Making homemade soap recipes. What ingredients are used

Making soap with your own hands has long been a useful and enjoyable hobby. Firstly, your product will not contain unnecessary chemical components and reflect badly on the skin; secondly, there will always be a beautiful and unique handmade gift at hand; thirdly, if things go well, all friends, acquaintances and friends of friends will reach out to you with orders. The only thing left is to learn how to make soap with your own hands at home.

What is the difference between hand soap and factory soap?

Ordinary soap has an alkaline fatty base to which dyes, fragrances and other synthetic substances are added. Too much chemicals on our hands results in flaking, dehydration and premature aging. And manufacturers often replace natural fats with artificial ones.

The foundation homemade soap is also based on fat and alkali, but natural, and 100% natural ingredients act as additives: beeswax, coffee, herbal teas, aloe juice, oatmeal, honey, essential oils, vegetable and fruit juices. In general, everything that the imagination of your mini-soap factory is enough for. As a result, you will get not only a fragrant useful product, but also a remedy for rashes, redness and irritation on the skin. Agree, there are plenty of arguments to start making soap.

Basis for making soap

Now it remains to find out what you need to get started:

  1. Base. You can use a store-bought clear / matte soap base or regular baby soap with no additives or strong scent.
  2. Glycerol. The emollient and moisturizing properties of the substance have been known for a long time. In the pharmacy, the drug costs mere pennies.
  3. Butter. You can be original and use avocado, almond or apricot oil, or you can limit yourself to traditional sunflower oil.
  4. Ether. O useful properties ah essential oils we have told dozens of times. Essential oil for making soap is both a favorite aroma and a therapeutic effect at the same time.
  5. Plain water or milk to dilute the base.
  6. Dyes and additives - indicative list we have already given above.
  7. Soap molds - you can buy special ones, make your own, or use ordinary ones for baking cupcakes.
  8. You will also need a saucepan, glass bowl, and grater.

Let's get started!

Practice cooking simple soap from remnants

DIY soap from remnants at home

And the simplest thing that a beginner can do is soap made from remnants that endlessly collect on the shelf in the bathroom. It is worth practicing on them and conducting the first experiments at home soap making.

We rub all remnants on a coarse grater, put them in a metal dish and add a little water. We put on a water bath and wait until everything melts, from time to time removing the foam from the surface. To prevent bubbles from forming, do not mix the composition and turn it off before the mass boils.

We prepare the forms in advance and coat with any oil, pour over and leave to dry in a warm room. After a few hours, the workpieces are completely dry. We take them out and dry them for another two or three days.

Multicolored leftover soap

Thus, you will get the most common soap with your own hands, but there are more intricate recipes. For example, you can make fancy soap from the remnants.

For this we need pieces of different colors. We cut them into pieces of different sizes. First, pour the transparent base melted in a separate container into the molds. Mix the multi-colored pieces and moisten abundantly with alcohol so that they stick together. We put a stuck together multi-colored layer in a container with a base and wait for it to dry out. We cut the finished product into arbitrary pieces. Or we immediately use various forms for solidification.

DIY liquid soap

You can also make it with leftover baby soap or use whatever is on hand. The recipe is extremely simple. In addition to the rubbed remnants, you will need a dispenser bottle, lemon juice, and glycerin.

Pour a little juice and a cap of glycerin into the container, then add the grated soap and fill it with hot water. We mix everything thoroughly, move it into a bottle with a dispenser and let it stand for two to three days. Shake well before use.

It doesn't cost anything to cook on your own liquid soap

Tip: You can also add a variety of essential oils, dyes, and dry herbs to your homemade liquid soap. And don't forget about glycerin: 1 tablespoon per 100 g of base.

DIY soap from a soap base

For a 100 gram piece, you will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 teaspoon glycerin
  3. 3 teaspoons of base oil
  4. 3 drops of essential oil
  5. Milk or water
  6. 2 drops of dye
  7. Filler of your choice

The basic recipe for soap making is extremely simple.

Cut the soap base into pieces. We mix glycerin with base oil and send it to warm up in a water bath. When it gets hot, add a little soap base, stirring constantly. While melting, pour in a little water or milk (the latter will make the finished product less brittle). When the mass becomes similar in consistency to sour cream, dyes and essential oil can be added to it.

We pour the finished product into molds. If bubbles appear, it is recommended to sprinkle them a little with alcohol. We send the blanks to freeze in the refrigerator. Then we take it out of the molds and let it dry for another couple of days.

It is also good to add herbal extracts and herbs to home cosmetics.

DIY soap at home - 10+ recipes for beginners


  1. We take 80 grams of the base and divide it into two parts. This is enough to make a 100 gram piece.
  2. Cut the base into small pieces and send to melt in a water bath, stirring constantly.
  3. We divide it into two parts. Add a little milk powder to one and mix thoroughly.
  4. We continue to cook in different pans. Pour 15 ml of almond oil and 3 drops of lavender essential oil into each.
  5. We dilute the transparent mixture with violet dye. Leave the mixture with milk unchanged.
  6. Put a branch of a dry plant on the bottom of the mold, fill it with a part of the transparent base. When it dries up a little, pour in a little white part. We alternate layers until the mass ends.
  7. Before making a new layer, each already finished part needs to be scratched a little with a toothpick and sprinkled with alcohol for better adhesion.
  8. Leave the mixture to harden, then remove it from the molds.
  9. Our fragrant gift soap is ready.

Lavender soap

Coffee scrub soap

Such a soap with your own hands will turn out not only beautiful, but also functional - it will help cleanse the skin and exfoliate keratinized particles. As an additional ingredient, you can add 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. The recipe is pretty simple.

You will need:

  1. One baby soap or 80 g base
  2. 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds
  3. 50 ml milk
  4. 1 tbsp. l. ground cinnamon
  5. 5 drops of grape seed oil

Coffee scrub

Rub the soap on a grater. We prepare a water bath and melt our workpiece on it. Pour in hot milk - we will make it final product softer.

On average, the melting process will take about half an hour. Do not forget to stir constantly while doing this. At the end, we introduce the rest of the components.

Pour the resulting workpiece into a mold and send it to freeze in the refrigerator. These ingredients are enough for two impressive pieces that you can use every day while taking a shower.


Life Reactor has already talked about the benefits of honey many times, including for the skin - it is an antioxidant, a source of nutrition, and a means of fighting cellulite.

The benefits of honey for the skin can be legendary

So, we take:

  1. 100 g base or baby soap
  2. 0.5 tsp vanilla
  3. 1 tsp wheat germ oils
  4. 5 drops of vitamin A
  5. 2-3 st. l. cream

The cooking process itself is no different from the recipes described above.

Honey oat scrub

You can also make a scrub with honey, and use oatmeal as a base. To make the scrubbing particles smaller, pass them through a meat grinder or blender.

Honey oat scrub

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 tsp honey
  3. 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  4. 0.5 tbsp. l. olive oil

Tip: A moisturizing soap for dry skin can be made by adding aloe juice and glycerin to a traditional base.

Herbal soap

You will need:

  1. 100 g soap base and baby soap
  2. 1 tsp chamomile
  3. 1 tsp St. John's wort
  4. 1 tsp horsetail
  5. 1 tsp essential oil of choice
  6. 0.5 tbsp. l. glycerin
  7. 1 tbsp. l. olive oil

Healing herbal soap

By its composition, you already understood that such a soap will be therapeutic - to nourish, dry and soothe the skin. And if you feel like scrubbing, you can add a spoonful of chopped herbs at the end.

At the first stage, we prepare a decoction of medicinal plants. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbs and let it brew.

Then melt the soap base and mix with all the ingredients, including the decoction. Pour into molds and set aside.

Diy tar soap

Everyone knows that this type of soap has proven itself in the fight against skin diseases: psoriasis, dandruff, deprive. Of course, it is easier to just buy a product at a pharmacy or a store, but by welding it at home, you will surely be sure of the quality.

Homemade tar soap

You will need:

  1. 10 ml of tar
  2. 5 drops of essential oil of your choice
  3. 0.5 m. L. honey

The cooking recipe does not differ from the traditional one. Leave the finished soap to harden for three days.

Tip: You can use harmless food coloring to paint over a transparent base. Dry ones have a very concentrated base, so they must first be diluted in a small amount of water.

Peach Rose Petal Soap

Useful in case you can't choose a gift for your girlfriend. Surely she will appreciate the creativity.

With rose petals

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 5 drops of peach ether (can be substituted for the scent of your liking)
  3. 5 drops of rose essential oil
  4. Yellow or pink dye
  5. The actual rose petals

We cook soap by traditional recipe... Add the dye and other components to the melted base. Pour a thin layer into the mold, put the rose petals, fill in the second layer of the mass. We repeat the procedure until the workpiece is finished and leave to cool.

Cucumber antiseptic

Such a homemade cosmetic will help you forget about peeling and dry skin for a long time, and you can add a little dry ground basil for a scent.

Cucumber antiseptic

You will need:

  1. 100 g baby soap or base
  2. Juice of 1-2 cucumbers
  3. 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  4. 1 tbsp. l. dry ground basil
  5. 3 drops of any essential oil

And you already know the recipe.


Ideal for those with oily skin prone to breakouts. The soap will dry, remove excess fat and tone. You won't even need the flavorings - the lemon itself is enough.

Lemon soap

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 tbsp. l. lemon peel
  3. One-third teaspoon of grape seed oil
  4. 5 drops of lemon essential oil, optional
  5. 0.5 tsp honey
  6. Yellow food coloring

Green tea soap

It will be great for refreshing and toning up in summer. Let us also recall the antioxidant properties of green tea. Alas, the tea leaves will not give a rich emerald color, so you cannot do without a couple of drops of food coloring. You can also add a few tea leaves to the melted base for beauty.

With green tea

You will need:

  1. 100 g base
  2. 1 tbsp. l. strongly brewed green tea
  3. Dry tea leaves for decoration
  4. 7 drops of avocado oil
  5. 2 drops of peppermint essential oil
  6. 2-3 drops of green food coloring

Advice: if you don't have any food colors or essential oils at hand, you can always replace them with others or find a more suitable recipe, because soap making is creativity!

Homemade soap making is becoming more and more popular today. And this is understandable, because making soap with your own hands is an unusually interesting process that quickly delays and turns into a favorite hobby.

Perhaps everyone who has ever tried to make soap at home falls in love with this exciting activity. At first glance, it seems that it is very difficult to make a beautiful scented soap on your own, but in fact, everything is very simple. We invite you to get acquainted with this technology and make real homemade soap.

Why should you learn how to make soap?

There are plenty of reasons to cook soap at home. After all, soap self made is an environmentally friendly and natural product, unique both in form and in content, unlike commercial soap stuffed with chemistry, homemade soap does not dry the skin, but cares for it.

You can add natural supplements to it yourself to suit your skin type. It can be:

a variety of vegetable and essential oils,

  • decoctions of herbs
  • citrus zest,
  • natural coffe,
  • oat flakes,
  • seaweed,
  • flowers,
  • pieces of chocolate,
  • loofah, etc.

At the same time, you and your loved ones will always be confident in the effectiveness and naturalness of homemade soap, because, like homemade food, it is made with soul and only from high-quality products!

Plus, making soap is a real creative process. The form and content of homemade soap depends only on your imagination. It can be just cute colored pieces of scented soap or a whole piece of art. Let's take a closer look at the process of making soap at home.

How to make soap at home

Ingredients for homemade soap

So, to make soap, you will need:

  • Soap base. You can purchase a specialty clear or white soap base from a specialty store, or use regular baby soap. White soap base is practically no different from baby soap, except that it is odorless. But the transparent base will allow you to make a very beautiful clear soap... But for beginners it is better to practice on baby soap.
  • Base oil - almond, olive, peach, apricot, it can be anything.
  • Essential oil. The choice of oil depends on the needs of your skin. For example, tea tree is suitable for oily and problem skin, orange - will saturate the skin with vitamins and get rid of cellulite, ylang-ylang - will rejuvenate sensitive skin.
  • Dyes. You can purchase soap dyes or use food dyes. You can also add color to the soap with the help of natural products: cocoa, chocolate, fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Supplements. In order to give your soap additional beneficial properties, you can add to it various additives: glycerin, cream, honey, herbal infusions, dried flowers. And if you want to make a scrub soap, add ground coffee, oatmeal, ground nut shells, etc.
  • Dishes for a water bath.
  • Soap molds. You can use any molds: confectionery, children's, special molds for soap, any plastic or ceramic containers.
  • Alcohol for lubricating the surface of the mold.
  • Warm milk, broth or water to dilute the base.

How to make soap at home

So, now that everything is ready, you can start making soap.

  1. The first step is to cut the soap base into small pieces or grate the baby soap, this will help them melt more quickly.
  2. Now melt the soap base in a water bath, stirring occasionally. Add base oil to the soap at the rate of 3 teaspoons per 100 grams of base.
  3. While the base is melting, it is sometimes necessary to add a little milk or cream to get a creamy mass. Instead of milk, you can add a drop of water or a decoction of herbs, but water can cause the soap to delaminate. And it is best to replace water and milk with sugar, this will allow the base to melt faster and better.
  4. When the soap base is completely melted, remove it from the heat and add various ingredients: 5 drops of essential oil, a teaspoon of glycerin, colors, flavors, coffee and any other ingredients you wish.
  5. Now you need to pour the soap into a mold and sprinkle the surface of the soap with alcohol from a spray bottle, this will remove the bubbles on the surface.
  6. We leave the soap in the molds until it hardens completely, you can put it in the refrigerator or in a cool place. After about 2-3 days, the soap is completely dry and ready to use.
  7. We take it out of the molds and show off the result!

Homemade soap recipes

  • Homemade face soap: white base soap, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lanolin oil (or lanolin), 1 and 1/2 tsp of some aromatic oil (almond, avocado, etc.), 1 table. l. oatmeal
    1 table. l. ground almonds, dried and crumbled flower petals, a little sunflower oil.
  • Chocolate-vanilla soap: bar of baby soap, vanilla essential oil, cocoa or cocoa butter powder, oatmeal (ground or not optional), ground coffee, base oils (almond, olive), vitamin E in oil, a few drops of Ylang oil -Ylanga, honey.
  • Scrub soap: baby soap, olive oil, glycerin, green tea decoction, cosmetic clay,
    crushed oatmeal, Green Tea aromatic oil.

Homemade soap making secrets

  • when using the microwave, do not allow the soap base to boil. The rest of the base is melted while stirring;
  • when melting baby soap, intensive stirring is not required so as not to saturate it with air. This will make it softer and air bubbles will appear;
  • essential oils are not mixed with food flavorings;
  • a spray bottle with alcohol is used when it is necessary to glue several layers of soap;
  • to speed up the cooling of the soap, put it in the freezer for 15 minutes;
  • do not use fresh vegetables, fruits and flowers. They deteriorate quickly and the soap will smell unpleasant;
  • it is necessary to store soap for no more than six months in a dark place, since it has the property of drying out;
  • per 100 g of the base, it is allowed to add: up to 5 drops of perfume (flavoring), 1 spoon of herbal decoction, up to 6 drops of food coloring, a spoonful of glycerin, 1/3 spoon of mother-of-pearl or dry pigment.

Homemade soap ideas

So you can make a wide variety of soap options. different forms, shades and with different components. It can be soap in the form of animals, cakes, hearts, etc. It all depends on your imagination.

Looking for an interesting and useful hobby? Try making soap yourself at home: recipes for beginners, informative video instructions, and detailed description process you will find on our website. Read, cook and enjoy the results.

Even a decade ago, making soap with your own hands was almost impossible. There was a lack of components, materials for work and basic practical knowledge. Today, soap making at home has become a pleasant hobby that allows create natural and affordable cosmetics at home, as well as the opportunity to show your creative ingenuity.

For many, the process of making soap has become a source of additional income, because organic cosmetics are extremely popular today. But before you move on to the serial production of homemade soap, learn the main points of making natural cosmetics, familiarize yourself with the components, consider the technology in detail.

Homemade soap can be made different ways :

  • from a soap base;
  • from ready-made baby soap;
  • from remnants;
  • you can prepare the base yourself.

Soap can also vary in consistency and shape.:

  • solid soap, which should be given a round, oval or rectangular shape, or pour it into a special figured container;
  • liquid soap with various essential additives.

Homemade soap is also convenient because you can independently select ingredients for your skin type, add natural scrubs, fragrances and essential oils. In fact, it all depends on your imagination, capabilities and mood. Next, we propose to study and repeat simple soap making workshop at home.

Soap making for beginners: homemade soap based on baby

In order to take your first steps in soap making, it is not necessary to buy special bases and expensive components: you can do with improvised means: natural additives, herbal decoctions, essential oils, etc. The base will consist of baby soap, which can be purchased at any home store.

So, let's take a closer look at such a fascinating and useful process as soap making for beginners - recipes with photos will help you do everything yourself and effortlessly.

In addition to 100 grams of regular baby soap (no fragrances or additives), you will need:

  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • essential oil of your choice (just add a couple of drops of cinnamon or vanilla oil to get a rich aroma);
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar.

When preparing, you should also tinker a little with the dishes:

  • prepare a steam bath;
  • pick up a spoon or wooden stick for stirring the soap mass;
  • select a metal grater from household items;
  • prepare containers for pouring soap: This can be silicone muffin molds (which you no longer use for food purposes), any plastic boxes, low glass jars from which you can easily get the finished product.

Moving on to the process of making homemade soap

How to make natural soap with your own hands?

Soap making is a very creative process, allowing you to unleash your full potential and give pleasant minutes spent at your favorite pastime. The approach to making homemade soap is quite varied. In addition to baby soap, you can use a special soap base diluted with milk, cream, herbal decoction and “seasoned” with base oil as the main ingredient.

Also soap base can be made from scratch using natural oils of coconut, castor, olive, cocoa, grape seed, as well as palm, mustard, sunflower oil. The natural oil also contains alkali, water and superfat (SF). The secrets of home soap magic consist in correctly selected proportions and a harmonious combination of all ingredients. When making homemade soap, you can safely use any essential oils and fragrances, use natural dyes and your imagination.

Fresh ideas for making homemade soap

Natural soap today it is not just a hygiene product. It is a beautiful work of art, a fragrant adventure, a celebration of tenderness and harmony, as well as many pleasant emotions. You can add any ingredient to your cosmetic creation and create a unique bouquet of aroma and texture.

This type of handicraft, such as making soap at home, is gaining more and more popularity. Homemade soap is natural, it contains only those substances that will be useful for your skin in combination with the scents that you like. Soap making for beginners is a simple process. The main thing is to understand the ingredients and the rules for their arrangement. This is what we will do in this article. Let's try to figure out what it is - home soap making... Recipes for beginner craftsmen will also be presented below. Of course, not all, but some of the existing options.

What is used to make soap?

Homemade soap making for beginners implies the presence of components for creating a particular soap. So, let's consider what substances will be needed for someone who decided to cook a natural detergent at home.

First of all, no soap is complete without fat. They are the main building block. Home soap making for beginners, as well as for experienced craftsmen, involves the use of fats of both animal and vegetable origin. Ghee is often used as a base. pork fat... This is the most economical option, but the resulting product will smell laundry soap... If we use vegetable oils then the aroma will be much nicer.

The next important ingredient is alkali. It is she who ensures the saponification of fats. This can be, for example, caustic soda or sodium hydroxide.

You will also need stearic acid. It is she who is most often found in the composition of fats and oils. It is added to make the soap hard.

Another ingredient is salt. It is best if the salt is sea salt. After all, it is very rich in substances that have a tonic and firming effect on the skin.

Beeswax is used not only for hardening. It adds shine and scent to your soap. You can even decorate the finished bar by gluing natural honeycombs to it.

If you want the resulting soap to have a scrubbing function, add ground nuts, seeds (just a little) or oatmeal to it.

Create the color

As dyes natural origin clay, mustard powder, paprika, cocoa, ground coffee, vegetable juices and herbal decoctions, honey, beer, milk, etc. are used.

Of course, chemical dyes (food) give a richer color, but natural ones are still more acceptable.

Create a scent

Various substances are used to give the soap a scent. You can choose whether they are natural or synthetic. Soap making for beginners (recipes will be given below) allows you to use natural essential oils as well as artificial flavors. These can be special fragrances, food fragrances, perfumes, or aromatic oils. Those that are artificially created can cause allergies. Therefore, it is preferable to use natural ingredients.

Security measures

Soap making for beginners, for experienced ones, however, also requires compliance with some safety rules. Perform all work with gloves so as not to burn the skin. It would be nice to put on an unnecessary robe. Cover the table on which you will work with newspapers or some unnecessary tablecloth. The entire process should be carried out away from children and pets. Cleaning at the end of work should also be done with gloves. All utensils that you use to make soap should never be used for cooking. Keep it separate from all other utensils.

Soap making for beginners based on baby soap

Baby soap is just what you need in this case. It will allow you to quickly master soap making for beginners. You can see a photo of the final product made in this way in this section.

Choose the simplest baby soap without additives or fragrances. The product of your choice should be melted in a water bath with the addition of a small amount of water. After it, you need to enrich it with oils and add perfume, as well as all those components that you would like. The advantage of this method of making soap is the availability of materials. But there were also some drawbacks. First, scented soaps are problematic. And secondly, the duration of product melting is quite long. Also, you won't be able to create clear soap.

Using a special base

The basis for making soap is a kind of semi-finished product. It is almost ready-made soap. It just has no color or smell.

It is much easier to work with it than with baby soap. It melts very easily and no water needs to be added. It also hardens quickly enough and easily takes any shape.

Making soap without base

The third method of making soap at home is the most difficult. But only in this case you can independently select and control absolutely all ingredients.

When preparing soap in this way, you cannot do without a respirator and glasses, since alkali is used in the work. In addition, you will need a balance and a device for measuring the acidity of the medium, or at least indicator strips. This method can be cold or hot. The soap made by the first method cannot be applied immediately. It must be left to rest for about six weeks for complete neutralization of the alkali.

Home soap making for beginners: recipes

Having mastered simple ways cooking soap, you can safely start experimenting and come up with your own, special options. By using all kinds of herbs and spices, you can really create healthy foods... We figured out how to organize soap making at home for beginners. The recipes that will be discussed below are just a small part of huge amount possible options.

Milk soap with honey. To create it, you will need a hundred grams of baby soap, milk (two-thirds of a glass), ten grams of honey, one teaspoon of glycerin, one tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil. For the scent, use citrus essential oil (fifteen drops). You can decorate the finished bar with chamomile flowers.

Scrub soap with coffee or oatmeal. For one hundred grams of baby soap, you need to take one hundred grams of milk, a teaspoon of freshly ground coffee or oatmeal, two teaspoons of cocoa butter and chocolate or vanilla flavor. To make it look more impressive, use a brown dye.

Two-layer soap with dry lavender flowers. It will be very beautiful. It will require two bases - white and colorless. Dry lavender flowers will need to be added to the colorless layer, of which you need to take about five grams. In addition, 60 grams of each base will require 3 drops of jojoba oil and essential lavender oil, as well as one drop of patchouli essential oil. For color, take a couple of drops of blue dye.

Honey soap with foundation. For one hundred grams of colorless soap base, take half a teaspoon of honey, a third of a teaspoon of olive oil, geranium essential oil (five drops) and three drops of yellow dye. And, of course, a piece of foundation. So that the foundation sticks to the soap neatly and does not melt, place it on the bottom of the mold, press down and fill it with a small amount of the melted base (no more than two millimeters thick). As soon as it hardens, spray alcohol on the base and fill the mold to the edge. Or vice versa, first fill in the entire form, wait for the crust to form and add a little more. Until the last portion has frozen, glue a piece of foundation and press down well. This also turns out very well.

So, we found out what soap making for beginners is, what you need for this, and also got acquainted with the most commonly used additives. Soap making is a huge field for experimentation. Nowadays, it is not at all difficult to get the necessary materials. Everything you need can be purchased at craft stores. And the process of making soap is so exciting that it will surely give you a lot of pleasure.

For many, hobbies are a way to calm down shattered nerves and tune in to a positive mood. But a hobby can be not only enjoyable, but also useful, for example, soap making.

The process of mixing ingredients, the selection of aromas, shades and patterns is truly creative. But in order to start this most enjoyable activity, you need to stock up on a small baggage of knowledge on this topic.

You can do soap making right at home. But this requires certain accessories and ingredients. The minimum set of accessories is as follows:

It should be borne in mind that all dishes must be made of plastic and whether enamel, metals harm essential oils. And it will not be possible to use this dish for anything else.

If everything goes well with the hobby, then over time more and more molds and other things will be bought in addition, but having all of the above and the ingredients, you can already start.

The minimum set of ingredients:

  1. Soap base. It is sold in shavings, lumps and granules. The base can be prepared independently from alkali and oils, so you can be 100% sure of the composition of the soap, but for a beginner it is difficult;
  2. Base oils. These are jojoba, almond, olive, coconut, apricot, peach, avocado, Monoi de Tahiti and others. Each oil has a certain property, this question is truly a must for the study of a soapmaker.

To cook soap without color and pleasant aroma, just this is enough. But soapmakers also use food flavorings and dyes, auxiliary substances.

Additional ingredients may include:

  1. Abrasive particles. Ground coffee, ground fruit seeds, oatmeal, sea salt, poppy seeds and others;
  2. Vitamins in capsules;
  3. Honey and other beekeeping products;
  4. Spices. They can act as natural dyes and flavors with additional effects;
  5. Silk. It gives the soap excellent care properties, but you need to work with it carefully, as it affects the thickness of the soap bar;
  6. Corn starch. Makes the texture of the soap softer and more pleasant when lathering;
  7. Sugar. Soaps with added sugar foam much better;
  8. Yogurt. Gives the soap a moisturizing effect. But yogurt for soap needs to be bought without additives or made by yourself;
  9. Tar. Gives the soap an anti-inflammatory effect;
  10. Alcoholic drinks. When mixed with other ingredients, they give chemical reaction, at which alcoholates are released, they have a positive effect on the skin;
  11. Clay. There are several types of it, each of which has its own set of properties;
  12. Fruit and vegetable juice;
  13. Dried herbs and flowers. In addition to their beneficial properties, they are a decoration, especially dried flower buds. Once you get used to it, you can place the dried flower in the center of the transparent soap.

Any of the ingredients can affect texture, density and soapiness, all this is known through experiments. All this can be bought in a specialized store, if there is no such in the city, then you can use the online store, with a large order, delivery there is free.

The more knowledge about the original property of the product, the more will be the desire to buy more and more ingredients. If you want to put soap making on a stream, then you will have to buy a variety of flavors and useful substances.

Choosing a base for home soap making

First you need to decide whether it is important that the soap is made from natural ingredients. If yes, then laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl should be avoided.

Soap without them will foam much worse, but will become less aggressive towards the skin.

They are the most popular and cheapest chemical surfactants. They are replaced with the following natural ingredients:

  • laureth sulfosuccinate;
  • lauryl glucoside;
  • cocamidopropyl betaine;
  • cocoglucoside.

Next, you need to decide how transparent the soap should be. The transparent parameter is responsible for this, in abbreviated form it is indicated in the description for the base as T. If the letter W is indicated in the description, it means that the soap from such a base will be white.

Ready-made soap bases are produced in China, England, Latvia, Germany and Russia. Chinese are the most popular, there is a large selection of them and they are less often counterfeited, unlike English and German, and it will be difficult for a beginner to distinguish a fake.

Within a single manufacturer, they are subdivided into regular and premium. For beginners, it is better to purchase a regular base, since it is more affordable and suitable for testing. Premium foundations fill the form better and do not bubble, which is essential for those who use forms with small details.

Starter kit

In order for the novice soap-maker not to get bogged down in the difficulties of choice, stores sell ready-made sets for beginners. The kit usually includes the following:

  • the foundation;
  • plastic bowl with a spoon;
  • a pair of plastic molds;
  • universal base oils;
  • natural dyes;
  • flavors;
  • universal essential oil.

Another option is a capsule set, that is, everything you need to make a thematic soap. For example, everything you might need to make duck soap or macaroon soap. The kit will also include a recipe instruction.

Do not confuse a set of colorants, bases, or fragrances sold at a soap store with a starter kit. Such kits will appeal more to a professional who already has few basic ingredients and is ready to experiment.

Homemade soap recipes for beginners

You can start with the simplest, proven and popular recipes. And only then start experimenting.

Rose soap

  • bowl and spatula;
  • transparent soap base - 150 g;
  • food coloring red or pink;
  • jojoba oil - 15 ml;
  • rose-shaped molds;
  • rose essential oil - 2 drops;
  • rose petals.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Melt the soap in a water bath or in the microwave for 30 seconds;
  2. Stir in oils and dye;
  3. Put rose petals on the bottom of the molds and pour soap on top;
  4. Spread the petals evenly with a spatula, leave to harden.


Required to make 2 bars of soap:

  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • bowl and spatula;
  • a pinch of saffron as a dye;
  • vanilla essential oil - 2 drops;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • monoi de tahiti oil;
  • silicone molds in honey theme.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Grind and heat the base to 70 degrees;
  2. Add honey, saffron, oil and stir;
  3. Let stand for the saffron to give color, stir again;
  4. Pour the mass into the molds and set to cool.


Required to make 2 bars of soap:

  • melting bowl;
  • putty knife;
  • a tropical-themed or oval-shaped mold;
  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • coconut oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • coconut flakes - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • food flavoring "coconut".

Manufacturing process:

  1. Warm coconut oil at room temperature to a liquid state;
  2. Grate the base and melt in the microwave for 30 seconds;
  3. Pour in oil, flavoring and mix with a spatula;
  4. Sprinkle the molds with coconut flakes and pour soapy mass on top;
  5. Leave to cool.


Required to make 2 bars of soap:

  • cocoa butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • food flavoring "Belgian chocolate" - 5 drops;
  • molds for soap, there are special ones in the form of a chocolate;
  • melting utensils;
  • mixing spatula.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut the base on a grater or cut finely with a knife;
  2. Preheat in a melting pot in the microwave for 30 seconds;
  3. Pour in oil, stir the flavor;
  4. Pour into a mold.

Soap "ice"

Required to make 2 bars of soap:

  • transparent soap base - 150 g;
  • melting bowl and spatula;
  • 2 drops of blue or turquoise food coloring
  • 3 drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond oil.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Add almond and mint oil, dye, stir until smooth;
  2. Pour into molds and cool.

Coffee scrub soap

Required for making 2 bars:

  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • ground coffee - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • food coloring brown;
  • macadamia oil - 2 tbsp spoons;
  • melting cup;
  • putty knife;
  • forms for soap.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Grind and melt the base;
  2. Pour in oils and dye, stir with a spatula;
  3. Pour in coffee and stir;
  4. Pour into molds

As you can see, the process of making soap is not complicated at all and therefore it is quite possible to put it on stream and earn a living from it.

Handmade gift soap for the New Year

Soap is a great souvenir, provided that it is not an ordinary bar in plastic bag, and a fancy soap with a pleasant aroma and original packaging. On the New Year Christmas tree-shaped soap will do. To make 1 large bar you need the following:

  • bowl and spoon;
  • spruce flavoring;
  • 100 g of a transparent base;
  • 5 ml avocado oil;
  • 3 drops of dark green food coloring;
  • 2 drops of spruce or fir essential oil;
  • silicone mold in the form of a Christmas tree;
  • coconut flakes.

Step-by-step master class with a photo on making New Year's Christmas tree soap:

  1. Grind the base if it is lumpy;
  2. Put in a water bath over low heat, stirring until it melts evenly;
  3. Add oils and dye to the molten mass;
  4. Stir and pour into a mold;
  5. Sprinkle with coconut flakes;
  6. Let the soap harden.

Alternatively, the shape can be in the form of a snowflake, and the dye can be blue.

  1. Pour the melted soap slowly in a thin stream in a spiral so that voids do not form;
  2. It is necessary to heat the soap base exactly to 70 degrees, so as not to destroy the beneficial substances of the ingredients;
  3. All corrective work should be done in 3-5 minutes, when the soap has cooled down, but is still plastic;
  4. To make it easier to separate the soap from the mold, sprinkle it with alcohol first;
  5. You need to get out the soap like this: first, pry and let air in between the mold and the soap, and then it will easily go away by itself;
  6. If you plan to store it for a long time, then this is done in cling film in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

We wish you the embodiment of your brightest ideas for soap making! Happy work!

Another small master class on soap making is in the next video.