How to open a bike rental. How to open a rental of children's bicycles, scooters, rollers

Reading 8 min. Published on 07.11.2019

An entrepreneur who decides to open a bike rental business needs to have up-to-date information. To simplify the task before him, we analyzed the activities of bike rentals in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan and, based on the opinion of experts, have collected in this article the main points that an entrepreneur who decides to open a bike rental in 2017 should know.

Organization of bike rental: where to start?

Having decided to go into a bike rental business, an entrepreneur must. For the type of business, registration as an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC is suitable. If you do not plan to create a large network of bike rentals, then it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. Documents for the form of ownership are much easier to issue. IP does not require complex financial statements and falls under the simplified taxation system.

The entrepreneur then has to choose OKVED codes. Suitable for the type of business:

  • 71. 40. 4 Rental of inventory and equipment for leisure and recreation.

The group includes rental services sports equipment including bicycles. The business does not require a license, however, to open a bike rental, you must obtain permission from the city administration.

At the rental point itself, the following documents should always be available:

  • Book of complaints and suggestions.
  • Rules for skating and conditions for renting a bicycle.
  • Safety Journal.

If the issuance is carried out on the basis of the building, a consumer corner should be organized.

Where is the best place to rent a bike?

Having dealt with the documents, the entrepreneur should think about choosing a place to open a point on the basis of which bicycle rental will operate.

Suitable for organizing a business:

  • Embankments.
  • resort centers.
  • Parks.
  • Squares or groves.

Bicycle rental does not require a specialized room. All you need is space to store your equipment. To do this, you need a small room, ranging in size from 20 square meters. m. It must answer SES requirements and fire safety. The delivery of bicycles can be carried out directly next to the place of their storage or located at some distance from it. However, in this case, you will have to take care of the delivery of equipment to the point and additional rental costs will be required. For this reason, it is better to organize a bike rental point near the place where they are stored.

The rental price depends on the city and proximity to the center. The average cost of rented space in Moscow parks is 1,400/sq. m., in St. Petersburg - 1000/sq. m., in Kazan - 800/sq. m.

The place where the opening of the rental is planned should have a high attendance. Bicycles must be allowed in the surrounding area. It is desirable that there is a cycle path that separates the skiing area from pedestrians.

When choosing a location, you should take into account the proximity of competitors. The further they are, the better. Their complete absence is considered ideal.

The chosen place is to be rented.

To increase the amount of monthly profit, you can provide services for the delivery of bicycles to a place named by the client. This will incur an additional charge.

What will it take to open a bike rental, and how much will it cost?

The entrepreneur will need to purchase equipment. The rental must have bicycles of different models.

You will need to purchase:

  • Mountain.
  • Highway.
  • Baby.
  • Women's.

A wide range of equipment is required so that the rental point can please every visitor, because customers of different ages and preferences will contact it. Experts advise not to buy more than 2 bikes of the same model.

Equipment should be purchased in autumn or winter. This time is not the season for buying bikes, and manufacturers significantly reduce the price.

You should not buy cheap models. They will break faster and will not be in demand among rental visitors. It is better to buy less expensive equipment for the same money. It will last longer and bring more profit. For the normal functioning of the rental at first, about 15 bicycles will be required. Over time, the range should be expanded.

Buying a bike for rent should be approached carefully. It must be a quality model.

When buying a bike, you should pay attention to:

  • frame size . 18-20 inches is considered optimal.
  • The metal the bike is made from . It should weigh little, but at the same time have high strength.
  • The presence of rear shock absorbers .

They have wheels of increased reliability and have a comfortable low frame.
The price of one reliable bike for adults is about 25,30 thousand rubles, and for children - about 15 thousand rubles. In total, the purchase of equipment for bike rental will require about 400 thousand rubles. Buying bikes from one manufacturer, you can get a significant discount and help with delivery.

We draw up a business plan for opening a bike rental - profitability and payback periods

To open a bike rental business, an entrepreneur will need about 500 thousand rubles.

Costs to open a bike rental (average):

The average cost of renting a bike is 150 rubles per hour or 500-800 rubles per day. Usually customers take a bike for 1 - 3 hours. Renting for a day is interesting only for visitors who are going to go hiking. About 50 people use bike rental services every day. The number of visitors depends on the weather. On very hot and rainy days, their number decreases. As summer draws to a close, bike rentals become more popular. The monthly profit of the average rental is about 150 thousand rubles . Net profit in this case, it will be equal to 90 thousand rubles. With this level of profit, the business is able to pay off in 6 months.

The profitability of rental is at the level of 55%.

P \u003d P / (OPF + OA),

where P- balance sheet profit, OPF– average price of the main production fund, OA- the average price of current assets.

Business falls under the simplified taxation system. From the earned profit, the entrepreneur will have to give the state 6%. If it is at the level of 150 thousand rubles, then you will need to pay a tax in the amount of 9 thousand rubles.

Risks associated with the organization of bike sharing

The bike rental business comes with risks, these include:

  • Bicycle theft . However, you can protect yourself from this as much as possible. An agreement is concluded between the tenant and the landlord, in which all disputed points are discussed, the full name and place of residence are entered. In addition, a photocopy of the tenant's documents is made. In some rentals, tenants are asked to leave original documents or a large amount of money on bail. In most cases, this is enough for the rental company to return the rented equipment.
  • Bicycle breakdown . This nuance should be discussed in the agreement concluded with the client when issuing the equipment. Experts advise the owner of a bike rental to take responsibility for the breakdown. In most cases, it is not the fault of the client. Rarely bikes are broken on purpose. Removing responsibility from the tenant will help reduce the number of dissatisfied customers to a minimum and increase the prestige of the rental in the eyes of visitors.
  • Late return of equipment . This nuance should also be spelled out in the agreement. A client who fails to comply with the stipulated conditions must be fined. Its amount must be specified in the agreement.
  • Tenant injury . To protect yourself from liability, the agreement should contain a clause stating that all responsibility for possible injuries during skiing lies with the client. However, a safety briefing must be conducted with the tenant before equipment is released. This should be noted in the appropriate log. At the time of issuing the bike, both parties must make sure that it is in good condition.

All risks cannot be predicted. However, by protecting himself from the majority as much as possible, the entrepreneur can count on making a profit without surprises.

What else not to forget when opening a bike rental?

The entrepreneur must be aware of the need to repair equipment. Bicycles periodically become unusable. Buying new ones is too expensive. It is much easier to repair existing ones. To do this, you will need to hire a special person who will repair the equipment. The amount of his salary must be at least 15 thousand rubles. However, having a specialist permanently on site is not always beneficial. The cost of a repairman's salary will pay off only if the entrepreneur plans to create a large network of bike rentals. If you plan to open 1 - 2 points, it is much cheaper to conclude an agreement with service center or have a specialist for a “deal” to invite at the place of breakdown.


An entrepreneur should not forget about the seasonality of the business. Usually bike rental makes a profit only in summer. In resort towns, it begins to function in April and ends in September-October, but there is still a downtime period. To ensure income at this time, on the basis of a bike rental, you can organize the rental of other types of equipment.

In the summer you can issue:

  • Accessories for cycling.
  • Roller Skates.
  • Skateboards.
  • Scooters.

AT winter period you can rent:

  • Snowboards.
  • Konkov.

However, for the rental additional equipment funds are required to purchase it.

Bike rental staff

Work in a bicycle rental must be carried out in shifts. At first, the business owner can work independently. In this case, you only need to hire a salesperson who will take the shift. Salary must be at least 15 thousand rubles. Over time, you can hire an additional person.

In addition to the employees involved in the issuance of equipment, an accountant will be required. His responsibilities include financial management and reporting. It is not necessary to hire a part-time person. It is enough if the accountant deals with bike rental 1-2 times a week. His wage must be at least 5 thousand rubles.

The main ways to promote bike rental are:

  • Outdoor advertising next to the bike rental site.
  • Distribution of flyers.
  • Create a group in in social networks or your own website.
  • Advertising in the media.

The opening of the rental can be accompanied by a cycling festival, where you can organize competitions or a cycling race with small prizes. On Citywide Health Days, equipment rental should be free of charge. This will attract more customers and increase profits.

Bicycle rental is a profitable business, which in recent times actively gaining popularity. This business has its regular customers, it quickly pays off, and opening will require several basic documents and a minimum of investments. To implement a business plan, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is bike rental, you will need a capital of 230,000 rubles. The payback period for a business is 5 months on average.

Bicycle rental - seasonal business but quite profitable. The main activity is the rental of bicycles. In addition, various related products can be offered. Biking is considered the most suitable activity between April and October. During these 7 months you will be able to return your investments and get a good profit.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

How to open a bike rental and what needs to be done for this? It is especially necessary to pay attention to such moments: documentation, search for premises, purchase of equipment and selection of employees - this is the minimum necessary to open your own bike rental company.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

How to arrange bike rental? To organize this business, you will only need to register in tax office IP. This requires the following documents:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee - 800 rubles.

Bicycle rental refers to such a service sector in which you can work under the simplified taxation system (STS):

  • USN 6% - individual entrepreneur must pay 6% of all earned money and contributions to the FFOMS, PFR;
  • STS 15% - an individual entrepreneur must pay 15% of the difference between income and expenses, as well as contributions to the FFOMS and the PFR.

List of documents you will need to start a bike rental business in 2018:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • passport of the enterprise and its details;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a lease agreement for premises;
  • medical books of employees;
  • fire service permit;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Stage 2 - finding a room

Bicycle rental should be organized in crowded places. It is advisable to find a place near a park or some kind of tourist base. The area should be lively and popular with residents or visitors to the city. But first you need to find out from the city administration whether it is possible to ride a bike in the area that you have chosen. You will also need to rent a room, the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be 20 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

You don't have to buy a lot of bikes at once. For starters, 10-15 pieces will be enough. In the future, if demand is high, it will be possible to purchase some of the most popular types. Basic requirements for bicycles:

  1. Frame size should be 18-20 inches;
  2. Lasting, light metal;
  3. shock absorbers;
  4. It is advisable to purchase street models, because they are comfortable, strong and with reliable wheels;
  5. It is necessary to have in assortment female and children's models;
  6. Cheap brands of bicycles break down quickly, while high-quality ones are more comfortable and will attract more customers to your point, so you should not save on this.

A good bicycle for adults costs 10-14 thousand rubles, and for children - 4-5 thousand rubles. This means that the purchase of bicycles will require about 160 thousand rubles.

Best buy necessary equipment in winter, when manufacturers offer big discounts. You can also save money when purchasing several units in one place. It is imperative to buy tools for repair, because after each rental it is necessary to check the condition of the bike and carry out preventive work.

Stage 4 - recruitment

When opening a company, two people will be enough to work with clients in shifts, one of which may be the owner himself. Often, bikes that are rented break down for one reason or another and need to be repaired. And since the ideal technical condition bicycle is the most important criterion for the success of this business on permanent job you need to hire a bicycle repair specialist. To lead correctly financial statements, it is not necessary to hire a full-time accountant, this work can be performed by a contract specialist.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

In addition to renting bicycles, you can offer accessories and protective equipment to customers. It is advisable to install a refrigerator with drinks and make places to relax. Such techniques will increase the profitability of the business by 2 times.

  • bright sign;
  • banners;
  • leaflets;
  • ads;
  • creation of a website or group in social networks;
  • desirable to take part in public life cities.

Financial plan

Let's calculate the approximate costs required to implement a plan for 15 bicycles with a population of 350,000 people:

  1. Registration of IP and all necessary certificates - 10,000 rubles.
  2. Rental fee - from 10,000 rubles.
  3. Equipment - 160,000 rubles.
  4. The salary of two employees - from 30,000 rubles.
  5. Repair work - 15,000 rubles.
  6. Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.

As a result, the approximate initial capital for the implementation of the bike sharing plan will be approximately 230,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Bicycle rental business is accompanied by the following types of risks:

  • Theft. To avoid this, they conclude an agreement in which the passport data of the client is recorded, or the client pays a certain amount as a deposit. However, none of these methods can insure you 100% against fraud.
  • The dishonesty of employees who can give bicycles without signing a contract or indicate shorter terms, keeping the difference for themselves. Good wages and control will help to avoid such cases.
  • Weather. Rain and heat are not conducive to comfortable cycling, but you cannot influence this risk factor.

Video "Bicycle rental: a business idea"

You will learn more about the type of activity considered in the following video.

-> Other ideas

In our city park there is electric car rental for children, and I often see this picture: a child is driving a “car” or “motorcycle”, one of the parents is walking nearby. And something in this familiar, from childhood. And I remembered how many years ago my father took me to this park, took me bike rental. And it was great.

It is clear that progress is moving and now electric cars have replaced bicycles, but this cannot be an alternative, because the principles of enjoyment are completely different.

The pleasure that a child gets from physical activity is incomparable. So I thought why not organize a rental bicycles, especially since there are now a great many of them, and perhaps parents, before purchasing a two-wheeled vehicle for their child, will want to try all the options.

In addition to bicycles, it is possible rent out scooters, roller skates, skateboards, ski rollers, an undeservedly forgotten Russian fun - stilts (personally, even now I would try to walk on stilts).

To begin with, it will be enough to purchase 3-4 children's bicycles and 4-5 pairs of roller skates and, of course, protective equipment(helmets, elbow pads, knee pads). Be sure to develop safety instructions so that parents get acquainted under the signature. Over the summer, the money spent will not only pay off, but there will also be a good income.

The idea is not new, rather well forgotten since Soviet times. Next summer it will be possible to add bicycles, roller skates, stilts for adults to the range of rental products.

Now let's calculate how much money is needed to open rental children's bicycles. Three children's bicycles, approximately 2,000 rubles each, two scooters, 800 rubles each, three pairs of roller skates, 900 rubles each, five sets of protective equipment, 500 rubles each. The total is 12800 rubles. To start a rental business, you will need to invest from 12 to 15 thousand rubles. All these funds should pay off in about two weeks.

Further, the profit received will need to be invested in expanding the range of rental equipment, but this is only during the first season. All subsequent seasons will only need to monitor wear, repair from time to time, change something (this is very rare).

The business is seasonal, but profitable with the proper approach to business, you can earn 30-50 thousand rubles a month. Because rental you can practice from March to November, i.e. 6-8 months, then you can earn about 0.4 million rubles per season.

And when you put your business on the "rails", it will be possible to hire a person who will deal with the issuance and acceptance of inventory, thereby freeing up time for yourself for another business.

In the warm season, both in megacities and in small towns, we see a fairly large number of cyclists. On this type of transport, you can very quickly move around the city, no traffic jams will stop you. In addition to convenience, the bike also has a number of other advantages. Everyone knows about the health benefits of cycling. Children and adults love to ride this type of transport, so the bike rental business can be great. profitable idea earnings.

We will talk about how to open a bike rental and how much you can earn from it in our article today.

Bicycle rental business plan

Any business idea requires a gradual and competent implementation. Therefore, first of all, one should detailed business bike rental plan. In this document, it is necessary to indicate such important points, as profitability, determine the demand for the service, competition, calculate the payback period and profit from the business.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bike rental business

  1. High demand. Bicycle rental service is popular all over the world. This type of transport is in great demand due to a number of its important advantages. You can ride a bike in the park or go to the other end of the city on business. This transport is mobile, therefore it is relevant for large cities, where traffic jams often occur.
  2. Small investment. Organization of bike rental is a business that does not require large financial investments. Therefore, both a novice entrepreneur (student, unemployed) and an experienced businessman (an excellent financial investment of the free part of the capital) can organize a business in this area.
  3. Competition. Accordingly, the high demand for the service gives rise to solid competition. Therefore, you will have to work hard to achieve success in your chosen field of activity.
  4. Seasonality. Bicycle rental business is a seasonal type of income. But such a minus, significant at first glance, should not stop you. Believe me, with a competent approach, it is quite possible to earn a substantial amount of money in the spring-autumn.

Business registration

Each type of activity is subject to mandatory legal registration with the relevant authorities. For novice businessmen, it is best to stop at individual entrepreneurship or establish a limited liability company. Making an IP is much easier than an LLC, so if you are planning to open a small bike rental company, then stop at this option. It is better to entrust the collection and execution of documents to an experienced lawyer.

How to open a bike rental?

To organize a bike rental, you need to purchase data vehicles. The demand for the service, and, accordingly, your profit will directly depend on the range and condition of bicycles.

On the early stages you should not buy a lot of bicycles, 5-6 units will be enough. It is advisable not to be limited to any one model, but to offer your customers a choice. Thus, sports models, mountain bikes, off-road bikes, and children's bikes should be purchased. By covering as much of the audience as possible, you will get more customers and, accordingly, significantly increase your income.

It is quite expensive to buy new vehicles or expensive models. Believe me, professional athletes are not interested in bike rental, your customers are children and people who want to relax, ride a bike in the park. Therefore, the acquisition of expensive, modern models is a waste of money. Give preference to used models from abroad, they are much better than domestic bicycles and at a much cheaper price.

Choose a rental location

The flow of customers who want to use the service depends on the correct choice of the rental place. Therefore, if you want to recoup all investments in a short time and get good income, pay special attention to the location of the bike rental point.

Choose places with high traffic. Bicycle rental can be opened in the central part of the city, for example, in a park, near attractions, entertainment centers. It is very important that potential customers distinguish you from afar, so a bright sign will not be superfluous.

Bicycle storage

To store vehicles, you will need to rent a small enclosed space. It is desirable that the place of storage and rental be nearby in order to avoid the constant costs of transporting bicycles.

An ordinary garage is suitable for storing vehicles. It can be rented or purchased if you have the necessary funds.

How to arrange bike rental: money back guarantees

Vehicle rental is a popular service, but it can hardly be called completely safe. To keep vehicles safe and sound, every possible security measure should be taken.

An agreement should be concluded with a client who rents a bicycle, which will provide for all non-standard situations, the conditions for renting and returning a bicycle. The contract should include such important points as financial compensation in the event of a bike breakdown, as well as a fine for late return of the vehicle.

In addition to the contract, the client must provide you with a copy of his passport, name the address of residence and contact number for communication.

How much is bike rental?

You, as the owner of a bike rental point, have the right to independently determine the prices for the service. But I recommend that you competently treat such an important nuance. In this field of activity, the competition is quite strong, so unreasonable prices will only scare away potential customers. In order to understand how much bike rental costs, you should monitor the prices for a similar service in your region.

Costs and profits

  1. Purchase of bicycles. The approximate cost of one is about 150-200 dollars. You need to buy, for starters, at least 10 pieces. In total, this is 1500-2000 dollars;
  2. Garage rental. The rental price will depend on the area and location;
  3. Salary in case you hire employees to work at the rental. Naturally, you can save money and at first work on your own.


Your income will depend on the demand for the service and, accordingly, its price. If the competition is strong, then you should not count on quick profits, but still you do not need to despair. Good place, knowledgeable advertising campaign, over time, will certainly lead to success and turn your business into a profitable business.

It is quite possible to make good money on bicycle rental if you open several points in different parts of the city. It all depends solely on your entrepreneurial talent.

Additional income

In addition to providing a bicycle rental service, you can open a bicycle repair shop nearby. Hire an intelligent master and you are guaranteed a decent additional income.

Bicycle accessories. To ride a bike safely, you must not only follow the rules traffic but also wear protective gear. Therefore, in addition to renting bicycles, you can offer your customers to additionally rent knee pads and helmets for safe city driving.

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