Business plan for a bank. Written description of the activities of the organization sample for the bank

Companies often have to deal with different situations- blocking of the current account by the bank, unilateral termination at the initiative of the bank of the concluded service agreement without seemingly obvious reasons, etc.

Since such situations do occur, in this article we will talk about what can cause such bank actions and how to avoid them using a tool such as an information letter to the bank. At the end of the article, we will consider a sample letter to the bank about the activities of the enterprise, the form of which can be used in business correspondence with a credit institution.

Motives and powers of the bank

Recently, banks have been given the right to study and analyze the operations of their clients in order to identify financial activities signs indicating the absence of a real business, as well as the presence of various tax optimization schemes and money laundering. The list of signs indicating such violations of financial and tax policies is formulated in the provisions set out in the Methodological recommendations of the Bank of Russia No. 18-MR dated July 21, 2017.

Thus, within their own activities, banks not only have the right, but also the obligation to control financial operations on the accounts of their clients, for their full compliance with the standards Russian legislation. Also, banks are empowered to demand from a client, in respect of whose activities there are doubts, written explanations regarding the economic component of a particular operation. The response to a banking institution to such a request is an information letter to the bank about the activities of the organization.

Letter to the bank about the activities of the organization: a sample document and its structure

The right and attempts of the bank to ascertain the reality of the business and activities of the organization should be treated constructively. In order for a credit institution to have no grounds for applying punitive measures, it is necessary to provide a letter to the bank on the activities of the organization in a timely manner and in accordance with the essence of its request, a sample of which must comply with the requirements of business correspondence and contain the information requested by the bank.

Information letters for the bank belong to the category business letters. The form and sample letter to the bank must :

    answer general rules business etiquette, and comply with the rules of business correspondence;

A standard sample of a letter to a bank about the activities of an enterprise (organization, company) is not approved by any regulatory acts, therefore, in business correspondence with a credit institution, the form and structure that is provided for in a particular bank with which the agent has a service agreement is used.

As a rule, credit institutions in business correspondence use standard forms of written messages, so we can say that, in terms of its structure, a sample letter to a bank should have:

    details of the sending organization

indicated in the left corner of the letter. Information (name of the organization, its address and contact numbers, outgoing and date of registration of correspondence) can be printed or indicated by affixing the corner stamp of the organization. Using letterhead only the outgoing number and date of registration of the letter are indicated;

    addressee information

indicate the official, the name of the bank;

    Title of the document

the heading should specify the essence of the content, for example, a letter about changing bank details - a sample of the correct name will be as follows: “On changing details”;

the presentation of this part must be in a notification form and contain only specific information that responds to the bank’s request (if the letter is in credit organization is a response to such), or information about aspects of the activity that require appropriate notification of the bank about them;

    application details (if any)

the list of documents requested by the credit institution is indicated (for example, to confirm the reality of the business);

position and last name official who signed the letter to the bank.

More about the content of the letter on the activities of the organization

Here are some examples of the wording of appeals with which you should start an information letter to the bank, the sample of which meets the requirements of business correspondence:

    “In accordance with the request of the Bank “XXX” dated February 1, 2019, ref. No. 124/231, we report the following: ... "

the wording is used when writing a response to a request from a credit institution;

    “We hereby bring to your attention ...” or “We notify (notify) you of ...”

these wordings are used in cases when information of a notification nature is sent to the bank, for example, about a change in details, a refusal to renew a service agreement, the need to change transaction limits, etc.

Sample letter of activity:

Here are a few more examples of how a company information letter should be written in the content part.

Example 1 “Bank change” (letter, the sample of which should take into account some provisions of the service agreement)

“We hereby inform you that the term of the Service Agreement No. 111 dated 03/01/2018 between your bank and Progress LLC expires on 02/28/2019. In accordance with paragraph "X.XX" of the above agreement, Progress LLC notifies you that it has no intention to extend the agreement in connection with the transition to servicing at the Nadezhny Bank.

Example 2 "On the change of the head of the enterprise":

“We hereby bring to your attention that from February 10, 2019, there has been a change in the head of the enterprise at Progress LLC. Acting director Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was dismissed from 02/09/2019. On 02/10/2019 Petrov Petr Petrovich assumed the duties of director. In connection with the foregoing, we ask that all payments on the current account of the enterprise from 10.02.2019 be made signed by P.P. Petrov.”

Example 3 "On changing details":

“We would like to inform you that from February 11, 2019 LLC Progress has changed its details in the servicing bank of CB Nadezhny. In connection with the above, we provide you with new details and ask you to make all payments from the moment you receive this letter using the following details:

c/s 30101810400000000146

Account 40176543210000007534 in Design Bureau "Nadezhny", Moscow

BIC 047539146"

A similar letter notifies counterparties of a change in bank details.

The principle of business management using the business model of the enterprise is shown.
But any practicing businessman will say that the existence of such a model is completely insufficient for real activity. And he will be right!

Today we will focus on more issues than modeling material and financial flows.

This is the development of business schemes and the description of these schemes in the form of legal and accounting documents.

Such a package of documents differs in content from an investment project, it is a project for organizing activities or an organizational project.

The need for organizational projects arises very often.

Consider the features of creating an organizational project using a specific example.

The Commercial Director of the Wholesale Company has received an offer from the Supplier for the supply of consumer goods (consumer goods) with a deferred payment. In total, the Supplier plans to supply 12,000 pcs. Consumer goods, such as electric kettles, at a price of 1000 rubles / piece. in batches of 4000 pieces / month. Deferred payment for each batch of 3 months. The commercial director knows that his company sells such teapots at a price of 2000 rubles per piece. He agrees to enter into a supply contract.

We need to develop an organizational project for this deal.


To begin with, we must identify all the real participants.
In addition to the Supplier and the Wholesaler, the transaction includes Buyers and a company providing warehouse services.

Supplier: delivers consumer goods to the Wholesaler, receives payment for the supplied consumer goods

Wholesaler: receives consumer goods from the Supplier, repays them, sells consumer goods to Buyers, pays for warehouse services for storing consumer goods

Buyers: Purchase and pay for consumer goods from the Wholesale Company

Warehouse: Provides services to the Wholesale Company for the storage of consumer goods, receives payment for the services rendered

Operating procedure

When the scheme of activity is created, it is necessary to describe the sequence of actions for the implementation of the transaction. At the same time, we write down all the numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bthat we know.

1. The supplier and the wholesaler enter into a contract for the supply of consumer goods
in the amount of 12,000 pcs.

Delivery is made in batches of 4,000 pieces, 1 batch per month.
The cost of consumer goods - 1000 rubles / piece.

2. The wholesaler rents additional warehouse space. The cost of the rent is 0.2 million rubles per month.

3. A wholesaler sells consumer goods to customers. Sales plan 1500 pcs/month

Sale price - 2000 rubles / piece.

5. The wholesaler pays the Supplier according to the schedule.
Payment schedule: 4 months - 4.0 million rubles, 5 months - 4.0 million rubles, 6 months - 4.0 million rubles.

economic modeling

Then we describe the material and financial flows and create an economic model of the transaction. Then we will be able to determine whether the Wholesaler can pay for the supply of consumer goods on time.

Supply of consumer goods

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PC. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Price rub./piece 1000 1000 1000
Total supply million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0 12,0

Sale of consumer goods

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Sale PC. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Price rub./piece 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Total sale million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 12,0
Total sale million rubles 3,0 6,0 9,0 12,0 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0


Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Supply PC. 4000 4000 4000 12000
Sale PC. 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 12000
Remainder PC. 2500 5000 7500 6000 4500 3000 1500 0
Rent payment million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2

Financial flows

Name Unit rev. 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months Total
Payment of consumer goods million rubles 4,0 4,0 4,0
Proceeds from the sale of consumer goods million rubles 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0
Warehouse payment million rubles 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
At the end of the period million rubles 2,8 2,8 2,8 -1,2 -1,2 -1,2 2,8 2,8
Cash flow million rubles 2,8 5,6 8,4 7,2 6,0 4,8 7,6 10,4 10,4

Cash flow is always positive. This means that there will be enough money from the sale of consumer goods to pay the Supplier on time.

Everything that we have described can be issued in the form of one document.

A document that describes:
- Members
- scheme of activity
- work procedure
- economic modeling
can be considered as a detailed feasibility study or a small business project for obtaining a loan.

For a real transaction, the development of an adequate document flow is also required.

Document flow

We will draw a new scheme, taking into account all the documents necessary for the implementation of activities.
As you can see, the workflow scheme is more complex than the activity scheme.

Three large blocks are visible on it, showing the relationship of the Wholesaler with other participants.

The basis of interaction is an agreement between the Wholesaler and:
- Supplier
- Buyers
- Warehouse

Let's take a closer look at these blocks.

Contract Wholesale Supplier

The contract for the supply of consumer goods is concluded between the Supplier and the Wholesaler.
The amount of the contract is 12.0 million rubles. Valid for at least 6 months. The contract should fix the schedule of payments for delivered consumer goods.

Each batch of consumer goods is transferred according to the Transfer and Acceptance Certificate.
Payment for each batch of consumer goods is drawn up by the Protocol.

After paying for the last batch, it is necessary to draw up a protocol of mutual settlements and sign an act on the implementation of the contract.

Interaction Wholesaler-Buyers

A purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Wholesaler is not required.

The buyer who wants to purchase consumer goods receives an Invoice.

After its payment, he draws up invoices for the receipt of consumer goods. The commercial department of the wholesale company draws them up in the amount of 3 copies.
The buyer goes to the warehouse. In the warehouse, he receives consumer goods and 1 copy. issued invoice.
Of the 2 remaining invoices, one remains in the warehouse for reporting, the other is transferred to the accounting department of the Wholesale Company.

Agreement Wholesale company-Warehouse

The wholesale company and the Warehouse enter into an Agreement for the provision of safekeeping services.
On the basis of the concluded agreement, the Wholesaler transfers the consumer goods to the Warehouse for storage. The transfer of consumer goods is fixed by the Transfer and Acceptance Act.

On a monthly basis, the Warehouse issues an invoice to the Wholesale Company for safekeeping services. The invoice is issued in advance, for the next month. The wholesaler pays the Invoice.

At the end of the month, the Warehouse and the Wholesale Firm sign an acceptance certificate for the delivery of work for the amount of services rendered.

In addition, the Warehouse provides the Wholesale Firm with a monthly report on the actual issued consumer goods.

organizational project

The described interaction of participants in this transaction is rather conditional. There may be differences from this interaction options.

In a real company, any business scheme involves the coordinated work of several responsible employees of the company, related to the preparation of the necessary documents.

Further, a production meeting is held under the leadership of the General Director, the entire package of documents is approved as an organizational project.

Creation of an organizational project

Position Responsibility in the company Activities to create an organizational project
General manager Organization of financial and economic activities Organizational project approval
Commercial Director Supply and sale of consumer goods Selection of participants, activity schemes, work procedures
CFO Planning and control of financial flows Development of a financing scheme
Economist Economic calculations Development of an economic model
Accounting Control of financial and economic activities Providing standard forms financial statements, coordination of the payment scheme
Lawyer Business Legal Issues Preparation of contracts with participants


After the organizational project is approved, it begins to be implemented.

Of course, any employee who has been working in a wholesale company for a long time will say that there are no organizational projects in the company, everything works by itself.

This is far from true. The agency, as a consulting firm, has repeatedly had to develop business schemes together with clients, designed in the form of organizational projects.
Look at the site

Now imagine an aspiring entrepreneur who scraped together the money for a business plan and was even able to secure investor funds. He still has so much work ahead of him that he just doesn't realize.

Therefore, in addition to the development of investment and business projects, the Agency provides services to entrepreneurs in

The agency not only creates the necessary organizational projects, but also conducts trainings for employees on the workflow of the business being created.

Small businesses are increasingly complaining about bankers, there are more and more reports of banks blocking accounts and cases of termination of service contracts without any justification, as the victims claim. However, in many cases banks have good reasons. V Lately The main postulate of the client policy of any bank - in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank - has become the reality of the client's business. Signs of bad companies were formulated in the regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 18-MR dated July 21, 2017. What do banks do to make sure that business is real?

1. The bank examines the client's transactions in order to identify signs that indicate the absence of a real business or the presence of tax optimization schemes. The signs are:

Payments of salaries to employees, as well as income tax transfers are not made from the company's account individuals(personal income tax) and insurance premiums; or payments do not match average headcount employees of the client and indicate an underestimation of real salaries;

The average accrued salary is below the official living wage;

Remains Money there are no or insignificant amounts of transactions on the account, compared to the volume of transactions usually carried out by the client on the account;

The grounds for payment do not correspond to the declared type of activity (for example, the client in the questionnaire indicates that he is engaged in the production bakery products but receives money for transport or consulting services);

Funds are credited to the client's account for one reason, and then debited for another. In other words, the client receives money mainly, for example, for Construction Materials, and pays mainly for transport and consulting services;

There is a sharp increase in the turnover on the client's account, the company significantly exceeds the maximum values ​​​​of cash turnover declared when opening the account;

the client does not pay from the invoice for household needs: for example, for rent, public Utilities, purchase stationery etc.;

Buying counterparties pay the client under contracts for goods and services with VAT, and then these amounts are almost completely written off by the client in favor of counterparties without VAT;

The criterion for paying taxes and other obligatory payments is violated (approximately 0.9% of the debit turnover on the client's account or slightly more).

2. Then the bank examines the place of doing business, checks whether the company's office is located at the place of its registration.

3. Next, the bank compares the volume of business with the size of office, warehouse and industrial premises, with the staff. For example, a company with operations of hundreds of millions of rubles a year, without a permanent office, warehouse and production facilities, with only one director on staff, was created for the transit of cash flows.

4. Then the bank studies the structure of the enterprise. A real enterprise must have staff accountant or an agreement with an accounting company.

5. The bank identifies the beneficiaries of the business. It checks the information provided by the client in the questionnaires and uses all available methods. In particular, if the client specifies a director who is not actually the owner or co-owner as the beneficiary, additional verification will follow. Open sources (press, Internet) are studied to identify information about the client, including negative information. To check the client, specialized databases are also often used (SPARK, "Kontur-focus", etc.).

6. If there are questions, the bank conducts a conversation with the company's leaders.

Such a comprehensive study of the client requires an investment of time and money. Therefore, some banks, having identified at least one sign of a lack of real business in a client, prefer to refuse him service without continuing further proceedings.

For clients, this decision has the most negative consequences. Now they will not be able, as before, after the refusal in one bank to open an account in another. All banks in Russia are now prohibited from working with such refuseniks. Therefore, if you are among those with whom the bank terminated the service agreement, you must make every effort to prove the reality of the business. You can invite bank representatives to your office, show trading or industrial premises, warehouses, products. The bank must bring agreements that confirm the maintenance economic activity, acts of acceptance of works and services, valid contracts for the lease of premises. Provide the bank with a list of counterparties, links to their websites. Give a description of the ownership structure of your company and information about the real owners of the business. If you have accounts with other banks, letters of recommendation from them may help. And of course, you should be careful in choosing counterparties - work only with trustworthy firms.

Take a constructive attitude to the attempts of bank representatives to understand your activities. If you have real business, you have nothing to hide from the bank.

(((Prices may seem too high to them, but income allows. Do I need to make excerpts from contracts? Did they pay physicists? Are the sums large?

If yes, then Write a letter that this will not happen again, caused by the current need, blah blah blah, in search of a legal entity contractor and so on.

Go to another bank, this dumb one with his requests. Oyjavrik, with this bank we have big problems- litigate. So far, without questions, only taxes and salaries are carried out, but I generally keep quiet about cash. And they do not give bank statements - as you want, and hand over reports. Open an account in another, transfer all flows there.

If you sue, they won't let you live.

Banks must annually update information about their customers (p.

1.6 Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 499-P dated October 15, 2015). The bank also has the right to request information when opening an account and when conducting banking operations (clause 1, article 7 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ of 07.08.01, hereinafter - Law No. 115-FZ)

Particular importance should be given to the analysis of the work of competitors, since it is they who can significantly complicate the implementation of the project in full.

Legal aspects of organizing an enterprise or implementing a project - costs for legal support, licensing and other costs and possible difficulties, ways to resolve them; Rationale financial costs. One of the most important sections of a business plan.

It is worth considering in detail the need for financial resources, the order of their use, depreciation of fixed assets. Often, during the application review process, experts can assist in the development and adjustment of the business plan. This is especially true for those organizations that demonstrate financial stability and are profitable customers for the bank.

2. The terms of the project implementation should not be too high or, on the contrary, shortened.

In the event that an entrepreneur plans to take a large loan for a period of 10 years, and the project itself (for example, the construction and commissioning of a new workshop) will be implemented for 1 year, the bank will inevitably have questions why, with a “smooth” business plan and availability substantial profit, the business is unable to repay the loan for 5 years?

And vice versa, if the loan is taken for 5 years, and the project implementation will last 3 years, when reaching the break-even point in the next, 4th year, the lender will ask the question, due to which incoming payments will the loan be repaid?

Written explanation to the bank sample

To make settlements with the principal, as well as to explain the activities to the organization of suppliers for the shipment of goods, the agent, as a rule, uses a non-cash form of payment.

Comments Having opened a bank account, the agent can use it for settlements with both the customer and suppliers. In order to comply with legal requirements, banks may ask the agent for clarifications regarding the turnover on the account.

The most common reason for requests is a low tax burden in relation to the total turnover of funds. Under current law, the bank has the right to have a clarification regarding the account in the event that the activityWho can claim the inheritance after the death of taxes is relatively 1 percent of the clarification of the volume of transactions.

Given the specifics of the activity, the turnover of funds on the agent's current account is quite high.

At the same time, the organization of tax payments is low in relation to the total turnover.

Analysis of the activities of the construction company StroyForest LLC

Main part 2.1 a brief description of organization StroyPlastMontazh Limited Liability Company was established in accordance with the decision general meeting participants of the company on January 10, 2000, in accordance with Civil Code Russian Federation, federal law RF "On Limited Liability Companies" No. 14-FZ dated February 8, 1998, others regulations the Russian Federation and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, regulating the creation and activities of business entities. The main activity is the construction of industrial and civil facilities with the performance of the functions of a general contractor.

The enterprise is legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, a current account, a round seal with its full name in Russian and an indication of the location of the enterprise, other seals and stamps, letterheads, company symbols. Full brand name:

Letter to the bank about activities and business reputation

The point here is not at all a formality, but the relevance of information.

In today's realities, when life flows very quickly, it is extremely important for the FD to have only up-to-date data.

The document should not be outdated, but the date must be indicated - without a date, the letter may not be taken into account at all. Experts recommend that when creating a letter about business reputation companies to use specific data as much as possible.

Generalized information is also not accepted.

Such hackneyed phrases as “reliable and responsible”, “always pays on time” are perceived as an empty phrase, but if they are backed up with facts (give examples of contracts, indicate the amounts for which they were concluded, the terms in which payments were made, etc.) etc.) - the document will become more real and, as a result, it will be accepted. You can also indicate what plans the partner has for further work with your company. In a separate paragraph, it is necessary to highlight,

Sample Business Scheme Letter

Supplier: supplies consumer goods with deferred payment Wholesaler: receives consumer goods, sells consumer goods to Buyers Buyers: Purchase consumer goods from the Wholesaler Warehouse: Provides consumer goods storage services Then we must develop an activity scheme that shows the interaction of all participants. Supplier: delivers consumer goods to the Wholesaler, receives payment for the supplied consumer goods Wholesaler: receives consumer goods from the Supplier, repays them, sells consumer goods to Buyers, pays for warehouse services for storing consumer goods Buyers: Purchase and pay for consumer goods from the Wholesaler Warehouse: Provides services to the Wholesaler storage of consumer goods, receives payment for the services rendered. When the scheme of activities is created, it is necessary to describe the sequence of actions for the implementation of the transaction.

brings to your attention that profit

Information letter about the company's activities

Letters can be:

  1. open, public (to inform the widest possible range of people).
  2. confidential (intended for reading by a specific person);

When forming an information letter, you need to carefully monitor the spelling and adhere to the written standards of the Russian language in terms of punctuation, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

Information letter Moscow 15.02.2015. Dear employees of Aspirin LLC. The management of the organization represented by the director Mezhenin M.A.

We must remember the fact that the recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information brought to them is described.

An illiterate letter can reduce the value of the information contained in it and even undermine the recipient's trust in the sender. The letter should be written briefly, succinctly, to the point, remembering that "brevity is the sister of talent", and not spreading thought along the tree. It has been proven that the recipients of such letters are not ready to spend more than one minute reading them, which is due to the high pace of modern life.

Response to a bank request about the economic meaning of operations on an IP account

St. PetersburgChat Hello. Your answer is quite worthy, I believe that it does not require correction.

Send it to the bank and demand the execution of your transaction as soon as possible.

Recently a client approached with a similar situation.

they didn’t ask for any letters, but they dragged on with the check for 2 weeks, until they came with a scandal, everything was at a standstill. 04 December 2020, 11:59 Was the lawyer's answer helpful?

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Tenders for construction works large construction organizations benefit in such projects.

But even they are unable to cover the entire range of works, and are forced to involve smaller construction companies in order to fulfill their obligations on time.

Therefore, customers need to be sought among these construction companies by sending them their own commercial offers. It is better to provide your proposal in personal negotiations with a representative of such a company. There is a risk that a letter sent by mail will remain unanswered. The same fate will befall the email.

Important Taking seriously such a business, it is important not only to provide high-quality services, but also to be able to demonstrate this quality, your ability to perform work at a high level.

You need to declare your company in all existing forms and methods.

Among them, reviews are very effective.