I want to open the purchase of goods from the population reviews. How a simple taxi driver managed to open his own business for buying and selling mobile phones

Trade has always been and remains one of the most profitable types of commercial activities. When organizing production, production lines, consumables, workshops, many workers, and so on are needed. And to start trading, you only need a platform - a kiosk, a store or a place in the market and goods. The main difficulty of such a business is the development of the concept, the choice of goods and the ability to provide a stable flow of customers.

Thrift store business plan: how relevant is it today?

Help from the Encyclopedia: “A thrift store is commercial enterprise dealing with the sale of used items. It differs from second-hand stores in that the goods for sale do not come from wholesale warehouses, but from individuals who hand them over for a commission (monetary value) and receive payment after the sale.

Market research of several recent years show that the interest of the population in commission stores is constantly growing. This is confirmed by the fact that the number of such outlets is increasing both in the capital and in other large cities of Russia.

Commission trade flourished in the days of Soviet Union. At that time, it was the center of second-hand, but often high-quality and scarce, and sometimes having artistic value, things. Goods in commission shops were sold at high prices, and the buyers in them were often wealthy people. Now it's a completely different matter. Thrift stores are attracted primarily by their democratic prices and a wide range of essential goods: clothes, shoes, dishes, household appliances etc.

People have always had a desire to save money, to buy something at a discount. Everyone who is looking for an inexpensive refrigerator (for the country house), branded clothes (albeit from last year's collection) or an iPhone at half price is your potential customers.

Start off own business commission trading with the lowest costs and minimal investment risk is profitable right now - at the time of the economic downturn in the country. Experts are sure that demand in this retail segment still exceeds supply, and in the near future it will only increase.

Scheme of work of commission stores

The scheme of operation of the used goods trade enterprise is simple and transparent. The goal of the owner is to sell someone else's goods and receive a certain percentage of the sale for this.

Individuals who provide goods for sale in commission stores are called consignors. The usual scheme practiced by commission owners is to place goods on a showcase for a certain period (from a month to three or more). If during this period the product remains on the shelf, it is returned to the owner (sometimes a storage fee is charged - from 3 to 5 percent, at the request of the store owner). If the goods are sold, the committent fills out a special contract form, which refers to the transfer of ownership of the buyer to this product.

Your job as owner trade organization, acting as an intermediary in the transaction, to monitor compliance with obligations by both parties. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, lawyers advise that each transaction of sale and purchase must be recorded on paper with the signatures of the parties. Forms of contracts must be prepared in advance by you in sufficient quantities. Of course, they require a qualified lawyer to draft them.

In the used goods trade, there is usually such a scheme for charging commissions: the more expensive the item, the lower the percentage of the store. For example, when selling a mink coat for 50 thousand rubles. your share from the sale can be 10% (5 thousand), and when selling a coat or jacket for 1 thousand rubles. - up to 30% commission (330 rubles). Thus, you have a commercial interest in selling different things - both expensive and cheap. The turnover in the low price segment is faster, and the percentage of profit is higher, but for the sale of one expensive item, you can immediately get a significant amount.

Of course, the store owner can set the interest rate at his own discretion (as an option, the same for all goods). But marketers recommend using the aforementioned commission system, since it has proven itself best in the field of commission trading.

Choosing a specialization for selling used goods

From right choice the concept of the future store largely depends on the success of the future enterprise. Exists several popular formats:

  1. How to open a consignment clothing store? The assortment of the clothing market is very wide - this is the opening of commission stores for children's goods, everyday women's and menswear, children's goods, footwear.
  2. Technology store. Offer buyers used mobile phones, TVs, laptops, any household appliances - from irons to washing machines. These are everyday goods that break down quite often, and not everyone can buy new ones. In this case, you may need transport to transport bulky goods.
  3. Jewelry or antique thrift store. In such exquisite shops they sell antique furniture, rare books, paintings, figurines, dishes, watches, and jewelry. The range of visitors to these outlets is very limited.
  4. Branded store. They can be engaged in the sale of both used goods and new ones, which for some reason did not suit the former owners.
  5. Furniture store. When moving to another place of residence, it is sometimes more profitable to rent furniture good quality in a commission than to pay for its transportation. In this case, a thrift store is just a godsend.
  6. Cars. Such a business will require large retail space with an adjacent area for the exhibition of cars in front of the store.
  7. The “Thousand Little Things” format combines several areas at once: clothes, goods for children, appliances, household utensils, CDs, books, interior items – all this can quite peacefully “get along” on neighboring shelves. The most efficient way to run a business.
  8. Sale of children's used clothes and toys. How to open a children's thrift store is not an easy task. But quite real.

Sometimes entrepreneurs open a clothing store and then, with favorable circumstances, expand the business by adding other departments.

Room selection

Consider in which area of ​​the city your store should be located. Rent in the center can be much more expensive than in any of the outlying areas. In which part of the city do most of the people who belong to you live? target audience? Do not forget that these are mostly people with below average incomes: pensioners, students, young mothers on maternity leave. Perhaps, in densely populated sleeping areas, trade will be more lively than in respectable central ones. It's great if your commission is located next to a grocery store, school, clinic, public transport stop.

There are few requirements for the rented premises. Its area should be from 15 to 30 or more m2, depending on the specifics of the product. If you are going to sell furniture, then 200 m2 may not be enough. Thrift stores usually do not have warehouses - all goods are on display trading floor. But a small utility room, of course, will be needed.

Business registration

In order to open a thrift store from scratch, you need:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in the tax office. If you plan to cooperate not only with individuals, but also with legal entities(for example, manufacturers selling non-liquid products), you will need to register an LLC. The main system applied to such a form entrepreneurial activity will be the most beneficial for you.
  2. Indicate clause 52.5 as the main OKVED code ( retail second-hand goods in the store).
  3. Register with PF.
  4. Receive permits on the trading activity in the local administration.
  5. Get permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority and Rospotrebnadzor.
  6. Sign a lease agreement.

Selling used items: how to start?

Use any means available to you to promote your business, because advertising is the engine of commerce. A great idea would be to open an online store in parallel, which will enable your business to master the network space, convey information to a wide audience and form the backbone of regular suppliers and customers. Create a small business card site - the costs are minimal, and the benefits can be very tangible.

Organize outdoor advertising in the area where the store is located. It is desirable that the ads were with colorful, attention-grabbing photographs. It could be another printed products- booklets, postcards. Be sure to advertise in the newspaper, on local television. The main thing is to tell potential buyers about all the benefits of purchasing goods from you.

Initially, the prices in the store should be minimal, and the quality - only excellent. And then the word of mouth will spread the good news about the appearance of your wonderful store around the area, and you will only have to watch the incoming flow of visitors with pleasure.

Business Costs (Consignment Store)

Your start-up costs will be relatively low - this is one of the important positive aspects of this business. Let's highlight the main points, taking for example some averaged data:

  • rent retail space(from 20 m2, on average - 1000 rubles per m2) will be from 20 thousand rubles. per month;
  • equipment: shelves, hangers, racks, showcases, mannequins (you can buy all this from your hands) - no more than 40 thousand rubles;
  • salary to the seller - from 15 thousand rubles. per month;
  • advertising - it can be completely free (for example, in a newspaper free ads) or cost fabulous money. Here it is very difficult to make calculations;
  • preparation of necessary forms and documents. It all depends on the price of a specialist who will deal with your forms (1000 rubles for each - this is the minimum price).

Is it profitable to open a thrift store?

The unanimous opinion of marketing and financial experts is that the number of consignment stores will only grow in the near future. The popularity of inexpensive second-hand goods is not afraid of crisis phenomena, because in difficult times the demand for them only increases. The big advantage of this type of activity is the absence of risks: there is no need to make bulk purchases of goods, which, in case of instability in consumer demand, can become a dead weight.

To carry out a detailed calculation of the expected profit, you need to know the approximate amount of the store's daily check. For example, it is equal to 10,000 rubles. (this is a very modest figure). In this case, the owner's net profit may be 20% of this amount, or 2 thousand rubles. We consider: the monthly profit from the enterprise is about 60 thousand rubles, the annual profit is 720 thousand. Subtract the amount from here monthly expenses- 35 thousand rubles. and get 25 thousand net profit per month and 300 thousand per year.

If for the purchase of equipment and legal services If you initially spent about 60-70 thousand rubles, then you will cover your costs very quickly, in a maximum of 4 months (we will add a little for unforeseen expenses). This is a very good indicator, indicating a high return on business. Not every enterprise begins to bring net profit after such a short time.

  • On the opening day of the store, visitors should not be greeted with empty shelves, even if you have not had time to establish a sufficient number of contacts with consignors. If there is no other way out, buy the first batch of goods in stock or second-hand in bulk;
  • rent a room that is commensurate with your needs: a large half-empty hall is not only expensive, but also uncomfortable for buyers;
  • if you manage to find a room that used to house a department store, this will be an ideal option. This will reduce the cost of repairs, and possibly some of the equipment;
  • Distribute flyers advertising the store to mailboxes. Promise discounts to presenters: it is more likely that they will still look into your store;
  • The “golden” rule of pricing for used goods is no more than 50% of the cost of new ones. Do not sell overpriced items that no one is likely to buy.

Starting any business is always difficult and unpredictable. Try to make the most favorable impression of you for everyone - both for consignors and clients - and then success will not keep you waiting. Good luck!

Often at the entrances of houses, transport stops and just on the fence you can see ads that various equipment is being bought. We are talking mainly about broken things or those that are morally obsolete. The population thus has the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary garbage. For a businessman, buying up old, worn-out TVs is a good opportunity to earn money.

  • How to start a business for buying old equipment?
  • How much money do you need to start?
  • How much can you earn buying TVs?

How to start a business for buying old equipment?

TVs bought with little money can be dealt with in different ways. Most often they are dismantled for parts. The received parts are sold to different productions, where they are received. New technologies today allow the use of spare parts for the second time. This makes it possible for an entrepreneur to receive a stable income. Often the purchase of household appliances has the format home business. Investments in it are minimal, and knowledge is practically not required. To grow your business, you will need mobile connection, Internet and own residential or non-residential area. To this we must add ingenuity, imagination and a great desire to receive satisfaction from their work.

Most of the inhabitants do not even realize that they have unique and rare things in their apartment. These are old TVs, radios, walkie-talkies. Any old technology is valuable today. If you do not have such items in your house, then your relatives probably have them. Grandparents are often happy to get rid of those things that take up space in the house, but have not been useful for a long time. How many of them are still in the homes of our friends and relatives!

Now the question arises, we organized the reception of old Soviet televisions, but what is their value? The fact is that the manufacturing technology of many parts of old equipment provided for the addition of precious metals and copper to them. Silver, gold and even platinum were added to the boards. A quite fair question arises, how many of these metals were there before, if they are even in technology? Previously, without them, the device simply could not work. These ones precious metals and is the purpose of our business. It is the “gold” that makes the acceptance of old products profitable and cost-effective.

In addition to precious materials, old TVs have a lot of non-ferrous metals. These are pieces of copper, aluminum. You can select them from the parts mechanically. Gold and silver, for example, can only be extracted with chemical reactions. How much aluminum or copper is in a TV can be judged by a specific model. As for copper, it was used as a winding in transformers. Usually, 500-800 grams of copper can be extracted from one TV, and sometimes even more than 2 kg. 1 kg of it costs 145 rubles on the market, and aluminum is valued at 50 rubles.

The reception of Soviet technology and the extraction of valuable materials and copper from its parts form the basis of our home business. Even if the entrepreneur does not have the knowledge to isolate metals, the boards can be sold to people who know a lot about radio engineering. Even under such conditions, the purchase will be profitable.

Below are the minimum prices for some TV radio components. Here's how much it might cost:

How much money do you need to start?

Buying old receivers and TVs is a business. It requires a commercial approach and some organization. In addition to information on poles, you can advertise that old equipment is being bought up in newspapers and on the Internet. Advertising and reception costs can be minimal. You will need some funds for gasoline and a car. It must be roomy. In order to save money, it is better to plan the route in such a way as to receive equipment from several addresses at once. A room for appliances can be allocated in your own apartment. Better if it will private house. Then the reception can be organized even in your own territory. It is necessary to calculate the costs for the sale of copper and precious metals.

How much can you earn buying TVs?

Buying up old radios will then be profitable when the entrepreneur learns to accurately set prices for them. How much you can earn depends not only on the state of technology, but also on the ability to bargain. As such, there are no price lists or market prices for TV reception. Their cost is always determined approximately. The benefit of the owner is the last thing that is taken into account when buying takes place. A businessman must be sure that he will earn on the purchased item, on the sale of copper and metals from it. The cost of an old TV can be several dollars or even several hundred conventional units. Japanese televisions released several decades ago are highly valued. This technique was and remains the most reliable.

In the section on the question what is needed to open a buyout? given by the author Deliberate the best answer is Opening a pawnshop, what do you need
Opening a pawnshop does not require a solid investment. If there's start-up capital, then you can immediately put things on a grand scale, relying on any expensive equipment. It is very profitable to put cars and motorcycles at the heart of the business.
But this requires a special parking lot and technical staff.
The first step is to register a credit and collateral institution and obtain a license. Consideration of the application will cost 300 rubles. , and the issuance of a license in 1000 rubles.
The second step is to rent suitable premises, and you will have to deal with the rent before obtaining a license, because otherwise you will not see a license. The law says that the licensee must have premises, equipment, inventory, a security system, etc., in accordance with the requirements of the standards. You choose the location yourself, ideally, take a crowded place. Dimensions and other parameters directly depend on your specialization, because the storage of household appliances requires space, and expensive furs require special care.
In general, the pawnshop will go uphill, both betting on jewelry and accepting a wide range of goods as collateral.
For successful work, you will need to study the conditions, preferences and rates of rivals in order to choose a separate niche for yourself.
Such an enterprise has few risks, except for a loan secured by stolen property. On the other hand, you can get into trouble only with very expensive things and antiques. For minimal risk, you should clearly adhere to the registration of all transactions, write down the passport data of customers. Well, it's nice to make friends at the local police station. Quite often, representatives of the authorities turn to pawnshops with a request to inform whether stolen items will come up.

Nowadays, not all people have the opportunity to purchase new household appliances, this creates the basis for organizing their own business in the sale of used appliances.

You can sell used mobile phones, computer and digital equipment not only through a stationary store, but also via the Internet. If you want to make good money on used equipment, you will have to work a lot on the Internet. You can make your own online store or post ads for sale on thematic forums. Newspaper ads can become another sales channel.

You can also buy used equipment in various ways: by posting an ad on the store itself, by posting ads in newspapers and on thematic forums on the Internet. To buy a lot and good prices, the store should have a special person who will be well versed in demand and prices and will track great offers on the forums and quickly make purchases.

Another option is to buy at overseas Internet auctions. The main sites are ebay.com and the Japanese auction auctions.yahoo.co.jp, you can buy at ebay.com auctions on your own, which is difficult in the case of the Japanese site, since you need to know the Japanese language and many sellers do not send goods outside their country. There is another way out - to work through specialized intermediaries who are guided by buyers from Russia. Working with intermediaries, you will have to pay a percentage of the purchase, but the purchase process will be noticeably simplified and will resemble a regular purchase in an online store.

Creating your own online store

According to the experts of Kommersant-Dengi magazine, creating a high-quality online store will cost at least 6 thousand dollars, but after 3-4 months you will be able to start the battle for a buyer in one of the most highly competitive markets.

The scheme of operation of such stores is simple and obvious: offering goods that are in stock from suppliers, receiving an advance payment, delivering goods from the warehouse directly to the client.

Buy used equipment.

It is enough to buy old household appliances cheaply or find them near garbage cans and make money on the sale of components. Namely - on non-ferrous metals, capacitors, resistors and much more.

For example, one TV may contain up to 2.5 kg of copper and about 1 kg of aluminum.

The cost of copper in different regions of the country is different, but not less than 100 rubles / kg. In total, according to the most conservative estimates - from 1 TV you can get 250 rubles (for copper), 50 rubles (aluminum), 200-300 rubles (radio components). Total - 500-600 rubles.

Business Organization:

1. We give announcements of the following content: "We will buy old TVs", "We will pick up and take out household appliances you do not need."

2. We buy and pick up equipment, disassemble it into components, hand it over to the points of reception of radio components and non-ferrous metal.

Do not buy a TV for more than 100 rubles. If someone thinks the price is low - do not bargain. All the same, there will be a hundred who want to sell a TV for 100 rubles. Take the rest of the equipment for free.

Where is what:

TV - copper, aluminum, radio components.

Keyboard - capacitors.

Washing machine - copper, aluminum, electric motor.

Radio receiver - radio components, capacitors, copper.

Electric stove - aluminum, copper.

Refrigerator - aluminum, copper, electric motor.

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Tired of working for your uncle? This is normal ... Rarely, from time to time, does not think that working for various "uncles", to put it mildly, is not the most pleasant pastime. In fact, this problem is as old as the world. There have always been uncles and aunts who kindly give work to all those who, for various reasons, are not able to do it themselves. Yes, there will be work, some kind of salary, certain social guarantees, a kind of parody of stability ... But all this cannot be compared with the feeling of freedom that comes only with the creation of your own business and income, which can be many times greater.

today magazine Reconomica offers its readers the real story of a simple taxi driver who made up his mind and opened his own business of buying and selling mobile phones.

My business helped me feel financial security, which was not there when I worked for “uncle”.

Let me start with a short story about myself, because without a background, readers will not be entirely clear how the idea of ​​a business was born. After graduating from university, I began an active job search. I had no one to hope for, because I was brought up in an incomplete family by a mother who devoted her whole life to her “favorite” work as an educator for a penny. I did not communicate with my father and did not even know about his whereabouts, and my grandparents, of course, were not helpers in this matter.

Taxi job

Despite my higher education, it turned out to be difficult to find employment, high-paying positions needed blat, so several months of wandering around organizations discouraged me from all desire and hope to find a position in my specialty, and in order to at least somehow provide for myself, I went to work as a taxi driver.

Taxi driver in higher education- not uncommon in our time, but who needs a diploma about the "tower"?

The crusts do not affect the salary in any way, the rent for the car, too, not to mention the revenue. You can go to work at least after 11 classes, or you can finish medical school, the salary will be the same.

In order to somehow provide for myself, I went to work as a taxi driver.

In the first few months, I was satisfied with such employment: the schedule was free, the authorities did not control it, the work was interesting (you constantly communicate with new people). The only downside was the high rent, but since I didn't have my own car, I didn't have much of a choice.

In order to have more revenue, I had to work night shifts almost every day, which, after six months of work, began to slowly unsettle and take a lot of energy, and a few more months of such a frantic schedule made me seriously think about the need to look for a new job.

The prospect of being unemployed again did not appeal to me, so until the moment I find new niche, I decided to stay in the taxi.

How I decided to go into business

One night I drove two young guys, talking with them on everyday topics, I asked about what each of them was doing. As it turned out, they had joint business buying, repairing and selling old household appliances. From their words, I realized that the business brings a good income. They left me their business card, just in case, promising to help if needed.

Arriving home, I immediately turned on the computer and began to look for information about the organization of such a business. The idea itself seemed like a good idea, but after I got acquainted with all the pitfalls, the enthusiasm disappeared a little. It became clear that I alone could not master such a scale of work, here I need a reliable partner and a knowledgeable mentor.

A round dance of thoughts circled in my head, with which I walked for about a week. Something concrete did not come to mind, there was no one to wait for help from, but I tried to understand this matter and understand what niche I could master on my own.

At that moment, I decided what I would do.

So, in one of beautiful days, passing by a small stall for buying and selling mobile phones, it dawned on me, why don't I try with such a small amount of work. After asking the sellers about the range of goods, whether they carry out repairs or are exclusively engaged in sales, what related products they offer, it became clear that a store designed only for buying and selling, while the queue for them was not small.

At that moment, I decided what I would do, at least I would try.

My business plan

With the preparation of an approximate business plan, I had to suffer a lot.

  1. I didn't understand any of this at the time.
  2. The picture of business on a piece of paper was vaguely represented.

But still, I managed to make some sketches. So, first of all, I decided on where I would take the goods for the initial sale, and began to look for direct suppliers. At first, it was dangerous to buy phones from people on my own, because I still had no experience in this matter, and there was a high probability that I would very often come across low-quality goods.

Product range

Next, I began to decide on the range of goods. This should have included any working mobile phones (I did not plan to do repairs, because I was far from it) well known to potential buyers manufacturers. The pricing policy was focused on the middle strata of the population, buying up expensive mobile phones was not part of my plans - despite the fact that Volgograd is a rather big city, it is not known in what time it would be possible to sell expensive mobile phones.

To diversify the assortment, I decided to additionally sell phone accessories.

It was impossible to calculate even an approximate revenue, because I did not yet know where my pavilion would be located, how much goods I would buy, whether there would be a demand for it. By and large, I hoped for luck.

Where to get money to start a business

Of course, it was not easy to find funds to open a business. I didn’t have any savings, and it was inconvenient to contact my mother with a request to borrow at least some of it.

There was a classic option - to take money on credit, at sky-high interest rates, in a bank. Although I am not a supporter of debt bondage, to be honest, I have never applied to any bank for a loan before, in this situation, there was simply no other way out.

There was a classic option - to take money on credit.

Having applied to Sberbank with an application for the issuance of the required loan amount, filling out the necessary forms and collecting all the certificates, after 2 weeks I received approval, which meant that I could proceed directly to action.

Starting a business

Probably the most responsible important point at the beginning of the business, there was a problem with choosing a location.

Looking for a pavilion for sale

I began to consider options for renting pavilions in the city center, but soon realized that it was unlikely that I could afford the cost of a month's rent. Then I began to consider options in shopping centers, here the picture was about the same: more or less walk-through places had a large area and were rented out at cosmic prices, and pavilions, where the bulk of buyers come every six months, did not interest me.

Further, the search for a place led me to the city market, where price policy was much more acceptable, but the conditions left much to be desired: tiny, dirty pavilions without elementary repairs immediately scared away with their dull appearance, and the administration, contrary to common sense, did not give a single hint of a decrease rent for such a state of outlets.

However, there was nowhere to go, time was imminent - having chosen the most suitable option, the first thing I did was general cleaning and cosmetic repairs.


Then I started to draw up the relevant documentation:

  • applied to the administration for permission,
  • then with the same question to the fire department,
  • issued a license to provide communication services.

The red tape is simply terrible, but such are the requirements of the law. At the last stage I bought cash register and designed the corner of the buyer, this work turned out to be trifling.

My product

After completing the preparatory activities, I set about laying out the goods that I had previously purchased from one of the suppliers in our city. Almost all phones were in good condition, some even came with a complete set and a box.

I also purchased a batch of accessories and components from China for low prices, for trial sale:

  • headphones,
  • cases,
  • external batteries,
  • decorative stickers,
  • internal batteries,
  • cases.

Almost all phones were in good condition, some even came with a complete set and a box.

How much can you earn

I traded in the pavilion myself. For the first 2-3 months I worked, one might say, on zero, even to pay for the loan, there was no money left, I had to ask for a loan from friends. Although I spent a fair amount of money on advertising, it didn’t make much sense. Perhaps because the start of the business took place in the winter months, or perhaps because it just happened, but at that time I suffered a lot of fear: I invested about 200,000 rubles, there was no profit, and the loan “hangs” like a burden around my neck.

Fortunately, the black streak passed with the onset of spring, by the month of May I was already counting a stable profit.

So, the following months of trading brought me from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles, of which I paid for rent, paid for a loan, and once a quarter made contributions to Pension Fund and tax. In principle, I earned the same money in a taxi, only I had to work less here.

What now

The second year of work began to bring from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles, I already had a more ardent interest in work, I significantly expanded the range of goods, began to buy phones from my hands and learned to understand them well.

At present, I am still buying and selling phones, I work myself, I don’t want to hire someone from the street. Small business brings me not only a stable income, but also the pleasure of work.

In the near future I plan to open another point, now in mall just not enough time to do it. I can evaluate the business as quite profitable and interesting, I do not regret that I left the taxi service and devoted myself to a new occupation.

Currently, I am still buying and selling phones.

Problems and difficulties of such a business

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about the difficulties that I had to face:

  1. As a person completely unaware of this matter, I had to learn the basics on my own, which took a lot of time, effort and nerves.
  2. The second, in terms of importance, difficulty can be called running around the authorities and offices for collecting required documents. Queues in which you stand for hours, bosses who are just waiting to get on the “paw”, piles of incomprehensible papers - all this is so exhausting that you give up.
  3. Finding a place to trade. This problem was also worth a lot of effort: they charge a lot for rent, and almost everywhere. Nice place - expensive place. Either you trade where there are no buyers, or you will get a barn that will have to be washed and repaired.
  4. The first months of work and the lack of stable income. Working for free is always hard, especially when there is no one to rely on and you have to pay bills. Novice businessmen are familiar with this, only time will help here, conscientious work and patience.

For those who are new to this business, I can give you some good advice:

  • a business will be profitable only with the right approach, so study the recommendations on the Internet, chat with knowledgeable people and think about whether you really need it;
  • find a good trading place;
  • cooperate only with reliable suppliers;
  • start with small sales volumes;
  • attract customers with discounts, make concessions;
  • gradually expand the range of goods, focus on consumables and accessories.

Any businessman must work hard, work and work again. Only then will his business become not a business for show, but an occupation that brings a stable profit.

Therefore, set yourself up for a working mood, drive laziness, get involved in the process, and then you will succeed! Good luck in all endeavors!