Travel and tourism magazines. Travel magazines

Most of the magazines listed can be downloaded in PDF format and read without an internet connection. But some of them are only available online as interactive paper copies.

Gadgets and Graphics

UPgrade magazine covers the topic of high technology in general, with a special focus on consumer electronics. Render and Magic CG editions are aimed at artists and dedicated to computer graphics... On the pages of PhotoCASA you will find a lot of lessons and practical advice for professionals and amateurs of photography.

Travel and tourism

These publications talk about amazing corners Land, cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world and various attractions. CHANCE Magazine focuses on luxury destinations for visitors who are accustomed to relaxing in style and maximum comfort. And "Tourbusiness" considers travel not only from the point of view of a tourist, but also from the point of view of an entrepreneur.


Editions from this list will be of interest to present and future owners. Magazines contain news automotive market, test drives of interesting new products and useful advice on the maintenance and selection of cars, as well as all kinds of accessories.

Lifestyle and fashion

If you follow fashion and want to diversify cultural activities, take a look at these magazines. They provide information on the latest trends in the entertainment and fashion industries.

Design and interior

These publications throw interesting ideas, useful life hacks and various premises. Take a closer look at the following list if you're looking for a renovation. The magazines included in it can be of interest to both enthusiasts and professional designers and other specialists.

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In each issue of the presented travel magazine you can find Interesting Facts, historical commentaries, fascinating descriptions of different countries of the world. Unique photographs, original shooting angles, beautiful views of cities and world famous sites. The edition comes out every two weeks. As a gift for all issues, the reader receives a disk with a film about the country to which the issue is dedicated. The magazine can be bought at all newsstands in Russia.

The online magazine is engaged in monitoring and analysis of world ecology and cataclysms. The main activity of the publication is the publication of articles that highlight the causes and mechanisms of the occurrence of various natural disasters and catastrophes. Find out where tsunamis originate, why volcanoes erupt, what provokes earthquakes, to which turning point urbanization is leading our Earth. By registering on the site, you can arrange an electronic newsletter.

The presented resource is an online magazine that talks about nature, in particular about plants. Here you can read the latest and most important news regarding plants of all types and forms. The publication will share tips on how best to organize a garden with medicinal herbs, at what distance and what trees to plant in your garden, how to prune fruit-bearing bushes before winter, and many other useful materials for those who are not indifferent to plants.

The publication is intended for young and not so naturalists. The magazine will tell you everything you would like to know about nature. On its pages you will discover the secrets of the seas and oceans. Get to know rare endangered animal species. Read interesting stories naturalist writers. Thanks to the "Do it yourself" section, learn how to make your own bird feeders and other animals. You can also try yourself as an author by sending your work to the editor.

The world famous publishing house National Geographic presents you the Russian version of its magazine. Travel, colorful photographs, descriptions of the Earth and space, unexplored places, news, reports of anthropological expeditions - it has it all. Stories about the brightest festivals in the world and incredible wonders of the world created by nature itself. You can read the publication online, purchase a printed version, download the texts of articles to your computer, or buy an edition for your iOS and Android gadgets.

A magazine about ecology, nature, travel and science. Everyone here will find a lot of interesting things for themselves: stories about different cities and countries, stories about outlandish animals, information on the rules for the disposal of household waste, which will help preserve the surrounding nature. Useful Tips for those who are going on a trip: which country is better to go to and what to take with you. Subscribe to news in groups VKontakte, Twitter, Google+, and also subscribe to the printed version.

The Discovery Publishing House invites you to get acquainted with the Russian-language version of the popular magazine. Here you will learn about everything: about the world, man, science, technology. On its pages you can find the best travel guides for different countries the world, a lot of news about modern technologies and developments. The publication will also reveal the most mysterious secrets of the century - and all this is especially for you. Subscribe to groups in FaceBook and VKontakte, stay tuned and don't miss the most interesting.

The magazine "Around the World" will tell about the ghosts of Lake Baikal, festivals in China, the center of the universe in Istanbul and much more. If you are interested in the world, be sure to check out this edition and learn more about people, countries, cities. Read unusual news, admire the breathtaking landscapes from around the world. Get acquainted with the advanced discoveries and achievements in science, well then join the groups in in social networks and don't forget to subscribe to the print version.

Popular scientific journal specializing in the coverage of geomorphological problems. The publication is divided into such headings as "Theory of Geomorphology", "Methods of Scientific Research", "History of Science", "Chronicle", "Reviews", " Scientific communications". Every scientist, researcher, teacher of any level, student or graduate student can send his scientific works to the editorial office for publication in a new issue. The advantage of the journal is its registration in the databases Scopus, Google Scholar, VAK.

Educational, scientific publication, recommended by the highest attestation commission, is engaged in an overview of the main issues of ecology and energy efficiency. The focus is on education and training in the field environmental sciences... All materials that are published are divided into the following categories: "Education", "Management and Economics", "Ecology. Person. Society", " Global problems". Only high-quality scientific works are published in the journal.

Popular scientific geographical journal

National Geographic Magazine is the official publication of the National Geographic Society (USA). Published in more than 26 languages. National Geographic publishes unique photographs and exclusive content about history, archeology, science and culture. The core of the journal is the same for all countries, making it a truly global publication.
National Geographic magazine has been published in Russia since 2003.


Travel & Discovery Magazine

The pages of Discovery rooms contain incredible travel routes and the most interesting places on the planet, trips to Russia, Europe and other continents, instructions and life hacks for independent travel, ideas, maps and routes to the most unexpected places.
The first issue of Discovery magazine was released in January 2009. Since then, the correspondents and photographers of Discovery managed to travel more than once the entire planet, having made several hundred trips and expeditions, reaching the Arctic, and the Antarctic, and the deserts of the South American continent, and to the peaks of Tibet, and to others, no less hard-to-reach and mesmerizing places, presenting on its pages the whole world travel and discovery.

Discovery magazine aims to prove: life is colorful, and every day it is full of interesting discoveries!

Around the world

The oldest magazine about travel and not only

The magazine "Vokrug Sveta" is one of the first magazines in Russia in general and one of the first magazines in the world on educational topics.
It was founded in St. Petersburg in 1861 and since that time has been published practically without interruptions for a century and a half. During this time, the magazine has gone through several stages from a geographical and tourist magazine to an educational publication covering a wide range of topics.
The magazine "Vokrug Sveta" publishes new views on well-known historical events, stories about famous people and their fates, information about new scientific discoveries and technical achievements. Most of the materials are reports prepared specifically for the magazine.


Science, Nature and Travel Magazine

GEO magazine (Geo) provides readers with encyclopedically accurate information about advances in science and technology, flora and fauna, travel and the culture of peoples of different countries.
GEO photos are not just illustrations for the text, but talented works of the best masters from all over the world, often working in extreme conditions. Fascinating articles for the magazine were written by the most famous Russian and foreign authors.
GEO magazine has been published in many countries for over 20 years. GEO was first released in Germany in 1976.

+ GEO Traveler

GEO Traveler is a popular science magazine about the knowledge of the surrounding world. The focus of attention is always a certain country or direction, to which the next issue is devoted. GEO Traveler is a magazine for people who cannot see their life without new countries and discoveries, and at the same time comfort and luxury have become a way of life for them.
The magazine is distributed as a free supplement to the GEO magazine.


Travel & Leisure Magazine

Afisha-Mir magazine is a quality publication about travel as a way of life, vivid impressions and essential details. Each issue contains detailed travel tips - from choosing a destination, getting a visa and booking a hotel to reserving a table at a restaurant and renting a camel in the desert. There are hundreds of vacation ideas, proven information, addresses and opinions that you can trust.
The first issue of Afisha-Mir magazine was published in autumn 2003.


Travel magazine

VOYAGE is the oldest travel magazine in Russia, which has been successfully published since 1994. One of the first publications on the Russian media market, VOYAGE remains one of the most respected and popular travel magazines.

Business Traveler

Business Travel and Tourism Industry Magazine

Business Traveler magazine is designed primarily for those who travel a lot - both for work and on their own, and talks about how to make their trips as comfortable, inexpensive and interesting as possible.
Each issue contains a large amount of comparative information about the largest international airlines, airports, hotels, car rental companies, electronic gadgets, etc. Russian edition follows the best traditions that have been formed in Great Britain over several decades of the magazine's existence.
Authors traveling all over the world talk about where to stay, which restaurant to go to, what to see and how to behave in an unfamiliar country. Publications and special reports cover a wide range of topics - health, safety, sports, cars, financial sector and even buying real estate.

L'Officiel Voyage

Next Level Travel Magazine

Like the French edition of L’Officiel Voyage, the Russian edition of the magazine sees its mission in telling readers about original routes, acquainting with unique people and phenomena, as well as presenting already well-known and popular places in a completely new perspective.
L'Officiel Voyage is a multi-platform project that includes, in addition to the print edition, a website and digital applications. The digital version of L "Officiel Voyage magazine is available on the App Store and Google Play.
L’Officiel Voyage readers are people with life experience and outlook; sophisticated in many matters; having certain expensive habits and solid hobbies. These are people who value their time and who are not so easy to surprise. For their travels, they choose non-trivial routes, and in their preferences they are guided primarily by quality.

The slogan of the publication is "Private Travel Magazine".

Ural Pathfinder

Journal of history (local history), travel, adventure and science fiction

One of the oldest Russian magazines about travel, history and adventure. Published since 1935.

"Ural Pathfinder" is a fascinating and captivating magazine in the world of distant wanderings, imbued with the spirit of discovery and adventure. A magazine that takes you from space-time coordinates “here and now” to the past, to significant dates in history, then to the future, to the exciting world of science fiction.


A magazine about life in different countries is an Internet version of the legendary publication “Abroad” dedicated to international life. The newspaper, which appeared in 1932 at the initiative of the writer Maxim Gorky and was mainly a review of foreign media, was revived in 2007 in the format of a monthly information and entertainment magazine of general interest. Since 2015, the journal has been completely transferred to electronic format.
On, the reader will find news and articles covering all spheres of life in different parts of the planet, from politics to travel, from crime to culture, as well as an archive of publications, tests, popular videos and much more.


A magazine about modern Japan

KiMONO magazine - was created by Russian authors as an inside look at Japanese culture, art and modern society.
On the pages of the magazine, you will read about the relationships, habits and characteristics of the inhabitants of Japan in materials based on the author's experience. You will learn more about Japanese celebrities, contemporary art, fashion and design, you can choose something for yourself, thanks to reviews of new cosmetics and clothing, learn to understand Japanese delicacies and put together a travel guide for future trips from interesting places in Tokyo in the footsteps of the authors magazine.

Treasure peninsula

Crimean educational journal

The Treasure Peninsula magazine is the only educational publication in Russia, completely dedicated to the Crimean Peninsula.
Each issue of the magazine reveals a wide variety of topics: history, geography, geology, ecology, culture and art, literature, the world of animals and plants, as well as little-known discoveries and finds, unexplored places, secrets and legends of the ancient peoples who inhabited the peninsula.

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