Psychology of management. Management psychology: its object and subject Subject and object of management psychology

1.Object, subject and tasks of management psychology

Psychology of management- a department of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of psychological and human activity in order to increase the efficiency and quality of work in the management system. The management process is implemented in the activities of the manager, in which management psychology highlights the following points: diagnostics and forecasting of the state and changes in the management subsystem; formation of a program of activities of subordinates aimed at changing the states of the controlled object in a given direction; organization of the implementation of the decision.

Control system- subjectively object-object relations

Subject-a complex of psychological relationships

In subject studying psych.upr. includes problems of labor activity, separate theories of general psychology, traditional psychological phenomena, socio-psychological relations, mechanisms

object studying yavl. Various forms human activity in the system of labor activity cooperative activity on the creation of material and spiritual values ​​in need of management organization.


4. Methods of management psychology concept, classification

Management methods - a set of techniques and functions of influence to achieve the goal

Organizational and administrative - based on direct decrees, (orders, orders)

Socio-economic – individual group, indirect

Socio-psychological - used in motivation

(to increase the activity of the employee, his optimization leads to functional ....

5. Basic principles and methods psychological research




Taking into account the situation

observation- a complex objective psychological process of reflecting reality. Its complexity is due to the fact that it is carried out in the natural environment of the functioning of the organization, in which the place and role of the researcher as an observer has a certain influence and impact on the observed, on the one hand, and on the selection and generalization of information, on the other. In addition, in most cases, the role of the researcher is passive, since he only fixes the opinion or attitude of people towards processes, facts and phenomena.

Experiment is one of the most peculiar and difficult to master methods of collecting information. The implementation of the experiment makes it possible to obtain very unique information, which is simply not possible to obtain by other methods. For example, in order to increase labor productivity, the enterprise decided to use a number of new forms of moral and material incentives. However, it is not clear whether this will lead to the desired result or, conversely, entail Negative consequences, reduce the effect of the previously introduced and accustomed forms of encouragement for conscientious work? Here, an experiment comes to the aid of the leader, which, due to its capabilities, is able to “lose” a certain situation and “give out” valuable information. The main purpose of its implementation is to test hypotheses, the results of which have direct access to practice, to various management decisions.

2.descriptive research methods

Introspection (introspection)

Self report(result)

Participant observation researcher in group discussion

3. practical methods

The possibility of active intervention in the activities of the subject

6. The concept of subject and object of control

Subject of management- a subject (a person, a group of people or an organization) that makes decisions and manages objects, processes or relationships by influencing the managed system to achieve the set goals.

The control subject through the forward channel transmits the control action to the control object, which transmits the reaction or its current state through the reverse channel.

The management link can be both an official (head, director, manager) and management bodies (ministry, department). That is, to represent either the top or intermediate link in the management structure.

The control object receives management commands and functions in accordance with the content of these commands.

It is necessary for the subject of management to have levers of influence (motivation) on the CO, with the help of which it is possible to encourage him to carry out management commands (this condition determines the fundamental possibility or impossibility of the subject of management to exercise control). In order for the motivation mechanism to lead to the achievement of the set goals, the following requirements must be met:

7. Personality as an object of control

A personality is a specific person, a carrier of consciousness and self-awareness, the owner of a certain status and roles.

Among the basic basic concepts, psychological processes stand out, psychological properties of the individual, social action

Sensation, perception, cognitive processes, emotional processes (fear)

Motivational processes, desires

There is a natural psychological property of the individual - typical for a person features of his psyche include temperaments, character

Social action - any act that affects the life of other models of the same kind of their associations

Social The action has a complex mechanism of manifestation and includes two series of factors caused by it.

Internal for the subject (needs, motives)

Influence (social norms generated by role functions)

Since the social action has an impact on other people, they have a certain reaction as a result of the social. Interaction and people acting in this way become its subject

The most important thing (exchange of actions and results)

10. Management situation: the concept of analysis methods.

Managerial situation - a combination of conditions and circumstances that create a certain environment (external environment) in which a managerial decision is made.

A managerial decision is a directive act of purposeful influence on a management object, based on the analysis of reliable data characterizing a specific management situation, determining the goal of actions, and containing a program to achieve the goal. Management decisions are different:
- by time management for strategic, tactical, operational;
- according to the degree of participation of specialists into individual, collective, collegiate;
- by content management process on social, economic, organizational, technical.

Some methods for analyzing the social and managerial situation:

study of all available information, highlighting what seemed important;

characterization of the situation, highlighting the main thing - conclusions should be drawn (describe the main problem);

formulating criteria for checking the correctness of the proposed solution;

search for alternative solutions;

development of a list of practical measures to implement your decision

11. Scientific schools and directions of theory psychological management

1) (1985-1920) 1910 school. Scientific management Its most famous representatives, along with F. Taylor, were F. Gilbreth, L. Gilbreth, G. Gant, G. Emerson

but. common goal- an increase in labor productivity - can be, according to the views of this school, achieved in three main ways:

Through the study of the very content of performing work - its operations, conditions, regime, as well as the rationalization of labor movements.

Based on an effective system of control over individual and collective labor and, above all, on the basis of an effective system of stimulation and regulation of the labor process (for example, by abolishing “equalization”);

Based on the definition of the optimal enterprise management system as a whole, which would provide the highest final results of the entire organization. For example, they increased significantly when the power of the master was decentralized, and instead of one master, eight master supervisors began to work in the shop.

2.beginning of 20 to 30 behavioral approach (behavioral situation)

Increasing reaction Pavlov

There is a connection between stimulus and response

A certain incentive is a wage increase

3. Administrative ("classical") school in management (1920-1950)

The main goal of the "classical" school was to develop some universal management principles that are suitable for all types of organizations and provide a guaranteed and high result of their functioning.

Division of labor. His goal is to do work that is larger in volume and better in quality with the same effort.

Authority and responsibility. Authority is the right to give orders, and responsibility is their opposite.

Unity of command. An employee should receive an order from only one immediate supervisor.

unity of direction. Each group should be united by only one goal, one plan and have one boss.

Staff remuneration. An effective organization must provide fair wages workers.

4. School of "human relations" (1930-1950); behavioral science approach (1950–present).

main goal this school is improving the efficiency of organizations based on the human factor.

Workers sometimes responded more strongly to peer pressure than to management or management efforts. material incentives. Thus, it was proved that not only the causes of the economic, organizational order act as strong factors in effective labor and management. A complex of psychological factors - such as personal relationships, motivation, needs, attitudes towards employees, taking into account their goals, intentions - is also of great importance. Therefore, their consideration is necessary in the development of management strategies and tactics.

12. Socio-psychological approaches to determining the significant factors of effective leadership

  1. Approach in terms of identifying different schools considers management from four different points of view. These are the schools:
    1. scientific management;
    2. administrative management;
    3. human relations and behavioral sciences;
    4. management science or quantitative methods.
  2. Process approach considers management as a continuous series of interrelated management functions: planning, organization, motivation, coordination, control and connecting processes - communication and decision making.
  3. IN systems approach organization is seen as a system of interrelated elements such as people, structure, tasks and technology, which are focused on achieving certain goals in a changing environment. external environment.
  4. situational approach focuses on what suitability various methods management is determined by the specific situation. Since there is such an abundance of factors and their combinations that determine the situation, both in the organization itself and environment There is no single “best” way for everyone to manage an organization. The most effective method in a particular situation is the method that best suits the situation. The task is to find and be able to implement this method.

Complementing each other, these approaches form modern science and management practice. However, it should be borne in mind that there are no universally applied techniques or principles that would guarantee effective management in all cases. However, already developed approaches and methods can help managers increase the likelihood of effective achievement of the organization's goals.

popustichny characterized, on the one hand, by the “maximum of democracy” (everyone can express their positions, but they do not seek to achieve real accounting, harmonization of positions), and on the other hand, by the “minimum control” (even the decisions made are not implemented, there is no control over their implementation, all left to chance).

democratic Management decisions are made on the basis of a discussion of the problem, taking into account the opinions and initiatives of employees

13. Participatory management of a person in an organization

The participatory (participatory) management model implies an expanded involvement of employees in management in the following areas

  1. empowers workers to make their own decisions
  2. attracting a worker To a decision
  3. granting the right to control
  4. participation of the worker in the improvement of activities
  5. allowing employees to create working groups in areas

14. Participatory control technology

participatory cycle

1 knowledge (easy to change based on old knowledge

19. Modern theories of motivation

Foure Hein developed his classification

Let's highlight the main approaches

1) personal behavior is determined

2) classical production psychology of the organization

3) methods for measuring individual differences

4) matching non-conforming work

Modern theories of motivation. The study of human behavior in labor process gives general explanations of motivation and allows you to create models of employee motivation in the workplace. Theories of motivation are divided into two categories: content and process.

Process theories of motivation more modern, based on ideas about how people behave, taking into account their perception and knowledge. The main process theories are expectancy theory, equity theory, and the Porter-Lawler model of motivation. Despite the differences between these theories, they are not mutually exclusive and are effectively used in solving the problems of encouraging people to work efficiently.

Needs and needs. A person experiences a need when he physiologically or psychologically feels the lack of something. In accordance with the cultural structure, a need may acquire the character of a specific need. Most psychologists agree that needs can in principle be classified as primary needs, often called needs, and secondary needs, or simply needs.

Primary needs are innate in nature, they are genetic. These are the needs for food, water, the need to breathe, sleep, the need for communication.

Secondary needs are culturally related in nature and are realized through experience. Among them, a prominent place is occupied by socio-psychological, for example, the need for success, respect, affection, power and the need to belong to someone or something. People have different life experiences, so secondary needs vary considerably.

Motivational Behavior is that human needs serve as a motive for action. In this regard, motivation is considered as a feeling of lack of something that has a certain direction. It is a behavioral manifestation of the need and is focused on achieving the goal, which is recognized as a means of satisfying the need. When a person achieves such a goal, his need is satisfied, partially satisfied or unsatisfied.

Law of result is that the degree of satisfaction received in achieving the set goal affects the behavior of a person in similar circumstances in the future. In accordance with this law, people tend to repeat the behavior that they associate with the satisfaction of the need, and avoid such behavior, which is associated with insufficient satisfaction. If certain behaviors are rewarded in some way, then people remember how they got there. The next time a person encounters a problem, he tries to solve it in a tried and tested way.

Problems of motivation through needs due to the fact that there are many different human needs, the goals that different people believe lead to the satisfaction of their needs, and the types of behavior in achieving these goals. The structure of human needs is determined by its place in social structure, cultural background and experience. Therefore, there is no single best way to motivate. What is effective in motivating some people may not be the same for others.

Reward This is what a person considers valuable for himself. People's concept of value varies considerably, as does the evaluation of rewards.

Internal reward It is the satisfaction that the work itself brings. So, the internal reward is the feeling of achieving a result, the content and significance of the work performed, self-respect. Friendship and communication that arise in the process of work is also an internal reward. The easiest way to internal reward - the creation of appropriate working conditions and the exact formulation of the problem.

External reward organization provides. Examples of extrinsic rewards are salary, promotions, badges of prestige, praise and recognition, and extra pay and vacations.

Known social psychologist Kurt Lewin (1890-1947)

Every man has his own natural inclinations; his own, developed over the years, manner of communicating with people. Once at the helm of leadership, he tends, in most cases, to use any one style: authoritarian, democratic (collegiate), or laissez-faire.
Leadership style is individual characteristics personal, relatively stable system of methods, methods, techniques for influencing the leader on the team in order to effectively and efficiently perform managerial functions; this is a system of managerial influences of a leader on subordinates, determined by the specifics of the tasks assigned to the team, the relationship of the leader with subordinates and the scope of his official powers. Consider the features of the main leadership styles.
Authoritarian (directive, rigid, autocratic) style. Such a leader, as a rule, does not tolerate criticism, is rude to subordinates, self-confident. The main method of influence is an order.
collegiate (democratic) style. This type of leader combines in his work an orientation to both the formal and the informal structure of relationships with subordinates, maintains comradely relations with them, while avoiding familiarity. Seeks to share power between himself and his subordinates, takes into account the opinion of the team when making decisions, seeks to control only the final result, without going into details of the process. Employees from such a leader receive fairly complete information about their place in the performance of a common task, about the prospects of their team. The leader encourages creativity.
Passive (permissive, liberal, laissez-faire style). This type of leader is maximally focused on maintaining informal relationships with employees, delegating authority and responsibility to them. The head gives subordinates full scope, they independently organize their activities, decisions are made by them collegially.

1.1 detailing(The manager does not strive for production results or positive interpersonal relationships. The leadership style is similar to connivance and may result in apathy and frustration among employees.)

9.1 task(this is a "hard" administrator's course, completely focused on production, high labor productivity, but not involving concern for interpersonal relationships. Forceful pressure is noted. Conflicts that arise are suppressed. The reaction of employees is a refusal to participate in the search for solutions. The flow increases - honor of the cadres, many fall ill or are said to be ill.)

5.5 person organization(Management motto: “Not enough stars from the sky.” They strive for a reliable average: average labor achievements and average employee satisfaction. The style is conservative and focuses on “sufficient for a quiet life” labor results. It is characterized by a tendency to compromise. )

9.9 team ideal (leadership style aimed at high labor achievements and high employee satisfaction. The manager knows how to build work in such a way that employees see it as an opportunity for self-realization.)

P 9 + 9 poternatism (fatherly care)

F- facadism

O-opportunism (deceit)


1. initiative manifests itself in all cases when efforts are directed to a specific activity or to stop or change ongoing processes. A hand-l manager can take the initiative, or avoid it in conditions when others expect him to take specific actions. The leader spends as much effort as the situation requires (1.1)

2. awareness manager takes actions that help or support others (1.9)

3. defending your opinion the manager tries not to maintain a uniform type of action

4 . resolve conflict situations induces himself and subordinates to more energetic actions (9.1)

5. decision making the manager conveys the importance of the loyalty of subordinates and encourages those who approve of his initiative (5.5)

6. critical analysis the manager makes a vigorous effort and is enthusiastically supported by subordinates (9+9)

29. Organization of work in the management cycle

· The management cycle is a complete sequence of repetitive active actions aimed at achieving the set goals.

In ex. Cycle, there are 2 possible opinions of the mutual influence of workers and leaders

1. personal mediation

2. group mediation

It has been established that the closer the relationship between an employee and an employee, the lower the level of regulatory requirements

Condition of stability - there is a degree of balance of interests

In the management cycle, the employee develops a desire for what he is capable of, but this cannot last for a long time, and if the manager constantly underestimates the employee, then his “must” attitude is muffled by dissatisfaction with resentment and disappointment

The stability of the mind set depends on the pace at which the professional experience of the individual is accumulating.

How does the process of a certain workability take place in a team, how does an employee adapt to the complexities of certain jobs

Stages of the management cycle:

collection and processing of information, analysis, understanding and assessment of the situation - diagnosis;

scientifically based prediction of the most probable state, trends and features of the development of the control object for the lead period based on the identification and correct assessment of stable relationships and dependencies between its past, present and future - forecast;

development and adoption management decision;

development of a system of measures aimed at achieving the set goal - planning;

timely communication to the executors of the tasks set, the correct selection and alignment of forces, the mobilization of executors to fulfill the decision made - organization;

· activation of the activity of performers - motivation and stimulation.

Management cycle contains four functions: planning, organization, motivation, control. These features cover all types management activities to create material assets, finance, marketing, etc.

Planning function is essentially a decision-making process. Stages of planning: a) setting goals and objectives; b) determination of the initial prerequisites; c) identification of alternatives; d) choosing the best alternative; e) introduction and execution of the plan.
assessment by the manager of his capabilities, study of subordinates, determination of the potential capabilities of each employee, alignment of forces, stimulation - this is the process of checking and comparing actual results with tasks.

35. Ways to resolve conflicts

1. Subordination is used by means of praise, encouragement (if the employee behaves normally)

2. distraction of attention (the conflict is transferred to another topic)

3. method of revenge from the side (9 + 9) rejected by the subordinate (hidden pressure)

43. motivation management

With an increase in motivation, the growth of activity also grows, but a further increase in motivation to the point .... leads to a decrease in productivity

The second law is determined that with more complex motivation, tasks are included


Basic instincts, fear, curiosity, anger

Moruga 19 in 1998

How external factors affect

Labor motivation is the motivation to work that determines the attitude to work and work behavior of the employee. Needs are the most important prerequisites for motivation. The basis of labor motivation is not only the most significant needs for the employee, but also the extent to which the employee has the opportunity to satisfy them by working in this company, what prospects for their satisfaction he sees in the future.

Theory of cognitive desonance (balance theory)

The basic principle was implemented - diagnostics, development is achieved by a good structure

The individual strives for harmony in the cognitive representation of any knowledge, any opinions about others

Desonance is experienced as something unpleasant that needs to be changed.

Psychology of management- This is a branch of psychological science that studies the individual and social groups in the management system of the workforce, it is designed to analyze personal and group functions in order to solve the tasks.

Psychology of management as an object of study considers different forms the activity of people in the field of joint work on the production of spiritual and material values ​​that need a centralized management organization.

The subject of this branch of scientific knowledge is a set of methods and techniques for managing individuals or groups, the properties and processes of people that, to varying degrees and different ways manifest themselves as individuals in the process of general interaction.

Now the personality of an employee is studied by many psychological disciplines: general labor, engineering psychology, social and educational psychology. At the same time, the distinguishing feature of management is that the object of its study is concentrated on the organized activities of people. This activity is understood not just as joint work, but as an association of people on the basis of common interests, values, sympathies, goals into one group, subject to the rules and norms of this organization.

The people in this group do joint work according to certain economic, technological, legal, organizational and corporate requirements. The norms of the organization imply special psychological relations in the team between its individual members - managerial relations.

Management relations coordinate the joint making it logical and organized, which helps to achieve higher production results. Psychology of management considers each individual worker as an element of a social group, only within which his behavior can be understood.

In management psychology, it is not the problem of the employee’s compliance with the chosen profession that is relevant, but the problem of the conformity of a certain employee to the organization in which he works or wants to work. Therefore, the object of this discipline is not just the relationship between people in a team, but the relationship of people within the framework of their belonging to a certain organization, that is, in such conditions when people's actions are prescribed and obey general order. A part of the psychology of management is the psychology of negotiations, which significantly helps to improve relations between employees of the enterprise.

The object of management psychology are people who are financially and legally in an organization whose activities are aimed at achieving corporately useful goals.

In the field of trading, relationships between people and in a team are investigated and coordinated by the psychology of trading. This discipline studies the emotional, psychological state of traders during trading, analyzes how consciously they think and make decisions competently.

The most relevant psychological problems for the organization are the following: increasing the competence of managers at all levels, increasing the efficiency of training and retraining of managers, searching for the organization's human resources, selecting management personnel for the enterprise, improving the psychological atmosphere within the organization's team.

Psychology of management- a branch of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of managerial activity. The main task of management psychology is to analyze the psychological conditions and characteristics of management activities in order to improve the efficiency and quality of work in the management system.

Psychology of managementa complex system knowledge related to the following aspects of management activities:
psychological factors that ensure the successful and effective activities of the manager;
psychology of motivation of people in the course of their activity;
features of group behavior and interpersonal relationships;
psychological aspects of leadership, features of decision-making;
psychology of power and organization;
issues of the psychological climate in the team;
psychological conflictology.

Object of management psychology- activity system officials and subdivisions for the implementation of the set goals, considered in the context of the relationship of management - coordination - subordination.

Subject management psychology are the following problems of human relationships and interactions in terms of management situations:

1. Personality, its self-improvement and self-development in the labor process.
2. Management activity and its organization from the point of view of psychological efficiency.
3. Group processes in the labor collective, and their regulation.

Currently, it is believed that a leader at any level is called upon to solve two interrelated tasks:
- master the theoretical foundations of rational management, i.е. management science;
- to be able to creatively apply the provisions of this science, that is, to master the art of management. The first task is solved in the process of learning, the second - in the process of practical activity.

The activities of leaders (managers), implemented in the performance of basic management functions, this is the subject of management psychology.

The main task of the leader is the general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system.

Thus, management psychology seeks to facilitate the work of managers and make it more effective with the help of knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a person, about the various manifestations of the psyche, its functional, changeable nature.

Tasks of management psychology:
psychological analysis of the activities of specialist managers;
study of the mechanisms of mental regulation of labor activity in normal and extreme conditions;
study of the mental characteristics of leadership;
development of psychological recommendations on the use of psychological knowledge in the management process, in conflict resolution, changing the psychological climate in organizations;
study of the processes of group interaction;
study of the mechanisms of human motivation.

Psychological science should be attributed to a number of branches of knowledge designed to contribute to the improvement of management. Without knowing the psychology of people, it is impossible to purposefully influence their behavior and activities.

Psychology of management is a branch of psychology formed at the intersection of social psychology and management science (i.e., it synthesizes the data of social psychology and refracts them in relation to the management system).

object management psychology is the behavior and activities of the management team and subordinates (i.e., management necessarily includes a human, and, consequently, a psychological component).

Subject management psychology are psychological mechanisms and patterns that are manifested in management activities and allow you to effectively solve management problems.

As a branch of psychological science, management psychology has determined not only the object and subject, but also the goal, as well as the range of tasks facing it.

aim management psychology is: to equip future managers with a system of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to improve their level professional excellence, effective management in modern conditions, as well as to develop the professional and personal qualities of future specialist managers.

Achieving the goal of studying the course is realized in the process of solving the following tasks:

1. Formation of positive motivation to master the system of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities implemented in the process professional activity in the control system.

2. Assimilation theoretical foundations course (introduction to the course, personality in the system social management, socio-psychological phenomena in managerial activity).

3. Familiarization with the main methods of studying the personality of the leader and subordinate.

4. Development of basic psychological skills and abilities implemented in the process of managerial activity.

Logic and structure of the course proceed from the concept of humane management of a person and are aimed at activating the psychological potential of the individual and the team for the successful solution of managerial tasks.

A distinctive feature of management psychology is that its object is organized activity people, i.e. this is not just a joint activity of people united by common interests or goals, sympathies or values, but the activity of people united in one organization, obeying the rules and norms of this organization and performing the joint work assigned to them in accordance with economic, technological, legal, organizational and corporate requirements).

These rules, norms, requirements of the organization give rise to special psychological relations between people that exist only in the organization - managerial relations.

In management psychology, both the individual worker and social group, and the collective act in the context of the organization to which they belong. Without organization, their analysis in terms of management is incomplete.

Summarizing all that has been said, we can conclude that the subject of management psychology is a set of mental phenomena and relationships in an organization:

Psychological factors efficient operation managers;

Psychological features of making individual and group decisions;

Psychological problems leadership;

Problems of motivation of the behavior of subjects of managerial relations, etc.