The time sheet is a designation of a working day on a weekend. Designations in the timesheet

Designations in the time sheet are made using alphabetic or numeric codes. The filling method depends on the operating mode of the organization by the method of continuous registration of attendances, absences or by the method of fixing deviations. The procedure for maintaining the primary accounting document is fixed in the internal regulations enterprises.

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Letter designations in the time sheet

The designations in the time sheet refer to information on the actual hours worked in the current month by each employee. In this case, two forms are used:

  • the standard form of form No. T-12 is intended for recording working hours and calculating pay for manual data processing;
  • with an automated processing method, it is recommended to use a time sheet of form No. T-13.

Both forms were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. Commercial type organizations can use timesheet forms developed in individually on the basis of articles 7 and 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of December 4, 2012 No. PZ-10/2012.

HR hint. Conventions deviations for filling out the time sheet in the form No. 0504421

V municipal organizations apply the form of the time sheet No. 0504421, using the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of January 5, 2004 No. 1. Recommendations for entering designations in the time sheet of form No. 0504421 are reflected in the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2015 under the number 52n.

OKUD 0504421. Time sheet

Please note: when maintaining a time sheet in in electronic format there is no need to fill out a special form No. T-13 on paper. It is enough to certify the time sheet with an electronic digital signature.

Designations in the time sheet are carried out using digital, alphabetic codes established for the corresponding form. It is possible to use your own codes approved by the order of the organization.

Designation in the time sheet by the method of continuous registration and deviations from the work schedule:

  • with continuous registration of attendances and non-attendances in the report card, each day of the month is noted in a separate column. Under the code or letter designation indicate the number of hours worked by the employee;
  • when registering deviations, delays, absenteeism and overtime hours worked are noted. The top line is for specifying codes, the bottom lines are left blank. This method of fixing is used only for a standard unchanged working day or shift.

Leave designation in the report card

The procedure for designating vacation in the time sheet depends on the type of vacation:

  1. The letter designation "OJ" in the report card stands for parental leave. Numeric code 15.
  2. The indication "DO" in the report card means leave without pay, provided in agreement with the employer. Numerical designation 16.
  3. The letter code "OD" in the time sheet indicates additional paid leave, provided annually. Numerical designation 10.

Employees can receive maternity leave, annual paid leave, training, provided for the delivery of the session. The designation in the time sheet will have its own alphabetic and numeric code.

The unified form T-12 is filled out by:

  • by entering information about the employee in columns 2 and 3: full name, position, personnel number;
  • column 4 indicates the alphabetic or numeric code of appearance, absence from work;
  • in column 5, the number of days, hours for half a month is fixed;
  • In column 6, the number of total days and hours for the entire month.

Form No. T-12. Timesheet and payroll

The unified form T-13 is filled out by additionally entering information about wages in columns 7-9. The remaining columns record information about the reasons for non-attendance, lateness, absenteeism.

Form No. T-13. Time sheet

Symbols in the time sheet

The conditional numerical and alphabetic designation in the time sheet allows you to fix the nature of the work of each employee during the calendar month:

  • daytime work: letter code "I", digital (01);
  • work at night: letter code "H", digital (02);
  • work non-working holidays or on weekends: letter code "RP", digital (03);
  • work performed overtime: letter code "C", digital (04);
  • watch: letter code "VM", digital (05);
  • business trip: letter code "K", digital (06);
  • basic leave provided annually: letter code "OT", digital (09);
  • additional leave granted annually: letter code "OD", digital (10);
  • maternity leave: letter code "P", digital (14);
  • parental leave: letter code "OJ", digital (15);
  • unpaid leave granted to an employee with the permission of the employer: letter code "DO", digital (16);
  • temporary disability with the appointment of benefits: letter code "B", digital (19);
  • temporary disability without benefit assignment: letter code "T", digital (20);
  • absenteeism: letter code "PR", digital (24);
  • weekends and non-working holidays: letter code, digital "B" (26);
  • absenteeism for unknown reasons (until the circumstances are clarified): letter code "НН", digital (30);
  • absenteeism: PR (24);
  • day off or non-working holiday: B (26);
  • downtime due to the fault of the employee: VP (33);
  • absence from work in connection with the performance of state or public duties: D (23);
  • additional paid leave in connection with education: U (11);
  • advanced training with a break from work: PC (07).

Notes in the time sheet are made by the person responsible for maintaining primary document accounting of working time. It is allowed to fill out the time sheet with the designation of only letters or numbers. If an error is made, the incorrect information is crossed out with one line, the correct information is written on top and the date of correction is indicated (reason: Article No. 402-ФЗ “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011).

Each structural unit fills out a separate time sheet. Not later than the 1st and 15th of the month, the primary reporting document is submitted to the accounting department for payroll calculation.

Symbols in the report card allow you to quickly fill out the primary form accounting documentation on paper or electronic media. The importance of accurate recording of working hours is used not only for payroll. The document is intended for generating reports on statistical data.

With the help of the time sheet, it is easy to track compliance with the labor regime established by the employer. After filling out the document is signed by the responsible person and the head structural unit.

The designations in the time sheet have not changed. In accordance with current legislation, timesheet maintenance is entrusted to timekeepers or authorized persons. Small companies delegate this responsibility to a specialist personnel service or department head. Powers reflect in employment contract and contribute to job description employee.

The designation of absenteeism in the time sheet is fixed by the letter code PR or digital 24. The incident must be reported to the management of the organization. If in the future it turns out that the employee’s absence was agreed with the administration, the code is corrected to “A”, due to illness to “B”.

Time sheet. Absenteeism

Study leave designation in the report card

The designation in the timesheet of the study leave is indicated by the letter code "U" or digital 11. Attending lectures, passing intermediate or state exams, dissertation writing, thesis takes time. If the employee is not employed part-time, the management is obliged to provide study leave and pay for it.

Study leave is granted to employees receiving their first higher or special education.

  • certificate-call must be presented to the personnel department;
  • submit a written application to the head.

The time sheet with symbols is filled in in accordance with the current rules. If the working conditions at the enterprise are normal, the period of storage of primary accounting documents is 5 years. When taking into account the working hours of personnel performing duties in harmful or hazardous conditions, the report card is transferred to the archive and stored for 75 years.

Designation of sick leave in the time sheet

The designation of sick leave in the time sheet is fixed with the letter code "B" or digital 19. The code is affixed in the first half of the line of the time sheet. When submitting an accounting document to the accounting department, it is necessary to calculate the number of days or hours worked, excluding the time when the employee was on sick leave.

If an employee is sick while on vacation:

  • designations in the time sheet are carried out using the letter code "OT", digital 09;
  • weekends are not celebrated during the vacation period, the calculation is made in calendar days, and not in working days;
  • the vacation is extended, the note “FROM” is made in the report card.

The employer must take into account, on the basis of Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, annual paid leave can be extended or rescheduled for another time. Vacation due to illness cannot be extended automatically. Only on the basis of the employee's application, vacation can be postponed to another time.

The codes in the T-13 time sheet are the letter designations of the reasons for the presence or absence of an employee at the workplace on each day of the month. Read on to learn how to use them correctly.

If the earnings of employees of the organization depend on the length of the worked period, it must be fixed. Moreover, article 91 Labor Code requires the employer to keep a record of each worker. There is a special time sheet for this: we will decipher the designations of 2019 in this article.

What does the document look like

And now we are interested in decoding the time sheet 2019. As you can see, in the cell corresponding to each day of the month, certain letters are put down. Let's find out what they mean.

Letter designations of accounting of working hours

Let's take a look at the aforementioned Decree. It provides not only the form itself, but also recommendations for filling it out, including the 2019 timesheet codes. Let's consider them by columns.

In column 4, it is necessary to explain whether the employee was present on the spot on a particular day.

Here are the possible options:

  • I (01) - appeared and worked in the daytime;
  • H (02) - worked at night;
  • RV (03) - went out on a holiday or weekend;
  • C (04) - worked overtime.

If the employee was not on site, then the codes will tell you why. We will look at the most common ones.

  • K (06) - was on a business trip;
  • PC (07) or PM (08) - advanced training;
  • OT (09) or OD (10) - was on vacation (main or additional);
  • U (11) or HC (12) - was on study leave;
  • B (19) or T (20) - sick.

There are more in the referenced document:

How to designate maternity leave

Often questions are raised by the codification of absence due to a decree. Its first part is marked with the letter P in the report card: transcript - for pregnancy and childbirth. But rarely does a woman go to work as soon as she leaves the hospital. But its further absence has a somewhat different basis. Therefore, they use the abbreviation OJ: decoding - for caring for a child up to one and a half years.

The form is valid for 31 days. For a month with 30 or 28 days, the missing days must be marked with a cross.

Other codes for timesheet 2019

In columns 5 and 6, the amount of hours worked is calculated - there are no conventional signs here. But column 7 contains payment codes.

They are similar to those used in the 2-personal income tax certificate. You can find them in the Order of the Ministry of Finance dated September 10, 2015 No. ММВ-7-11 / 387@.

The designation in T-13 covers the following types of income:

  • 2000 - the main worked period;
  • 2012 - vacation pay;
  • 2300 - hospital allowance.

It's worth explaining here. The question often arises: how is unpaid leave indicated in the report card? Obviously, column 7 will be empty. If the salary is not paid, then there is nothing to reflect in it.

And the letter designation in the time sheet is TO (16) or OZ (17), depending on the basis for granting leave.

In columns 10 and 12, no-show codes are entered, and in 11 and 13, missed hours or days are summarized.

T-12 time sheet - a form approved by the State Statistics Committee and is one of the register options for recording working hours. Where to download the form of the time sheet and what is the specifics of it practical application, we will tell in the article.

What is the form T-12 (time sheet)

On the basis of the T-12 form, introduced into the practice of document management by the State Statistics Committee in the resolution of 01/05/2004 No. 1, a time sheet is formed, which is intended for use for the following purposes:

  • keeping records of visits by employees to their place of work in accordance with the established schedule;
  • determining indicators for calculating the salaries of employees;
  • formation of certain statistical data on personnel (for example, sent to Rosstat or research agencies).

It should be noted that the form in question must be completed manually (on a PC with using Word or a similar program or in printed form ballpoint pen). And the time sheet, designed to be filled in automatically when access control systems are activated, is compiled on the basis of another form of the State Statistics Committee - T-13. The selected form of the time sheet for 2017 must be indicated in the accounting policy.

Read about what the T-13 form is in the article. "Unified form No. T-13 - form and sample" .

When is it supposed to use the time sheet form 0504421 according to OKUD

The form of the time sheet corresponding to the number OKUD 0504421 (T-12 has a very similar name to it, therefore confusion can sometimes arise when applying this or that document) was introduced into business circulation by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, which issued order dated 30.03.2015 No. 52n. This document is used for the same purposes as the T-12, but is subject to use in government agencies.

The timesheet corresponding to form 0504421 also has a rather similar structure with form T-12. Therefore, for an employee of the HR department, as a rule, it is not a problem to adapt to a document approved by the Ministry of Finance if he is used to using the form from the State Statistics Committee, and vice versa.

Is it allowed in private firms to use the time sheet f. 0504421

The use of a time sheet in form 0504421 is not prohibited for private companies. The fact is that from 01/01/2013, firms that are not directly required by law to use specific unified forms of primary sources are allowed to use any others. Therefore, a private company has the right to use, in order to monitor the time spent at work by employees, a time sheet on the form T-12, and form 0504421, or another form developed independently. One way or another, the company must have such a document - due to the fact that, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employer must monitor the time spent at work by hired employees.

Read more about filling out the T-12 form in the material "Unified form No. T-12 - form and sample" .

Where Form T-12 is available for download

You can download the time sheet - a form of a simple form T-12 - on our portal.

Time sheet, form 0504421 (download form)

Form 0504421 is also available for download on our website.

How are vacations shown on the time sheet?

Unified forms for maintaining a record sheet of employee visits at Russian enterprises T-12 and T-13 assume that information about holidays is reflected using the codes given on the title page of the T-12 form.

These codes are presented in two varieties: alphabetic and numeric. The use of both is the same. Moreover, in the local standard of the organization, a certain mixed version of the application or involving the use of completely different codes can be fixed. The employer also has the right to independently develop and apply a form of a time sheet with symbols in it.

Let's see what designations apply to vacations.

Vacation basic and additional

When an employee goes on a regular paid vacation, and the company uses the T-12 or T-13 form, in the accounting table, which is given in the time sheet, the letter code OT or the numeric code 09 is recorded for each day of the employee's vacation.

If the rest is additional, then another code is put down: OD (10).

Educational and unpaid leave (administrative leave)

In the provisions of Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, leave at the expense of the employee is divided into 2 types:

  • provided by the employer voluntarily at the request of the employee - in this case, the DO code (16) is reflected in the report card;
  • mandatory provided by the employer at the request of the employee - the OZ code (17) is used.

Study leave also, according to labor legislation, has 2 varieties (Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • vacation for study with the preservation of earnings - is reflected using the code U (11);
  • unpaid leave for passing entrance exams, sessions, state exams - is recorded in the report card using the UD code (13).

You can learn more about the legislative regulation of the provision of study leave in the article "Study leave under Article 173 of the Labor Code (nuances)".

Maternity and parental leave

Maternity leave granted in accordance with Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is reflected in the report card using the code P (14). Parental leave granted under Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is fixed using the coolant code (15).

A scenario is possible in which an employee who is on parental leave will work part-time. If so, then when taking into account her visits in the report card, the “double” code I (01) and OJ (15) will be used. These codes can be indicated in one cell of the time sheet using the “/” symbol (for example, I / OZh or 01/15), or an additional line can be added to the form of the time sheet.

Theoretically, there can be three codes in one cell. For example, if an employee agreed to go on a business trip and worked a day off there. In this case, the table will record: K / RV / OZH (06/03/15).

What to put in the report card if the vacation falls on a holiday

In accordance with Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation non-working holidays falling on the period of the annual main or annual additional paid leave, including calendar days Holidays are not included and are not taken into account.

Holidays established by regional legislation are also excluded from vacation (see Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2011 No. 20-PV11).

It follows that holidays falling on vacation in the report card must be indicated by the code "B" or 26.

And if you want, you can install your own code for this. This was indicated by the Ministry of Labor in a letter dated April 27, 2017 No. 14-2 / ​​B-370.


The Russian legislator has put into circulation forms for monitoring the presence of employees at work, adapted for employers of any form (including firms, both private and public). Employers who are not related to government agencies have the right to use any form of relevant accounting documents. However, the T-12 form continues to be one of the most convenient.

Answer to the question:

Filling out the time sheet is one of the obligations of the employer (part 4 of article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Forms of timesheets (No. T-12 and No. T-13) approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia (Decree No. 1 dated 05.01.2014).

There are 2 codes for leave without pay in the report card:

1. If an employee went on vacation without pay, since he has an unconditional right to do so in accordance with the law (part 2 of article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then the code "OZ" (or the number 17) is put in the report card.
So, the legislation fixes a number of cases when an organization is obliged to provide leave without pay at the request of an employee. For example, working disabled people - up to 60 calendar days a year or employees in cases of the birth of a child, marriage registration, death of close relatives - up to five calendar days (paragraph , part 2 of article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For more details on these cases, as well as the duration of such mandatory holidays, see the table.

2. When an employee is granted leave without pay by agreement with the employer (part 1 of article 128 of the Labor Code), the mark “DO” (or the number 16) is used. That is, this code displays ordinary holidays without pay, issued by agreement of the parties.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:


Conventions for recording working hours in the timesheet

Conventions Letter code Digital code
Working hours during the day I AM 01
Working hours at night H 02
Hours of work on weekends and non-working holidays RV 03
Length of overtime WITH 04
Duration of shift work VM 05
Business trip TO 06
Professional development with a break from work PC 07
Advanced training with separation from work in another area PM 08
Annual basic paid leave FROM 09
Annual additional paid leave OD 10
Additional leave in connection with training while maintaining average earnings for employees who combine work with training At 11
Reduced working hours for students on the job with partial pay HC 12
Additional leave in connection with training without pay UD 13
Maternity leave (leave in connection with the adoption of a newborn child) R 14
Parental leave until the child reaches the age of three coolant 15
Leave without pay granted to an employee with the permission of the employer BEFORE 16
Leave without pay under the conditions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation OZ 17
Annual additional leave without pay DB 18
Temporary incapacity for work (except as provided for by the “T” code) with the appointment of benefits in accordance with the law B 19
Temporary incapacity for work without the appointment of benefits in cases provided for by law T 20
Reduced hours of work against the normal hours of work in cases provided for by law Champions League 21
Time of forced absenteeism in case of recognition of dismissal, transfer to another job or suspension from work as illegal with reinstatement at the previous job PV 22
Absenteeism during the performance of state or public duties in accordance with the law G 23
absenteeism (absence from work without good reasons within the time period established by law) ETC 24
The duration of part-time work at the initiative of the employer in cases provided for by law NS 25
Days off (weekly vacation) and non-working holidays V 26
Additional days off (paid) OV 27
Additional days off (without pay) HB 28
Strike (under the conditions and in the manner prescribed by law) ZB 29
Absences for unexplained reasons (until the circumstances are clarified) HH 30
Downtime due to the fault of the employer RP 31
Downtime for reasons beyond the control of the employer and employee NP 32
Downtime due to employee fault

The time sheet is designed to enter information about the time actually worked by employees of organizations. I must say that the time sheet form is not strictly mandatory - in principle, it can be arbitrary, that is, each enterprise is free to use its own time sheet if such a need arises. However, the form was developed and recommended for use by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and is preferred.


Who completes the timesheet

The form is filled out either by an employee of the personnel department, or by the head of a structural unit, or by a timekeeper specially hired for this function. Based on the information entered into it, the specialists of the accounting department accrue to the employees of the organization wages and other payments. In fact, the time sheet is one of the most important accounting documents. And if small companies can do without it, then large enterprises must keep such time records.

Depending on the system adopted by the enterprise personnel records, the time sheet can be formed either one for all employees of the organization, or kept separately in each unit.

The time sheet is a regular document, that is, a new copy must be compiled every month, so the serial number of the time sheet will be equivalent to the serial number of the month in which it was created. The timesheet period covers all days of the month.

You can fill out the time sheet both electronically and in writing. However, after entering all the necessary information, it will still have to be printed out for the signatures of the responsible persons.

Form T-13. Form Features

Let's start with the T-13 form, which is now used much more often to keep a time sheet.

unified form T-13 or electronic time sheet is well known to employees of the personnel department. This is not the only way, but definitely the most standard way to account for hours worked. If you are keeping records manually, Form T-12 should be used.

The time sheet is a familiar tool for tracking employee attendance. Form T-13 allows you to record in detail the reasons for absenteeism, including student leave for the duration of the session, advanced training and several types of disability leave. The period for which the document is filled out may be less than 31 days.

The completed T-13 is the basis for payroll.

The format for filling out the time sheet in T-13

Unlike arbitrary tables of similar content, T-13 contains data about the enterprise, including the form of ownership and OKPO. The document number is affixed in accordance with the internal requirements for maintaining time sheets.

The name of the department is also indicated at the top. It must be remembered that the head of this department (even if filling out the time sheet is not part of his or her duties) should sign the completed form.

The order of employees is determined by the decision responsible person. The most common sorting is alphabetical, as in our example, but a variant of arrangement by personnel number is possible (column 3).

In column 4 we put marks by day:

I AM- (appearance) working day,
V- day off,
FROM- vacation,
RP- turnout on a day off (working off),
TO- business trip,
PC- training,
At- study leave with a call from an educational institution,
B- sick leave with sick leave,
T- unpaid sick leave without a sick leave.

Under the mark I put the number of hours worked that day. In column 5, we summarize the number of I in the line and the number of hours. We get 4 values ​​for 2 halves of the month. In column 6, we summarize the values ​​\u200b\u200band get the final figure for the work for the month.

The number of hours for V, OT, K, B and other cases is not indicated in the fourth column. To do this, there are columns 10-13.

Accounting for sick leave, vacations or absences for other reasons

Designation codes may be different (for example, numeric). Legislatively, a specific filling format is not prescribed.

The notation X shows that we do not take into account this day: for convenience, the month is divided into two lines with unequal values. For months that have 30 days (for example, November, the column will look like this (for convenience, the “non-existent” 31st number is highlighted in red):

T-13 for November

By analogy, T-13 is filled out for visits in February.

Columns 7-9 indicate the payment code, the number of days and the type of charges. In our example, the codes are:

  • 2000 - Common workday,
  • 2300 - sick leave (disability allowance),
  • 2012 - vacation.

Alternative Solution

Some enterprises approve a slightly simplified version of the time sheet without detailing the reason for the omissions. In column 4, only 2 codes are indicated:

  • I AM- working day,
  • H- unworked day.

This method may be inconvenient in that it does not record sick leave.

Special cases

  1. How to fill out T-13 for employees participating in conferences and other training events?
  2. Depends on the position of the enterprise. These days can be counted as working days (I), or they can be counted as advanced training (PC). The pay rate may also vary.

  3. Can the code I have a value of more than 8 hours?
  4. Yes. Maybe, if there is a special order for extended working hours. Overtime hours can be marked with the designation C.

  5. What is the difference between T-12 and T-13 timesheets?

The first is a manual attendance form. Second - electronically. Many accounting departments today have switched to T-13, since it can be automatically collected using a special program.

Form T-12

First of all, as in any other personnel records document, you first need to enter the details of the organization in the time sheet: its full name with the OKPO code (must be taken from the registration documents), organizational and legal status (IP, LLC, CJSC, OJSC), as well as the structural unit (department) for which this time sheet is maintained (if necessary).

Then you need to enter in the appropriate column the document number for the internal workflow, and also indicate reporting period, which takes into account this timesheet.

Numeric and alphabetic codes in the time sheet

This part of the timesheet includes the alphabetic and numeric ciphers used to fill in the necessary information on employees, as well as their decoding. They must be entered in the main part of the time sheet in order to briefly and clearly reflect the amount of time actually spent by one or another employee at the workplace, as well as the reasons for his absence from work. In case the specialists personnel department there is a need to enter some additional codes in this form of the time sheet, they can be developed independently and entered in this table.

Accounting for working time in T-12

This section in the report card is the main one - it is in it that records of working hours are kept. First you need to enter the employee’s serial number in the first column of this section, then, in the second column, his full name (preferably the full name and patronymic, so that there is no confusion and errors). In the third column, you need to insert the personnel number of the employee assigned to him during employment (it is individual and never repeats).

For each employee in the report card, two lines are allocated - they contain encrypted information about the presence or absence at the workplace on each calendar day of the month. In addition, it is also necessary to indicate the reason for non-attendance at the workplace if one has been installed.

In the top line opposite the name of the employee, the reason is indicated, and in the bottom line - the number of hours actually worked, and if the employee did not appear at the workplace, the bottom cell can be left empty.

The next step is counting. total hours and days actually worked for two-week periods, and at the end of the table - the result of calculations for the month.

At the same time, you should carefully monitor that the total number of calendar days in a month coincides with the amount of working, weekends and holidays indicated for each employee.

It should be said that sometimes the persons responsible for filling out the time sheet enter into it only those information that relate to the days when the employee was absent from the workplace. However, this option can lead to personnel and accounting errors, so it is not advisable to use it.

Date and signatures of responsible persons

After the time sheet is filled out, the employee responsible for it must indicate his position, as well as put down a signature in the appropriate cells with a mandatory transcript. The head of the structural unit or the director of the enterprise must also approve the time sheet - also indicating the position and signature with a transcript. The last thing you need to put is the date the timesheet was filled out.