Classes holidays on traffic rules in kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday according to the rules of the road "Visiting the traffic light"

Target: consolidating children's knowledge of the rules of the road and creating a joyful emotional mood.


1. Recall with the children the rules learned and teach them to apply them in accordance with the created situation.

2. Develop children's speech, memory, logical thinking the ability to navigate the situation.

3. To cultivate goodwill and the ability to work in a team.

Methodological support: planar car models, a desktop screen, planar drawings of transport, typesetting canvas on which models are displayed, traffic signs, envelopes with cut car drawings.


- Guys, I want to invite you on a trip today. This journey is unusual - to the country of road signs and traffic rules. Are you willing to go there?

(children's answers)

- And what can you go on a trip? (Children's guesses)

“And I suggest going on a hitchhiking trip. Do you know how it's done?

(children's answers)

- If a person does not have his own car and he does not want to use public transport, then he goes out onto the road and raises his hand, that is, as if telling the driver “Stop”. If the car stops, then the person sits down and goes. Such a trip will be called hitchhiking. So, we will travel by all means of transport around the country of road signs by hitchhiking. But the transport will only stop when you answer the question correctly. And for the correct answer you will receive a prize - a car model. And we'll see how many models we've collected by the end of our journey. Ready to travel?

(children's answers)

Good mood helps with travel. A cheerful song uplifts the mood. I propose to sing the song “On the street, on the street”, lyrics. G Boyko, music. T. Shutenko.

Down the street, down the street

I'm going for a couple.

And here we are before the transition

We got on the sidewalk.


Stop, stop!

The light is green -

Down the street, down the street

Edge to edge

Buses run, run

Trolleybuses, trams.

- And here is the first mode of transport.

(A tram appears from behind a table screen)

1st stop

- In order for us to get into this type of transport, we need to answer the following questions:

1. Why is the tram called public transport?

2. When they get off the tram, on which side do they bypass it?

3. How is a tram similar to a trolleybus?

For the correct answers, a model of the car is given and put on a typesetting canvas.

- While we are riding the tram, tell me how many syllables are in this word?

(Children answer)

Think of a rhyme for this word.

(Send, do not yawn, catch up, take away)

Name the dull sound from this word. ("t")

- It's time to go out. How do we get around it, remind me again, please.


2nd stop

"Now we're going to walk."

(The road sign "Children" appears from behind the screen)

- What does this sign mean?

Who are these signs on the road for?

(for drivers)

- What does this sign mean?

(For drivers to be careful on the road. There is a children's institution near the road, and children can appear on the road at any time. The driver must slow down in front of this road sign)

What character group does it belong to?

(To the warning signs)

- Here's another sign. What does it mean?

A car appears from behind a screen.

3rd stop

Each pair of children is given an envelope with a picture of a car cut into pieces.

4th stop

- The journey continues. And on what we will go further, the riddle will tell:

I have a steel horse

Two wheels instead of legs.

When I turn the pedals

I go where I want to go.

(After guessing, a bicycle appears on the screen)

At what age can you drive this type of transport? (from 14 years old)

What inspired the bicycle? (Kick scooter)

What material were the first bicycles made of? (from wood)

- What does this sign mean?

(Biking is prohibited)

— How to ride a bike through the streets of the city?

(On the right side of the road, no more than 1 m from the roadside)

5th stop

(The sign "Bus stop" appears on the screen)

- What does this sign mean?

(A bus appears on the screen)

We continue our journey through the country of road signs by hitchhiking. Here comes the bus. Which door do you need to enter the bus?

(To the back)

What door can you go out of?

(From the front)

How is a bus similar to a trolleybus?

How is it different from a trolleybus?

6th stop

(A traffic light with a red light appears on the screen)

What is the traffic light telling us? (children's answers)

- We have to stop. But so that we could go on a journey, the traffic light offered to play with him.

Each child is given a tennis ball, and he will have to get into the traffic light circle from a distance of 3 m. Who could not get in, answers the questions:

What country invented the traffic light?

(In England, in London in 1868)

How many colors does a traffic light have? (3)

Why does a traffic light have a sound?

(So ​​that blind pedestrians can cross the street at his signal)

- The word "traffic light" from Greek means - the carrier of ... what?

7th stop

(A minibus appears on the screen)

- The journey continues. And how will you get around this type of transport? (Behind)

So that we would not get bored on the trip, the minibus driver prepared questions in verse for us. You can’t talk to him during the trip, and he handed us this sheet of questions and traffic signs at the bus stop. I will read his riddles to you, and you are looking for the sign in question.

1. What kind of sign is hanging?

"Stop" - he tells the cars ...

Pedestrian, go boldly

Along the tracks in black and white.


2. Roma got a stomach ache,

Don't get him home.

In a situation like this

Need a sign to find what?

(Point of first aid)

3. You can meet a sign like this

On the fast road

Where is the big hole

And it's dangerous to walk straight

Where the district is being built,

School, house or stadium.

(No Pedestrians)

4. Walk boldly young and old,

Even cats and dogs...

Only here is not a sidewalk -

It's all about the road sign.


5. You are drawn on it,

But this is not a portrait.

He hangs on a pole and guards you,

But it's not a traffic light.

(Road sign "Children")

The teacher turns over the drawings of car models (there are 7 of them), and the inscription “Well done” is obtained on the reverse side.

— So our hitchhiking trip through the country of road signs ended. You did a good job and showed knowledge of the rules of the road. As a memento of this trip, I give you car models that you can paint in the color you like.

Scenario of the holiday according to traffic rules

Prepared and conducted

educator MKDOU №14


Bugaeva O. D.

Karachaevsk 2018

Entertainment Scenario

“We must follow the rules of the road always and everywhere.”

Tasks: Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of the road. Clarify the rules of conduct on the street. To consolidate knowledge about traffic signals, the meaning of road signs. Develop observation, speed of reaction. Raise the desire to comply with traffic rules.

Equipment: image of road signs, mathematical signs, traffic light cards with mixed signals, traffic light circles.

preliminary work: conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in transport. Excursions to the pedestrian crossing, traffic lights. Traffic monitoring on the road. Familiarity with road signs various types transport.


Guys, our city of Karachaevsk is small, but very beautiful. Our relatives and friends, acquaintances and strangers live in it. Every day we take to the streets of our city and become road users.

We often hear the expression:

"Road Users"

Tell me who is it?

We are looking forward to a response!

Who walks down the street

That one is called ... a pedestrian.

Who is in the car - ... passengers,

The driver is taking them.

So, the participants in the movement are pedestrians, drivers and passengers.

We manage to arrive at work, school, kindergarten on time, using cars and public transport. But, of course, everyone understands that cars are also a great danger for a person who does not know the rules of the road.

Guys, do you follow the rules of the road? Do you know what is allowed on the road?


Both avenues and boulevards - everywhere the streets are full.

Here to play pranks, interfere with the people ... (forbidden)

Be an exemplary pedestrian ... (permitted)

If you are on a bus and there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning, go forward quickly.

Riding as a hare, as you know ... (forbidden).

Give the old woman a seat ... (allowed).

Pushing everyone, shouting ... (forbidden).

And quietly stand ... (permitted).

Taking ice cream on the bus ... (forbidden).

Well, and the apples in the bag ... (allowed).

Play the ball at the bus stop ... (forbidden).

Skip the mother with the child ... (allowed).

Go around the back of the bus ... (permitted).

Well, in front, of course ... (forbidden).

If you're just walking - look ahead anyway,

Walk carefully through the noisy intersection.

Crossing at a red light ... (forbidden).

With green, even for children ... (allowed).

Play near the roadway ... (forbidden).

Respect the rules of the road…… (permitted).

Vedas. : I invited another guest to our holiday. Soon he should come ... I hear here he is!


Boer : Hey guys! Girls and boys! Oh, aren't you funny? Are you not happy with me?

Boer: And if you are happy, then when I wave my hand, you will loudly shout “Hurrah!” agreed? (Pinocchio waves his hand several times )

Vedas: You see, Pinocchio, what wonderful guys gathered at our holiday, and a real traffic police inspector came to visit us. Do you know who this is?

Boer : No, I don't know... Why do we need these inspectors? Yes, some GIPBDTT .... Do you guys know? (children's answers)

Vedas: You rightly said! These are people who monitor the implementation of traffic rules by pedestrians and drivers. And that's all: drivers, passengers, and even pedestrians must be friends with the rules of the road.

Boer Q: Why be friends with them? What's the use?

Vedas: Well, for example, answer me, Pinocchio, is it possible to play on the carriageway?

Boer : Well, it depends on what? You can’t play chess, loto, because all the figures are knocked down, but you can play snowballs, right guys?

Boer: Roller skating?

Boer: And also to catch on to the car andcride with the wind….

Children : It is forbidden! (Pinocchio walks, does not look and collided with a traffic light )

Boer: Oh, what do you have?

Vedas: What are you, Pinocchio. Every child knows this!

Boer: Some kind of three-eyed monster ...

Vedas: Here, try to guess the riddle about this "monster", then you will find out.

He blinks his eyes

Relentless day and night.

He helps cars.

And you are ready to help! /traffic light/

Ved.: On the roads for a long time

There is a master traffic light.

All the colors are in front of you

It's time for them to introduce themselves.

The red light came on -

Stop and wait - there is no way!

Yellow eye repeats without words

Get ready for the transition!

Green light go ahead

The path is clear. Transition!

Traffic today is unimaginable without traffic lights. Guys, remember where they put traffic lights? /at the crossroads/

Boer: Oh, yes, I have a lot of them. If you want, I'll give you all a traffic light. /takes out traffic light cards with mixed signals. One traffic light is correct /.


( on a magnetic board, Pinocchio attaches cards with magnets and mixes them. Plays 2-3 times )

Ved.: A traffic light is our main assistant on the street, it is very important to know and understand its signals. Let's remember the meaning of traffic lights and play.


If the light turns red

So move... (dangerous)

Light green says:

Come on, the path ... (open).

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for a signal for ... (movement).

When I show a green signal of a traffic light (a green circle with a diameter of 10 cm is demonstrated), you march in place, when yellow (a yellow circle with a diameter of 10 cm is demonstrated) - clap your hands, when a red one (a red circle with a diameter of 10 cm is demonstrated) - stand still.

Well done guys, you got the job done.

Boer : Ouch! Thank you for teaching. Now I will only cross the street at a traffic light!

Vedas. : Pinocchio, do you know that the traffic light has assistants? Can you guess what I'm talking about?

Boer : Not!

Children : It road signs.

Boer : I know I know! I also have different signs /takes out of the bag mathematical signs =, +, - /

Vedas .: No, road signs.

Boer : Well, put them on the road, here you will have road ones!

Vedas .: You didn't understand anything, Pinocchio. Better listen to what the children tell us about road signs and try to remember.

Road signs - whole line

They keep you out of trouble.

They are about the rules of the road,

You are all silently told.



1. Here is a fork, here is a spoon -

Let's refuel a little.

We fed the dog

We say "Thank you" sign! (Food point )

2. We went home from the garden.

We see a sign on the pavement.

Circle, inside - a bicycle,

There is nothing else.

What is this sign? (Cycling is prohibited )

3. Here the car will refuel:

Drink three buckets of gasoline.

Help each car

If she is thirsty! (Gas station )

4. If suddenly a car is on the way

Decided to be capricious

Here the car will be fixed for us,

They will put it on wheels! (Maintenance )

5.Why did the cars stop?

Why is the passage closed?

They dug all the way

Even the sidewalk is closed.

Adds work to everyone

Sign … "Road works »

6. Sign "No Pedestrians »

Rain and clear weather

There are no pedestrians here.

One sign tells them:

"You're not allowed to go!"

    All familiar stripes
    Children know, adults know
    It leads to the other side...("Crosswalk".)

    By car here, friends,
    Nobody can go
    You can go, you know, children,
    Just on….("Bicycle lane".)

    In the white triangle
    With a red border
    Little schoolchildren
    Very safe.
    This road sign
    Everyone in the world knows:
    Be careful,
    On the road … (children).

    What is a road sign?
    Red cross on white?
    Day and night you can
    Feel free to contact!
    The doctor will bandage the head
    White scarf
    And provide first aid medical. (point of medical aid).

    In this place the pedestrian

The transport is waiting patiently.

He was tired of walking

Wants to be a passengerbus stop )

    Long drive, tired
    And stomachs growled
    They confessed to us
    That have been hungry for a long time.
    It hasn't been five minutes
    The sign is hanging - dine here. (Food point )

    I am an expert on the road

I parked my car here

Parking by the fence

She needs to rest too! (parking place )

Vedas. : Well done! You know traffic signs very well! I hope you also follow the rules of the road to keep your life safe!

Vedas .: Well, Pinocchio, do you remember anything?

Boer : Remembered something / tries to repeat /

Vedas .: You will have to seriously study the road signs, otherwise you may get into trouble.

Boer : I will definitely learn!

Vedas .: Pinocchio, so that you remember the signs faster, I suggest playing the game “Run to your sign”


Children are divided into teams of 5-7 people, one child takes the sign in his hands and stands in a hoop, the rest of the children from the team form a circle around him. While the music is playing, the children walk around the playground (hall), when the music stops, the children run to their sign, forming a circle. Children with signs change their place, running to another hoop.

Vedas .: Well done boys! Bur, do you want to play with us?


If you act according to the rules of the road, then answer together: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"And if not, shut up.

Here's a test question for you: Who are the kids from kindergarten here?

1. Which of you goes forward, only where the transition is?

2. Who flies forward so fast that he does not see a traffic light?

3. Who knows that the light is green, it means that the path is open,

And what does the yellow light always tell us about attention?

4. Who runs out on a slippery road in bad weather?

5. Which of you, when in a hurry, runs in front of the transport?

6. Who knows what the red light says - there is no road?

7. Which one of you in the close tram gives way to the elders?

VED .: Well done boys! Now we need to cross to the other side of the street, but there is no traffic light here. How to be? Alima will tell us about this.


I cross the road like this:

Look to the left first

And if there is no car,

I go to the middle.

Then I look closely

Right necessarily

And if there is no movement

I walk without a doubt!

Vedas. : Thank you, Alimushka! Let's show you how to cross the street together. Here I am standing at a pedestrian crossing, first I look to the left and go to the middle, and then I look to the right, and if there is no movement, I step without a doubt.

To cross the bridge

Look to the left - there is no car,

Then walk to the middle

Then look to the right

No car - move on!

Vedas. : Good. Now I invite you to playDo's and Don'ts game, and you, Pinocchio, listen carefully and remember.

You can - clap, you can not - stomp.
- play on the roadway (stomp)
- cross the road at a red light (stomp)
- cross the road on a green light (clap)
- play ball on the roadway (stomp)
- ride a bike where cars pass (stomp)
- chatting and laughing out loud when riding the bus (stomp)
- follow the rules of the road (clap)

Pinocchio : Thank you guys! Now I know a lot about road signs and traffic rules, I know which traffic light to cross the road. Well, it's time for me to return to my country, the Land of fairy tales. Goodbye, guys!

Children say goodbye to Pinocchio.

Ved.: And now the floor is given to the traffic police inspector.

Ved.: This is the time to end our holiday. In conclusion, I would like to say:

Be careful out there, kids!

Keep these rules in mind.

Always remember these rules

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Targets and goals:

Contribute to the instillation of children's interest in knowledge of traffic rules;
- instilling caution and attentiveness on the roads of the city;
- develop and instill the ability to work in a team;
- foster a sense of collectivism;
- involvement of parents in educational entertainment.

Attributes: cones, sandbags, car steering wheels, gymnastic arcs, traffic signs, scooters, hoops, broom.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, riddles according to traffic rules; study of road signs; preparation of attributes for entertainment.

Event progress:

Children go to the hall to the music.

Leading: Hello dear participants of our event! Today we have gathered you to hold interesting and informative competitions, where everyone can show how well they know and apply traffic rules. Dear adults, you are an example for your children, so your active participation will help our children. Together we will show how well we are friends with the rules of the road. We wish all participants to have fun and once again conclude that the rules of the road should be well known and applied by both adults and children!

Leading: Today there are 2 teams

Contest Welcome

1 team

Our friendly family
This is you and this is me
We know traffic rules
We do them well!

2 team

Don't yawn on the road
Follow all the rules.
To avoid trouble
All children should know them!

Leading: And now the guys want to remind everyone the rules that you need to know.


A pedestrian! Stop!
And don't rush forward!
The passage is closed for you!
Be literate - you are a pedestrian!
The road sign is blocking the way!
Pedestrian traffic is prohibited!
Think about it, what can happen there?
Let this sign help you. (sign “Pedestrians prohibited)


Leads down from the sidewalk
There is a long entrance under the road.
There is no door or gate
It means transition. (sign "Underpass") - show the sign

Child 3

You, the driver, don't rush
And slow down quickly.
The sign warns you
What if children are playing here (Sign "Caution Children") - showing a sign

Child 4

There's a ground crossing here
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass (Sign "Pedestrian crossing") - showing the sign

Child 5

Helping for a long time
Children, our friend, traffic light
Explain without stress
Rules for children.

A TRAFFIC LIGHT appears: That's right, it's all about me! Why do you think you need to know my signals well? (children's answers)

Traffic light: I announce a contest: "Question-Answer"

(the traffic light asks questions, the teams must answer quickly and correctly, the questions are asked in turn):

- Where should I cross the street?
- Where do I need to wait for public transport?
— Who regulates traffic on the streets of the city?
- A necessary item for a traffic police officer.
What does a red traffic light mean?
What does a yellow traffic light mean?
-Where can you play ball?
-Where can I ride a scooter?

Leading: Competition - game: "Take it - do not drop it"

(the players put sandbags on their heads, take the steering wheel and walk the distance to the music, following the traffic lights, passing the baton to the next player) - the traffic lights are reflected on the screen.

Competition "UNDERGROUND PASSAGE"» (obstacle course)

(To the music, the players move around the site, as soon as the necessary signal is displayed on the screen that it is impossible to cross the road, the players crawl on all fours in turn under the gymnastic arches, run around the cones and return to their place)

Competition "The fastest, most dexterous"

(11 people form a circle, road signs are on the chairs standing in a circle, the players run in a circle to the music, as soon as the music stops, you need to quickly take a seat, picking up the sign and raise it up. The eliminated player selects any road sign and asks for an explanation its meaning.

Competition "And in our yard"

(Each team, to the music, must ride a scooter, avoiding obstacles in the form of cones, passing the baton to the next player)

Traffic light: Yes, I see that your teams know and are friends with the rules of the road. And now I propose to rest and guess my riddles.

  • He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three lights,
    He takes turns with them, immediately looks at me. (traffic light)
  • Don't take this tape.
    And you can't weave it into a pigtail.
    She lies on the ground
    Transport along it runs. (Road)
  • The car won't go there.
    The main one here is the pedestrian.
    That do not interfere with each other,
    You need to keep on the right path. (Sidewalk).
  • Under this sign, oddly enough,
    Everyone is waiting for something all the time.
    Some are sitting, some are standing...
    What kind of place is this? (stopping place)
  • What are those tracks called?
    on which the legs walk.
    Learn to distinguish them accurately
    Do not fly like a fire.
    walking paths
    This is just …? (Sidewalk)

Leading: You see, dear Traffic Light, what great fellows our guys are! Traffic light: Indeed, well done! Well done on this one too!

Humorous competition "On a broomstick" ...

(An adult carries a child on a broom, observing the rules of movement, avoiding obstacles in the form of spaced cones. The task is to quickly and accurately transport all members of the team, the task is performed to the music: “I am flying, flying, flying ...)

Competition "Did you call a taxi?"

(adults put on a large hoop, put the player in it and go with him to the opposite side of the site, “drop off” the passenger, return for the next “passengers”, and so on until they “transport” all team members.

Final competition for parents

Homework- ditties.

(parents, picking up colored handkerchiefs - red, yellow, green, perform ditties prepared at home)

Dear pedestrians.
Listen carefully.
We will sing ditties to you
Just wonderful.

You guys listen
What do we want to tell you.
Road rules
Everyone must comply.

Pinocchio, what a shame
Didn't look at the traffic lights
Almost got hit by a car
And there was a red eye.

For passers-by - the sidewalk,
Park, alley and boulevard.
Walk here without worry
There are no roads for cars!

The football ball is round.
Jumped out of the field to the road
Play ball, children, have plenty
On the site near the house.

To not have a friend,
You have misfortune
Don't you ever play
On the roadway.

Leading: Well done. Now we will ask the teams to come out and stand in a circle.

Dear our members. Our competition is coming to an end. And of course, I would like to note that we have no losers today, because you showed your knowledge, showed skill, ingenuity and once again showed how important it is to know the rules of the road and follow them well! And in conclusion, I would like to say:

To live without knowing grief,
To run, jump and play
Must you traffic rules
Observe always and everywhere!

To the music, certificates are awarded to the participants of the event.

And get a certificate for attestation?

Entertainment for traffic safety "On the streets of the city" for children 5-7 years old

The scenario of traffic safety entertainment "On the streets of the city" (for children 5-7 years old) was prepared by the teacher of the preparatory "B" speech therapy group MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 52 "Rosinka" of the city of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region" Denisova O.N.
Designed for educators, parents who are interested in organizing active leisure for children; the script will help to unobtrusively fix the safety rules on the road for pedestrians.

Entertainment according to the rules of the road for older children preschool age"On the streets of the city"

Contingent: children of the senior, preparatory group
Target: Fix rules safe behavior on the streets of the city, repeat the meanings of traffic signs.
1. Expand children's knowledge of traffic signs: shape, color: red forbidding, blue for allowing; the presence of pictograms, numbers; consolidate knowledge of traffic signs - zebra, pedestrian crossing, etc.
2. Enrich the dictionary with verbs of movement: moves, rides, rushes, rushes, walks, moves, flies, stops, slows down, goes around, parks, honks, misses, etc. Continue to learn to solve riddles; to activate cognitive activity and HMF logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, imagination, memory.
3. To cultivate self-control and self-examination, the ability to come to the aid of a peer in time. Development of the emotional sphere
Previous work:
1. Reading S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa - a policeman"
2. Guessing riddles, memorizing poems
3. Lotto "Traffic Signs"
4. S/r game "DPS"
5. Excursion to the roadway "Traffic light"
Material for activity: board with drawn cells, air balloons red, green and yellow colors for the traffic controller, slide show "Road Signs", white stripes 16 pieces "Zebra", traffic light layout (120 cm); traffic police caps, reflective vests (2 pcs), scooter 2 pcs., flash drive with audio recordings “Cars” by A. Glyzin, “Traffic Light” by V. Leontiev, music from the movie “Mask”, car sound signal; The presenters enter, together with the "Traffic Light", into the center of the site.
The traffic light says:
At any intersection
A traffic light meets you
And starts very easy.
Talk to a pedestrian.
1 child: We got up at the crossing
We have a traffic light.
And with all honest people
He looks straight at us.
2 child: His red eye opened,
So he wants to say:
No matter how fast you
You must stand now!
3 child: Here is a blinking yellow eye.
Get ready, he says!
How do I close this one - at once
The third eye will be opened.
4 child: Third eye glows green
All cars lined up.
Now ready to go
Mom and dad are talking
1 Lead: outdoor game (with all children) "Green, yellow, red." And now, guys, we will repeat the traffic lights with you in the game. The game will be held by a guard - a traffic controller (He will be: ... .. a cap is put on and a basket with 3 balls is given, appointed as the leader). When he picks up the green ball, the children walk in a circle, when he picks up the yellow one, they stop, when the red one, they squat. (Song about a traffic light. music. A. Terentyev, lyrics by L. Kukso)

Informative story from history:
1 host: The first traffic light appeared 150 years ago (in 1868) in London, England. And in our country, the first traffic light was installed 86 years ago (in 1929) in Moscow. The traffic light looked like a clock with a round dial divided into sectors of red, yellow and green. The traffic controller turned the pointer manually. Then electric traffic lights appeared, which are still in operation, although outwardly they have changed. But the colors in the traffic lights always go in this order: for better visibility, a red signal is placed at the top as the most important and dangerous, then yellow, and below - green.
2 leading: Guys, why do you think these colors were chosen?
Red color is clearly visible in the dark, fog. Red is a danger signal, an alarm signal. It is the most noticeable, visible from afar, it is difficult to confuse it with another. Therefore, it is chosen for the most stringent traffic prohibition signal.
The yellow color is also highly visible in any weather. In the fog, it can be mistaken for red. But it will still warn the driver.
Green color cannot be confused with red or yellow. Traffic lights have visors so that the signals are clearly visible in bright sunlight.
1 presenter
1. You can't take this ribbon And you can't weave it into a pigtail. It lies on the ground, Transport runs along it. (Road)
2. I never sleep, I look at the road. I'll tell you when to stop, When to start moving. (Traffic light)
3. The car won't work here. The main one here is the pedestrian. To not interfere with each other, You need to keep the right path. (Sidewalk)
4. What kind of transport is this? What brings you home. He runs back and forth, Resting against the wires. (Trolleybus)
5. Under the feet of Seryozhka there is a striped path. Boldly he walks along it, And all the people follow him. (Zebra)
2 Lead:
7. Two roads walked for a long time. And they approached each other. They didn’t quarrel, they crossed paths and ran further. What kind of place is this, We are all interested. (Crossroad)
8. Our bus drove and drove, and drove up to the platform. And people are bored on it, transport is waiting in silence. (Stop)
9. Two wheels are enough for him, and the engine will not let you down. You just need to start - And a happy journey! (Motorbike)
10. What kind of store is this? It sells gasoline. Here the car drives up, Full tank fills them. Got up and ran. For the other one to come along. (Gas station)
6. They stand on the roadside, silently talking to us. Everyone is ready to help. The main thing is to understand them. (Road signs)
2 Lead: Didactic game (with all children) "THIS IS ME, THIS IS ME, THIS IS ALL MY FRIENDS" (attention game)
Leading:- Guys, if you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”, And if you don't do this when you hear the riddle, then just keep silent.
Who is attentive on the road, understands everything,
Will he confuse the red prohibition signs with anything?
Which of you is in the cramped carriage
Giving way to seniors?
Who will answer without delay,
That yellow light is a warning?
Who near the roadway
Having fun chasing a ball?
Answer together
Which of you is a connoisseur of traffic, rules of road observance?
Who flies forward so soon
What does not see a traffic light?
Which one of you is moving forward?
Where is the transition?
Who baby - naughty will stop the runner
Does he escape from his mother and head towards the road?
Who pushes the speed to the limit in order to finish the job faster?
And he does not know the brakes, he can see doctors!
Who is ready to help the patient and send to the infirmary -
Red cross on the road
Who on the way got hungry, tired and did not sleep
The road sign will show you to rest soon
Who does not like delay, he does not sleep, does not even eat,
and not feeling tired, can thunder into a ditch?
Who will answer, together, in unison
We must know the rules, observe safety!
1 presenter: Verbal - motor game "Who is friendlier" for the development of voice power, memory and improvement of coordination of movements on a signal, fixing spatial orientations.
Children are mentally divided into 2 groups, who will repeat the words more amicably after the leader?
The road is not a path waving hand display
The road is not a ditch jump imitation of jumping over a ditch
Look left first turning head to the left
Then look to the right head turn to the right
Look to the left, ... to the left
And look to the right ... to the right
And if you don't see any cars, go!.... Palm with a visor to the eyes
marching in place
Presenter 1: Guessing a crossword puzzle. A board with drawn cells is pulled out. Children take turns calling the picture, 2 leading enters the letters in the cells. Together they name the resulting word.

2 Lead Mobile game: "Whose link will gather faster?". Activation of motor activity. Development of orientation in space, attention.
4 groups (senior A, senior B, preparatory A, preparatory B, preparatory speech therapy C) take places in the corners of the site. Children close their eyes, spin in place. Educators in the role of beacons at this time confuse their location. At the signal of the leader (car horn), the children find their teacher and line up in 1 link one after another.
Rules: You only need to go along the zebra (pedestrian crossing) The winner is the one who quickly builds up behind his teacher, without violating the rules of the movement, raise their hands up.

Presenters showing a sample game:
1 presenter- How can we find a way to find a teacher?
2 host:-We need to look for a "zebra", and then walk along it. "Zebra" - a path for a pedestrian, a striped sign of the passage.
1 host: And the "zebra" has a conductor called a traffic light. He will show the guys the way, tell everything about the road.
Red signal: If your red eye shines, you stand still, children,
And don't step on the zebra, And let the cars through.
Green signal: Green light is on, Pedestrians all: - Hello! The path along the "Zebra" is open to you, If the green light is on!
1.2 Presenter. With all the children "Snake" to the music from the movie "Mask"
Distribution of medals "Connoisseur of traffic rules", Chupa - chups per group.


Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type "Sun" with. Terbuny

Terbunsky municipal district Lipetsk region

Educators: L.N. parakhina

HE. Karavaeva


Target: Consolidation of knowledge about the rules of the road, development physical qualities: agility, speed, endurance.


  • To expand children's ideas about the rules of the road and form the skills of safe behavior on the road.
  • Develop the ability to recognize and correctly name road signs. Know and distinguish between the carriageway and the pedestrian zone.
  • Improve motor skills, the ability to act on a signal.
  • Cultivate friendly relations between children, the ability to perform team actions.
  • To evoke positive emotions from a sports festival.

Material and technical resources:

Benches, hoops, a traffic light, gymnastic sticks, road signs, landmarks, colored cardboard circles, a drawn car.

Entertainment progress:

(Children come out to the music)

1 teacher:

The city is full of pedestrians

any day and any hour

go to kindergarten and go to school

returning home

the road teaches us to walk

and she won't let you down

let each rank receive

exemplary pedestrian.

2 Educator:

Good afternoon, dear children, guests today we invite you to go for a walk around the country of Road Signs, whose inhabitants always and everywhere follow the rules of the road.

Road country on our planet.

All its inhabitants, both adults and children,

You should know the laws of your country

Respect them and strictly observe them.

Do you want to visit this country?

Children: Yes!

1 teacher: But everyone who goes to this country should know the laws and regulations adopted in this state, be attentive and collected. Are you exactly like that?

Children: Yes!

2 Educator:

Let's check? I will ask questions, and you answer yes or no.

Whatever you want, say.

Is there sweet water in the sea? (Not)

Red light - no way? (Yes)

If you are in a hurry,

Are you running across the street? (Not)

We are always moving forward

Where is the transition? (Yes)

We're running so fast

Why don't we see traffic lights? (Not).

Traffic light red

Means: "No move?" (Yes).

1 teacher:

Well done, you are attentive and smart. You can hit the road.

Guys, what kind of transport do you know: .... (children's answers)

And we will go on this transport:

Different houses run along the street,

Girls and boys

The houses are being transported. (Bus)

2 Educator:

I suggest a ride on our unusual bus.

Relay "Bus"

(Two benches for each team, on a signal, the children scatter around the hall at the command “Landing !!!” the teams sit on the benches, the captain takes the hoop)

1 teacher:

So, we have come to the "Land of Road Signs".

And the main inspector in this country is Svetoforchik.

(Baba Yaga enters and greets the children)

2 Teacher: Who are you?

Baba Yaga: Didn't you recognize me? Guys, what's my name? (Answers of children). Imagine, I just quickly ran across the road in front of ten cars. Phew, I'm so tired!

2 Educator: You grossly violated the rules of the road.

Baba Yaga: What else, I don’t know any rules, and I don’t want to know: where I want, I go there, where I want, I go there. They also came to visit and give orders.

2 Educator:

Like you grandmother, do not be ashamed! An accident could happen because of you. Don't you know that you can cross the road at the intersection, where there is a traffic light. And for you to understand better, look and listen to our children.

1 child:

Through the city, down the street

They don't just walk.

When you don't know the rules

easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember ahead.

Has its own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

2 child:

Rules of the road

There are many in the world

Everyone should learn them

It didn't bother us.

But the main of the rules of motion

Know how tables should multiply.

The song "What is traffic rules"

What is traffic rules - 2r
We know this from childhood
This is the code of the road
We now know everything about them.
That's what it means that's what traffic rules mean

Who follows the traffic rules?
And follow the traffic rules
traffic police officer
He will punish - who will violate
He will advise if needed.
The traffic police officer will help everyone

Why do we need traffic rules - 2p
Everyone clearly knows this
So that order on the road
Observed by all strict
Learn and know all the traffic rules!!!

Chorus: So that there is no anxiety,
It didn't suddenly happen.
Discipline on the road
Observe you always.

(Baba Yaga approaches the traffic light and examines it)

Baba Yaga: hey, why are you standing there, winking at me.

3 child:

Traffic light is a friend of a pedestrian

he stands at the crossroads

he signals

wait or go ahead

traffic light, traffic light - our

assistant for a long time.

1 teacher: next relay

"Collect a traffic light"

(On command, the first child runs to the table, jumping from hoop to hoop on the way, and puts one of the details of the traffic light, the next one continues, etc.)

1 teacher: Look, grandma, how many traffic lights the children have built. Watch and remember!

2 Educator: And yet, Baba Yaga, you can cross the road where there is a pedestrian crossing or "zebra".

Baba Yaga: What should I do, take a zebra with me, put it on the road and walk along it?

2 Educator: What are you saying, grandmother, the guys will build a pedestrian crossing for you now.

Relay "Zebra"

(On the side of each team are gymnastic sticks, opposite sheets of white paper. Each team member runs to the white sheet and puts gymnastic sticks on it).

(Baba Yaga walks along a pedestrian crossing, a car drives by and stops in front of the crossing)

Baba Yaga: oh, how good - and most importantly, you don’t need to run anywhere, everyone let you through!

1 teacher: You see, grandmother, how useful it is to know and follow all the rules.

Baba Yaga: Now I'm going to see if you're breaking the rules. Love to ride a bike? I will stand next to this three-eyed man and see how you follow all his instructions.

Relay "Traffic Lights"

(teams, at the signal of the educator, ride motorcycles to the chip and carry out traffic signals: at a red light - they stop)

Baba Yaga: oh, well done and really do everything. Guys, I liked something about your rules. Tell me, please, (oh, what words do I know, I am surprised myself!) What is this?(shows road signs).

Children: road signs!

Baba Yaga: why are they different colors?

1 teacher:

It will oblige us to go quietly,
Turn near will show
And remind you what and how
You are on your way...
(Road sign)

Signs are different. They can allow, forbid and warn. Signs that have a triangular shape, a white background and a red border warn of approaching dangerous places and are called warning signs.

Signs that are blue and rounded are called permissive.

Relay "Road signs"

(traffic signs are on the table, one team collects permit signs, and the second team collects warning signs)

2 educator:

Relay race. "Fold the sign" from parts

(There are two envelopes with signs for each team. It is necessary to quickly and correctly fold the sign, cut into pieces).

1 teacher:

If you are in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go where all the people
Where the sign is (Transition)

2 educator:

This is a very important sign
It doesn't just hang.
Be careful, driver!
Near the garden, school yard. (children)

1 teacher:

In rain and clear weather

There are no pedestrians here.

One sign tells them:

"You're not allowed to go! (No Pedestrians)

Given on a birthday
speed bike
taught, explained
Drive where there is no sign. (cycling is prohibited)

2 educator:

Crossing sign
With a bike path.
Add attention
At least a little. (Bike Lane)

1 teacher: Well done guys, they did a great job with all the tasks. And also Baba Yaga, our guys will sing to you ditties about the rules of the road.

1 child:

To cross the road

We must know the rules

Traffic rules

All without exception.

2 child:

Vitya, a mischievous boy,

I ran across the pavement.

He overtook the car

Yes, I had an accident.

3 child:

Don't play on the road

Take care of your hands and feet.

We need to play in the yard.

Please don't forget!

4 child:

A traffic light will help children

Cross the road.

If the red light shines -

5 child:

Traffic rules

We will know by heart.

Traffic rules

We'll do it right!

Baba Yaga: Thank you guys! Now I will know road signs. After such lessons, I will cross the road correctly, quickly get to my house and tell the forest dwellers about the rules of the road, just in case they accidentally get into the city.

2 educator:

We kindly ask you
Pedestrians beware.
Follow the rules of walking
And traffic.