Parrot egg yolk or white. Is it allowed to give chicken eggs to wavy parrots? The water must always be fresh

All parrots are exotic "guests" of your apartments. It is worth remembering this not only because they add zest to your home, but also when organizing bird feeding. All feeding guides say that a captive bird should receive all necessary elements included in the diet of birds living in natural conditions. Quite often the question sounds, is it possible to parrot cottage cheese?.

The answer, according to Brazilian ornithologists, is that the basis of the diet of parrots is plant buds, but the very dry grains that we feed them every day are not eaten by wild parrots. Therefore, the question of the nutrition of parrots remains open to this day. As for cottage cheese, it is necessary as a source of protein, calcium and enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the intestines of poultry.

What should be included in the diet of a bird that can satisfy all the natural needs of the bird? R. Lowe believes that 60% of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, the remaining 40 should be seeds and nuts.

In turn, professional breeders believe that the optimal ratio of elements necessary in a parrot's diet is observed in professional feed. However, many bird lovers have been convinced of the opposite by their own experience, preferring to feed their pets products enriched with a set of essential trace elements. When thinking about their diet, many bird lovers start to wonder:

Is it possible for parrots to have an egg or is it possible for budgerigars to have cottage cheese? After all, it is these products that are preferred in feeding any growing organism. The egg is an important source of protein, so it is recommended that you feed one chicken egg once a week. In addition, many breeders who are concerned about whether an egg can be given to a parrot prefer to feed their pet with quail eggs, as they are more nutritious.

Cottage cheese and any dairy products are not just possible, but must be given to any bird, including budgerigars. An important condition for this is that they must all be fat-free. Fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt can be given no more than twice a week.

The parrot's diet must contain nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, herbs. On the ratio of the proportions of these products in the diet of each a separate kind parrots are mentioned in special reference books. All fruits and vegetables must be fresh.

In addition to the listed products, sprouted grain should be included in the poultry diet. To do this, ordinary grain is thoroughly washed and filled with water at room temperature for five hours. Then the water is drained, the grain is washed again and filled with water of the same temperature, but already for 8-9 hours. During this time, the grain should hatch. The seedlings should be dried before feeding, as not all parrots dislike wet food.

It is not allowed to feed the bird: mango (fresh mango, according to veterinarians, contains toxic elements), persimmons, papaya, potatoes, spicy herbs, candied fruits, boiled vegetables and food from the table, since they contain a large amount of fat and salt, which is contraindicated for parrots ... To avoid poisoning, you should not give the bird seeds of berries containing hydrocyanic acid, meat, cheese, seafood, fish.

A boiled chicken egg contains proteins, mineral salts, many vitamins, and therefore it is considered the most useful food of animal origin.

The need to keep chicken eggs in the diet of a parrot

Egg yolk consists of 28% proteins and 70% organic matter.

The most important organic compounds are (phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, iron, sulfur, and in small amounts barium, aluminum, iodine, bromine, boron, etc.), fat-soluble, E and fats.

The white of the egg, which is 86-88% water and contains dissolved, etc. in it, is especially useful for chicks in the first days of their life. Chicken eggs at this point in time should be included in the main diet.

For adult birds, such food is too nutritious, therefore it should be given periodically and not often, especially for budgerigars contained in cages. When the wavy is molting, it prepares for nesting, or when feeding the chicks, it is recommended to provide its diet with boiled chicken eggs.

Boiled egg in the feed

You can feed boiled eggs to parrots in the following ways.

The first way. A fresh chicken egg is hard-boiled and cooled. It should be boiled for at least 7-8 minutes so that the yolk remains crumbly, without a gray-green shell, which is considered a sign of an overcooked egg, worse absorbed by parrots. Next, peel it from the shell and grate it, knead it with a fork or finely chop it with a knife and add it to the mixture. The mixture consists of grated or and 1 or 2 tablespoons of semolina, white crushed crackers or bran. All ingredients are mixed very thoroughly until a crumbly mixture is obtained. The food is given to budgerigars in this form at the rate of one teaspoon per bird.

The advantage of this method of preparing the feed is that it is possible to include in the composition of the resulting mixture medicines (liquid and powder) vitamin supplements (fish oil), coniferous, etc. Budgerigars, tamed to such a mixture, eat it willingly with all the additives.

In addition, the egg mixture prepared in this way is used to accustom the wavy to a new type of food. In winter, early spring, during preparation for nesting or during the feeding period, it is recommended to add fish oil to the mixture (one or two drops for one teaspoon of the mixture) or trivitamin in oil (one or two drops for one tablespoon of the mixture).

The disadvantage of this mixture is that it spoils quickly in hot weather and should be cooked 2 or 3 times a day when fed to parrots feeding their chicks.

Egg food during the nesting period of wavy hair should be constantly in the cage. The rest of the time, it is given to each bird once or twice a week, a quarter teaspoon.

Second way. A hard-boiled egg is cut with the shell into several pieces (2 or 4) and placed in the trough. The eggshells will provide your pet with an additional mineral feed.

The shelf life of egg feed in this form is longer than in the mixture. However, often when eating a cut egg, parrots begin to select the yolk or white, without touching the rest. The egg dries up quickly enough, then becomes covered with a crust, and the part of the egg under it becomes inaccessible to the birds.

So, it is more rational to feed the budgerigars eggs in the form of an egg mixture than to give separately, but the choice remains with the owner.

Very often, parrot owners think about the question of whether it is possible to give a chicken egg to a parrot or not. Someone may be confused by the fact that parrots will not eat. chicken eggs, since they are also birds, therefore, such a product will be unacceptable in their diet. Fortunately, this differs from the truth no less than completely, since parrots eat chicken eggs with great pleasure, and this happens because they are not only very useful for their body, but also insanely tasty. Parrots love chicken eggs and this product is considered very useful, as it contains a large amount of animal protein, which is necessary for a healthy body and normal functioning of the parrot. So why should a bird be denied such pleasure?

How are chicken eggs useful for a parrot?

Chicken eggs are especially useful during nesting times and also in winter, as during these periods the birds require much more strength and energy than usual. A chicken egg is a rich source of natural animal protein and does not have any harm, therefore, giving an egg to a parrot is imperative and without even thinking about it.

How many chicken eggs to give a parrot

However, as with all other foods, it is important to consider and comply with the daily intake. Giving parrots too many eggs is not recommended, as parrots get protein from many other foods, such as cottage cheese or milk, and excessive protein intake can lead to a variety of health problems. For example, it is not uncommon for a parrot to consume abundant chicken eggs, his digestion and metabolism worsened, he became too calm and passive, and he began to move noticeably less. In general, even with this useful product like a chicken egg, it is very important to adhere to all the recommended daily intake. As a rule, experts recommend giving the parrot no more than half an egg once a week - this will be quite enough to obtain nutrients and there will be no health problems.

Of course, as we noted above, during nesting, winter or some kind of illness, a parrot needs an increased amount of protein and other nutrients, since during stressful moments his body needs much more energy than usual. The parrot gets energy for normal life and health restoration from food, therefore, correct diet a parrot is the key to his health and well-being.

How to feed a parrot with chicken eggs

Firstly, you can only give a chicken egg to a parrot if it was hard-boiled. It is simply impossible in another way, so be sure to consider this point. Parrots do not eat raw and even more so fried eggs. Secondly, the egg can be served to the parrot either in pieces or grated with another product, for example, with carrots. Such food will be especially beneficial for your pet.

Hard-boiled eggs play an important role in the life of the domesticated parrot, as a product rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. First of all, they are the main feed stimulus for reproduction.

The value and, to a large extent, chemical composition chicken eggs depend on the breed of the laying hen, feed and even on the season. For example, vitamin A in the yolk of an egg laid by the same chicken in a summer enclosure is almost four times more than in an egg obtained in winter.

The egg is composed of white and yolk. The yolk contains proteins, but also fats and cholesterol. Protein is 90% water, 10% protein, cholesterol-free and almost fat-free. The yolk contains almost all vitamins, fats, phospholipids, lecithin, iron, calcium. The exceptions are some minerals like sodium, potassium and magnesium, which are more abundant in protein.

Hard-boiled eggs are fed to parrots during these periods of life:

  1. When preparing parrots for breeding - 2-3 times a week (during the period from the laying of the first egg by the female to the appearance of the first chick, boiled eggs should be excluded from the diet, in order to avoid the deposition of an excessive amount of eggs by the female);
  2. After the first chick emerges, boiled eggs should be given to the parrots daily. After the youngest chick is 10 days old, the frequency of the egg feed task should be gradually reduced. By the time the last chick leaves, the frequency of its task should be no more than 3-4 times a week. If the breeder is going to end the nesting period and remove the nest box, then the breaks between egg mix tasks can be further extended.
  3. Young birds should be fed eggs up to 3-4 months of age 1-2 times a week.
  4. During molting, parrots are fed eggs once every one to two weeks.
  5. In other periods, boiled eggs can be offered to parrots no more than 1-2 times a month.

Boiled egg serving rates:

  1. The general norm is a piece of egg no larger than a large pea per bird (or a quarter of an average chicken egg per 10 birds)
  2. When preparing birds for breeding, the number of boiled eggs should be tripled.
  3. During the nestling period, the volume of egg feed is increased depending on the number of nestlings in the clutch.

The egg should be eaten by parrots within an hour. In any case, after no more than three hours, the feed should be removed to avoid souring. (The time depends on the temperature in the room where the parrots are).

According to the current Russian standards each egg produced in a poultry farm must be labeled.

The first character in the label means the permissible shelf life:

  • The letter "D" denotes a dietary egg, such eggs are sold within 7 days.
  • The letter "C" denotes a table egg, which is sold within 25 days.

The second character in the marking means the category of the egg, depending on its weight:

  • The third category (3) - from 35 to 44.9 g.
  • The second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g.
  • The first category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g.
  • Selected egg (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g.
  • The highest category (B) - 75 g and more.

Thus, the marking "CB" is indicated on table eggs the highest category, and "D1" - on dietary eggs of the first category.

The shell of a quail egg is fragile, but even if it cracks, the contents of the egg will not spill out. Because under a thin shell (its thickness is 0.17 mm, while in a hen's egg it is about 0.46 mm) there is a thick and strong shell, which is easily permeable to moisture. Due to this, as well as the high content of lysozyme in the eggs, putrefactive microorganisms do not develop; that is, during storage, the eggs do not rot, but dry out.

There is an opinion that the main advantage of quails is that they do not get sick with salmonellosis. This is due to the fact that due to high temperature bodies (42 degrees) of quail are resistant to infectious diseases. Since quails are resistant to infectious diseases, they can be kept without vaccination. This eliminates the accumulation of antibiotics in the body of quails and their eggs. However, there are other data that debunk the myth of the resistance of quails to Salmonella and are confirmed in practice (cases of infection from quail eggs are repeatedly recorded).

Sometimes you can hear the advice that hard-boiled chicken eggs for parrots need to be boiled longer than for people, due to the possibility of contracting salmonella - 12, 15, or even 20 minutes. However, in order for the salmonella to die on the shell, it is enough to lower the egg in water at a temperature of 90 ° C for 10 seconds. In addition, in our time, prevention of contamination of farm eggs with Salmonella is carried out, for example, even before the sale of eggs, they are sterilized by irradiating with ultraviolet light. However, exposure to ultraviolet light does not protect against Salmonella if it is inside the egg.

It is not only unnecessary to cook eggs for a long time, but it is also harmful, because if the eggs are boiled for too long, the destruction of sulfur-containing amino acids occurs in the protein. The liberated sulfur atoms react with hydrogen to form hydrogen sulfide atoms with a characteristic odor. Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that spreads in all directions, and, reaching the shell of the egg, is released to the outside. However, those particles that reach the yolk react with iron and form iron sulfide, which is responsible for the formation of a dark hue around the yolk. In the stomach, iron sulfide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form hydrogen sulfide, which can negatively affect bird health.

The negative of long cooking is also the breakdown of valuable amino acids necessary for the composition of the feather, beak, proper liver function, etc.
Before boiling, the eggs should be rinsed under warm running water.

In order to boil an egg, 8-10 minutes is enough from the time the water boils. Smaller eggs can be boiled for less time. The cooking time can be influenced by such factors: the size of the egg, the temperature of the egg (room temperature or from the refrigerator), the egg is immersed in cold water or boiling water.

It will take 5 minutes to hard-boil quail eggs.

To make boiled eggs easier to clean, you need to immediately after boiling put them under cold running water for 3-4 minutes. And then immediately clean it. This is due to the fact that with sharp cooling, the contents of the egg and its shell are compressed, with which the protein is compressed more strongly. The protein, shrinking, tears off the shell from the inner surface of the shell.

However, we advise you not to use this rule. Never cool eggs with cold water after boiling. When the temperature drops, many nutrients are destroyed. It is best for the egg to cool naturally, even though you have to work hard to clean it.

You can store ready-made eggs in shells in the refrigerator for no longer than two days, and peeled, cracked or cut (grated) eggs are best fed to parrots right away.

  1. Chicken eggs should be placed in a pot of cold water before boiling. If you put eggs in a pot of boiling water, they will burst.
  2. When boiling, eggs should be completely covered with water.
  3. If boiled eggs do not clean well, this is a sign that the eggs are fresh.
  4. It is believed: the longer you cook chicken eggs, the worse they are absorbed by the body, and boiling eggs for more than 20 minutes and eating them is unhealthy.
  5. The shell color of chicken eggs does not affect their taste and composition.
  6. Eggs are boiled over medium heat.
  7. Chicken egg mass - 1 chicken egg usually weighs about 40-50 grams. Large eggs - about 60 grams.
  8. If an egg pops up during cooking, it is spoiled, such an egg cannot be eaten.
  9. The shelf life of raw chicken eggs is about a month.
  10. Vitamins are destroyed during a 15-minute heat treatment.
  11. Eggs waterfowl do not feed parrots due to the high percentage of their infection with salmonella, which can be found both on the shell and inside the egg. It is better not to eat them in their raw form, even to humans.
  12. To determine the degree of freshness of an egg, dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt in a half-liter jar of water, dip the egg in it. A fresh egg will go down, a stale egg will float up, a medium fresh egg will float somewhere in the middle.

Egg shells, which are 90% calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), are easy to digest. At the same time, it contains all the trace elements necessary for the body: copper, fluorine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, silicon and others - only 27 elements!

A well-washed egg must be hard-boiled, cooled and shelled. Remove the film lining it from the inside from the shell; Dry the shell in air or on a battery and then crush to a flour or powder consistency.

You can also use raw egg shells. The shell is pre-washed with warm water, the film is removed, dried, and then calcined in the oven or microwave for 5-10 minutes.

In this form, the shells can be added to egg and other mixtures, as well as placed in a separate trough or in a trough with mineral additives.

  1. Ingredients:

    Hard boiled egg, carrots, dry white bread, or bread crumbs (or semolina).

    Cooking method:

    Three carrots, egg on a fine grater. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs, mix.

  2. Ingredients:

    Millet, brown rice, pearl barley, oats, beets, eggs, grass.

    Cooking method:

    Cook millet and shelled oats for a couple of minutes. In another saucepan, cook rice and barley for 4–5 minutes. Three beets on a fine grater, an egg. Mix everything and sprinkle with fresh herbs on top.

  3. Ingredients:

    Steamed oats + lightly boiled buckwheat, millet, orange lentils + zucchini + hard-boiled egg + flour from a personally collected and dried mixture of herbs + tangerine.

  4. Ingredients:

    Egg, carrots, fresh or frozen berries, a mixture of dry and chopped herbs (nettle and yarrow base), dry rose hips, rowan, a mixture of rusks and semolina 50/50, a mixture for feeding Nutribird, herbs, sprouted grains.

    Cooking method:

    Peel the egg. Do not throw away the whole shell, chop half of it with any in an accessible way(men can just knead it with their hands). Grind the egg and berries separately with a fork or in any other way (but not very finely), drain the juice from the berries. Grate the carrots (again, not the smallest one). Grind dry mountain ash and rose hips in a blender. Mix everything and add dry herbs, a mixture of crackers + semolina and Nutribird. If the mixture is too dry, moisten it with berry juice, if too wet, add crackers. Mix the prepared mixture well, put it in a feeder (the smaller the better. The plate is ideal) and sprinkle with chopped herbs on top. Soak the sprouted and slightly dried grain with the remaining juice, give the birds separately from the egg mixture.

    The options are:

    Carrots can be replaced with beets or pumpkins, berries with soaked dried fruits, yarrow with fodder sulfur.

  5. Ingredients:

    Hard boiled egg, nettle flour.

Proper feeding of eggs to budgies is the key to their health and successful nesting.

Remember that excessive consumption of boiled eggs by parrots can negatively affect their health.

What are the ingredients of a budgerigar's diet?

The bulk of the budgerigars' diet is cereal mixes. In the wild, these birds are puzzled by the search for food throughout the day, so they eat from time to time. At home, we try to find the best recipe by giving food to the pet every morning.

The cereal mixture should contain the following ingredients:

  • millet white, yellow, red;
  • oats;
  • flax-seed;
  • canary seed;
  • seeds.

In addition to grain, budgies need green and juicy food.

Juicy foods include vegetables and fruits that can be given daily at established rates. As for greens, they are most desirable in any season. However, in the winter season, herbs can be serious problems, however, you can still grow some permitted species on your windowsill.

As far as animal food is concerned, eggs and cottage cheese are optimal foods for the budgerigar. Especially during the nesting period.

As for dairy products, it is advisable not to use them, since birds do not have an enzyme in the body that allows them to safely digest milk. Otherwise, the budgerigar will suffer from intestinal colic or dysbiosis.

Why are eggs good for the budgerigar's diet?

During the nesting period and in the autumn winter period females have a need for a daily intake of food of animal origin. You can often hear stories that the female ate her offspring. This can really be the case with a lack of vitamins, calcium, and protein in the bird's body.

Boiled eggs are also rich in minerals that stimulate females to reproduce. Of course, the chemical composition of the eggs depends on what kind of laying hen laid it, on the feed with which it was fed.

It is not unimportant whether it was an industrial hen, where it lived and what time of the year it laid this egg. For example, the yolk of an egg laid by a chicken in summer contains 4 times more vitamin A than an egg laid in winter.

There is a lot of controversy about the usefulness of in-store eggs, since some owners believe that the hens are fed with selected chemicals, which negatively affects the poultry meat and its eggs.

As for domestic chickens, it is very rare to find birds that are on a balanced feed, since they are kept mainly by people in their homes, who do not have modern knowledge about the proper nutrition of birds.

As for what is better to give - white or yolk, then you can not separate these two components. Egg white contains 90% water and only 10% protein. It is practically free of cholesterol and fat.

However, it is the yolk that contains all the necessary vitamins, fats, phospholipids, as well as calcium, lecithin and iron. The protein contains some minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium) that are not found in the yolk.

Give chicken eggs budgerigar can only be cooked. And only hard-boiled. The egg can be finely chopped or grated with carrots. Birds eat such a salad with great pleasure.

When to give eggs to budgies?

As a rule, eggs are introduced into the budgie's diet gradually. After the onset of puberty, they can be added once a week in the summer and 2-3 times a week in the autumn-winter.

If you decide to prepare parrots for breeding, then it is advisable to increase the feed rate of animal food up to 3 times a week. However, when the female lays the first egg and before the first chick appears from it, it is better to remove the chicken eggs from the diet. This is done in order to prevent an excessive number of eggs in the clutch, some of which may be infertile.

After the first chick is born, eggs should be added to the daily menu. The daily norm for a female is half the yolk and half of the protein mixed with grated carrots.

10 days after the youngest chick appears, you can begin to reduce the dosage. After he leaves the nest, the frequency of egg feeding should be no more than 3-4 times a week.

How do I feed young birds with eggs? At the age of up to 4 months (before the first molt and change of wax color), young wavy hairs are given 1-2 times a week. But after the onset of molting, the amount of egg mixture is reduced and given no more than 2 times a month.

How much egg can you give?

The general norm for a budgerigar during a normal period is about 3-5 grams. By eye, it is a piece the size of a large pea. However, in preparation for breeding, the amount of this food must be increased by 3 times. Those. during this period, you can give about a quarter of an average chicken egg. It should contain both yolk and white.

During the rearing period, the female should be given this food depending on the number of chicks in the clutch, but not more than ¾ of a whole egg. If the bird has not eaten this food within 3 hours, then it is better to remove it from the cage, since there is a danger that it will turn sour.

What else do you need to know when serving eggs to budgies? It is very important with a large amount of protein food, especially during the period of feeding by the female offspring, to provide the bird with a sufficient amount of clean and fresh water. It should be changed at least once a day, and the drinker itself should be thoroughly washed. It is advisable to give water with mineral additives, however, in no case should you use carbonated water.

In winter, you can add lemon juice to the water. This will provide your bird with vitamin C, which will actively fight viral diseases.

We wish your parrots health and good mood!

Vegetable feed - the basis of nutrition (up to 70% of the diet)

Vegetable feed is divided into 2 groups - cereals and juicy... Cereals, in turn, are mealy (contain up to 6% fats) and oilseeds (contain over 14% fats).

Juicy: various herbs, leaves, berries, fruits, roots and tubers. They contain a lot of water (40 to 90%), which causes a refreshing effect.

Cereal feed

Mealy feed

  • Millet- 60% of the total amount of feed.
  • Millet (millet without shell)- in the form of crumbly porridge.
  • Oats- 20-40% of the total amount of feed, normal, unhulled.
  • Wheat - 30-40% 2 times a week. Semi-ripe or germinated. To germinate grains of wheat or barley, they should be rinsed and covered with warm water. In the evening, the water is drained, and the grains are washed in running water. Then it is again poured with water and left until morning. Usually by this time the grains have germinated, and they can already be fed to the parrots.
  • Corn- 20% of the total amount of feed. May cause obesity, so give little.
  • Peas - Peas should not be given in unripe raw or canned form. Be sure to boil and steam.
  • Plantain and dandelion seeds - They should be prepared in advance. For this, spikelets of plantain are collected in bouquets and hung for drying. And seeds are harvested from dandelions when white fluff appears on their heads.

Oilseed feed

  • Sunflower seeds- no more than 15% of the feed. Very nutritious due to its high oil content. Therefore, you cannot give a lot.
  • Nuts- 5% 2-3 times a week. Highly saturated with fat, excessive consumption can lead to indigestion and obesity. Walnuts very useful during the mating season.
  • Hemp - No more than 5%. Before giving to the parrot, it is necessary to boil for 10 minutes and dry.
  • Flaxseed - 1-2% in the grain mixture. Very nutritious and medicinal. Good for the intestines. Its broth is recommended to be given instead of drinking when coughing. Large amounts lead to diarrhea.

Juicy feed

  • Carrots, carrot tops - Fresh, grated in small slices. It is necessary in autumn, winter, during the period of feeding chicks.
  • Cabbage- Finely crumble, or give whole leaves. When plumage appears, it is advisable to give it every day.
  • Beet- Raw, grated. Especially useful - winter-spring.
  • Tomatoes- Only ripe fruits.
  • Cucumbers- Promote the assimilation of feed. In the form of slices.
  • Bell pepper- In the form of slices, without removing the seeds.
  • Watermelon, melon, pumpkin- Promote better digestion, heart function. The seeds are good for you too. They are dried, and before being given, they are crushed.
  • Apples, pears, bananas, plum, peach, apricot, kiwi, pineapple- They are fed with slices, pitted.
  • Grape- 3-4 berries a day.
  • Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lime, pomegranate- Give divided into slices, peeling off the peel.
  • Lemon- The juice is added to drinking water in a few drops (protects against infections). Whole slices cannot be given.
  • Inzhik, pumpkin, pattison, zucchini, seeded zucchini, Rutabaga, Turnip.


Fresh frozen berries should be thawed before serving. Otherwise, birds can catch colds very easily.

Fruit bones, as well as bird cherry berries, contain hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to birds, so they should not be fed to parrots.


  • Dandelion - The leaves contain many vitamins (far from the road).
  • Spinach- Do not give in large quantities - causes diarrhea.
  • Salad- Lots of vitamins.
  • Asparagus- Young shoots.
  • Green onions- Prevention of worms, dysentery.
  • Nettle- Boil young leaves for 2-3 minutes, chop and add to wet food.
  • Young shoots or branches of plants - Shoots of fruit trees, as well as rowan, currant, raspberry, viburnum, birch, willow, ash, aspen and linden.
  • Needles- Grind and then mix with the grain mixture. Not more than 2 times a week - 5% in the mixture.

Animal feed

  • Eggs (chicken or sawn eggs)- Adults - 1 p. at 2 weeks, young - 1-2 p. a week, be sure to cook for 7-8 minutes.
  • Dairy products- No more than 3% fat. Spooning without limits
  • Cottage cheese- No more than 3%. 1-2 times a week, 2 tablespoons.
  • Honey- 0.5 teaspoon per week in drinking water or porridge. Can stand in a cage for 2-3 hours, then thrown out.

Mineral feed

  • Eggshell - Rinse, boil, and dry the shell. Grind in a mortar and sift through a sieve.
  • Chalk - Feed chalk by mixing it with sand or adding to a wet mix at a rate of 0.2 g per day. You can also give the parrots slaked lime (not earlier than 7 months after slaking) or dry plaster, inserting pieces of it between the rods of the cage.
  • Seashells- Clean, dry and grind.
  • Bone flour- Add to wet mix.
  • Salt - Dissolve 1 g per 0.5 l in water, no more than 2 times a week.
  • Charcoal - Or activated. Crushed.


  • Still bottled water - The best option.
  • Filtered water - If you don't have bottled water.
  • Decoctions of chamomile, rose hips - The decoction is brewed in the proportion: 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile herb or rose hips per 200 g of boiling water. It is infused for 30-40 minutes in a water bath.
  • Vegetable and fruit juices (of the permitted)

The water must always be fresh!


  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  • Rice
  • Pearl barley
  • Oatmeal

How to cook porridge for a parrot?

  • Hot peppers
  • Mango, papaya, persimmon, avocado
  • Candied fruit
  • Branches of oak, bird cherry, pear, poplar
  • Meat, fish, seafood
  • Cheese and butter
  • Milk, cream, sour cream
  • Potato
  • Parsley, dill, other herbs
  • Seeds: cherries, sweet cherries, plums, apricots, peaches, nectarines
  • Apple seeds
  • Eggplant
  • Mushrooms
  • Sorrel
  • Rhubarb
  • Onion and garlic
  • Branches: oak, pear, conifers, bird cherry, poplar, viburnum, lilac

Grain mixes

The diet of the budgerigar should include grain mixtures, they are an important component of it. At the same time, for wavy ones, the presence of various types of this food in the menu is required. In these breeds of birds, an increased metabolism is observed, which is able to quickly digest grain feed.

The best option would be to have 6 different types of cereals on the menu at once. Veterinarians advise against experimenting with bird nutrition and making menus on their own. It is better to purchase ready-made feeds in specialized stores, which contain the necessary useful elements.

The daily menu of a feathered pet should include the following crops:

  • millet of various types - red, white, black, yellow. The component indicator should be 70% of the total;
  • oats. Its volume must be at least 10%;
  • sunflower seeds, flaxseed, hemp and canary seeds, wheat. The amount of grain crops should be 20%.

Many owners of feathered pets often have a question - is it possible to give millet? This type of grain does not have a shell that prevents oxidation, which can have harmful effects on health.

Also, in contrast to millet, millet contains fewer vitamins and nutrients that are required for the active development and health improvement of birds. And if it is not fresh or lasts for a long time, then it will have a bitter taste, which wavy people will not like much.

Important! Millet can be given to parrots, but in limited quantities, it is better to boil it first. If they feed the bird for more than a week, then it may have digestive problems, and vitamin deficiency may also occur.

What else can you feed a budgerigar at home besides grain food? Additionally, it can be mixed with boiled eggs, herbs, fresh grass. They will saturate the feed with vitamins and nutrients.

You can read more about grain mixtures and feed in the article "TOP-10 of the best feed for budgerigars."

Fruits and vegetables

A complete and balanced feeding of budgies should include different types fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to give them clean, so they should be washed in running water. They must be natural, free from toxic chemicals.

Should be fed fresh vegetables and fruits. If they start to rot or mold appears on their surface, then it is better not to give them to feathered pets. They can negatively affect their health.

Among the vegetables in the menu, you can include varieties from the list:

  • fodder carrots. The vegetable possesses high value... It contains a lot of carotene. It is given raw, grated or finely chopped. Additionally, it can be combined with boiled egg or breadcrumbs;
  • parrots love melon, pumpkin. They can also be given raw pumpkin seeds, but they should be milled;
  • cucumbers. Vegetables speed up your metabolism. They can be used as part of dietary food when the feathered pet is overweight;
  • tomatoes. The composition of tomatoes includes acids, carotene. It is recommended for budgerigars to give fully ripe tomatoes, in unripe fruits there is a dangerous alkaloid element that is dangerous not only for birds, but also for humans;
  • fresh cabbage. Leaves can be torn into small pieces, and the stump should be cut into small pieces with a knife;
  • beet. The root vegetable contains sugar, fiber, vitamins, trace elements. A vegetable is essential for birds. It can be stored for a long time;
  • birds are allowed green peas, beans. Legumes should be fresh, soft and young;
  • Bell pepper. It has a high level of nutrients. It needs to be cut into small pieces along with the seeds.

In addition to the above vegetables, fruits should be on the menu. They are required to be given only fresh. They should not contain chemicals that can provoke health problems for birds.

Among the fruits in the menu, you can include the following types:

  • apples are valuable for parrots. They are required to be given every day;
  • pears are considered a delicious treat. But it doesn't cost too much to give;
  • enough oranges and tangerines. Citrus fruits have a high level of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), so they must be given to birds;
  • bananas are possible, but not many. They cannot be given along with the skin;
  • feathered pets will happily eat peaches and apricots;
  • to increase the immune system, kiwi should be given periodically, but only without the skin.

You can read more about fruits and vegetables in the article "What fruits and vegetables can be given to budgies".


To improve the nutrition of the budgerigar, it is recommended to use green food. It is one of the main ingredients because greens contain important nutrients that improve health and strengthen the bird's immune system.

So what kind of grass and greens can budgies be given? In the diet of birds, there must be types of greens from the list:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • tops from beets, carrots;
  • chicory salad;
  • spinach;
  • dandelion;
  • Clover;
  • radish leaves;
  • starworm;
  • plantain.

It should be borne in mind that there are forbidden greens that should not be included in the diet of birds:

  • tops of potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants;
  • all varieties of decorative flowers;
  • lavrushka leaves;
  • spurge;
  • Dill.


Many bird owners, who are often interested in the question of how to properly feed a budgerigar, pay attention to the fact that their diet must necessarily contain branches of various trees. Twig feed has several advantages:

  • parrots clean and sharpen their beak on twigs;
  • with the help of his birds improve the condition of the claws;
  • has a positive effect on health due to the content of fiber and various microelements.

Preference should be given to twigs from maple, fruit trees, aspen, birch, alder. Before giving them to a pet, they should be treated with hot water.


When studying what budgerigars eat, it is worth taking into account cereals from various cereals. They quickly saturate the body, and also fill it with useful substances.

Porridge and various cereals have some important characteristics:

  • they contain important trace elements that normalize impaired metabolism;
  • in order to make porridge, you can use buckwheat, beans, rice and others. They can be used together or separately;
  • in addition, you can add legumes, finely chopped vegetables, fruits;
  • it is recommended to boil porridge only in water without adding salt and sugar;
  • they can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than two days.

Sprouted feed

Sprouted feed is nutritious, for this reason it can be used to replace grain mixtures. It contains a high level of fiber and beneficial vitamins. Due to the balanced composition, when using this feed, the birds' immunity increases, metabolism returns to normal, and disruptions in the body are restored.

If you don't know what to feed your budgerigar, then sprouted food is a great option. The main thing is to germinate the grains correctly:

  • it is recommended to select grains for cooking;
  • then washed under running water;
  • the grains are poured over with warm water and left overnight;
  • then the grains are washed again, laid out on a saucer and covered with wet gauze, which folds 3-4 times;
  • every 4 hours the gauze needs to be moistened;
  • after 24 hours the first shoots will already appear;

The germinated seeds can be given to the parrot immediately. You can store them for no more than 2 days.

Mineral supplements

Be sure to feed the budgie with mineral supplements. Among the suitable are the following:

  • chalk provides calcium replenishment. You can give it in a pounded state or in the form of pebbles. You need to use special chalk, the main thing is not construction;
  • shallow eggshell... It has a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur;
  • bone flour. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium;
  • the feathered menu needs to be supplemented with special vitamins and minerals, which are sold as complexes in any pet store.


The budgerigar should always have clean water in the drinker. It must be changed periodically, otherwise it will become dirty and simply undrinkable. But you need to know what kind of water to give the budgerigar.

Feathered pets are not recommended to give boiled, raw water, as well as mineral water with gases. It needs to be filtered and cleaned. It should include useful supplements- potassium, magnesium, sodium. Additionally, freshly squeezed juices, lemon juice, decoction of chamomile, rose hips can be added to the water.

Can the budgerigar eat cheese, bread and other foods?

Additionally, food of animal origin can be included in the parrot's diet. But it is rarely required to give it, at least 2-3 times a month. But during molting, nesting and for feeding the offspring, protein feed should be used more often - every day.

Protein foods include:

  • cheese. It is worth using fermented milk with low fat content;
  • chicken eggs. From time to time, you can give the parrots a boiled egg;
  • fish fat;
  • cottage cheese. If you have a question whether cottage cheese is possible for budgerigars, then do not worry, this component is allowed, but in limited quantities. It is worth using not fatty, up to 9% fat.
  • yeast;
  • salt, sugar;
  • flour;
  • genetically modified wheat can be used;
  • sometimes there may be milk;
  • can be made from rye flour.

These components negatively affect the state of the bird. It is best to dry rusks from bread and mix them with other types of feed. They will go well with an egg and carrot mixture. But at the same time, you should not abuse them, it will be enough to give them 2-3 times a month.

What you can't feed budgies

Considering what to feed budgies, you should pay attention to prohibited foods, which in no case should be included in the diet of feathered pets. These include the following:

  • salt. The feathered organism is simply not able to process this product on its own;
  • spices, seasonings, spices. They can provoke serious health complications in the bird up to its death;
  • milk and derivatives. In order for this product to be digested normally, enzymes are required that are absent in the body of parrots. In addition, it has a high level of fat content;
  • bread. As it was written above, it is impossible for birds, because it contains yeast, sugar, salt, flour;
  • mushrooms. They can have a negative impact on the activity of the digestive system;
  • chocolate. It contains sugar and cocoa. These ingredients have an exciting effect on the nervous system of the bird;
  • do not include some types of vegetables in the diet - potatoes, radishes, eggplants, raw legumes.

Feeding budgies is an important condition on which the full development of a feathered pet depends. It must be thought out inside and out. You should not be irresponsible in compiling it, because the inclusion of a prohibited product can negatively affect the state of the bird. It is advisable to pre-consult with a veterinarian, he will be able to develop the most optimal feeding scheme for the parrot.


The diet of budgerigars is the basis for further successful development and reproduction.

Budgerigars are small birds and their metabolic rate is very high, so it is very important that the parrot never goes hungry. It should be borne in mind that different grains have different nutritional values, therefore, at least 6 different types of grains must be included in the diet in order to provide a full range of nutrients.

As a rule, mixtures sold in pet stores already contain different kinds grains and usually consist of:

- seeds of cereals, including millet, wheat, oats and canary seed. These grains are high in carbohydrates and almost no fat.

- other type of grains, such as: hemp, flaxseed, rapeseed, sunflower seeds, on the contrary, contain few carbohydrates, but they have a relatively high percentage of fat and vitamin E, which is especially necessary for birds during molting. It should be noted that grains containing a large amount of fat should be given to birds in small quantities in order to avoid liver problems and obesity.

Often ready-made cereal mixes contain iodine and calcium, and vitamin supplements such as vitamins A, D, and K.

If you yourself compose a diet for a budgerigar, then try to make up a large proportion of cereal seeds, and fewer high-calorie seeds (such as sesame, sunflower seeds, etc.), otherwise this can lead to obesity of the parrot.

It is quite difficult to balance the mixture yourself, most likely you will get a deficiency of nutrients, or vitamins. For example: with iodine deficiency - the thyroid gland may increase, which will lead to difficulty breathing.

After eating, a lot of seed husks remain in the feeder, which needs to be blown off and fresh feed added, or changed completely. If the trough is too deep, there will be many seeds left at the bottom.

Chumiza (Senegalese millet) is a favorite treat of budgerigars and they often prefer it over grain mixes. The grains from the ears are well absorbed by the bird's body. This is especially important for feeding chicks, sick birds, and birds before the breeding season. Before giving the parrot chumiza, it is better to rinse it with warm water to reduce the amount of dust on it.

In addition to seeds, budgies should be given small amounts of plant foods.

Fruits and berries that can be given to the budgerigar:

Vegetables that can be given to budgies:

What should not be given to a budgerigar:

avocado, mango, nuts, papaya, persimmon, rye, black bread and other baked goods.

All fruits and fresh herbs must be washed thoroughly. Too much fruit or greens should not be given, because after eating fruit, the budgerigar may not eat the main food, which contains the necessary elements. Some breeders give a hard-boiled egg (like additional source protein) in the form of an egg-rusks mixture during the breeding and molting period.

It is very important that the parrot has a healthy beak. Various kinds of deformations and growths can lead to weight loss and in some cases lead to the death of the parrot.

Therefore, in order for the parrot to put its beak in order in the cage, it is necessary to hang a block of cuttlefish (an additional source of calcium) or any mineral stone.

It is also advisable to hang a separate feeder with a mineral mixture in the cage, consisting of calcined river sand, limestone, shell rock and a little wood coal. Good ready-made mixtures are RIO or Biogrit from Padovan.

In addition to the mineral mixture, the cage must contain both a mineral stone and sepia (cuttlefish shell). Recommended stones - Flamingo, Fiori, Padovan, Triol, Versele Laga.

The amount of food that the wavy needs depends on its level of activity. If a bird lives in a relatively small cage, then it needs less food than an aviary bird. Energy requirements also increase during molting and egg-laying, as well as during the cold season. It has been estimated that the budgerigar requires about 3200 kcal of energy per kg of body weight.

If you plan to change the feed, before doing this you should gradually, during the week mixing the new feed into the old one, gradually increasing the amount of the new one.

In nature, the budgerigar can go without water for up to 150 days, because the body has adapted to survive in the desert. But in a home environment, water should always be in the drinker.

It is necessary to change the water in the drinking bowl every day, it is better to use water or bottled water for children such as Agusha / FrutoNyanya, or from a good filter. In an extreme case, settled water will do. Boiled water is of no use.

For a budgerigar, it is "dead" and does not contain electrolytes necessary for normal cardiac activity.

Some breeders believe that milk feeding is acceptable, but the undulating digestive system is not adapted to digest high concentrations of lactose and other components. Therefore, you should avoid giving milk to the budgerigar.


What can budgies eat?

Acquiring any pet is not only a great joy, but also a huge responsibility. After all, his health, life expectancy and even his mood depend on high-quality timely care and on a balanced diet (see.

(See also Budgerigars at Home).

Unfortunately, it quite often happens that the owners of cute feathered pets, wanting to pamper them with something tasty, offer absolutely unsuitable products, without even thinking whether a piece of chocolate will become fatal for a bird and whether it is possible to give bread to a budgerigar. But such culinary delights can cause serious health problems for pets. Therefore, before acquiring a feathered pet, you should find out what budgerigars eat, and approach the choice of food with the utmost responsibility.

Cereal feed

As the main "dish", parrots can be offered ready-made feed containing the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes.

As a rule, they include a mixture of various grain crops, the bulk of which is millet, oats; and as additives can be used seeds of sunflower, flax, hemp, canary seed.

The prepared feed can also contain a variety of wild grass seeds and even dried fruit pieces.

You can give budgies and unroasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds, but in limited quantities, since sunflower seeds have a high content of vegetable fats.

No matter how nutritious the grain feed may be, it is still not able to provide the pet's body with everything it needs. For health, a fulfilling life, and just for pleasure, the food for budgerigars should be more varied.

Often, for better assimilation of feed, wheat, oats and millet are pre-germinated. At the same time, the vitamin composition of cereals also increases.

You can give budgies boiled millet, brown rice, buckwheat, corn grits, oats, soybeans, lentils, beans, pearl barley, barley and other cereals. Porridge is boiled in water, without any additives.

It is advisable not to overcook cereals so that the structure of the feed is crumbly. Sprouted and boiled cereals quickly deteriorate, so it is not recommended to leave such food in the trough for a long time.

What fruits are good for budgerigars

Everyone knows about the benefits of fruit from early childhood - it is not only a delicacy, but also a real storehouse of vitamins. However, are they all good for the birds? And what kind of fruit can be given to parrots? Can a budgerigar have a banana or grapes? How often should you give your pet fruit?

The list of forbidden fruits that can cause serious intoxication of the bird's body is small: persimmon, avocado, papaya, mango. All other fruits and berries are very useful for parrots. A vitamin treat in moderation for birds can be consumed daily.

Apples and pears must be thoroughly washed and seeds removed from the fruit, the chemical composition of which is not very suitable for parrots. The pineapple must be ripe. Do not offer canned fruits to wavy lines. Banana and kiwi must be peeled beforehand.

Plum, peach, apricot - contain a lot of useful trace elements and vitamins. Citrus fruits replenish vitamin C. They also need to be cleansed. Grapes are quite powerful antioxidants. For parrots, no more than 5 berries per week are enough.

Pomegranate - has a useful vitamin composition.

Interesting: We grow chicks of cockatiels

Berries should be given to pets only during the ripening season. In this case, it is more likely that there are no chemicals in them.

Parrot Vegetable Menu

Before suggesting budgie vegetables, they must be washed very thoroughly. If there is a suspicion of an overestimated content of nitrates, vegetables can be soaked for two hours in water - nitrates dissolve and for the most part are excreted. The birds prefer the vegetables to be grated or finely chopped.

All other vegetables for birds are considered useful, however, some nuances must be taken into account:

Beans, green peas, corn can be offered to pets only in season and only in a slightly unripe form. If the beans are fully ripe, substances that are difficult to digest for birds accumulate in them, which can only be eliminated during prolonged cooking.

Green salad, spinach are fed in very moderate portions to avoid digestive upset. The tomato must be fully ripe. The green areas of the fruit must be cut out, since the alkaloid solanine contained in it is harmful to birds.

In no case should you offer your pet and tomato leaves.

Chinese cabbage in hard stalks accumulates nitrates, so it is advisable for birds to feed only the green part of the leaf. White cabbage. There is still no definite answer to the question of whether it is possible to give cabbage to budgerigars.

Some birds eat it willingly without any side effects, and some have indigestion. In any case, it is recommended to pre-pour boiling water over the cabbage leaf. Carrots are considered the most valuable food. It is offered grated, mixed with other ingredients, such as a boiled egg.

The cucumber is capable of accumulating nitrates, so it is better not to feed the parrot to the purchased products.

The role of greens in the diet of budgerigars

Do not underestimate the role of leafy plants and vegetables in the diet of parrots. Fresh greens contain a surprisingly rich complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which has the ability to be perfectly absorbed.

It must be borne in mind that we are talking about wild-growing herbs such as plantain leaves, clover, scalded nettle, quinoa, woodlice, burdock, cereal greens. And also about leafy vegetables: Swiss chard, savoy cabbage, lettuce, carrot tops.

Surely the housewives, who always have a bunch of fresh fragrant greens in stock, will have a question: is it possible to give dill or parsley to the budgerigar? Definitely - no! All spicy herbs such as dill, parsley, celery, hyssop, cilantro and others are contraindicated for birds.

Foods not to be eaten by budgerigars

  • Bread and all kinds of pastries;
  • Salt;
  • Milk;
  • Chocolate;
  • Raw legumes
  • Mushrooms;
  • Spices.

You should not experiment with a defenseless creature that unconditionally trusts us, and feed him food that is not suitable for him. The body of birds is very different. What is good for humans can be detrimental to the bird. Any pet requires quite a bit of reasonable care and attention, which we can give as a gift.

Without thinking about whether the budgerigar can eat bread or other flour products, many owners feed their pets with them. This often affects the work of the bird's stomach and other vital organs. A domesticated bird cannot independently decide what and how much to eat. It is the owner's responsibility to monitor her diet. In this article, we will look at what foods can be given to the budgerigar, and what is better to refuse.

Animal food

Protein feeds are used as an additive to the main food (cereal mixture, fruits, vegetables) in order to make up for the lack of some in the body of budgerigars.

Birds should be fed animal products about two to three times a month. During molting, during the nesting period and when feeding the offspring, you need to feed the pets with proteins much more often - almost every day. Protein feed contains the following products:

  • egg - high content of vitamins A, D, E, K and microelements: phosphorus, chlorine, iodine and others;
  • fish oil - a source of vitamins, iodine, phosphorus;
  • cottage cheese - rich in vitamins and various microelements: magnesium, calcium, iron and others.

It is best to give the budgerigar a chicken egg, it is easier to digest. It must be hard-boiled. To do this, it must be kept in boiling water for about eight minutes. Then the boiled egg is freed from the shell and crushed with a fork or tinder on a grater.

The bird can be given the resulting dish either in this form, or mixed with grated vegetables. For example, with carrots or beets. To make the mixture crumbly, a small amount of semolina is added to it. Some birds love adding a little feed to the egg. No salt!

Fish oil is given to a parrot only if it has a strong lack of calcium in the body. It is sold in pharmacies both in natural form and with the addition of vitamins A, D. This product requires certain storage conditions: no more than ten degrees Celsius. Therefore, it must be kept in the refrigerator. Remember - if you purchased a bottle of fish oil, then its contents after opening deteriorate (oxidize) in two to three days.

If you doubt whether cottage cheese is possible for budgerigars, know - only fat-free. Moreover, it must be fresh. If the curd is not crumbly, add a small amount of semolina to it. Always taste the curd before serving - a sour product can poison your pet.

Also, budgies are sometimes given mealworms and gammarus (a small crustacean amphipod) in the form of protein supplementation. These birds in wildlife sometimes they gladly feast on various small insects, therefore, at home, such a protein feed will benefit them.

There are several nuances to consider when preparing animal products. Firstly, it is quickly spoiling food, especially in the hot season. Therefore, you need to add food for one feeding and remove it after a while if the parrot has not finished eating. Otherwise, the pet may be poisoned. Secondly, there should be a separate feeder for the protein feed.

Vegetable food

We talked about the main vegetable feed (grain mixture) in the article. However, grain is not the only plant-based product given to these pets. For example, they can cook porridge. It is an excellent supplemental food that can be included in the bird's daily diet.

For cooking, suitable cereals such as peas, beans, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and others. To properly cook porridge, you must be guided by two rules:

  • you need to cook only in water;
  • do not add salt, sugar, any oil or seasonings.

In order for budgies to eat in a variety of ways, it is best to make several cereals separately, and then mix them. There are many ways to prepare this kind of food, but when it is slightly undercooked, it turns out to be crumbly. In this form, it is easier for the bird to eat it - the porridge does not stick to the beak. Grated vegetables, fruits, finely chopped greens are added to such food.

You need to store the cooked product in the refrigerator for no more than two days or in the freezer for a longer period, defrosting it in parts. You cannot defrost parts of porridge in the microwave, only naturally - first for several hours on a shelf in the refrigerator, then indoors until completely defrosted.

You can also occasionally give the parrot bread in small quantities. However, not all bread is suitable for wavy pet food. Eliminate rye bread from the diet of poultry. It is too sticky, and if the crumb accumulates in the pet's goiter, then the body is unlikely to be able to push it into the stomach and digest it. This state of affairs often leads to the death of the bird.

But white bread can be suitable as bird food. But you should not get carried away - it contains such ingredients harmful to the parrot as salt, sugar and yeast. It is best to dry rusks from white bread, crush them and add a little, for example, to an egg-beet mixture. Also, sometimes you can pamper your favorite bird with fresh sweet pastries. But just a little bit, from sweetness, the parrot becomes hyperactive.

Prohibited foods

When feeding a budgerigar, be sure to keep in mind the fact that his body is not designed for many of the foods we are used to. After all, poultry digestion is mainly aimed at processing various grains. Here is a list of foods that should not be given to wavy pets due to the high content of harmful substances:

  • milk (cream);
  • cheese (especially salty);
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • potato;
  • chocolate;
  • fried foods;
  • fatty foods;
  • salty foods;
  • sweet foods;
  • sausage (sausages);
  • meat - in rare cases, a parrot can be given a piece of boiled chicken;
  • fruits: avocado, mango, papaya, persimmon;
  • spices;
  • spinach;
  • nuts;
  • seeds of apples, pears;
  • garlic;
  • mushrooms.

What does your parrot like to eat?

Keeping a parrot at home, I want its conditions of stay to be as comfortable as possible. How to do it? Firstly, the correct content, secondly flights and, of course, a balanced and varied diet. That is why many owners have a question - is it possible to give an egg to parrots, because this product is always in every home. And of course, there is only one answer to this question - you can.

How much and how often should the parrots be given an egg?

In nature, they feed not only on grains and greens, but also on various insects. And as you know, this is a protein. At home, no one will feed the birds with insects (except special types birds, in which the diet is from them), so the egg comes to replace.

Parrots should be given an egg several times a week, cooked, in small slices and pieces. Parrots most willingly eat eggs from bowls and in combination with other products - for example, apples or carrots.

To overdo it with the amount most likely will not work - the bird will eat exactly as much as necessary, but if your bird has a large appetite, you need to reduce the portions, and it is important to remember that the egg is a perishable product that needs to be removed from the cage after a couple of hours in order to avoid poisoning.

Egg during nesting period.

Special attention should be paid to eggs for parrots during the breeding season. It is during the incubation of eggs and during the preparation and mating period - the egg must be given every day, not much, because it is during this period that the birds must accumulate maximum amount vitamins, but of course do not forget about other vitamins, vegetables, fruits, herbs and mineral mixture.
Diversify the food of the budgerigar, cockatiel, lovebird with an egg and your bird will thank you!