary information in our Space Research Institute. And hundreds of astronomers at the institutes of the Academy of Sciences
Russia, in our best universities they are waiting,
when this wonderful card appears and they
will be able to specifically work on it, and thousands of people in the world, also astronomers.

Thank you. And many thanks to Russia for giving us the opportunity to work and create new things.

Thank you for your attention.

E. Artemiev: Listening to
laureates' speeches, I involuntarily want to become better.
And you understand that it is possible. The main thing is not to lose the acquired new qualities when you leave here.

But now I want to say a few
words in general about music.

Did some compilation
from the sayings of famous ancient sages. It leaves no marks, like a fish in water, like an arrow in the air. You can't see its form,
you cannot comprehend its essence, uniting the earth and the sky, they invisibly penetrate into our hearts, leaving an image
of that endless love and giving humanity an inexplicable feeling
grace and connection with God. That's what it is
music for me.

And today,
when such an event occurs i thank
You, Vladimir Vladimirovich, for this high

In that
wonderful day of celebration of the Day of Russia, thank you all. Congratulations to everyone.

Y. Grigorovich:
Our wordless art will not speak
such long and very interesting speeches. The first thing I would like to say is gratitude for having received this award.

Second. I began to lead the Bolshoi
theater for several decades [back]. Come
two problems immediately come to mind: the current
repertoire and the problem of our time. I thought
that we really need to put everything that we have accumulated over the years. We, Russian ballet, are such a ballet that
known all over the world. Leave in the repertoire
be sure to those masterpieces that we have made:
Tchaikovsky, "Swan Lake",
The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker,
Glazunov with his "Raymonda", other works of our wonderful composers who
loved ballet and wrote a lot of music for ballet.

And, of course, the second is today's, contemporary. I was lucky to have contemporaries, because at this time
worked composers such as Sergei
Sergeevich Prokofiev, Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich, Aram Ilyich Khachaturian. These were the people (since music is closely related to ballet) who gave me inspiration for
my creativity. And I try and young
performers and young choreographers to give one opportunity - to put it on stage. But how the ballet will be staged - this is,
as the remarkable scientist said, you never know what comes out of it, an absolutely "black hole". That's why
that this is all in creativity, and it is not clear what
it will end. Sometimes it's a wonderful piece, sometimes not so much. Well, and artistic
works - theater, ballet, and opera - naturally die on the stage, go away. And when the audience does not go to any performance, it
nothing can be stopped, he, of course, already
dies off. And all our art of youth
our art of the young - I try to do everything
so that they feel good in our theater and in our state, how much
it is possible.

M. Piotrovsky: Lord
The president! Dear Colleagues! Guests! Friends!

It is a great honor for me to receive
this award. For me, maybe even more
an amazing impression - to walk solemnly along this famous path. I now know what it means when you're solemn
you walk along it. But most of all I am glad
that I'm not the first museum worker here. In the past years, restorers stood here, receiving the State Prize
clocks, restorers of frescoes, directors of non-capital
museums. This means that our museum work
recognized as the supreme authority, and the supreme authority
understands and recognizes that we want to explain all the time that the museum is exactly what connects us not only
with the past, but also with the future. The future is built in museums on the basis of the past.

Museums are closer to a temple than Disneyland or a computerized warehouse. Everything
we are trying to show and inspire the society.
We are the Hermitage, of course, my favorite museum, and the Union of Russian Museums, all
museums of Russia. I really hope that everything
who are in the hall today will help us in our grandiose projects, in grandiose
museum projects in St. Petersburg and Kazan,
and in Yekaterinburg, and in Amsterdam, and in Omsk, and in Venice, and in Vladivostok, and in Shanghai, and in Moscow.

Thanks a lot.

Vladimir Putin: Dear friends!

As you know, science is divided into applied and fundamental,
theoretical. But one of the colleagues present here in the hall recently recalled
a very good idea for me. In fact, science is all applied, that's the only way
called fundamental achieves results, the use of which
humanity has postponed for a sufficiently long, long period, until the moment
when people will be able to use what researchers have found.

Almost all of our laureates today spoke about the future in one way or another. But the future is created today by the labor of all our people and such
leaders like our current laureates in each of the areas they are
vividly represent.

A well-known scientist, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Yuri Efremovich Baturin was born in 1936 in the village. Aleksandrovka BASSR.

In 1959 he graduated from the I. THEM. Gubkin, in the same year he began labor activity operator for oil production at the Yelabuga enlarged oil field (Tatsovnarkhoz). In August 1959 at the Tatar Research Institute oil industry(now TatNIPIneft) began his scientific activities.

Since 1966, the fate of Yuri Efremovich is inextricably linked with Tyumen. Until 1975, he headed the oil and gas field modeling laboratory of Giprotyumenneftegaz (in 1967-1971 he was on a foreign business trip to Algeria). From 1975 to 1993, Yuri Efremovich worked at SibNIINP as head of the department, then as deputy director for improving systems and technologies for developing oil and gas fields. Projects for the development of Samotlorskoye, Fedorovskoye and other famous West Siberian deposits are associated with this period of his activity.

In 1993, the management of OJSC “Surgutneftegas” entrusted him with the organization of the Tyumen branch of SurgutNIPIneft, which Yuri Efremovich heads to this day. In 1989, his ebullient organizational activity did not prevent him from defending his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. He always found and still finds time to teach at the Tyumen Industrial Institute (now TyumGNGU), which in 1991 awarded him the title of professor.

Energy, initiative and high professionalism made Yury Efremovich one of the most authoritative oilmen in the country. His erudition and experience are reflected in all modern regulatory documents for the design of the development of oil and gas fields. With his active participation, a modern state system for the examination of reserves and projects in oil and gas industry... Under his leadership, the design and analysis of the development of the largest fields of OJSC "Surgutneftegas" - Fedorovskoye, Konitlorskoye, Rodnikovoye, Vostochno-Surgutskoye, etc. are carried out.

With the direct participation of Yuri Efremovich, software packages on geological and technical modeling of the fields of OJSC “Surgutneftegas”. The result of the work of Yu.E. Baturin became 52 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, more than 300 publications, including in the journal "Oil Industry".

The state highly appreciated the work of Yu. Baturin. Among his awards are the Order of the Badge of Honor, the medal For Valorous Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin "and others. He was awarded the title of Honorary Oilman, Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the RSFSR, Honorary Worker Fuel and energy complex.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on awarding state prizes - the awards were presented on June 12. In the field of science and technology, Vladimir Bogdanov, General Director of Surgutneftegaz, and his deputies, Yuri Baturin and Anatoly Nuryaev, became the laureate for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas-oil fields in Western Siberia. One of the most promising areas of the company is the development of deposits of the Bazhenov formation.

The Bazhenov Formation in Russia and abroad is a well-known object. In the report of the US Energy Committee, published in June 2013 and concerning all shale formations in the world, Russia was recognized as the leader in shale oil reserves and, of course, the main reserves are precisely the Bazhenov Formation. Today, perhaps, this is one of the most discussed objects of Russian petroleum science: researchers argue about literally everything, from geology to the feasibility of developing the Bazhenov formation.

Oil shale formations are widespread in the world thin-layered carbonate-clay-siliceous sediments enriched in organic matter. In traditional reservoirs, oil and gas come from source rocks, where they are born from organic matter, by migration - movement of hydrocarbon molecules from the strata into rocks with pores of significant size; these pores (reservoirs) are limited from above and below by seals (seals) - rocks with extremely low permeability.

Oil shale, on the other hand, is a low-permeability oil source rock that can "give birth" to oil. These formations also contain oil or gas, which have been transformed over millions of years from solid organic matter into a liquid and gaseous phase, but they are located in the smallest pore space of rocks and are held there by the sorption properties of minerals and organic matter (kerogen) remaining in the solid state, due to which hydrocarbons extremely difficult to extract from the breed. Such oil and gas are classified as difficult to produce, or unconventional: they can be produced only with the help of special technologies.

Distribution of oil production during testing by prospecting and exploration wells of the Bazhenov formation in the area of ​​operation of OJSC "Surgutneftegas" (Chirkov, Sonic)

The history of the discovery and study of the Bazhenov formation

In the 1970s, prospecting drilling for oil in Western Siberia led to the discovery of a new oil-bearing facility - the Bazhenov Formation. Several wells in the area of ​​the Bolshoi Salym field received large gushing oil inflows (up to 2.5 thousand tons of oil per day). A large number of wells were drilled and tested (testing - checking the possibility of extracting oil from the well) a large number of wells in the Bazhenovskaya suite, a core was taken - the rocks and their properties were examined.

It turned out that the Bazhenovskaya suite is a very complex object: often near the well, which gave an industrial flow of oil, there were dry ones. Often, the high oil production rate declined rapidly as the reservoir pressure dropped. Many studies have been carried out - hydrodynamic tapping in order to establish a hydrodynamic connection (reservoir length) between adjacent wells. In many cases, no such connection was found. All this suggested that in the Bazhenov formation the reservoir is located chaotically, it is extremely difficult to predict its development (if at all possible), and the reservoir also has a small area, that is, even if a well enters the reservoir, oil in it quickly ends, and it is necessary to drill a new one. ...

Of course, the huge oil reserves in traditional reservoirs, which it was clear how to search and develop, extinguished interest in the Bazhenov Formation, the main development of oil deposits was concentrated in other reservoirs of Western Siberia.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the company OJSC "Surgutneftegas" for many years continued the search, exploration and development of deposits of the Bazhenov formation in its fields, using the natural mode of depletion of deposits (see graph). It was this company that produced the most oil from the Bazhenov formation. But in absolute terms, this is a small value, which does not correspond to the prospects of deposits.

Long-term development of the Bazhenov formation at the Salym field has shown that some wells have been in operation for decades, and a decline in production in the early stages of development may later be replaced by recovery and stabilization of the flow rate. In some wells, the cumulative production exceeds hundreds of thousands of tons.

Traditional oil reserves in Western Siberia are gradually depleting: first, all the most simple structural traps from the point of view of their detection were drilled, then more complex ones (see figure): structural-lithological, lithological, tectonically screened and others. The increase in oil reserves due to prospecting and exploration work, and with them oil production in Western Siberia, began to decline. This forced oil companies to return to more complex rocks, including the Bazhenov formation. Of course, this interest was fueled by the shale revolution in the United States.

A new stage in the research of the Bazhenov formation

A new stage in the exploration of the Bazhenov Formation began in 2006, when subsidiary OOO LUKOIL, OAO Russian Innovative Fuel and Energy Company (RITEK), acquired the licensed areas of Sredne-Nazymsky and Galyanovsky for the purposeful development of the Bazhenov formation in a fundamentally new way - using thermal gas treatment. In addition to drilling new wells, studying core samples and testing seismic interpretation technologies in order to improve the efficiency of forecasting the development of reservoirs in the Bazhenov Formation, RITEK decided to build an oil pipeline for collecting and transporting oil. Now at these fields, wells work in a pipe, that is, oil is immediately transported to collection points, which ensures constant oil production from the Bazhenov Formation, and also guarantees a high-quality accounting of all produced oil and obtaining real production characteristics of the Bazhenov Formation sections.

The new stage of research of the Bazhenov Formation is characterized, first of all, by its manufacturability: isolated core sampling, its research on powerful and various modern equipment, significant investments in development projects of the Bazhenov Formation by the largest oil companies Russia, integration of knowledge in scientific consortia.

All this led to a new understanding of the geology of the Bazhenov Formation.

Geological characteristics of the Bazhenov Formation

The Bazhenov Formation 15-50 m thick accumulated about 145 million years ago for 8-11 million years in a cyclical manner: long periods of background marine sedimentation alternated - extremely slow accumulation of carbonate-clay-siliceous particles enriched in organic matter - and slightly more dynamic and short periods of formation of radiolarian oozes, composed of skeletal remains of zooplankton - radiolarian, practically devoid of clay admixture. Thus, in the Bazhenov Formation, as in a layered cake, thin-layered rocks (3-10 m thick) alternate with denser carbonate or siliceous rocks (0.5-3 m thick), which were many millions of years ago. radiolarian silts.

It became obvious that the Bazhenov Formation is not the same everywhere; it has different characteristics in Western Siberia, which strongly depend on the degree of transformation of organic matter. The Bolshoi Salym field turned out to be located in the unique geological conditions of the most high degree catagenetic maturity of organic matter (gradation of catagenesis MK3-4), in connection with which the oil-saturated pore space in these rocks is formed inside the organic matter itself - kerogen. Therefore, almost the entire section is oil-saturated.

Other types of section have an average degree of catagenetic maturity of organic matter (gradation of catagenesis MK1-2), the pore space in kerogen is small here and does not form a significant associated volume, respectively, and rocks containing a large amount of kerogen usually do not have the ability to release oil into wells. Reservoirs in such sections are secondary limestones, dolomites, less often silicites - rocks from transformed radiolarite silts.

Another important characteristic of the Bazhenov Formation is the rocks that underlie and overlap it. To the west of the central part of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the Bazhenovskaya suite is underlain by the clayey Abalakskaya suite - an excellent seal, and to the east - by the clay-carbonate Georgievskaya and Vasyugan formations, whose seal properties are much worse, based on which the possibilities of emigration (leaving) oil from the Bazhenov the retinues in the east are better. Therefore, the western part of the Bazhenov Formation is considered more promising for production.

On the periphery of Western Siberia, the sections of the Bazhenov Formation become largely clayey, which sharply reduces its potential. Today these areas are considered unpromising in terms of oil production.

Development of oil deposits of the Bazhenov formation

The presence of oil deposits in the Bazhenov Formation has been proven at 90 sites in Western Siberia, but development is being carried out at isolated sites. Basically - along the way and in the mode of natural depletion (Surgutneftegaz at the Surgut arch, more than 1000 wells in total, Rosneft at the Bolshoi Salym group of fields, Gazprom Neft at the Palyanovskaya area, Krasnoleninsky arch). At the LUKOIL fields in the area of ​​the Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk domes, the Bazhenov Formation is being tested, but not yet developed. RITEK is developing the Bazhenovskaya suite in the Frolovskaya megadepression at the two above-mentioned fields, the total well stock is about 40, in all wells, work has been carried out to increase oil flow - by hydraulic fracturing (hydraulic fracturing) or hydrochloric acid treatment of the bottomhole zone (BHE). The results are impressive: hundreds of thousands of tons! And at the Sredne-Nazymskoye field, the technology of enhanced oil recovery due to thermal gas treatment has been developing for several years. According to the authors of the technology, the oil recovery factor can increase from 3 to 40%.

Thus, the state of development of the Bazhenov formation is as follows: cumulative production is just over 10 million tons of oil, but continuous development with high-quality data taking into account is being carried out at individual fields. All oilmen admit that oil production from the Bazhenov formation in the natural depletion mode is ineffective - perhaps that is why large companies are working on new technologies: thermogas or thermochemical. Consequently, the large-scale development of the Bazhenov formation, judging by the efforts made and the planned funding, should begin in the coming decades.

Glossary of terms

The Bazhenov Formation is a Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous oil source carbonate-argillaceous-siliceous deposits, anomalously enriched in organic matter, are widespread within Western Siberia.

Oil is an oily liquid of dark brown (sometimes almost black) color, which is a complex mixture of mainly hydrocarbon compounds with an admixture of high molecular weight organic oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen compounds.

Formations are naturally distinguished lithologically homogeneous large geological bodies, isolated in space from adjacent bodies, formed in certain paleotectonic and paleogeographic conditions.

A trap is a part of a natural reservoir in which oil and gas accumulations are possible due to a structural threshold, stratigraphic screening, lithological confinement or other barriers.

Seals (seals) of oil and gas reservoirs are poorly permeable rocks that overlap reservoir rocks with accumulations of oil and gas. It is impossible to preserve accumulations of oil and gas in any trap, if it is not covered by impermeable rocks.

Oil and gas accumulation is understood as a local industrial accumulation of oil and gas in permeable reservoirs of traps of any type, which is a single hydrodynamic system.

Migration - different kinds movement and movement of oil and gas in the strata of rocks.

Oil and gas reserves are the quantities contained in reservoir rocks within the studied part of the geological space.

Sorption properties characterize the ability of rocks to retain (sorb) and release (desorb) gases and the smallest particles of liquids and solids.

Kerogen is a solid part of organic matter, insoluble in organic solvents.

Reservoirs are rocks that have the ability to contain oil, gas and water and give them away at a certain pressure difference.

Traditional reservoirs are sand and carbonate reservoirs.

Pores are spaces between individual grains that make up a rock.

Hydrodynamic connection is the connectivity of the pore space of rocks, within which fluids can move.

Well operation is the process of lifting a given amount of liquid (oil) from the bottom of the well to the day surface. Well operation methods:

• gushing method (or development in natural mode) - only reservoir energy is enough to lift fluid to the surface;

Gas-lift method - reservoir energy is no longer enough to lift the fluid, and energy is introduced into the well from the surface in the form of compressed gas energy during compressor operation;

Mechanized methods - mechanical energy is transferred to the flow of fluid rising from the well through various kinds submersible pumps... The method is used when reservoir energy is not enough to lift fluid, and gas-lift operation is unprofitable.

Catagenesis (catagenetic maturity of organic matter) is a set of processes (temperature, pressure, physicochemical reactions, depth of occurrence, etc.) of transformation of sedimentary rocks and the organic matter contained in them after their emergence from precipitation over geological time.

Hydraulic fracturing (hydraulic fracturing) is one of the methods of intensifying the work of oil and gas wells. It consists in creating a highly conductive fracture in the target formation to ensure the inflow of the produced fluid (gas, water, condensate, oil or their mixture) to the bottom of the well. Hydraulic fracturing technology includes injection into a well using powerful pumping stations fracturing fluids (gel, in some cases water or acid during acid fracturing) at pressures higher than the fracturing pressure of the oil-bearing formation. A proppant (treated quartz sand) is used to keep the fracture open. After hydraulic fracturing, the flow rate of the well, as a rule, increases sharply.

Hydrochloric acid treatment is one of the methods of intensifying the work of oil and gas wells; it is used in wells that develop carbonate fractured-porous formations.

Varvara Nemova, Head of the Shale Formation Productivity Research Sector of the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIGNI, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences