Production of boxes from industrial cardboard. Production of cardboard boxes to order

GofroAlliance is a manufacturer of certified packaging. Our company uses modern automated equipment and environmentally friendly raw materials. All products undergo multi-level quality control and meet the standards. We accept orders for the supply of large and small batches of products.

Product Benefits

Production cardboard boxes is in high demand in the trade. This is due to the advantages of this type of packaging.

Favorable cost. Products are affordable compared to alternative types of packaging materials that are made of wood, plastic, metal, etc. The use of cardboard boxes reduces the final cost of goods and makes them more affordable for customers.

Ease. Packaging made on the basis of corrugated cardboard has a relatively small weight. This reduces the additional costs of transporting packaged goods and facilitates the process of their transportation.

Carton processing technologies

In the manufacture of packaging products, almost any image can be applied to the surface of the cardboard, since the material is easily processed. This process is carried out using the following technologies.

Flexography. This printing method involves the use of synthetic quick-drying inks to create an original design for packaging products. In this case, special elastic polymer forms are used.

Offset printing. This technology is suitable for printing on thin sheet materials. The print quality will match the photo.

Processing with synthetic film. If the packaging products will be used for storage or transportation food products with a high fat content, their front or back sides are covered with polyethylene or a protective polymer emulsion. This prevents the appearance of greasy stains on the surface of the corrugated cardboard.

Varnishing. In the process of manufacturing custom-made cardboard boxes, the surfaces of the products can be treated with a special varnish coating. This method allows you to enhance the effect of gloss, increase the durability of the package and improve its appearance.

Our offer

We carry out the production of boxes on favorable terms for you. In the catalog you can choose products of the required dimensions, depending on the purpose for which the packaging materials will be used. If necessary, we will produce custom-made cardboard boxes according to an individual project. Also, at the production stage, cardboard can go through an additional reinforcement stage. Such processing will significantly increase the strength characteristics of the product and make it more resistant to external damage.

For more information about the production of custom-made cardboard boxes in Moscow, please contact our manager by phone listed on the site, or leave a request by e-mail.

Price per m 2 boxes in rubles, brown without printing

Price per m 2 cardboard in rubles, brown without printing

* Prices are approximate!

You have chosen such a type of business as the production of cardboard boxes. So, let's look at all the nuances of this business in more detail.

Profitable business ideas are sometimes so invisible to the eye that they are not even known to the general public.

Let's take a look at an example: an ordinary fountain pen, of which millions are sold daily in the world. Have you ever wondered how it is made? I bet you don't. Meanwhile, very often all the parts for a fountain pen - the body, the tube with paste, the ballpoint, are made at separate production facilities, and they are all assembled separately, too. Do you know which company produces ballpoint nibs for fountain pens? Here's something! Me too! Meanwhile, from those daily millions from sales of fountain pens, this company "falls" a good jackpot. Production is a penny, and the sales volume is simply huge.

The packaging business has been “neighboring” next to the production of most goods for many years, forming a kind of symbiosis with them, allowing them to exist at the expense of each other. Most profitable destinations such a business is the production of boxes from a variety of materials - plastic, wood, metal, cardboard. The latter just rightfully occupies a leading position among the rest. Let's see why.

Brief business analysis:
Business setup costs:2,800,000 — 3,500,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with a population: no limits
Situation in the industry:average saturation of the production and supply market
The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Advantages of cardboard boxes

  • Firstly, these are the most affordable prices, both in terms of production costs and bulk purchases by consumers.
  • Cardboard boxes, subject to storage conditions, have a long service life and the possibility of repeated use.
  • It is easy to change the equipment for the production of boxes to produce products of other sizes and shapes.
  • Cardboard boxes meet all environmental requirements.
  • In terms of transportation, boxes are a very convenient cargo. When folded, thousands of boxes can be loaded into one truck.
  • Boxes can bring additional income to the manufacturer if advertisements are placed on their surface.

How can cardboard boxes be used?

The question of where and how cardboard boxes can be used is rather rhetorical, because the scope of their application is as wide as it is known. But let's still try to see where the boxes are most in demand. This will be useful to us in determining the distribution channels for products.

By virtue of the main characteristic features of their material - cardboard: environmental friendliness and light weight, boxes are most often used in:

  • food industry, in particular, at factories of dairy, margarine, confectionery products, and distilleries
  • packaging household appliances and electronics
  • Packaging of cabinet prefabricated furniture

Abroad, the range of use of cardboard packaging is much wider. For example, in China and England they make ... coffins from cardboard. When folded, they quietly gather dust somewhere in the corner of the house, waiting in the wings. In Japan, cardboard houses were built for refugees, then this practice spread throughout the world. And what? Also a kind of ... container.

Cardboard boxes, by the way, can be made very beautiful, and then people will be willing to pay much more for them. One of the first to understand this was the American company BoxCycle, which provides services for some individuals and various companies to search for cardboard boxes in any quantity, any size, density, and at any price, and for others it helps to get rid of unnecessary cargo. The client simply leaves a request indicating the parameters of the boxes he needs, or those that he would like to liquidate. The extent to which such services are needed can be judged by the fact that annual turnover of the BoxCycle company is several hundred thousand dollars, and the company is not going to leave the market in the foreseeable future.

Of course, it is difficult to judge how possible such a business is in our country, after all, the thinking of people separated by an ocean is strikingly different from each other. But many American business ideas are successfully implemented in Russia. Examples of such projects can be found.

Where to produce boxes

I will once again draw your attention to the topic of the article - the production of cardboard boxes, and not the cardboard itself. If at least a few requests are received, then I will definitely consider this business idea, but for now I can say that the production of cardboard is a very costly, but also very profitable, huge-scale production, which is carried out by large pulp and paper mills in Russia. And the production of boxes from this cardboard is a project accessible, if not to everyone, then with a certain starting amount and desire, to many. By the way, the collection of recyclable materials used in the production of cardboard is also a separate business idea. How to open a waste paper collection point can be found at this link.

The main problem of this business is precisely the premises, because production area This size is about 1000 sq. meters for machines + 500 sq. meters for storage finished products hard to find and rent for such a room it will be such that it’s scary to imagine. But, it's worth it. The demand for cardboard containers is so great that the payback of the project will be just over a year.

There are special requirements for the premises:

  1. Firstly, these are air temperature and humidity - after all, we are dealing with paper material (the temperature in production should be at least +18 0 С, in the warehouse - at least +5 0 С, and air humidity should be no more than 80 %)
  2. This is where the problem comes from. fire safety and ventilation, which must be installed in accordance with all the rules
  3. The production room must be safe from all natural types of moisture (ground, melt, rain water)

What equipment is needed for the production of boxes

Equipment for the production of cardboard boxes is the second most costly stage of organizing a “box” business. You will probably be surprised no less than me when you find out that there are several dozen manufacturers of machines for the production of cardboard boxes in the world, both foreign and domestic. Among this set, one can note the equipment of the Italian company Emmeci Group, the Chinese TRANSPACK, and the South Korean company Young Shin Machinery, whose equipment for the production of cardboard boxes is considered one of the best in the world.

The carton box making machine is called automatic die-cutting press. big sheet cardboard products with complex shapes by hitting a stamp along a given contour), creasing (applying a straight groove that facilitates the subsequent bending of the product in this place), and embossing (improving appearance).

Full automatic carton box making machine electronic management, and requires minimal human intervention, which minimizes the number of possible errors in production.

Production technology

The whole production process of cardboard boxes can be divided into the following steps:

  • Cutting sheets on a special cutting and scoring machine
  • Printing on cardboard with a flexographic station (used in the production of cardboard boxes with a logo, advertising, etc.)
  • Making box molds on an automatic press
  • Gluing containers on a folder gluer

How to set up your business

The business format itself involves registration legal entity in the conduct entrepreneurial activity. The best option is LLC. You can read how to form an LLC here -

Advantages of "TeamPack-Production"

  • The variety of products manufactured by us will significantly expand the scope of your choice, and the ratio of price and quality will pleasantly surprise you. Here you can order ordinary and laminated, corrugated cardboard boxes of any size and any complexity, thanks to the modern equipment that our workshops are equipped with. Making boxes to order is really convenient, since all elements of production will be designed specifically for you.
  • Also, having printing equipment, we are ready to offer you our services in applying images to packaging, subject to placing an order for production. We quickly produce high quality products at affordable prices.
  • Within the specified time frame, we will fulfill both wholesale and small wholesale orders. And the specialists of our company will help you in developing a design for printing on packaging.
  • All products are subject to strict quality control and comply with technical specifications and state standards. You can also place an order with us for the manufacture of cardboard packaging according to an individual order or according to the catalog of international FEFCO standards.

Stages of production of boxes and cardboard packaging

The packaging production process consists of four stages. The first stage is design. The second stage is the manufacture of the base. The third is printing on the surface of the package. And finally, the last - the assembly of finished products.

1. Package design

The packaging design development stage assumes that, based on the size, weight of the product for packaging and the wishes of the customer, the designer will choose the type of cardboard, the volume or overall dimensions of the box, the shape and design features, external design, and will determine the technology for assembling and manufacturing future packaging. At this stage, it is necessary to specify the features of the distribution, transportation and storage of boxes, as well as consider ways to dispose of used packaging.

According to the type of construction, cardboard boxes are classified into various groups, such as:

Cardboard box type "Lid - bottom"

A cardboard box of this design is ideal for packing bed linen, expensive blankets and textile accessories. Thick cardboard, to a much lesser extent than plastic, is subject to deformation, which prevents the product from wrinkling. Packed bed linen or a blanket in such a box acquires the status of an exclusive product. To save on the production of packaging, you can accentuate design elements on the lid, while the bottom will be enough to make in a simple version.

Four-valve box

Such a cardboard box is a box of classical production, it is used for packaging consumer goods. A box of this type can be made in almost any size.

Box type "Pack - pack"

The box is different low cost manufacturing. It includes various products and medical preparations. Most often, the packaging is intended for single use.

Dovetail box

Economic packaging for inexpensive goods. By the way, the production of such packaging is optimally priced if it is necessary to arrange the print symmetrically. The special design of the self-assembled bottom allows the box to withstand significant weight.

2. Production of the basis for the production of cardboard packaging

Production of packaging of standard sizes is carried out on a conveyor. Exclusive cardboard boxes are made by hand.

To protect the packaging from moisture, lamination is used. Use different thickness matte and glossy films. If it is required to partially demonstrate the packaged products, small windows are cut down.

After the design is approved by the customer, a die-form is put into production - a special tool that is used to cut out the base.

3. Printing cartons for packaging

The next step is prepress. A color proof helps to analyze the color scheme on a specific type of cardboard. After the plotter layout is approved, the production of the order starts.

Two technologies are used for printing on packaging: laminating or offset printing.

To improve the appearance of the box, as well as protect it from mechanical damage and moisture, printing techniques such as embossing, varnishing, gluing and laminating are used.

For varnishing, depending on what budget is allocated, water-dispersion, ultraviolet or offset varnish is used.

Embossed ledges on cardboard boxes are made by embossing, for which it is necessary to make a special cliché.

4. Assembly of cardboard boxes

At the last stage of manufacturing boxes, die cutting, creasing and gluing are done.

Cardboard is manually pressed along the fold lines. Then, using a punch for punching, cutting is automatically carried out.

Depending on the design of the box, its gluing is done either manually or automatically.

The production of cardboard boxes has been using the same technology for many years. But the equipment is constantly being improved. Our company uses an automated line for the production of four valve corrugated boxes YKMB II + and a rotary die-cutting line APSTAR HG 2 1628 with full-color printing. The process is divided into 10 stages:

Conditioning of raw materials in a room with a temperature of at least 15 °C.

Unwinding rolls and heating materials on special rolls to increase the penetration depth of the adhesive into the paper layer.

Formation of a corrugated layer in a corrugator.

Applying glue to the tops of the corrugations and gluing a flat layer of cardboard.

Application of glue in the glue machine on free corrugations and gluing the second flat layer (the process is repeated until the required number of layers is obtained).

Drying with strict observance of the temperature regime.


Cutting, grooving and cutting into sheets of the desired size.

Cutting blanks of the required cutting.

Assembly and gluing.

The equipment is controlled by computers and ensures that all technological processes. We develop the design taking into account the parameters of products and marketing tasks. At the request of the customer, we adapt standard samples from the FEFCO catalog. We add the necessary options to the already existing varieties of products - handles, windows, lodgements.

We manufacture cardboard products from three-layer and five-layer cardboard. At the same time, circulations from 500 pieces to large wholesale lots of industrial volume are possible. Delivery in Moscow and the region is carried out by the company's own transport. We deliver products to the regions with the help of transport companies. Shipment is carried out strictly according to the schedule.


We can print up to 5 full color colors on any box. The production of products with logos is carried out in the following stages:

  • preparation of punch forms;
  • production of flexographic forms;
  • applying flexo printing using a flexo form;
  • cutting out the contour using a die-form.

Applying full-color flexo printing will significantly increase your brand awareness. The UniTechUpak company will help you with this and produce any corrugated cardboard product with full-color printing. The price of all our products consists of the cost of raw materials and payment for the manufacturing process.

The company "Central Printing House" is engaged in the manufacture of cardboard boxes in bulk and offers many profitable solutions for various products. Our catalog contains models intended for clothes and shoes, souvenirs and gifts, perfumes and cosmetics, flowers, alcohol and much more. There is also a large selection of food packaging - confectionery, pizza, fish, fruits. Each buyer will definitely be able to choose best option for the production of packaging boxes, depending on the characteristics and characteristics of the goods, the requirements for transportation and storage.

Production of cardboard boxes to order of any complexity

In the manufacture of cardboard boxes, Central Printing House LLC uses modern equipment that allows you to create high-quality cardboard packaging in a short time. We have specialized machines for processing corrugated cardboard, forming and gluing, applying images. We also produce self-assembled structures that do not require additional equipment or holding materials.

Our production has whole line other benefits:

  • Thanks to the automation of most processes, we produce large wholesale lots of boxes in just a week, and in some cases - in a few days. Terms depend on the complexity of the work and the need to use non-standard sizes.
  • We can custom-make boxes of any size and design for almost all types of products that exist today.
  • The corrugated cardboard we use meets the requirements of GOST, international standards and environmental standards.

If you do not find a suitable option among the proposed standard models, we will produce cardboard boxes according to your needs. individual requirements. Experienced specialists of the "Central Printing House" will develop a design for a structure of any complexity with any number of faces.

The cost of manufacturing cardboard boxes in bulk to order

A number of factors influence the formation of the price for the production of boxes. First of all, the cost depends on the raw materials and dimensions of the structures. Usually for packing boxes we use three-layer cardboard of two grades - T-23 and T-24, which differ in price and characteristics. Therefore, the offered products are in a wide price range, so that each buyer will be able to choose an option that suits him financially.

The production of boxes in Moscow to order is organized at the highest level, and we guarantee highest quality sold products. Our packages reliably protect goods during transportation, provide safe conditions storage and protection from external influences. If desired, you can apply almost any image, logo or name of your company to the surface to make the brand even more recognizable. To place an order, please contact the phone numbers indicated on the site, and we will perform work of any complexity for you!