Holiday on road safety for children. Methodological development (preparatory group) on the topic: Summer recreational entertainment according to traffic rules

Software content.

1. In a playful way, consolidate knowledge of the rules traffic, road signs.

2. Deepen knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street. To bring to the attention of children what a violation of traffic rules can lead to.

3. Promote the development of caution, prudence on the roads, educate attention, concentration. To consolidate the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in games and everyday life.

preliminary work. Preparation of attributes and costumes for the event. Learning poems, songs, dances. Repetition and study of traffic rules, signs, various situations on the road and in transport, watching filmstrips "Our friend Traffic light", "We are going across the road."

Materials. Models of road signs, cars, houses; cubes, steering wheels, traffic light; red, green and yellow; , wand; a set of road signs; ; tape recorder, audio recordings with music; multimedia, slides with various situations on the road and road signs;

Hall decoration. "pedestrian crossing", a traffic light, balls of green, yellow and red colors are hung around the hall.

Equipment. The hall is decorated balloons, road signs, toy cars, traffic light layout, music center, multimedia, laptop, badges for children, skittles, steering wheel.


The host, Uncle Styopa are adults.

Children: traffic light, Pinocchio, road signs.

The hall is decorated with balloons, road signs, toy cars.

Scenario of entertainment according to the rules of the road

V senior group

"Journey to the City of Road Signs"

Children run into the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle

Vedas: Guys, today we have entertainment according to the rules of the road. US

Coming unusual travel, we are going to the "City of Road Signs"!

1 child: Sit comfortably, take your seats quickly,

We invite guests to our city of road signs.

Vedas: So, the children set off on a journey in cars.

Dance "Cars"

2 children: We will tell our story about our big city,

Where everyone should remember the traffic rules without exception!

3 children: The city is full of movement:

Cars run in a row

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night are burning.

The driver turned abruptly

Sweat like never before!

One more minute

There would be trouble!

The facilitator makes a riddle:

Has three different eyes

But it won't open right away.

If the eye opens red -

Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!

Yellow light - wait

And green - come on!(traffic lights)

Song "Traffic Light"(traffic light out)

Traffic light: I look formidable and serious

A very important traffic light.

From the crossroads, from the crossroads

I look straight at you.

All I want to say

If the light turns red, then it is dangerous to move!

Yellow light - warning, wait for the signal to move!

The green light says - the path is open for pedestrians!

Game "Traffic Light":

The traffic light shows three colored circles: red, yellow, green. Children perform certain movements.

At the red light, we all stand and shake our fingers,

On yellow - they stand and clap,

On green - go in a circle.

Pinocchio runs out at a red light, the sound of a police whistle sounds, a policeman comes out, takes Pinocchio by the hand.

Uncle Styopa: Hello, let me introduce myself - Police Sergeant Uncle

Styopa. Who's running straight at a red light?

(referring to the presenter)

Is this your boy?

Pinocchio: I am the well-known Pinocchio,

I'm always friends with the guys

I don't look at the signs.

Wherever I want to go.

I love to mess around so much

Run through the red light

And on the roadway even

I can walk freely.

Uncle Styopa: I warn everyone here diligently,

If you see me, then be careful!

Pinocchio: Look, ordered! I will cross this road, even if there is no way!

I need to go home, I don't need your advice!

Uncle Styopa: You, Pinocchio, unfortunately do not know the rules of the road,

So that you don’t get lost in our city, you should know the road signs.

Here are road signs, it is not difficult to remember them,

Listen, friend. Remember, don't waste your time.

Pinocchio: Listen, memorize, just waste time.

I don't like to work, so I'll run home.

Uncle Styopa: Stop, my friend, why are you in a hurry? You will fit under the wheels.

Pinocchio: It’s impossible here, it’s impossible there, what should I do, friends?

Uncle Styopa: We are ready to help you, but you drive away all help.

We give you one last chance and issue such a decree.

Enroll urgently in our city, where they explain without embellishment,

And they teach signs to understand, so as not to disappear in our lives.

Pinocchio: Well, friends, I'll have to study,

So as not to stray in the alphabet of roads.

"The Rules of the Road Song"(to music "2/2=4")

(Uncle Styopa says goodbye and leaves)

Ved.: Guys, let's remember what the signs are.

Children: - Forbidding!

Vedas: There are signs:

Children: - Warning!

Vedas: There are signs:

Children: - Informative!


Word game "Allowed-prohibited":

1. Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk ...

2. Play near the roadway…

3. Be an exemplary pedestrian:.

All together: One-re-sha-et-sya!

4. Ride like a hare, as you know:

All together: For-pre-shcha-et-sya!

5. Give way to the old woman:

All together: One-re-sha-et-sya!

6. Transition at red light:

All together: For-pre-shcha-et-sya!

7. With green, even for children:

All together: One-re-sha-et-sya!

8. Respect the rules of the road…

All together: One-re-sha-et-sya!

Ved.: They will help us, they will tell us honor by honor, what and how,

Everyone will show us the way, respect every sign.

It's easy to learn and you just need to be friends with them all,

To walk along noisy intersections and the streets.

(children alternately raise their "Road Signs" and talk about them)

Vedas: Well, now all the signs stand together in a row

And tell all the traffic rules for the guys.

Reb.: We are important signs, road signs,

We stand guard.

You know the rules and follow them

And we will hurry to help you.

Reb.: Black and white stripes

The man walks boldly.

Knows: where he goes, -


Reb.: Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world -

Children go to this place.

Reb.: Pedestrians do not walk here in rain and clear weather.

The sign tells them one thing: you are forbidden to walk!

Reb.: Sign "Roadworks", someone is repairing the road here.

It will be necessary to slow down the speed, because there are people on the road!

Reb.: The sign frightens drivers, forbids cars from entering.

Do not try to rashly drive past the "brick".

Reb.: The sign of the guys warns, protects from misfortune.

Moving! Look all around! Follow the barrier!

Reb.: The circle is colored blue, and in the circle is a bicycle.

Have fun, my friend Katya, just pedal.

Reb.: The circle is painted red, and inside is a bicycle.

This sign says to everyone: "The path is closed for bicycles"!

Ved.: Well, Pinocchio, remember everything?

Pinocchio: I remember!

Vedas: Are you ready to pass the exam to get home as soon as possible?

Pinocchio: Ready!

Vedas: Now we will check it.

Relay game "winding road"

(2 teams, the first players of each team, holding the steering wheel in their hands, move between the pins with a snake, return and pass the steering wheel to the next player. The team that goes faster and does not knock down the pins wins)


The game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

1. Which of you goes forward only where the transition is?

Answer: - It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

2. Who is running forward so fast that he does not see a traffic light?

Answer: No, not me, no, not me, these are not my friends.

3. Which of you, going home, keeps the path along the pavement?


4. Does anyone know that the red light means there is no move?

Answer: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

5. Which of you gave way to an old woman in a cramped carriage?


6. Who runs out on a slippery road in bad weather?

Vedas: We are happy for you, Pinocchio, now you know the rules of the road! But their

It is necessary not only to know, but also to perform!

Reb.: Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads!

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads!

Remember! There are many crossroads on the roads!

Remember - these rules are needed!

Dance "Polka"

Ved.1: So our journey to the "City of Road Signs" has come to an end. I see what

You know the rules of the road, road signs, and during the year you will

Strengthen knowledge about them. And as a keepsake, I want to give you this book, in it

All rules of the road are written.

Ved.2: Rules from this book

Need to know firsthand.

And teach them not lightly

But seriously, for sure.

Vedas: At the end of our entertainment, we will sing a song.

The song "We study road signs"

Vedas: Our journey has come to an end, we need to go back to kindergarten.


Consultation for educators

"Formation of the moral qualities of a personality in preschoolers in musical activity"

Etymological terms"ethics", "morals" and "moral"originated in different languages ​​and different time, but meaning a single concept - "temper", "custom". In the course of using these terms, the word"ethics" began to denote the science of morality and ethics, and the words"morality" and "moral"began to designate the subject of study of ethics as a science. In ordinary usage, these three words can be used as identical.

The essence of morality consists in assessing human behavior, in prescribing or prohibiting specific actions and deeds. In contrast, morality cannot be expressed in finite, specific norms and forms of behavior; it is formed together with the personality of a person and is inseparable from his Self.

Ozhegov S.I. we see:

“Morality is the internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical norms, rules of conduct determined by these qualities.”

Morality is not an ordinary goal that can be achieved in a certain period of time with the help of specific means; it can rather be called the last, highest goal, a kind of goal of goals, which makes possible the existence of all other goals and is not so much ahead of, but at the basis of human activity itself.

For thinking people of different historical epochs, it was obvious that the quality of life of a people depends on its morality. Therefore, the problem of moral education in kindergarten on the present stage life of society acquires special relevance and significance.

When We talkabout the moral education of preschool children, we proceed, first of all, from the need to form in the child value orientations his life activity, attach to the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society. The result of moral education is the emergence and approval of a certain set of moral qualities in the individual. And the more firmly these qualities are formed, the less deviations from the moral principles accepted in society are observed in a preschooler, the higher the assessment of his morality by those around him.

The problem of the moral development of preschoolers has always been before teachers. as show sociological research conducted among parents and educators, the most valuable qualities children, despite the passion for early intellectual development, both of them considerkindness and responsiveness.

It's all about one very important pattern of moral education. If a person is taught good - they teach skillfully, intelligently, persistently, demandingly, the result will be good. They teach evil (very rarely, but it happens), the result will be evil. They do not teach either good or evil - all the same, there will be evil, because it must also be made a man. Sukhomlinsky believed that "the unshakable foundation of moral conviction is laid in childhood and early adolescence, when good and evil, honor and dishonor, justice and injustice are accessible to the understanding of the child only if the child sees, does, and observes the moral meaning" .

The Pedagogical Encyclopedia, edited by Kairov, gives the following definition of moral education:

"Moral education is the process of forming moral qualities, character traits, skills and habits of behavior."

Musicis one of the richest and most effective means of moral education, it has a great power of emotional impact, educates a person's feelings. Different kinds arts have specific means of influencing a person.

“Musical education is not the education of a musician, but, above all, of a person.”

Musical education is of great importance in moral development of the child's personality. By means of music, children join cultural life, get acquainted with important social events. A variety of musical activities have an invaluable impact on a child's behavioral responses.

The musical development of children depends on the forms of organization of musical activity, each of which has its own capabilities.

One of the most accessible and at the same time powerful means of raising children isconducting music lessons.

Music lessons arebasic organizational form systematic education of children preschool age. musicalfrom the point of view of moral development, these classes contribute to the formation of character, norms of behavior; form the moral qualities of the individual; enrich the inner world of a person with vivid experiences.

The main goals of the formation of the moral qualities of the individual in preschoolers in musical activity are:

  1. To help children learn to see the virtues of their peers, rejoice in their successes, overcome the feeling of hostility (envy) towards them.
  2. To cultivate the desire to fulfill moral rules and norms of behavior; help you overcome your shortcomings.
  3. Stimulate the development of moral qualities, proper self-esteem and the desire to do positive deeds and deeds.

« Music is the most miraculous, the most subtle means of attracting to goodness, beauty, humanity ... As gymnastics straightens the body, so music straightens the soul of a person.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Music is part of culture. This is art that reflects the surrounding reality in sound artistic images: all the diversity of life, all its aspects and problems: love for the native country, communication with nature and the moral world of the individual, the past of the whole people and the sphere of personal communication, high civic feelings and subtle states of mind.

When selecting musical works for music lessons, the teacher should take into account their pedagogical orientation. Thus, a song can educate with a combination of musical and emotional impact and a text that contains a civil or moral example. In an instrumental work, the emphasis is on the clarifying word of the teacher. The performance of a work appears to children as a kind of sound phenomenon that emotionally complements and “justifies” its verbal environment.There is a fusion of "musicality" and "morality".

The influence of singing on the moral sphere is expressed in two aspects. On the one hand, the songs convey a certain content to it; on the other side
- singing gives rise to the ability to experience moods, the state of mind of another person, which is reflected in songs). Choral singing is the most effective means of educating not only aesthetic taste, but also initiative, imagination, creative abilities of children, it best contributes to the development of musical abilities (singing voice, sense of rhythm, musical memory), the development of singing skills, promotes the growth of interest in music, increases emotional and vocal-choral culture.
Choral singing helps children understand the role of the team in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of a worldview in children, has an organizing and disciplined effect on them, and fosters a sense of collectivism and friendship.

During the music class, music games are held. Children lead a round dance. The teacher again pays attention to the rules of etiquette, but does it unobtrusively.

In games, there are also rules of conduct. The teacher praised, What words and intonations? What was his facial expression? Are all the children happy when they hear the praise of their friend? Children watch the teacher every minute, even when they are doing what they love and learning certain behavior from him.

Theatrical games play a huge role in the formation of a culture of behavior. For example, they are preparing a production of a fairy tale with children. In the course of its analysis, attention is paid to the culture of behavior.

The central place in the process of assimilation of norms and rules is occupied by the play activity of children, where the plot and roles are their models. It is in the roles assumed by children, role-playing actions, that their knowledge of norms and rules is embodied and formed. In the game, children interact not only as characters, but also as real persons, and such interaction contributes to the appropriation of norms and rules by them. Observing what plots the children choose, what rules they try to defend in the game, in what forms the communication of children takes place, the educator can determine the success of the process of mastering the norms in each particular case. At the same time, it should be noted that the ability of children to act in accordance with ethical standards as game character somewhat ahead of their ability to do so in real behavior.

An adult plays an important role in the formation of the normative regulation of behavior in a preschooler. The behavior of significant adults (first these are the closest relatives, and then the educators) appears before him as a role model. Therefore, the observance of the norms and rules by the child directly depends on how consistently the adults themselves adhere to them. Norms and rules should be formulated in a clear and accessible form for a preschooler. It is important that an adult does not just set them as what the child should (or should not) do, but explain to him why this or that rule, this or that norm is necessary, i.e. suggested means, allowing you to optimally interact with people, act with objects, take care of your health, etc. At the same time, an adult must provide the child with the opportunity to emotionally experience the consequences of compliance (or violation) of norms and rules for other people (for example, when reading fiction, playing small performances, etc.).

For the successful assimilation of norms and rules, it is of great importance and constant encouragement manifestations of approved forms of behavior in children, the relationship of goodwill, trust between them and adults.

Quite successfully, 5-year-old children regulate their behavior in accordance with ethical standards that prescribe to play together, share toys, distribute roles fairly, tell the truth, and control aggression. However, as a rule, children observe such norms only in interaction with those who are most sympathetic to them. In some children, in a situation that is sharply contrary to their desires, non-compliance may also be observed. ethical standards. The ability of children of this age to emotionally anticipate the consequences of their actions, their ability to empathize, increase the ability to show socially approved forms of behavior. It should be noted that sympathy does not always help 5-year-old children to correctly understand the meaning of the situation. For example, seeing another work hard on something without experiencing any difficulty, the child thinks he needs help.

In their interaction and communication, older preschoolers are more peer-oriented than younger ones: they already spend a significant part of their free time in joint games and conversations, the assessments and opinions of their comrades become essential for them, they make more and more demands on each other and in their behavior try to take them into account.

In children of this age, the selectivity and stability of their relationships increase: permanent partners can already be maintained throughout the year. Explaining their preferences, they note the success of this or that child in the game (“it is interesting to play with him”, “I like to play with her”, etc.), his positive qualities (“he is kind”, “she is good”, “he does not fight", etc.).

Children of the preparatory group can not only successfully coordinate their desires, but also provide mutual support and assistance in interacting with each other. They can be more sensitive to the emotional state of another child, show sympathy and empathy towards him. Of course, such qualities are not manifested in interaction with all children, but only with their friends. By this age, the interaction of children, ways of resolving conflicts, are increasingly acquiring socially approved forms (which is associated with the process of mastering the norms of interaction between people).

The solution of educational problems is largely facilitated by collective singing, dancing, games, when children are covered by common experiences. Singing requires united efforts from the participants. Shared experiences create fertile ground for individual development. An example of comrades. General enthusiasm, the joy of performance activate timid, indecisive children.

For those spoiled by attention, changing the self-confident, successful performance of other children serves as a well-known brake on negative manifestations. Such a child can be offered to help his comrades, thereby cultivating modesty and at the same time developing individual abilities. Music lessons influence the general culture of preschooler's behavior. The alternation of various activities, activities (singing, listening to music, playing children's musical instruments, moving to music, etc.) requires children to pay attention, ingenuity, quick response, organization, manifestation of volitional efforts: when performing a song, start and finish on time her; in dances, games, be able to act, obeying the music, restraining from an impulsive desire to run faster, to overtake someone. All this improves the inhibitory processes, affects the will of the child.

Thus, musical activity influences and creates the necessary conditions for the formation of the moral qualities of the child's personality, lays the initial foundations for the general culture of the future person. The perception of music is closely related to mental processes, i.e. requires attention, observation, ingenuity. Children listen to the sound, compare similar and different sounds, get acquainted with their expressive meaning, distinguish the characteristic semantic features of artistic images, learn to understand the structure of the work. Answering the questions of the teacher, after the work has finished, the child makes the first generalizations and comparisons: determines general character plays.

So, we found out that the moral and musical goals of education are primarily developmental in nature. In the process of musical education, optimal conditions are created for the comprehensive development of children, and this happens only through activity.

Music lessons have an impact on the formationmoral qualities of personality in preschoolers. Contribute to the formation of character, norms of behavior. Enrich the inner world of a person with vivid experiences.

Music lessons are nothing more than a cognitive multifaceted process that develops the artistic taste of children, fosters a love for musical art - forms the moral qualities of a person and an aesthetic attitude to the environment.

Creating conditions in the preschool educational institution for moral development allows you to see a kindergarten graduate as independent, active, taking initiative in musical activities, having a bright personality; emotionally responsive to the condition of other children, the beauty of the surrounding world and works of art, having practical skills to make changes in the environment.

Entertainment scenario for older preschoolers "Luntik's Journey"


- to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of the road, types of Vehicle, road signs, types of crossings, traffic signals;

- exercise in expressive reading of poetry;

- educate a sense of responsibility and careful behavior on the streets.

Preliminary work: city ​​tours, board didactic games, memorizing poems.

Equipment: corner of traffic, models of cars, buses, road signs, costumes for theatrical performances, blanks for appliqué, glue.


So that children live safely in the city,

Adult rules composed -

Where is it safe to play, walk,

Where to ride a bike.

So as not to be considered ignorant,

Let's learn these rules.

I suggest you go on a journey through the streets of our city.

A child dressed as Luntik enters the hall.


I came into the world

I fell off the moon.

I wanted to walk through the city

To find friends

But there are cars around me

Tires creak and screech.

Here I come to you.

Help me friends.


We will travel ourselves

And we will take Luntik with us.

Look around: how many cars are on the road! One child cannot walk around the city. There are rules on the road that everyone must follow unquestioningly, since the road is a zone of increased danger. The traffic police inspector monitors the implementation of these rules.


Look what a beautiful house -

Three windows in the house

They flash and burn

They want to tell us something.

Children in traffic light costumes enter (with multi-colored hats on their heads).

Red traffic light

The red light in the window is on -

Stop, the path is closed!

At this time the path is open

For cars only.

The green light is on for them

We followed him.

yellow traffic light

The yellow light in the window is on

He tells us sternly:

"Be careful, get ready

Get ready to move!"

Green traffic light

The green light in the window is on

To all passers-by he says:

"Good roads, the way is open!"

A child dressed as a road sign "Crossing" enters.


See what kind of animal?

Very smart, trust me.

He flaunts all in stripes,

Invites us to move.

Children. This is a zebra.

Educator. Who knows why the transition was named after the animal?

Children. Because he looks like a zebra with stripes.



Will save you from trouble -

Both ground and underground

And, of course, above ground.

Know the underpass -

The safest. Here!

caregiver. Here, unfortunately, there is no underground passage, so we will cross the road on the "zebra". First, we will wait for the green signal of the traffic light, then we will carefully look to the right and left (whether an irresponsible driver is driving) and only then will we cross the road.

We walk along the streets of our city. So we are pedestrians. And if we get on the bus, we will be passengers. Here is the bus stop. Above it hangs a large letter "A" in a blue rectangle.

You must enter the bus through the front door. Take your seats. The bus also has its own rules.

Do not distract the driver with conversations.

Do not lean out of windows.

Get on the bus, sit in an empty seat. If there is not enough space, you need to hold on tightly to the handrails.

Do not stand near the doors, go to the middle of the bus.

The children, along with Luitik, take their seats on a makeshift bus. They sing the song "Merry Travelers" (music by M. Starokadomsky, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov).

Look out the bus window. Along the roadway are multi-colored signs. On them, drivers and pedestrians read the road alphabet.

The teacher shows samples of road signs.

Here are the "prohibition signs": they are round, with a red border. They prohibit the movement of pedestrians in the wrong place, the movement of bicycles.

There are warning signs: they warn the driver about a slippery road, that there is a pedestrian crossing ahead, that children may appear on the road. They are triangular with a red border.

And these are prescriptive signs: they are square or round, blue, they indicate the direction of movement, the bus stop, the pedestrian crossing, the bike path.

There are service signs: they will tell the driver where the first stop is located. medical care, telephone, food service, hotel, traffic police post. These are blue rectangles. They have a white square with a corresponding pattern.

There are also signs of special prescriptions: they are blue with a white square inside. There is a drawing on the square. They will indicate to passengers and drivers where the bus stop, trolleybus, tram, passenger taxi.

To avoid getting into trouble

These signs must be known.

Look at them carefully

They are your helpers.

Look, there's a playground here. Let's get off the bus and play.

Children stand in a circle and perform a song-dance "If you don't know how to fly, go!" (music and lyrics by A. Usachev).

And now I suggest you make an application of a road sign and tell about it.

Children sit at tables on which there are blanks of road signs - circles, triangles, rectangles of different colors, as well as little men cut out of black and white paper, cars, trains, bicycles, etc. Children choose the necessary blanks, perform the application. Calm music sounds.

At the end of the work, the children talk about their signs.

Here our journey has come to an end. We have seen a lot and learned a lot. We got acquainted with the road alphabet and told our friend Luntik about it. It's time for us to go home. We are confident that after our journey, Luntik will calmly find his way to his spacecraft and return to the moon.

(winner at the city competition "Green Light" in 2014)

municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 170 Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

Compiled by: senior educator of the first qualification category MOU Kindergarten No. 170 Kudryavtseva Natalya Viktorovna Volgograd, 2017

Purpose: the formation of basic skills in children of senior preschool age safe behavior on the streets and roads.


  1. Fix the rules of the road through game situations;
  2. To summarize the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the streets of the city, the main road signs studied at this age, traffic signals;
  3. Educate a competent pedestrian.


Masha is a girl of the preparatory group.

Misha is a teacher.


Children of the preparatory group for poems about road signs and for playing out problem situations.

Equipment and materials:

Costumes for heroes;

Models of road signs, bus, car, prams for dolls, traffic light.

Set of road signs.

Large floor layout with markings "zebra" .

Projector for demonstration. "Magic Remote" with the help of which there is a transition to a fairy tale.

Preliminary work.

Preparation of attributes and costumes for the event. Learning poems, songs, dance. V preschool groups- repetition and study of traffic rules, signs, various situations on the road and in transport; in the traffic rules room - reading stories, playing on models; at the transport site - repetition traffic rules, outdoor games.

Hall decoration.

On the central wall a screen for demonstration, backlight for effect "magic" , bus layout, traffic lights from balloons. With the help of balloons, the hall is divided into 2 halves - the audience and the fabulous action. There are mock-ups of road signs all over the hall. Later, for a problematic situation, a large layout with markings is spread on the floor "zebra" (fastened with Velcro to the carpet).

Screensaver-background on the topic of traffic rules. Music sounds, children come in to the music and sit on chairs.

Educator: Hello children, today we will watch a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" , but our viewing will be unusual, because I have a magic remote! It not only allows you to stop the fairy tale, but also to get into it, and in the fairy tale we will be able to communicate with the characters. Well, are we looking?

The lights go out, a cartoon screensaver plays, then the lights above the stage turn on. dance number "Masha and the Bears" , after the dance, everyone leaves, Masha is left alone, sits down at the table, and sees an album with a photo, begins to examine it. The background music sounds, and there are slide screensavers of a bear in the circus.

Masha: "Oh! Wow, those are fairy tales! Wow, yes-ah-ah-ah ... Misha, Misha, Mishenka! (bear enters) Honey, where are you going? Here's what I found, Mishenka, well, let's read it! Readaaaay!

Bear: Oh! (scratches back of head) Masha is not a fairy tale ... this is a photo album! Look, I used to work in a circus!

There is a video bear in the circus.

Masha: How cool! (claps hands). I want to go to the circus too! Want! Want! Want! (stomps feet)

Bear: Okay! I'll take you to the circus, but for this, we need to go from the forest to the city!

Screensaver "town" .

Bear: Only people don't walk along city streets just like that!

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble!

How would you explain correctly how to behave in the city, on the streets?!... The bear thinks and freezes. lights go out above the stage, turn on above the children. The teacher presses the remote control, referring to the children.

Educator: Well, guys, I invite you to a fairy tale. I think we should help Masha and Misha, because Masha does not know that many dangers await her on the road in the city. Are you ready to get into a fairy tale?

He presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard, Masha and the Bear look around in surprise.

Educator: Hello, Masha and Misha, and the guys from the kindergarten and I decided to come to visit you in order to teach Masha how to behave on city streets, as well as the rules of the road. Masha, listen carefully and remember!

Children come out with road signs in their hands and read poetry:

1 child:

The city where we live
It can rightly be compared with a primer.
Here it is, the alphabet over the pavement,
The signs are hung overhead.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the alphabet of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you.

Masha: ABC! Yes, I know what the alphabet is! You know, we are scientists, and we don't need to be taught!

Educator: No, Mashenka, the guys are talking about the road alphabet! In the city, you need to carefully look at the road signs, they will tell you how to behave correctly! After all, there are many dangers in the city, and in order not to get into trouble, you must follow the rules of the road! Listen carefully!

Child with a sign "Elevated pedestrian crossing"

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
I am the Overpass!
I am like a bridge!

A safe path will show
And How railway go
Instantly prompt!
Child with a sign "Underground pass"

I am an underpass
Every pedestrian knows!
Nothing decorates.
Helping pedestrians!

Both children together
A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
You look at the signs
Remember them

And on the road, don't go
Take care of your hands and feet!

Child with a sign "No Pedestrians"

Rain and clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
One sign tells them:
"You're not allowed to go!"

Educator: You see, Masha, our guys know the road signs, and now you know them too! Remember them when you are on the streets of the city! Well, for now, get ready, and the guys and I will continue to watch your fairy tale, but only when we see that our help is needed, we will tell you again!

He presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Masha: Oh, how interesting! How I want to go to the city as soon as possible! Misha, Misha, can I take the ball with me?

Bear: No, Mashenka, it's dangerous! The ball can roll onto the roadway - onto the pavement, where cars, trucks, buses, trolleybuses, rush back and forth and the ball will rush under the wheels forever ...

Bear: You can only play ball where there are no cars! And we're on the road with you!

Masha: And the scooter? Can I take a scooter? I'll get to the kindergarten on it quickly, quickly! Like this! (Shows how he rides a scooter).

Bear: What are you doing!? Masha, no, of course not! The scooter will only interfere with us, because the road ahead is long, long and dangerous!

Masha: Phew… well, you can’t take anything with you! Then I'll take headphones with me, so that it would be more fun ... May I, Mish? (Masha puts on headphones, dances. The bear approaches Masha, removes one earphone and speaks loudly in her ear).

Bear: Yes!!! We will only listen to music when we arrive!

(Masha takes off her headphones, puts them around her neck, sighs)

Masha: Oh, how difficult everything is! Nothing is possible! Everyone is banned! And I'm still a child! I want to play!

(The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Teacher: Here we are again! Masha, let's play with our guys and thus remember the rules of the road!

(Children play according to traffic rules, after it the teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Masha: Well, now it's time!

Misha: Mashenka, baby, wait! I have to put another scarf on you!

Masha: Kerchief? No way! What are you? Do you want to take off my scarf? I'm not giving it! (He wraps his arms around his head, runs away, Misha catches up with her).

Bear: Masha! Yes wait! Stop! Do not scream! Just look how she is... (Puts a scarf on his head) There are luminous stripes on it, they are clearly visible at night from afar to any person: both a pedestrian and a transport driver. You will be very beautiful in this scarf.

Masha: Well, sit down ... Are you talking about stripes? Glowing, you say? In the dark, you say? Beautiful, you say? I don't see anything glowing!

Bear: Now you'll see! Because they glow only when a beam of light falls on them. Look!

Dance of luminous costumes.

Masha: Okay! I agree! Come on, put it on. Just look how beautiful I am!

(Misha puts a scarf on Masha)

Masha: Misha, how are you? Do you need a scarf too?

Bear: Thank you, Mashunechka, for your concern! And I'll wear a vest!

Masha and the bear are walking through the forest. On the video screensaver of the forest. The soundtrack of the song sounds. They take out the model of the bus and the sign "Stop" .

Screensaver "Bus stop" .

Masha: Oh, what is it?

Bear: This is a stop, now the bus will arrive and we will go.

(Masha starts running around the bear and the sign, and clapping her hands).

Masha: Hurrah! Let's go, let's go! And I will also run on the bus, Mishenka, and jump on the seats, and more, more ...

(The bear slaps his forehead and pretends to feel bad. The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard).

Educator: I think the guys and I should explain to Masha what kind of sign this is, and how to behave correctly on the bus!

Children read poetry

Sign "Stop"

You walked for a very long time
Finally seen
The sign that says -
Here is your bus!

In this place the pedestrian
Patiently the transport is waiting
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger!

Children read the rules of conduct in transport:

1. child:

At the bus stop Bunnies were waiting for the bus,
They jumped like balls, jumped merrily.
Jump and jump, around.
And the old Mishka was pushed in the side with an elbow.

Waiting at the bus stop, stop! And don't turn around!
And if you hurt someone - apologize immediately!

2. baby:

The bus came up, bunnies in a crowd,
Doors besieged, torn, as if into battle!
The crush turned out at the hares,
They don't want to give way!

Hares do not allow passengers to get out.
They are rude to everyone, pushing, and yelling at everyone.
First, those who leave must be skipped.
And then just go inside!

3. baby:

Animals rode, opened the window,
Here is some gray cat
I suddenly wanted to stick my head out -
The public did not dare to object to her.

She rides the bus proudly,
And the head is visible from the window.
He sees a truck hurrying towards,
Passed by, and at the same moment

The wind picked up on the road,
He tore off the hat from the cat in the window!
The gray cat is very upset.
Children, do not poke your head out the window!

Teacher: We have to go! Bon Voyage!

Masha and Misha get on the bus.

song "In the bus"

I. We got on the bus together
And looked out the window
Our driver pressed the pedal,
And I ran to the bus.

II. On the way like a bird
Our bus is moving fast.
We go, we go easily,
We're going far.

While they sing, assistants lay a floor model "Crossroads" .

A three-eyed traffic light comes out, falls into place, a two-eyed traffic light comes out - falls into place, children with big cars come out - stand in opposite directions, signs come out "Bicycle prohibited" , "Ground crossing" .

Masha and Misha get off the bus.

Bear: When leaving a passenger transport, be polite, always hold my paw and carefully look under my legs, carefully get out!

They approach the zebra model, Masha's bear takes off his headphones, they try to cross the road, but they can't do anything. Masha gets scared and cries. Misha calms her down.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Educator: And now it's time to explain to Masha how to cross the road correctly! So guys, can we help?

Three-eyed traffic light:

Here is a three-eyed traffic light!
He drives cars
When to stand and go offers them.
The traffic light is of course strict,

He is known all over the world!
He is on the wide street
The most important commander!
Red light - transport will say no!

Yellow light gives advice to wait a bit!
And the green light is on: "Drive!" - is talking.
Two-eyed traffic light:
Here is a two-eyed traffic light!

He says to pedestrians:
“Red light - no way!
You should never run a red light!
And the green light is on

"Drive through" , - is talking.
Sign "cycling is not allowed"
There is a sign on the road
Strict tone says -

"Forbidden in this place
Ride a bike!"
Sign "Crosswalk" :
Walking carefully, look beyond the street

And only where possible, cross it!
I am a ground crossing!
My sign will point to him,
The zebra will show you right away

Know that only the transition from trouble will save you!

Educator: Look, Masha, what situations happen!

  1. Cars go first, traffic lights show: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Traffic lights change signals: cars stop, pedestrians go.

Pedestrians are walking

  1. child looking at a tablet
  2. child playing ball
  3. child with headphones

A bear runs, clutching its head, stopping everyone.


Children on the road
You don't do like these
You don't look at the tablet
And take off your headphones

And very, very carefully cross the road!
Always be a good example
And there will be no trouble on the road!

The situation repeats:

  1. At first, traffic lights show cars: green for cars, red for pedestrians.
  2. Then the cars stop, the pedestrians go The traffic lights show: red for cars, green for pedestrians.


Observe very strictly
discipline on the road, and the road to you then
will be a friend forever!
Screensaver: CIRCUS circus music sounds.

Educator: So you, Mashenka and Misha, came to the circus, but you still need to go back, so don't forget everything that we taught you with the children! Goodbye.

The teacher presses the remote control, the light flashes, magic music is heard.

Educator: Well, the fairy tale is over, but you and I helped Masha and Misha get to the circus, you are great!

Screensaver background - rules about road signs or just a picture

The music is playing and everyone is leaving.

Entertainment for traffic safety "On the streets of the city" for children 5-7 years old

The scenario of entertainment on traffic safety "On the streets of the city" (for children 5-7 years old) was prepared by the teacher of the preparatory "B" speech therapy group MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 52 "Rosinka" of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region" Denisova O.N.
Designed for educators, parents who are interested in organizing active leisure for children; the script will help to unobtrusively fix the safety rules on the road for pedestrians.

Entertainment according to the rules of the road for children of senior preschool age "On the streets of the city"

Contingent: children of the senior, preparatory group
Target: Fix the rules of safe behavior on the streets of the city, repeat the meanings of traffic signs.
1. Expand children's knowledge of traffic signs: shape, color: red forbidding, blue for allowing; the presence of pictograms, numbers; consolidate knowledge of traffic signs - zebra, pedestrian crossing, etc.
2. Enrich the dictionary with verbs of movement: moves, rides, rushes, rushes, walks, moves, flies, stops, slows down, goes around, parks, honks, misses, etc. Continue to learn to solve riddles; activate cognitive activity and HMF logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, imagination, memory.
3. To cultivate self-control and self-examination, the ability to come to the aid of a peer in time. Development of the emotional sphere
Previous work:
1. Reading S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa - a policeman"
2. Guessing riddles, memorizing poems
3. Lotto "Traffic Signs"
4. S/r game "DPS"
5. Excursion to the roadway "Traffic light"
Material for activity: board with drawn cells, air balloons red, green and yellow colors for the traffic controller, slide show "Road Signs", white stripes 16 pieces "Zebra", traffic light layout (120 cm); traffic police caps, reflective vests (2 pcs), scooter 2 pcs., flash drive with audio recordings “Cars” by A. Glyzin, “Traffic Light” by V. Leontiev, music from the movie “Mask”, car sound signal; The presenters enter, together with the "Traffic Light", into the center of the site.
The traffic light says:
At any intersection
A traffic light meets you
And starts very easy.
Talk to a pedestrian.
1 child: We got up at the crossing
We have a traffic light.
And with all honest people
He looks straight at us.
2 child: His red eye opened,
So he wants to say:
No matter how fast you
You must stand now!
3 child: Here is a blinking yellow eye.
Get ready, he says!
How do I close this one - at once
The third eye will be opened.
4 child: Third eye glows green
All cars lined up.
Now ready to go
Mom and dad are talking
1 Lead: outdoor game (with all children) "Green, yellow, red." And now, guys, we will repeat the traffic lights with you in the game. The game will be held by a guard - a traffic controller (He will be: ... .. a cap is put on and a basket with 3 balls is given, appointed as the leader). When he picks up the green ball, the children walk in a circle, when he picks up the yellow one, they stop, when the red one, they squat. (Song about a traffic light. music. A. Terentyev, lyrics by L. Kukso)

Informative story from history:
1 leader: The first traffic light appeared 150 years ago (in 1868) in London, England. And in our country, the first traffic light was installed 86 years ago (in 1929) in Moscow. The traffic light looked like a clock with a round dial divided into sectors of red, yellow and green. The traffic controller turned the pointer manually. Then electric traffic lights appeared, which are still in operation, although outwardly they have changed. But the colors in the traffic lights always go in this order: for better visibility, a red signal is placed at the top as the most important and dangerous, then yellow, and below - green.
2 leading: Guys, why do you think these colors were chosen?
Red color is clearly visible in the dark, fog. Red is a danger signal, an alarm signal. It is the most noticeable, visible from afar, it is difficult to confuse it with another. Therefore, it is chosen for the most stringent traffic prohibition signal.
The yellow color is also highly visible in any weather. In the fog, it can be mistaken for red. But it will still warn the driver.
Green color cannot be confused with red or yellow. Traffic lights have visors so that the signals are clearly visible in bright sunlight.
1 presenter
1. You can't take this ribbon And you can't weave it into a pigtail. It lies on the ground, Transport runs along it. (Road)
2. I never sleep, I look at the road. I'll tell you when to stop, When to start moving. (Traffic lights)
3. The car won't work here. The main one here is the pedestrian. To not interfere with each other, You need to keep the right path. (Sidewalk)
4. What kind of transport is this? What brings you home. He runs back and forth, Resting against the wires. (Trolleybus)
5. Under the feet of Seryozhka there is a striped path. Boldly he walks along it, And all the people follow him. (Zebra)
2 Lead:
7. Two roads walked for a long time. And they approached each other. They didn’t quarrel, they crossed paths and ran further. What kind of place is this, We are all interested. (Crossroad)
8. Our bus drove and drove, and drove up to the platform. And people are bored on it, transport is waiting in silence. (Stop)
9. Two wheels are enough for him, and the engine will not let you down. You just need to start - And a happy journey! (Motorcycle)
10. What kind of store is this? It sells gasoline. Here the car drives up, Full tank fills them. Got up and ran. For the other one to come along. (Gas station)
6. They stand on the roadside, silently talking to us. Everyone is ready to help. The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)
2 Lead: Didactic game (with all children) "THIS IS ME, THIS IS ME, THIS IS ALL MY FRIENDS" (attention game)
Leading:- Guys, if you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”, And if you don't do this when you hear the riddle, then just keep silent.
Who is attentive on the road, understands everything,
Will he confuse the red prohibition signs with anything?
Which of you is in the cramped carriage
Giving way to seniors?
Who will answer without delay,
That yellow light is a warning?
Who near the roadway
Having fun chasing a ball?
Answer together
Which of you is a connoisseur of traffic, rules of road observance?
Who flies forward so soon
What does not see a traffic light?
Which one of you is moving forward?
Where is the transition?
Who baby - naughty will stop the runner
Does he escape from his mother and head towards the road?
Who pushes the speed to the limit in order to finish the job faster?
And he does not know the brakes, he can see doctors!
Who is ready to help the patient and send to the infirmary -
Red cross on the road
Who on the way got hungry, tired and did not sleep
The road sign will show you to rest soon
Who does not like delay, he does not sleep, does not even eat,
and not feeling tired, can thunder into a ditch?
Who will answer, together, in unison
We must know the rules, observe safety!
1 presenter: Verbal - motor game "Who is friendlier" for the development of voice power, memory and improvement of coordination of movements on a signal, fixing spatial orientations.
Children are mentally divided into 2 groups, who will repeat the words more amicably after the leader?
The road is not a path waving hand display
The road is not a ditch jump imitation of jumping over a ditch
Look left first turning head to the left
Then look to the right head turn to the right
Look to the left, ... to the left
And look to the right ... to the right
And if you don't see any cars, go!.... Palm with a visor to the eyes
marching in place
Presenter 1: Guessing a crossword puzzle. A board with drawn cells is pulled out. Children take turns calling the picture, 2 leading enters the letters in the cells. Together they name the resulting word.

2 Lead Mobile game: "Whose link will gather faster?". Activation of motor activity. Development of orientation in space, attention.
4 groups (senior A, senior B, preparatory A, preparatory B, preparatory speech therapy C) take places in the corners of the site. Children close their eyes, spin in place. Educators in the role of beacons at this time confuse their location. At the signal of the leader (car horn), the children find their teacher and line up in 1 link one after another.
Rules: You only need to go along the zebra (pedestrian crossing) The winner is the one who quickly builds up behind his teacher, without violating the rules of the movement, raise his hands up.

Presenters showing a sample game:
1 presenter- How can we find a way to find a teacher?
2 host:-We need to look for a "zebra", and then walk along it. "Zebra" - a path for a pedestrian, a striped sign of the passage.
1 leader: And the "zebra" has a conductor called a traffic light. He will show the guys the way, tell everything about the road.
Red signal: If your red eye shines, you stand still, children,
And don't step on the zebra, And let the cars through.
Green signal: Green light is on, Pedestrians all: - Hello! The path along the "Zebra" is open to you, If the green light is on!
1.2 Presenter. With all the children "Snake" to the music from the movie "Mask"
Distribution of medals "Connoisseur of traffic rules", Chupa - chups per group.

The scenario of the holiday according to the rules of the road in the senior group of kindergarten.

Holiday script for preschool educational institution "Red, yellow, green"

Holiday for children 5-6 years old






Traffic lights,

Road signs

In the hall, a diagram of an intersection with footpaths was drawn on the floor, an elevation was made for a traffic light. To the music of A. Filippenko "Merry March", the children and the leader enter the hall.

Leading. Guys, today we will go to an unusual city - the city of traffic rules! But to get into it, you need to buy train tickets.

Children go to an impromptu ticket office, buy train tickets in the form of small traffic lights.

So, does everyone have tickets? Then go!

Children line up one after another as a train and move in a circle with a stomping step. The song "Train" is performed, lyrics by T. Babadzhan, music by N. Metlov.

Leading. Here we are!

Invites the children to get off the train, draws their attention to the roads of the town, to the traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc. Suddenly, the sound of a car engine is heard, music sounds, Dunno runs into the hall. He has a steering wheel in his hands, and on his chest is a flat image of a car cabin.



Who am I? Well, guess what!

What is my name?

Children. Dunno.


I got a car

I will ride in it, friends!

Music sounds, Dunno "rides" in his car in a circle. At this time, Znayka enters the hall.

Znayka. Hello guys! Welcome to our city! (Notices Dunno.) Oh, Dunno, are you here? Hello!

Dunno. Hello! Look at my car! Is it really beautiful? Come on, sit down with me, I'll ride with the breeze!

Znayka. Dunno, are you familiar with the rules of the road? After all, this is the alphabet of our city!

Dunno. Think what kind of teacher you found! I can do without this alphabet!


What are you, a stranger!

After all, the city in which we live with you,

You can rightfully compare with the primer!

Here it is, the alphabet, - above the head:

Signs are posted along the pavement.

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Dunno. Well, here's more! I already know everything! Last time I ask, will you come with me?

Znayka. No, I won't go!

Dunno. Well, it is not necessary! I'll go alone. (Starts engine.)

Music sounds, Dunno rides in his car, and a traffic light comes out in the middle of the hall, blocking his path. He holds a red card in his hands.


Stop, stranger!

There is no road ahead!

Look at the traffic light

The red light is on!

Dunno. How is it that there is no road? Where did she go? All these colored lights - e-run-yes!

Approaches the traffic light. A traffic light blows its whistle to warn of danger.

Traffic lights.

Stop, car! Stop, engine!

Slow down, driver!

The red eye is on fire

This is a traffic light!

Dunno. Think you can't! I want to run red lights!

Leading. Ai-yay-yay, Dunno! It turns out that you do not know the rules of the road at all!

Dunno. So what if I don't know? There is nothing terrible in this!

Leading. You're wrong! Listen to what the guys have to say!

1st child.

The city is full of movement

Cars run in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night are burning!

And where there are trams during the day

Ringing from all sides

2nd child.

But who at the red light

Walking straight?

And this is our Dunno,

A braggart and a mischief-maker.

Drivers are worried

All the horns are buzzing

Wheels and motors

They want to stop.

3rd child.

The driver turned abruptly

Sweating like never before

One more minute

There would be trouble!

Both adults and children

Barely held back the cry -

Nearly died Dunno,

Rogue and mischievous.

Dunno. Oh-she-she! And how can I find out everything about traffic lights? I don't want trouble to happen to me!

Leading. Don't worry, stranger! We will help you guys. Listen to our song, and everything will be clear to you!

Performed "Song about a traffic light", music by G. Dementieva.


Thanks guys! I understood everything, I remembered everything!

Follow the simple law:

The red light came on -

Children(in chorus). Stop!

Dunno. Yellow flashed -

Children(in chorus). Wait!

Dunno. And the green light

Children(in chorus). Go!


Well done, stranger! Well done boys!

Distinguish you become clear

Green color,

Dunno. Well, since we have become well versed in traffic light signs, then I suggest you play! Bi-bi-bi-i! All for cars!

Adults help children put on car costumes, hand out steering wheels. The game is being played"Cars and traffic lights".

Cheerful music sounds, children-"cars" drive along the road, at the same time carefully follow the instructions of the traffic light. Red card - and the "cars" stop; yellow card - they circle in place with a stomping step; green card - move on. Those "machines" that made a mistake are out of the game. The winner, the most attentive driver, makes a lap of honor to the general applause.


Guys, I firmly remembered that

You have to listen without argument.

Traffic light indications.

Need traffic rules

Perform without objection!

I'm going to tell everyone what I've learned!

Music sounds. Dunno “leaves”, and Petrushka runs out of breath into the hall.


I'm with you guys today

So hurry and run so fast!

I'll beg your pardon

Which is a little late.

I, Petrushka, really need

Riddles for you!

Because you guys

Everyone should know the rules!

Now I will ask you questions, and you answer me. If you agree with me, then say in unison: “It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!” Well, if you do not agree, then just be silent. Deal? Then attention!

Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?

Children (in chorus). It's me! It's me! These are all my friends.


Who flies forward so soon

What does not see a traffic light?

The children are silent.


Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement?

Children are silent


Who knows that the red light -

Does that mean there is no move?

Children(in chorus). It's me! It's me! These are all my friends.

Parsley. Well done boys! They answered well and correctly!

Children dressed as traffic signs come forward.

Parsley. Oh, who are you?


We are road signs!

It's easy to remember

What each of us says!

Transition sign.

A pedestrian! A pedestrian!

Do you remember about the transition -

underground, ground,


Know that only the transition

Will save you from cars!

Turn sign.

On two wheels I roll

I spin with two pedals,

I'm holding the wheel, I'm looking ahead

And I see - soon in the mouth!

No entry sign.

A round sign with a window in it.

Don't rush here in a hurry

And think a little

What is here? Brick dump?

Parsley. Guys, is this sign pointing to a pile of bricks? Yes?

Children. Not! This sign says no entry!

Parking lot sign.

I'm an expert on the rules of the road

I parked my car here

Parking by the fence.

She needs to rest too!

Phone sign.

If Valya needs a doctor,

Or Galya is waiting for dinner,

Or you need to contact a friend -

The phone is at your service!

Medical aid sign.

Lena with Nastenka

in anxiety:

They need a doctor on the road.

Don't look sad

Help is near! The doctor is near!


There are many road signs in the world.

It would not hurt us to learn all of them!

Performed "Song of road signs", music by G. Dementieva.

Parsley. What a good song! Well, tell me again, where do we cross the road? That's right, on the transitional path!

The game "Attentive pedestrians" is being held.

Parsley. Well done boys! Remembered the basic rules of the road, learned the signs, traffic lights! And I want to give you these books as a keepsake! They contain all the rules of the road.

Rules from this book

Need to know firsthand.

And not to teach them lightly,

But seriously, for sure!

Handing out books to children.

It's time for me to run now.

Goodbye, kids!

Leading. And guys, it's time to go back!

Invites everyone to take their seats on the train again.

Music sounds. Children leave the magical city of road signs.