What is the SDR of a plastic, propylene, polyethylene pipe. Polypropylene pipes Polypropylene pressure pipes sdr 6

Single-layer pressure pipe made of polypropylene random copolymer with a maximum design pressure in the system not higher than 2 MPa. Recommended use is cold and hot water supply and low temperature heating, including drinking water transportation. Operating temperature up to 70°C. Service life up to 50 years. * *see the requirements for operation in accordance with GOST 32415-2013 Pipe PN20, often used in residential, commercial and industrial buildings, private construction, in hot and cold water supply systems. Polypropylene pipeline "Random copolymer" complies with GOST 32415-2013. A special production technology plus the properties of the material of manufacture contribute to the creation of a reliable pipeline system with an extended service life of up to 50 years, withstanding a nominal pressure of 2 MPa. For use in multi-purpose buildings for transporting hot water, technical non-aggressive gases, liquids, SLT AQUA recommends buying a PN 20 polypropylene pipe in Moscow from high-quality raw materials! Nominal diameter, mm Article Wall thickness, mm Inner diameter, mm Weight, kg/m Packing Price Cut length, m* Number of cuts, pcs. 20 4SLTPS620 3.4 13.2 0.17 4 25 34.87 25 4SLTPS625 4.2 16.6 0.27 4 25 58.31 32 4SLTPS632 5.4 21.2 0.43 4 15 98.71 40 4SLTPS640 6.7 26.6 0.67 4 10 155.87 50 4SLTPS650 8.3 33.2 1.04 4 6 245.83 63 4SLTPS663 10.5 42.0 1.66 4 4 385.58 75 5 50.0 2.34 4 3 577.67 90 4SLTPS690 15.0 60.0 3.37 4 2 852.53 110 4SLTPS6110 18.3 73.2 5.03 4 1 1306.01 be from 1.5 m to 6 m The pipe is produced according to TU 2248-001-17207509-2015. Pricing policy of the company Gradual exclusion from the market of similar products made of metal is due not only to distinctive characteristics, operational properties, but also to affordable cost. In conditions of a large number of production capacities, the use of domestic raw materials, the company sets a price for the product that will attract the attention of potential distributors. The price of a PPR PN20 polypropylene pipe is one of the most affordable on the market. Scope The polypropylene pipeline at times surpasses metal designs due to the improved physical and mechanical properties. This key moment played a role in expanding the scope of operation of pipes made of polypropylene: civil, commercial, industrial construction; transportation of drinking, technical water; irrigation system; transportation of compressed gas. Main properties The defining technical characteristics of the PP-R PN20 polypropylene pipe look like this: operating temperature range - 70 ° C (causes the use for the heating system); thick wall - from 3.4 mm; outer diameter - 20 mm; resistance to aggressive biomechanical impact. Reliable partnership Certified, tested products from the manufacturer SLT AQUA can be purchased at best price per meter for any official distributor SLT AQUA. We make pipes conscientiously, reliably, we confirm the result with a guarantee. Looking for a long term relationship? Call!

You have built your country house, cottage, or even bought yourself a new wonderful apartment. The time has come for laying engineering communications, such as heating systems, cold and hot water supply. Modern market gives customers a huge choice pipe fittings, and of course modern plastic pipes. In appearance, they are all the same, and it is almost impossible for a non-specialist to understand them. But how not to be mistaken, and buy a really reliable polypropylene, polyethylene, plastic pipe. How guaranteed to protect yourself from possible ruptures and leaking pipes. The answer lies in a very important parameter that you must know before buying a pipe.

Pipe SDR is the main digital indicator of pipe reliability, and the lower it is, the more reliable the pipe.

What is SDR. This is the ratio of the diameter of the pipe to the thickness of its walls. The thicker the walls of the plastic pipe, the more reliable it is. Accordingly, if the diameter is divided by a larger number, the result obtained is less.

Consider several SDR values ​​using polypropylene pipes as an example

Polypropylene pipe SDR 11, specifications:

Working pressure no more than 10 Atm

As a rule, this is not a reinforced pipe, which is used only for cold water supply. Such a pipe is not suitable for heating systems.

It can be used to supply cold water both in a private house and in urban areas. In both cases, the water pressure in the mains will not exceed 3-5 atm.

Polypropylene pipe SDR 7.4, specifications:

Working pressure no more than 20 Atm

It can be used to supply cold and hot water both in a private house and in urban areas. But if we consider given value SDR for connecting to heating radiators in an urban high-rise building, you can play it safe by taking a pipe with a lower SDR value.

Polypropylene pipe SDR 6, specifications:

Working pressure no more than 25 Atm

As a rule, it is reinforced aluminum foil and fiberglass pipe, which is used for both cold and hot water supply and heating.

It can be used to supply cold and hot water both in a private house and in urban areas. Technical specifications allow a polypropylene pipe with this SDR value to be used even in heating systems of multi-storey buildings. This is a polypropylene pipe with a high margin of safety.

You can buy polypropylene pipes with different SDR values ​​in our store in Moscow, and with delivery to the regions.

When purchasing from the SantekhnikUM company, for the device of communication systems for home or industrial purposes, you can see the marking applied to them with a set of various data about a particular product. It contains:

  • information about the pipe manufacturer,
  • numbers of GOST standards, in accordance with which it was manufactured,
  • the abbreviation "PPR", meaning that the pipes are made of polypropylene - a thermoplastic polymer of the hydrocarbon "polypropylene".
  • the diameter of the product and the thickness of the material of its walls,
  • as well as the abbreviation SDR with a specific index.

In this case, the SDR of polypropylene pipes is a strength value that can be used to most accurately determine the capabilities of tubular products.

What makes up SDR

SDR (from English Standard Dimension Ratio - standard dimensional coefficient) is a dimensional characteristic of a polymer pipe, which is the result of the ratio of the outer diameter to the thickness of the polypropylene wall. This value is inversely proportional to the pipe wall thickness, that is, products with a large SDR index have thinner walls, and vice versa - a thick-walled pipe is indicated by a smaller SDR.

Pipes of the same diameter with thicker walls can withstand much greater loads, which are caused during operation by the following technical and natural factors:

  • internal pressure of the content,
  • external compressions, for example, when the pipe is covered with earth,
  • external mechanical influences, such as seasonal ground shifts, etc.

That is, the SDR indicator, along with the thickness of the polypropylene layer, indicates the load or pressure (internal and external) possible for a given pipe.

What is the difference between pipes with different SDR index

General differences

At the moment, polypropylene pipes are produced with SDR from 6 to 41, for which the loads presented in the following table by “pressure classes” are possible:

SDR 6 SDR 7.4 SDR9 SDR 11 SDR 13.6 SDR 17 SDR 17.6 SDR 21 SDR 26 SDR 33 SDR 41
25 atm 20 atm 16 atm 12 atm 10 atm 8 atm 7 atm 6 atm 5 atm 4 atm 4 atm

Thus, the standard dimensional coefficient can be used in determining the purpose of the pipe for specific systems - pressure and non-pressure, namely:

  • Pipes with the index SDR 26-41 are used for non-pressure (gravity-flowing) sewer outlets;
  • With indicators of 21-26, they can already be used for intra-house low-pressure water supply of low-rise buildings;
  • Products indexed by an indicator from 11 to 17 can be used for the construction of low-pressure water supply and irrigation systems;
  • Pipes with SDRs above less than 9 are suitable for pressure systems designed for water supply, the installation of pressure sewers and even gas pipelines.


Polypropylene pipes same brand with different SDR may have significant differences. So, for the most popular brand of polypropylene SDR 11 (PN 10) VALFEX

  1. Polypropylene pipe SDR 11 (PN 10) VALFEX– Polypropylene pipe PPR-C SDR 11 (PN 10) complies with GOST 32415-2013, suitable for systems of drinking and household cold water supply, hot water supply, as well as process pipelines transporting liquids and gases, non-aggressive to pipe materials. Pipes have good thermal insulation properties, chemical resistance to more than 300 substances and solutions, as well as noise-absorbing properties. Maximum operating temperature: +60 °С. Pipeline installation technology - polyfusion welding.;
  2. Polypropylene pipe SDR 6 (PN 20) VALFEX-Pipe made of polypropylene PPR-C SDR 6 (PN 20) complies with GOST 32415-2013, suitable for systems of drinking and household cold water supply, hot water supply, as well as technological pipelines transporting liquids and gases, non-aggressive to pipe materials. Pipes have good thermal insulation properties, chemical resistance to more than 300 substances and solutions, as well as noise-absorbing properties. Maximum operating temperature: +95 °С, short-term up to +100 °С. Pipeline installation technology - polyfusion welding;

    Polypropylene pipe reinforced with fiberglass SDR 7.4 (PN 20) VALFEX- Polypropylene pipe PP-R, reinforced with fiberglass, SDR 7.4 (PN 20), complies with GOST 32415-2013 and is used for radiator heating systems, drinking hot and cold water supply systems, air conditioning, industrial pipeline networks. The pipe has an extended service life in heating and cooling systems, because fiberglass layer provides pipe strength with a smaller wall thickness, while the conductivity of the carrier is increased by 20%. Pipeline installation technology - polyfusion welding. Maximum working temperature: +95°С.

    Polypropylene pipe reinforced with fiberglass SDR 6 (PN 25) VALFEX — Polypropylene pipe PP-R, reinforced with fiberglass, SDR 6 (PN 25), complies with GOST 32415-2013 and is used for radiator heating systems, drinking hot and cold water supply systems, air conditioning, industrial pipeline networks. The pipe has an extended service life in heating and cooling systems, because fiberglass layer provides pipe strength with a smaller wall thickness, while the conductivity of the carrier is increased by 20%. Pipeline installation technology - polyfusion welding. Maximum operating temperature: +95°С.

    Polypropylene pipe reinforced with aluminum SDR 6 (PN 25) VALFEX — Pipe polypropylene reinforced with aluminum PP-R PN 25 SDR 6 (PN 25) complies with GOST 32415-2013. It is used in cold, hot water supply, low- and high-temperature heating, when laying pneumatic pipelines, technological pipelines, in integrated fire-fighting water supply systems. The inner aluminum layer has absolute oxygen impermeability, reduces the temperature elongation of the pipeline, and also increases the strength of the pipe, due to the presence of a continuous longitudinal weld. The special design of the pipes does not require stripping before welding. Nominal pressure (transportation of cold water) - 25 bar. The maximum operating temperature is 90 °C. The range of outer diameters of the proposed polypropylene pipes is 20–110 mm.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a pipe according to SDR, be sure to consider the grade of polypropylene from which it is made. Even for the same size coefficients, a higher grade pipe will be stronger and more resistant to mechanical influences. For instance, SDR 6 (PN 25) VALFEX, Unlike SDR 6 (PN 20) VALFEX with the same index, can be used for pressure water and gas pipelines.

Polypropylene pipes are a modern alternative to metal pipes. They are used for transporting cold and hot water, for internal and external sewage, in heating systems, underfloor heating and other areas.

A new type of polypropylene (“random copolymer”, marking “PP-R”) is a plastic, lightweight and durable material, which consists of a mixture of polypropylene and ethylene.

The presented material is non-toxic, harmless to humans and environment. It also does not affect the quality of the transported water.

Types of polypropylene pipes

The Ego Engineering company is engaged in the sale of sanitary equipment, among which there are the following polypropylene pipes:

SDR 11(PN10) - unreinforced PP-R pipes. The standardized thickness of their walls is 1.9 - 11.4 mm, the inner diameter is 16.2 - 102.2 mm, the outer one is 20 - 125 mm. This type is recommended for cold water supply systems (up to 20 ° C), the operating pressure in which does not exceed 1 MPa.
SDR 6 (PN20) - universal non-reinforced PP-R. Standard inner diameter - 13.2 - 83.2 mm, outer - 20 - 125 mm. Such a pipe made of polypropylene has a wall thickness of 3.4 - 20.9 mm. Experts advise using it for both cold (up to 20 ° C, pressure - 2 MPa) and hot (maximum 75 ° C, pressure - 0.8 MPa) water supply.
SDR 5 (PN25) is PP-R with aluminum foil reinforcement (perforated or solid) located at the outer wall. The presented type of pipes is suitable for heating systems (maximum temperature - 90 ° C, pressure - 0.8 MPa), cold (up to 20 ° C, pressure - 2.5 MPa), hot (maximum 75 ° C, pressure - 0.8 MPa) of water supply.
SDR 6 DUO (PN20) is PP-R with aluminum foil reinforcement (perforated or solid) in the middle. The presented type of pipes is suitable for heating systems (maximum temperature - 90 ° C, pressure - 0.6 MPa), cold (up to 20 ° C, pressure - 2.0 MPa), hot (maximum 75 ° C, pressure - 0.8 MPa) of water supply.
SDR 7.4 RUBIS (PN16) is PP-R with fiberglass reinforcement in the middle. The presented type of pipes is suitable for cold (up to 20 ° C, pressure - 1.6 MPa) and hot (maximum 75 ° C, pressure - 0.6 MPa) water supply.
SDR 6 RUBIS (PN20) is PP-R with fiberglass reinforcement in the middle. The presented type of pipes is suitable for heating systems (maximum temperature - 90 ° C, pressure - 0.6 MPa), cold (up to 20 ° C, pressure - 2.0 MPa), hot (maximum 75 ° C, pressure - 0.8 MPa) of water supply.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes

Large operational resource. Buying these pipes is beneficial in terms of its durability. Service life in heating systems - at least 50 years, cold water - more than 100 years.
Noise absorption. With a low cost of pipes, they have a high level of sound absorption. Due to the fact that polypropylene dampens noise well, the transportation of water and heat carriers is as quiet as possible.
Resistance to changes. Randomly, the copolymer is resistant to deposits of hardness salts, aggressive substances (acids and alkalis), corrosion, pressure drops, and temperatures. This quality makes the pipes resistant to destruction and does not allow the inner diameter to decrease when used in heating and water supply systems.
Loyal cost. The price of polypropylene pipes is much more pleasant compared to its competitors. At the same time, the low weight allows additional savings. financial resources in the process of transportation and installation.
Installation speed. Polypropylene pipes and fittings (bends, tees, etc.) allow you to create pipeline systems of varying complexity. At the same time, the features of socket welding ensure their prompt installation with just a few installers.