What do you need for a perfect life. Image of an ideal life

The ideal is always high and beautiful, because it is - highest degree some value or good. It’s good when there is an ideal image of yourself, your family, work, life in general in your mind, it’s even better when the ideal is turned into goal and the person starts actively act to reach it. But first you need to understand how to create an ideal lifestyle.

Lifestyle- a form of human life, a way of embodying the objective conditions of existence in a person's personal life. Simply put, Lifestyle is a combination of work, life, social, cultural activities, habits and patterns of behavior of the individual.

Ideal lifestyle is a human visualization the best option personal life, when he will feel completely happy.

And the real-existing and ideal way of life depends on the individual typological characteristics of the individual. If a person does not choose under what conditions he will be born, then the whole subsequent life is nothing but a series of choices and decision-making, which means responsibility and a personal matter for everyone.

What kind of life do people usually dream of? About the one that is advertised as the best, or about the one that you planned yourself?

Ideal life most often associated with the lives of the rich and famous. But how is the stereotypical idea formed that the ideal life is wealth?

On the TV screen, the child sees rich people living a luxurious and idle life, and parents tell him: “It’s good to teach, otherwise they won’t be hired anywhere, and in best case be a janitor!" The kid believes in what he sees and hears, he still has no experience proving that having a red diploma does not guarantee him a well-paid job (does not guarantee a job at all), and wealth - personal happiness, success in life and psychological well-being. A person wants to be rich simply because everyone and everyone wants it and because he knows that one must be rich in order to live well.

dream about happy life born in childhood, but what is happiness for him personally often does not know and does not even try to realize even an adult. But individuals who have no idea of ​​personal happiness, unfortunately, are easier to manipulate and control for selfish purposes by those people who know exactly what they want.

The problem is that most people know what they are. do not want but they don't know what they need for happiness, therefore, as a model of an ideal life, they use stranger Lifestyle. Without knowing your desires and ideals, it is impossible to determine a lifestyle that is worth striving for as a goal.

Perhaps, "alien" ideals can be divided into several groups:

  • global (for example, world peace, equality, freedom),
  • traditional (high salary, friendly family, good health),
  • fashionable (vacation on exotic islands, luxury car, figure parameters “90-60-90”).

One can argue for a long time about the truth, value and harmlessness of these ideals and about what they lead to, but something completely different is important - these ideals are united by one basis - they imposed from outside, which means that their achievement will not bring personal happiness to a person.

If, when achieving a goal, one feels not happiness, but disappointment, then the goal was not personal, but someone else's. This happens when a girl gets married because "all the girlfriends are married, but I'm not" or a young specialist gets a prestigious job that his parents have found for him.

Ideal life can only be the life that the individual by himself defined as such, based on desires, needs, dreams, and which he achieved through his own efforts.

Algorithm of actions to translate the ideal into reality

A person is the creator of his own destiny, but without the right tool, you can do a lot of things to your own detriment.

Every life change starts with internal personality changes. To live the way you want, you first need to compose "portrait" of the ideal lifestyle, and then act in the outside world.

"Portrait" of the ideal lifestyle is recorded and/or sketched on a piece of paper. Creating such a “picture” is a little more difficult than it might seem at first glance, but as a result:

  • will be able to understand and better know your "I",
  • structure the acquired knowledge,
  • the dream will take the form of a clear, realistic, achievable goal,
  • the likelihood of the ideal image being realized will increase.
  1. Get rid of the stones. Fears, complexes, negative thoughts, attitudes, memories, habits and certain people - all these are “stones” that drag you to the bottom of life and prevent you from moving towards your goal.

Attachments, habits and fear of change usually “hold”, do not let go of a negative, interfering, harmful, useless and even life-threatening phenomenon, event or person.

It is easier to say goodbye to something, to something (and more often to someone) is very difficult and painful, but if a firm decision is made to change life for the better, you will have to act decisively. For example, leaving an unloved job or breaking up with an abusive husband.

  1. Sincerely answer and write down answers to questions:
  • What do I want my life to be like in general?
  • What should be my home, partner, family, work and so on?
  • What and who do I want to fill my life with?
  • What should I be?

When answering these questions in writing, it is useful to ask each time a clarifying test question “Is it really this want I and not someone else?" An indicator of sincerity is also the emotions that arise in the process of visualizing the answer to a question.

For example, if a young man dreams of working as a firefighter, but, imagining himself at this job, experiences negative feelings (anxiety, discomfort, doubts), most likely he has chosen the wrong profession. If positive feelings arise (joy, delight, inspiration, a feeling of "goosebumps"), he is on the right track.

  1. . When all the answers to the questions are written down, several repetitive, basic desires will be found among them. These desires are different areas life, but in the aggregate it is the image of an ideal life.

A very popular technique today Wish card It is also a way to structure and commit to paper the desired lifestyle. You need to cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers (or draw them) that personify the ideal images of appearance, personal life, work, finances, family, marriage, travel, etc. and stick them on paper.

  1. Start moving towards your goal. From drawing up a model of an ideal lifestyle in your mind and writing it down on paper, it is important to move on to the implementation of your plan. Each designated goal, which, in fact, constituted the future ideal life, requires separate consideration and drawing up a plan for its implementation.

On the way to an ideal lifestyle, it is important not to lose motivation, try, seek, try, persevere, accept mistakes as life lessons. You need to stock up on patience, endurance, willpower and faith in yourself.

Helps not to give up on the way to the desired lifestyle systematic visualization picture of an ideal life.

Despite the fact that for each person the ideal lifestyle is different and special, there are general rules and benchmarks that can greatly improve the quality of life.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​health, but everyone wants to be healthy, the same can be said about beauty, relationships, intelligence, wealth and other values.

To make life at least a little more comfortable, and as much as possible harmonious and happy help:

  • healthy lifestyle, no bad habits,
  • correct daily routine
  • efficient and comfortable mode of work and rest,
  • doing what you love, when work is a vocation and at the same time an occupation for your soul,
  • communication and interaction with interesting, close, positive people,
  • the ability to manage money and not exaggerate its importance,
  • good habits (early rise, exercise, meditation, etc.),
  • useful and developing hobbies, hobbies,
  • reading, learning something new,
  • trips,
  • altruism, selfless help to people,
  • friendship and love.

In striving for the ideal, one must not forget to be grateful for the life that exists. Appreciating and loving what you have is the best “starting point” for achieving new heights in life.

Now that you have a list ready, yours is found, it's time to put it all together and create image of your ideal life.

It will become extremely clear to you where you are going, why you are going and how you can achieve this. Image of a perfect life- this is the best option for how you want to live. If you were asked, describe your life the way you would like to live in 10-15 years. There is only one condition. Better and more than what you describe, you will not have. That is, if you say that you will have two children, then there will be no more three, you will say that you will earn $1,000,000 a year, there will be no more two million, and so in all respects.

Create ideal life image it will not be difficult for you if you have completed the exercises on and with high quality.

You know, there are such children's puzzles, which are called puzzles (puzzle)? It is a picture broken into many small pieces, and the task is to put this picture together from these pieces. We have the same. You have your own, you know what you want separately, and now you need to put it all together. You just need to imagine that all your dreams and desires exist and are already close to you.

What is the power of the image of an ideal life?

You gain a clear understanding of where you are going in life. Having an image of your ideal life, you can easily make decisions. For example, you are currently at work. Can your work provide you with such a life? Not? I really hate to tell you the truth to your face, but if you really want to live an ideal life, you will have to leave your job and do something else.

You will be offered new job. See how people who have worked in this job for 20 years live and see if they are living a life similar to your ideal life. If not, then you have nothing to do in this job.

I'm sure you get the idea - you're just evaluating whether a certain road can lead you to your destination.

I understand that it is hard for you to realize that the world in which you have lived until now is collapsing. Your beliefs and habitual stereotypes collapse after this realization. But understand, before you create something grand, you need to destroy the old in order to make room for this grand.

Secondly, the power of the image of an ideal life will be absorbed into your life, and you will unconsciously reach it. You will receive offers that will help you get closer to yours, people will begin to enter your life to help you.

I will tell you what will happen to you if you think about your ideal life, but continue to do what does not bring you closer to this life. Perhaps this is already happening to you.

In the human brain, there is such a regulatory mechanism as the reticular system. The task of this system is to filter out all the information that is unimportant to us and capture the important. Any information that does not bring you closer to the goal is considered unimportant. You know that our subconscious perceives everything, and only a small fraction of this information reaches ours. So, what comes to consciousness is determined by this reticular system.

And look what happens: because your work is not moving you towards the goal, your reticular system will try to filter it out. In simple terms, your brain will simply "throw away" you from work. You will have a great desire to do nothing at work and you will need to force yourself to take it very hard. If you continue to work, you will begin to experience, and the longer you work, the greater this stress will be. You will have three options for getting out of this situation: either you give up your dreams and your ideal life, or you leave your job and look for something that will help you realize what you have planned.

The option of giving up your dreams is the worst. It is a direct path to unhappiness. You will know that you have given up on your ideal life and the feeling will kill you.

And the third option - you continue to think about the ideal life, work at your job, and then it goes into. In general, to tell the truth, stress is a very good tool for. It occurs when there is a drastic change in our beliefs and what you believe. If you control your stress, you can very quickly. Regrettably, but for some reason most people immediately dismiss the option of leaving work and refuse to change the situation that has developed now in all possible and impossible ways. They prefer to stop dreaming or just build fantasies (read the article), without doing anything in reality.

All people strive to get something better and more than they have at the moment. There is nothing surprising in this, because if you do not want more, you can assume that life is empty and uninteresting. After all, only goals and dreams make each of us move forward. Now I want to talk about what an ideal life is and what are its criteria.


Initially, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed further. So, how can you understand this term for yourself? If you believe the explanatory dictionary, then the ideal is highest goal aspirations, activities of a single person or group of people. The ideal is what everyone aspires to. But the following question immediately arises: are there any criteria for this concept as such? It is safe to say that there is no objective interpretation in this case. Ideal is a subjective term, that is, personal, special. Indeed, for one person, the ideal is one thing, and for another - a completely different one.

How the concept of an ideal life is formed

You need to start with the fact that today the ideal life is the product that is served to us modern magazines, TV shows or movies. For many people, red carpets, expensive outfits and decorations, exclusive cars, yachts and huge estates are the unattainable peak. But is it really so? In order to understand what is the ideal for a single person, you must first listen to yourself, your "I". After all, it often happens that the image of an ideal life is created not even by celebrities, but by close relatives, most often by parents. After all, they want to see their child as a doctor, fireman or banker. But is this ideal for the child himself? Not always. And as a result, the visible ideal life, even if it is just before our eyes, does not bring any pleasure and spiritual satisfaction to an adult, and all because the criteria for achieving success were once set incorrectly.

About the arrangement of criteria

An ideal life is that image of the future that a person has created for himself, regardless of the opinions of relatives, friends or other influential personalities. This is what the soul wants, the nature of man, and not his immediate environment. To understand what you really want from life, you just need to listen to yourself. After all, not always a person needs a well-paid job to be happy. Enough to do what brings real pleasure. No wonder they say that best job It's a hobby that gets paid extra.

Rules for creating an ideal

In connection with the foregoing, I would like to highlight a few simple but important rules that should be followed when creating your ideal life.

  • You only need to listen to yourself and your heart.
  • The opinion of others is not important. Even if it is the desire of the closest people. Life is given to a person once, and you need to live it the way your heart desires.
  • The most valuable thing is not material at all. This should not be forgotten. After all, there is even a saying: "the rich also cry."
  • And the main rule is that the rules, in fact, do not exist.

Summing up a little, I would like to note: in order to achieve your ideal, you need to work hard and hard, without being distracted by stupidity. After all, all the most valuable is obtained through self-improvement and the transformation of the world around us into something good, bright and kind.

A little about ideal people

It is also important to remember that such concepts as an ideal life and an ideal person are inseparable from each other. If you are going to achieve your life ideal, you also need to decide what the ideal person should be like: what he should have and what he should know and be able to do. Again, this raises the question of the material and the spiritual: this must be strictly distinguished. Generally speaking, the ideal person is that person who tries to do good without demanding anything in return. Do not forget that Buddhist monks are often called ideal people today: they are alien to the desire for material wealth.

Perfect family

And of course, I want to talk a little about what an ideal family life should be like. What is important for this? No one will argue that you need to have your own house, money in order to give birth and raise children. But still this is not the most important thing. After all, there must be love in family relationships. But in this word everyone already puts something of their own, special. One thing is for sure: a family will be strong if people value each other, give in and think not only about themselves (which is also important), but also about loved ones. “Do to people the way you would like them to do to you” - this rule also works in family life. And the good ones kind people always achieve a lot together, including material well-being.

And as a small conclusion, I would like to note that an ideal life is exactly what a person wishes for himself with his soul. In this case, it is important to listen to your “I”, rejecting the opinion of even the dearest and closest people. After all, only the person himself can live his ideal life, and not someone else. This should not be forgotten.

An ideal lifestyle implies order in all major aspects. Pay attention to every area of ​​your existence to achieve harmony between you and the world around you.


Good health is the foundation of an ideal life. Therefore, it should be given special attention. Even though your body is an amazingly intelligent machine capable of repairing itself, it needs your help and protection.

Pay attention to how much time you rest and sleep. Give preference not to sitting at the computer aimlessly browsing the Internet in moments of leisure, but to active recreation. Be more in nature, play different sport games.

In general, physical activity should be daily. Let it be just morning exercises, but it will give the body the opportunity to wake up and start important metabolic processes.

Nutrition should be discussed separately. Of course, your menu should be healthy, as natural as possible. The simpler the dish, the less processed the products on your table, the better for you.

However, it is also important to listen to your body in order to learn to understand what is good for it. Remember that your body is special, with its own preferences or intolerances, rhythms and metabolic processes.

Respect your body, apply for medical care, do not disregard the signals that your body gives you, and then your health will be excellent.


Self-expression is natural human need. If you do not find a way to reflect your thoughts and feelings, develop your own talents and abilities, your life will not be the best.

The ideal way to express yourself is to do it through labor activity. To find a profession to your liking means to receive daily joy, pleasure and satisfaction, which cannot be compared with anything. In fact, you will not work a day. You will create and create.

At the same time, if your work is a burden to you, you are in a state of unhappiness for most of your life. Indeed, under the standard work schedule The service takes almost all of your time and effort.

Consider finding a job you love if you want to live life to the fullest.

If you are fond of several things at the same time, you can be pleased not only with work, but also with a hobby. Hobbies are a great way to enjoy your free time and develop your abilities.

Personal life

Without love, family and friends, your life can be incomplete. The feeling of loneliness, when there is no soul mate nearby, cannot be fully compensated for by any other benefits. Finding personal happiness is not easy: you need to find the right person who has a worldview similar to yours, build a harmonious, happy relationship with him based on mutual respect and trust, and carry your love through the years.

Therefore, it is important to be ready to work on relationships so as not to move away from your loved one or your friends. Be supportive of your family members and don't forget to tell them how much you care about them.


Financial status is important for a happy life. However, its role in the ideal lifestyle is sometimes overestimated. Sometimes the desire to earn more money takes everything from a person. Makes you work at a job you don't like. Leaves no time to communicate with dear people. It does not allow the body to recover and constantly keeps it in stress, tension.

For harmonious life you need to correctly evaluate the value that money has for you. Determine the amount of income that will provide you with a normal existence, and do not let money close your eyes to the more important things in your life.

Drawing up a portrait of an ideal life for you, focus only on your own feelings. You should not take an example from someone and try on other people's values ​​for yourself. Try to balance all aspects and prioritize correctly.

If your dreams do not come true for a long time, it means that you do not know what you really want from life. The correct formulation of your desires is already half the way to their implementation. We want to share with you a wonderful technique that will help you understand your true values ​​and aspirations.

Step 1: Draw the Perfect Day

Fantasy is a very powerful weapon that can bring a person not only emotional, but also physical pleasure. To understand what you want from life, you need to immerse yourself in the world of your imagination and try to build the perfect day there.

To get started, stock up on a piece of paper and a pen, find a calm, peaceful place where no one will disturb you, and start fantasizing.

Imagine in detail how you would like to spend every day of your life. Start with waking up and end with an evening sleep. Live the day in your imagination slowly and in real time, reinforcing all actions with emotions and feelings.

What time would you like to wake up, and how exactly to start a new day?
What did you cook for breakfast?
Or is your loved one cooking for you?
What are you wearing?
How do you get to work?
Where do you work and what exactly do you do all day?
What does your workplace?
Introduce your team, friends?

And so on until the end of the day. To make the process easier, always answer three simple questions: What? Where? Who?

There is no limit to your imagination, and you can do anything and anywhere, anywhere in the world. Paris. New York. Tokyo. Actor. Sculptor. Volcanologist... You can include in your fantasy both real and fictional people, even your idols (artists, athletes, artists, politicians, etc.).

Most importantly - do not think about how real your dreams are, but just fantasize!

Step 2. Analyze your fantasies

When your ideal day is detailed on paper, we begin to find out what is really valuable for you from everything written down.

Think quite objectively and mark with a marker, say blue, which points of your ideal day are so necessary for you that without them you will always feel miserable and lonely; What things cannot be replaced by anything else?

With a green marker, mark something that you can live without, but would really like to have.

And the yellow marker is needed to highlight items that are sheer pampering and excess luxury. These things are not essential, but would no doubt embellish your life.

As an example:

- sing and compose songs
- sports
- dog
- a small bright office, with a piano, guitar and microphone for recording
- own cozy apartment
- my family
- friends

- learn french
- live in New York
- make friends with celebrities

- yacht
- a wardrobe full of designer items
- own cottage in the Hamptons, with a swimming pool, a cinema and other fun things.

This analysis does not mean that you should not dream about all these things. We're just trying to prioritize the ones you really feel miserable without. These are exactly the dreams that you should think about in the first place. The charge of energy spent on the implementation of the most important points will help to fulfill even the craziest desires.

In the example above, it is clear that if the person who compiled that list does not have the time and opportunity to study music, learning French will not compensate for his dissatisfaction. But if his musical career is quite successful, he will have his own apartment and a dog, then there will definitely be energy and strength to implement items from the “optional” category, and then “pampering”.

Step 3: Adjusting the Perfect Day

Having removed everything superfluous from the list, now live an “edited day” in which there are only the items necessary for your happiness.

After the work done, select the things that you already have at the moment (if any).

Such an analysis will help you figure out what in your life brings you pleasure and gives you inspiration, how you have already achieved all these points.

Step 4: What We're Missing

Looking at two versions of your ideal day, note the things that you do not have and that you lack for complete happiness, using the categories “what?”, “Where?”, “Who?”. This will help you understand how your real day differs from your ideal one.

Step 5: Strategy

Look at the items you dream about and think about what needs to be done to make them a reality.

What obstacles stand in your way?
Why can't you get it right now?
What needs to be changed in life to get closer to the dream?

Thus, you will have a real strategy for achieving all your most cherished, really important, desires before your eyes.

Don't be afraid and take action!