Summer picnic contests corporate. How to hold a corporate party outdoors and where can you do it? The Last Hero or Fort Boyard

Funny company got together in nature ... What was the reason for the meeting? Birthday, anniversary, alumni meeting, festive corporate party or just a friendly picnic with friends - in any case, this event should not be boring and ordinary. Having taken care of the treats, which will be especially appetizing in the fresh air, the organizer should not forget about the entertainment for the guests.

Companies are different: both reckless youth and respectable colleagues, but any team will not refuse to have fun participating in competitions or at least watching them. The main thing is to choose and organize these contests correctly!

We bring to your attention large selection a variety of games and entertainment for adults in nature. Among them there are both mobile and calmer ones, and those requiring work with their heads, as well as harmless contests-draws. Choose the ones that are more suitable for your guests, you can combine several diverse ones. A festive mood is guaranteed for you long before the meeting starts: while you plan and prepare the props, you will involuntarily begin to tune in to a cheerful mood, and at the end of the holiday your talent as an organizer will be reminded of the smiling faces of friends in the photos.

Of course, prizes and souvenirs should be prepared for the winners.

And now - contests for every taste!

Various relay races

One of the most common mobile contests. Outdoors, there are even more opportunities for holding them. Relays can be easily adapted to any "story" if the party is themed, for example, pirate, beach, etc.

You can run in turns for anything and with any tasks and obstacles. Here are some interesting options that differ from the standard type of running in bags or with a ball between the knees.

"I poured it, drank it, ate it."

On the table for each team is a glass, a full bottle and a sliced ​​lemon. Participants are divided into teams of 3 people, the first one should, having reached the table, pour a glass, the second one should drink, and the third one should have a lemon. The glass does not have to contain an intoxicating drink!


The distance must be covered with fins, looking through binoculars, turned back side. The passage of the track will bring a lot of pleasure to the spectators!

"Eye gazers".

A circle with a diameter of approximately 50 cm is drawn for each team. Participants are blindfolded one by one and stand in the center of the circle. Task: take 8 steps out of the circle and come back. The team counts the steps out loud. The next participant can start the task only if the previous one managed to return to the circle, and not miss or stop at the border - in this case, you will have to repeat! The team with the best eye wins, whose members coped with the task faster than others.


If anyone does not know, this is a snake biting its own tail. Participants become a "train", holding each other by the waist or placing their hand on the shoulder of the one in front. The first participant (the head of the snake) must try to catch the "tail" - the last participant. It's more fun to play with a lot of people.


This is a kind of relay race in which you need to transfer one object to another in different unusual ways. It is important not only that the object quickly reaches the last participant, but also that the condition is correctly observed and the object does not fall.

Different options for what and how you can transfer:

  • ball under the chin;
  • stick, clamping it with your feet;
  • a book in the armpits;
  • a button on the index finger;
  • holding the egg with your backs or foreheads, lower it to the floor without breaking it (it is better to play on the sand).

Another interesting "transmission" with a host is the "Delicious bagel" game. The players are in a circle, the leader is in the middle. In the hands of the players, hidden behind their backs, there is a donut, which they pass in a circle, and seizing a convenient moment, bite off a piece from it. The presenter must guess who is holding the bagel, or catch the offender "hot" - while biting off.

If he didn’t succeed before the donut was eaten, a fant is due from him! Instead of a bagel, you can use a cucumber.

Team games

You can divide the participants into groups according to different criteria: for example, the captains take turns choosing their team members, or boys versus girls. Here, the winner will not be one person, but the whole team, therefore the prize for the victory should be intended either for each participant, or be symbolic, for example, a diploma, pennant, ribbons, winners' wreaths, etc.

You can, of course, play any sports game- beach volleyball, football, mini-golf, etc. But no less interesting can be comic contests, competitions, and not only sports ones!

"Wet serve."

Teams are separated from each other by a line (if available, you can use a volleyball or tennis net). In advance, you need to prepare balloons into which a little water is poured (an odd amount, preferably 5-7). The balls are thrown into the game one by one.

Players should toss them to the opponent's side, trying to get the service “wet” not in their half. The game lasts until the last ball, and then the number of puddles is counted. You can play on the beach or just in hot weather. Fun screeching is guaranteed in the girls' team!


It is more effective if young people play this game against girls. The guys will be "rhinos": a "horn" is attached to their forehead - a piece of adhesive plaster pierced with a pushpin. And the girls need to tie around the waist balloon so that it is in the area of ​​the most piquant place.

The task is clear: the "rhinos" must pierce the balls, you cannot catch the girls with your hands. You can limit the location of the game and the time it lasts (for example, by sounding music).

"Sharks of business".

On the ground, a “poverty line” is drawn or marked with strings - two lines at a distance of about 2-2.5 m. “Sharks” will swim in this “river of business”: at first there are only two people in their team, they must hold hands. The task of the rest of the participants is to overcome the “poverty line”. But while they are between the lines, the "sharks" can catch them, and then the participant will join them, extending the chain of "sharks".


Each team has 5 people. On the count of "one, two, three", they must, without agreement, raise any number of fingers on one hand. And then the rule comes into play: you need to throw out your fingers until each team has either the same number, or a different number for each player, that is, from 1 to 5. We remind you that you cannot agree out loud! The first team to do so will win.

The competition is able to unite the company and teach to understand each other without words. Another variation of this game - in 10 seconds (the presenter counts loudly) line up in a certain position: by height, by hair color from light to dark, build a triangle, "figure eight", "circle within a circle" ...


Each team of 3-5 people, led by the captain, is handed a melon and a knife. The task of each team is to cope with the treat as quickly as possible. The rules are: the captain cuts and distributes, and he himself has the right to eat only the last slice. Instead of a melon, there can be a watermelon, a large apple, a pie.

Conductor at karaoke. We need a leader and two teams. Each team chooses a song that they know well. The presenter will conduct: thumbs up - singing out loud, down - to himself. The teams begin to sing at the same time, and the presenter gives them signals when to sing silently, and when to turn on the voice again. Sometimes this may not happen at the same time. The lost player is eliminated. In the end, the last "singer", the most attentive, will receive the main prize.

Pair games

Of course, only two people will not necessarily participate in the game. This means that contests are based on the interaction or opposition of two participants. But who will be these two - it will be found out during the game!


Couples involved - a guy and a girl. They interlock with their elbows, and with their free hands (one of them has the left, the other owns the right), they must perform some action, for example, put on mittens, tear the newspaper into small pieces, unfold 2 sweets and treat each other!

"Who is in front of me?"

The host is in the center of the circle of guests, he is blindfolded. The circle begins to move around the leader until he says "stop". Now he needs to approach the person opposite and try to find out who is in front of him. You do not have to introduce any restrictions, this is already a rather difficult task.

But if the company is close, it will be fun to identify a friend or girlfriend ... by smell, without touching, or just by the hand. If the guess is correct, the recognized one takes the place of the leader. If after 2 versions the friend is not recognized, the circle rotates again.

The presenter sits on a rug in the middle of the circle, and in the circle there is a mixture of boys and girls. Each, except for the presenter, is wearing a hat. Each girl tells one of the guys a color in the ear, and he gives her the name of the flower. The presenter announces, for example: "White rose!" If these words are not assigned to anyone, nothing happens, and the leader tries again. If there is only a “White” guy or a “Rose” girl, then they should put a hat on the leader and take his place. But if both are available, then they should try to put their hat on the presenter, and if it does not work out, then on the partner.

Those who are left with their own hat or no hat at all are driving. I screwed up ...


Young people are always happy to fight for the glory of beautiful ladies. The duel will take place on grass, sand or in a shallow pool. A long piece of fabric is tucked behind the waistband of each participant's swimming trunks or trousers, each participant has a different color. The rules are simple: you need to be the first to grab the opponent's flap, not allowing him to grab his own, and triumphantly throw the "pennant" up, to the delight of the fans.

"Bottle towns".

Teams of men participate in this competition, and the girls will be left to be laughing spectators. First you need to build figures for knocking down from wooden blocks, boxes or empty plastic bottles and give them intriguing names. Each team must have the same number of pieces (one for each participant).

An empty bottle is then tied to the back of the participants by the belt of their trousers. The length of the rope is about 50 cm, hanging down, the bottle should not reach the ground. And now you need to shake the bottle and shoot down all the figures without using your hands.

Games by the water

Very often, companies gather on the beach, by the river or near the pool, combining relaxation with swimming. Many games can be played with the expectation that it would be nice to plunge right after them!


This game is to be played in the sand. All together, rake a large sandy mountain, on top of which lay a large shell or pebble. Then all the participants, sitting around the mountain, begin to slowly scoop up the sand in their direction, until the "princess-shell" slides right into the hands of ... the loser.


One of the participants lays down on the sand, and around him the other players put a pebble. Condition: the stones should not touch the lying one. He must get to his feet without hitting a single "mine". Of course, friendly advice is allowed!

"T-shirt for memory".

This is not a competition, but rather just fun entertainment. You will need spray paints and white T-shirts - 1 for each participant. Draw a T-shirt, as your imagination tells you, give it to one of the guests (and another participant will give you a present), put it on - and run to take pictures. A wonderful souvenir will remain from the holiday!

"Face painting".

You can use regular gouache. Guests in swimsuits split into pairs and arrange a "simultaneous body art session." After that - a defile of each participant, a photo session and immediate bathing!

For an intelligent company. Fun is not a sport alone

Some people don't like reckless fun more, but games that force them to show ingenuity, logical thinking, mental alertness, and also with pleasure to develop these qualities in joint games. Well, we have something to offer the clever and the clever!


Everyone is in a circle. Each is a letter on the keyboard (any, in order). Clap your hands - pressed a letter. Everyone claps twice together - space. Punctuation marks are not printed. The leader, standing in a circle (he will monitor the correctness), comes up with a phrase for printing (a proverb, a line from a song, etc.). He commands who will start printing ("From Lena clockwise - started!").

If someone clapped out of tune, the presenter asks "What word are you typing?", Giving you the opportunity to improve. If the "seal" is lost, it will start over, but without the confusion player. The most attentive (sometimes there are only two left) will be able to retype the phrase ...

"We throw balls and words."

Everyone stands in a circle, passing a ball or other object to each other. When giving the ball, everyone says any word-noun, and the taker must respond with the appropriate adjective or verb. For example, "Butterfly" - "Bright!" or "Flies!" Passing the ball further, you need to say a new word. It seems to be easy, isn't it?

But the leader, standing in a circle, gradually increases the number of balls! So you have to work with your hands (pass the balls) and your head (come up with words) at the same time, and do it quickly! An excellent training for thinking, besides, it is very fun and reckless.

"What's on the back?"

One participant draws the outlines of some simple object (house, apple, fish, etc.) with another finger on the back. Depending on how he felt, the participant tries to show the other guests this object without using words, and they must guess what was depicted on the back.

"Shout - encryption".

One of the participants steps aside, while the others take out a card from the envelope, each of which has one of the words that make up famous proverb or a line from a song. Then the participant gets into a circle, where everyone begins to repeat only their own word at the same time. In this hubbub, you need to try to make out all the words and put them in the desired line.


Most often, the goal of these games is not a victory, but a cheerful mood of spectators and participants. The only pity is that they cannot be repeated twice in the same company!


Longer ropes are thrown over the bush, to the ends of which boxes with prizes are tied (so it seems at first glance). The presenter announces to the audience that they need to wind up their rope on a stick as quickly as possible and get a prize.

The catch is that the guests will wind up each other's strings, only from different ends. And the prizes are tied with completely different ropes, the ends of which are securely hidden.


Several obstacles are set up on the path - a stool, a bowl of water, a string is pulled. The participant is asked to go through the maze - first, for training and memorizing the route, with open eyes, then blindfolded.

Everything is quickly removed from the track, and the participant, under the advice of laughing spectators, overcomes nonexistent obstacles.


Men are given a stick, the ends of which are 5 cm long covered with red paint, and a piece of sandpaper. The task is to clear the paint from the stick as soon as possible. The game is especially popular after 5 shots.

"Strong breathing."

A tennis ball is placed on the stool. Two are called to participate. The presenter asks them to simultaneously blow on the ball from different sides. In which direction he rolls, he lost - breathing must be strong.

After the participants have tried this a couple of times, the facilitator complicates the task by blindfolding the blower. While they are gaining more air, the tennis ball is quickly replaced ... for example, a plate of flour!

Some more fun contests for everyone

These are competition games in which no division into teams is required: everyone can participate at the same time. In such games, there may well be a winner who deserves the main prize. The rest are just having fun!

"Sweet Nothing".

You need to take turns saying an affectionate word to your neighbor. Those who have not been able to pick up a variant that has not yet been heard in 5 seconds will be eliminated. The most affectionate one - a prize and a kiss from the loser!

"Prize ball".

You need to inflate a lot of balloons in advance, hide a piece of paper with the word "prize" in one of them. The rest can be empty or with water, confetti, etc. Hang the balls all over the site. The guests will pierce them until the prize piece is found.

"In the piggy bank!"

Each player is given a bank - a piggy bank, you can stick identification stickers on them. Several handfuls of small change are scattered on the grass, hemp, and the path. Participants should collect it with bare feet and take it to their "piggy bank" - also, of course, without using their hands. Who will be "richer"? Shows the ending of the game.

Permanent hits

Simple and well-known games, loved by many companies, allowing the holiday to always go with a bang. Although they are not original, many conservatives prefer them to new ideas. We will only remind you of some of them.

"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it."

This game is always popular not only on adult holidays. It can be safely included in the program of games under open air for kids.

Each participant receives a role (draws it out by lot) and some element of props. Then the presenter begins to read the text of the tale, and each plays the role to the best of his imagination. The texts can be invented by yourself or found on the Internet, the main thing is that the words-names of roles in the tale are found as often as possible.

It is especially interesting when there are many participants and the distribution of roles is non-standard. Let not only the prince and the princess receive them, but also the "horse" on which the prince rode, or the "balcony" on which the princess dreamed.


Show a certain word, song, movie without using speech ... What could be more exciting? Play better teams so that one would come up with a riddle for a player from the other team, and he would play a pantomime in front of “his own”. You can prepare riddles in advance by writing them on cards and pulling them out at random.

You can take a phantom for losing any previous competition, or just take one thing from the players. Often, an unwound bottle is used to determine who to do the task. Well, the assignments themselves are in abundance on the Internet.

You can buy ready-made sets of "Fanta for Adults" on various topics, including frivolous, for every taste!

Mafia is a game for all times, suitable for both indoor and picnic.

Many interesting things you can think of when going to a meeting in the "open-air" format. As you can see, it is not at all necessary to turn it into an ordinary eating barbecue. Let it be fun and extraordinary.

To capture the most interesting moments, take care of photographs. It is best to invite a photographer - after all, any guest, even a camera maestro, will also want to take part in competitions. Choose, organize and have fun to the fullest!

Summer is vacation time, and no one wants to work in a stuffy office. A corporate party in nature will help you relax, have a rest, communicate in an informal atmosphere. How to spend a corporate party in nature with fun and benefit? The easiest way is to order the organization of the event to special agencies. However, if you are reading this article, then you intend to do it yourself. First of all, you need to gather the organizing committee and distribute responsibilities:

  • who is in charge of collecting the money;
  • who buys the products;
  • who will cook;
  • who will handle transport issues;
  • who organizes the cultural program.

Summer corporate is not only eating a barbecue. As a rule, a picnic lasts all daylight hours, and time for fun contests and there is more than enough competition. In addition to football, badminton and volleyball (do not forget the appropriate equipment!), Where "boys against girls" or department for department will play, you can organize a whole quest in the forest with searches for treasure and Cossack robbers. But it's better to put everything in order, and it is necessary to start preparing a cultural program with a scenario of a corporate party in nature.

Summer corporate party scenario

Arrival and arrangement

The traditional competition for the best find is held immediately upon arrival. What can you find interesting in the forest:

  • a bouquet of flowers is beautiful;
  • a thick log for a fire is a valuable thing;
  • berries - delicious;
  • bumps - for memory;
  • a comfortable stick - confidently walk through life.

When all the trophies are collected, the winner is announced with the presentation of the main prize, symbolic souvenirs for the 2nd and 3rd places, and pre-prepared medal chips for all other participants, which are taken into account when summing up the results of the holiday.


The presenter devotes the competition to his native company and invites his colleagues to compose an ode or toast in honor of his native collective and enterprise. Throughout the holiday, everyone reads their odes and makes toasts, receiving medals for them. The best authors are chosen by the audience at the end of the competition. They are awarded with prizes.

Find the treasure

After familiarizing yourself with the territory, you can arrange a search for prizes. You can bury the treasure in the ground or hide it on the territory - in the car, in some things. A map-diagram of the meadow is drawn on colored cardboard boxes, indicating the place where the treasure is hidden. The map must be cut into 10-12 parts and distributed in the clearing, and it is not necessary to hide them. It is enough to attach the participant to a tree branch or clothing. One part is received by treasure hunters with the task of collecting the entire map. When all (or most) of the puzzle pieces have been completed, everyone goes to look for a prize. The more efforts are spent on searches, the more expensive the victory will be. The finder takes the treasure, the rest of the participants - medals.

Crocodile game

For the Limpopo river you will need two pitches of 3-4 m each. They are stretched on the ground in parallel, at a distance of 1.5 m - 2 m from each other. The smartest, better man, is appointed a crocodile, all other participants are researchers. Brave scientists cross the river, trying not to fall into the jaws of the crocodile. If a crocodile hooks a researcher, he automatically replenishes the team of crocodiles and is included in the hunt for "researchers". All crocodiles hold hands and do not leave the river. The last "explorer" who was not caught by the crocodiles wins. He receives a prize, the rest of the participants - medals.

Kangaroo Racing Competition

For fun, use the same two ropes and Balloons by the number of participants. One rope marks the start line, the other the finish line. Participants line up at the start with balls sandwiched between their knees. At the command of the lead, the kangaroos begin to jump with balls to the finish line. If the ball falls, the participant stops, raises the ball, squeezes it with his knees and jumps on, if it bursts, the kangaroo is out of the game. The one who is the first to make a circle wins and receives a prize, returning again to the starting position safe and sound, the rest are awarded medals.

Buffet break

The host of a corporate party in nature announces a break and makes a toast: There are 4 degrees of intoxication, each of which is named after some animal that a person resembles in this state:

  1. degree - the level of a peacock, after all, a person is at first arrogant, like this important bird;
  2. degree - the level of a monkey - a person is relaxed, jokes and plays tricks - life is good!
  3. degree and all the following - the levels of the ferocious lion and pig are not at all attractive.

So let's drink, but in order to reach the second stage as quickly as possible, and always stay there!

Kebab quiz

At the "table" you can hold a quiz to whet your appetite. The most erudite participant will receive a prize, the rest of the respondents - medals.

Sample questions for the quiz

  1. For which countries is kebab a national dish? (Caucasus)
  2. An indispensable condition for preparing a delicious barbecue (friendly company).
  3. The most serious threat associated with kebab ("I will make a kebab out of you").
  4. From which film is this phrase: "Shish kebab does not tolerate female hands."
  5. Name a weekend outing in the countryside that often has a barbecue (picnic).
  6. Is shish kebab considered the first or second course? (The only one).
  7. Which kebab ends faster - on long skewers or short ones? (Tasty).
  8. Where did one of the heroes of Operation Y eat barbecue?
  9. What is the best meat for a kebab? (Fresh, not thawed pork neck or lamb loin).
  10. What drink does kebab go best with? (Dry red wine).

The second part of the competition program

Competition "Pantomime"

Team game. First, you need to decide on the concepts that will be conceived. These can be individual words, fairy tales, phrases from songs, names and images. famous people, idioms. See photos of the cooperative in nature and be inspired by new ideas.

As a kind of pantomime, you can play a game like a damaged phone. Participants line up in a column, the last player turns his back to everyone and the leader approaches him. He shows him and the audience a card with a written word or phrase. The first participant, seeing the inscription, nods and turns to his neighbor, slapping him on the shoulder. Without words, he explains to him the information from the card. When the game reaches the last participant, the moderator starts the survey from the end. As a result, he shows everyone the correct answer and gives out medals for participation.

The Tale of the Three Little Pigs

Host: “After such a tense competition for the mind, let's show that not only smart people have gathered here. But also creative people. For the performance of the same name, it is necessary to select actors for the roles of three pigs. Performance for adults, but first - a joke: Once upon a time there were three pigs - Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif. But there was also a fourth in our tale, who was not afraid of anyone, did not hide from the wolf and did not build houses. He walked in the woods and sent everyone. And his name was Nah-Nah. In today's performance, Naf-Naf will be an intellectual, Nuf-Nuf will be an athlete, and Nif-Nif will be a musically gifted person. "

Casting participants are assigned three people for each role. For the role of Nuf-Nuf, a candidate is chosen who will jump the farthest or the longest who will be able to jump over the rope. For the role of Nif-Nif, the participants compete in the play on the pipe of the song "We are not afraid of the gray wolf." For candidates for the role of Naf-Naf, you need to come up with some kind of question (rather difficult) and answer options. Here are examples of such questions:

What does the French culinary term "grill" mean:

  • burn;
  • fry;
  • bake.

In the Agatha Christie series, Hercule Poirot will express about a certain dish: “How can I eat them if they are of such different sizes ?!”. What is it:

  • about quails;
  • about barbecue;
  • about eggs.

Contest "Speech"

A break is announced for new toasts, and after a pause for the buffet, the competition program continues again. The "Speech" competition can be held at the table. The presenter announces the topic, for example, "a corporate party in nature is ..." and everyone in turn complements it with different concepts: corporate party in nature - in the summer, with barbecue, a trip to nature. For each new answer - a medal, and the prize is given to the last participant who added an unnamed definition of a corporate party.

"Accurate shooter"

For the competition, you need to collect more cones. Divide the participants into teams, designate two goals with ropes. Each shooter is given three cones. They take turns trying to hit the target. For an accurate hit, the player receives a medal. The winning team receives souvenirs - prizes of the same type.

"Lame Pirate"

Two pairs of players are involved. Each pair is tied with a rope on one leg (the left one for one and the right one for the other). The distance that the lame pirates must travel is determined. The couple who hobbled first receive prizes, the rest - medals.

"Bring me"

All volunteers are divided into three teams with the same number of participants. The captains are given lists of things that the team must collect and bring in 5 minutes. Here's a rough list:

  • 10 kopecks;
  • hairbrush;
  • a rock;
  • belt from trousers;
  • something wet;
  • any yellow thing;
  • what you can write with;
  • flower;
  • bark of a tree;
  • knife.

The team that compiled the list faster or more accurately receives prizes of the same type, the rest of the participants - medals.

Competition "How we held a corporate party"

All those present are divided into several teams. The presenter announces the task: to write the story "How we had a corporate party in nature." But the description should be concise, sketchy, without epithets. Then the teams take turns calling each other words - adjectives that need to be inserted into their text. The team with the wittiest story wins. The winners are awarded prizes, the rest - medals.

The general results of the program of competitions of the cooperative in nature are summed up. Three participants who scored maximum amount medals receive prizes respectively for the first, second and third place.

You can coincide with the corporate event with the presentation of certificates, gratitude, as well as gifts to those colleagues who were responsible for the kebabs, fish baked in coals, turkey fried on a spit.

And in various corporate competitions.

Guests are divided into several teams, depending on the total at the celebration of the people. The team should have about 5-6 people. The task of each of the teams is to think over and show a funny short film from the theme: “One day from our work”. For the best performance, production and so on, the team receives an Oscar in the form of a bottle of champagne, for example.


2 girls are selected. Each of them is offered certain situations, from which you need to come up with a creative way out. Time to think 15 seconds. The most original answer will bring victory.

Situation options:
1. Imagine you have been saving up for a dress that you are going to wear to a party for several months. And now the moment has come, you bought a dress, created perfect image, arrived at the indicated place, take off your coat, and in front of you is a girl in the same dress. What will you do?
2. You have a dream date, everything is wonderful, but at one point your heel breaks. Your actions?
3. You did the perfect makeup, took care of your hair, but the date was canceled at the last moment, what did you do?
4. You ate food with garlic, put on a mask and decided to wind the curlers. A knock on the door, a man of dreams is on the doorstep. What will you do?
5. After a romantic evening, your boyfriend escorts you home, and you accidentally call him by someone else's name. Your actions?


Participants are given cards with comic questions. For example, “how to make a dog fly,” “how to quickly stop an airplane,” “how to eat pea soup correctly,” and so on. In one or two minutes, the players should compile a detailed step by step instructions and write it down on a piece of paper. The author of the most detailed and funniest instruction wins.

The most ridiculous excuse

The presenter takes turns calling the situation to the guests, and they must take turns to "get out" at what, who will make it the funniest of all - well done, because at the end of the game, the funniest participant is entitled to a prize. So, the presenter says: You crashed the boss's car, but why? And the guests take turns answering:
Her color does not match his horoscope or
It seemed to me that this is an evil alien robot, and I could not endanger my beloved boss and so on.
Situations can be completely different, for example, you came to work in a dressing gown and slippers, why?
You scanned your face on a scanner, printed pictures and hung them around the office, for what purpose?
You brought a rooster to work, for what? Etc.

Selfie of the evening.

At the beginning of the evening, the host announces that a contest for the best selfie will be held throughout the fun and celebration. That is, there will be a camera on the table, which each of the guests can take and capture himself in the most interesting position, for example, with the chef, on the balcony, and so on. At the end of the evening, all the shots are shown on a big screen (using a usb connection) and the best selfie is chosen according to the applause of the guests. And so that the guests do not forget, the presenter periodically reminds everyone about the selfie contest. As a prize, you can present a funny award - a photo frame with a photo of Chuck Norriss, because he is the coolest.

Well-coordinated team

The team is divided into several teams with the same number of participants. Team members stand in separate rows. All participants are given a toothpick. The first participants are awarded open jar olives. At the start command, the first participants prick an olive with a toothpick and pass it on to the second participants, the second participants pass it to the third, the third to the fourth and so on until the last. The last participants receive an olive and eat it with a cry "ate". Then the first participants prick the next olive and pass it to the second, the second to the third, and so on until the penultimate, the penultimate participant receives an olive and eats it. Participants pass the next olive to the participant - the third from the end, then - to the fourth from the end, and so on until the first participant eats the olive. The winner is the team in which the turn to eat the olive reaches the first participant faster and he eats it.

Geometric collective

For this competition, you will need to make some blanks (on several sheets of paper - in accordance with the number of participants - draw individual geometric shapes, for example, a circle, a square, a triangle, an oval, a rhombus, a simple curve, and so on). All sheets have the same geometric shapes. Each participant receives one such sheet and marker. At the command of the leader, the team members must draw the rest of the body to a specific figure, turning a certain geometric figure into a figure - their employee, colleague and sign each one, you also need to draw yourself. Then the presenter collects all the pictures and shows the guests of the corporate party, they vote for the best picture, the author of which is awarded a prize. And pictures of employees can be left in the office as a souvenir to cheer up.

More offers

Couples of employees involved. All participants in a pair are tied at the waist and each is handed a mop. In a circle for each pair there are “good deals” for the company (simple balls). The pair is located in the very center of this circle. At the start command, each employee must use a mop to collect as many lucrative offers for his company as possible. And which of the guests of the corporate party succeeds, he will receive a prize.

We fly to negotiations in economy class

The entire team should be divided into several teams with the same number of participants. Each team is given the same cardboard box(depending on the number of participants "by eye" choose the size of the box). At the “start” command, individual teams should get together on the flight for negotiations in economy class, that is, by all possible and impossible ways to get into a cardboard box (someone on one leg, someone on the hands of someone, and so on). The team that completes the plane the fastest will be the winner.

The tidiest employee

Each of the employees needs to show strength, dexterity and ingenuity and prove to everyone that he is the most accurate employee. Participants stand at a certain distance from each other. There is a chair for each participant (at the same distance). Each employee has a basket with chicken eggs(in the same amount for all). At the start command, all participants begin to transfer these eggs to their chair, but only without using their hands. Who of the employees will prove themselves faster, better and more accurate than anyone in this matter, he will win.

22.06.2016 09:00

The financial crisis has slightly clipped the wings of the broad Russian soul, but companies do not want to leave employees without summer fun... Finparty spoke with event industry experts about how corporate outdoor recreation and more will be held this season.

Anatoly Volnov, Intelsport agency:
VIP zones are a thing of the past

Summer corporate parties this year are held, as they say, "within the framework". Companies and banks have shifted their focus due to thinner budgets. Summer picnics have replaced restaurants with their plentiful menus, snow-white tablecloths and helpful staff. Most often they are called family: an employee has the right to take with him one of his relatives or close friends. Gastronomic preferences have also changed - at all summer parties, alcohol is served in very moderate quantities, at some they even do without alcohol, and instead of red caviar, they offer cooked hamburgers and hot dogs here. This does not affect the quality of the holiday: people also walk and rest, but do not arrange a feast during the plague.

For the second year in a row, many companies support family values ​​and healthy lifestyles through their events. Everything that is connected with a joint pastime is built around this. For a corporate trip, they often choose a city park, where employees can simultaneously participate, for example, in a dance flash mob organized for them, a culinary master class and attend a music festival. Entertainment, such as the Spartakiad, which includes football or, say, volleyball matches, is also in demand. And I also noticed a peculiarity: the top management began to communicate with subordinates quite closely, to go out to the masses.

For a long time at any corporate party there has been no VIP-zone with gloomy security guards blocking the entrance to the box. Top management takes part in activities, talking on abstract topics with the team. Not so long ago, our agency organized team building for VTB 24. Its head Mikhail Zadornov watched the concert, and during the break he talked with ordinary bank managers.

Alexander Petrishchev, Igroks agency:
the scenario of the summer corporate party must be exclusive

This season, interest in summer areas in Moscow, and not in the Moscow region, has grown by 30-35%. The region is a big financial cost: usually the team is taken out on weekends, to a sanatorium, which is expensive. Moscow attracts with its proximity: I took the metro and got to the place of the party. Of course, outside the Moscow Ring Road it is more environmentally friendly and picturesque, but a transfer is needed. Although the rent itself in the capital is more expensive.

What I also noticed: the crisis affected the events with the artists. Companies massively refuse stars, inviting talented, but not promoted musical groups to corporate events. Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Zenit, which are among my clients, are already celebrating not as violently as before. In autumn, business games were organized more often for bank employees, and in summer - barbecues in tents.

Among the companies that still allow themselves corporate parties with a large budget, rafting is in great demand - rafting on rapids on inflatable boats. Outdated formats - banquets in the spirit of pirates and gangsters, it is now considered bad form to offer them to customers. Party agencies try to rely on exclusivity. Those who do teambuilding, say, once a year, need unique events, not just another tug-of-war competition. Therefore, unusual hobbies are gaining momentum: now people willingly play laser paintball, "storm" military bases and look for chests in the forest.

Mikhail Klimanov, "We" group of companies:
patriotism and special forces training bases are in vogue

The recent trend is a decrease in the number of meaningless corporate events, teambuilding for the sake of teambuilding. Yes, there are still companies that give a brief on the "booze with team building", but cannot answer the question of why they need it and what they want to get as a result. Fortunately, the current economic situation has practically swept away from the market those customers who equated team building and the gulbis where they were resting like for the last time.

Most companies have begun to correctly view team building - not as a general fan and drive, but as a subtle tool that can reveal communication problems within the team. Moreover, these are not only large customers with developed corporate culture... More and more requests for "thoughtful" teambuilding, tailored to specific tasks, come from small companies that have never been involved in building internal corporate relations before. They understand that they can survive in modern competitive environment you can only make a qualitative leap. And work with employees is becoming an important tool for this. Every penny invested in the development of the team must be justified.

The widespread understanding that established tools for working with a team are not always effective and often unreasonably expensive has also opened up in recent months. Those who previously rented a suburban area for the summer program, where they installed inflatable obstacle courses and built rope towns, now conduct a city quest or rogaine. In terms of costs, the second option is an order of magnitude more profitable, and it gives much more opportunities for solving communication problems.

Another trend is corporate flash mobs. Over the past year, we have developed at least a dozen scenarios that require minimal financial and time costs, but work to increase team spirit and employee loyalty to the employer. To dance, drum and thread flash mobs, the creation of lip dub clips (shot in one frame without editing glues - FP), gesture singing, mass freezelight and other similar entertainment.

The general trend of the last two years is patriotism. Venues offsite events the regions of Russia become, the themes are the history and culture of our country. Conventional pirates were replaced by ushkuiniks, Indians were replaced by Khanty and Mansi. Many requests for military events. Our agency, together with the officers of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, has developed several programs that have been steadily popular for a year now.

In general, people like to "dive into realism." Spending two days at a special forces base or going on a folklore expedition and blogging from there is an interesting experience. Team building members want to learn, explore and discover.

Vladislav Metreveli, National Association of Event Organizers:
at corporate parties popularize healthy lifestyle

V Lately customer companies resort to combining formats even at festive events. A summer corporate party is often preceded by a business part devoted to topical issues. It takes place in the format of meetings with industry professionals: they try not only to captivate people, but also, so to speak, to make them think. Instead of the "spoken genre", it is possible, for example, to organize an exhibition that creates a certain emotional background.

Popularization in favor healthy way life. If earlier in summer programs included several competitive elements, rather primitive and not connected with each other, now they give a conceptual shell to sports leisure. Companies hold sports days or tournaments that last more than one day, and the award ceremony is combined with a corporate event. Sometimes they ask the event agency to build a whole obstacle course, where it is required to show both physical fitness and ingenuity. Fun, challenging and commanding.

Now everything is expensive, companies count money. But the seemingly costly sailing on yachts can be easily arranged with a very modest budget. Indeed, up to 90% of expenses usually fall on the entourage and related components - catering, awards ceremony, concert program.

In general, people try to do what is fashionable. For example, a marathon took place in Italy, and the company's management thinks: "Why don't we do a race too?" Moreover, it can be organized for quite reasonable money. Already a whole wave of corporate races swept both Europe and Russia, the next major one is planned for September. By the way, in such cases it is not necessary to arrange your own corporate party. You can invite a team (it does not matter, ten or a hundred) to a common event.

A corporate party with a banal feast is somewhat boring. To entertain colleagues, you need to offer them funny Games and contests. They can be matched to any event and for any company, held at the table, and outdoors, and in a regular office.

  1. Centipedes- participants stand one after another, holding on to the waist of the person in front. It turns out a centipede, which the presenter gives the task - to move in a zigzag, avoid obstacles, etc. Whoever lets go of his hands in this competition is eliminated.
  2. Animal stir- the same number of male and female employees is required. A certain animal is thought of for women and men. Men are blindfolded, and women start to run and shout out the sounds of their animal. Among the general commotion and the mass of different sounds, a man must find his "soul mate".
  3. Sprint in the water- suitable if the rest takes place near the reservoir. Participants first run in water ankle-deep, then knee-deep, and finally waist-deep. Required condition- not to swim, but to run.
  4. Three legs- participants are divided into three. The leg of the person on the right and the leg of the person on the left are tied to the leg of the employee standing in the center. Further, such "tripod" pairs cover a certain distance for speed.
  5. Ball battle- participants are given: a balloon with water inside, a plastic plate, a pushpin. The balls are tied to the belt. The task is to pierce the opponent's ball, dodging others and defending with your plate.

Cool contests for a corporate party

Where are you now?

Participants stick stickers on their foreheads, which indicate the names of organizations (school, nudist beach, hairdresser). None of the participants knows what is written on his sticker. The facilitator asks each participant certain questions:

  • How often do you visit such a place?
  • What do you do there most often?
  • How do you feel after visiting a place like this?


Items are put into the box: glasses with a nose, a wig, a bra, family panties, children's tights, etc. The employees stand in a circle and pass the box to each other while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the one with the box takes a thing out of it at random and puts it on. After everyone is dressed, a general dance follows.


Employees are armed with a phone or tablet and must take a selfie, according to the assignment, which will be voiced by the presenter. The winner is the one who turns out to be cooler. Tasks:

  • Take a selfie in the position you usually work in.
  • Take a selfie with your boss.
  • Take a selfie with a variety of stationery on top.
  • Draw a very workable view in the photo.

Funny contests for a corporate party

  1. Star on the dance floor- At least 5 employees are required to participate. Cheerful music begins to play, the task of the participants is to actively dance. The most inactive colleague drops out. Further, the participants imagine that their legs have come off and they need to dance rhythmically, but without the participation of the legs. After this round, another less active one is eliminated. Further, the employees squat and use their arms and head in the dance. Again, the inactive is eliminated. The last round is to actively dance with facial expressions.
  2. Ice baby- three brave men will be needed. Their task is to quickly put on the T-shirt on themselves. The catch is that the shirts are tightly rolled and frozen. The winner will be the one who gets dressed faster.
  3. Maternity hospital- the team must be of different sexes. The girl stands in front of the guy. She imagines that she recently gave birth and communicates with her father through a closed window. With gestures, you need to convey who the child looks like, what gender he is. The task is given by the presenter, for example, “ears like yours; shouts like our boss. "

Corporate events for employees

  1. Crocodile- the most popular competition among adults. To a colleague, the presenter thinks of an animal, a famous actor or the name of a film. It is necessary to show the conceived with gestures, the rest of the employees guess at speed.
  2. Cartoon- the first employee draws a cartoon of one of those present and hands it over to a colleague. The one writes to whom the cartoon looks like, wraps the drawing and the answer, and draws his own cartoon. So the leaf goes around in a circle, at the end they unfold it and see who guessed it.
  3. Remember- each employee receives a sheet with a certain category: country, river, plant, technique, etc. The presenter chooses any letter of the alphabet. It is necessary to write as many names on your topic, which begin with the letter hidden by the leading.

Competitions for a corporate party in the summer


  • Who has the most tanned skin
  • Who in a minute can collect the most branches (if the game is on the street), pencils (if in the office)
  • The smallest leg
  • Longest hair
  • Who will stand longer in their arms
  • Who can draw little elephants on paper (or chalk on the pavement) in a minute

Catch the water

One employee collects a bottle of water and squeezes it periodically, spraying the contents. The rest of the colleagues with plastic cups are trying to catch as much water as possible. The winner is the one with the most full glass.

Truth or Dare

The bottle is unrolled and the one to whom it points must choose the "truth" and honestly answer the question asked, or "action" and perform the intended action.

Competitions for corporate parties for adults

  1. Striptease- you need to find striptease videos on the Internet. You should not undress, you just need to gracefully repeat the movements. The most flexible participant is awarded.
  2. Logo- the corporate logo must be printed on a sheet in duplicate, glued onto thick cardboard and cut into several parts. Employees are divided into two teams and they put together a logo based on speed.
  3. Explanation of abbreviations- participants are given pencils and paper. Specifies a topic, such as a report or the beginning of the year. Each must make up three abbreviations and next to add a line from a song or poem that characterizes the abbreviation. The task of the rest is to guess what is encrypted. Variants of abbreviations: SG - middle of the year, PI - total profit.

Fun contests for a corporate party

Deaf dialogue

It is necessary for the leader and subordinate to participate. The leader is handed headphones with loud music so that he does not hear anything. The subordinate begins to ask him questions:

  • Why don't you send anyone on business trips besides me?
  • When can I wait for the day off?
  • And come on, will you raise my salary?

The boss tries to guess by the movements of the lips what the subordinate is saying to him. He must answer the employee, most often he answers inappropriately. Then the employees change places. The manager is interested in:

  • What is the reason for your being late today?
  • Want to work overtime?
  • Why should I raise your salary?


An object is placed on the chair so that the participant does not see it. The employee sits down on a chair and tries to figure out which object is underneath. You cannot touch the object with your hands and peep.

Short film

Employees are divided into teams of 4-5 people. Each team should come up with and show a short film on the theme: "One day in our working life."

Competitions for a corporate party at the table

  1. Congratulations- The first colleague starts with the letter "A" and comes up with a congratulation that starts with it. The next one already comes up with the letter "B" and beyond. Try to come up with original and humorous greetings.
  2. So it is necessary- at the beginning of the corporate party, each employee is given cards with an individual assignment, for example, say all the toasts with a Georgian accent, laugh out of place, say to colleagues at 8 pm: “Thank you everyone, everyone is free”, etc. Those present must guess the task of each.
  3. Killer- the presenter appoints one person as a killer. At the table, everyone begins to look at each other, the killer must "kill" someone by winking at the person. He is out of the game. The killer's task is to remove as many players as possible, while the rest must find him as soon as possible.

New Year's contests for corporate parties

  1. The ark- 12 women and the same number of men are needed. They are given leaflets with the name of the animal from the Eastern horoscope. On command, without uttering a word, you need to portray your animal and find your mate among the common herd.
  2. It's about me- each on a piece of paper writes a little-known event that happened in his life this year. All the leaves are folded into a box and taken out in turn. The task of those present is to guess the author of the note.
  3. Snowfall- all employees are given paper snowflakes. On command, they need to be thrown up and blown so that the snowflakes do not fall. The one whose snowflake stays in the air longer than the others gets a reward.

Contests for corporate events DM and the Snow Maiden

  1. Dress up the spruce- you need to dress up the Christmas tree at speed, blindfolded. Participants are divided into teams, one from each start, groping for toys, the rest "work as a navigator."
  2. Round dance- employees stand in a circle and join hands. A certain "winter" word is given to each of them. The Snow Maiden begins to tell a fairy tale. As soon as a colleague hears his word, he should sit down, and those standing on either side of him should not let him do this.
  3. Happy Star- stars with numbers are suspended from the ceiling in advance. During the active dances of the employees, the music stops, and Santa Claus says: "Lucky Star # 11". Whoever finds the right star faster will receive a gift.

Drinking funny competitions corporate

What would you do?

Employees answer the presenter's insidious questions. The answer must be original, dignified and interesting. Options for questions: what would you do if ...

  • spilled your tea on a report, but you don't have time to redo it?
  • did all employees write a letter of resignation?
  • you came to the office and there is no one there?
  • drunk and stuck in an elevator with your boss?
  • the director lost you at cards to another company?

I never…

Chips are required for this game. They can be replaced with coins, buttons, paper clips. The first participant says "I've never ..." and confesses to something he has never done. Colleagues who have already tried this give a chip to the first participant. So everyone admits in a circle. The winner is the one with the most chips.

There is something to remember

In turn, colleagues recall funny work moments and funny experiences that happened at the company. One who does not remember funny stories, is retired.

Sports competitions corporate

  1. Dart board- you will need props for darts: darts, a board and a piece of paper on which you will write down points. The first circle is thrown with the right hand, then the hand is changed to the left, and then all darts are thrown at the same time.
  2. Hit the target- it is necessary to make lumps out of paper, and a goal from empty jars. It is necessary to hit the target with the paper, looking at it through binoculars. You can increase the target, you can decrease it.
  3. Snake- body parts are painted on small leaves: head, arms, shoulder. The first two participants are pulled out one leaf at a time and pressed against each other with those parts of the body that are indicated there. The rest act in the same way until a full-fledged snake is gathered.

Contests for builders at the corporate party

  1. Building a house- you will need a lot of empty matchboxes, glue, scissors and cardboard. It takes seven minutes to build a house with a foundation, windows and doors, walls and a roof.
  2. Dancer Fedya- several participants are selected. They are wrapped in wallpaper, fastened with tape and cut through a place for the face (as in "The Adventures of Shurik"). Participants must perform a dance.
  3. House project- employees should be divided into several teams. Participants are given balloons and double-sided tape. The task is to inflate the balloons, fasten them with tape and make a model of the house. The team with the most beautiful layout wins.

Contests for railway workers at corporate events

  1. Hand over the ticket- colleagues are lined up in two teams, in each one the employee stands behind the back of another employee. Two teams receive a "ticket" - a ball, a ball or any other object. On command, they must give the ticket to the colleague who stands behind him, the other to the other. The latter, having received a ticket, runs forward and continues to pass the "ticket" until all the players change and at the beginning there is again the player with whom the transmission began.
  2. Service a passenger- play in teams. The first colleague runs up to the passenger, puts out hardly three chairs and puts him to bed. The second carries a blanket, the third carries a pillow. The fourth one pours tea or juice into a glass and drinks a person. The fifth wakes up so that the passenger does not oversleep his stop. The team that completes the task first wins.
  3. Remember the song- it is necessary to remember songs related to the railway (Wait, a steam locomotive ..., a blue car, etc.), who for a long time cannot remember - drops out of the game.

Contests on the day of trading at the corporate party

  1. Remember the price- the presenter shows ten goods and names their cost. It is necessary to remember and repeat.
  2. How many?- coins are put in the bag, the participants must guess the approximate amount of coins in the bag. Next, the presenter shows a bundle of bills of the same denomination, you need to guess the amount of money in the bundle. The last task is a piece of cheese. Colleagues should guess its approximate weight.
  3. We put on the shelves- you need the same dense jars or boxes, which will be in the role of goods. The task is to arrange goods on top of each other for speed. Whoever does not drop the goods, and whoever copes faster, is the winner.

Competitions for women at a corporate party

  1. What's in the lady's purse- before the competition, each woman agrees that the contents of her bag will be seized. The bag of any employee is taken, the rest are trying to guess the items in it. A colleague takes out each guessed object and puts it on the table. And so in turn with several bags. The winner is the employee who guessed the most items.
  2. Paint sponges- with closed eyes, girls need to make up each other's lips. The one who did everything as beautifully as possible wins a prize.
  3. Cats and tigresses- the girls take out the leaves and find out which team they are in - cats or tigresses. Participants are blindfolded. Then, at the command of the leading girl, they must act out their role, meow or growl, and quickly break up into teams.

Competitions for men at a corporate party

  1. Change places- men sit on chairs. The presenter says: "Change places those who ..." and begins to ask frank questions, for example: he ever wore a thong, gets excited at the sight of brown-haired women, had more than eight mistresses. If this was the case, the man rises from the chair and must take the chair of a colleague, who also rose. The one who did not have enough chair changes places with the leader.
  2. Box- A box is transferred to the music and everyone takes off a thing and puts it in it. When the box has passed the circle, the rules of the game change, now men take things out of it at random and put them on.
  3. Where's the money?- men stand in a circle, one - in the center of the circle. Those standing in a circle should pass a coin or a folded bill behind their backs, which can easily fit in a fist. The person standing in the center needs to guess who has money at the moment.

Corporate teachers

  1. What is on the table?- the participant names a letter, colleagues must find an object that begins with this letter and stands on the festive table. These can be dishes, serving items, fruits.
  2. Evidence- a crime has been committed, but there is not enough evidence. Leading teachers, who have become detectives for a while, ask questions to which he can answer either "no" or "yes". The goal is to guess what kind of word the presenter has in mind.
  3. What does it mean?- each teacher names a word based on the subject he teaches. Colleagues on a related subject are silent, and the rest should express their assumptions about what this word means.

During the contests, take care of safety. The props must be safe so that nothing threatens life and health. Thanks to various competitions at corporate parties, you can not only have a tasty meal, but also relax your soul.