Step by step recipe for making soap at home. Category: Soap from scratch

It's so simple, but so necessary. You can find laundry soap in any store, and it is much cheaper than any other. The bar contains many useful properties and qualities (despite low price). Laundry soap is a tool for all occasions.


Laundry soap was created back in Soviet times. It is still one of the most versatile foods in the world. There is probably no person who has never seen an impressive bar with a smell that is not very pleasant for soap. This wonderful natural remedy has a lot of advantages (despite its simple appearance):

  • completely consists of natural components;
  • together, the components make it absolutely hygienic;
  • it is hypoallergenic;
  • universal in application;
  • widely used in folk medicine;
  • sold at a very low price;
  • does not contain chemicals.

What are they made of?

Going into any store, today you can see a dozen various kinds soaps: from liquid to lumpy. With such large assortment colors and smells, few people will choose a brown bar in a standard package. However, it must be remembered that appearance and smell have nothing to do with properties. If you start listing the differences laundry soap from the toilet, the first one will have more pluses.

It is absolutely natural, and this is not an exaggeration. The composition of toilet soap is dominated by synthetic components that can harm the human body. Many toilet products contain hazardous ingredients. They wash away not only bacteria from the skin, but also many necessary things. The claim that liquid soap is safe is just a myth. Flavors and dyes in its composition are real chemicals. Many soaps are not suitable for sensitive skin, they will only harm it.

Glycerin products are especially hazardous to health. V Lately such funds are becoming very popular, because their appearance is very unusual. The tool is transparent and appears to customers in all colors of the rainbow. The danger of such products is that they severely dehydrate the skin.

The composition of the product is not chemical. It is obtained, as a rule, from natural fats - vegetable and animal. The composition includes sodium (as well as potassium) salt. There are no dyes or fragrances in this product. It turns out that the present economic product includes:

  • Animal fats - they form the basis of soap. Beef fats and sometimes the fats of some fish are used.
  • Sodium is one of the main components.
  • Water - it is added when cooking soap (and not only household). It is impossible to weld the product without water.
  • Kaolin - added in small amounts to reduce the effect of alkalis on the skin.
  • Fatty acids - combine alkalis and acids.
  • Alkali.

Such a tool is hypoallergenic (due to the content of natural components in it). This means that it does not cause allergies, skin itching and irritation - even in the most sensitive person. Many manufacturers add dyes and flavors to their products to make the product more attractive to the buyer. Such changes significantly affect the quality of laundry soap. Now only the cheapest remedy is prepared according to the same recipe as before. There were two recipes in total:

  • All products were processed until the advent of soap glue. Then they waited for this mixture to harden, and cut it into bars.
  • After the whole procedure, a special mixture was salted out (treated with a salt solution).

To get 72% laundry soap, it was necessary to salt the mixture about two or three times, and sometimes even more. It took a very long time, so this method is considered difficult. In Soviet times, such soap replaced almost everything modern facilities household chemicals.


On any piece of laundry soap (both light and dark), you can see numbers with percentages. This stamp indicates the category of the product. In total there are three categories of laundry soap:

  • I - 70.5% or more;
  • II - 69%;
  • III - 64%.

Usually, the cleaning properties of the soap depend on the category of soap. The higher the percentage, the higher the acid content of the soap. This means that such a product cleanses better, but at the same time, alkalis can dry out your skin. According to GOST, the percentage cannot be higher than 72. Today, such a tool is almost impossible to find, only in very rare cases. Typically, manufacturers do not release funds above 60%.

There are many types of laundry soap:

  • Liquid laundry soap is no different from lumpy. Appears before the buyer in a bottle resembling dishwashing detergent. The color is similar to the original product. Manufacturers claim that it is better suited for laundry and dishwashing. It should also be noted that the composition and smell of liquid and hard soap, differ greatly. V liquid soap there are several chemicals.
  • Children's household- Another type of product designed specifically for washing baby clothes. It has a less pronounced smell and a softer texture, which is very good, because the pungent smell can cause discomfort in children.
  • White economic- it becomes white thanks to whitewash. This type of laundry soap is not recommended for washing dishes. Ingestion is also undesirable. The white color of soap also depends on the amount of sodium hydroxide. The more it is, the lighter the product. This cleanser is the best.
  • Laundry soap is also available in powder form. This is the same remedy, without any additives, just crushed to small yellow granules. Many housewives make such a powder with their own hands, using a grater. With this powder, it is not necessary to wash things by hand. You can just throw it in the washing machine.


Today, manufacturers produce many varieties of laundry soap. The products of some manufacturers appear in beautiful bright packaging, slightly diluting its appearance. Some manufacturers go further, they give the soap a different color (and even flavor). Here are some of the most famous product manufacturers, taking into account the current GOST recipe:

  • Laundry soap DURU- it is available in one, two or four pieces in one package. The price is almost the same as the cost of traditional laundry soap. The product itself is white. Ornaments and patterns are carved on the surface of the product, but they are short-lived. The properties of this soap are similar to household soap, only it has a more pleasant aroma. Cleans things up great.
  • Laundry soap "Stork"- in appearance, it looks more like ordinary laundry soap. Brown in color, with rough edges and exactly the same smell. There is an option for children - "Stork". This soap is lighter, great for washing children's clothes, reliably protects the child's things from bacteria and germs.
  • Household Powder "Cinderella"- natural laundry detergent. The powder itself is a large granules of light yellow color. It has a "famous" scent. It is very convenient to use, it is an analogue of laundry soap in powder form.

  • Laundry soap "Eared Nanny"- children's laundry soap is white, does not foam very well, there is practically no aroma. The product has a pleasant soft texture. Perfectly cleans clothes.
  • Liquid laundry soap Economy- appears before customers in a transparent package, the color resembles a traditional remedy. It is universal in use, perfect for people with allergies.
  • Liquid laundry soap Haus Frau- also found in a transparent bottle, has a standard smell. One of the significant advantages of soap can be considered the presence of vitamin E.

  • Laundry soap "Sun"- has an unusual yellow color for soap of this kind, perfectly launders even the most greasy dishes. The product is very economical. It has a faint lemon scent.
  • Laundry soap "Neva cosmetics"- white, slightly transparent, excellent foam. The smell is neutral, almost non-existent. Washes out great.
  • Laundry soap "Spring"- the composition is similar to the traditional household. It has a similar smell, washes well.

How to do it yourself?

Many housewives cook the product themselves, considering this method the most reliable. First of all, you need to wear thick gloves to protect your hands. Alkali can harm your skin, so you need to be very careful. It is advisable to protect yourself from toxic fumes, wear a strong mask and open the windows. H To get a kilogram of the product, prepare:

  • 1 liter of sunflower oil;
  • 150 g of caustic soda;
  • 400-500 ml of cold water.

Making it from scratch using a recipe is not that difficult. This can be done without any problems at home. No special skills are required for this procedure.

First, add baking soda to the water and gently stir the resulting slurry. At the same time, do not forget to open all windows and in no case breathe in fumes. Stir the mass with a wooden spoon. It is necessary to continue until the soda is completely dissolved. Sunflower oil needs to be warmed up a little (it is advisable to do this in advance) and carefully pour into the resulting solution.

If soda deposits remain at the bottom, it is necessary to extinguish them with a solution of vinegar and citric acid. Only then should you pour in the oil, otherwise nothing will work.

Next, the tool can begin to cook, for this it is necessary to stir the mixture until it thickens. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, be sure to beat it with a mixer. Don't let lumps form. The consistency of the mixture should resemble very thick sour cream.

After that, you need to pour the mixture into molds. The form is up to you. The soap hardens the next day, but it should be remembered that it must be left to mature for three weeks so as not to melt, and only then can the product be safely used.

There is a recipe for making organic washing powder. Such a powder is reliable in use (according to the reviews of most housewives), it definitely does not contain any chemistry. To prepare, take the following:

  • 6 bars of soap;
  • 2 kg of soda.

It is necessary to grate all 6 bars of soap on a grater. You need to rub very carefully, without leaving large pieces. After that, it is necessary to mix the resulting mass with baking soda- a glass of soap to a glass of soda. Then you need to mix the ingredients thoroughly. Now the powder is ready.

It must be kept tightly sealed to prevent air from entering. Such a powder can be safely poured into the washing machine (as the most common one) and not be afraid for its safety.

Such a homemade laundry soap powder does its job perfectly. If you do not like the smell, you can add a few drops of essential oil when preparing the product.

How to make laundry soap with your own hands, see the following video.

Which one is better?

Not everyone can immediately choose the best laundry soap. Remember that the numbers on the soap represent the amount of acids. The higher this percentage, the better product. However, we should not forget that a product with a high acid content can adversely affect the skin. If you only use it to wash your hands, it is recommended to choose a lower percentage (or use a skin moisturizer). The best among all is still a remedy that is as close as possible to the good old GOST recipe.

How to choose?

Again, pay attention to percentages. The higher the percentage, the better soap cope with the task. Therefore, the choice of laundry soap depends entirely on the purpose for which you need it. If you plan to use it for washing clothes or washing dishes where disinfection is necessary, you should choose the option with a high percentage. If you use the product for cosmetic purposes (for example, wash your face, wash your hands or head), you should choose an option with a fairly low percentage. So you will avoid unpleasant consequences. This is especially true for intimate hygiene.


  • This tool is universal, which means that it can be used in almost any way.
  • This is the right way to fight acne and blackheads. You just need to rinse the problematic parts with the product. The miracle cure also has the unique quality of shrinking pores.
  • Many girls replace the wash with such a product. It is known that it is able to wash off the coloring pigment. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to wash the head with soapy water, thoroughly rubbing it into the hair. Such a procedure can wash off the black color of the hair - however, only a couple of tones.
  • The product is actively used in traditional medicine. Many women use this product for gynecological problems. Laundry soap accelerates healing. In folk medicine, there are a lot of similar recipes. This remedy is suitable for relieving itching or healing minor burns. However, do not forget about the alkali in the composition of the soap. With discomfort, self-medication is contraindicated.
  • It completely eliminates corns and corns.
  • Doctors advise washing with a household soap solution once every two weeks, this will only benefit the skin. However, they do not advise washing their body often. It is also used in everyday life for disinfection: they wipe combs, toothbrushes, washcloths and other personal hygiene items.
  • Doctors recommend washing chicken eggs with soapy water.

Soap base soap recipes with photos remain in demand, despite the abundance of cleansers. After all, this soap has a gentle composition: especially aggressive surfactants, preservatives and fragrances are replaced with base and essential oils, herbs, clays and other natural ingredients. Having mastered the recipes homemade soap, you will brew it according to your preferences and needs.

Soap making. Start

To cook at home, you only need a table in the kitchen next to the stove. And you can get acquainted with the basic principles of this process in the article “Soap from a soap base”. The whole process of work is described in three words:

  1. melt;
  2. enrich;
  3. pour.

Soap ingredients

You need the following materials:

  • Soap base, white or/and transparent.
  • Dyes, food or pigment. Food can also be used in the preparation of sweets. But pigment ones are brighter, more resistant to fading and, unlike the first ones, do not stain all adjacent layers. This is true for multilayer soap. There are dyes for a transparent base that do not cloud it.
  • Mother-of-pearl, glitter. Mother-of-pearl (mica) colors, gives shimmer, glitter - shine.
  • Base oils, extracts, infusions for base enrichment.
  • Essential oils or fragrances to add fragrance. Ethers also transmit their beneficial features basis. And they remain even when the smell becomes faint. Perfumes are preferably used with a fragrance fixative.
  • Medical alcohol in a spray bottle. The bubbles are removed with alcohol. They are sprayed with base layers, soap figures, water-soluble paper for better adhesion to the new layer. Other liquids containing alcohol will leave a whitish coating in the finished soap.
  • Pictures on water-soluble paper.
  • Loofah, foundation, dried flowers, clays, scrubbing particles and other additives.

Don't buy everything at once. First of all, you need a base, dyes, base oil and flavoring. If soap making becomes a serious hobby, then you can gradually expand the set of materials.

You can buy these components in art supply stores, specialized soap shops, or order them online. Oils, dry herbs, clays can be found in the pharmacy.

Soapmaker's toolkit

Many tools can be found in the kitchen:

  • A plastic board (it is easier to clean) and a knife for cutting the base.
  • A heat-resistant glass (in which you will melt the base) and dishes for a water bath.
  • Stove or microwave. The microwave oven will melt the base faster, but skill is needed: if the mode is chosen incorrectly, the base will boil and it will take a long time to clean the inner surfaces of the oven. A water bath is placed on the stove (essentially, a pot of water into which a heat-resistant container with a base is placed).
  • Wooden stick for stirring. A metal spoon can oxidize the base or added ingredients.
  • A set of measuring spoons to measure the right amount of oils and other additives.
  • Pasteur pipette.
  • Scissors to cut off some materials (such as loofah) and cut motifs on water-soluble paper.
  • Moulds. There are plastic (they are cheaper) and silicone (it is more convenient to extract soap that has not completely cooled down from it, and the relief is amazing). Molds for baking and ice are suitable, but they cannot be used for their intended purpose - only for soap making.
  • A cheat sheet, where it is written what, in what order, and in what proportion is added to the base. Over time, you can easily make your own recipes.

Your first recipe


  • 60 g of transparent soap base;
  • green mother-of-pearl on the tip of a knife;
  • ¼ teaspoon of olive oil, many have it in the kitchen;
  • 5 drops of peppermint essential oil, the fresh aroma of which will complement the summer color of mother-of-pearl.


Step number 1. Prepare everything you need for work, lay it out in a convenient order so as not to look for anything.

Step number 2. Cut the base into pieces of the same size. So the melting will be uniform. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will melt.

Step number 3. Place the chopped base in a microwave oven or in a water bath, where it will melt, but the base cannot be brought to a boil - this will make it unusable.

Step number 4. Pour in mother-of-pearl and stir, breaking lumps.

Attention: mother-of-pearl must be protected from moisture, always keep the container closed. Even the steam from the bain-marie will create clumps that are difficult to stir into the base.

Step number 5. Pour in olive oil. Mix.

Step number 6. Wait a little, drip the mint essential oil into the cooled base - the esters do not like very hot and quickly disappear. Stir.

Step number 7. Pour the base into the mold.

Step #8. If air bubbles appear on top, sprinkle them with alcohol to make them disappear.

Step number 9. Since the mold is plastic, you need to let the soap harden and cool completely. This will take at least half an hour.

Step number 10. Remove the finished soap. To do this, gradually press on the sides and bottom of the mold so that air gets between the plastic and the soap. You can briefly put in the freezer, but do not freeze.

The soap is ready to use. For storage, wrap it with cling film, otherwise it will dry out, and put it in a dry, dark place.

blue clay soap recipe

Blue clay contains mineral salts and trace elements useful for the skin, in particular cobalt and cadmium. Therefore, it was called blue, although its color is gray. In soap, this component acquires the properties of a delicate clay scrub:

  • gently exfoliates dead skin cells;
  • absorbs sebum and impurities;
  • saturates the skin with iron, zinc, silver, magnesium, calcium, etc.

To make soap with clay, you will need:

  • Airplane mold. Blue clay will give the base a gray color that is best for military aviation.
  • 20 g of white soap base.
  • 1/8 teaspoon grape seed oil. Nourishing and emollient, it treats inflammation and rejuvenates. At the same time, the oil is very light.
  • 4 drops of peppermint essential oil. It has bactericidal properties, soothes, softens and refreshes irritated skin, treats inflammation. The aroma of mint promotes concentration and mindfulness.
  • a little less than a quarter teaspoon of blue clay.
  • medical alcohol.

Aromatizing gray soap is offered with essential oil with a fresh, tonic smell.


Step number 1. Prepare everything you need for work.

Step #2. Cut the soap base into equal pieces.

Step number 3. In a water bath or in a microwave, bring the pieces of the base into a liquid state.

Step number 4. Pour in the stone oil.

Step number 5. While stirring, pour in the peppermint essential oil.

Step number 6. After aromatization, add clay. Thoroughly stir the lumps. Remove any air bubbles by spraying with alcohol. You can pre-dilute the clay with water and pour the solution into the base.

Dry clay will settle strongly. The solution will paint over the base, the clay will settle a little. In order for dry clay to be evenly distributed, it is necessary to take the basis for swirls.

Step number 7. Pour the colored and enriched base into the mold.

Step number 8. Remove bubbles with alcohol.

Step number 9. Leave for half an hour to cool and harden.

Step number 10. Pull the finished soap out of the mold. You can wash them right away.

The figurine can be used for its intended purpose, or it can be placed in a simple mold without relief and filled with a transparent soap base. Then she will please much longer.

herbal soap recipe

Using vegetable raw materials, you can make your own hands, for example, soap based on a soap root. Plants are also added to soap from the base. Fresh flowers and leaves look spectacular, but will soon become moldy, or even rot. Therefore, herbs are added to the soap base dried or in the form of a decoction, oil or alcohol infusion, extract.

Decoctions give the soap base their beneficial properties, but you have to be careful: excess water prevents the soap from fully hardening. The base accepts up to three teaspoons of liquid per 100 g.

Liquid is an excellent resuscitation tool for a dried base.

If the decoction is added in the right amount and the soap hardens, then after a certain time it will dry out and bend. But it will not lose its qualities from this.

Infusions are more preferable, they can act as natural dyes.

If you pour dry plants with a hot soapy base, the same processes occur as when they are brewed with water, that is, it is enriched with the useful substances of dried flowers.

It is convenient when dry herbs are used in the form of scrubbing particles.

To prepare a scrub soap, dry herbs must be thoroughly ground, preferably in a coffee grinder. So homemade scrub particles will not injure the skin.

Herbal Soap Ingredients:

  • 70 g of transparent soap base.
  • ½ teaspoon nettle oil extract. It contains many vitamins and nutrients and is suitable for all skin types. Nourishes, tightens, improves its elasticity.
  • 5 drops of chamomile essential oil. It relieves irritation and inflammation, accelerates healing, smoothes. The aroma soothes, relieves stress, eliminates anxiety.
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped chamomile flowers. A decoction of them, hypoallergenic, is used in the treatment of skin diseases and irritations.


Step number 1. Arrange the ingredients and molds in the right order.

Step number 2. Cut the soap base into small pieces of equal size.

Step number 3. Melt them in a water bath or in a microwave.

Step number 4. Pour in the nettle oil extract. Mix. It will slightly color the base.

Step number 5. Wait a bit and add chamomile essential oil. Mix.

Step number 6. Pour crushed chamomile flowers. Stir thoroughly, as the chamomile will try to float, and after mixing it will be distributed over the base. The base will become even stronger.

Step number 7. Pour the base into the mold.

Step No. 8. If air bubbles appear, sprinkle with alcohol to remove them.

Step number 9. Leave for half an hour to harden. After extracting the soap, it can be seen that it was beautifully and quite intensely colored even without dye.

Step number 10. You can and should use this soap right away. With long storage, dried flowers will deteriorate, and the oil extract will change properties.

Soap recipe for dry skin

Dry skin is unpleasant: peeling, pulling sensations. Soap brewed at home will be a lifesaver. The composition of the base is more gentle compared to conventional soap. The main irritant of soap is the surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Typically the SLS base is replaced by sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), a mild foaming agent. Soap without soap base - from scratch, brewed from oils and alkali, does not contain a foaming agent.

If you cook soap from a base for dry skin, you should not introduce absorbent substances (for example, clay), scrubbing particles (granules, ground herbs). With oils, base and essential, you also need to be careful: their excess dries the skin.

For gentle soap you need:

  • 80 g transparent base;
  • 3 drops of gel pigment "Scarlet";
  • ¼ teaspoon shea butter. It penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, triggers the synthesis of elastin and tissue regeneration processes;
  • 3 drops of orange essential oil. Some of its properties are to maintain the moisture balance of the epidermis and eliminate the feeling of tightness;
  • medical alcohol.


Step number 1. prepare materials and tools;

Step number 2. cut the base;

Step number 3. Melt shea butter in a water bath;

Step number 4. Melt the base without overheating it;

Step number 5. Color with pigment, mixing well;

Step #6. Add Shea Butter;

Step number 7. Pour in the essential oil of orange;

Step number 8. Pour the base into a mold.

Step #9. Spray with alcohol if there are bubbles;

Step number 10. Remove the frozen soap and use it with pleasure!

Soap, even the best, will not moisturize the skin. Only a moisturizer will do this.

Shea butter soap recipe

The advantage of home soap making is the ability to add any exotic component you like. Shea butter (karite) comes from West and Central Africa. But it fell in love with women outside

Black continent for its properties:

  • softening;
  • protective;
  • restoring;
  • soothing.

This oil will restore dry and rough feet, elbows and hands. It will delay the withering of the skin, make it more elastic and supple. Shea butter is used to prevent stretch marks and to treat them. They are also treated for insect bites and irritations.

It protects against aggressive environmental factors:

  • cold;
  • wind;
  • ultraviolet rays;
  • heat.

Shea butter is classified as a hard butter. When warm, its consistency is similar to ghee. Before use, it is heated in a water bath - a high temperature is not needed, since this butter melts already from the heat of the human body.

For soap you need:

  • 80 g of white soap base.
  • 8 drops of gel pigment "Blue Crystal". It will paint the white base in a pastel blue color.
  • ½ teaspoon shea butter.
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Inhalations with it help as part of complex therapy in the treatment of a runny nose and colds, its vapors disinfect the room. The frosty aroma drives away drowsiness, sadness and fatigue.
  • Medical alcohol.


Step number 1. Prepare the ingredients, dishes and molds.

Step number 2. Cut the soap base.

Step #3: Melt the shea butter.

Step number 4. Melt the base in a water bath or in a microwave.

Step number 5. Pour in 7 drops of pigment. Stir thoroughly so that the base is colored evenly.

Step #6. Add melted shea butter. Mix.

Step number 7. Pour 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix. The smell is quite strong, it is not worth pouring a lot of oil.

Step number 8. Pour the base into the mold.

Step number 9. Remove air bubbles with alcohol.

Step number 10. Leave to harden.

Soap with an exotic aroma, because it is not suitable for everyone, is ready.

lavender soap recipe

You can turn your bathroom into a corner of Provence by brewing a pastel-colored soap that smells like lavender and has a transparent relief in the form of a bouquet of this plant.

For lavender soap you need:

  • 5 g transparent base.
  • 80 g of white base.
  • 7 drops of blueberry jam gel pigment.
  • ¼ teaspoon of jojoba oil. Thick oil contains fatty acids, proteins, vitamins. It treats inflammation, promotes healing and recovery, has antioxidant properties, protects the skin from damage. external environment.
  • 4 drops of lavender essential oil. It heals wounds and disinfects, softens the skin. Its aroma defeats aggression, awakens sensuality, relieves anxiety and normalizes sleep.
  • medical alcohol.


Zero step. We prepare everything you need.

Step number 1. Cut a transparent base.

Step number 2. Melt it.

Step number 3. Color with two small drops of pigment. Enriching such a small amount of base is difficult and impractical.

Step number 4. Pour into the corner of the mold where the relief of the bouquet is.

Step number 5. Distribute the base by shaking the mold.

Step number 6. Let cool.

Step number 7. Wash off the base protruding beyond the edges of the bouquet wet wipe.

Step number 8. Cut the white base.

Step number 9. Melt it.

Step number 10. Color with pigment, mix thoroughly. In a white base, the dye will become soft purple, pastel.

Step #11 Add base oil.

Step #12. Pour in lavender essential oil. It has a strong scent so don't overdo it.

Step number 13. Sprinkle a bouquet of transparent base with alcohol.

Step number 14. Pour in the "lavender" base.

Step number 15. Bubbles, if any, remove with alcohol.

Step number 16. Leave to cool.

Are you thinking about getting into homemade soap making but don't know where to start?
First you need to prepare all the necessary raw materials and equipment. To do this, we buy according to the list below everything you need to make soap self made.

It is transparent, white and colored. Sold in specialty soap shops. It is produced by both Russian and foreign companies. Different MOs differ from each other in transparency, plasticity, smell, color, effect on the skin, foaming and, of course, price. MOs are now being produced that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, or in the form of a cream. There are glow-in-the-dark MOs, there are jelly ones. Color MO is more expensive than transparent MO, so it is better to make such a base yourself using dyes.

Very easy to use soap molds. Thanks to its flexibility, the shape simply turns inside out and is removed from the soap like a stocking. The soap can be removed while still slightly warm. Molds are purchased at the hardware store as "ice molds" or "bake molds". In such stores they are sold in plates, 4-8 identical pieces per sheet. The range is not very large. In soap shops they are sold by the piece.

They have a huge variety for every taste. They are hard and the soap can only be removed if it has solidified well. With strong pressure, the shape can be broken.

4. Volumetric forms.

There are also 3D shapes. The soap in them turns out to be “voluminous”. Such forms consist of two halves with a hole for pouring the melt. The halves are fastened with a lock. They are many times more expensive than flat forms.

Dyes are used in a variety of ways. There are food colorings, there are mineral pigments, there are neon and gel paints. They are sold both dry and already diluted. Concentrated dyes are enough for several kg of soap.

To give the soap a pleasant smell, cosmetic fragrances are used. There are a lot of them in stores. You can buy essential oils at the pharmacy and also add them to soap as fragrances. You can combine scents and create your own scent.

It is best to melt MO in a microwave oven in thick-walled glass or polyethylene cups of various capacities. A plaster is glued to the glass, on which it is convenient to mark the melt level for a particular form.

Hot melt is safer to stir with glass or wooden (from sushi) sticks. It is better to have several of these sticks for each MO color.

It is easier to cut the MO with a large knife, and the notch between the multi-colored layers, the refinement of the finished soap and the correction of small defects is best done with a small knife or even a scalpel. Different round holes are made with drills of various diameters.

In order for the multi-colored layers in the soap to adhere better, use alcohol in a spray bottle. Alcohol (or any antiseptic solution) is bought at a pharmacy.

If you add glitters (sequins) or mother-of-pearl of various colors to a transparent MO, then the soap will turn out to be very beautiful, as if luminous and iridescent from the inside.

12. and stamps.

The finished soap can be decorated with various decorative elements: toys, poppy seeds, glass beads, etc. You can use various stamps that give beautiful prints on the back of the soap.

If you have prepared all this, then it's time to show the world your masterpiece. Good luck.

Among the advantages of handmade soap is not only the purity of the product, but also the uniqueness and individuality. You can independently select and add to the bar those nutritional components that a certain type of skin needs. If you give a gift to a teenager, you need to take into account the increased likelihood of acne. Men need to soothe their skin after shaving. And confident women need to give along with soap care for the skin, youth and freshness.

Required Ingredients

To make your own soap, you need to purchase the necessary components:

  • Soap base (special transparent or regular baby soap).
  • Any base vegetable oil (olive, apricot, sunflower, almond or others).

  • Essential oil, depending on the characteristics of the skin type (ylang-ylang is suitable for sensitive skin, tea tree, aloe for problematic skin, orange, grapefruit for cellulite).
  • Dishes for dissolving soap and molds for hardening.
  • Alcohol for bonding layers and lubricating the mold surface.

After preparing all the components, you need to start soap making.

We start to conjure

First, the soap base is grated so that it melts faster in a microwave or water bath. Base oil is added at the rate of 3 teaspoons per 100 grams of base.

Milk, cream or water is added while the base melts to obtain a creamy mass. Too much water causes the soap to delaminate, so it's best to add sugar to help the base melt faster.

Soap is poured into a mold and sprinkled with alcohol so that there are no air bubbles on the surface. Leave in the refrigerator or other cool place for 2-3 days until completely dry. It remains only to take it out of the mold and give it to a loved one.

Everyone can make such soap on their own at home.

Advice!So that the finished soap does not deform while it is delivered to the recipient, it must be wrapped with cling film on top.

Master class with step-by-step photos on making handmade soap

Better than flowers, only a bouquet of handmade soap

If you don’t know what original gift to give to a friend, mother, mother-in-law, lover, always remember that a hand-made gift is most appreciated. Given the love of women for flowers, these two points can easily be combined and get the perfect bouquet - from handmade soap.

If desired, you can make a bouquet of any number of flowers. Given that roses are considered universal, they need to learn how to make them first. Knowing the basics, you can easily make any other flower. To make soap roses you will need:

  • 200 grams of baby soap;
  • 1 tablespoon of edible gelatin;
  • 7-8 tablespoons of water;
  • flavors, food coloring is desirable to use for similarity with a rose;
  • smooth knife;
  • vegetable peeler.

Gelatin is poured with cold water and left to swell for half an hour - 50 minutes. At this time, baby soap is rubbed on a grater and, constantly stirring, melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath until smooth. At this stage, flavors and cosmetic oils are added.

Add already swollen gelatin to the mixture and pour the soap over various forms(Hairspray caps, baking dishes, empty cases for watercolors or cosmetics are suitable). It is better if the containers are silicone, since soap in its original form cannot be obtained from glass or metal. Put the resulting mass for 10-15 minutes in the refrigerator until hardened.

Soap rolls will come out slightly damp and still warm. Use a paring knife to remove thin round layers of soap. These are the petals for the future rose. They can be different shapes and size. That's the beauty of it. To create the core, you need to twist one soap petal a little diagonally. The next few petals need to wrap the core.

To make the rose look blooming, you need to wrap the edges of the next petals a little outward. Continue until you get a flower of the required splendor. If the cone is too oblong, it can be cut off with a knife.

Bouquet leaves are made of soap in the same way as flowers, but in a different color. The veins are drawn with a toothpick or a needle.

A rose with a leaf can be made into a separate flower to make a bouquet. And you can use it to decorate a bar of soap. It all depends on the desire of the master.

Advice! Soap flowers are a great gift, because they can not only wash, but also put in the bathroom for decoration. Thanks to gelatin, roses will be fragrant from humidity and cheer up the hostess.

How to draw on soap

Handmade soap with a pattern is one of the most original gifts that seems to be very difficult to make at home. If you choose a drawing that is close in spirit to the person to whom the product will be presented, or even his photo, you will present not just hand-made soap, but a work of art in which the soul is invested.

First of all, you need to choose a thematic picture and print it on a special water-soluble paper. It would be better if you use a color laser printer, as it accurately conveys all the colors that are not distorted during further manipulations. Before starting work, the drawing must be well dried and sprinkled with hairspray.

Soap base or baby soap should be melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath so that there are no air bubbles. Dyes and flavors are not added to this layer, as they reduce transparency, which is necessary for image clarity.

The resulting melted soap is poured into a pre-selected form with a layer 2 mm thick and the picture is placed on top with a pattern down. To avoid air cavities, you need to immediately determine the location of the printout. From above it must be evenly sprinkled with alcohol and pour a 1.5 mm layer of soap on top. This is done so that the white layer does not spoil the picture if it leaks under it. Alcohol treatment is necessary to eliminate bubbles on the surface.

The next layer is white. It shows the picture best. Therefore, a little soap in the form is melted so that it is enough and poured on top of the already frozen transparent layer treated with alcohol. After complete solidification, the next, thick layer can be originally decorated using soap chips, sparkles, coffee beans, dried flowers or other decorative elements. If a chip is selected, it must first be frozen for strength so that it does not melt when it is poured into the next hot layer.

Advice!You can add a different number of multi-colored layers, depending on your imagination, but the main thing is not to overdo it, as the layers may not stick together.

Step-by-step master class for making colorful soap

How to make handmade soap with inscriptions: cute, fast, cheap

To reach the heart of a loved one or just cheer up a friend, you can give an original handmade soap with a relevant, meaningful for you or a person, inscription. Experts distinguish two main ways of decorating a product.

To implement the first method, you need to pour a small amount of pre-melted baby soap on cling film and let it harden a little. On this basis, they cut out with a sharp object, preferably with a needle or a toothpick, the letters needed for the phrase. After complete solidification, the base easily moves away from the film. The main thing to remember is that you need to write letters in a mirror image, since the front of the soap will be at the bottom of the form.

Attach the stencil to the finished bar of soap, take a sharp object, such as a wooden skewer, and circle the letters

The second method assumes ballpoint pen and plain paper. It looks a little cheap if it's not neatly written. You need to write the phrase in bold type and fill it with a thin layer of soap base. After hardening, the inscription easily remains on the soap, and the paper is torn off with a sharp movement. After the manipulations, the printed phrase is placed in a soap mold and poured a second time with a melted base. In order for the layers to stick together, do not forget about the treatment with alcohol.

Advice! To make the gift touching and individual, it is better to choose a meaningful phrase for a person. This will indicate your attention and understanding.

Useful properties of laundry soap in handmade soap

Laundry soap in the 21st century has lost its popularity due to its unattractive appearance, smell, and shape. However, everyone over 30 knows about the beneficial properties of the brown substance:

  • suitable for washing;
  • kills bacteria;
  • improves the condition of the hair;
  • considered a folk remedy for the treatment of acne and acne;
  • treats inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases;
  • disinfects the wound from infection;
  • eliminates fungus.

There are three methods of soap making based on laundry soap.

One of them is a three-layer kitchen one - it eliminates any contamination, including greasy stains and food residues on a plate. The main rule of use is to wear gloves, as the product dries the skin.

To prepare kitchen soap, you need to take 100 grams of laundry soap, grate it, pour 180-200 ml of water and melt it in a microwave oven or in a water bath. When the resulting liquid resembles honey, beat it with a mixer at low speed. Collect the foam in a separate bowl. The mass, which has already been melted, is divided into three parts. In the first add a tablespoon of mustard powder, in the second - 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds, which will get rid of the unpleasant odor, and a spoonful of castor oil.

To glue two bars of soap, you need to sprinkle the first layer with alcohol and pour the second one on top of it. Alcohol also eliminates air bubbles.

The third layer with soda to enhance the cleansing effect. It is mixed with the foam that remained after the first whipping of laundry soap and a tablespoon of soda. When laying out this layer on the previous one, do not forget to moisten it with alcohol.

Soap in the form of hearts - a nice gift for loved ones

Leave handmade soap to dry for at least a week. There will be no characteristic smell, the cleansing properties will increase several times.

The second way to make handmade soap will appeal to girls who care about the condition of the skin, as this product nourishes and moisturizes it. It is necessary to dissolve 150–200 grams of laundry soap and mix thoroughly with the ingredients in the amount of one tablespoon of honey, sunflower, sea buckthorn and castor oil, 100 ml of boiling water and one dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add 1 teaspoon of anti-cellulite oil, chlorophyllipt, vitamin E and 0.5 teaspoon of glycerin or baby cream.

For a pleasant smell, add 10 drops of lavender essential oil or men's toilet water to the soap. After cooling, it is enough to place in the freezer for only one hour. Then you can use.

The third recipe contains milk, so the soap is excellent for delicate and sensitive skin.

80 ml of milk is mixed with 100 grams of laundry soap, previously grated, and the mixture is melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath, stirring occasionally. To speed up the process, add 1 tablespoon of honey. When the soap dissolves, beat it with a mixer until light and cool.

In a mass that has already cooled down, you need to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, olive oil, castor oil and vodka. Almond essential oil helps to completely remove the aroma of laundry soap, but it is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 6 years old, so it is better to use chocolate, cocoa, ginger, cinnamon and other aromatic additives.

Advice! To make the soap foam well, you need to add coconut oil or other vegetable fats to the composition.

Making soap at home is of interest to most beginner soap makers, as it is a rewarding activity that is fun and does not take much time.

Making soap at home for beginner soap makers is attractive because of a number of advantages:

  • minimum investment to buy cheap equipment;
  • available manufacturing technology of the product;
  • the opportunity to enjoy the creative process;
  • the ability to create an environmentally friendly and natural product, unique in content and form;
  • an unlimited circle of consumers of the finished product (adults and children, men and women of any profession and status in society);
  • the opportunity to experiment, create something new;
  • the likelihood of receiving income from the sale of their products;
  • lack of competition due to the uniqueness of each product.

Disadvantages of homemade soap making:

  • need for investment own resources on the initial stage work;
  • search for points of sale and buyers;
  • the risk of allergies (boiling soap involves working with essential oils, chemical elements, therefore it is not suitable for people with sensitive mucous membranes and skin).

Materials and accessories

Making soap at home for beginners at the initial stage of work involves the cost of materials, appliances and tools. Their choice depends on the intended production technology of the product.

The foundation

As a base for soap, you can use:

  • a self-prepared mixture (the most time-consuming method, which involves observing safety precautions and having knowledge in the field of chemistry);
  • factory-made soap base;
  • unscented baby soap;
  • remnants and residues from ordinary soap (the most economical way).

The basics from different industries differ in a number of characteristics:

  • cost;
  • hardness;
  • cooling speed;
  • degree of naturalness (there are completely natural base masses to create an environmentally friendly safe product).

Most of the bases sold in specialized stores are glycerin, without alkalis in the composition, which compares favorably with the finished soap made at the factory. The glycerin base has a milder effect on the skin, forms a large amount of foam.

high quality the English base for soap is different, but it is expensive and hardens very quickly after melting, therefore it is inferior in popularity to Russian raw materials. In addition to them, there are soap bases from Belarus, Germany, China, and Bulgaria on the market.

The “SLS-free” mark on raw materials guarantees the absence of surface-active substances (surfactants) in it, which have a negative effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

For soap with a water-soluble image, it is advisable to choose an English base, a Belarusian product "Ideal" or Russian base"Myloff" for the top layer, because this way you can achieve maximum transparency of the product. The thinner the top layer, the clearer the pattern underneath is visible.

There are 4 types of soap bases:

  • Solid soap base. The most popular are classic white (including matte) and transparent base. The white base contains the pigment titanium dioxide. If necessary, you can purchase it separately to create white soap from transparent.

A transparent base allows you to create a soap of bright colors, a white base will give any dye a pastel tone. Also, vegetable oils, milk (goat or cow), mango butter can be added to solid bases. On sale there are bases created only from natural raw materials.

  • The basis for creating "swirls". When heated, it acquires a viscous structure without turning into a liquid. Thanks to this property, it is possible to create soap with unique patterns and inclusions from it.

  • Soft base. It is used when cooking scrub soap and soft soap (a product that has a pleasant texture, reminiscent of ice cream).

  • liquid base. It is ready for use in everyday life, and also serves as the basis for the creation of new hygiene products.

The liquid base from England "Liquid Crystal Concentrate" is especially popular. It cannot be used in its pure form due to the high concentrations of active substances in the composition.

Making soap from scratch independent creation bases - the process is time-consuming and harmful due to the use of caustic alkalis, therefore, at home, it is advisable for beginner soap makers to use a ready-made soap base.

To brew a transparent soap, a transparent base is needed; to brew a matte product, you should choose a matte raw material. The average cost of 1 kg of the base mass is 300 rubles.

If baby soap is chosen as the basis, it is worth buying fragrance-free options, since it will be impossible to get rid of its original aroma.

To make your own soap base, you will need 3 ingredients:

  • alkaline base;
  • liquid (decoctions of herbs, milk, purified water);
  • special oils for saponification.

Caustic soda is required to obtain solid soap. Alkali provides saponification of fat, in this case - base oil (any vegetable oil, in rare cases - pork fat).

The liquid is necessary to pre-dissolve the alkali and prepare it for mixing with fat. If you use milk or decoctions of useful herbs as a liquid, the finished soap will become useful, it will turn its natural color and get a natural smell.

base oils

Base oils enrich the soap, give it the necessary properties (moisturizing the skin, softening it, nourishing it). Soap without base oils will dry the skin, create a feeling of "drying out", lead to cracking and flaking. To enrich the product, you can also add cream, body milk, boiled milk and cream.

The main thing is not to get carried away with enriching substances, otherwise the soap will not foam well.

The most commonly used base oils are:

  • for hands: cocoa butter, shea butter, olive, palm, walnut, jojoba;
  • for normal facial skin: cocoa and avocado butter, olive and almond;
  • for dry facial skin: shea butter, evening primrose, wheat germ, rosehip, avocado, almond, castor;
  • for oily facial skin: apricot and peach seed oil, sweet almond and hazelnut;
  • for problem areas of the skin of the face: sea buckthorn or olive;
  • for the body: sesame, shea, almond, coconut, cocoa, olive oil.

Selection of base oils according to skin type

An oil is often chosen based on its effect on the skin:

  • withering - wrinkle-smoothing geranium oil;
  • with dryness - mint oil;
  • to saturate with vitamins - juniper oil;
  • for rough dried skin - lanolin oil;
  • to combat cellulite and give elasticity - orange oil, loofah, algae in combination with pieces of ground coffee.

Essential oils

Essential oils are used to give homemade soap a pleasant aroma. Instead, they also use confectionery and cosmetic flavors, coffee, chocolate, honey, dried fruit zest, parts of dried flowers. The downside of essential oils is that they dry out quickly. Therefore, they are added to soap at the end of preparation.

The choice of a particular oil depends on what healing effect you want to achieve. For example, lavender relieves headaches, has a calming effect; jasmine gives vivacity and improves mood; tea tree oil is effective in fighting bacteria.

You can choose the necessary raw materials depending on the scope of the soap:

  • For the skin of the hands, use any essential oil.
  • For normal facial skin, chamomile, jasmine, geranium, lavender oils are best suited.
  • Dry skin can be helped with essential oils of lavender, mint, jasmine, palmarosa and neroli.
  • Lemon, rosemary, cypress and geranium oils can reduce oily skin.
  • In the fight against problematic facial skin, essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, juniper, sandalwood and fir are effective.
  • Tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, as well as orange, grapefruit oil are useful for the body.


Thanks to dyes, you can color homemade soap in the desired shade.

The main features of the use of coloring pigments:

  • in a transparent base, the colors are saturated, in a white one - gentle and muted (with the exception of neon dyes);
  • several colors can be mixed to obtain the desired shade.

All dyes are divided into food and pigments:

  • Food colorings leave the soap transparent, do not add turbidity to its base and color it in rich bright shades. However, it is impossible to create a multi-color soap with their help, since the colors easily pass into other layers.

They are available in the form of powders, gels and oils. They are highly concentrated. Dosage of food coloring: 1 to 5 drops for 100 g of base.

Liquid dyes are more convenient to use. They are divided into classic colors and neon (more saturated and bright colors). Neon pigment allows you to get a bright soap even when using a matte white soap base. The disadvantage of liquid dyes is clouding of the base. The dosage of liquid pigments is from 5 to 7 drops per 100 g of base.

Natural dyes are safer

Ready-made dyes, sold in specialized stores, will color soap in brighter colors than its natural counterparts.

However, natural dyes are safer:

  1. Red pepper or sandalwood red powder is needed for red color soap.
  2. The green color is obtained by adding chlorophyllipt (easily available at the pharmacy) or dried herbs to the soap.
  3. To give the product an orange color, you should use turmeric powder.
  4. For a brown tint, add chocolate, coffee or cinnamon to the soap.
  • Pigments are more popular due to their versatility and wide range of colors. The main advantage of artificial dyes is the absence of color migration in the manufacture of a multi-layer multi-colored product.

Dry pigments are represented by powders. They are not well suited for making soap, as they often settle in it without dissolving. They can only be used if the soap base is prepared independently, since alkali does not corrode such a dye. The transparent base from them also becomes cloudy.

For 100 g of soap, 1/3 tsp is required. dry pigment, previously mixed with alcohol, oil or glycerin.

Pearlescent pigment (Mickey) is available in the form of powders. It does not need to be mixed with anything before use. You can use mother-of-pearl only on a transparent soap base, as it will not be noticeable on a white surface. Often they decorate the finished soap with fingers or brushes. It can also take away the transparency of the soap. For 100 g of raw materials, 1/3 to 1/2 tsp is needed. pigment.

High quality pigments "Zenikolor", produced in the form of a paste. They do not penetrate into different layers of soap and retain its transparency.

Conventional titanium dioxide, a white pigment, will allow you to transfer a transparent base to a matte if necessary. It is also necessary for the manufacture of a white base for swirls. For 100 g of soap base, you need to take 1/3 tsp. titanium dioxide mixed with oil, alcohol or glycerin.

Decorative ornaments, useful additives

For decorative purposes in soap are used:

  • mother-of-pearl (pigment with iridescent color, used both for coloring soap and its decoration after manufacturing);
  • water-soluble pictures (for making soap with a pattern and inscriptions);
  • dried flowers and plants;
  • texture sheets and stamps (to create patterned patterns and relief on the surface of the soap).

Soap is also supplemented with caring components to give it certain properties:

  • for scrub soap: oatmeal, poppy seeds, ground herbs, sugar, nutshell crumbs, ground coffee or coffee beans;
  • for a therapeutic effect: parts of medicinal plants and herbs;
  • for a tonic effect: fruit zest, honey;
  • for mild skin care: skin milk, creams, cream, milk, propolis tincture;
  • for nutrition and hydration: vegetable oil, honey, herbal decoction, glycerin.

Often used in making homemade soap different types cosmetic clay

It is advisable to choose fillers based on the characteristics of the skin:

  • Lanolin, wax and glycerin are useful for the skin of the hands.
  • Cosmetic clay, ground coffee and herbs, and milk will help maintain the health of normal facial skin.
  • Milk, glycerin, cosmetic clay, herbal decoctions will help reduce dryness of the skin of the face.
  • Activated carbon, cosmetic clay, camphor alcohol, extract from calendula, chamomile, propolis will reduce the greasiness of oily facial skin.
  • With the help of cosmetic clay, eucalyptus leaves, activated charcoal, herbal decoctions, you can reduce the number of rashes on the skin.
  • Ground coffee, sea salt, clay, honey and tar can support the beauty of the skin.

To improve the quality of soap, the following ingredients are used:

Useful material Properties Substance examples
plasticizers For plasticity and foam formation. Honey, glucose, sugar, sorbitol.
acids For product hardness and antibacterial effect. Citric, lactic, succinic acids.
Lanolin For a softening effect. Lanolin.
Glycerol Hydration. Glycerol.
Butter Enrichment. Shea butter, avocado.

Fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, plants should not be used as useful components, as they will quickly rot and spoil the soap. Instead, it is better to use dry fruits, leaves, herbs, petals, flowers, ginger powder.

Molds, alcohol and accessories

For improvement appearance soaps often use medical alcohol: it prevents the appearance of air bubbles on the surface of the product, allows you to fasten layers of multi-colored soap. For this purpose, it is sprayed onto the soap after pouring into molds.

Making soap at home for beginners and experienced soap makers is impossible without the appropriate equipment:

  • enameled and steel pans;
  • pots for melting the soap base;
  • plastic and glass containers for the microwave oven;
  • spoons;
  • whisk;

  • measuring cups;
  • kitchen electronic scales;
  • a small spray bottle for spraying alcohol;
  • soap molds.

Forms can be used:

  • special molds for soap;
  • silicone baking molds;
  • plastic molds for playing in the sandbox;
  • plastic containers for fermented milk products;
  • small plastic elastic containers.

The most convenient are flexible silicone molds, as it is easier to get the hardened soap out of them. Containers and tools used in the manufacture of soap must not be used for cooking.

Tips for home soap makers:

  • When you start making soap, you need to prepare all the ingredients and tools: the product hardens quickly, and you need to work quickly.

  • Dyes, additional components, flavors must be selected before the start of production, and not during the process itself.
  • Pigments and perfumes should be used minimally so as not to get too strong a smell or a body-coloring soap.
  • Baby soap will melt faster when sugar or honey is added to it.
  • You can remove air bubbles from the surface of the product by spraying alcohol on it.
  • 1 tsp glycerin, when added to 100 g of soap base, will eliminate the excessive fragility of the soap.
  • It is advisable to grease the molds with oil: then it will be easier to remove the soap from them.
  • If the product turned out to be excessively soft, next time it is worth adding less liquid during its manufacture.
  • Soap can be easily cut with any knife, previously used in hot water and dried dry.

Quick way to make soap for beginners

How to make soap with your own hands at home - for beginners, it is advisable to practice with the easiest recipes: this way you can understand the features of the cooking technology, how to work.


  1. Finely chopped base must be melted in a water bath.
  2. Base oil is added to the liquid hot mass at a dosage of 3 tsp. per 100 g of the product.
  3. Next, add milk to the mass to form the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. After complete melting, the liquid is removed from the heat. Essential oil is poured into it (2-3 drops), 1 tsp. glycerin, pigments, fragrances, useful components.
  5. After adding all the components, the soap must be poured into molds, treated with alcohol and left until the mass hardens.
  6. After 2 days the soap will harden. You can take it out of the container and start using it.

honey soap


  • base (matte or white) - 100 g;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flavor "Honey" - 5 drops;
  • yellow dye - 3 drops.
How to make soap with your own hands: a step-by-step recipe for honey soap


  1. The crushed base must be melted.
  2. After melting, pigment is added to it.
  3. Then you need to cool the product a little and pour honey and flavor into it. They should not be added to a hot mixture in order to preserve their beneficial properties.
  4. The resulting mass must be quickly poured into a container. The product freezes within 1 hour.



  • soap base - 125 g;
  • coconut oil - 1 tsp;
  • coconut flakes - 12 g;
  • almond oil - 7-8 g;
  • sugar - ¾ tsp;
  • lavender essential oil - 3 drops.

For the product, only white ingredients are taken so that there is an external resemblance to coconut.


  1. It is necessary to melt the crushed soap base.
  2. Add coconut oil to the melted mixture.
  3. Almond oil, essential oil, coconut flakes are added to the mixture.
  4. At the end of the process, sugar is added, then everything must be quickly mixed and poured into molds.
  5. The spilled soap will harden after 3 hours, after which it is ready for use.



  • base - 100 g;
  • ground coffee (not brewed) - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa or chocolate - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 1 tsp;
  • avocado oil - 3-4 drops;
  • fragrances - optional.

The soap will turn out to be three-layer: for this, each layer must be poured separately. The first layer will be coffee, the second - chocolate, the third - with milk. The shape for filling should be simple - in the form of a circle, square, triangle.


  1. Melt the base in a water bath.
  2. It is necessary to add oil to it, mix until smooth.
  3. Divide the resulting liquid into three equal parts, pouring into separate containers.
  4. In the first bowl (the bottom layer of soap) you need to pour coffee, add coffee or vanilla flavoring. After thorough mixing, pour into a container. The soap should be allowed to harden a little for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Pour cocoa and chocolate flavor into the second bowl, stirring. After that, it is necessary to sprinkle the first layer of soap with alcohol and pour the second layer of soap mass.
  6. The upper milk layer is prepared in a similar way. It is possible to add fragrances "Fresh milk", "Vanilla", "Caramel" or "Coconut".

Coffee scrub soap


  • base - 100 g;
  • ground coffee - 1 tsp;
  • fragrance "Vanilla" - 3 drops.


  1. The crushed base is melted in a water bath.
  2. Pour coffee into the liquid mass and mix.
  3. After removing from heat, add fragrance.
  4. Pour soap, sprinkle with alcohol on top.
  5. The soap will harden after 3 hours, after which it is ready.



  • base - 100 g;
  • spruce essential oil - 6 drops;
  • green pigment - 3 drops;
  • crushed to a powder state chamomile grass or needles - 1 tsp;
  • fir oil - 1 drop;
  • alcohol.


  1. The base needs to be melted down.
  2. After melting, add chamomile or pine needles and mix until smooth.
  3. Next, you need to remove the soap from the fire, add the dye, essential oils and stir.
  4. Soap can be poured into molds by spraying alcohol on the surface.
  5. After 3 hours the product is ready for use.



  • base - 100 g;
  • essential lemon oil - 5-6 drops;
  • dried lemon zest - 1 tbsp.


  1. The crushed base must be melted in a water bath.
  2. Add lemon zest to the liquid mass, mix thoroughly. Do not stir quickly to avoid bubbles.
  3. Remove the mixture from heat, add essential oil to it.
  4. Next, you need to pour the product into the container, let it harden for 4 hours.



  • natural base - 100 g;
  • calendula oil extract - 1/3 tsp;
  • birch tar (sold in any pharmacies) - 1.5 tsp;
  • essential mint oil - 5-8 drops;
  • formic alcohol (for spraying).


  1. The base is crushed and melted in a water bath.
  2. Calendula extract is added to the liquid mass. The mixture should not be hot, otherwise the beneficial properties of calendula will disappear.
  3. Tar is added, after that the mass must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  4. After the mixture has cooled, it is necessary to add mint essential oil to it to soften the sharp smell of tar.
  5. The finished mixture is poured into molds and sprinkled with alcohol to remove bubbles from the surface.
  6. Tar soap cools for a long time, so it can be kept in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to speed up the process.



  • soap base - 100 g;
  • lavender essential oil - 4-6 drops;
  • dried lavender flowers - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. The base is melted in a water bath.
  2. When the base becomes liquid, essential oil is added to it - 4-6 drops and dried flowers.
  3. The product is placed in a container for 4 hours before hardening.

Soap making is a fascinating process that results in a beautiful and useful product constantly in demand. Therefore, novice soap makers, even those who make soap at home, should think about how to turn this hobby into an exciting income-generating project.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about homemade soap

How to make soap with your own hands: