Eve online how to raise a faction stand. How to raise standing to a faction in EVE Online

Each agent belongs to an NPC corporation, and corporations are usually part of a faction. In order to improve relations (raise standing) with the NPC faction in EVE Online the player just needs to complete the tasks of the agents.

Most missions will only increase the level of relations with the NPC corporation, but some can also raise relations with the faction. It is often much easier to achieve good relations with one corporation than with an entire faction.

Register in EVE Online and conquer space distances together with the whole world. A completely redesigned beginner training system will help you with that!

A good faction attitude in EVE Online opens up the doors of all corporations that belong to the pilot for the pilot, and therefore a good faction attitude is a very valuable asset.

How can you improve your relationship with a particular agent?

The relationship with the agent improves in the same way as the relationship with factions and corporations - while completing his assignments. When you deal with his missions, you will improve relations first of all with the agent himself, and only later - with his corporation or faction. Also, agents can forgive you for certain blunders if you get along well with their faction or corporation.

How not to spoil relations with the faction?

It should be remembered that working for one playable faction in EVE Online can ruin relations with its opponents, so be careful. The Amarr Empire will not treat those who cooperate with the Minmatars well. If you continue to work for the Minmatars, then the Amarr may well even show aggression towards you and persecute you if your path runs through their systems.

Relations in the future can be corrected, but a very bad reputation with the faction will be corrected for a very long time. Choose your agents carefully!

Each agent belongs to an NPC corporation, and corporations are usually part of a faction. In order to improve relations (raise standing) with the NPC faction in EVE Online, the player just needs to complete the tasks of the agents.

Most missions will only increase the level of relations with the NPC corporation, but some can also raise relations with the faction. It is often much easier to achieve good relations with one corporation than with an entire faction.

Register in EVE Online and conquer space distances together with the whole world. A completely redesigned beginner training system will help you with that!

A good faction attitude in EVE Online opens up the doors of all corporations that belong to the pilot for the pilot, and therefore a good faction attitude is a very valuable asset.

How can you improve your relationship with a particular agent?

The relationship with the agent improves in the same way as the relationship with factions and corporations - while completing his assignments. When you deal with his missions, you will improve relations first of all with the agent himself, and only later - with his corporation or faction. Also, agents can forgive you for certain blunders if you get along well with their faction or corporation.

How not to spoil relations with the faction?

It should be remembered that working for one playable faction in EVE Online can ruin relations with its opponents, so be careful. The Amarr Empire will not treat those who cooperate with the Minmatars well. If you continue to work for the Minmatars, then the Amarr may well even show aggression towards you and persecute you if your path runs through their systems.

Relations in the future can be corrected, but a very bad reputation with the faction will be corrected for a very long time. Choose your agents carefully!

  • Posted March 20, 2014
  • Updated: 16 September 2014

Day 10.
Increased Electronics up to lvl 5. Set to study Science up to 5 lvl.

In addition, the Caldari Hindu pumped one spell, the Caldari frigate to the second and began to raise the stand to Lai Dai.
To raise the stand more or less quickly, I had to pump 2 skills - social up to 3 lvl, connections up to 3 lvl.

I already said that in order to get the desired result of my experiment, you need to do 2 important things - learn skills and upgrade the stand to the desired NPC corporation. He began to learn skills 10 days ago, but the stand began to swing from today, that is, after 9 days from the beginning of the experiment.

For a long time I thought about how to quickly pump the stand to the corpus more efficiently. At first I wanted space as agents, but then I realized that this was a little different. I decided in the old fashioned way - to raise the stand with the help of agent missions from lvl 1 to lvl 4. It was sooooo lazy to be bullied with combat missions, and a combat ship would have to be taught. Digging missions are also not an option - again, you need a spike and fit + a lot of time to complete each mission. Actually, there were only their couriers and began to make them.

Here's what happened after completing missions in one day:

If someone does not know how to see how much the stand gives the completion of one mission, then here is a visual aid for you. First of all, open the character sheet and there you find the tab - relations. Open it and right-click on the line that interests you:

Click to show operations and here's the result:

In general, every 16 normal missions for one corporation give 1 story. Storyk is such a mission that increases the stand to the faction. I also did stories, although in general it was possible not to do that, tk. I don't need a stand for the faction, I just need a stand for barking give corpse.

Expenses per day: Purchase of an Indian and a frig with cargo holdings. In total, 2kk claims.
Income: 3kk - mission reward.


This is an informative introductory article for those who, among other activities, decided to work for agents, but do not yet understand the intricacies of the game.
But ... something you need to know before you start working for agents: this is actually who the agents are and their place in the world of EVE-online, as well as the standings system.
Those. first I would like to tell about where the legs grow from, otherwise many in the game still confuse the concepts of race and corporate identity.
Of course, if you are not interested, you already know everything, and in general you are exclusively interested in the question of "where and how to get an agent" scroll down to where we finally get to the agents themselves.

Introducing the organization of the EVE world

I'll start with the basics so that it is clear what role agents play in the EVE-online universe, who is worth working for and what will be your job. The world of EVE-online is inhabited by five main races: Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, Minmatar and Jove. Please note races ->www.eve-online.com/races
Representatives of these races hang out in various organizations or factions (a little not true in meaning, of course, but this concept is used in the game, therefore, here and below - factions). Here you can see the main NPCs of the organization (NPCs from English npc - Non-Player Character) - factions in EVE: www.eve-online.com/corporations

Fractions are made up of corporations. Hence follows the first important point: concept factional and corporate standing. Fractional standing is a rating of the entire organization as a whole to you, and corporate - of a corporation to you separately. Those. you can have a negative rating (fractional) to you from an organization, but a positive rating from a corporation that is a member of this organization. Factional standing applies to all corporations within a faction, as a secondary one after factional. It is also primary, in the case of allowing the setting of POS-s on the territory of the faction, non-admission to the systems controlled by the faction, in the event of a strong underestimation, etc. of things.

Once in the game, you are already in any NPC corporation by default. And in general, by the way, it is impossible to exist outside the corporation. Leaving a corporation created by a player, you find yourself in an NPC corporation. The entire chain of transitions will be displayed in the corresponding tab of your character and available for viewing by anyone.

It is also worth mentioning another independent rating for the player, the so-called. Security Status(SS) - security status, changing within -10 / +5. This status is often confused with the concept of standing for the Concorde faction. This is a bit different. Concord (CONCORD Assembly) is an organized interracial faction of the law and order (a la Interpol), called upon by the forces of various associations to keep order in the empire. Those. these are the guys who will bang you in the empire with too low SS and not following the rules of conduct in the empire, despite their own rating to you.
The concept includes all systems from 0.1-1.0, while the range of 0.1-0.4 is not guarded by Concorde ships.

SS falls if you violate the rules of conduct in the empire established by the creators of EVE-online (you kill ships and capsules of players, shoot stations and other people's property and much more - this is a separately confused topic, I will not write here in detail), and SS rises accordingly if you help all members of the imperial alliance, for example, destroying red crosses in belts and pirate NPCs on missions.

And the last thing worth mentioning is not the organization's NPCs. Non-NPC organizations (factions) are created by the players themselves, by combining their corporations into the so-called Alliances. In this case, the ratings are distributed by the players themselves - that is, they are the result of the personal relationships of the players in the game. The list of currently existing Alliances, corporate structure and systems under their control () can be found at www.eve-online.com/alliances

Which explains the standings system itself

Fractions in Eve exist for a reason in peace and prosperity. They all love and hate each other to one degree or another, which is reflected in the standings of factions and corporations to each other.
Stands are exhibited mutually independently to each other. Those. Let's say one corporation puts another +2, and that one in return +5 (or -5). Remember (know?) The situation when Baron Menhausen declared war on England? Well, here is the same, you can defiantly set a minus, say, the Gallente Federation. At the same time, do not expect a response - the Gallente Federation itself sets up its standings to you, depending on your various body movements, and it dances from it.

You can display standings:

Standing of the agent is a separate song, because it only affects the missions it gives you. I will not touch it now.

The range of stadings is from -10.0 to +10.0.
If you want to indulge in stating - at your service is the RELATIONSHIP tab in the info of the corresponding victim.

Standings are also displayed in the form of colored icons.
Colored pictograms, if acc. the settings of the overview are also displayed in all chat windows. A very handy thing, by the way.

When you start working for an agent, you gradually increase your stand to that agent's corporation. If you are performing the so-called. important missions, then also to the faction in which the corporation is located (also a little to the faction of the allies). At the same time, completing the tasks of agents, you inevitably lose the standings of corporations and factions against which you are doing missions (performing important missions automatically lowers the standings, even if you just brought ores as a fulfillment of the task). It is inevitable, in your will to be more attentive to the proposed missions and refuse some, for example, combat missions against Amarr Empire, Caldari State, Minmatar Republic, Gallente Federation. But, as a rule, such missions are often given and there is a lot of deliciousness in them. Therefore, some players work for two corporations, whose factions are mutually negative to each other. And some do it, in the end, the problem of too low stranding is the problem of professional agentrunners - people for whom working for agents is the main pastime in EVE.

Total. Working for an agent, you can increase (and decrease) three types of standings:

The whole range of standings can always be viewed in the tab

What standings affect:

Agent Standing - affects the Effective Quality of the agent (the higher the more rewards for the work).

Corporation stand
1) affects the fine fees when processing ore, ice and loot at corporation stations. That is, the higher, the less they will take (npc corpse 6.7 is enough, and the owners are greedy people at stations and outposts: okay, okay - they are homely)
2) affects the availability of work with corporation agents
3) there may be something else: for example, like the production efficiency skill of production from the blueprint:

Faction NPC Stand
1) The availability of work with agents of all corporations included in it
2) To permit the installation of POS (building near the moons, with all sorts of goals) on its territory.
3) Actually on the availability of the territory of the faction in terms of flying, if -5.0 and below. Supported by the local Concorde. Eggs-capsules do not count - they are not hit by NPCs.
4) Surely for something else: I'll leave the point.

In which we finally reach the agents themselves

Oddly enough =), but you yourself must decide for the agents of which corporation you are going to work.
Your choice may be consistent with the interests of your corporation, your personal preferences or the desired results, "geographic" location, counting room - it does not matter, the main thing is to consciously choose a corporation before starting the search for the agents themselves.
This article will provide information to help you make your choice.

By and large, you, as a beginner, will have to deal with a set of standings for 4 main NPC factions: Amarr Empire, Caldari State, Minmatar Republic, Gallente Federation. For they are the most influential and large-scale in Eve, as well as most of their agents are located in the more or less secure territory of the empire. Of course, agents of pirate and semi-legal factions are at your service. But it makes sense for already strengthened players to work for them, and there is no reason for such to read this article. Therefore, let's focus on the main NPC factions. When choosing a general factional direction, one should take into account the classic bunch of standings: Ammatars are friends with the Caldari, they hate Minmatars very much and not very much Gallentes. And Gallents are friends with Minmatars, they hate Calgary very much and not very much Ammatar. For those who do not want to greatly underestimate the faction standings, you can pre-select a corporation on both sides and work for them in turn.

The selection algorithm is as follows: first, select a faction, then one from the corporation, then agents. If you already have preferences for the corporation, then go directly to the agents. So, choose your faction and proceed to search for suitable NPC corporations within the selected faction. It is recommended to pay attention to these corporations:

- Corporations with combat division agents. The reason is the greatest profit.
- Corporations with R&D divisions. To raise the corporate standings and subsequently start a research project ("Research Project") with good level R&D agents.
- Corporations from which, as a reward, you can purchase things, ships or copies of blueprints available only from this corporation.
- It also makes sense to look through the list of all the agents of the chosen corporation, in order to find out how many, what level and their place of residence (high or low systems). Let's say the choice of working for an agent in low systems (0.1-0.4) is fraught with the fact that you will have to deal with pirates happily waiting for you near the stations, jump gates, as well as right during the execution of your missions (they will scan your ship traffic jams and fly in to participate).

Then, it should be determined which division (subdivision) of the corporation you will work for. Divisions differ in the types of missions issued: combat, courier, trade, mining. Here is an approximate distribution by type of missions issued by agents by department:

Agent division Kill Courier Trade Mining
Accounting 88% 12%
Administration 47% 47% 6%
Advisory 14% 58% 14% 14%
Archives 92% 8%
Astrosurveying 13% 25% 13% 50%
Command 88% 6% 6%
Distribution 5% 85% 5% 5%
Financial 12% 70% 18%
Intelligence 74% 21% 5%
Internal Security 98% 2%
Legal 67% 27% 6%
Manufacturing 48% 4% 48%
Marketing 17% 77% 6%
Mining 10% 5% 85%
Personnel 28% 66% 6%
Production 52% 13% 35%
Public relations 28% 66% 6%
R&D 50% 50%
Security 94% 6%
Storage 6% 71% 6% 17%
Surveillance 84% 11% 5%

Regarding the choice of a division, a couple of recommendations: if you want to get high profits and faster growth of standings and awards (as well as generally become an "agent runner"), then start working for corporations with predominantly combat divisions. You will receive money from agents, receive money for downed NPC ships, receive money and things by collecting the loot dropped from them, get the opportunity to salvage wrecks - the remnants of downed ships and collect components for rigs.
In the case of courier, trade and miner missions, you will only receive a mission reward.

If you have decided on the NPC corporation and the desired division, then the long-distance search algorithm is banally simple. You need an agent of the division with the highest Quality that is available to you on the stand at the moment. I repeat, if such an agent lives in low systems (0.1-0.4) it is worth considering. It is searched like this: through the People And Places tab, search for the corporation you need by its name (type of search on Corporation).

In the found window of information about the corporation find the Agents tab. This tab will contain all the agents of this corporation, sorted by division. Open the desired division and pay attention to the separator (for you, not for you - available to you / not available to you). This is an auto-sorting of agents regarding your standings for a given corporation. Choose the most accessible one, see the place you live and, if you are satisfied, fly to work with it. If you don't like something, go down the list.

The "show on map" button will show the agents' residences on the galaxy map with green dots.

Desired skills for optimal work with agents


Pumping Social up to 4 at least, and in the case of further work for agents up to 5 in obligation. This skill gives a faster growth of standing to you from NPC agents, corporations and factions by 5% for each lvl.

Rules for working with agents

Turn to the agent for a mission - fly to his station and in the "Agents" tab on the agent's icon, double-click.

Call a dialogue with the agent and ask for a mission. Receive a mission and its detailed description. Agents give missions only at the site of their station, they do not give missions remotely, they ask to fly in personally.

In the event of a single failure, you do not bear any standings losses. You can refuse a mission on one agent once every 4 hours after refusing the first one, otherwise you will lose the agent's standing to you and the agent's corporation's standing to you. And by a decent amount, so think carefully before giving up two agent missions in a row. For this reason, many work simultaneously for 2-3 agents (in order to reject unwanted missions from one, to ask for missions from another). A mission not rejected through a dialogue with an agent is considered failed after 24 hours with a decrease in standings, respectively.
Make sure you have accepted the mission before flying. If the mission is courier, make sure the cargo being transported is in the hold and not left at the station.
A week is given to complete the accepted mission from the time of the agreement to complete it. If after a week you have not completed the mission, the mission is considered failed, it is removed from the list in the mission log with the agent's and the agent's corporation's standings downgraded to you.
For about every 10-20 missions from your agent, you get the so-called. important missions from any Agents Offers... This agent sends a letter to EVE mail, where he indicates his place of deployment. A mission marked with a yellow inscription - important missions is also displayed automatically in the mission log. As it was written above, completing this mission automatically increases the faction standings of friendly factions, and also automatically lowers the faction standings of unfriendly ones. The mission can be abandoned without losing standing.

Completing a mission for your agent brings a certain amount of so-called. loyalty point (LP). In the course of missions, they are summed up from all agents of the given corporation. Having accumulated a certain amount, you can exchange a certain amount of LP for any thing. Full list items offered for LP and the amount of LP accumulated on the agents of the corporation can be viewed in (provided there is at least 1 LP for this corporation)
The "little shop" is hidden behind such a horse at the station:

The number of LPs issued for a mission depends on the Effective Quality of the agent, the type and complexity of the mission.

A bit about agent missions

Detailed information about the mission can always be viewed in the journal (see the screen above). Also, when accepting a mission in People And Places - mission bookmarks are added to the Places tab. In the mission execution system, they can be called by right-clicking on space and through them warp / attach to the mission object.

You should not look for mission objects anywhere, except for these bookmakers, as well as shoot at non-mission objects. Fraught with the arrival of the Concorde on your ship.
In the case of a warp on a mission beech to the object, you may need to do a warp through the acceleration gate.

You need to fly up to them at a distance of more than 2.5 m and press the warp button. The same accelerating gates can be observed during the mission, which implies further warp through the gate, after the destruction of enemies in this location. These locations are also called. The MWD device does not work in the pockets and you cannot get into them by the beech - you only weld to the first accelerating gate of the pocket.

If the mission is not familiar, read the detailed description of the mission... At least through the translator program. There will be indicated the execution systems, the alleged enemies, the required things and what is actually needed, tk. many missions can be performed without a slogan. For example, sometimes you need to wait for the enemies for a while, sometimes it is enough just to destroy this or that structure, and sometimes you do not even need to kill the first red crosses that come under the lock, since they are of their own type.
In some mission buildings, when they are destroyed, different things can be found. The dislocation of the mission is randomly generated in the system space when accepting a mission with all buildings and asteroids, and also disappears when the mission is surrendered, leaving empty space. You can return to the place of an already passed mission (for example, salvage wrecks), only if you personally made the beech in place. Even the same mission will not take place in the same place in space.
The completed mission will change the color in the journal from yellow to green, but do not forget about missions in which they require some item from the killed to be brought to the agent. The mission will be displayed in green, but until you have the required item in the hold of the ship or in the hangar at the agent's station, the agent will not count the surrender of the mission.
Sometimes on a mission, you can receive a message from an agent in the form of a pop-up window, in which he informs, changes or supplements the task.
When delivering goods upon arrival at the destination station, you need to contact the agent through the tab: and you can hand over the mission.

I think it will also be useful to give the signs with information on the type of damage inflicted and weaknesses in the defense of the NPC ships that can resist you. Taking these numbers into account helps a lot when completing level 3-4-5 agent missions. Information about the opponent can be found in detailed description mission.

Note: here is the percentage of damage inflicted by NPCs, calculated taking into account the type and amount of damage dealt per second (DPS, DPS) for all ships / weapons used by factions / corporations, taking into account spawn.

Faction Names Damage type to shoot Damage type to resist
Amarr empire
47% EM
42% Thermal
7% Kinetic
4% Explosive
Angel cartel
62% Explosive
22% Kinetic
9% Thermal
7% EM
Blood raiders
50% EM
48% Thermal
2% Kinetic
0% Explosive
Caldari state
51% Kinetic
48% Thermal
1% EM
0% Explosive
Gallente Federation
60% Kinetic
39% Thermal
1% EM
0% Explosive
Guristas pirates
79% Kinetic
18% Thermal
2% EM
1% Explosive
Minmatar Republic
50% Explosive
31% Kinetic
12% EM
7% Thermal
Mordu "s Legion
70% Kinetic
30% Thermal
0% EM
0% Explosive
Rogue drones
Sansha "s Nation
53% EM
47% Thermal
0% Kinetic
0% Explosive
55% Thermal
45% Kinetic
0% EM
0% Explosive

However, many people write to themselves in the "bio" of the character and use shortened versions. I will cite one, the most complete of them.

Using Hardeners

Angel Cartel - Everything, Mainly Explosive / Kinetic
Amarr Navy - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Guristas, Mordu`s Legion, Gallente Federation - Kinetic / Thermal
Blood Raiders Covenant - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Sansha`s Nation - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Serpentis - Kinetic / Thermal
Mercenary - Electromagnetic / Thermal / (Kinetiс (rockets)
Caldary Navy - Kinetic / Thermal
Khanid Kingdom - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Zazzmatazz - 2xThermal / 2xKinetic / 1xElectromagnetic / 1xExplosive
Maru - Electromagnetic / Thermal
Mordu`s Legion - Kinetic / Thermal
Rogue Pirate - Electromagnetic / Explosive / Kinetic
Odamian - Kinetic / Thermal

Preferred Damage Type

Angel Cartel - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor) / Thermal
Amarr Navy - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Maru - Kinetic / Thermal
Mordu`s Legion - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Guristas - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor) / Thermal / Kinetic
Blood Raiders Covenant - Thermal
Sansha`s Nation - Thermal
Serpentis - Thermal
Mercenary - Explosive
Caldari Navy - Explosive / Kinetic / Thermal
Khanid Kingdom - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Zazzmatazz - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Rogue Pirate - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)
Odamian - Electromagnetic (Shield) / Explosive (Armor)

On this site, follow the link http://eveinfo.com/missions by the name of the mission you can find the most detailed information on its passage (in English). Anyway, the site has a lot of useful reference information.

It remains to add that the loot (various devices) extracted from the wreckage of ships (wrecks) is most profitable to process for minerals and sell. Because, most often, devices are bought for a pittance by other players, and then either resold, or processed, extracting their valuable minerals or using t2 items for inventory.

"Specific" agents

As already stated, these are:
1) The so-called COSMOS agents
2) Agents of R&D - divisions of some corporations.
3) Agents Offers, issuing important missions of the mission, which was mentioned above.
4) Educational agents for new players.

Agents Offers issuing important missions missions have been reviewed in detail.

Training agents for new players provide training missions, which are constantly changing by developers as new features are introduced in the game - there is no point in writing about them.

COSMOS agents

COSMOS agents can be found flying around some stations, jump gates, in space near lighthouses. At stations, like ordinary agents, they do not sit and you will not find them in the list of corporation agents. See how many COSMOS agents are in the game, what level they are, what corporation and where they are located, as always on the website http://eveinfo.com/ In chapter.
The ships they fly are indicated by a "talk" icon. By clicking on the info on the ship, you can talk to them and see the required standings to work with them.

R&D agents - division

These guys do not give a mission in the standard sense of the word. Each playable character with the necessary standing and one of the scientific skills (from those specified in the info agent) can start the so-called. "Research Project", after initialization of which points (RP, research points) will be accumulated from the agent every day.

At the moment, the main function of R&D agents is the ability to exchange the agent's accumulated research points for datacores necessary for the operation - obtaining copies of t2 drawings from a t1 drawing with a limited number of pieces. Even if you don't do inventory yourself, datacores can be sold at a fairly high price on the market, which will bring a good income.

In addition to these joys, it is worth noting that the project started does not require any further gestures. You arrive at the agent, open the project and fly away. Everything. These projects appear on the research tab in the mission log. Each R&D agent credits you with a certain number of points per day. The skill direction (depending on the characteristics of the skill being studied, the coefficient can be x1, x2, x3) and the level and Effective Quality of the agent are responsible for the rate of RP accrual per day. You can also take one optional mission from the agent once a day, which will add to you the number of research points equal to the agent's charge per day. That is, completing missions daily will double the RP inflow.

RP / day = (lvl agent + lvl skill in the direction of research) ^ 2 * (effective quality / 100 + 1) * K ,
where K = 3 when developing ships (Starship Engineering)
K = 2 when developing weapons (Weapon)
K = 1 otherwise.

Simultaneously one playable character you can have up to six research projects (work with 6 R&D agents). One is always available, the other five can be obtained by leveling the skill Research Project Management... It costs 40,000,000 isk and requires knowledge Reserch 5 lvl and Laboratory Operations 5 lvl

This concludes a short excursion into the world of agents.