Scheme of welding joints of the gas pipeline. Rules for designing a scheme of welded joints of pipelines

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(strike out unnecessary)


(name of construction and installation organization

and project number)

by the address:

(city, street, bindings of the initial and final pickets)

1. Characteristics of the gas pipeline (gas inlet)

The length is indicated (for input - underground, ground or above-ground sections), diameter, working pressure of the gas pipeline, pipe material, type of insulating coating of the linear part and welded joints (for steel underground gas pipelines and gas inlets), the number of installed locking devices and other structures.

3. Data on gas pipeline joint welding

Surname, name, patronymic of the welder

Type of welding

Number (mark) of the welder

Welded joints

Date of welding pa6ot

Pipe diameter, mm

Number, pcs.

(position, signature, initials, surname of the work supervisor)

It is allowed to attach a printout of the welding process polyethylene pipes issued by welding equipment.

An example of drawing up a plan (scheme) of welded joints of underground gas pipelines


gas pipeline completed by construction;

existing gas pipeline;

well with a valve on the gas pipeline;

water pipes;

swivel joint;

the joint is fixed;

joint, checked by physical control methods;

joint; in the numerator - the serial number of the joint, in the denominator - the number (brand) of the welder who welded this joint;

two-story stone residential house, No. 25;

pipeline diameter; length of the gas pipeline section from joint to joint;

tying the gas pipeline to structures

NOTE The diagram should be drawn up so that the location of each joint can be found from the ground. To do this, references to permanent ground objects (buildings, structures) of both the gas pipeline itself and its characteristic points (terminals, turning points, etc.) must be made, distances between joints, as well as between joints and characteristic points, including cross communications. Strict observance of the scheme scale is optional

4. Checking the depth of the underground gas pipeline, slopes, beds, devices of cases, wells, carpets

It has been established that the depth of the gas pipeline from the ground to the top of the pipe throughout the entire length, the slopes of the gas pipeline, the bed under the pipes, as well as the arrangement of cases, wells, carpets, correspond to the project.

Foreman of works _____________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

5. Checking the quality of the protective coating of the gas pipeline (gas inlet)

1. Before laying in the trench, the protective coating is checked steel pipes and welded joints: for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks - by external inspection; thickness - measured according to GOST 9.602 ____ mm; adhesion to steel - according to GOST 9.602; continuity - flaw detector.

2. The protective coating of the joints insulated in the trench was checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks, according to GOST 9.602 (thickness, adhesion to steel, continuity).

3. Checking for the absence of electrical contact between the metal of the pipe and the pound was made after the trench was completely backfilled "__" ____________ 200 _ g.

If the trench was backfilled at a soil freezing depth of more than 10 cm, then the construction and installation organization must carry out an inspection after the soil thaws, which should be recorded in the act of acceptance of the gas supply system facility completed by the construction. When checking the quality of the protective coating, no defects were found.

Head of laboratory ___________________________________________

(signature, initials, surname)

Operating organization representative

(position, signature, initials, surname)

6. Purge of the gas pipeline, testing it for tightness

d. purged before leak test

gas pipeline with air. 2. " "

d. The gas pipeline filled up to the design marks with the fittings and branches installed on it to the facilities up to the shut-off shut-off devices (or the underground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness for _______ hours.

Prior to the start of the test, the underground (ground) gas pipeline was under air pressure for _______ hours to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the temperature of the pound.

Pressure measurements were made with a pressure gauge (differential pressure gauge) according to GOST

Data of pressure measurements during testing of an underground (ground) gas pipeline

Date of testing

Pressure measurements, kPa (mm Hg)

Pressure drop, kPa (mm Hg)





According to the data of the above pressure measurements, the underground gas pipeline passed the tightness test, no leaks and defects were found in places accessible for verification.

"__" _________ 200__, the above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness at a pressure of ______ MPa with holding for ______ hours, followed by an external inspection and verification of all welded, threaded and flange connections. No leaks or defects found. The above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) passed the tightness test.

Representative of the gas industry

(position, signature, initials, surname)

(position, signature, initials, surname)

7. Conclusion

The gas pipeline (gas inlet) was built in accordance with the project developed by

(name of design organization, project release date)

taking into account the agreed changes made to the working drawings No. __ Construction started on "__" __________ 200 _ Construction completed on "__" _________ 200 _

Chief Engineer construction and installation organization Representative of the operating organization _____

(signature, initials, surname)

(position, signature, initials, surname)


Mounted at: ____

(name of construction and installation organization and project number)

1. Characteristics of gas-using equipment

It is indicated for in-house gas-using equipment: the number of apartments, the type and number of installed gas appliances, the total length of the gas pipeline and the number of locking devices on them; for in-shop equipment - the total length of the gas pipeline, the type and number of installed gas-using equipment, the working pressure of the gas __________________

2. List of attached certificates, technical passports (or their copies) and other documents certifying the quality of materials and equipment

Note-- It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from the indicated documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility, and containing the necessary information (certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, factory- manufacturer, date of issue, test results).

3. Data on gas pipeline joint welding

Surname, name, patronymic of the welder (solderer)

(stamp) welder (solderer)

Welded joints

Date of welding

Pipe diameter, mm

Number, pcs.

(position, signature, initials, names of the work supervisor)

4. Testing the gas pipeline for tightness

"___" __________200__, the gas pipeline was tested for tightness with a pressure of ______ MPa for _________ h, with connected gas-using equipment. The actual pressure drop _______ MPa is established using a pressure gauge of accuracy class _______. Leaks and defects were not found during external examination and testing of all connections. The gas pipeline passed the leak test.

Foreman of works ______________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the operating organization ___________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

5. Conclusion

Intra-house (intra-workshop) gas-using equipment (including gas pipeline) was installed in accordance with the project developed by

(name of design organization and project release date) taking into account the agreed changes made to the working drawings No. ________________

Construction started on "__" Construction completed on "_

200 _ 200

Chief engineer of the installation organization

(signature, initials, surname)

Operating organization representative

(position, signature, initials, surname)


When drawing up as-built documentation for welding, many are faced with the problem of how to properly draw up documentation. The layout of welded joints is part of the welding documentation. Let's figure it out, how to correctly arrange the layout of welded joints?

The layout of welded joints is not to scale. Welded joints should be marked on the diagram. The distance between the joints is indicated if the pipeline is subsequently insulated or underground. This is necessary to determine the location of the welded joint.

The joints in the diagram indicate swivel and non-swivel.

A swivel joint is a pipeline joint, the welding of which occurs with the pipe turning by 360˚, 180˚ or 90˚, while welding is performed, as a rule, in the lower position.

A rotary joint is easier to perform, since welding takes place in a convenient position, which in turn indirectly affects the quality of welding. The probability of occurrence of defects is much less than when welding fixed joints.

A fixed joint is a joint of a pipeline, the welding of which occurs without turning the pipe, and the welder himself performs welding in various positions around the pipe.

A fixed joint is difficult to perform. The main difficulty lies in the need to perform welding in various positions (lower, vertical, ceiling seam). When welding in different positions, it is necessary to adjust the current strength. Fixed joint welding requires high skill.

The welder before the admission at the facility must perform welding of test-tolerance joints. The dimensions, design and position of test-tolerance joints must match the standard sizes of production welded joints.

The joint number is also indicated on the scheme of welded joints. The numerator indicates the sequence number of the joint. The denominator indicates the personal brand of the welder.

The welder's brand is assigned when passing certification at the NAKS certification center. For work at hazardous production facilities, the stigma is assigned to the welder company order, in accordance with paragraph 8 of the FNP.

The welder's stamp is made in accordance with GOST 25726-83. On one side of the stamp, a mirror letter and number designation is displayed, on the other side there is a place for hitting when branding.

Depending on the object on which welding is being carried out, the stamp is located at a distance of 40mm - 60mm from the welded joint. When welding is performed by several welders, stamps are placed at the boundaries of the joints.

Branding of welded joints is necessary to identify the welder who made the welded joint. In case of detection of defects in the welded joint, the performer is determined by the brand applied and the issue of removal from work of the welder and his recertification, with the passing of practical and theoretical exams, is decided.

The layout of welded joints indicates the joints on which unbrakable control(ultrasound, radiographic). All joints are subject to visual-measuring control. For every dangerous production facility, the scope of control is determined by the relevant regulatory documents.

A summary table of welded joints, performed on the diagram, will allow you to determine the number of joints of various diameters, the required number of non-destructive testing.

In the stamp of the layout of welded joints, the head of welding, the welders who performed the welding and the head of the installation work sign.

The layout of welded joints indicates the name of the object, the group or class of the pipeline, the diameter and thickness of the pipeline wall, the working environment, bindings to fixed supports, buildings, fittings, etc.

Important!!! The layout of welded joints must comply with the welding log. (Joint numbering, stamps, diameters, wall thickness, welding sequence, as well as welders).

  • (SNiP 3.03.01-87)
  • Welding log welded joints(STO Gazprom 2-2.2-136-2007)
  • Pipe Welding Journal (VSN 012-88)
  • Input control log
  • Author's supervision journal (filled in by the responsible person from the design organization)
  • 3.

    • The location of the networks of the external gas pipeline in the plan
    • Longitudinal profile of the gas pipeline
    • Scheme of welded joints indicating the joints submitted for control


    • Construction of pits for gas pipeline supports
    • Preparation of foundations for the foundations of the gas pipeline
    • Installation of gas pipeline supports
    • Concreting of the foundations of gas pipeline supports
    • Installation of external gas pipeline brackets along the facade of the building
    • Anti-corrosion treatment of welded seams for fastening the brackets of the external gas pipeline
    • Preparation of the surface of the above-ground gas pipeline for painting
    • Priming of the surface of the above-ground gas pipeline
    • Painting the surface of an overhead gas pipeline
    • Construction of trenches for gas pipeline
    • Foundation device for an underground gas pipeline
    • Underground gas pipeline laying
    • The device of the protective case of the gas pipeline
    • Sealing the protective case of the gas pipeline
    • Installation of a protective layer of an underground gas pipeline, laying a signal tape
    • Backfilling trenches of an underground gas pipeline with layer-by-layer compaction
    • Reinforcement of the foundation for the gas control station
    • Foundation concreting for gas control station
    • Installation of a gas control station
    • Steel pipeline insulation
    • Grounding device
    • Lightning protection device
    • Passport of the grounding device

    5. Test and acceptance certificates:

    • The act of acceptance of the gas distribution system facility completed by the construction (the order for the commission on acceptance of the facility completed by the customer from the customer is attached to the act)
    • The act of testing the gas pipeline for tightness
    • Gas pipeline purge act
    • Protocol for non-destructive testing and mechanical testing of a tolerance joint. If the welder did not have a break in work for more than a month, a certificate certified by the contractor's personnel department is attached
    • Orders from the contractor responsible persons for the control of welding work with a protocol for checking knowledge from the specialists specified in the order
    • Order for a welder indicating the brand assigned to him
    • Certificate for testing electrodes indicating melting temperature
    • Protocols for measuring the resistance of grounding devices
    • Certificate of completion of installation work
    • Protocols of mechanical tests of welded joints
    • Protocols for ultrasonic testing of welded joints. Attached is a certificate of attestation of the non-destructive testing laboratory with certification of specialists from the non-destructive testing laboratory
    • Protocols of results of radiographic control of welded joints. Attached is a certificate of attestation of the non-destructive testing laboratory with certification of specialists from the non-destructive testing laboratory
    • Act on the commissioning of the GRPSH
    • Gorgaz permission to operate the gas pipeline

    6. Construction passport of the external gas pipeline

    7. Certificates and certification protocols for welders

    8. Manufacturers' certificates (their copies, extracts from them, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility) for pipes, fittings, welding and insulating materials

    9. Technical passports of manufacturers (preparation workshops) or their copies for equipment, assemblies, fittings, insulating coatings, insulating flanges, fittings, as well as other documents certifying the quality of equipment (products)

    10. A copy of the passport for the pressure gauge used when testing the gas pipeline for tightness

    11. Copies of certificates of state verification of control pressure gauges used at the facility, certified by the seal of the contractor (“correct copy”)

    12. Manufacturers' instructions for the operation of gas equipment and appliances

    13. , , fire certificates, sanitary and hygienic conclusions on Construction Materials, products and designs. For all building materials, products, structures and equipment arriving at the construction site, an incoming control report must be drawn up, followed by signing by responsible persons

    14. A set of working drawings for the construction of an object presented for acceptance, developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation works, agreed with the authors of the project.

    15. Documents on the approval of deviations from the project during construction

    The set of acceptance documentation includes a package of permits:

    • Notice of the start of construction
    • Copy of building permit
    • Copy of the state expertise of project documentation
    • A copy of the industrial safety expertise
    • A copy of the letter from Rostekhnadzor “On approval of the conclusion of the industrial safety expertise
    • Copy of object registration in Rostekhnadzor
    • Order on the appointment of a person responsible for technical supervision
    • Copies of documents on checking the knowledge of the person responsible for conducting technical supervision
    • Order on the appointment of architectural supervision
    • Copies of documents on verification of knowledge of author's supervision
    • Information sheet of the installation organization
    • SRO of the installation organization
    • Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the construction of the facility
    • Copies of documents on checking the knowledge of the person responsible for the construction of the facility
    • Personnel certificates (welders, electrical personnel etc.)
    • Certificate of attestation of the welding technology of the assembly organization
    • Certificate of Attestation welding equipment installation organization

    By Decree No. 163 of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services of December 23, 2002, this SNiP was canceled.

    9.9. Underground gas pipelines of all pressures, as well as ground and internal gas pipelines of low and medium pressure for strength and tightness should be tested with air. Aboveground and internal high-pressure gas pipelines for strength and tightness should be tested with water. It is allowed to test them with air, subject to special safety measures provided for by the project for the production of works.

    9.10.* Testing of underground gas pipelines for strength should be carried out after their installation in a trench and powdering 20-25 cm above the upper generatrix of the pipe.

    It is allowed to test gas pipelines for strength after the trenches are completely backfilled.

    9.11. Testing of underground gas pipelines for tightness should be carried out after the trench is completely backfilled to the design marks.

    Prior to the start of leak tests, underground gas pipelines, after they are filled with air, should be kept under test pressure for the time necessary to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the temperature of the soil. The minimum duration of holding the gas pipeline under pressure, h, is set depending on the nominal diameter of the gas pipeline:

    up to 300 mm................... 6

    over 300 mm to 500 mm......... 12

    " 500 " .................... 24

    9.12. An underground gas pipeline is considered to have passed the tightness test if the actual pressure drop during the test period does not exceed the value determined by the formula

    Permissible pressure drop, kPa;

    The same, mm Hg. Art.;

    Internal diameter of the gas pipeline, mm;

    Test duration, h.

    the value of d is determined by the formula

    Internal diameters of sections of gas pipelines, mm;

    Lengths of sections of gas pipelines of corresponding diameters, m.

    tightness is determined by the formula

    where P(1) and P(2) - excess pressure in the gas pipeline at the beginning and at the end of the test according to the pressure gauge, kPa (mm Hg);

    B(1) and B(2) - the same according to barometer readings, kPa (mm Hg, st.).

    9.13.* Sections of underwater and underground passages laid in cases should be tested in three stages:

    for strength - after welding the transition or its part before laying in place;

    for tightness - after laying in place, complete installation and backfilling of the entire transition;

    for tightness - during the final tightness test of the entire gas pipeline as a whole.

    The strength and tightness test of short one-pipe transitions, without welded joints, is allowed to be carried out together with the main gas pipeline.

    9.14.* Prior to the start of the leak test, external above-ground gas pipelines, as well as internal gas pipelines, including the gas pipelines of hydraulic fracturing and main distribution units after they are filled with air, should be kept under test pressure for the time necessary to equalize the air temperature inside the gas pipelines with the ambient air temperature.

    9.15. Gas pipelines low pressure in residential buildings and public buildings, public service enterprises of a non-production nature, strength and tightness should be tested in the following areas:

    for strength - from the disconnecting device at the entrance to the building to the taps on the descents to gas appliances. In this case, gas appliances should be turned off, and meters, if they are not designed for test pressure, should be replaced with jumpers;

    for tightness - from the disconnecting device at the entrance to the building to the taps of gas appliances.

    When installing additional gas appliances in existing gasified residential and public buildings, it is allowed to test new sections of gas pipelines to these devices with a length of up to 5 m with gas (working pressure) after connecting new sections to the existing network with checking all connections with gas indicators or soap emulsion.

    Internal gas pipelines of industrial and agricultural enterprises, boiler houses, public service enterprises of an industrial nature should be tested in the area from the shut-off device at the input to the shut-off devices at gas burners of gasified equipment.

    Testing of gas pipelines and equipment of hydraulic fracturing and GRU should be carried out either as a whole (from the inlet to the outlet valve) according to the test pressure standards on the high pressure side, or in parts: up to the pressure regulator - according to the test pressure standards on the high pressure side; after the pressure regulator - according to the test pressure standards on the low pressure side.

    9.16. When testing for tightness of internal gas pipelines of medium - over 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / sq. cm) and high pressure at industrial and agricultural enterprises, boiler houses, consumer service enterprises of the population of an industrial nature, the permissible

    pressure, should be determined by the formula

    where d is the internal diameter of the tested gas pipeline, mm.

    If the tested gas pipeline consists of sections of gas pipelines of different diameters, then the value of d in formula (4) should be determined by formula (2).

    The actual pressure drop in the gas pipeline, expressed as a percentage of the initial pressure, should be determined by the formula

    where Р(1), Р(2), В(1), В(2) - the same as in formula (3);

    t(1) and t(2) - absolute air temperature in the gas pipeline at the beginning and end of the test, °C.

    9.17. If gasified thermal units have automatic devices, strength testing of gas pipelines should be carried out up to the shut-off device installed on a branch from the general (workshop) gas pipeline to this unit. Automation devices should only be tested for tightness by working pressure together with the gas pipeline.

    9.18. Internal low-pressure gas pipelines from individual, group LPG cylinder and tank installations in residential and public buildings should be tested for strength and tightness according to the standards for testing natural gas pipelines in accordance with Table. 3*.

    9.19.* LPG tanks, together with piping for the liquid and vapor phases, should be tested for strength and tightness in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and safe operation pressure vessels” of Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

    9.20.* Acceptance of the gas supply system facility completed by construction should be carried out in accordance with mandatory annexes 8*, 9*.

    ANNEX 1*




    (strike out unnecessary)

    built by __________________________________



    and project number)


    (city, street, bindings of the initial and final pickets)

    1. Characteristics of the gas pipeline (gas inlet)

    The length (for input - underground and above-ground sections), diameter, working pressure of the gas pipeline, type of insulating coating of the linear part and welded joints (for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets), number of installed locking devices and other structures are indicated.

    (or their copies) and other documents certifying

    quality of materials and equipment



    name and patronymic

    Welded joints

    the date of the



    welding work


    An example of designing a plan (scheme) of welded joints

    underground gas pipelines

    Note. The diagram must be drawn up so that the location of each joint can be found from the surface of the earth. To do this, bindings to permanent ground objects (buildings, structures) of both the gas pipeline itself and its characteristic points (terminals, turning points, etc.) must be made; distances between joints, as well as between joints and characteristic points, including intersected communications, should be plotted. Strict adherence to the scale of the scheme is optional.

    4. Checking the depth of the gas pipeline,

    slopes, beds, devices of cases, wells, carpets

    (compiled for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets)

    It has been established that the depth of the gas pipeline from the ground to the top of the pipe throughout the entire length, the slopes of the gas pipeline, the bed under the pipes, as well as the arrangement of cases, wells, carpets, correspond to the project.




    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    5. Checking the quality of the protective coating

    underground gas pipeline (gas inlet)

    1.* Before laying in the trench, the protective coating of pipes and joints is checked:

    for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks - by external examination; thickness - by measurement in accordance with GOST 9.602-89 __ mm; adhesion to steel - according to GOST 9.602-89; continuity - flaw detector.

    2.* Joints isolated in the trench are checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks.

    Item 3 should be deleted.

    4.* Checking for the absence of electrical contact between the metal of the pipe and the soil was made after the trench “___” was completely backfilled on __________ 19 ___.

    Note. * If the trench was backfilled at a soil freezing depth of more than 10 cm, then the construction and installation organization must carry out an inspection after the soil thaws, which should be recorded in the act of acceptance of the completed gas supply system facility.

    When checking the quality of the protective coating, no defects were found.

    (signature, initials, surname)


    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    6. Purge of the gas pipeline,

    testing it for strength and tightness

    Item 1 should be deleted.

    2. "___" __________ 19__ before the strength test, the gas pipeline was purged with air.

    3.* "___" __________ 19__, a pneumatic (hydraulic) test of the gas pipeline for strength with a pressure of ____ MPa (________ kgf / sq. cm) was carried out with a holding time of ___ hours.

    The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

    4. "___" __________ 19__ the gas pipeline filled up to the design marks with fittings and branches installed on it to the facilities up to the shut-off shut-off devices (or the underground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness for ___ hours.

    Before the start of the test, the underground gas pipeline was under air pressure for ___ hours to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the temperature of the soil.

    Pressure measurements were made with a pressure gauge (differential pressure gauge) according to GOST _____, class ______.

    Data of pressure measurements during testing of underground

    gas pipeline

    Date of testing

    Pressure measurements, kPa (mm Hg)

    Pressure drop, kPa




    According to the data of the above pressure measurements, the underground gas pipeline passed the tightness test, no leaks and defects were found in places accessible for inspection;

    "___" __________ 19__, the above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness with a pressure of ___ MPa (______ kgf / sq. cm) with a holding time of ___ hours, followed by an external inspection and checking of all welded, threaded and flanged joints. No leaks or defects found. The above-ground gas pipeline (the above-ground part of the gas inlet) passed the tightness test.

    Foreman of works _______________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities _____________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    7. Conclusion

    The gas pipeline (gas inlet) was built in accordance with the project developed by


    (name of design organization


    and project release date)

    taking into account the agreed changes made to the working drawings No. __-_____

    Construction completed "___" ___________ 19__

    Chief Engineer of SSMU ________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities ______________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)





    mounted _____________________________________________________________________

    (name of construction and installation


    organization and project number)

    1. Characteristics of gas equipment

    It is indicated for intra-house gas equipment - the number of apartments, the type and number of installed gas appliances, the total length of the gas pipeline and the number of locking devices on them; for in-shop equipment - the total length of the gas pipeline, the type and number of installed gas equipment, the working pressure of the gas ________




    technical data sheets

    (or their copies) and other documents,

    certifying the quality of materials

    and equipment




    Note. It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from the indicated documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility, and containing the necessary information (certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, manufacturer, date release, test results).

    3. Data on gas pipeline joint welding

    Full Name

    Number (mark)

    Welded joints

    the date of the



    pipe diameter, mm

    welding work


    (position, signature, initials, surname of the work supervisor)

    4. Testing the gas pipeline for strength and tightness *

    Item 1 should be deleted.

    2.* "____" __________ 19__ the gas pipeline was tested for strength by air pressure ___ MPa (_____ kgf / sq. cm) for 1 hour in the section from the disconnecting device at the inlet to the valves on the descents to the equipment (instruments). The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

    3.* "___" ________ 19__ the gas pipeline was tested for tightness by a pressure of _____ MPa (_____ kgf / sq. cm) for ___ hours with connected gas appliances. Actual pressure drop ______ MPa (______ kgf/ with allowable pressure drop ______ MPa (_______ kgf/ Leaks and defects were not found during external examination and testing of all connections. The gas pipeline passed the leak test.

    Foreman of works _______________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities ___________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    5. Conclusion

    Intra-house (intrashop) gas equipment (including gas pipeline) was installed in accordance with the project developed by


    taking into account the agreed changes made to the working drawings No. _____

    Construction started on "___" __________ 19__

    Chief Engineer of SSMU ______________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities ______________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    Note. If there is a GRU in the workshop (boiler room), mounted in the common room of the workshop and serving only this workshop, then it is allowed to draw up a common construction passport for the intrashop gas pipeline and the GRU. In this case, the following changes must be made to the above passport form:

    a) in sec. 1 characteristics of the gas equipment of the shop should be given in the following form:

    Total length of gas pipeline

    Gas pressure, MPa


    GRU equipment

    (type, size)

    Gasified equipment (furnaces, boilers, appliances), pcs.

    at the entrance, Р(max)

    at the outlet from hydraulic fracturing, (working) Р(ser)

    pressure regulator

    shut-off valve

    safety relief valve

    b) in sec. 2, 3, 4 GRU must be taken into account;

    c) supplement the passport with the section "Testing the GRU for strength and tightness";

    d) in the "Conclusion" instead of the words "(including the gas pipeline)" should be written: "(including the gas pipeline and the GRU)".




    built by __________________________________________________________________

    (name of construction and installation


    organization, project number)

    by the address: _____________________________________________________________________

    1. Characteristics of hydraulic fracturing

    The gas pressure is indicated (at the inlet and outlet), the type and size of the installed equipment, the number and area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms, the heating and ventilation system, data on lighting, communications, telecontrol.



    2. List of attached certificates,



    Note. It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from these documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility, and containing the necessary information (certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, manufacturer, date release, test results).

    3*. Data on gas pipeline joint welding

    Welded joints

    the date of the

    middle name of the welder


    pipe diameter, mm

    welding work


    (position, signature, initials, surname of the work supervisor)

    4. Testing of the gas pipeline and hydraulic fracturing equipment

    for strength and tightness

    1. "___" ___________ 19__ the gas pipeline and hydraulic fracturing equipment were tested for strength with a pressure of ___ MPa (____ kgf / with a holding time of 1 hour. The gas pipeline and hydraulic fracturing equipment passed the strength test.

    2. "___" __________ 19__ gas pipelines and hydraulic fracturing equipment were tested for tightness at a pressure of ___ MPa (___ kgf / sq. cm) for ___ hours.

    Pressure drop ___ MPa (___ kgf / sq. cm) with an allowable pressure drop ___ MPa (___ kgf / sq. cm).

    Leaks and defects were not found during external examination and testing of all connections. The gas pipeline and hydraulic fracturing equipment passed the tightness test.

    Foreman of works ______________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities ___________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    Note. If the testing of gas pipelines and hydraulic fracturing equipment for strength and tightness is carried out separately for the high and low pressure sides, then two entries should be made in this section of the passport - one for testing on the high side, the other on the low side.

    5. Conclusion

    The hydraulic fracturing station was built in accordance with the design developed by _____________________


    (name of design organization and project release date)

    taking into account the agreed changes to the project, made to the working drawings No. ____________

    Construction of hydraulic fracturing started on "___" ___________ 19__

    The construction of the hydraulic fracturing facility was completed on "___" __________ 19__

    Chief Engineer of SSMU _______________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities ___________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    Note. This form can be used for building passports for LPG evaporative and group cylinder units, if they are located in a separate building (room).





    built and assembled _________________________________________________

    (name of building


    installation company, project number)

    by the address: _____________________________________________________________________

    1. Characteristics of the installation

    The type, number, manufacturers and serial numbers of tanks, evaporators and valve heads are indicated; registration numbers and type of protective coating of tanks and evaporators, capacity of each tank, capacity of each evaporator, type and number of valve head pressure regulators





    2. List of attached certificates,

    technical passports (or their copies) and other documents,

    certifying the quality of materials and equipment



    Note. It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from these documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility, and containing the necessary information (certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, manufacturer, date release, test results).

    3*. Tank piping welding data

    name and patronymic

    Number (mark)

    Welded joints

    the date of the



    pipe diameter, mm

    welding work


    (position, signature, initials, surname of the work supervisor)

    4. Acceptance of hidden work during the installation of a tank unit

    The foundations are laid ____________________________________________________________

    (in accordance with the project, with deviations


    from the project, indicate deviations and their justification)

    Bases and foundations of tanks and evaporators comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87 and the project.

    Foreman of works _______________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities ________________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    5.* Checking the quality of the protective porting of tanks,

    evaporators and piping piping

    1. Before lowering the LPG tank into the pit, the quality of the protective coating was checked:

    absence of mechanical damage and cracks - by external examination;

    thickness - by measurement in accordance with GOST 9.602-89 ___ mm;

    adhesion to steel according to GOST 9.602-89;

    continuity - flaw detector.

    2. The piping joints isolated in the trench were checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks.

    Head of laboratory ________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities _______________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    6. Checking the ground loop of tanks

    The grounding contour of tanks and evaporators corresponds to the project. The test resistance is ____ ohms.

    The test was carried out by a representative of the laboratory


    (name of organization, position, signature, initials, surname)

    "____" ____________ 19___

    7. Testing the tank installation for strength and tightness

    Item 1 should be deleted.

    2. "___" __________ 19__, the tank unit was tested for strength with a pressure of ___ MPa (___ kgf / sq. cm) with an exposure for 1 hour. The tank unit passed the strength test.

    3. "___" ___________ 19__, the reservoir unit, consisting of tanks, evaporators with installed equipment and piping, was tested for tightness with a pressure of ___ MPa (___ kgf / sq. cm).

    Flanged, welded and threaded connections, as well as tank head fittings, LPG evaporators, shut-off devices and piping have been checked.

    No leaks or defects were found during inspection.

    The tank plant passed the leak test.

    Foreman of works _____________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities _____________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)

    Note. If the strength and tightness testing of tanks and evaporators with installed equipment and their piping is carried out separately for the high and low pressure sides, then two entries should be made in this section of the passport: one for the test on the high side, the other on the low side.

    8. Conclusion

    The LPG tank plant was installed in accordance with the project developed by


    (name of company)

    taking into account the agreed changes to the project, made to the working drawings No. ______.

    Construction started on "___" ___________ 19__

    Construction completed "___" __________ 19__

    Chief Engineer of SSMU __________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)


    gas facilities __________________________________________________________

    (position, signature, initials, surname)



    (name of building


    installation organization)



    No. _______ "___" ___________ 19__

    The welded joints of the gas pipeline _______ pressure, which is being built at the address


    The gas pipeline is welded by _____________________ welding from pipes with an outer diameter of _________ mm,

    (type of welding)

    wall thickness _______________ mm.

    Test Results

    name, patronymic of the welder

    Number (mark) of the welder

    Picture number

    Image size, mm

    Control sensitivity, mm

    Found defects

    Head of laboratory ____________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)

    Flaw Detector _______________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)



    Laboratory ____________________________

    (name of building


    installation organization)




    No. _______ "____" ___________ 19___

    The joints of the steel (polyethylene) gas pipeline were tested,

    welded _____________ from pipes according to GOST (TU) ___________, steel grade

    (type of welding)

    outer diameter ___________ mm, wall thickness _______ mm by welder

    Having a number (brand) _______,

    (Full Name)

    by the address:


    (street, bindings of the initial and final pickets)

    from "___" ____________ 19___ to "____" ___________ 19__

    Results of mechanical tests of welded joints

    steel gas pipeline

    Sample sizes

    Test results


    before testing


    for flattening

    joint (good, not good)

    thickness (diameter), mm

    width Length),

    cross-sectional area,

    breaking load,

    ultimate strength, MPa

    Location of destruction (along the seam or base metal)

    gap between the surfaces of the press at the appearance of the first crack, mm

    bending angle, deg

    Results of mechanical tests

    welded joints of a polyethylene gas pipeline

    Seam number

    Number and type of sample cut from the joint

    Breaking machine type

    Tensile yield strength, MPa


    Relative elongation at failure, %

    The nature and type of destruction

    Seam evaluation (pass, fail)

    Head of laboratory ________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)

    The tests were carried out by __________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)

    Note. The test report should be drawn up for each welder separately and a copy should be submitted as part of the as-built documentation for all objects on which during calendar month this welder worked.



    Laboratory ____________________________

    (name of building


    installation organization)




    No. ______ "___" _______ 19__

    The welded joints of the gas pipeline of _______ pressure were checked,

    under construction at _________________________________________________.

    (street, bindings of the initial and final pickets)

    The gas pipeline is welded by __________ welding from pipes with an outer diameter

    (type of welding)

    mm, pipe wall thickness _________ mm.

    Quality control of welded joints is performed by ultrasonic

    flaw detector type _____, operating frequency ______ MHz.

    Test Results

    Joint number according to the welding scheme

    Surname, name, patronymic of the welder

    Number (mark) of the welder

    Beam entry angle, deg.

    Rejection sensitivity

    Description of defects

    Seam evaluation (pass, fail)

    Head of laboratory ________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)

    Flaw Detector ________________________________________________________

    (signature, initials, surname)






    1. Acceptance of a gas supply system facility completed by construction, built in accordance with the project and the requirements of SNiP 3.05.02-88 *, must be carried out by the acceptance committee in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

    Note. These rules do not apply to completed construction of HPS, HPP and gas filling stations, the acceptance of which should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.04-87.

    2. The acceptance commission includes representatives of: the customer (chairman of the commission), the general contractor and the operating organization (gas facilities or gas service of the enterprise). Representatives of Gosgortekhnadzor bodies Russian Federation are included in the acceptance committee when accepting objects controlled by these bodies.

    3. The general contractor for each completed construction object of the gas supply system presents the acceptance committee in one copy with the following executive documentation:

    a set of working drawings for the construction of an object presented for acceptance with inscriptions made by persons responsible for the production of construction and installation works on the compliance of the works performed in kind with these drawings or included in them design organization changes;

    manufacturer's certificates (their copies, extracts from them, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility) for pipes, fittings, welding and insulating materials;

    technical passports of manufacturers (TsZZ, TsZM) or copies thereof for equipment, assemblies, fittings, insulating coatings, insulating flanges, fittings with a diameter of more than 100 mm, as well as other documents certifying the quality of equipment (products);

    manufacturer's instructions for the operation of gas equipment and appliances;

    construction passport and protocols for checking the quality of welded joints according to the forms of SNiP 3.05.02-88*;

    the act of breakdown and transfer of the route (site) for the underground gas pipeline and LPG tanks;

    logbook of work (for underground gas pipelines with a length of more than 100 m and LPG tanks) - at the request of the customer;

    act of acceptance of the electrochemical protection installations provided for by the project (for underground gas pipelines and LPG tanks);

    acts of acceptance of hidden and special works performed in accordance with a contract (contract) - for hydraulic fracturing, boiler houses;

    certificate of acceptance of gas equipment for comprehensive testing (for enterprises and boiler houses).

    4. The acceptance committee must check the submitted as-built documentation and the compliance of the installed gas supply system with this documentation, the requirements of SNiP 3.05.02-88 * and the “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

    5. Acceptance of the completed construction facility of the gas supply system is formalized by an act in the form of mandatory Appendix 9*.



    acceptance of the completed construction object

    gas supply systems


    (name and address of the object)

    _________________ "__" ____________ 19__

    Acceptance committee consisting of: chairman of the committee - representative of the customer


    members of the commission, representatives of:

    general contractor ________________________________________________________,

    (last name, first name, patronymic, position)

    operating organization __________________________________________________,

    (last name, first name, patronymic, position)

    bodies of Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation _____________________________________________________

    (last name, first name, patronymic, position)

    SET UP:

    1. General contractor __________________________________________________

    (name of company)

    presented for acceptance finished construction _________________________________

    (Object name)

    2. Subcontractors ______________________________________________

    (name of company)

    completed by __________________________________________________________________________

    (types of jobs)

    3. Project N____ developed by _________________________________________________

    (name of company)

    4. Construction was carried out on time:

    start of work ___________________, end of work __________________.

    (month, year) (month, year)

    The acceptance committee reviewed the documentation submitted in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for Acceptance of Completed Gas Supply System Facilities" and the "Safety Rules in the Gas Industry" of the Gosgorgekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, made an external inspection of the facility, determined the compliance of the completed construction and installation works with the project, carried out, if necessary, additional tests (except those recorded in the as-built documentation).


    (types of tests)

    The decision of the acceptance committee:

    1. Construction and installation work was completed in full in accordance with the project, the requirements of SNiP 3.05.02-88* and the “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

    2. Presented for acceptance _________________________________________________ count

    (Object name)

    accepted by the customer together with the attached executive documentation from "___" ___________19__

    Chairman of the Commission ________________________________________________________


    Representative of the General



    Operations representative



    Authorities representative

    Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation



    The text of the document is verified by:

    official publication

    Ministry of Construction of Russia - M: SE TsPP,

    During the construction of power plants, petrochemical plants, main gas pipelines and other objects with welded joints of pipelines, the standards require the execution of working documentation. This is done for comprehensive control over the quality of work and over the compliance of the erected object with the design requirements.

    An important tool for such control is the scheme of welded joints. It schematically shows the pipelines of the facility, equipment, shut-off and control valves and connecting welds. Each connection has information related to it.

    The executive scheme is an integral element of the design and working documentation for water supply, heat supply, transport pipelines and technological installations with liquid or gaseous media. It is performed out of scale and gives only general idea about the mutual arrangement of welds in space. The drawing is necessarily tied to geodetic coordinates or to an object with known coordinates.

    When forming a document, the order of the seams in a particular section of the pipeline is observed. The document is a guide to the implementation of welding work, a means of planning and control. It is issued together with a summary table of joints, which summarizes the data on the joints in tabular form. Besides technical parameters seams, the personal data of the welders and the number of their personal brand are given.


    The document is drawn up by the organization conducting the installation work. It is compiled at the production technical department on the basis of design and working documentation transferred to installers from the customer or directly from the designer, if this is provided for by the contract.

    Based on the 3D model of the object presented by the designer, the technical department begins the formation of a scheme of welds.

    Simultaneously with the drawing up of the scheme, other related documents are being prepared:

    • summary table of joints;
    • acts of performance by welders of test seams and assignment of a personal brand to them;
    • acts of performing welding works.

    Without a complete set of documents, the facility cannot be accepted for operation.


    The layout of the welded joints of the pipeline must be certified by the signatures of the following officials:

    • a foreman who is directly responsible for the implementation of welding work at the facility;
    • Chief production and technical department;
    • Chief Engineer;
    • welders who performed the work, indicating the number of their personal brand.

    The completed and certified document must be agreed with the design organization.

    It is also necessary to coordinate with it all the deviations from the design parameters encountered as a result of the control, such as dimensions and slopes. A certified record of the absence of deviations or their agreement is made on the form. If there are many deviations, it is possible to coordinate them in a separate act. Then the document contains a link to the number and date of this document

    pivot table

    The document is drawn up according to the unified form P27.4, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 197. It must contain full list seams welded on site.

    The summary table contains information about all connections of the object in a form convenient for control, generalization and analysis.

    For each connection, the following data is given:

    • serial number,
    • the name of the node to which it belongs;
    • grade of steel alloy from which the pipes are made;
    • their diameter and wall thickness;
    • number;
    • number corresponding to the designation on the Scheme.

    If additional seams were welded on the site, their number and number are given in the additions column.. This table allows you to determine total joints, group them according to diameters, wall thicknesses, the need for non-destructive testing. This facilitates the planning of labor intensity, the need for consumables, as well as instrumental quality control of connections.

    Design rules

    The executive scheme of pipeline welding must contain the following information:

    • Object name;
    • pipeline class;
    • pipe parameters: alloy material diameter and wall thickness;
    • transportable medium;
    • anchor points.

    Each joint on the diagram must have its own unique number.. Sometimes end-to-end numbering of welded joints is used throughout the project, then the designation takes the form “E12.123”, where the object identifier is located before the point, and after the actual joint number on a specific diagram.

    The stage of forming a scheme of welded joints from a 3D model. The drawing is simplified, fittings and equipment are replaced by symbols.

    In addition, the diagram can indicate the distance between adjacent joints and supporting objects, such as turns, reinforcement, supporting steel structures or process equipment. This is required in two cases:

    • the pipeline is covered with a layer of insulation;
    • the site is underground or hidden in the walls.

    Symbols when necessary (for example, in case of an accident, scheduled repairs or surveys) will help you quickly and without unnecessary costs and damage to structures to find the junction in case of repair, without resorting to additional documentation.

    Joints in a schematic drawing can be of two types:

    • rotary;
    • fixed.

    Rotary welds include seams performed by a welder with a pipe section rotated along the longitudinal axis by a certain angle. Usually this is an angle that is a multiple of 90 o. Such seams are cooked in the “bottom” position. Such seams are better and more durable, since the work is in a position convenient for welding. The analysis of statistical data shows that the frequency of detection of defects in such welds is significantly less than in fixed ones. welded joints.

    The fixed joint is welded without rotating the pipe into a comfortable position. On the contrary, the welder has to move after the seam around the pipeline, including in unfavorable positions: seams with a positive and negative slope, as well as vertical and overhead. In this case, it is necessary to change the slope of the electrode several times, its speed, welding current and other important operating modes.

    At the same time, the seam is cooked in several steps, which negatively affects its strength and durability. Working in such conditions requires an employee of great experience, as well as high qualifications.

    Near each joint, the data of the welders who welded it (full name, personnel number or personal brand number) are indicated.

    The document also marks the joints for which it will be necessary to carry out quality control by non-destructive means (ultrasound, X-ray, etc.). For especially important objects associated with high pressures and temperatures, aggressive media and other factors, control is carried out for all joints.

    The layout of welded joints indicates the joints at which it is required to perform non-destructive testing (ultrasonic, radiographic). All joints are subject to visual-measuring control.

    When drawing up a document, the same coordinate system is used as in other design and working documentation.

    Important! The schema data and the pivot table must match the Work Log data in the following ways:

    • connection numbers;
    • pipe parameters;
    • Full name of welders and numbers of personal brand
    • duration of work.

    If the dimensions and slopes of the constructed object correspond to the design values, the inscription is made on the diagram: "There are no deviations from the design parameters." Otherwise, an inscription of the designer coordinating these deviations or a link to a separate document - an act of approval is required.

    The scheme is included in the object passport, is issued on a high-quality medium and using materials that guarantee long-term storage.

    After completion of the work, all documentation is checked for completeness and correctness of execution and filling. After verification, the documents are archived.

    Joint designations on the diagram

    The joints in the diagram are designated in accordance with state standard GOST 2.312-72 "Conventional images and designations of welded joints", a solid main line.

    On the takeaway, the following inscription is made in the form of a fraction:

    • numerator - joint number;
    • the denominator is the number of the personal stamp of the welder.

    A personal brand is issued for each welder separately. During certification, he welds a test seam that matches the material, diameter and thickness of the pipes with real joints at the facility. Such tests are carried out in special certification centers, the number of the personal brand is approved by the order of the installation company.

    Sample form

    All forms are completed in accordance with the requirements of the standard. Below is the welding form for the pipeline (sample) .

    Document at the final stage of formation. Contains the necessary seam data, corner stamp and additional information. A summary table is visible above the stamp.

    Scheme of welded joints - important document, describing the mutual arrangement of connections and their most important parameters. It is issued for any object that has pipelines with welded seams. The scheme and the summary table drawn up with it serve as a means of planning installation work, recording performance and quality control.