How to quit your job remotely. Dismissal of a remote employee

More than a year ago, the Labor Code was supplemented chapter 49.1, which regulates the work of remote workers. During this time, many personnel officers managed not only to conclude a full-fledged employment contract with freelancers in in electronic format, but also to dissolve labor Relations through the Internet. We found out what difficulties accompany the procedure for dismissal of remote employees. What are the grounds for dismissal? remote worker? What date to put in the dismissal order, which is sent to the freelancer by registered mail? In what order is a record of dismissal made in the remote employee's work book?

General grounds for dismissal

You can terminate an employment contract with a remote worker on general grounds, as well as with other employees ( Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, by agreement of the parties ( Art. 78 Labor Code of the Russian Federation), due to the expiration employment contract (Art. 79 Labor Code of the Russian Federation), at the initiative of the employee ( Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and etc.

Distance workers are subject to labor legislation and other acts containing norms labor law (part three of Art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that when you decide to fire such an employee due to downsizing (staff), make sure that he does not belong to a category that is prohibited from firing. For example, an employee is in charge of minor children whom he brings up without parents ( Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Find out if he has a preferential right to stay at work ( Art. 179 Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and etc.

Note that a remote worker does not travel with the organization. Therefore, it is impossible to terminate the employment contract with him in connection with the refusal to transfer to work in another locality together with the employer ( paragraph 9 of the first article. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Additional grounds for dismissal

In addition to the general grounds in the employment contract for remote work, it is possible to establish additional grounds for dismissal at the initiative of the employer, which are not in the Labor Code ( part one, art. 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). They should have clear, clear and specific wording in order to avoid disputes and ambiguous interpretation of the terms of the contract.

If you conclude an employment contract for remote work, then indicate in it that the dismissal of an employee is possible on the general grounds provided for by the Labor Code, and also establish additional grounds for dismissal in the interests of the employer

In addition, additional grounds for dismissal at the initiative of the employer must necessarily be related to the functions and duties of the employee. Practice has developed several typical grounds for dismissal of a distance worker which are most often included in employment contracts. These are, in particular:

- repeated, more than three times, non-compliance with the deadlines for completing the work assigned to the employee or non-compliance of its results with the requirements stipulated in the employment contract;

- repeated, more than three times, violation of the deadlines for submitting reports on the work performed;

– refusal of the employee to use information security tools provided or recommended by the employer, etc.

Is it possible to fire a telecommuter for absenteeism?

It seems extremely difficult to dismiss telecommuters for absenteeism, which is explained by the impossibility of proving the very fact of absenteeism. The nature of remote work involves the performance of a labor function outside the location of the employer and outside the stationary workplace. Here, the main condition is the use by the employee of the Internet to interact with the organization ( part one, art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In fact, the nature of remote labor relations is close to the contract paid provision services, when the result of the work is paid, and not the time spent on its execution. The remote worker has the right independently determine the mode of working hours and rest time unless otherwise provided in the employment contract ( part one, art. 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, it all depends on what mode of working time and its control are established by the employment contract for the distance worker.

Often a situation arises when it is necessary to ensure the participation of a remote employee in manufacturing process simultaneously with employees at stationary workplaces. Then, in the employment contract, you can specify the working hours ( part one, art. 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, set a five-day working week(40 hours) with two days off. In this case, the employer may dismiss the employee for absenteeism, provided that the procedure for such dismissal is followed (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To date, judicial practice on the dismissal of remote workers for absenteeism has not yet been formed, therefore, there are certain risks in the procedure for such dismissal, and each employer has the right to decide for himself whether to take these risks or not.

Two options for sharing documents

In the section "Labor Disputes"

you will find a court decision that notifying an employee of the need to obtain a work book relieves the employer of responsibility for its delay (

The termination of an employment contract with a remote employee can be executed both in the traditional way (on paper) and electronically. paper version consists in the exchange of documents through regular mail by means of registered letters with notification of their delivery to the addressee ( ch. 49.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In practice, many employers invite a remote worker to come to the office to sign the necessary papers (sample below).

If the remote worker and the employer have agreed to cooperate through the exchange electronic documents , they both must have enhanced qualified electronic signatures ( part four of Art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation , Part 1 Art. 5 of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ). In this case, each of the parties is obliged to send to the other a confirmation of receipt of electronic documents by it. The deadline for sending confirmation is established by the employment contract ( part four of Art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

However, even with enhanced qualified signatures, it will not be possible to completely abandon the preparation of documents on paper. The employer is obliged to send to the distance worker by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt a paper copy of the dismissal order duly executed ( part two of Art. 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, this must be done directly on the day the employment contract is terminated.

The date of the order and the day of dismissal may coincide with the date the order was sent. by e-mail and regular mail, since the employee was previously familiarized with the document in electronic form.


When issuing an order to dismiss an ordinary employee, it is unacceptable to use an electronic signature. The ability to issue such an order using an enhanced qualified signature is provided only for remote employees (Chapter 49.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Making an entry about dismissal in the work book and personal card

If a work book was kept for the remote worker, then upon dismissal, it is necessary to make an appropriate entry in it, which is drawn up in the general manner ( clause 3.1 instructions approved Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69). In the case when the termination of the contract occurs on additional grounds, indicate not only the paragraph and part of the article Labor Code, but also a clause of the employment contract (sample below).

Then get from the employee consent to send work book by mail in the form of an electronic document with an electronic signature or in paper form ( part six of Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). On the day of dismissal, send the employee a work book by registered mail with notification ( 36 Rules approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225(Further - Rules for maintaining and storing work books)). If he is present at the office on the day of dismissal, give out a work book in his hands.

If a work book is sent to a remote worker with his consent by mail, a note about this must be made in the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them (clause , Rules for maintaining and storing work books). How exactly, the legislator does not explain. In practice, there are such options:

- in column 12 indicate the details email, in which the employee gives his consent to receive a work book by mail. Column 13 is not filled out;

- in column 13 they write that the work book was sent by mail, and in column 12 indicate the date the document was received by the employee (it will be recognized from the notification of delivery when it is returned to the employer).

In addition to the work book, a record of dismissal is entered into the personal card of the employee, who needs to be familiarized with it against signature (clause , Rules for maintaining and storing work books). It is possible to comply with this requirement by exchanging electronic documents ( h. fifth art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This option is equivalent to familiarizing the employee with a personal signature. Software applied to personnel records, should allow the maintenance of personal cards in electronic form.

On the last day of the employee’s work, pay him the final payment, issue a certificate of the amount of earnings and special periods for the current and two years preceding the dismissal ( h. fifth art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation , p. 3 h. 2 art. 4.1 Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). If it is impossible to issue a certificate personally, send the employee a notice that he must either come to the accounting department for a certificate himself, or write a letter stating that he wants to receive it by mail.


You can certify several interconnected electronic documents (package of electronic documents) with one electronic signature. In this case, each of them will be considered signed

If the remoter needs work related documents, then he can send an application for their issuance to the employer in electronic form ( part four of Art. 84.1 , part six of Art. 312.1 TC RF). Employer within three working days from the date of filing such an application, must send copies of the requested documents, duly certified ( part eight of Art. 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the request of the employee, these copies can be sent by registered mail with notification or in the form of an electronic document.

Fixing the error


Some employers use express courier services to send a copy of the termination order to the remote worker. Thus, organizations violate the procedure for sending mail established by chapter 49.1 Labor Code.

How to

If the distance worker gets acquainted with the dismissal order in electronic form, then on the day the employment contract is terminated, a copy of such an order is sent to him by registered mail with notification ( part two of Art. 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Services for the delivery of registered letters with notification are provided by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post.

What if…

If the employer uses the services of courier delivery services, he will not have a notification* of delivery to the addressee. Improper notification of legally significant actions will deprive the employer of the opportunity to protect their interests in the event of a labor dispute.

Remember the main thing

The experts who took part in the preparation of the material note:


Deputy Head of the Personnel Recruitment and Personnel Records Department of AMKapital LLC, Avtomir Group of Companies (Moscow):

- It is possible to dismiss a remote worker both on the general grounds established by the Labor Code, and on additional grounds prescribed in the employment contract. In some cases, the norms of the Labor Code cannot be implemented. For example, dismissal in connection with the refusal to transfer to work in another area together with the employer. After all, the remote worker does not move with the organization.


Head of the Human Resources Department of LeCon LLC (Bryansk):

– Termination of an employment contract with a remote worker occurs in the general manner. If he gets acquainted with the dismissal order in electronic form, the employer is obliged to send him a duly executed copy of the said order by registered mail with notification. And on the day of termination of the employment contract.


lawyer, expert of the magazine "Kadrovoe delo":

- A record of dismissal must be entered into the personal card of a remote employee and familiarized with it against signature. If the employment contract is terminated without his personal presence at the office, then this requirement can be met by exchanging electronic documents using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

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Protecting the rights of an employee is a priority of labor legislation. Thanks to this, a person can terminate the employment relationship with the employer at any time and without giving reasons. To do this, you just need to submit an application, while the personal presence of an employee is not necessary. Remote dismissal allows a person to terminate an employment relationship of his own free will or for other reasons, without a personal presence in the office, which is especially true in case of poor relations with the management of the organization.

Basic information and factors

V Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is described how the dismissal procedure goes if the initiator is the employee. The main requirement is to notify the manager in advance of his intention to terminate the employment contract. Under normal conditions, this is required to be done 2 weeks before the desired date of dismissal, however, the period may be reduced depending on the type of employment contract and other reasons.

It's important to know! Current legislature does not establish any requirements regarding the personal presence of the employee during the procedure for terminating the employment contract, which allows this to be done remotely.

Remote dismissal has its advantages and disadvantages. Among the factors that could influence the choice of this particular method, it is worth highlighting:

  • territorial - a person can apply for resignation at any time, including while on vacation, on sick leave or in other circumstances when personal presence in the office is impossible. In such situations, the only option to apply is to send the document electronically;
  • temporary - by sending an application remotely, the employee saves time, as there is no need to visit the office and the personnel department. The procedure will be especially relevant for citizens who have already found a new job and are currently undergoing internships or training that require constant presence;
  • personal - most employment contracts are terminated for personal reasons, in particular, poor relationships with the manager or other employees. Due to the remote sending of documents, the need for a personal meeting is eliminated.

When choosing this method of terminating an employment relationship, it is required to find out the company's e-mail address in advance for further sending documents. It is worth considering that not all companies practice remote dismissal due to a number of reasons, for example, lack of knowledge among employees of the personnel department or manager.

Order of procedure and payment

A person, even in the absence of serious grounds, can send a letter of resignation by mail. The main condition is compliance with the procedure for terminating the employment relationship.

At the first stage, the employee must make an application. At the legislative level, a single form has not been established, which allows it to be issued in a free form. It is required to reflect the information:

  • company name;
  • Full name of the head in whose name the document is drawn up;
  • Name and position of the employee;
  • on the basis for dismissal - the employee's own desire.

At the end of the document must be the signature of the applicant and the date of preparation of the document. To prevent possible problems It is recommended to notarize the signature in advance.

It's important to know! The date of the application is affixed only at the request of the employee himself. If the person did not indicate the date in the application, then the dismissal is made 2 weeks after receipt of the document.

At good reasons, which are also spelled out in the legislation, dismissal is made without working off. This will require the consent of the manager, written evidence of the existence of the reason and an indication in the application that the sending of the labor and documentation package can be done by mail, and not in person.

When the employee has completed the application, it is sent using registered mail. Upon receipt and consideration of documents, the head issues an order and prepares a return package of documents, which will also be sent by registered mail with notification.

It is worth noting that notification is mandatory in both cases.

All documents that are sent must be completed in accordance with Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Shipping is done on the last business day. The letter itself must also contain a list of documents certified by the signature. This concludes the dismissal process.

In case of remote dismissal, you can also withdraw the application. To do this, you will need to use the mail or appear in person.

There is a nuance regarding the calculation. It is produced according to the standard scheme. If sending funds, including wages and the rest of the amounts are usually carried out in a non-cash way, then the employee will not specifically need to indicate where to transfer the funds.

If the payment is in cash, then you need to specify the account where all the funds that are due in the calculation will be transferred.

Nuances and jurisprudence

The remote care option has a number of nuances that you need to know before starting the procedure. Peculiarities:

  • there is an increased risk of illegal dismissal;
  • postal difficulties and a long delivery time, since the countdown of the procedure begins exactly from the moment the manager receives the letter;
  • the employer itself cannot confirm the actual signature of the applicant, which often leads to errors.

If the signature is forged, the dismissal is recognized as illegal, and the employee will be reinstated in his position. Upon receipt of the letter, the manager must receive information personally from the employee, including by phone or first ask to notarize the document. This makes the procedure more reliable.

The main advantage of remote dismissal is the absence of the need for personal presence on the last working day to receive all documentation and other procedures. It is better to coordinate the whole procedure with the authorities in advance, as well as draw up all the documents in accordance with the requirements.

At illegal dismissal need to go to court. V judicial practice the decision is based on proof that the signature on the application does not belong to the employee. With this option, the dismissal process is considered illegal.

With remote dismissal, you must follow the basic rules. If the documents fully comply with all requirements, the manager must accept the application and dismiss the employee within the appropriate time frame. In case of illegal dismissal, any employee must apply to the relevant authorities, which will conduct a handwriting verification of the signature.

If an employee has a desire to quit or life circumstances force him to do this, he can quit unilaterally by own initiative. In agreement with the employer, this can be done even without working off. But what if the head office of the employer is located, for example, in another city. Can I apply and resign remotely? In the article, we will consider how to quit remotely from work without working off.

Remote dismissal of an employee under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Important! In the event of various unforeseen situations, dismissal can also be carried out remotely.

When is remote dismissal allowed?

There is no special list of situations in which dismissal in a remote format is possible by law. In accordance with this, each situation must be considered individually, by agreement between the employee and the employer. In practice, the following can be considered as grounds for remote dismissal:

  • Relocation of an employee, associated, for example, with the transfer of a spouse to another military unit, or with the need to care for a sick relative;
  • Initial remote work, due to the remoteness of the head office;
  • Finding an employee on maternity leave, in another city;
  • A state of health that does not allow free movement;
  • Conflicts in the office that prevent the employee from being close to the staff;
  • Other personal reasons.

In the event that the manager considers the reason for the employee to formalize the dismissal remotely respectful, the dismissal can be carried out in this way.

Important! Dismissal without working off is possible only in agreement with the employer. However, if the dismissed employee is financially responsible person, it will not be possible to do without working off, since upon dismissal it will be necessary to formalize the transfer of material assets.

How to quit your job remotely

The procedure for the usual dismissal of an employee at will will be as follows:

  • To begin with, the employee submits an application addressed to the head;
  • After that, an order is issued to dismiss the employee, with which the employee is introduced against signature;
  • Based on the order, the accounting department calculates the payments due upon dismissal;
  • On the day of dismissal of the employee, a work book is calculated and issued.

When making a dismissal remotely, it is necessary to follow the same procedure, however, due to the peculiarities of dismissal, there are some differences. For example, consider an application that an employee submits. The employee must notify his employer in writing. An application that the employee will not personally submit is better to be certified by a notary so that the management does not have suspicions about its authenticity. Applications can be submitted by mail or via courier service, the main thing is that there should be a mark on receipt and the date. From this date will be counted two weeks before the day of dismissal. Having received the application, the head will issue an order. Can be used unified form T-8, and the order itself will not differ from the usual one. In order to acquaint him with the order personally, he is first sent a copy of it by registered mail. When the employee receives a letter with a copy of the order, the employer will receive a notification of delivery to the recipient. Such a notification will be confirmation that the employee is familiar with the order. It should be attached to the original order.

The procedure for issuing a work book

Retirement payouts

It is necessary to calculate the employee on the day of his dismissal. That is, if settlements with the employee were made by bank transfer, on the day of dismissal, he needs to transfer the due amount. If the employee received the money personally at the cash desk, then the employee will have to write another application for transferring money by bank transfer, or for permission to receive money to a trustee.

How to quit remotely without work

Given the fact that the dismissal will be carried out remotely, the deadline for filing an application should be increased. The period of two weeks set for dismissal will be counted only from the moment the employer receives the application from the employee. If an employee for some reason cannot work for two weeks, the employer has the right to meet him. To do this, the employee can first talk with the head of the date of dismissal, or issue a dismissal by agreement of the parties.

The current legislation allows the employee. You can also terminate an employment relationship remotely if circumstances prevent you from meeting with your manager in person. How to quit remotely, we will consider in detail later in the article.

Is it possible to quit without coming to work?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain information prohibiting the remote termination of an employment contract. The law does not establish a list of situations in which it is allowed to quit remotely. Therefore, each case should be considered individually. The coordinated actions of the subordinate and the manager will allow the dismissal to be safely carried out without a personal meeting.

The basis for the procedure may be:

  • relocation of an employee to another locality;
  • making a decision on dismissal while living in another city;
  • , preventing its free movement;
  • long distance between the central office and the place of work;
  • conflict relations with the personnel of the organization;
  • other personal reasons.

In such circumstances, employee thinks about how to quit remotely from work of his own free will without difficulty. No worries. Termination of cooperation will occur as usual.

The difference from the standard procedure is the need to exchange documents via mail. There is even the possibility of dismissal without working off in the cases established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If there is an employment contract for remote work remote employee can quit in the same remote format in which the employment took place.

How to send an application to an employer?

None additional requirements is not presented to the document, you can use the standard application form.

In the upper right corner of the sheet, information is written about who the document is intended for - about the employer. Below is the source of the application. Then, in a free form, the applicant asks to be fired. The reason can be given own wish. Under the text must be the signature of the employee and the date.

The peculiarity of the application for remote dismissal is that the signature of the employee must be certified by. This is necessary to exclude the possibility of document forgery. The company will suffer if a forgery is revealed. Litigation and penalties are possible.

The application is sent by registered mail with a notification in which the date of delivery will be fixed. This will give the sender confirmation of receipt of the document by the employer. The countdown of the two-week working period does not begin from the date of departure, but from the next day after the receipt and registration of the application by the company.

If an employee incorrectly calculates the deadline and does not go to work, this will be considered. If there are circumstances that prevent the subordinate from working out the allotted time, the manager can change. To do this, the parties must reach an agreement.

Owners digital signature It is possible to send a letter of resignation to the employer by e-mail. EDS allows you to identify the sender, guarantees the integrity of the document and confidentiality. Such a document is just as legally significant as the paper version.

How to pick up a work book?

Dismissal from work remotely today became possible. How to draw up all the documents correctly and protect yourself? What should the employee and his employer do? When might such a decision be required?

The law gives any employee the right to terminate an employment contract at will without giving reasons. The desire to leave your position will be enough. The main thing is to warn the current employer about the dismissal.

However, it is not always possible for an employee to come personally to write a letter of resignation. For example, the company's head office and management are located in another city, and there is no time or financial opportunity to go there. In such situations, the question arises of whether it is possible to quit your job remotely.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation and others legal acts have no mention of the prohibition of remote dismissal. In addition, some laws even give recommendations on how to act in such a situation.

What could be the difficulties?

Today, employees resort to remote dismissal only in extreme cases, preferring to contact the employer personally. This situation is explained by several nuances:

  1. A written notice of dismissal is a mandatory step for an employee. Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges him to notify the employer of his desire 2 weeks in advance. In some cases, processing time may be less. In any case, a written statement will be required. However, you don't have to come to work to receive it. You can send the document by registered mail. However, the countdown of two weeks will not start from the date indicated in the document, but from the moment the employer receives the application.
  2. The employer is obliged to familiarize his employee with the order of dismissal against signature. However, there may be situations in which people do not come to work on the last day due to personal circumstances. In this case, the employer must document the absence of the employee in the order. And after that, the document itself in one copy must be sent former employee by mail.
  3. At the time of dismissal, the employer must issue a work book. This rule is spelled out in article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, if the employee himself cannot come for work, then the employer needs to send him written notice that he should pick up the document. In some cases, employees give their consent to send a work book by mail, in which case it can be sent by registered mail.

All these nuances create some difficulties in dismissal for both parties. It requires the preparation of additional documents, money and time spent on sending papers. Therefore, they use remote dismissal today infrequently.

When can you retire remotely?

The list of situations in which remote dismissal is possible is not specified by law. Therefore, this issue is usually resolved between the employee and his employer personally. They discuss the most convenient option for dismissal in advance. In practice, people resort to remote care from work in the following cases:

  • a person urgently needed to leave for another city in order to care for his ill relative;
  • the military spouse was transferred to serve in another unit;
  • the head office is far from the immediate place of work;
  • the decision to quit was made during maternity leave and subject to living in another city;
  • the employee was seriously injured or became very ill, as a result of which he is unable not only to fulfill his duties at work, but also to come to the employer to formalize the dismissal;
  • serious conflicts with other employees or personal dislike for them;
  • other personal reasons.

Employees of some positions cannot be fired remotely without good reasons. For example, if a person is a financially responsible person, before dismissal, he must definitely transfer cases to a new employee, take an inventory. All this requires a direct presence in the workplace, and simply hostile relations with another employee will not become a weighty argument.

The order of remote dismissal

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of remote employment. Moreover, an appropriate algorithm has been developed that includes all the nuances (concluding an employment contract, receiving and filling out documents). Chapter 49 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains instructions for hiring and dismissing remote employees. If the employee decides to quit, then he needs to act in the following order:

  1. to write an application;
  2. read the order;
  3. get a work book;

Regardless of whether the employee is leaving remotely or not, he needs to follow these points. Only if he does not show up for work will you have to follow some other rules.

Written statement - required condition layoffs. Article 80 of the RF IC requires that the employee notify his employer in writing 2 weeks in advance. The document itself is compiled in the same way as usual. However, you will have to notarize your signature so that the personnel specialist can verify the authenticity of the signature. It is important for the organization to exclude the possibility of forgery, because in which case litigation and fines will not be avoided.

Once the application has been completed, signed and certified, it should be mailed. It is important that the letter be registered with acknowledgment of receipt. So the employee will have proof that the employer received the application.

Familiarization with the order

When the employer receives the employee's application, he draws up a dismissal order. In this case, the usual form T-8 is used. The document itself has no features. However, after compilation, a difficulty will arise - the employee cannot come to work, which means that he will not be able to put his signature. Therefore, the employer acts like this:

  1. draws up an order;
  2. makes a copy of the order and certifies it with the seal of the organization;
  3. sends a copy by registered mail to the employee;
  4. makes an entry in the order on the date of sending the copy and the number of the spine - this will be a confirmation of the sending of the document.

When forming an order, it is advisable to attach copies of postal documents to it (information about sending a letter, receiving it).

Getting a work book

Entering an entry into the labor force is no different during remote dismissal from how it is done in the usual way. Moreover, the law establishes the need to issue a book in the hands of an employee on the day of his dismissal. The exception is situations when the employee himself did not come to work on the right day. Then the employer can act in one of the following ways:

  • send the employee a written notice of the need to receive their work book;
  • obtain consent from the employee to send papers by mail.

Moreover, in the second case, the employer is not responsible for the safety after sending.

An employee, at the time of sending a letter of resignation, can immediately draw up written agreement to send a workbook. Then the process of obtaining documents will be much faster.

Sample application for an employee to send a work book:

The easiest way is to make a settlement with an employee if he quits remotely. All payments must be made on the day of dismissal. However, in most cases, there are no difficulties here - most enterprises transfer salaries to employee cards. And for this, his personal presence is not necessary at all.

It will be more difficult if the money is handed out at the enterprise. Then it is better for the employer to request from the employee an application for transferring money to a card or bank account. You can do otherwise - transfer money to a third party if he has a power of attorney.

Terms of registration

Usually dismissal is made 2 weeks after writing the application. However, with remote access, the period will be longer. It will take time to send applications, orders and permits. The deadline will depend on the remoteness of the sending and receiving points, the speed of processing the information received by the parties. Therefore, do not expect that everything will be decided in 2 weeks. It will take at least 3-4 weeks.