Russian shock drones (20 photos). Russian attack drones (20 photos) What weapons is equipped with a drone

Recent armed conflicts have clearly shown the potential of heavy unmanned aerial vehicles. Due to the relatively large takeoff weight, such equipment can carry not only reconnaissance equipment, but also a certain range of weapons. Thus, a heavy UAV is capable of not only detecting targets, but also attacking them, which reduces the time required to complete a combat mission, and also allows you not to miss the target. However, in our country, the heavy sector of unmanned aerial vehicles has been recent years does not receive special attention from designers.

Also in Soviet time several designs were created with a take-off weight of more than one ton (Tu-141, Tu-143, Tu-243, etc.), but all of them were intended for reconnaissance and other similar tasks. The creation of UAVs with strike capabilities in our country began relatively late, only in the late nineties. Because of this, there are still no ready-made systems of this class in service with our army. Over the past years, several, of course, interesting projects have been created, but none of them has yet reached mass production.


In 2007, at the MAKS air show, the MiG Corporation presented its new project. An interesting feature This project was the fact that before the presentation there was almost no information about it, but, nevertheless, at the salon in Zhukovsky, a full-scale model of the future drone was immediately shown. Due to such a "surprise", it immediately attracted attention and became the subject of a lot of discussion.

In general, such a reaction was not surprising: Skat became one of the first known domestic projects of a strike UAV, and a relatively large one. takeoff weight noticeably distinguished it from the total mass of new domestic developments. In addition, Skat became the first representative of its class to reach the stage of assembling a life-size model.

The appearance of the Skat drone resembled the fish of the same name: aircraft it was proposed to build a flying wing according to the scheme. In addition, the well-known methods of reducing radar visibility were clearly visible in the appearance of the structure. So, the wingtips are parallel to its leading edge and the contours of the rear of the apparatus are made in the same way. Above the middle part of the wing, the Skat had a fuselage of a characteristic shape, smoothly mated with the bearing surfaces. Vertical plumage was not provided.

As can be seen from the photographs of the Skat layout, control was to be carried out using four elevons located on the consoles and on the center section. At the same time, yaw control immediately raised certain questions: due to the lack of a rudder and a single-engine scheme, the UAV required to somehow solve this problem. There is a version about a single deviation of the internal elevons for yaw control.

The layout presented at the MAKS-2007 exhibition had the following dimensions: a wingspan of 11.5 meters, a length of 10.25 and a parking height of 2.7 m. Regarding the mass of the Skat, it is only known that its maximum takeoff weight should have been about 10 tons. With these parameters, the Skat had good calculated flight data. With a maximum speed of up to 800 km / h, it could rise to a height of up to 12,000 meters and overcome up to 4,000 kilometers in flight.

It was planned to provide such flight data with the help of a bypass turbojet engine RD-5000B with a thrust of 5040 kgf. This turbojet engine was created on the basis of the RD-93 engine, however, it is initially equipped with a special flat nozzle, which reduces the visibility of the aircraft in the infrared range. The engine air intake was located in the forward fuselage and was an unregulated intake device.

Inside the fuselage of the characteristic shape, the Skat had two cargo compartments measuring 4.4x0.75x0.65 meters. With such dimensions, various types of guided missiles, as well as adjustable bombs, could be suspended in the cargo compartments. A number of sources mentioned that the onboard equipment of the Skat was planned to be adapted only for attacking ground targets, which would have reduced the possible range of guided weapons, reducing it to air-to-surface types. The total mass of the Skat combat load was supposed to be approximately equal to two tons. During the presentation at the MAKS-2007 Salon, Kh-31 missiles and KAB-500 guided bombs were located next to Skat.

The composition of the onboard equipment, implied by the project, was not disclosed. Based on information about other projects of this class, we can conclude that there is a complex of navigation and sighting equipment, as well as some possibilities for autonomous actions. However, official data regarding the Skat electronic equipment for five years has not been received.

After the first demonstration, the Skat project was mentioned several times in official sources, but it was subsequently closed. Currently, as mentioned in some sources, the developments of the MiG corporation on the Skat project are used by the Sukhoi company in the development of a promising strike drone.


The Breakthrough program of the Yakovlev company is still one of the most mysterious in the history of modern Russian aircraft manufacturing. All information about it is limited to a few paragraphs of text and a table with approximate characteristics. Even the approximate dates for the start of work in this direction are not entirely clear.

Presumably in the late nineties in the Design Bureau. Yakovlev began to consider the possibility of creating a multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicle with a wide use of developments under the Yak-130 project. There is information about a positive conclusion regarding the possibility of using a significant part of the on-board radio-electronic equipment of the original training aircraft on the drone.

It was assumed that such an approach could facilitate the development and production of a new UAV, as well as provide a high degree unification of drones of the same family. The latter possibility was especially important, since the Breakthrough program involved the creation of several unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes - strike, reconnaissance and radar detection UAVs.

In the middle of the 2000s, the first details appeared regarding the appearance of the Breakthrough family drones. So, the strike version was to some extent similar to the MiG Skat: a flying wing with one engine and internal cargo compartments for weapons. At the same time, on one of the available drawings of Proryva-U (this is how the strike drone is designated), a delta wing is visible, and two air intakes are also visible on the upper surface of the wing.

In other images, the Proryv-U, also referred to as the Yak-133BR, has hull lines and air intake placement similar to the Skat. With a take-off weight of about ten tons, the strike version of the Breakthrough UAV was supposed to have an estimated practical ceiling of about 15-16 kilometers and a maximum speed of 1050-1100 km / h. According to various estimates, the payload of such a drone should have been two to three tons. Obviously, the range of weapons would be the same as that of the Skat: guided missiles and bombs for attacking ground targets, suitable in terms of weight and size parameters.

The image of the 3D model of Proryv-U, similar to the Skat UAV, also depicts two other aircraft, the reconnaissance Proryv-R and Proryv-RLD, designed for radar detection. Their gliders are almost indistinguishable from each other. At the same time, reconnaissance "Breakthroughs" are significantly different from the shock version. Versions "R" and "RLD" in the images, instead of a swept wing of medium aspect ratio, have a wing of small sweep, high aspect ratio and a slight narrowing.

Thus, losing to a strike drone at maximum speed, reconnaissance vehicles can have higher takeoff and landing characteristics, as well as a long flight on high altitudes. In addition to the characteristic wing "Breakthrough-R" and "Breakthrough-RLD" are equipped with a tail unit of the original design. Two relatively thin beams extend from the fuselage of the drones, on which two surfaces are fixed. Obviously, the rudders placed on them can be used for pitch and yaw control.

Finally, the power plant for both reconnaissance UAVs of the Breakthrough program is located in the engine nacelle at the rear of the fuselage. The most significant difference appearance"Breakthrough-R" and "Breakthrough-RLD" is a large airborne radar radome on the latter.

According to reports, the Proryv reconnaissance drones were supposed to have a take-off weight of about ten tons, but the Proryv-R was slightly lighter. At the same time, the mass of the target equipment was reduced to 1000-1200 kilograms. Compared to the shock version, they have changed flight characteristics. For example, the maximum speed of scouts dropped to 750 kilometers per hour. At the same time, Breakthrough-R, according to calculations, could rise to a height of about 20 kilometers and stay in the air for at least 18-20 hours. "Proryv-RLD", in turn, due to slightly worsened aerodynamics - it was affected by a large radar antenna radome above the fuselage - had to have a ceiling of about 14 kilometers and fly for 16 hours.

Unfortunately, this ends all open information on the Breakthrough program. In the few years that have passed since the publication of the first data, OKB im. Yakovlev did not publish new details. Perhaps the project of the heavy UAV "Breakthrough" was closed due to the higher priority of other unmanned programs.


Projects "Skat" and "Breakthrough" belong to the category of drones, the takeoff weight of which is much more than one ton. All projects of domestic designers in this direction are still at the design stage. At the same time, another strike drone project, which nevertheless reached the stage of prototype testing, had a much lower weight.

UAV "Dozor-600"(development of the designers of the Transas company), also known as the Dozor-3, is much lighter than the Stingray or Breakthrough. Its maximum takeoff weight does not exceed 710-720 kilograms. At the same time, due to the classic aerodynamic layout with a full-fledged fuselage and a straight wing, it has approximately the same dimensions as the Skat: a wingspan of twelve meters and a total length of seven.

In the bow of the Dozor-600, a place is provided for target equipment, and a stabilized platform for observation equipment is installed in the middle. A propeller group is located in the tail section of the drone. Its basis is the Rotax 914 piston engine, similar to those installed on the American MQ-1B Predator.

115 horsepower of the engine allows you to accelerate to a speed of about 210-215 km / h or make long flights at a cruising speed of 120-150 km / h. When using additional fuel tanks, this UAV is able to stay in the air for up to 24 hours. Thus, the practical flight range is approaching the mark of 3700 kilometers.

Based on the characteristics of the Dozor-600 UAV, we can draw conclusions about its purpose. The relatively low takeoff weight does not allow it to carry any serious weapons, which limits the range of tasks to be solved exclusively by reconnaissance. However, a number of sources mention the possibility of installation on the Dozor-600 various weapons, the total mass of which does not exceed 120-150 kilograms. Because of this, the range of weapons allowed for use is limited to only certain types of guided missiles, in particular anti-tank ones.

It is noteworthy that when using anti-tank guided missiles, the Dozor-600 becomes to a large extent similar to the American one, as technical specifications, as well as the composition of weapons.

However, it is too early to talk about the combat prospects of the Dozor-600 drone. The fact is that recent successes this project dates back to 2010. In July 2009, flight tests of a large-scale prototype began. A little later, the drone model was demonstrated at the MAKS-2009 salon. Soon after that participation in the exhibition, new reports on the progress of the Dozor-600 project began to appear less and less. In 2010, a full-sized drone prototype took to the air.

But already in October of the same year, the developer company announced the termination of work on the project. This decision was due to the lack financial support from potential customers. The Transas company was not able to independently pay for the fine-tuning of the Dozor-600 and therefore closed the project. At the same time, as stated, most of the work on the project, including the creation of on-board radio-electronic equipment, had already been completed by that time. Perhaps, in the future, developments on Dozor-600 will be used in new projects.


As you can see, the development of heavy strike unmanned aerial vehicles in our country is not going through the most better times. All projects that seemed promising are either completely closed, or their condition raises serious questions. For this reason great expectations contact the new project of the company "Dry". Some sources claim that these design works were codenamed "Hunter". At the moment there is very little information on this project. Perhaps the lack of information is due to the project being in the early stages.

Project history design office Sukhoi began in 2009, when the management of the United Aircraft Corporation announced plans to involve the MiG and Sukhoi companies in the development of a joint heavy drone project. Corresponding agreements between aircraft building organizations were signed in 2011 and 2012.

In April 2012, the Department of Defense approved technical requirements to a promising strike UAV, and in the summer there was information about the choice of Sukhoi as the main contractor for the project. At the same time, approximate information appeared on the timing of the implementation of work under the Okhotnik program. It was alleged that the first flight of the device will take place in 2016, and it will enter service in 2020 or later.

Since the research work on the Hunter theme began only a few months ago, technical details, as well as a list of military requirements, have not yet become public. There is information about the requirement for a modular UAV architecture, which will allow it to change the set of onboard equipment in the shortest possible time depending on the current task.

In addition, ambiguous, if not fantastic, versions appeared in some unofficial sources. For example, there were suggestions about the development of an attack drone with the ability to perform tasks inherent in fighters, and allegedly the "Hunter" would correspond to the sixth generation of this class of equipment. For obvious reasons, it is too early to talk about the veracity of such statements, because the general criteria sixth generation fighter.

In general, heavy attack drones in our country cannot be called a particularly successful class of equipment. The total number of such projects is insignificant, and so far none of them has reached mass production and adoption. Thus, any such project will be of great interest and, obviously, high hopes will be pinned on it. Foreign armies have been successfully using UAVs capable of carrying weapons for quite a long time, but there is no such equipment in our country yet. As a result, any project of this purpose can be "appointed" as the savior of the Russian unmanned industry.

However, to date, active work is being carried out on only one project, which will be embodied in metal and composites only in three years, and will go into service even later. Due to the absence of other active work in this direction, the "Hunter" theme is the only candidate for the title of the first domestic heavy strike UAV. I would like this project to end successfully and finally appear in our army new technology, the effectiveness of which has been proven by foreign analogues.


For the first time, Mikhail Musatov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, announced his intention to purchase drones in Israel in November 2008, referring to Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov. Subsequently, however, this information was refuted several times. Once again, the news that the Russian Air Force intends to buy foreign unmanned aerial vehicles stirred up the Russian aviation community just on the eve of the third international forum "Unmanned Multi-Purpose Systems-2009".

In April 2009, Kommersant reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense would buy three complexes from the Israeli company Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI): Bird-Eye 400, I-View MK150 and Searcher II, and indicated that half of the $50 million transferred to Israel. According to the newspaper, during the war in South Ossetia, the Russian army tested several domestic drones in combat conditions, but none of them could fully fulfill the tasks assigned to it. According to Lieutenant General Vladimir Shamanov, Russian developers do not respond to the needs of the troops, and therefore should not be surprised by the purchase of foreign equipment.

This was also confirmed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Colonel-General Alexander Zelin at a press conference during the MAKS-2009 air show. He stated that the Air Force has a concept for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and noted that the decision to buy foreign aircraft arose because Russian developers are not able to create devices that meet the requirements of the Air Force. True, all attempts to find out the details of these documents did not lead to success - none of the Russian UAV developers saw such requirements.

Nevertheless, the Acting Chief of Armaments of the Air Force, Major General Oleg Barmin, in his interview with Gazeta in August of this year, said that "The Air Force considers the development of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles a priority for the development of the Air Force and the RF Armed Forces as a whole." "Today, the development of a reconnaissance-strike complex with UAVs is at the final stage. This year, state tests of a low-speed UAV in the version of a reconnaissance and repeater will be carried out. aircraft of the fifth generation. In general, complexes with UAVs will provide round-the-clock reconnaissance of the area of ​​responsibility of one or another operational-strategic formation. In the future, up to 40% of the Russian Air Force aircraft fleet may be drones," he specified.

Maybe we don’t know something, but still it seems that the military, and the country’s leadership as a whole, are simply not familiar with what is being done in their native country in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles.

On May 27 of this year, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, for example, visited the head office of the Transas group of companies. During the visit, the head of state was accompanied by St. Petersburg Governor Valentina Matviyenko and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy for the Northwestern Federal District Ilya Klebanov. Eyewitnesses say that when the president saw the drones created by this enterprise, he asked with surprise: "Do you also make drones?" Having received an affirmative answer, he asked the press to leave ...

Complexes "Transas": from small to large

As a matter of fact, "Transas" has no direct relation to the military department. All of its products are purely civilian. Today, the Transas arsenal has several complexes with the Dozor UAV: ​​Dozor-50, Dozor-85 and Dozor-100. "Patrols" have already shown themselves excellently in the protection of the state border in Dagestan. In addition to transport workers and border guards, a number of civil organizations became interested in the complex, including the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fuel and energy complex, and the forest guard. Soon the family will be replenished with another UAV, the largest in the family, Dozor-600.

AviaPort asked Gennady Trubnikov, chief designer of the UAV of the Transas group of companies, to tell us about what this device is like:

“By design number, Dozor-600 has serial number D-3. This is in chronological order. We started working on it a couple of years ago. But the fact is that building such a seemingly small aircraft is not easy. air prototype, test new layout propulsion system. Therefore, we have approached an apparatus of this dimension only now, although there is certainly a need for it.

Our first model was associated, first of all, with the version of a flying camera. She solved the functions of delivering delayed information. That is, the information is archived on board. The device "Dozor-5" (commercial name "Dozor-100") is exactly the device that is the basis of the tactical link. It can stay in the air for up to 8 hours, which allows solving problems at the entire depth of contact. In the civil sphere, this is the control of extended objects: the state border, sea and railway lines, pipelines, the fight against illegal tie-ins, and the detection of forest fires.

It was this apparatus that served as the prototype of the Dozor-600. He gave us a fundamental answer about the operation of the spacecraft's systems, about how the spacecraft behaves in various modes, during takeoff and landing.

We made Dozor-600, unfortunately, without a specific order, according to an initiative program that was approved by the board of directors. We were clearly aware that, in addition to us, the Vega concern was engaged in a UAV of this size with a version of the UAV for Prokhodchik, but we believed that the capabilities available to Transas would make it possible to create a complex not only no worse, but maybe even better.

If you look at Russian publications on drones, the idea often slipped through them that in Russian reality you need a drone similar to the American Predator. "Dozor-600" is our Predator. Time has allowed us to make the Predator smaller. Over the years that Russia did not participate in the development of UAVs, the equipment was minimized, it became smaller, it became lighter, and we can perform approximately the same functions in a smaller size. In principle, this is what we showed at MAKS-2009. At the same time, our device, when using the same engine as on the Predator, is almost twice as light. Therefore, we still have room to grow: in terms of dimensions, weights, and payload. The flight duration in the standard version without an additional tank is 24 hours, and with an additional tank we can easily achieve, according to calculations, a flight duration of 32 hours. This is already a serious backlog.

The device can lift 120 kg payload. At the same time, we have a variable cargo compartment, in which we can take another 100 kg if we use the device with an incomplete filling. I don't think we need to fly with such a load for 30 hours. If we take fuel for 4-6 hours of flight, that is, in the operational range, then we can lift 240 kg of cargo.

We are planning to start testing Dozor-600 in the first half of 2010. There is no need to rush here, because the creation of an experimental sample should go step by step. Some modernization of the control system is needed, which we will transfer from the prototype, from the “weave”. We have an excellent autopilot, which we will certainly use as the main tool automatic control. We will develop our own inertial navigation system as a spatial block for orientation and generation of control signals in the ACS. We have a decent backlog in this direction.

We also made attempts to buy such equipment on the side. I cannot say that they were not successful at all, but nevertheless we came to the conclusion that it is easier to develop our own than to refine someone else's. Firstly, the level of our company allowed us to make automatic controls of a different level. This is of course a subjective opinion, but our management system is made at a very high level. We can safely say - this is ours, and it is not worse, and maybe even better than that what we know.

The inscription "Kronstadt" on the right side of the device means that we are developing this system together with the Kronstadt enterprise. This joint development paves the way for us into the field of military applications. Moreover, not to Transas, since we are not directly engaged in the supply of military equipment, but just to Kronstadt, which can, using our civilian development, finalize it for military use.

For a long time, the Russian Air Force showed little interest in the developments that were carried out in the country. The aviation of the border troops and the FSB became the pioneers in this area. They were the first to show a serious interest in UAVs and tried to apply them in practice.

The USSR also had unmanned aerial vehicles, the Tupolev "Swifts" and "Reisy", but they solved other problems. These were almost linearly flying drones that solved the problem of controlling the situation after the strike. In order to see if there is air defense left there. At one time, these devices performed the assigned tasks. Then "Bee" appeared, then all the others. At least some, but development. The state was not up to it, but it's good that the process did not stop at all. Therefore, now we can say that it is difficult to catch up, but it is possible. And we need to catch up, otherwise we will buy other people's products. The logic is simple - if you don't feed your own army, you will feed someone else's, if you don't do it yourself, you will buy.

Today, we are on the verge of widespread use of UAVs, there is an awareness of the possibility and prospects for the use of unmanned systems. Often we are used to covering ourselves with posters that we are saving a person by sending drones on dangerous missions. But I think that this is not the main thing. In a business environment, the main thing is simple economic benefits. The use of UAVs is incomparably more profitable than the use of manned aviation for solving similar problems. In addition, the "crew" of the UAV does not know fatigue, for it there is no concept of day and night.

The UAV is able to provide what cannot be done in manned aviation. For example, when inspecting pipelines, helicopters fly along pipelines almost non-stop. The observer sees each section of the pipe for a second. And if he is a little distracted, something may slip away. No objective control, no data archiving. And regular UAV flights allow you to get an objective picture, archive data, compare with previous data, and see changes. Our software allows you to compare the received information and detect changes that have occurred. In order to increase the efficiency of such a system, we had to develop a means of transmitting data from the board. Today, we can transmit both video stream and (for the first time in Russia) photo image from the aircraft over a distance of up to 50 km in real time. At the same time continuously, stitching them together in real time. That is, we get a continuous chain of photographs.

Naturally, the sale of such devices today is unthinkable without the appropriate after-sales service. And we are ready to take over the service maintenance of manufactured devices. This service is provided. For the device itself, we give a guarantee for a year or 300 flight hours. And then by additional agreement ready to produce and service. We are interested in the long life of our machines, and the quality of our service is traditionally high. Transas has a certain authority both internationally and internationally. Russian market, and we're not going to drop it.

It is gratifying that foreign customers show great interest in our equipment. True, the decision of the Russian Air Force to purchase foreign equipment indirectly also hits us. In the negotiations that we are conducting through Rosoborexport, this leads to misunderstandings. Time will put everything in its place."


The first flight of the American UAV MQ-1 Predator ("Predator") took place in 1994. The cost of one device is $4.5 million. 195 UAVs of various models were built. In 2009, the total flight time of Predator-type unmanned aerial vehicles in service with the US Army reached 0.5 million hours. In early 2009, more than thirty MQ-1B Predator unmanned aerial vehicles were simultaneously used in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For the first time, the Searcher II tactical reconnaissance UAV, created by the Israeli company IAI, was presented to the public at the Singapore Air Show in February 1998. In June of the same year, the device was adopted by the Israeli army. Exported to Singapore, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Taiwan. A total of 20 monitoring stations and 100 devices were delivered.

Russia has already created and operates unmanned aerial vehicles of light and medium class, designed for reconnaissance. However, the niche of the heavy strike UAV remains unoccupied. An experience foreign countries shows the possibilities of such a technique, and also speaks of its necessity. Previously, several attempts were made to create an attack drone, but so far such equipment has not reached the troops. One of the most promising domestic projects of such equipment is the Dozor-600 of the Transas company. It is expected that in the near future this machine will be tested and go into series production.

The existence of the Dozor-600 UAV project (the designation Dozor-3 is also found) became known in 2009. During the international air show MAKS-2009, the Transas company for the first time showed a model (according to other sources, a flight model) of a new unmanned aerial vehicle. It was argued that in terms of its main characteristics, this machine is a direct analogue of the American MQ-1 Predator UAV. Check the correctness of such a comparison in terms of real opportunities technology is not yet possible. In the fall of 2011, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the results of two tenders for the development of advanced strike UAVs. According to the decision of the military department, the Transas company was to be responsible for the development of a machine with a take-off weight of about 1 ton, and the Sokol Design Bureau (Kazan) was responsible for the five-ton drone.

According to the developer, the Dozor-600 UAV belongs to the class of heavy medium-altitude drones with long duration flight. In this regard, the machine has a specific technical appearance and an appropriate set of equipment. "Dozor-600" is an aircraft of normal aerodynamic design with a high-mounted straight wing of high elongation. To simplify the design and improve flight performance, the tail of the device has a V-shaped design. Under the fuselage there is an additional crest.

According to reports, the Dozor-600 UAV has the following layout. The fuselage is about 7 m long and is equipped with a distinctively shaped nose with a large fairing. The nose of the machine is given over to the placement of electronic equipment and equipment necessary to complete the task. The middle part of the fuselage is given over to the placement of a relatively large fuel tank, which should provide the maximum possible range and duration of the flight. The tail section of the fuselage accommodates the engine and power supply systems for onboard equipment.

The device is equipped with a straight wing of high elongation with a small transverse V and specially shaped tips that improve flight performance. Mechanization is located along the entire span of the wing, along its trailing edge. The available photos show that it consists of flaps and a pair of ailerons. The V-shaped tail unit allows for pitch and yaw control due to synchronous or separate deflection of the rudders. The rudders occupy the entire rear edge of the stabilizers.

The maximum takeoff weight of the Dozor-600 drone, according to some sources, is 720 kg. It was previously stated that the number "600" in the name of the device refers to the take-off weight. Perhaps, during the development of the project, the weight parameters of the promising UAV have changed. The weight of the empty apparatus is 280 kg. The fuselage tank holds up to 160 kg of fuel, and the maximum payload weight reaches 120 kg.

In the rear fuselage, it is proposed to install a Rotax 914F piston engine with an HP 115 power. The engine is located in a special fairing, in front of which there is an air intake to ensure normal operation radiator. Using such a power plant, the Dozor-600 UAV is capable of developing a cruising speed of 130-150 km/h. If necessary, depending on the weight, the device can accelerate to 200-210 km / h.

It is assumed that Dozor-600 drones will be used for long-term patrolling of specified areas. To do this, they must have a greater range and duration of flight. Initially, it was reported that the new UAV would be able to stay in the air without landing for up to 16 hours. According to newer data, the duration of the flight should reach 24 hours or more, the flight range - 3700 km. The ceiling of the device is 7500 m. Dozor-600 must take off and land from existing runways using a three-point landing gear.

In the forward part of the fuselage is a set necessary equipment. So, the sample demonstrated at the exhibitions received a gyro-stabilized platform in the bow, on which optoelectronic systems should be installed: a video camera and a thermal imager to monitor the situation. In addition, the drone can carry an aerial camera high definition with interchangeable lenses or a forward and side-looking radar station. Thus, depending on the assigned task, a promising UAV can be equipped with the most suitable electronic or optoelectronic equipment.

The complex "Dozor-600" is proposed to include a set of equipment for controlling the drone and transmitting data to the operator's console. The available radio channels should be used to transmit control commands to the device, as well as video and other data to the remote control.

The available photos show that two small pylons are provided in the root part of the wing of the new drone. The necessary equipment, fuel tanks or weapons can be suspended on them. The exact composition of the equipment and weapons that can be used with the Dozor-600 UAV remains unknown. The capabilities of the device allow you to transport unguided or guided weapons of various types with a total weight of no more than 100-120 kg. These can be free-falling small-caliber bombs, guided air-to-air missiles and other weapons.

In 2011, shortly after the announcement of the results of the tender, the approximate timing of the project was called. It was argued that the main work could be completed by the middle of the decade. So, 2015 was called as an approximate date for the first flight. For some time after that, there was no news about the Dozor-600 project. New reports appeared only in 2013, when Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered the work to be accelerated. What happened after this order is unknown. Perhaps, as a result of the intervention of the head of the military department, the project will be completed, in the worst case, with a slight delay relative to the original schedule.

If the information about the plans for 2011 is true, and the specialists of Transas and related enterprises managed to meet the deadlines, then tests of the new Dozor-600 UAV can start this year. In case of successful completion of tests and fine-tuning, this device will be put into service and will become the first domestic heavy attack drone. The adoption of such a machine should have a positive impact on the potential of the Russian armed forces. However, before this, specialists have to do a lot of complex and important work, some features of which can lead to a noticeable shift in timing.