The effectiveness of the work of press service employees. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the press service with documents

Archive number: 589 Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Problems and principles for evaluating the effectiveness of modern press services
1.1. Problems of evaluating the effectiveness of PR activities 5
1.2. Basic principles for evaluating the effectiveness of the press service 9
Chapter 2. Main criteria and methods for determining the effectiveness of the press service
2.1. Performance criteria 13
2.2. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of PR activities 16
Conclusion 24
References 25


The press service, as an integral part of any modern developing organization, performs a number of important functions for organizing effective communications with internal and external environment. At the same time, it is extremely important for the organization of management to be able to clearly determine the effectiveness of the work of a particular unit. However, with regard to determining the effectiveness of the press service, this task becomes more complicated. The fact is that the results of PR activities are not as obvious as, for example, the results of the sales department. The effect of the communication activities carried out may be delayed in time, or may manifest itself in unpredictable areas of the company's activities. Nevertheless, the development of the PR sphere involves the development of more precise criteria for the effectiveness of the press service, this determines the relevance of studying the chosen topic.
The purpose of the *** work is to study the performance indicators of the modern press service.
Achieving the goal involves solving the following tasks:
1) It is necessary to identify the problems that exist in assessing the effectiveness of the press service;
2) It is necessary to highlight the basic principles on which the evaluation of the effectiveness of PR activities is based;
3) It is necessary to study the criteria by which the effectiveness of the press service at the present stage is evaluated;
4) It is necessary to characterize the methods used in evaluating the effectiveness of PR activities.
The information base of the *** work was made up of scientific and educational publications on public relations, which can be conditionally divided into two groups:
- educational and scientific publications on PR, activities of the modern press service (works by I.P. Berdnikov, A.F. Strizhova, A.I. Gnetnev, L.L. Tarasevich, V.V. Shatilov, etc.)
- articles in periodicals devoted to certain problems of the activity of modern press services (Yu.E. Burovaya, M.A. Romanova, etc.).
The structure of the work is determined by the tasks set and represents a consistent consideration of the identified problems in two chapters of the work.

PR-activities are very thin and fragile sphere. In the hands of a true master, it can propel a company to incredible business heights; in the hands of a bad specialist, it can destroy the whole successful work companies. The thing is that PR is a link between the activities of the institution and society. And because of what "sauce" this or that event will be presented, the general opinion of people about all employees of the institution depends. Therefore, PR must be dosed, since a very frequent mention of the activities of the same company can be too intrusive and therefore perceived negatively by society.

So, according to what principles is it necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the PR service? There are two types of analysis in the modern world: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative analysis is a direct result of the work of the service. It is the core business of the company. The result of this analysis is directly related to the experience and qualifications of employees. How interesting, non-standard and creative their ideas will be, how easy and economical the implementation of these ideas will become, depends general work structures.

Quantitative analysis is determined by a simple calculation and comparison of the results obtained. So, to determine whether your projects are successful, you need to count how many people visited the PR campaign held outdoors. When analyzing the results, it is necessary to take into account the season (in winter, as a rule, people are less active), the venue and the audit focus (youth, children, the elderly, etc.). It is best to do such an analysis once a year, comparing the results with similar activities carried out in the previous year.

It is necessary to conduct daily monitoring, tracking the number of mentions of your projects in the press. It should be noted that a publication with a negative connotation can also be attributed to one of the types of PR activities. Even it brings with it some advantages. Firstly, you did not leave journalists and participants of the action indifferent to your work, and secondly, you were noticed and published information on the pages of newspapers absolutely free of charge. Thirdly, negative information is remembered much better than positive information. Consequently, readers will remember the name of the action and its organizers, and this is already important.

If we talk about a private PR structure that deals with individual orders received from various firms, then here the efficiency of work can clearly show the number of orders at a certain time under certain conditions. Compare the number of orders for projects in July last year and July this year. If the volume has increased, therefore, your work is appreciated and it is a success.

Also, a good result of the activity of the PR service is a change in people's consciousness. For example, a customer purchased a product in a supermarket inadequate quality. He turned to the media, the result of his activities was a public insult to the work of the store, a decrease in consumer activity and, accordingly, a sharp decrease in profits. In this case, an active and competent PR company is needed, which would prove that the product was purchased of excellent quality, just that the buyer stored it in improper conditions. This indicates that the product has deteriorated due to the fault of the consumer, and the store turned out to be only a “victim” in this misunderstanding.

Knowing in advance that Russian people are more imbued with a sense of trust in those who have been undeservedly offended, this PR company will not only restore the image of the store, return departed customers, but also allow you to acquire new ones. regular customers. This example perfectly shows how, with the help of a well-designed PR system and interaction with the media, you can change the minds of people and direct the actions of the people in the right direction.

Methods for evaluating a PR service

1. Increasing orders. Schedule the number of orders by month. Do an annual analysis: has the need for your services increased among firms and companies in the city, or has it remained unchanged.

2. By the number of viewers and the level of ratings. If your ideas are really interesting, and their implementation is unique and unusual, then more and more viewers will come to your actions every time. However, do not forget that unique idea, embodied today, tomorrow will be copied and added to the archives of several dozen companies. To be one step ahead, you need to constantly improve.

The level of ratings, the number of publications in the press does not depend on your funding. You can pay absolutely nothing to journalists. If your idea interests them with its unusualness and eccentricity, then the media will talk about it absolutely free of charge.

3. The relevance of printed publications and television programs. Each newspaper, magazine, television program has its own rating. In other words, it is an audience of readers and viewers. For some, it is estimated in millions a day, and for someone, hundreds per month. By assigning each media its own serial number (1 is the most popular, and so on in ascending order), you can track the result of your activities not by the number of publications, but by the number of people who saw this information.

4. Opinion poll. Once every six months, it is proposed to conduct a survey of residents of your city (region) on the subject of awareness of the activities of your company. So, for example, if initially only 10% of the people surveyed knew about you, then after six months of active work, this percentage can increase to 15%. This survey will allow you to save money on sociological research. However, this method of performance analysis has one significant drawback: the random order of the selection of respondents. Maybe in the first survey you accidentally came across 25% of people who know about your activities. Maybe by a lucky chance you got all the people of the city who know about you. The next time you interviewed residents of a different age, employed in a different field. They are not interested in the PR-sphere, because lead a different lifestyle. Therefore, you will get a result below the previous one.

5. Media interest in your work. This is one of the highest points of development, indicating your correct approach to PR activities. If earlier you had to invite journalists to events, pay for the publication of articles and the release of video materials in the news, now the situation has changed somewhat. Journalists themselves contact you so that you, as an experienced specialist, comment on a story or material on a particular issue. For example, a journalist writes an article about an interesting implementation of standard programs. He addresses you as a specialist who can think creatively and create interesting, vibrant, attractive events. In this case, you are not just giving interviews, you are helping journalists who turn to you for help as a specialist. In the future, you can analyze the result of your activities by the number of such requests.

Table of contents

Introduction 3
Chapter 1. PR activities of the press service 5
1.1. The concept, structure and functions of the press service 5
1.2. The nature of interaction between the press service and the media 9
1.3. Criteria for the effectiveness of the press service 11
Chapter 2. Analysis of the activities of the press service in terms of its effectiveness on the example of the holding "Ural dumplings"
1.1. Company profile 19
2.2. Analysis of the activities of the press service of the company 20
2.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the press service of the company 23
Conclusion 30
References 32
Applications 35
Appendix 1. Holding "Ural dumplings" 35
Appendix 2. Organizational structure of the holding "Ural dumplings" 36
Appendix 3. The structure of the marketing department of the holding "Ural dumplings" 37
Annex 4. Sample survey questionnaire 38


On the one hand, today the efforts of public relations specialists have an impact on people's livelihoods. In their arsenal there is a large number of various technologies, among which are far from last place occupies the organization of special events.
On the other hand, in the era of television, global telecommunications, the Internet, public opinion is formed to a large extent under the influence of what people read in the central, local, special press. The press serves the organization, firstly, as a channel for broadly informing the public of the organization itself, and secondly, as a source of information necessary for decision-making. This necessitates the presence of a press service in the structure of any organization. Therefore, in order to skillfully influence public opinion, using the means mass media, it is necessary to clearly know what the functions and tasks of the press service are, what are the directions of its activities. This confirms the relevance of the topic under consideration.
The degree of study of this topic term paper large enough. In almost every book on PR, you can find the chapter "Press Service". Using the example of various press services, I tried to identify general concept press services, to understand the most successful organizational aspects, to identify criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the press services. They helped me in studying this: books by various authors on PR, official sites different organizations, RASO PR portal, almanac "Laboratory of Advertising, Marketing and PR".
The object of research in the course work is the holding "Ural dumplings", and the subject - the activities of the press service of the holding "Ural dumplings".
The purpose of the course work is to analyze the effectiveness of the PR activities of the press service on the example of the Ural dumplings holding.
The set goal determined the choice of research tasks:
1) analyze the concept, consider the structure and functions of the press service;
2) characterize the interaction between the press service and the media;
3) identify criteria for the effectiveness of the press service;
4) characterize the object of study - the holding "Ural dumplings";
5) analyze the activities of the press service of the holding "Ural dumplings;
6) assess the effectiveness of the press service of the holding "Ural dumplings.
Research hypothesis: the lack of evaluation of the effectiveness of the press service is a problem for the company.
Practical significance: the conclusions and recommendations obtained in the course of our study can be used in practical activities PR department / press service.
The following methods were used in the research process: content analysis, comparative analysis.
The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Chapter 1. PR activities of the press service

1.1. The concept, structure and functions of the press service

The Great Russian Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concepts of a press bureau and a press center:
1) an information service organized for the period of work of congresses, congresses, sports competitions, etc. to assist journalists covering these events; the press service organizes press conferences, issues press releases, etc.;
2) permanent information bodies at the editorial offices of large newspapers, press agencies, telegraph agencies, etc.
At the same time, the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language contains such an interpretation of the word "press service" - "department for collecting and processing information on press materials". This definition is echoed by the definition given by Sam Black in his book "Public Relations": "The press service is a group of people engaged in collecting information, storing, processing and distributing information."
Thus, in the first definition, the main focus is on assisting journalists, that is, on purposeful work to bring any information to the media. Whereas in the second and third - on the collection and analysis of already held speeches in the media on a particular occasion.
These definitions reflect different points of the same entity. The ideas embodied in them do not contradict each other, but only demonstrate the possibility of data fulfillment. structural divisions a wide variety of functions.
The multifunctionality of press services, the dependence of the target areas of their activities on many factors, such as the size and structure of the company itself, the specifics of the region in which the company operates, the characteristics of management, suggests that it is hardly possible to create an ideal model of press services and the optimal list of its specific tasks.
In his work "Desktop Encyclopedia of Public Relations" A.V. Beketov and D.I. Ignatiev state that “the nature of the functions of the press service, its staffing and the budget for its content, as well as, to a large extent, and the effectiveness of its work" largely depend on what approach to its construction will be chosen. Based on a study of the activities of the press services of various organizations, the authors identified three such approaches, each of which determines the place of service in the overall structure of the company, its role in managing the life of the organization and the degree of independence of the company in carrying out its information activities.
Within the framework of the first approach, the press service is considered as one of the key mechanisms for managing the organization's activities and its development. In this case, the press service acts as a "system-forming element", is directly subordinate to the company's management and has broad powers to use the organization's resources.
When using the second approach, the press service is assigned the role of an "intermediate link" between the company and external subjects of information activity. At the same time, the tasks of the service are limited to the list formulated by the management and, as a rule, are limited to monitoring the media, holding events and interacting with the media.
The third approach involves the use of outsourcing tools, that is, the assignment of a number of functions to third parties. In this case, there is no need for an own press service, or the main purpose of its activity is to coordinate the work of contractors.
Within the framework of each of the presented campaigns, the authors of the work offer their own logic of construction organizational structure companies or organizations.
This or that approach to determining the place of the PR department in the structure of the organization directly determines its size. Developing this topic, F. Jeffkins and D. Yadin, the authors of the book Public Relations, cite a number of factors that also affect the size of the PR department:
- the size of the organization;
- the company's need for effective PR and the importance attached to PR by its management;
- special requirements that the organization puts before PR.
Depending on the combination of these factors, the public relations department may consist of only a PR manager and a secretary, or may have a large number and include assistant managers, such as a press officer, an in-house editor, a print designer, a photographer, etc. . Possible structure of the PR department big company shown in figure 1:

Figure 1. The structure of the PR department of a large company
Vadim Demin and Tatyana Pak, authors of the book "Organization of the work of press services - international standards”, share the point of view of F. Jeffkins and D. Yadin, saying that there are many options for the composition of the PR department, however, specifying their position, they argue that often during current work, that is, when there are no major events, for implementation PR-activities of the organization enough specialist in public relations and his assistant. When conducting mass events and shares, it is necessary to form a press center with the involvement of PR specialists from primary or regional organizations. They should be considered as potential employees of the PR department and constantly kept in touch with them - they should be informed about important events, new programs, professional seminars and master classes.
Press relations departments, regardless of what they are called (press service, press bureau, press center, press secretary), perform a number of tasks. These include:
- creation and implementation of the company's information policy strategy;
- formation of public opinion with the help of the media in accordance with the strategy of the company's information policy;
- interaction with Russian and foreign mass media in order to fully and objectively cover the company's activities;
- implementation of interaction and development of contacts with the press services of state executive authorities and local self-government, partner companies, firms operating in the same market with the company;
- analysis of trends and conditions for the development of specialized media;
- study of media materials in order to determine their positions and prepare reviews of these materials, analytics and references for the company's management.
Unfortunately, public relations and press relations are often denoted by the same abbreviation PR, sometimes this introduces confusion. In the United States, this problem does not exist, since the term “mass media relations” is more often used there. But in Russia, the confusion extends not only to the names, but also directly to the specifics of the activity. Very often the functions of a pr-specialist and a press secretary are identical.
Therefore, the main functions of the press service should be highlighted. These include:
- drawing up work plans for the implementation of the company's information policy strategy;
- preparation of statements and messages for the media, briefings and press conferences;
- prompt dissemination of official messages in the media;
- maintenance of the company's official website, support for interactive services, information correspondence with website visitors;
- control over references to the company and management in Internet sources, the media and informal communication resources;
- maintaining working contacts with the chief editors of the media, heads of television and radio ...

Evaluation of the effectiveness of PR and advertising services

G. L. Tulchinsky, deserved. activity Sciences of the Russian Federation, Ph.D., prof. cafe management and economics, SPbGUKI

The problem of efficiency is the central problem of public relations management. It arises when planning specific programs and projects, when substantiating them, summing up the results of work.

Justification of the effectiveness of the planned or carried out work is the main nerve in the relationship of a professional organizer of PR activities with a customer or employer who wants to know what exactly financial and information resources are used for.

According to one point of view, PR is a self-sufficient, preventive activity and there is nothing to try to measure the immeasurable. Such an approach may suit the professional environment of the performers, but not the customer and the employer.

According to another point of view, efficiency is an integral indicator of the work of the entire team and, therefore, its indicators are indicators of final results. This approach suits customers and employers, but not performers, who could well work in a highly professional manner, and the final result could be “blurred” by the poor performance of other services.

According to a third point of view, PR performance indicators are simply the amount of work done. It is on the number of publications, events, the number of characters and sq. see the text usually concluded contracts. Such an approach can only be considered as a forced compromise, a balance of interests of the parties, although it is obvious that the amount of work does not characterize efficiency.

The authors propose an original methodology for evaluating the work of a PR service. It was developed on the basis of a number of ideas published in the work of G.L. Tulchinsky “PR firms: technology and efficiency” and implemented by the NBF “Expert Institute” of the RSPP as part of the implementation of the “Program for Improving the Efficiency of Public Finance Management in the Perm Region”.

Problems of evaluating the activities of the PR service

The most important problems of modern management are the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of decisions; their public support; adaptation of people to changes due to the introduction of more advanced management processes; managing resistance - external and internal - to ongoing decisions. The effectiveness of any innovation is determined, first of all, by a change in the attitude towards the activities of the organization of the population, the organized public, the business community, the media and other components of the company's social environment.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the PR service with the media is difficult due to a number of circumstances:

- the difficulty of tracing an unambiguous relationship between the ongoing work with the media and the results of business development;

- the plurality of criteria for assessing the work of administrative authorities;

– the ambiguity of the factors influencing the adoption management decisions;

– dynamic change of problem situations;
- limited time for making managerial decisions;

- the presence of many multifunctional and diversified divisions;

- leadership style, usually far from openness;

- an abundance of rules and instructions that deprive the PR service of freedom of action;

– overload of the PR service and other departments with operational and emergency work;

– lack of serious incentives for PR-service employees.

To ensure that the demonstration of the effectiveness of the PR service does not give the impression of wishful thinking on the management, it is necessary that the employees of the service have a clear understanding of the conceptual content of effectiveness, its types and levels.

Types of efficiency

Efficiency is a fundamentally relative characteristic, depending on which indicators are correlated with which. This is its difference from the effect - an absolute characteristic (the effect is either there or not), expressing some obvious result. Efficiency is always specific, and you need to know what kind of efficiency is being discussed in each particular case or what kind of efficiency is most important in relation to a particular situation and task. Complete and effective administrative management social communications implies a deep rationale for effectiveness.

In evaluating the effectiveness of the PR service, three main types of efficiency can be distinguished:

economy- as the ratio of costs to the results obtained (E = R / Z), expressing the efficiency of the use of funds and resources. Efficiency is higher, the lower costs allow you to get the same result;

Efficiency- as the ratio of the result to the goals pursued (E = R / C), expressing the degree of implementation of the goals of the activity. Efficiency is higher, the more the results correspond to the goals;

Expediency- as the ratio of goals to real needs, problems (E = C / P), expressing the degree of rationality of the goals put forward. Efficiency is higher, the more goals solve real problems.

The final expression of efficiency E \u003d C / P x R / C x R / Z can be simplified due to the obvious mathematical transformation (abbreviation C) to the form E \u003d R / P x R / Z. However, in a managerial context, the intermediate role of goals is fundamentally important and of particular interest. Goal setting itself is usually associated with the risk of its inadequacy. In the work of the press service, as well as in administrative social communications in general, the goals are multi-level.

With regard to public relations, it is easier and easier to calculate efficiency in the field of political PR. The goal of the election campaign is simple - victory in the elections (or a certain percentage of the vote, or reaching the second round). The result is no less obvious. It remains only to calculate the costs. In the case of business PR or administrative management, the situation is more complicated.

In business and the management of social communications, the simplest and easiest way to calculate efficiency is to take into account the costs - financial, material, personnel, time, etc. - and divided by the unit of the result achieved. It is no coincidence that in economic analysis the vast majority of techniques are built in this vein. But here the question arises - in what indicators to measure the result? And what is generally considered a result? The result of the activities of the press service has an extremely complex mediated, multiplicative nature.

Performance levels

Each of the types of efficiency can be considered on next levels analysis (see Table 1):

– The effectiveness of an individual action, a specific event with a specific target group;

- Efficiency information support activities of the company as a whole with all target groups for a certain period, for example, for a year;

– The effectiveness of information representation (PR) of the company on regional level and higher.

Table 1

Even more clearly, the completeness of the content of efficiency can be presented in a table correlating the characteristics necessary for analysis:

Rice. one

Rice. 1 gives an idea of ​​the “field” and “vectors” of performance analysis. When embarking on such an analysis, one must first ask the question: "What kind of efficiency and at what level can we talk about?" Specific analysis efficiency involves tracking the relationship of problems, goals, results and costs at various levels.

The work of the PR service should be organized in such a way that the performance characteristics at each of the levels of analysis do not conflict, but complement each other. For example, the achievement of momentary goals of the project should not adversely affect the long-term perspective of the positions and reputation of the business, destabilize the situation in the social environment of the company.

Each characteristic at each level should be expressed in specific indicators. The easiest way to calculate the characteristics of costs (financial, time, etc.), because they are the easiest to quantify. It is somewhat more difficult with indicators of problems, performance goals, but they can also be given characteristics, including those that have a quantitative expression.

Performance indicators

The main problem (task) of the PR service is creation of a favorable external information environment for the development of the organization's activities. The solution to this problem can be specified in the following target parameters that must be taken into account when analyzing the effectiveness of the PR service:

– Increasing the level of public awareness about the activities of the company;

– Informing the public, contributing to the promotion of new ideas and projects;

– The level of providing the company's management with the necessary analytical and prognostic information about the state of public opinion;

– Ensuring mutual understanding between the firm and its social environment, excluding unpleasant surprises;

– The degree of public satisfaction with the activities of the firm and its management;

– Operational contacts with the media, including in crisis and emergency situations;

– Entering new areas of activity and contacts, formulating new ideas and projects that open up new prospects for the company;

– Overcoming isolationism and closed management;

– Development of social partnership, social responsibility, contributing to the strengthening of the social legitimacy of business;

- Development information links and contacts between the services of the company, contributing to the strengthening of their cohesion;

– The degree of satisfaction of other services with the organization of information support and contacts with the media.

These indicators can be summarized in three main groups as characteristics of awareness, attitudes and behavior:

– Awareness;

– Attitude;

- Actions.

Performance indicators are differentiated according to the components of the social environment (contact target groups, addressees) with whom information work is carried out (see Table 2):

Tab. 2


Components of the social environment (addressees)

mass media
Business world




Such a table can be of a summary nature and be differentiated for each specific addressee and target group information activity. And the more clearly these dependencies are traced, the more convincing the arguments in favor of the effectiveness of measures will become.

The completeness and objectivity of the effectiveness assessment depends on the possibility of tracking the dependence of performance indicators for each specific addressee (target group) of information activities.

For example, when evaluating the effectiveness of the information support of a certain Program, the problems are specified by levels of analysis:

- at the level of the Program - the ambiguity of its general idea, concept, lack of understanding - what it will give to consumers, partners, the region, its inhabitants;

- at the firm level - the need for further consolidation of the social environment;

– at the level of the industry and the region – poor representation of business in the federal information space;

Accordingly, the goals are specified at the same levels:

- at the level of the Program - the formation of ideas about it as an effective means of socio-economic development of the company, increasing the attractiveness of the business;

- at the firm level - the idea of ​​it as an effective management team ("correct managers right business»);

- at the industry level - the formation of ideas about the company as an advanced, socially responsible business.

Operation indicatorsPR-services

The performance indicators of the PR service consist of indicators of volume and quality, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of its activities calculated on their basis.

Form 1. Scope of work of the PR service

Name of indicator
Previous period
present tense
Number of press conferences
Number of special events (press tours, presentations, etc.)


Average number of journalists attending these events
Number of information materials prepared: press releases, booklets, etc.


Number of publications about the company's activities (total)


In the regional press

in the local press

In the federal press

Volume of publications (in characters, total)
thousand sq. cm

In the regional press

thousand sq. cm

in the local press

thousand sq. cm

In the federal press

thousand sq. cm
Number of materials in electronic media (total)


Volume (in minutes) of materials in electronic media

TV, incl. - local, federal


Number of visits to the firm's website

Form 2. The quality of the work of the PR service

Name of indicator
Previous period
present tense

Formation of a sustainable circle (pool) of journalists cooperating with the firm

Genre diversity of publications (total)


Genre diversity of materials in electronic media (total)


Other materials (problematic and analytical articles, essays, reports, interviews, portraits, etc.)

Efficiency of the appearance of information in the media (hours after the event on average)

Satisfaction of journalists with the activities of the PR service

quantity complaints

Form 3a. Efficiency of the PR service (economical)

Name of indicator
Previous period
present tense

Media funding

PR budget for working with the media

Share (percentage) of publications paid from the budget of the PR service

Amount of publication costs paid by the firm

Thousand rubles

Share (percentage) of publications paid for by the firm

The amount of costs from the budget for 1 minute in electronic media


The amount of expenses from the budget for the sign of publications in the printed press


The ratio of the budget of the PR service to the number of publications (total)


including - positive


including - negative character


Form 3b. The effectiveness of the PR service (effectiveness)

Name of indicator
Previous period
present tense

The ratio of the number of publications to the number of journalists present at events

Decrease in the percentage of negative assessments of the company's activities - in relation to the base period

Increase in the percentage of positive assessments of the company's activities - in relation to the base period

Increase in the percentage increase in activity (cooperation, partnership) - in relation to the base period

Decrease in the percentage of negative activity (pickets, protests, demonstrations, complaints, appeals to the court) - in relation to the base period

Form 3c indicators are specified for specific target contact groups. Thus, measurements of awareness, attitudes and activity provide a real basis for understanding the effectiveness of the PR service.

For each of the indicators, a special matrix can be developed, including: name (short, expressive and understandable), definition (clarification of the general focus of the indicator), objectives (clarification of the purpose of the indicator), method (clarification of the method of collecting data necessary to obtain the indicator), calculation (method of determining the quantitative value of the indicator), interpretation and possible solutions. The maximum permissible (critical) values ​​of the indicator, possible options for responding to the results obtained in order to achieve more efficient work can also be indicated here.

Organization (procedures) of analysis and evaluation of effectiveness

An important task of organizing the procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of the press service is to determine the subjects of evaluation, the answer to the question - who evaluates? The collection of all the necessary information, obviously, should be provided by the PR service itself. However, the objectivity and effectiveness of the performance assessment itself presupposes the participation of independent and higher authorities in it.

The organization of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the PR service involves the following tasks:

Definition of the subject (subjects) of the assessment;

Setting a system of indicators;

Setting the methodology for measuring the quantitative values ​​of these indicators;

Determination of quantitative values ​​of indicators (measurement);

Interpretation of measurement results.

The development and refinement of specific indicators, methods and procedures for collecting data and evaluating them is provided joint work specialists of the PR service and other departments (primarily those providing marketing analysis and personnel management) with the possible involvement of external experts.

The collection of all the information necessary for the analysis of the effectiveness of information (indicators of volume and quality) is provided by the PR service. These indicators are systematized by the PR-service at the end of each month, for which the corresponding accounting documentation is drawn up.

Determination of performance evaluation indicators (forms 3a-c) involves the participation of higher authorities and involved experts. Form 3c indicators are determined using special sociological research. The dynamics of these indicators should be monitored at least once every 6 months.

Used to collect data various methods sociological research:

Evaluation of messages, publications and other information technologies;

Telephone surveys of the media; decision makers; opinion leaders;

Polls on a ready-made computer base;

mail surveys;

Focus groups;

Telephone interviews with those who attended the events of the press service, and with those who did not go to them.

Such research is carried out both by independent surveys organized by the press service, and on a systematic basis in agreement with the marketing service. Questionnaires for conducting surveys necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the press service should be developed with the participation of press service specialists.

The collection of necessary information should be structured around specific target contact groups.

Since efficiency is a relative characteristic, an important issue is the definition initial assessment base. The following can serve as the initial basis for evaluation (comparison):

Previous work period: previous month, quarter, year,

The beginning of the implementation of a specific business project.

When planning the work of the PR service for all subsequent periods, problems should be formulated, goals (desired results) for solving these problems - expressed in quantitative values ​​- such as: increase by ...., decrease by ...