Release of personnel as a direction of activity of the personnel manager. How should the staff be laid off

State Committee for Fisheries of the Russian Federation



Institute of Economics


By discipline: "Personnel management"

Topic: "Release of personnel"


Student group ZFE-88


D.E.N, O.K.

Release of personnel

Release of personnel: types of layoffs.

Release of personnel is a type of activity that provides for a set of measures to comply with legal norms and organizational and psychological support from the administration when employees are dismissed.

Planning for the release or reduction of personnel is essential in the process workforce planning... The rationalization of production or management creates a surplus of human resources. Timely relocations, retraining, termination of employment for vacant jobs, as well as the implementation of a socially-oriented selection of candidates for dismissal (depending on age, length of service, marital status and number of children, the possibility of getting a job in the external labor market, etc.) allow you to regulate the intra-organizational labor market in the planning process for staff reduction.

Unfortunately, until recently, the management of the personnel release process has practically not been developed in domestic organizations.

The starting point in managing the release process is to recognize the seriousness and importance of the fact of dismissal, both from an industrial, social, and personal point of view.

Planning for work with departing employees is based on a simple classification of types of dismissals. The classification criterion in this case is the degree of voluntariness of the employee leaving the organization. According to this criterion, three types of layoffs can be distinguished:

Dismissal at the initiative of an employee (in Russian terminology - at will);

Dismissal on the initiative of the employer (in Russian terminology - on the initiative of the administration);


Relatively hassle-free from the point of view of the organization (if we abstract from the subsequent problems of hiring and adapting new employees) is the departure of an employee to own initiative... This transition is generally viewed positively by the employee himself. His professional activities and social environment either do not change significantly, or the employee is practically ready for such changes. Therefore, the need for support from the administration is usually small.

In this situation, the personnel management service can offer one tool that allows the employee and the organization to more carefully assess the event that is taking place. The “final interview” is such a tool. When conducting it, the employee is asked to name the true reasons for the dismissal, as well as evaluate various aspects production activities... These include such general points as the psychological climate, leadership style, growth prospects, objectivity in business assessment and remuneration. In addition, special parties can be considered labor process- such, for example, as requirements for the workplace and working conditions on it.

In addition, during the “final interview” process, more “practical” issues can be resolved, for example, informing the employee about his rights and obligations upon dismissal, returning inventory, etc.

The main objectives of the “final interview” are usually:

Analysis of "bottlenecks" in the organization;

An attempt, if necessary, to influence the employee's decision to dismiss.

Dismissal on the initiative of the administration - most often due to staff layoffs or the closure of an organization - is an extraordinary event for any employee. Many people, faced with the need to be fired, experience fear, depression, and confusion. The problems that inevitably arise during the closure of organizations or the reduction of staff are becoming, more than ever, relevant for our country.

Dismissal on the initiative of the employer is going through hard because it affects all the most important aspects of work - professional, social, personal and psychological. The professional labor role of the employee is in danger, since he is potentially, and for an indefinite period, facing unemployment. A person's exit from a certain professional environment has the following Negative consequences, such as loss of social relationships or status. Therefore, the way the dismissal process is organized depends on what effect this event will have on the employee - it will either aggravate the painfulness of the phenomenon, or mitigate it.

V general view the system of measures for the release of personnel includes three stages:


Transfer of a notice of dismissal;


On the preparatory stage the administration creates the prerequisites for the program of events. This includes deciding whether a dismissal is necessary, and if so, whether it is necessary to use this particular system of measures. The decision on the implementation of the system of measures under consideration may depend, for example, on the reason for the dismissal of the employee.

In accordance with Russian legislation on labor, dismissal at the initiative of the administration may be due to such reasons as:

liquidation of an enterprise, reduction of the number or staff of employees;

inconsistency of the employee with the position or work performed;

the employee's failure to fulfill his official duties without good reason;

absenteeism, including absence from work for more than three hours during the working day;

absence from work due to illness for more than four months in a row;

reinstatement at work of an employee who previously performed this work;

appearance at work in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;

theft of state or public property at the place of work;

one-time gross violation the head of the organization or his deputies of their official duties;

the commission by an employee serving monetary or commodity values ​​such actions that give rise to the loss of confidence in him on the part of the administration;

an immoral act committed by an employee performing educational functions.

Consider a third type of layoff - retirement.

Dismissal from an organization due to retirement is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it from previous types of layoffs. First, retirement can be foreseen and planned with reasonable timing. Secondly, this event is associated with very specific changes in the personal sphere. Thirdly, significant changes in the way of life of a person are very evident for his environment. Finally, in assessing the upcoming retirement, a person is characterized by a certain duality, a certain discord with himself. Therefore, the process of retirement, as well as finding a person in a new social role, are the object of quite close attention in civilized countries. This attention comes both from the state and from the organization where the person worked and contributed to the common cause. Work with employees of pre-retirement and retirement age finds its concrete expression in carrying out certain events.

1) Preparation courses for retirement

V foreign organizations retirement preparation courses are provided to help employees move into a position in which they can work through the challenges of retirement and can also become familiar with the characteristics of a new stage of life.

Retirement Laws and Regulations;

Economic aspects later life;

Medical problems;

Possibilities for building active leisure, etc.

2) "Rolling pension".

"Rolling pension" is an almost literal translation of a concept that is very common in foreign organizations. It means a system of measures for the gradual transition from a full-fledged labor activity to the final retirement, as well as a number of measures to ensure the involvement of the pensioner with working life.

A distinctive feature of the "rolling pension" system is its fairly accurate time frame in relation to a specific employee. The action of organizational and economic measures begins from the established date and ends mainly upon reaching the retirement age. For many foreign countries the named period covers the time from 60-61 to 65 years for men and, accordingly, from 55-56 to 60 years for women.

The system of measures provides mainly for a gradual transition to part-time employment (part-time work week or part-time work), as well as certain changes in wages and the establishment of the procedure for the payment of pension insurance.

It should be emphasized that the system of "rolling pension" partly continues to operate in relation to a specific employee even after his retirement. Occasionally former employee the firm is invited by it as a consultant, an expert to solve emerging production problems, to participate in various kinds of meetings. A pensioner can be engaged by his firm as an instructor to participate in the process of personnel training, mentoring, management of adaptation of new employees, etc.

Posted On 28.02.2018

Release of personnel - a set of measures to comply with legal norms and organizational and psychological support from the administration when dismissing employees.

Dismissal - termination employment contract between the employer (administration) and the employee.

The measures for the release of the employee are aimed at providing assistance in the restoration of the employee's labor functions, which were violated during his dismissal:

1 - material support of life;

2 - self-realization of the employee;

3 - the formation of the social status of the employee.

Employee lay-off programs are developed depending on the type of employee dismissal:

A) dismissal at the initiative of the employee .

Tool - conducting a "final interview", during which the following tasks are solved:

The reasons for the dismissal of the employee are established,

The organization of activities in the company is assessed, bottlenecks are determined,

The necessary formalities are being settled

B) dismissal at the initiative of the administration .

Tool- special programs including such events,

Search preparation legal basis for dismissal,


Analysis of failures;

New goal-setting;

Formation of a conceptual approach to finding a new job.

C) dismissal due to retirement.

Tool- systematic preparation of the employee for the upcoming changes in life by means of:

Training in specialized courses covering:


Economic aspects of life,

Medical service,

Leisure organization

- "rolling pension".

The main functions of the personnel management process, performed at various hierarchical levels of the organization's management system, are reduced to the development and justification management decisions, monitoring their implementation. Therefore, personnel management is an informational process, including the receipt, analysis and processing, storage, use, and augmentation of information.

Information support of the personnel management service Is a set of implemented solutions concerning the volume, placement and forms of organization of information that is addressed to the personnel management service during its operation. It includes: operational, regulatory and reference information, classifiers of technical and economic information, standardized and special documentation systems (Fig. 2).

Information should be :

- an integrated - reflect all aspects of the service's activities (technical, technological, organizational, economic and social);

- operational - obtaining information should proceed simultaneously with the process taking place in the system, correspond to the emerging needs for accurate information;

- systematic - the required information should be available continuously;

- reliable - the information should correspond to the actually occurring processes and be based on measurements or calculations, analysis.

The information support of the personnel management service is structurally subdivided into the following groups.

1. Out-of-machine information support is a collection of messages, signals, documents perceived by a person directly. It includes:

Information classification and coding system;

Management documentation system;

A system for organizing, storing and making changes to documentation.

In this area, the exchange of information is implemented in the form of the movement of documents from the subject to the object of management (orders, orders, charter, etc.), from the object to the subject (reports, inquiries on personnel issues, notes, information about the current or past state of the object) ... Out-of-machine information support allows you to identify the control object (using standards, regulations, regulations, orders), formalize information, and present it in the form of documents of the established form.

2 Intra-machine information support includes: data arrays that form the information base of the personnel management system on machine carriers, as well as the system of accumulation, maintenance, software processing of information and access to information of data arrays.

The company's information support must comply with the following organizational and methodological requirements :

Rational integration of information processing and minimal duplication of information in the information base

Unification and reduction of the number of document forms

Possibility of machine processing of information contained in documents (outside of the machine) and in the inside of the machine

Completeness and detail of information (certain redundancy information support, which makes it possible for different users to receive information with varying degrees of specification).

Figure 2 - 1. Content of information support of the organization's personnel management system

# World of words / Big accounting dictionary


Released workers

how it will look like:

Released workers

how it will look like:


Legal support of the personnel release process

description of the word Workers released

how it will look like:

The workers released are ...

Word world: random from popular


CADastr m. assessment of rural estates, according to their difference, considering their all-local relations; pricing. Cadastral, pricing, speaking of inhabited estates. Cadast, evaluate property. -sya, to be regarded, to be regarded. Cadastral cf. lasts. cadastral about. action by verb. Cadastral cadastre m. Property appraiser.

Personnel release measures used in municipal organizations

Staff redundancy measures can only be economically effective if staff are reduced in places where there is a surplus. It is very important for the administration of the enterprise to conduct preliminary explanatory work to justify the need for the upcoming staff reduction, as well as its goals and principles.

To reduce the stress level of employees, it is advisable to carry out the mass layoff of personnel in one stage, without injuring employees many times. Dismissal of workers must be carried out in a "sparing" mode, giving them the opportunity to search new job, paying increased compensation in comparison with the requirements of the Law, organizing vocational guidance classes for laid-off employees, helping them to find employment.

Such events not only allow the organization to maintain a good relationship with its former employees, but also extremely favorably affect the external image of the company, increase the loyalty to the organization of the remaining personnel, their mobilization capabilities for solving the problems of overcoming the crisis.

In general, the system of measures for the release of personnel includes three stages:

I. preparation;

II. transmission of a notice of dismissal;

III. counseling.

At the preparatory stage, the administration creates the prerequisites for the program of events. This includes deciding whether a dismissal is necessary, and if so, whether it is necessary to use this particular system of measures.

The decision on the implementation of the system of measures under consideration may depend, for example, on the reason for the dismissal of the employee. system of measures for the release of personnel... Such a system provides three stages:

First stage- preparatory. At this stage, the criteria for the selection of applicants for the release are determined, a decision is made on the dismissal of employees, legal support of the adopted decision, a system of measures to support laid-off workers is being developed. The organization can and must provide assistance to the dismissed in case of reduction in the number or staff of employees and has the right not to take on the responsibility of supporting an employee in the event of his dismissal for absenteeism or appearance at work in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Second phase- informational.

Bringing to the employee a message (in writing, in the form of orders, instructions and verbal individually) about the dismissal makes the dismissal process official and represents the starting point for further consulting work.

Third stage- consulting. It is characterized by a set of measures aimed at legal, psychological counseling of employees, at the formation of new targets and professional relevance of laid-off workers. At this stage, the dismissed employees are assisted in finding a new job.

According to the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation, workers subject to release are warned personally against receipt at least two months before dismissal.

Among the main areas of support for laid-off workers can be distinguished:

  • payment of compensation for the loss of a job;
  • assistance in new employment;
  • psychological adaptation to the conditions of job loss.

The workers dismissed from production are provided with the following rights and guarantees:

  • continuous work experience is maintained if the break in work has not exceeded three months;
  • paid severance pay in the amount of the average monthly earnings;
  • the average salary is retained for the period of employment with a reduction in the number, but not more than two months from the date of dismissal, taking into account the payment of severance pay;
  • the average salary is retained, taking into account the monthly severance pay during the liquidation and reorganization of the enterprise for the period of employment, but for no more than three months.

Fair dismissal- a situation when the employer has a sufficient reason to terminate the contract with the employee and all his actions are justified from the point of view of the law. Prohibitions and restrictions on dismissals- a legal norm providing guarantees and benefits in case of layoffs for certain categories of workers. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, these categories include:

  • pregnant women and women with children under the age of three;
  • persons raising children without a mother;
  • employees under the age of 18, etc.

Compulsory dismissal methods are:

Dismissal of temporary workers - the company does not renew fixed-term employment contracts and contracts of a civil nature with employees or terminates them early,

Dismissal of ineffective workers - the company tightens the requirements for the efficiency of employees, for their compliance with labor and technological discipline and fires them at the initiative of the employer (paragraphs 3,5,6,7 of Article 81 Labor Code RF),

Reduction of the number or staff of employees of the organization - employees are dismissed at the initiative of the employer (clause 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), taking into account the preemptive right to remain at work (Article 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and laid off workers receive certain severance payments (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) ).

The most painful thing for the organization is leaving on the initiative of the employee, i.e.

that kind of release, which is practically not predicted by the administration and, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly for it. However, from the point of view of the employee, this is the "softest" type of release: the employee is ready to leave the organization and this type of release is psychologically easier for him. Dismissal initiated by the organization, on the contrary, can be predicted by the management of the administration, and from the point of view of employees, this is a painful type of release, which is difficult for them to predict and sometimes psychologically accept.

The release of personnel, regardless of the reasons, must be economically feasible and socially effective. When releasing personnel, the following must be observed regulations:

Legal support of the personnel release process

Reduction of those workers whose jobs are being cut.

2. Avoid additional costs when reducing, other than those established by law.

3. After the reduction, there should be no subsequent costs.

The starting point for making a decision on the release of personnel should be the recognition of the seriousness and importance of the very fact of dismissal, both from an industrial, as well as from a social and personal point of view.

Dismissal from an organization due to retirement is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it from previous types of layoffs. First, retirement can be foreseen and planned with reasonable timing. Secondly, this event is associated with very specific changes in the personal sphere. Thirdly, significant changes in the way of life of a person are very evident for his environment. Finally, in assessing the upcoming retirement, a person is characterized by a certain duality, a certain discord with himself. Therefore, the process of retirement, as well as finding a person in a new social role, are the object of quite close attention in civilized countries. This attention comes both from the state and from the organization where the person worked and contributed to the common cause.

Work with employees of pre-retirement and retirement age finds its concrete expression in carrying out certain events.

1) Preparation courses for retirement

Overseas organizations run retirement preparation courses that help employees move into a position where they can work through retirement issues and can also become familiar with the characteristics of a new stage of life. The content of such courses and their methodological structure is very diverse. They can be conducted both in the form of a series of lectures and talks, and in the form of one-day and multi-day seminars. The topics of the courses cover a wide range of issues:

retirement laws and regulations;

economic aspects of later life;

medical problems;

the possibility of building active leisure, etc.

2) "Rolling pension"

"Rolling pension" is an almost literal translation of a concept that is very common in foreign organizations.

It means a system of measures for the gradual transition from full-fledged work activity to final retirement, as well as a number of measures that ensure the involvement of a pensioner with working life.

A distinctive feature of the "rolling pension" system is its fairly accurate time frame in relation to a specific employee. The action of organizational and economic measures begins from the established date and ends mainly upon reaching the retirement age. For many foreign countries, this period covers the time from 60-61 to 65 years for men and, accordingly, from 55-56 to 60 years for women.

The system of measures provides mainly for a gradual transition to part-time employment (part-time work week or part-time work), as well as certain changes in wages and the establishment of the procedure for the payment of pension insurance. It should be emphasized that the system of "rolling pension" partly continues to operate in relation to a specific employee even after his retirement. From time to time, a former employee of the company is invited by her as a consultant, an expert to solve emerging production problems, to participate in various kinds of meetings. A pensioner can be engaged by his firm as an instructor to participate in the process of personnel training, mentoring, management of adaptation of new employees, etc.

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Planning the release of personnel gains everything greater importance, especially in connection with economic stagnation. This process performs two main tasks that arise when there is a surplus of the planned work force in comparison with the planned need for it. Fulfillment of the first task requires clarification of the reasons for the formation of the planned surplus of labor. For this purpose, the divisions of the enterprise are checked and it is determined in which of them there was a surplus of labor. Based on the results obtained, two stages can be distinguished in planning the release of personnel. First, actions are outlined, such as reducing overtime hours, internal adjustments, or stopping hiring that will not result in a reduction in staffing.

Only then should measures be taken to reduce the number of employees. Moreover, those measures in which employees leave the enterprise voluntarily should have an advantage (for example, early retirement with full pension payments, compensation payments). In the last place, measures should be taken to dismiss employees, whose activities and rights are clearly limited by labor legislation and the tariff agreement. Reasons for the release of personnel are different and partly related to other areas of planning in the enterprise. The most important of them are:

termination of production due to the inexpediency of the further existence of the enterprise;

prolonged decline in the employment of employees;

processes of curtailment of production, characteristic for the whole industry;

availability of irreplaceable resources, as well as limited or unlimited capital shortages;

new directions of technical development;

changing requirements for jobs;

change in the organizational structure.

The purpose of planning the release of personnel is the establishment and timely or advanced reduction of its "surplus".


Planning the release of personnel from what has been achieved (reactive planning) is introduced before or after the release, which is methodologically simpler than dismissal due to the fact that it almost does not provide for planned preparatory measures. Social tension in the release of personnel is inevitable. Advance staff release trying to avoid surplus workforce or reduce staff in advance in order to avoid layoffs altogether by using forecasts for the release of personnel and planning for alternative employment of employees. Advance planning for the release is primarily concerned with the search for socially contractual options for using the released personnel and thus takes on the function of a buffer, primarily in relation to social risks and the reduction of unemployment.

At present, at the enterprises of Western Europe, advance planning for the release of personnel is used especially often. This is due to the following reasons. The personnel is considered by the management of the enterprise not only as a purely production factor, but also as a decisive factor for success, human capital. This change in approach to the person is not least due to the understanding that personnel must be used over a long period of time and that large investments have been made in it (for example, in measures for the initial and further education of employees). This increases the willingness of management to take responsibility for personnel.

Due to the high degree of mechanization and automation, especially in the field of assembly, the degree of flexibility in production is reduced. At the same time, difficulties arise with planning from the attained and advanced planning becomes more and more necessary.

Advance planning requires the development of laws and legal regulation of the management of the labor collective, as well as the prohibition of unjustified dismissal.

The requirements for employees increase with the introduction of new technologies, and not every employee has sufficient potential to acquire the necessary qualifications. For them, alternatives must be found to use their workforce within the enterprise.

The constant change of personnel adversely affects the recruitment of new employees; this is primarily due to the fact that the so-called "hiring and firing" policy pursued by the enterprise is very quickly becoming known in the labor market.

The management of the enterprise is forced to apply advanced planning for layoffs, since layoffs are always limited by law, for example, unjustified dismissals are prohibited.

Within the framework of planning the release of personnel, three main groups of problems are distinguished.

First, it is about the planning context, i.e. on the integration of planning the release of personnel into production and financial planning, planning of sales, recruitment and investment. This is followed by a group of problems of forecasting and susceptibility to planning the reasons for release, which to a large extent depend on the planning of the need for personnel and its composition. These reasons affect the composition of the personnel both qualitatively and quantitatively. The last group of problems is associated with the alternatives for the use of personnel that arise at the enterprise when it is released. These are changes in the workplace within the enterprise, refusal to hire new employees, their voluntary dismissal, as well as the development of new working conditions. These alternatives require planners to know how to influence these problems. Thus, successful planning for the release of personnel is dependent on the functioning of cost accounting planning and financial planning.

Lecture plan:

    Personnel release concept

    Reasons for the release of personnel

    Types of staff release

    Ways of partial release of personnel

    Types of absolute staff release

    Measures taken by the organization to mitigate the situation of dismissal

    Staff turnover and its causes

    Personnel release concept

Release personnel is the scope of management activities to reduce the number of employees.

  1. Reasons for the release of personnel

The main reasons for the release of the person.

    automation and other types of production improvement, entailing a reduction in labor costs;

    reducing the scope of the organization;

    inadequate assessment of staffing requirements when hiring.

  1. Types of staff release

There are 2 main types of employee release:

    absolute release (dismissal) of employees;

    partial (internal) release, which consists in reducing the volume of work performed while maintaining the number of employees.

  1. Ways of partial release of personnel

There are the following methods for the partial release of personnel:

    introduction of part-time work, reduction working week providing employees with temporary unpaid leave;

    the termination of the hiring of new employees with the expectation of a gradual reduction in their number;

    transfer of workers from labor-surplus divisions to labor-deficient ones, equal distribution of workers between divisions;

    diversification of the company's activities, development of new types of work to create new jobs.

  1. Types of absolute staff release

The existence of different types of absolute release (dismissal) of personnel due to such reasons as:

    dismissal at the initiative of an employee, that is, of their own free will, dismissal due to institutional changes in the life of an employee, for example, having a child, leaving for the army, entering an institute;

    dismissal initiated by the administration. Such dismissals can be caused by the inadequacy of the employee to his position or associated with the need to reduce the number of employees.

  1. Measures taken by the organization to mitigate the situation of dismissal

If it is necessary to reduce the number of personnel the organization usually takes the following measures to mitigatesituationslayoffs:

    pays monetary compensation;

    applies the procedure of "layoffs", which consists in the temporary layoff of workers during the period of recession in production;

    applies the "outplacement" method, which implies the conduct of vocational guidance and psychologically rehabilitative classes with the dismissed by special counseling services;

    organizes early retirement to ensure employment among young people and middle-aged people.

  1. Staff turnover and its causes

Staff turnover is a phenomenon characterized by frequent and massive layoffs of employees , occurring on the initiative of the employees themselves or on the initiative of the administration, dissatisfied with their work behavior.

The main reasons for staff turnover are:

    unsatisfactory conditions, labor protection and maintenance;

    unsatisfactory work organization;

    labor conflicts associated with tensions in the team and with management;

    lack of prospects for career advancement and professional growth.

Planning for the release or reduction of personnel is essential in the workforce planning process. The rationalization of production or management creates a surplus of human resources. Timely relocations, retraining, termination of admission to vacant jobs, as well as the implementation of a socially-oriented selection of candidates for dismissal (depending on age, work experience, marital status and number of children, the possibility of getting a job in the external labor market, etc.) allow you to regulate the intra-organizational sphere of work in the process of planning staff reductions.

The release of personnel is a type of activity that provides for a set of measures to comply with legal norms and organizational and psychological support from the administration when employees are dismissed.

In the specialized literature on management labor resources the concepts of “release” and “dismissal” of workers differ. Dismissal is the termination of an employment agreement (contract) between the administration (employer) and an employee.

Release, however, is a broader concept containing, as mentioned above, a set of complex measures for conflict-free cardinal changes in the living conditions of individuals. The layoff of personnel is the dismissal or suspension from work for a long period of one or more employees for reasons of economic, structural or technological nature in order to reduce the number of employees or change their professional qualifications.

Dismissal of staff is one of the tools for regulating the number of employees. In practice, the following options for reducing the number of personnel are used: termination of hiring, moving to other vacant places, reducing the duration of working hours, introducing a shortened working week.

The problems arising from the release of personnel arise from the functions of labor that develop in an industrial society. First, labor fulfills the direct function of providing material support for life. As a rule, it is the main source of income. Secondly, labor in most cases is identified with the potential of a particular employee. Labor activity is associated not only with income, but also with the possibility of development, self-realization. Third, labor has a social dimension. In the process of labor activity, social ties are established, social status person. Through labor, the individual determines his place in social integration.

The achievement of these goals can potentially be threatened by the fact of the release of an employee. The starting point for making a decision on the release of personnel should be the recognition of the seriousness and importance of the very fact of dismissal, both from an industrial, and from a social and personal point of view, since the process of releasing personnel is ambiguous in its consequences. For leaving employees, the positive aspects are the expected growth in income, career prospects in a new place 1. New opportunities for promotion appear for the remaining employees, but the workload is increasing, the socio-psychological climate is changing. For the organization, staff mobility makes it easier to get rid of outsiders, makes it possible to attract people with new views, but, on the other hand, generates additional costs associated with the recruitment and training of newcomers, leads to loss of working time, a drop in discipline.

Planning for work with leaving employees is based on a simple classification of layoffs. The classification criterion is the degree of voluntariness of the employee leaving the institution. In accordance with this, there are three types of layoffs, which are presented in table 6.

1. Dismissal at the initiative of an employee (in Russian terminology - at will). From the point of view of the institution, this is a relatively hassle-free form of dismissal. The decision is made by the employee himself, in most cases he is assessed positively, in fact he is ready for changes in professional activity and social environment. The need for support from the administration is usually small.

Table 6

Layoff classification

1 See: Bazarova T.Yu., Eremina B.L. Personnel management: Textbook, for universities. M., 2011.

  • 2. Dismissal on the initiative of the employer (in domestic terminology - on the initiative of the administration). Dismissal on the initiative of the employer most often occurs as a result of staff reductions and is an extraordinary event for any employee. Dismissal on the initiative of the employer is especially difficult, since it affects all the most important aspects of work - professional, social, personal and psychological. The professional labor role of the employee is in danger, since he is potentially, and for an indefinite period, facing unemployment. Therefore, it depends on how the dismissal process is organized, what impact this event will have on the employee - it will either aggravate or mitigate the situation.
  • 3. Retirement. The third type of dismissal is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it:
    • - can be foreseen and planned with sufficient time accuracy;
    • - associated with specific changes in the personal sphere;
    • - changes in a person's lifestyle are visible to his environment;
    • - in assessing the upcoming retirement, a person is characterized by some duality, discord with himself.

The process of retirement, as well as finding a person in a new social role, are the object of quite close attention in civilized countries. This attention comes both from the state and from the institution where the person worked and contributed to the common cause.

In view of the importance of such an event as leaving the institution, the main task of personnel management services when working with leaving employees is to mitigate the transition to a different production, social, personal situation as much as possible. This applies in particular to two types of layoffs: on the initiative of the employer and in connection with retirement.

V modern conditions managing the dismissal process means not only strictly observing the requirements of the law, but also providing people with psychological support, since dismissal causes a high level of stress and leads to emotional trauma.

Depending on the situation, layoffs can be individual or massive.

With the individual release of personnel, carried out upon dismissal of employees on the initiative of the administration or upon the expiration of the term of the employment contract, a comprehensive program of measures is drawn up. The personnel management service is trying to find the available opportunities (methods) for this. These include:

  • - legal advice on emerging claims and compensations;
  • - assistance provided to future employers in the process of making inquiries about an employee;
  • - psychological counseling and support in carrying out organizational activities related to the release of an employee;
  • - formation new system target aspirations, new schemes of professional and service promotion as a condition for the successful professional reorientation of the consulted employee.

The main focus of the program is on communicating the resignation to the employee and advising on the new vocational guidance.

In general terms, such a system can include three stages:

  • 1) preparatory;
  • 2) transmission to the employee of a message (notice) of dismissal;
  • 3) counseling.

The third stage - consulting - is the central link in the entire process of personnel release management. It is characterized by a set of measures aimed at legal and psychological counseling of employees, at the formation of new targets and professional relevance of dismissed employees. At this stage, the dismissed employees are assisted in finding a new job. It includes three phases:

  • - through consultations, an attempt is made to consider all the failures of work in previous positions and outline new professional and personal goals;
  • - a new job search scheme is being formed (for example, Required documents, networks of contacts for job search are created, training is organized on participation in an interview, etc.);
  • - search for jobs (assistance in choosing one of the various job offers, taking into account individual settings).

The mass layoff of personnel is understood as a reduction in the number of employees in connection with the liquidation, reorganization, re-profiling of an enterprise. The procedure for releasing personnel consists of several stages.

At the stage of justifying the need to reduce personnel, specific economic, financial, technical calculations are carried out, proving the objectivity of the reasons for the massive layoffs of employees. In order to preserve and make rational use of the organization's professional potential, it is advisable to analyze all possible alternatives to downsizing.

To eliminate the surplus number of personnel, less painful than mass layoffs, directions of personnel rationalization are used, that is, a flexible employment policy is applied.

The final stage of the personnel release procedure is to work with the dismissed employees. Psychologists have developed a number of recommendations for conducting a final interview with a released employee. Employment authorities can assist employers by:

  • - Conducting group and individual consultations with the released employees on issues related to their training and subsequent employment;
  • - conducting, together with the head of the institution, a questionnaire survey among the released employees to determine the number and professional qualifications of employees in need of appropriate vocational training.

The issues of releasing the employees of the penal system are regulated by the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the Instruction on the procedure for applying the Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in institutions and bodies of the penal system. According to the specified regulatory legal acts, the grounds for termination of service in the internal affairs bodies are:

  • a) dismissal from the internal affairs bodies;
  • b) termination of the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • c) recognition of an employee of the internal affairs bodies as missing in the prescribed manner;
  • d) death (death) of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

Police officers may be dismissed from

services on the following grounds:

  • a) of their own free will;
  • b) reaching the age limit established by article 59 of the regulation;
  • c) length of service, which gives the right to a pension;
  • d) the end of the service life stipulated by the contract;
  • e) due to violation of the terms of the contract;
  • f) to reduce staffing during the liquidation or reorganization of the internal affairs body in the event that it is impossible to use an employee of the internal affairs bodies in the service;
  • g) illness (on the basis of the decision of the military medical commission on unfitness for service);
  • h) other grounds listed in Article 58 of the Regulation.

Before submission of employees for dismissal, the data on their service are clarified, the periods to be credited to the length of service for the appointment of a pension in calendar terms and separately in preferential terms are confirmed. According to the law, the length of service is calculated for the appointment of a pension, which is announced to the employee.

Employees are notified of the upcoming dismissal from service by a notification handed to the employee against receipt in compliance with the terms established by the regulation. If the employee refuses to receive a notification, the personnel department draws up an appropriate act about this in the prescribed manner, and an official notice of dismissal from the penal system is sent by registered mail.

In addition, a conversation is held with the employee, during which he is informed about the grounds for dismissal, benefits, guarantees and compensation, employment issues, material and household support and other issues are explained. At their request, representatives of the personnel, legal, medical and financial departments may be invited to participate in conversations with the dismissed. If, during a conversation with dismissed employees, questions are raised that cannot be resolved by the relevant institutions or bodies of the UIS, the leaders conducting the interviews report these issues for the decision of the superior direct superior.

When determining the grounds for dismissal of an employee, his age, state of health, working capacity, length of service for assigning a pension, attitude towards service, as well as benefits, guarantees and compensations provided depending on the grounds for dismissal in accordance with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation are taken into account. and position.

If there are grounds for the application of two or more wordings for the dismissal of a positively certified employee, with his consent, the one that gives the right to receive the greatest guarantees and compensations is indicated.

The heads of institutions and bodies of the penal system and personnel departments are responsible for correctly determining the grounds for dismissal of employees.

It is not allowed to dismiss employees during the period of their being on vacation or during the period of illness, being held hostage, unknown absence (prior to recognition in established by law the order of the missing or the announcement of the deceased).

Dismissal from service of pregnant women, women with children under the age of three, as well as those with disabled or disabled children from childhood until they reach the age of 18, single mothers with children under the age of 14, is not allowed, except in cases where when employees are subject to dismissal from service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b", "d", "f", "g", "h", "k", "l" and "m" of Article 58 of the Regulation.

Women who are on maternity leave or parental leave cannot be dismissed, except in the case of liquidation of this institution and the penal system in which they served, and their refusal to continue serving in another institution, body.

A citizen dismissed from the penal system has the right, within one month from the date of delivery of the order of dismissal, to appeal it in court (article 62 of the provision), as well as the right, before sending a complaint to the court, to apply to a higher institution or body of the penal system for clarification or a decision on the issue of reinstatement on service in the manner prescribed by article 66 of the regulation.

  • See: V.R. Vesnin. Personnel Management. Theory and practice.
  • See: Motivation of labor activity / Ed. V.P. Pugacheva.
  • See: V.K. Potemkin. Personnel management: Textbook, for universities. SPb., 2010.
  • See: V.N. Sidorenko Release of personnel as an element of modern personnel policy organizations: Textbook. M., 2011.


reduction in layoffs

Relevance term paper... V modern society a person is highly dependent on his work activity and therefore, upon dismissal, an employee should be provided with the softest exit from the organization, which greatly affects not only his financial situation, but also his spiritual state.

The purpose of the course work. To study the main types of release of the organization's personnel.

Object of work: staff of the organization. Subject of work: the system of releasing the personnel of the organization.

Over the past couple of years, a number of large enterprises in Russia have significantly reduced the number of their staff. The workers who had worked in production for many years fell under the release. Practice shows that the listed tendencies are also typical for mass layoffs today. The factors that determine the huge release of labor force at the present time are common to many Russian regions. Mass layoffs are almost impossible to discourage, or impossible to prohibit through legal means. If the organization, or part of it, is no longer viable, and recovery seems unpromising, then appropriate conclusions should be drawn. Market economy does not allow himself to save the life of economically sick organizations. The curtailment of production and the restructuring of the economy are appropriate both for the stage of economic growth and for the period of general recession. As before, the following categories of citizens may be laid off: employees, disabled people who do not have the appropriate qualifications and work experience, as well as citizens up to retirement age and women. In other words, mass layoffs from enterprises in one city or region significantly alter the demand for labor.

Release of personnel

The concept of staff release

The release of staff for most firms is becoming a very significant function, supported by a well-developed organizational mechanism for its implementation. The system of special events accompanying, directly, the process of releasing staff, is very widely used at American enterprises, in contrast to Russian enterprises and organizations. To a lesser extent, this area of ​​activity is widespread in European countries, although in Lately there he is given considerable attention. The problems arising from the release of staff are based on the value of labor, which is acquired in industrial society. Firstly, work is of great importance for material support of life, and secondly, it is useful and rational spending of an employee's free time, a means of satisfying the needs of the highest level, for example, self-realization. Third, labor has a social dimension. In the process of labor activity, social ties are established, the social status of a person is formed. The achievement of these goals can potentially be threatened by the very fact of the release of an employee. Many works of domestic and foreign authors are devoted to the release of staff. The issues related to the release of employees are studied from the standpoint of various scientific disciplines: social and organizational psychology, labor economics, organization management, personnel management, institutional economics, labor economics, labor law, sociology, personality psychology, conflictology.

Dismissal of staff - the movement of workers due to the destruction of jobs or such reorganization, in which the requirements for the profession (specialty) or qualifications of the employee change, as well as in connection with the termination of the employment contract on the initiative of one of the parties (employer or employee) or retirement ... The release of employees is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws and must be accompanied by organizational and psychological support from the administration of the organization where the dismissed employee works. Dismissal of an employee - established by law procedure for release from official duties upon termination of an employment contract.

Personnel release management is a type of activity carried out by the administration of the organization and its personnel management service in connection with the dismissal of employees within the framework of the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and determining the development and implementation of measures to optimize the number of personnel, socio-psychological and economic support for the dismissed employees. Considering the importance of such an event as leaving the organization, the main task of the personnel management services when working with leaving employees is to maximize the mitigation of the transition to a different socio-psychological, industrial, organizational, economic and socio-labor environment. This applies in particular to two types of layoffs: on the initiative of the employer and in connection with retirement.

Planning staff reductions or redundancies is essential in the workforce planning process.

The rationalization of production or management creates a surplus of human resources. Timely movements, preparation of a reception at vacancies, the implementation of a socially-oriented selection of candidates for dismissal makes it possible to regulate the intra-organizational labor market in the process of planning staff reduction.

Planning for work with leaving employees is based on a simple classification of types of layoffs. In this case, the classification criterion is the degree of voluntariness of the employee leaving the organization. According to this criterion, three types of layoffs can be distinguished:

Dismissal at the initiative of the employee (of his own free will);

Dismissal initiated by the employer (initiated by the administration);


It is relatively hassle-free to leave an employee on his own initiative. At the same time, the professional activity of the employee, the social environment does not change radically, or the employee is ready for such changes. In most cases, such a transition is viewed positively by the employee himself. Therefore, the need for support this employee from the administration side, as a rule, is negligible.

Mass release is one of the most difficult consequences of technical and economic development society.

Mass release affects a whole range of social and economic problems, requires significant costs on the part of society, organizations and individuals. The main burden falls on those to be fired.

If downsizing as a result of individual interventions such as early retirement, cancellation agreements, or individual layoffs cannot be reliably enforced, all that remains is a mass layoff tool. Destruction labor relations contrary to wishes job seekers, can only be a last resort, since the loss of a job without personal participation or one's own guilt often leads to the fact that the economic basis of the family's livelihood is at risk, up to the consequences for the children (financing of studies, etc.).

The principle of releasing, which, in the opinion of the personnel policy, must be followed, is the openness of the administration of the organization in relation to workers and employees, as well as to representatives of job seekers. Tipping points such as layoffs are not decisions that are made and enforced by the leadership of an organization alone. It should:

Explain to representatives of employers the reasons for the decline in employment;

Prove to them the extent of the staff cuts;

Explain to them the concept of recovery;

Introduce them timetable release.

This information as a basis for representatives of the interests of workers and employees should be made at a time when the representatives of workers and employees can still influence the conclusion, as well as comprehensive and truthful.

The planned measures should be explained to employees in a timely manner, for example, at extraordinary meetings of collectives of workers and employees. The sooner those targeted by these measures learn the truth, the sooner they will prepare for the upcoming situation and start looking for alternative work.

Mass release of workers associated with the rationalization of production, improvement of labor organization, liquidation, re-profiling of the organization, its structural divisions, complete or partial suspension of production at the initiative of the management body or the head, can be carried out only on condition of prior (not less than three months in advance) written notification relevant trade union bodies.

After informing the representatives of workers and employees and the staff of the organization, you should immediately contact the employment service. This service should know in a timely manner what it will face, as preparatory work may be required.

When the entire organization is closed, as a rule, all employees are affected. Difficulties arise at a time when some qualified personnel must be transferred to another plant or to another organization in order to timely save them from layoffs. In this case, the problem of personal selection arises, especially when only part of the staff is subject to dismissal.

From the point of view of the organization, the choice looks different than from the standpoint of a collective of workers and employees. The firm would like to get rid of all employees with low productivity and retain young staff and employees with a higher level of knowledge. The opposite position is taken by a collective of workers and employees: the weakest in socially the employee should be able to stay, with the appropriate education and dynamic employees should look for a new job for themselves.

This conflict in many countries was resolved through a compromise. Those workers, whose further employment is absolutely necessary due to production and technical aspects, do not fall under the selection of personnel. Also, specialists and management personnel who are necessary for the continued existence of the company are not subject to dismissal.

The rest of the employees who do not belong to this area should be put into a hierarchical list according to social parameters, and only employees who perform exactly the same work can always be compared with each other. Only those employees who are least affected by the dismissal are subject to dismissal. These criteria are: age, length of service in the organization, maintenance obligation, health status, the ability to find a job in the labor market, as well as the income of other family members. At the same time, the consideration of production efficiency and the assessment of one's own qualities are not selection criteria.

A point system can be used to establish a sequence of redundancies, with the highest score being the best protection against dismissal.

In Russia, various methods of curbing mass layoffs, adopted in world practice, have proven themselves well: employers' initiatives to extend the timeframes, reduce their scale and prevent them were supported.

In most regions, employers receive financial support for payments to employees who are on leave without retention wages working part-time.

The experience of regulating mass layoffs convinces us that the aforementioned measures by themselves are ineffective without strategic programs for the development of employment and prevention of mass layoffs. An active state policy in training and retraining workers, increasing their competitiveness in the labor market, supporting programs to create new jobs create conditions for a crisis-free development of the labor market. ...