Review of magazines for children. Educational and educational magazines for children

Summary: Leisure. Review of magazines for children. Children's magazine "Funny pictures", "Filya", "Toshka and company", "Svirelka", "Svirelka", "Winnie the Pooh", "Mickey Mouse", "Tom and Jerry", "Barbie", "Magazine of fairy tales" ", "GOOG night kids!". Literary and entertainment magazine "Murzilka". Educational magazine for children "GEOLyonok". Literary and educational magazine for primary school age "Prostokvashino". Cognitive almanac "Klepa". Children's magazine about nature for family reading "Anthill". Magazine "Why?". Magazine about pets "Cat and dog". Cognitive almanac "Children's Encyclopedia". Development magazines.

I remember, as a child, the day when the next issue of "Funny Pictures" appeared in our mailbox was a real holiday. Mom and I took the key and went together to get the treasure. This was our tradition. And then several hours or even days of enthusiastic paging, reading and solving all kinds of puzzles. Later there were "Murzilka", "Tram", "Bonfire".

Now the culture of reading periodicals in families is lost. And few parents know about the existence of a mass of magazines for children. Meanwhile, the variety of printed children's publications on the Russian market has recently been so great that it is simply impossible to cover them all in one short review. And most of all, the fact that, finally, from the covers of children's magazines exhibited on stalls and kiosks, the heroes of domestic cartoons and everyone's favorite TV shows began to look at us. However, first things first.

At the age of three, a child is already able to concentrate his attention, he has learned to think logically, he is interested in everything that happens around him, hundreds of “why?” appear. and why?" In addition, the time has come to come to grips with the development and education of the little one. And magazines for the little ones help to do this in a relaxed and entertaining way, in a playful way.

"Funny pictures"

Some parents experience the deepest surprise when they find out that their childhood friends - funny little people Pencil, Samodelkin, Thumbelina - still live and live on the pages of this magazine. True, the publication itself has changed a little: it has increased in size, it has been printed on thick paper. There are a lot of large illustrations and a minimum of text. Just what the smallest readers need, who cannot yet concentrate on a long text for a long time. They are more interested in dynamics, a quick change of emotions. As before, humorous poems and short stories of modern children's authors and "classics" of periodicals side by side on the pages of the magazine.

There are sections with which you can make a homemade product. And, of course, there are a lot of puzzles, riddles, labyrinths, and interesting tasks for kids.

The only, in our opinion, "minus" "Funny Pictures" is that the design of the magazine is not bright enough compared to some other publications. However, some psychologists believe that children do not need a riot of colors: it provokes excessive excitability and emotionality.

The magazine will be interesting for children from 3 to 6 years old. The concept of the publication fully corresponds to the age-psychological needs of this age category of readers.

Our rating is 4+

The results of a survey conducted among preschoolers and younger schoolchildren show that most of all at this age, children like to read about animals and nature. Do not deny the kids the pleasure of getting exhaustive, "serious" answers to all these questions, and not excuses from the realm of fantasy. For this, for example, take the magazine "Filya".


All the same Publishing House "Funny Pictures". This is a small monthly publication about nature for children aged 3-7. Built on the same principle as "Funny Pictures". Many large illustrations, riddles, rebuses and short texts. But they are quite enough to satisfy the curiosity of young readers.

Our rating is 4+

"Svirelka" and "Svirelka"

Do not confuse these two editions. Both of them are published by the publishing house "Merry Pictures", but if "Svirelka" is a monthly magazine about nature for the very youngest (from 3 to 8 years), then "Svirel" is also about nature, but for older readers (from 7 to 12 years old). The texts in it are written in a popular science style adapted for schoolchildren. As illustrations - photographs.

However, it is not difficult to remember, because "Svirelka" is smaller in size than its "older" sister. It comes out in A5 format - half of the landscape sheet. For this, many children love her. The magazine is quite voluminous - 32 pages. And the paper is thick and good quality. In addition to informative stories, stories, poems about wildlife, "Svirelka" has coloring pages, a booklet that is easy to make yourself: take out a few sheets from a magazine, fold in half and sew. Surely they themselves did this operation more than once in childhood - they collected a personal “library” from such “baby books” on a bookcase shelf. There are many funny puzzles and riddles in the magazine. There is also a homemade one. In general, "Svirelka" is worthy of the attention of your baby.

Our rating is 5

"Toshka and company"

This is a "fun animal magazine" for kids. But, as it seemed to us, a little more senior. Years 5 - 8. It also has a lot of illustrations, and not only drawn ones, there are also photographs in "Toshka". Short texts. There are many riddles, logical tasks, rebuses in the publication. There is a homemade and even a poster with a photo of some animal that the child can hang on the wall in the nursery with his own hands. Unless, of course, free design decisions by the younger generation are allowed in your house. Published in "Toshka" and drawings that readers send in their letters.

True, "Toshka" is printed on ordinary (not glossy) paper and, like "Funny Pictures", is not very bright.

The magazine is published by the publishing house "Egmont Russia".

Our rating is 4+

"Winnie the Pooh"

And here is another magazine published by the same publishing house and similar in subject matter to Toshka. It's called Winnie the Pooh. But in it you will not find our beloved, clumsy, "Leon" bear cub. Disney's Winnie the Pooh and, accordingly, all his American friends "live" on the pages of the magazine. It is customary for us to scold everything American, but this edition is not the case. Unlike entertainment comic book magazines with the names of Disney cartoons, "Winnie the Pooh" is quite educational. It comes out under the slogan "Your journal about nature", but it is absolutely unlike all of the above publications.

There are bright illustrations, photographs of animals and very little text. Basically, young readers are offered developing tasks for quick wit, rebuses, puzzles, curious questions with which the baby can test his erudition. There are also coloring pages and homemade pages in the magazine. All appeals to children come directly on behalf of the cartoon characters of the magazine, and this corresponds to the age-psychological characteristics of children's perception of information.

If you notice, basically all children's publications and programs are run by one or more permanent characters. They become good friends of the readers whom the children trust and whose advice they listen to.

Our rating is 5

"Mickey Mouse", "Tom and Jerry", "Barbie" & C0

These and other comic magazines are also published by the Egmont Russia Publishing House. They were the first swallows of the publishing house that flew to Russia from America. And already in the 90s they gained immense popularity among children, who until then had not seen anything like it. Until now, these and similar comics are in great demand among young readers. But, you understand, they cannot develop anything special in a child, and they are unlikely to perform a cognitive function. Yes, it's just fun. But, of course, they do no harm. One of the classical psychologists even noticed that children who love comics will later treat books with respect. Well, we don't know, we don't know. We can only say one thing: the comics published by "Egmont Russia" are at least much more colorful and harmless than their "analogs" about monsters and bandits, which have now bred apparently-invisibly.

The age audience of comics is practically unlimited. They may be of interest to anyone who loves Disney cartoons. Although the publishers in the imprint in good faith note: "For middle school age."

Our rating is 4

To kill two birds with one stone at once - to introduce a negligent child to books and make a homemade product with him - another publication for preschoolers will help.

"Fairy Tale Magazine"

In each of its issues, it should be noted that it is quite colorful, only one fairy tale is published. Interesting and, most importantly, instructive. Publishers carefully select the material. Basically, these are time-tested and useful for the heart and mind tales of the peoples of the world. And after you read it together with the baby, he will certainly want to cut and glue from the proposed schemes some kind of scene or object that was discussed in the fairy tale. Just do not forget to set a condition for the child: we will make crafts only after we read the fairy tale and remember what it said. By the way, interesting work with hands certainly evokes positive emotions in kids, and they are the best way to contribute to memorizing new material. You will see, the "glued" fairy tale will remain in the memory of the child for a long time. The magazine will be of interest to both preschoolers and children of primary school age.

Our rating is 5

"GOOG night kids!"

Magazines for preschool children. On its pages your kid will meet his favorite characters and spend with them not a couple of minutes, as it has recently become on the TV screen, but perhaps more than one day. In addition, he will hear from you or read many funny stories and poems himself, will color, craft, solve puzzles, puzzles, and answer questions. In the best traditions of literary and entertainment magazines for children. The magazine is published on high-quality paper, it contains bright, and, most importantly, drawings dear to the heart of the crumbs! The publication is addressed to readers from 3 to 8 years.

Our rating is 5+

Educational magazines from the Publishing House "Karapuz"

A magazine about babies, about the age of rattles, sliders, cradles. About the first smiles, recognitions, the first babble, sounds. What to expect? What and how to do? What to strive for? Expert advice and necessary information are given simply and clearly. Visual material in the form of separate pictures, for a child of this particular age, was prepared by the leading laboratory of the Russian Academy of Education. - 20 pages

1-3 YEARS "For the smallest"

The only magazine in Russia recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a manual for the development of young children. Winner in the nomination "Best Children's Magazine". Acquaintance with the surrounding world. Conversations on plot pictures, development of speech, emotions and feelings. Didactic games. Informative advice to parents. - 18 pages

1-3 YEARS "Early development. First steps"

A fundamentally new type of publication is a cardboard magazine. Each issue is based on a serious methodological development in one of the areas of early development. The texts are given as an exemplary dialogue between a parent and a child, which creates good conditions for self-expression and speech activation. - 8 pages

2–5 YEARS "Sandbox"

Journal of didactic games on thick cardboard. The leading activity of this age is play. The main pedagogical task is the development of sensation and perception. The best innovative teachers will explain to you what needs to be done, why and how, so that later there will be no problems with preparing for school. - 12 pages - 1 issue in 2 months.

3-5 YEARS "Sparrows"

Invisible, but systemic learning in a playful way in the main areas of development. Priority tasks are the development of speech, communication, interest in literacy and numeracy. Page for parents. (If the child is 3 years old and you have not yet systematically worked with him, we recommend that you first subscribe to the magazine "For the very smallest"). - 18 pages

5-7 YEARS "Karapuz"

The main magazine of the Publishing House "Karapuz" for preparing for school ("home lyceum"). Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic - teaching reading and counting, preparing a hand for writing, developing attention, memory, thinking, speech. The authors - scientists of the Russian Academy of Education - give specific advice to parents. - 18 pages

5-8 YEARS "We read ourselves"

The first books for initial reading and successful development of coherent speech. Large letters, short words and sentences. Gradual complication of texts and tasks. Colorful illustrations and favorite fairy tales. Expert comments (common errors and problems) and methodological recommendations. – 12-20 pages

On this we, perhaps, will finish the review of periodicals for preschoolers. Undoubtedly, there are other baby magazines out there, but not all of them appear in retail. If you are a conscious parent and advocate for the education and development of your child, then by all means visit the children's library with him. And there, perhaps, you will discover many more interesting publications for yourself and your child.

However, it is no secret that there are especially inquisitive personalities among preschoolers who become real bookworms even before school. "Funny pictures" for them - it's so, children's fun. Give them something more serious. Especially for such book lovers, a list of publications addressed to older children.

Literary and entertainment magazine "Murzilka".

He, too, is still alive and very prosperous. If you have not held it in your hands since your childhood, you will be pleasantly surprised. Now "Murzilka" is published in an enlarged format, on thick glossy paper, on more than thirty pages. In addition to wonderful texts written by famous children's authors, among which there are literary works, educational and educational materials, the magazine has very high-quality bright illustrations in the form of drawings and photographs. And in the middle of each issue there are amazing engravings of paintings by the greatest artists and an adapted text about the author and his creations. As well as permanent comics, advice from "Murzilka", puzzles, puzzles and riddles, contests with prizes. And, of course, letters and drawings from the readers themselves. "Murzilka" is addressed to children from 7 to 12 years old.

Our rating is 5

Educational magazine for children "GEOLyonok".

Modeled after the adult magazine "GEO". The most interesting, fascinating articles on a wide variety of topics from the world of animals and plants, history, geography, art, literature. As well as materials on issues relevant to children: school life, peer achievements, hobbies and hobbies, first romantic feelings (everything is within reason!). In addition, the magazine has many interesting tasks, contests and quizzes with prizes. And a very colorful design with strip photos of the highest quality and comments on them. Everything, as in "GEO", only better, because for children. The magazine is created by Russian authors, and therefore it is fully adapted to our reality. Designed for ages 7 to 13.

Our rating is 5+

Literary and educational magazine for primary school age "Prostokvashino".

Volume 32 pages. Published with the participation of the author of wonderful children's books Eduard Uspensky. Each issue opens with a new story from the life of Uncle Fyodor and his friends. In addition, the magazine contains a lot of educational materials, accompanied by comments by cartoon characters from Prostokvashino, drawings and photographs. As well as comics, games, contests and quizzes.

Our rating is 5

Cognitive almanac "Klepa".

Designed for ages 9 to 12. Published on 42 pages in A5 format - half of the landscape sheet. The constant heroine, the girl Klepa, "travels" through different times and countries together with her readers.

Our rating is 5

Children's magazine about nature for family reading "Anthill".

Published on 56 pages, on good quality paper. It contains stories and stories from the life of animals written by professional writers and journalists. Quite a serious educational publication, which can even act as additional educational literature for schoolchildren. The texts are accompanied by colorful photographs.

Our rating is 4

Magazine "Why?".

It comes out on 34 pages, designed for primary school age. The publication is full of high-quality educational materials, however, the illustrative material is not very bright, the images for the children's edition are rather small. The magazine is popular with children.

Our rating is 4+

Magazine about pets "Cat and dog".

It comes out on 34 pages, excellent printing quality. The magazine contains large artistic photographs of pets, tips for caring for them, stories from the life of caudates and letters from readers. One of the favorite books for little pet lovers.

Our rating is 5

Cognitive almanac "Children's Encyclopedia".

Publishing House "AiF". It comes out on thick quality paper in a reduced A5 format. Each rather plump little book is devoted to some one big topic. For example: "Indoor plants", "Chocolate", "Physics", "Cats", "Diplomacy". The material in the journal is arranged alphabetically. For each letter, there are several thematic concepts that are explained in a language accessible to children, in a fascinating literary form. The text is accompanied by illustrations. The almanac is also actively used by children as an additional educational tool. One of the most popular publications among regular library visitors.

Our rating is 5

Magazine "Masterilka" Publishing House "Karapuz" (5-12 years old)

Funny toys, crafts made of paper and plasticine, natural materials, boxes, wires and ropes - all this the child will do with his own hands and will play, give, create comfort in the house. In addition to specific benefits and labor skills, the magazine develops imagination and creative thinking, diligence, patience and perseverance. - 16 pages

Magazine "Orange Sun" publishing house "Gamma"

The ability to draw, play music, dance, write poetry in an album has always been an integral part of a good secular education and upbringing. Being creative, a small person stimulates the work of the right hemisphere of the brain and trains all channels of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). He is enriched emotionally and broadens his horizons, becomes more charming and sociable. In other words, he develops harmoniously, which means that when he grows up, he will make any career faster and more successfully. Not to mention the fact that a real artist, poet or musician can turn out of it.

How to determine the child's abilities, why develop them, where to lead him at the same time, what and why to buy for this, how to achieve this or that effect, doing creative work with the child? You will find answers to these and other questions in this magazine.

In our opinion, we have marked the publications that deserve the most attention from you. If you want more, take the initiative and look into the library or subscription catalog. Believe me, in any case, if you yourself offer your child high-quality periodicals to read, he will only win. Otherwise, there is a chance that someday, at the suggestion of friends and in search of interesting information, he will look into "Hammer", "Cool" and others like them. Look there too. Feel the difference. Then you will understand why from childhood it is necessary to introduce the baby to high-quality periodicals and not save on his development.

  • Subscription at post offices

    The subscription can be issued at the post offices "Rospechat", "Press of Russia", "Post of Russia" or online on the special website of the Russian Post

    You can subscribe with delivery to any country in the world in the online store

    To do this, you need to select a subscription index. Below in the text are the subscription indexes in different branches, select the kit you need and subscribe.

    We remind you that in the branches of the Russian Post you can subscribe to the magazines of the Creative Center Sphere publishing house from any month: “Management of the preschool educational institution”, “Speech therapist”, “Teacher of the preschool educational institution”, “Health worker of the preschool educational institution”, “Methodist of the preschool educational institution”, “ Physical education instructor" and annexes to them.

  • Editorial Subscription

    Editorial Subscription- this is a subscription to magazines directly in the publishing house "TC SPHERE". We send all magazines to you personally, by Russian Post.

    In order to get an editorial subscription, you need to select the necessary package on the "Editorial subscriptions" page and make an electronic purchase.

    We provide various payment methods, you can find them in the description of the kit.

    Delivery is carried out by the Russian Post, so the timely fulfillment of obligations will depend on it. We hope that the Russian Post will not let you down. Please send all shipping related comments and suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

  • Electronic subscription

    Children's periodicals are primarily designed to instill in children a love of reading, develop their abilities, broaden their horizons, provide opportunities for the practical application of the acquired knowledge, and, of course, entertain. When choosing a modern children's magazine, you should take into account both age characteristics and the interests of your child. In the modern world, there is a huge selection of periodicals in which it is difficult not to get confused. And besides, there are instances that have little idea of ​​the educational impact on the child. Their main goal is to profit from the sale of brightly advertised stories. What is really worth the attention of children and their parents?

    The content of the article:

    Top 5 modern children's magazines for preschoolers

    According to our site, the following publications turned out to be the best: “For the very smallest”, “Merry Bun”, “Svirelka”, “Tom and Jerry”, “PonyMashka”.

    For the very smallest

    Educational edition for kids from 1 to 4 years old. Together with their parents, children look at pictures with various plots, on the basis of which a conversation is built. Readers get to know the world around them. The speech, feelings and emotions of the baby develop. It also contains tips for parents, didactic games. This edition is recommended by the Ministry of Education. The average cost of one copy of 20 pages in 2016 is about 80 rubles.

    Cheerful gingerbread man

    Developing, entertaining magazine for kids 4-8 years old. Its headings focus on counting and writing. Fairy tales, poems, various games (mazes, walkers), coloring books, a page about wildlife, contests for readers. The price is moderate, for 36 pages about 67 rubles.


    Informational, educational, entertaining edition. Dedicated to nature, the environment, ecology. For readers of 3-8 years old, there are poems, stories, and riddles about the animal and plant world, educational games, as well as coloring books and crossword puzzles. Another plus is that you can create a baby book with your own hands. The volume of "Svirelka" is 32 pages, the average cost is about 105 rubles.

    Tom and Jerry

    Comics that will give a great mood to older preschoolers. Funny adventures of famous heroes, anecdotes, riddles on all 36 pages. The price of an entertaining magazine is about 85 rubles.


    A wonderful entertaining and educational magazine for preparing for school. It will help a preschooler learn to read, write, sculpt, draw, craft. Suitable for kids 3-7 years old. With the main character, a pony named Mashka, children will learn about different countries, regions of our country, customs, animals, birds. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic. As always, stories, riddles, recipes, and in addition, a task for the development of creative thinking, ingenuity, attention. The price for 32 pages is, on average, 52 rubles.

    Top 5 children's magazines for elementary school students

    The top five were: "Murzilka", "GEOLyonok", "Sketch", "Collection of Ideas", "3/9 kingdom".


    Raised more than one generation of well-read, educated people. This is a storehouse of high-quality modern and classic children's literature. "Murzilka" is addressed to children aged 6-12, it is a good addition to the educational program of elementary grades. Its headings contain material for a deeper study of almost all school subjects, not to mention riddles, crosswords, counting rhymes, and puzzles. A fairly voluminous edition (46 pages) can be purchased for about 150 rubles.


    Popular science magazine for children aged 7-13 with an incredibly diverse set of headings. These are stories, reports about different countries, peoples, points on the map, about animals and plants, about the history of the objects around us, about space, the laws of physics, comics, interesting tasks. All texts are written in a scientific style, but are easy for children to understand. In general, the magazine is good even for reading by the whole family. 52 pages / 85 rubles


    An aesthetic magazine for children aged 6-12, tells schoolchildren about painting, sculpture, architecture, crafts, cinema and theater. "Sketch" instills in children a love of art, and mainly serves as a practical guide to drawing. The average cost is 64 rubles, the number of pages is 36.

    Collection of ideas

    Develops the creative abilities of children 6-10 years old. In the magazine you can find detailed instructions, diagrams for making interesting crafts, ideas for needlework, appliqué, weaving, embroidery, origami, salt dough modeling, etc. 34 pages / 63 rub.

    3/9 kingdom

    Developing magazine, the characters of which are the heroes of Russian epics. Children are taught respect for their own culture, Russian folklore. Each issue is dedicated to the story of a single character. Entertaining tasks, riddles, puzzles, mazes, board games, and even crafts at the end of the magazine will be of interest not only to children. 52 rubles/28 pages

    Top 5 modern children's magazines for teenagers

    Children's encyclopedia

    Educational and entertaining magazine for children from 12 years old. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic. Articles are arranged alphabetically, written in simple, engaging language. In addition to them, there are also puzzles, crossword puzzles, board games and contests for readers. Unfortunately, the magazine is not sold at retail, but it can be ordered at any post office. Pages 56-80, the price for one issue is about 103 rubles.

    Children's novel-newspaper

    Literary edition, valuable texts of Russian classics and contemporary writers. In addition to stories and short stories carefully selected for children, in the sections of the novel newspaper you can learn about people who have contributed to the history of the Russian state, take a virtual tour of the most beautiful places in Russia, read about painters and even create your own gallery of reproductions of famous masters. Readers have the opportunity to try their hand by sending their essays to the editors in the "Test of the Pen". The price per copy is from 141 rubles with the number of pages from 28 to 39.


    A wonderful information and entertainment magazine for teenage girls that meets their age interests. The sections of the monthly edition contain a lot of useful information about fashion, style, cosmetics, feelings, relationships; as well as psychological tests, tips, patterns, recipes, master classes on 72 pages worth about 368 rubles. The magazine is not sold at retail.

    Young erudite

    Suitable for boys aged 12-17. This is an educational magazine that covers various areas of science: history, natural processes, anatomy, robotics, devices of various mechanisms and machines, the history of weapons. There are instructions for conducting exciting physics experiments, a variety of puzzles and contests. 32 pages at a price of 93 rubles.

    Young naturalist

    A popular science illustrated edition of an ecological focus, both boys and girls will like it. On the pages of the magazine, children can read about the secrets of the seas and oceans, about animals and plants protected by the Red Book, about forests. Here you can not only read the stories of famous naturalist writers, but also publish your notes about nature. Detailed instructions on how to build, for example, a bird feeder with your own hands, in addition, crossword puzzles, games, puzzles - this is not the whole list of diversity presented on 52 pages of a magazine worth 475 rubles.

    All mentioned publications can be ordered at any post office, on the websites of publications, as well as in online stores of subscriptions to newspapers and magazines. Everything goes into retail sales, except for "Marusya" and "Children's Encyclopedia". Subscription at post offices is noticeably cheaper than other options.

    What magazines do your kids subscribe to or what magazines do you buy from newsstands? Share your feedback on modern children's periodicals with Active Mom readers in the comments!

    Educational magazines

    Magazines for children from the publishing house DeAgostini

    Many parents ask what children's magazines are for the full development of babies. Modern educational magazines for little boys and girls are widely represented in the collections of the publishing house DeAgostini. Children's magazines for schoolchildren aim to provide additional education to children of different ages. Moms and dads can buy colorfully illustrated children's editions of Russia in 2017, 2018 in the Deagoshop online store.

    Children's magazines about animals

    Young parents know that you can't tear your kids away from looking through beautiful children's magazines with pictures that tell about different animals. Especially young children are interested in representatives of the fauna, which they saw in cartoons. The publishing house of children's magazines DeAgostini offers to the attention of boys and girls a whole list of magazine series that tell fascinating stories about the animal kingdom of different countries and eras:

    • "Animals of the Wild";
    • "Animal Forests 2016";
    • "Dinosaurs and Jurassic World".

    Funny elephants, giraffes and hippos will meet children on the pages of the wonderful magazine collection "Animals of the Wild". Each issue of the children's series will tell about the habits of animals living in different countries of the world. Traditionally, all magazines are completed with miniature figurines of animals. Children's magazines "Animal Forests 2016" will introduce children to the inhabitants of Russian forests. Dinosaurs, adored by kids, will appear during the reading of the children's edition of "Dinosaurs and Jurassic World". Bright pictures are perfectly complemented by figures of cute dinosaurs. Getting children's magazines is very easy. It is enough to order the necessary publications or subscribe.

    Kids love Winnie the Pooh

    It is because of the great love of our children for Winnie the Bear and his funny company that DeAgostini published a whole series called "Funny Stories". Little book lovers will be happy to read all the stories and look at the beautiful pictures made by talented artists.

    Where to buy children's magazines?

    You can order any children's edition on the website of the Deagoshop online store. A bonus program is available that allows you to accumulate reward points. Accumulated bonuses can be used when buying goods on our website. Delivery in Moscow is carried out by courier. Delivery of goods to other regions is carried out by Russian Post.

    In the distant times of Soviet childhood, the range of periodicals for children was limited to several magazines: "Funny Pictures", "Murzilka", "Periwinkle", "Tram", "Young Naturalist", and for those who are older, "Pioneer", "Bonfire ". There was not much to choose from then, the children happily read the magazines that came once a month by subscription, which the postman brought to their mailboxes.

    Now the range of press published for children is so wide that parents sometimes find themselves in difficulty: what to buy for their child, how to decide and make a choice in favor of one or another publication. As a result, they often turn to already verified magazines from their childhood.

    Funny pictures
    This is one of the most popular publications from the times of the USSR. Designed for the youngest readers, from 3 to 6 years. It is still being published. It has many large illustrations, a minimum of text. In the magazine, kids will find short poems and short stories, crafts, riddles, puzzles, various tasks and comics. The difference between "Funny Pictures" and the new editions is not very bright design. However, some psychologists see this as a plus: a riot of colors can cause unnecessary emotionality and excitability of children.

    The oldest children's magazine. Published since 1924, it is addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old. Initially, Murzilka was a dog that had an owner - the boy Petya. The fairy-tale character, yellow and fluffy Murzilka, was invented in 1937 by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky. The magazine can rightly be called a mirror of children's literature. In it, readers will find interesting additions to the school curriculum, these are not only stories and fairy tales, but also help in an in-depth study of school subjects (headings “Walking with words”, “Murzilka Art Gallery”, “Safety School”, etc.), as well as puzzles, riddles, various crafts, crossword puzzles, anecdotes.

    The publication is intended for children of school age. Modern "Pioneer" has changed beyond recognition. In addition to literary works, readers will find travel articles, historical facts, the first attempts at writing by schoolchildren, answers to questions that worry teenagers, readers' letters, discussions, and competitions on its pages.

    The magazine is intended for children in elementary and secondary schools. Its goal is to instill in children a taste for reading literature. That is why an interesting story or story is published in each issue. There are also works by young authors on its pages. Schoolchildren and their parents will be able to find a press club, communication of interests, contests and quizzes, music, cinema, humor, interesting facts, ecological expeditions "Living Water" and much more in the "Bonfire".

    Came out in 1990-95. and at that time was one of the most popular children's publications. It was quite difficult to get it. It published interesting works by authors banned at that time in the USSR, topical and non-childish issues were raised on the pages of Tramway, children's comics appeared in it for the first time. The magazine is currently being republished and the subscription is already open.

    Young naturalist
    The publication is designed for schoolchildren and is dedicated to nature. It has been published for over 80 years. “Pages of the Red Book”, “Listaya Brema”, “Forest Newspaper”, “Notes of a Naturalist”, “Secrets of the Seas and Oceans” and many other headings tell about the surrounding world of flora and fauna. In addition, the magazine contains "Aibolit's Tips" for caring for pets, interesting crafts in the "Do It Yourself" section, and educational puzzles in the "Glade of Games".

    In addition to magazines that have been published for many years, a huge number of new products are currently being published, which can be divided into two groups: entertaining and educational.

    TO entertaining, for example, include magazines Mickey Mouse, Barbie, Tom and Jerry. This is a selection of funny comics with popular cartoon characters. Age audience - no restrictions. These publications are intended for the entertainment of children, there is no developing information in them, just pictures with captions.

    A circle cognitive magazines is very wide. Among them are the following: "Toshka and Company", "Filya", "Svirelka" and "Svirel", "Winnie the Pooh", "Fairy Tale Magazine", "Good night, kids!", developing magazines from the Publishing House "Karapuz", GEOlyonok, Prostokvashino, Klepa, Kukumber, Cool Magazine, Gingerbread Man, Sketch and many others.

    These magazines tell about nature and animals, art, history, etc. in a way that is accessible to children. They print stories and poems by contemporary authors and classics. Materials are combined into a selection by topic. Such magazines also include an entertainment part; as a result, young readers learn the world in a playful way and at the same time join the world of reading.

    The publishing house "Funny Pictures" publishes two more children's magazines: "Filya" And "Sketch".

    A magazine for children aged 6 to 12 about nature. In it, readers will find reports from zoos, ecological games, quizzes about animals, travel stories. In addition, each room has a coloring book.

    The magazine is designed for the same age (6-12 years old) and tells children about art, serves as a guide for drawing lessons and aesthetic education. On its pages, stories about architecture, about the largest museums of the planet, about sculpture and painting, folk crafts, theater and cinema are published.

    Publishing house "Lazur" publishes magazines about nature "Svirelka", "Svirelka" And "Azure".

    The magazine tells about nature for kids from 3 to 8 years old. Includes stories and poems about nature, pictures, puzzles, riddles, coloring books, a "baby book" in the tabs, as well as homemade products.

    This magazine is a continuation of "Svirelka", but it is designed for older children, aged 7-12 years. Accordingly, the texts in it are in a popular science style, but adapted for schoolchildren. Various aspects of natural science and ecology are covered in the journal, stories and novels are published. In each issue, readers will find information about the reserve or national park.

    The magazine is also designed for schoolchildren. It publishes stories and novels (there are even authorships of the readers themselves), news, articles about expeditions and travels, about the life of Orthodox saints, announcements of new books, conversations with a psychologist, tests, and much more.

    Egmont publishing house publishes a large number of magazines for children. Among them are:

    • entertainment - Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Tom and Jerry;
    • cognitive - "Mickey Mouse. CLASS"(designed for schoolchildren, contains comics, entertainment, reviews of computer games, movies and videos, etc.), "Vinnie and his friends"(a nature magazine for kids, it has a lot of pictures and tasks and few texts), "Toshka and company"(a true friend for all animal lovers, talks about the secrets of a variety of pets), Prostokvashino(literary and educational magazine for children 7-10 years old), "Young Erudite"(stories about history and discoveries, science and technology, natural phenomena and scientists and much more for children aged 10-13), National Geographic. Young Traveler"(illustrated geographical popular science magazine for children);
    • magazines especially for girls and girls - "Dust"(for girls who do not want to look at life through rose-colored glasses), hello kitty(news of style, fashion, beauty for girls aged 11-16), "Playing with Barbie"(for young fashionistas), "A princess"(for little princesses) "Fairies"(for young dreamers 7-10 years old), W.I.T.C.H. Enchantress»(for teenagers), W.I.T.C.H. Your style"(for active and sociable girls), "Hanna Montana"(for fashionable girls);
    • for boys - "Hot Wheels" And "Cars"(magazines about cars), "Transformers"(robotics and computer innovations);
    • developing - "Know"(for children from 3 years old, teaches counting and writing, develops attention and logic); "Smeshariki"(amazing stories and discoveries, crafts and puzzles), "Luntik"(riddles, picture stories, coloring books, crafts for children from 3 to 6 years old), "Disney for kids"(stories, riddles, crafts and coloring, learning counting, reading and English), "My little pony"(teaching counting, writing and drawing kids 3-7 years old).
    Publishing House "Karapuz" publishes a series of educational magazines for the little ones. They come out number after number, united by a common theme. Popular series "Rattle (0-2 years old)"(first sounds, smiles, words, lullabies, pictures, expert advice); "For the very youngest (1-4 years)"(development of young children); "Sparrows (3-5 years)"(training in the form of a game in the main areas of development); "Sandbox (2-5 years)"(magazine of didactic games on thick cardboard); "Karapuz (5-8 years)"(magazine for preparing for school, "home lyceum") and others.

    A large number of developmental and educational magazines are published by the De Agostini publishing house. Monthly magazines are published in collections, usually with 96 issues. Their content covers a wide range of interests and topics, they can be supplemented by DVD / CD-ROMs, individual elements of models that can be collected in a collection. For children, the De Agostini publishing house produces the following series:

    • "Teach me mom"(a manual for children from 3 to 6 years old; developing intelligence, attentiveness and fine motor skills, the child gradually prepares for reading, counting and writing, while playing and having fun);
    • "Galileo. Science by experience"(magazines for inquisitive schoolchildren and adults, acquaintance with the outside world and the possibility of conducting experiments at home);
    • "Disney Encyclopedia"(a unique children's encyclopedia of 24 books, each devoted to a specific topic - history, culture, geography, etc.);
    • "Land of Knowledge"(a progressive course for children from 3 to 7 years old with CDs and magazines, teaches numbers, letters, logic, social skills, 52 issues);
    • Disney Magic English(English language course for children);
    • "Disney Favorite Tales"(a collection of world-famous fairy tales, each magazine contains a fairy tale and an audio CD).
    For senior school age, many other educational series of this publishing house will also be of interest ( “Ladies of the Epoch”, “Insects and Their Friends”, “Minerals. Treasures of the Earth”, “Atlas. The whole world is in your hands" and others).

    You can also stop at the following magazines for children published by Russian publishing houses:

    GOOG night kids
    Journal of the publishing group "CLASS". Aimed at children from 3 to 8 years old. The main headings of the magazine: Robust kids (about health), Poslushki (rules of conduct), My light, mirror, tell (heading for girls) and Skilful paws (for boys). It also contains many poems and stories, puzzles, riddles, contests.

    Publisher LLC Gruner+Yar Shops. Aimed at children from 6 to 16 years old. Learning in a playful way by immersing yourself in the world of amazing discoveries. The headings of the magazine: “Great names”, “What progress has come to!”, “Question for backfilling”, “To distant lands”, “Neighbors on the planet”, “Picture-mystery”, etc.

    Publishing house - "Klepa". Designed for children from 9 to 12 years old. Together with the main character, the girl Klepa and her friends, readers travel around the world, to different countries and times. The main task is to awaken curiosity and desire for creativity in children, to help in their studies. The magazine has its own website aimed at teenagers.

    Literary magazine for children from 9 to 13 years old. A kind and free world of imagination, where there is no word “no”. Headings: “It happens!”, “Upside down”, “Charging for the brain”, “Stories from your life”, “Young Gentlemen's Club”, “Top Secret”, “Country Studies” and many others.

    Cool magazine
    Designed for younger teenagers and children from 5 to 12 years old. The main directions are training, education and development of imagination and creative abilities, thinking, memory of the child. A large number of informational and practical publications are supplemented by an entertaining part (comics, puzzles, crosswords).

    Merry Gingerbread Man
    The magazine is aimed at preschoolers. Teach kids to read, write, count, draw. In addition, there are many fairy tales, riddles, games, stories about nature. The main characters are Kolobok and other heroes of Russian folk tales.

    The publications listed above are not a definitive list of children's periodicals.
    In addition to them, a large number of other magazines are published on the printed matter market. You can get acquainted with them, if you wish, in the subscription catalog. In any case, your child will only benefit when you choose a magazine for him to read according to his age and interests. In addition, do not forget that there are also publications on the market that are not entirely suitable for children. Look at the kiosks for yourself and feel the difference. It is better to accustom a child to high-quality periodicals from early childhood than to be horrified by his choice later.