How to work as a taxi driver in your car. Should you rent a car to work in a taxi

Today, such a service as a taxi is popular among the population. Some use it all the time, some often, and the rest when necessary, but in any case, every person at least once in his life took a taxi, but if he didn’t take it, he will take it without fail. Ask what taxi has to do with business, i.e. to the immediate subject matter of this site? Yes, the most direct, because a taxi is not only a popular service, but also a good way to earn money, which I will now prove. Next, we will talk about what secrets of earning money in a taxi are, how to tax correctly and how an ordinary "bomb" can become a successful entrepreneur?

Taxi or taxi?

There are two ways to make money in this area.
First: become a taxi driver, drive around the city and make a profit, i.e. make money in a taxi.
Second: to become a businessman, organize other taxi drivers and earn income, i.e. make money on a taxi. Of course, the second method is the most profitable and promising, but not everyone can cope with it. If you do not feel entrepreneurial ability in yourself or are not yet very good at this type of activity, then it is better to go to ordinary taxi drivers, gain experience, and only then try to realize yourself as an entrepreneur. Believe me, there are many such cases, and many modern owners of taxi companies in the past "turned the wheel" themselves.

Yandex taxi!

Yandex taxi is a promising partnership option for private motorists. You sign an agreement with Yandex, install a GPS-navigator on your car, and then regularly receive orders from customers. Yandex itself takes a small commission, but most of the revenue goes to you. WITH regular customers you will pocket more than 80% of the fare, with the usual a little less, but it is still much more profitable than working in a taxi company.

Secrets of making money in a taxi! How to get the maximum income?

  1. First of all, the taxi driver must be polite. The client requires very little, but many drivers do not want to give this either. They do not pay any attention to their passengers, or, on the contrary, talk to them without a drop of respect.
    Here important point social conflict also plays a role, because, as a rule, wealthy people constantly use the services of taxi drivers, but the drivers themselves are representatives of the middle class or even somewhat lower. It is on this basis that contradictions and misunderstandings sometimes arise. The bottom line is that working in a taxi, you have to be tolerant of all your clients, even if you have a strong antipathy towards them. If you are rude, then regular customers will start to refuse you.

  1. Many people mistakenly believe that you can taxi in any car that can drive, be it an old penny or a brand new jeep. In principle, you can ride anything, only clients will not want to get into a car that is a couple of decades older than them. Moreover, if your car stands out from the rest with its original design, internal cleanliness and pleasant music in the cabin, then customers will want to ride with you next time. So you will have regular customers, which will significantly increase your profits, because you can contact them directly, without all kinds of intermediaries.
  1. Giving business cards is also one of the secrets of making money in a taxi. How can a person remember who drove him and who he should contact next time if he does not have business card... You can make business cards for yourself even at home, it will not take much time and effort, and the cost of these cards will be minimal. Put them in your car, give them out to all customers, and believe me, you will receive calls from time to time, if, of course, you have fulfilled all the previous conditions.

  1. Working as a taxi driver, you must constantly strive to do business, otherwise you will continue to tax for a pittance for the rest of your life. If you manage to organize your colleagues into a single effective office, then you will begin to receive really big money, and not working independently. Talk about this with your colleagues, look at how the company in which you work is doing business, find points that can be changed to improve work efficiency. After all, you will learn the system from the inside, which ordinary entrepreneurs never dreamed of.

Safety comes first!

Taxi driver is not the safest profession, and you must understand this. Clients are different, and in the dark, their roof can go completely. How many cases were there when a taxi driver was beaten and his car was taken away, if not worse. I am not saying that you should not go to work in this direction, you just need to take precautions.

On the the present stage The best self-defense tool that does not require licenses and permits is a stun gun. You can buy one in any online store and put it in your car. And the best thing is to go broke a little and get a stun baton, which will be much more effective even against a group of attackers. Such a miracle of technology costs about 1000 rubles, but human life and health are much more expensive, if not priceless.

Innovative taxi business!

Recently I found out a way to make good money on a taxi, and now I will share it with you. Imagine the situation. Morning, another weekday, people rush to work. But all the minibuses are completely jammed and don't even stop. And people need to get to their destination as soon as possible, otherwise they will be reprimanded and fined. In principle, the situation is familiar and understandable to many. The bottom line is that if you go a couple of stops higher, then the number of minibuses that suit you will increase significantly. Of course, it takes too long to go there on foot.

It seems that the situation is hopeless, but it is the taxi drivers who can resolve it, and with their own benefit. It is enough just to offer people at the bus stop to take them to another stop, where they can safely board the bus. Given the short distance, you won't be asking for a lot of money, so people are likely to agree. And if you recruit 4 people and take from them the price of a ticket in a minibus, you can earn an order of magnitude more money than on regular orders, and customers will always be there, at least during rush hour.

If you organize several taxi drivers and let them work according to this principle, then you can seriously raise your income, because the business is, in fact, new and promising.

Consumer's view!

As a regular taxi customer, I want to tell you what I like about taxi drivers. To begin with, I take a taxi for two reasons.
Firstly, because it is convenient, and secondly, for the image.
That is why it is important for me that the car that is driving me is up to date. If a particular company sends me the domestic auto industry, I will stop contacting it, but if the cars are prestigious, painted in original colors, as many taxi drivers do, then such a company will suit me. Also, the speed with which the car is sent to me is important to me, because I have no opportunity to wait for it for 10-15 minutes. Therefore, I choose those offices that can quickly send a decent-looking car to me.

Many people are interested in whether it is profitable to work in a taxi in their own car in Moscow, and how to organize everything? This article discusses the pros and cons of this type of activity, the requirements for cars and the specifics of cooperation with dispatch services. Special attention is paid to such a topic as connecting to Yandex Taxi.

Pros of working in a taxi with your own car in Moscow

Of course, you can always rent a car and taxi on it. But if a personal "horse" toils from idleness in the garage, why not use it?

Working conditions in a taxi in your car will seem attractive to many. Absence rent and other obligations allow you to get behind the wheel at any convenient time: day, night, after work, on holidays and weekends - and anytime! Such a taxi driver is not attached to anyone, owes nothing to anyone and can rationally use his personal time as he pleases.

Someone may notice that a private trader will have a hard time finding clients. But the solution to the problem lies on the surface. In Moscow, as in many other cities of Russia, there are dispatching companies, connecting to which, you can receive orders for taxi services. In this case, working on a personal machine will bring a good profit. The only thing that is required is to give the dispatcher a percentage of orders on time (this is about 10-12%).

If time permits and you want to earn more, you can connect to several dispatch services at once, and clients will pour out of the bucket.

A spoon of tar

Now let's talk about the cons of a private taxi. Working on a personal machine, unfortunately, has them too. More precisely, one, but big and fat.

Those who plan to "harness" their "horse" should take into account which roads it will "run" on. Alas, they are far from ideal in Moscow. And if you take a carriage seriously, and not as a side job, you will have to overcome about 200-400 km a day. These are inevitable breakdowns and rapid deterioration of the car. Almost half of the money earned will be spent on car repair and maintenance, and anyway, in 2-3 years it will most likely have to be scrapped.

"Paper" working conditions

If the last factor does not repel, well - let's consider the paper aspects of working in a taxi in your own car in Moscow.

Many, in particular, are interested in whether it is necessary for this to become an individual entrepreneur or is it possible to do without this formality?

Answer: no, it is not necessary to register a business activity. But it is advisable, if the plans are to turn the cab into a serious one. profitable business... Over time, it will be possible to expand the taxi fleet, hire assistants, etc.

But, if there is no desire to bother with registration, but you want to get experience, then the best option is to officially register in the dispatch company as a taxi driver.

There is one more question that potential taxi drivers ask: is it possible to work in a personal car without a license or not? Here the answer is unequivocal: no. The license will have to be issued without fail, otherwise the activity will be considered illegal.

Requirements for the car

Let's move from pieces of paper to business. If you don't have a means of transportation yet, what kind of car is better to buy for working in a taxi?

The ideal hauler car is an inexpensive but hardy and unpretentious model. It is better not to look especially for "foreigners" - they have no idea about our roads and quickly deteriorate. In this case, cars created in the vastness of the former USSR turn out to be more profitable. If we talk about specific models, then the requirements for a car for working in a taxi are ideally fulfilled, according to experts, Skoda Octavia, Lada Largus, Daewoo Matiz, VAZ 2107 or GAZ 3110. Each of them is worth taking a closer look at.

But knowing which cars are suitable for working in a taxi is not all. Any car (even a Mercedes, even a Volga) should be:

Serviceable (passed technical inspection on time);

· Clean;

· Economical (preferably with a gas installation);

· With "checkers", an orange lantern and other paraphernalia of a taxi;

· Having an OSAGO policy for this type of activity;

Features of cooperation with Yandex Taxi

The Yandex Taxi service is very popular with both passengers and drivers in Moscow. The working conditions on your car are as follows:

· Availability of documents (passport, driving license, car registration, license to work as a taxi driver or the corresponding permit);

· Equipping the car with a device on which you can install a special application for accepting orders (tablet or smartphone on Android or iOS);

· Connection to Yandex Taxi is not possible if the applicant is under 23 years old;

· Work experience of at least 2 years is required;

· Good command of the Russian language, competent speech, politeness.

Service puts forward own requirements and to cars. They depend on the class of the car, year of manufacture and other features. Discussed at an interview.

Connecting to Yandex Taxi, perhaps, will force you to strain a little, but in the future it will turn into a continuous benefit, since everyone uses the service more people, which means that there will be no problems with orders. For those who intend to make carriage the main type of income, cooperation with a powerful dispatcher is a must. And Yandex is a good option.

Many today are interested in working in a taxi. Of course she brings decent income, but you will have to work quite a lot. The main feature of this type of earnings is the lack of stability. For example, you can earn as much in one night as in a whole month. And for the whole week you may not even have enough running costs... This review will describe in detail how to get a taxi in your car. We will consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this profession.

Working in a taxi: advantages

Each type of activity has its positive and negative sides. After reading them in detail, you can decide for yourself whether you want to get a job in a taxi with your car.

First, let's talk about the merits of this profession.

Taxi drivers, as a rule, note the following positive points:

  1. Fast pay. A taxi driver can receive money in his hands every day, and he does not need to wait for an advance or salary for this.
  2. Taxi work can be combined with any other activity. This can be either your main job or a part-time job. You always have the opportunity to get a taxi in your car to earn some money in your free time from your main job.
  3. Working in a taxi, you can easily earn an additional several tens of thousands of rubles. Of course, usually this opportunity falls on holidays... This option is very helpful if you really need money.
  4. Flexible working hours. Each taxi driver decides on his own when exactly he wants to go to work. You can leave for a shift only when it is convenient for you, or when there are no traffic jams, so as not to waste your time.
  5. You are your own boss. Of course worth observing elementary rules decency: talk politely with passengers, observe traffic rules and maintain a tidy appearance auto. However, at the same time, you do not have a direct supervisor who could give you instructions. This is the great advantage of working in a taxi.
  6. Developing driving skills. Working in a taxi, you will be able to thoroughly get to know the city, detour routes and all the ways to get around traffic jams.

Working in a taxi: negative aspects

How often today you can hear from colleagues and acquaintances: "I want to get a taxi in my car"?

However, before rushing to get behind the wheel, you should carefully read all the negative aspects of such work:

  1. Taxi work can be life-threatening. The driver is at the wheel all the time, and the risk of getting into an accident increases many times over. In addition, some choose to work in a vehicle as their main income. In this case, the driver can become seriously tired and fall asleep while driving. To avoid this, you must not forget about the rest.
  2. Danger from passengers. Working in a taxi, you never know who your next client will be. At first glance, decent people can easily turn out to be scammers. It is for this reason that it is better to play it safe and install an anti-theft button on the car. Also, do not carry large sums with you. For your own safety, it is better to install a sheet of metal in the back of the seat. A high head restraint will help to escape from the stranglehold. In case of an attack, it is better to have a stun gun or a gas cylinder with you.
  3. Inconsistency. Working in a taxi, you can never predict in advance how much you can earn today. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to plan any expenses.
  4. The need for car repair. Before getting into a taxi in your car, be sure to think about the wear and tear of the car. The roads in our country are far from ideal. Daily work in such conditions can kill even the most reliable machine. That is why it is always beneficial to start working on a new car. The old one will torment you with constant repairs. It is also worth considering that from such work the mileage will grow wildly. Ultimately, the transport will have to be sold very cheaply.
  5. Monotonous tedious work. As with any other, in a taxi you will have to perform the same set of actions, which will become very exhausting over time.

Where can I find a car?

Suppose you are determined to get into a "Lucky" taxi in your car. In this case, you should initially calculate how much money you need each month for depreciation. vehicle... The amount of earnings and types of expenses will depend on which car you choose.

In addition, you can work in a taxi for:

  • own car;
  • rented car;
  • rented vehicle, with the possibility of subsequent purchase.

If you use personal transport to earn money, then you get whole line benefits. You can choose your own work schedule and not depend on third parties. Before getting a taxi "Maxim" by your own car, it is better to consult with professionals. They will tell you how to arrange everything correctly. When all Required documents are prepared, you can get to work. In this case, you will not need to pay huge amounts for car rental. After a while, you will be able to sell a car worn out from constant travel, and buy yourself something newer. To correctly calculate the amount of profit, do not forget to deduct the cost of fuel from the money received.

How to rent a car to work in a taxi?

What if you want to work in a taxi, but you don't have your own car? In this case, you can rent a car from a taxi company or a taxi company. For many, this option will seem more convenient. In this case, the net income will be the sum of the amount earned per day, minus the rent and expenses on gasoline. This method has one important advantage: you do not have to worry about the technical condition of vehicles. The owner of the car will take care of all breakdowns and malfunctions.

Long term rentals and other tricks

You can save a little on renting a vehicle if you rent a car for a long time. In this case, the owner can provide you with a decent discount. You can also rent one car for two with a partner. It will also save you money.

Another popular service among taxi drivers: renting a vehicle with the possibility of subsequent purchase. Some people consider this method as buying their own car without using borrowed funds. However, everything is not so simple here either. On average, it takes three years to buy a car. During this time, working in a taxi will simply "kill" the vehicle. In addition, during the entire period you will need to pay an increased rent and repair the car yourself. It is unlikely that the purchase of such a transport will bring you satisfaction.

We get a job in a taxi

Many today are wondering where to get a taxi in their car. Currently, there are many offices on the market that wish to cooperate with drivers with their own vehicles. If you decide to work in a taxi on your car, then first you need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and obtain permission to transport passengers. In this case, you can legal grounds to be engaged in a private cab. At the same time, it will be necessary to install identification marks on the car, confirming that it belongs to a taxi. If you are going to work in a provincial small town where there are no large networks taxi like "Gett", "Maxim" or "Lucky", you can try to promote your own company.

Many taxi drivers avoid official registration of all documents in order not to pay taxes and fees Pension Fund and social insurance. At the same time, they provide taxi services on their own vehicles, without putting the appropriate markings on it. Such drivers run the risk of earning a fine for illegal activities.

You can work as a taxi driver both with the help of dispatch services and independently. If you choose the latter method, then you will have to look for clients on your own. The client base has been accumulating for a long time. However, in this case, you will not have to pay a percentage of the order to intermediaries.

We work with dispatch services

In order to take orders through a taxi dispatcher, you first need to register with a special service. For example, you can get a taxi "Lucky" in your car. To do this, you need to come to the office of a private taxi company and take a short training course.

The requirements for the company's drivers are mainly standard:

  • age from 25 years;
  • minimum driving experience - 3 years;
  • well-kept clean car;
  • ability to navigate the city;
  • the presence of a tablet or phone on which a special program is installed to search for an order.

If you decide to get a taxi in your car through dispatch services, then be prepared to give them from 10 to 30% of the order. Many firms do not want to work with old cars. Others register them, but only if they work in tariff scale"Economy".


Particular attention should be paid to the issues of registration of permits. If you do not want to independently engage in entrepreneurial activities, then you better use the services of dispatching offices. In this case, you do not need to issue an individual entrepreneur, you just need to make a license.

To work legally in a taxi, you must obtain a license. The rules for obtaining it depend on the region in which you are going to work. It should also be borne in mind that each region sets its own requirements that a taxi car must meet.

They usually look like this:

  • passing a technical inspection every six months;
  • the presence of checkers;
  • mileage meter;
  • insurance, which states that you have the right to work in a taxi;
  • taximeter;
  • placement of information about the driver and the controlling company.

We register an individual entrepreneur to work in a taxi

To register an individual entrepreneur, you must submit an application of a special form to the tax office at the place of residence. In this case, you need to choose OKVED codes and a tax payment system. For registration of an individual entrepreneur, you also need to pay a fee. Of course, it will take some time to complete all the documentation, however, in this case, the driver gets the full right to engage in a private taxi. In this case, you can even get a VIP taxi in your car.

Working with dispatch services

If you are just starting out with private taxi, then you better cooperate with dispatch services.

In this case, you get a whole range of advantages at once:

  • the logo of the company is applied to the car, which makes it noticeable;
  • in such companies there is already a constant flow of orders;
  • the route of the order is already known in advance, so you can choose the most convenient for yourself;
  • the dispatcher will automatically calculate the cost of the trip;
  • working with managers is easy and simple, thanks to the presence of a special program for your tablet or phone;
  • working in a company, you can easily and quickly find partners.

In addition, you will be able to get a job in a fairly specific area, for example, get a job in a cargo taxi in your car.


In this article, we have tried simple language explain how to work in a taxi. It is quite easy to draw up the necessary documentation, and over time you will gain valuable experience and skills that will greatly simplify your work. Using these simple guidelines, you can get a job at Red Taxi in your own car. But be that as it may, if you decide to work on your vehicle, then be very careful and attentive.

What you need to work in a taxi in the dispatch service + work features + how much you can earn. What you need to work in a taxi on your car: documents, equipment, license + approximate earnings + pros and cons of working as a taxi driver.

Each of us at least once thought about how to find a way to get a part-time job. One of best options, in particular for men, it is a taxi job. There is always demand in this area, regardless of the season or day of the week.

What do you need to work in a taxi? First, decide for yourself: do you want to work on your car or get a job in a carrier company?

We will describe all the nuances of both options below.

Work as a taxi driver in the dispatch service

You decided to try your hand and get a job as a cab driver in a dispatching company.

In this case, having your own car does not matter. Many companies have a sufficient number of cars in their taxi fleet, so they only need experienced drivers.

Before applying for a job, you must pass an interview.

To become a driver, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age from 25 years;
  2. Driving experience of at least 5 years;
  3. Knowledge of the city;
  4. Experience as a driver and letters of recommendation from the previous place of employment (optional, but desirable);
  5. No accidents;
  6. There should be no convictions, even conditional ones;
  7. A certificate from a narcologist stating that a person has no problems with drugs and alcohol;
  8. A certificate from a psychiatrist that the candidate for the position is not registered with a doctor.
  9. The ability to use the navigator will be a big plus, but even if you don't have such knowledge, you can quickly learn it.

These requirements may differ from company to company. For example, for some services it does not matter how old the driver is, while others strictly adhere to this point.

Respectable taxi companies in Moscow require knowledge from drivers, because foreigners often come to the capital.

If you have your own car, then you need to have a license to carry passengers (we will tell you how to get it below), state vehicle inspection and a completed medical commission.

Features of the working day on a rented taxi

Working with a rented taxi has its own nuances, which are not suitable for everyone.

How is a taxi driver's working day without his car:

  1. The driver comes to the parking lot and takes his work car. Check before the flight technical condition cars. If you see defects, then report this immediately to the employee who issues a taxi from the parking lot.
  2. If everything is in order, you take the car and deliver customers strictly according to the instructions of the company's dispatchers. You will be informed about where to go by phone.
  3. You give all the money you earn per day to the company. Taxi drivers are paid 1-2 times a month. Exactly how much you earn will depend on the number of working days and revenue if you work on a percentage basis.

    Some dispatch services pay workers only the rate. Which method is better, each taxi driver decides for himself individually.

How much can you earn on a rented car?

Now, specifically about the numbers. If a taxi driver does not work on his own car, then a percentage of the company will have to be paid for renting a vehicle.

The driver gets only 20% from one call. The rest is spent on gasoline and dispatchers' salaries.

If you work on your car, then the dispatcher needs to pay up to 25% for 1 call, a certain amount will go to gasoline, and the rest will be transferred to the driver's salary.

Sometimes carrier companies take drivers at a rate. If you work on a 6/1 schedule for 12 hours a day, the salary will be approximately 35-50,000 rubles a month.

You don't need much to work as a taxi driver in the dispatch service, but it will be difficult to make good money. But you will be provided with a serviceable car, for the repair and fuel of which only the company will be responsible.

Also, there will be no need to waste time looking for clients, other people are doing this. It is only necessary to deliver the client as quickly and comfortably as possible to the desired address.

What do you need to work in a taxi on your car?

It will be much more difficult to work in a taxi on your own car. You will have to go through many stages associated with the registration of an individual entrepreneur and the issuance of a license for the right to transport people.

What exactly do you need to work in a taxi? We will tell you about everything in order.

# 1. Automobile

In the first place is the availability of a vehicle.

To become a successful driver, the car must be in good working order and ready for 24-hour workload. A good driver should take the car regularly for inspection.

It is advisable to have a foreign car to work as a taxi driver, and not a domestic VAZ model.

Besides technical characteristics high level, it is necessary to equip the car with additional devices:

  1. The car should be repainted yellow or purchased with a checkerboard;
  2. According to GOST, a cab driver needs to buy a taximeter of any brand;
  3. According to the new rules, every car must have a GPS navigator and a video recorder.

# 2. Registration of individual entrepreneurs

To conduct any entrepreneurial activity need to get from tax office confirmation of registration individual entrepreneur(IP).

With this document, anyone can run a small business and transfer taxes to the state budget.

If you want to expand by creating your own shipping company, then no more paperwork is required. You only need to register your employees and pay the state duty for them on a regular basis.

Step-by-step instructions for working in a taxi:

  1. The first step is to contact tax office at the place of business registration. You must take with you a copy and original of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. In the tax inspector's office, according to the sample, fill out an application for obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur as an individual;
  3. After that, you will be given a receipt for which you need to pay the state fee at Sberbank. The price is individual for each region. After payment, the receipt must be given to the inspector who is engaged in the registration of the IP for you;
  4. Within 5 days you will receive the status of an individual entrepreneur and you can safely start working in a taxi.
  5. Also, the tax office will give you the following accompanying documents:

  • registration certificate natural person as an individual entrepreneur;
  • extract from Unified register individual entrepreneurs and legal entities Russian Federation;
  • notification that the individual is registered with the tax office at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • The last step is to open accounts for carrying out cash transactions for business in any bank.
  • It is desirable to order a seal, but this condition is considered optional.
  • After this procedure, you should check with your inspector when and how much you will have to transfer to the state budget.

    By law, you must pay a flat tax, make transfers to the pension fund, and pay transport tax.

    No. 3. Registration of a license

    Every taxi driver, even if he works for a company, must have a license from the Ministry of Transport. This document certifies that a person has the right to transport people.

    Sometimes even the client may ask for a license. Traffic police officers can issue a license for a taxi worker who does not have a license a fine of 5,000 rubles.

    For, you need to prepare the following documents:

    1. Draw up an application for a permit;
    2. Make a copy of your passport;
    3. Provide a copy of the vehicle registration certificate;
    4. If the car is not in the ownership of the applicant, you must provide a copy of the rental agreement or power of attorney;
    5. Submit a document on the passage of the state technical inspection of the vehicle.

    With all this list of documents, you must contact executive agency Ministry of Transport at the place of residence.

    The license for the carriage of passengers is valid for 5 years.

    Not everyone can count on getting a taxi work permit.

    You will not receive a document if:

    1. Driving experience less than 5 years;
    2. The car for which a license is requested is not the property of the applicant, and he does not have a rental agreement with the current owner of the car;
    3. The vehicle has not passed the state technical inspection.

    How much can you earn from your car?

    Most main question for many - how much can you earn as a taxi driver on your car?

    There are no specific figures, because the amount of earnings depends on the following points:

    1. What tariff has the driver chosen for himself;
    2. How many hours did he work;
    3. Where is he waiting for his clients;
    4. What route did the taxi driver take (experienced drivers know all the roads in the city, which can be taken as shortly as possible, and thereby save on fuel), etc.

    The standard taxi fare for Moscow is 250-500 rubles per 1 kilometer.

    The most attractive places for drivers are subways, train stations and airports. At night, many taxi drivers stand outside the nightclubs.

    May be in bad weather or during holidays.

    To make good money, you need to serve 10-15 people a day. If you calculate the cost of gasoline and car maintenance, then for a month you can get an average of 50,000 rubles.

    Here, the income directly depends on the work schedule and the parking place of the taxi worker.

    To increase your customer base, make colorful business cards and hand them out to all passengers.

    What you need to know about working in a taxi: all the pros and cons

    We have already figured out what is needed to work in a taxi, now we will figure out what are the pros and cons of the work of drivers:

    1. If you work for yourself, you receive your salary immediately after completing the order.1. Working in the dispatch service, you need to wait 2-4 weeks for your salary.
    2. In order for the profit from working in a taxi to be significant, you need to work during rush hour: at night, in bad weather, on weekends and on holidays.2. Hired drivers give most of their income to the company for renting a car and the work of dispatchers who redirect customer orders to taxi drivers.
    3. Work as a taxi driver is also needed in order to get the opportunity to better explore the city and improve driving skills.3. Customers will not always be friendly. You need to be prepared for scandals or passenger dissatisfaction.
    4. You choose the work schedule for yourself. You can earn money as a taxi driver in your free time, while having one more permanent job.4. Taxi drivers are often attacked by thieves. To protect yourself, do not carry large amounts of money, dump all the money on the card. Leave some small bills to give change. You can keep a gas canister, a shocker, or a traumatic pistol with you.
    5. Due to bad roads, a lot of money and time is spent on taxi repairs.
    6. Taxi workers have health problems: their eyesight dips, back problems begin, constant fatigue, indigestion, etc.

    What is the taxi driver's schedule and how much can you earn?

    A professional tells about the features of the profession:

    Working in a taxi is difficult, but with the right approach, there is an opportunity to make a good living and even start your own business.

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    There are several ways to work as a taxi driver: as an employee in the staff of a car company, rent, cooperation with dispatchers, or a private taxi. So what kind of employment scheme to choose in order to make good money at the same time, and how to work in a taxi correctly? We will analyze these questions in more detail in this article.

    In the state at a car company

    Jobseekers promise the most decent working conditions for job seekers: the company's car, as a rule, is of foreign production and earnings per month are about 50 thousand rubles. But not everything is so simple. The payment of a full-time driver consists of two parts: a salary and a percentage of the total amount of completed orders in additions.
    According to the head of the Moscow transport company“Global Taxi” by Yuri Marchenko, the average salary of a full-time taxi driver is usually low and ranges from 15 to 22 thousand rubles, depending on the class of the car and the company. For this amount, the taxi driver must fulfill a certain monthly plan - for an economy class car, on average, it fluctuates in the range of 60-70 thousand. After the minimum output is completed, bonuses are accrued - as a rule, this is 20-25% of the cost of each subsequent order.

    Vadim Lyaschenko, a Moscow taxi driver who works in the Renault Logan taxi service, said that fifteen thousand a month is his "naked" salary. And if the plan is not fulfilled, which in this case starts with 60 thousand rubles, then you will receive this very amount in your salary, from which, in addition, a fine will be deducted for failure to work. With a twelve-hour working day with two or one days off, this plan per week is quite realistic to fulfill and even overfulfill - average earnings Vadim's colleagues in the park range from 22 to 35 thousand rubles a month (the salary and, in addition, 22.5 of the monthly amount of orders). But here, too, there are some nuances. According to the taxi driver in their company minimum cost the trip is 320 rubles for 20 minutes. You can drive through city traffic jams all day and earn 1600 rubles for just "five minimum wages", or you can ride twice to the airport and back, spend a maximum of four hours and complete the plan two days in advance.

    In the company where Vadim works, 1000 rubles cost to see off to the airport, and 1200 to meet. Therefore, it is not surprising that these flights are the most popular among drivers. There are also such types of orders especially loved by taxi drivers. Like working all day with one passenger and long distance travel. This is how lucky. However, the earnings of full-time taxi drivers depend not only on luck, but also on dispatchers, who often have their own preferences among drivers and provide their favorites with the most "tasty" orders. There are other disadvantages too. regular work in a taxi. For example, these are fines that are established for various offenses - being late to a client, having a dirty car, and so on. The main advantage is the presence in permanent use of a technically sound vehicle with paid fuel. In addition to car repairs and gasoline, the company also pays for insurance and washing, and in winter period time, and also a liquid for washing glass. In addition, the presence of our own vehicle fleet indicates that the company is stable, and therefore it is possible to find a job there. And yet, an important question remains: is it possible to earn the amount indicated in the job advertisement per month. After all, most companies promise not 20 or 40, but 80 and even sometimes 100 thousand rubles! Experienced taxi drivers say that it is real if you work very hard.

    Working on a rented car

    Among Moscow taxi drivers, the most common work option is transporting passengers in a rented transport vehicle. Most companies practice it in parallel with the state. An agreement is concluded with a driver registered as an individual entrepreneur. He receives a car, pays an initial payment - as a rule, this is the cost of rent for the first day or three (and in some cases also pays for the rental of a walkie-talkie) and goes on the line. Further, it is required from him to appear periodically at the office of the company and pay the rent, as well as "dispatch rooms" (15-25% of the order amount). As a rule, foreign cars with economy class mileage are rented. On average, the cost is from one to two thousand rubles per day, however, in addition to mandatory payments, the taxi driver must also pay for gasoline, as well as car wash. Kurilov Sergey Petrovich has worked in a taxi for more than thirty years, of which he has been on lease for the last four years. He pays 1,200 rubles a day for a four-year-old Renault Megan, in addition to 20% for orders. He spends an average of 700-800 rubles a day for gasoline, once every few days washing a car is another 200 rubles. In general, at the end of each shift, Sergei Petrovich has from 500 to 1300 rubles left in his hands, depending on the duration of the work. day and number of orders.

    According to Kurilov, they officially have a twelve-hour working day. But at the same time, processing is not prohibited. Once a week - one day without rent. If you want, you can rest, but if you want, you can work for yourself. Enough orders, you can even choose those that are more expensive. Especially if you make friends with the dispatcher. Of course, not everyone can work on a lease. They took some of Kurilov's comrades, had a car, worked for a couple of weeks and quit. They named one reason - all the money is spent only on gasoline and mandatory payments, there is nothing left to live on. Despite such disadvantages of the rental scheme, the dignity is still greater. For example, the vast majority of companies cover the costs of car repairs, purchase of seasonal tires and insurance. It is also important that most employers lease cars on terms of subsequent purchase. So, for some drivers using this scheme, working in a taxi makes it possible to buy a car in installments. And, finally, this is the possibility of cooperation with several third-party control rooms at once, and, this means the likelihood of obtaining huge amount interesting orders.

    Working on your own car (control rooms)

    I work on lease and am friends with two more control rooms. I get orders from my own on the radio, and from strangers on the phone. It is very convenient - if some order does not suit me, there is always a choice. This is actually officially prohibited, although most of our drivers do it. But if the authorities find out about this, then there is only one punishment - termination of the contract, the taxi driver Vladimir told us, who delivers passengers to the Hyundai Accent.

    Dispatch offices are companies that advertise taxi services in newspapers, on the Internet, etc. They, as a rule, do not have their own vehicle fleet. A man sits on the phone, takes orders and transfers them to taxi drivers. The dispatcher receives 15-25 percent from each order. According to the drivers, everything was simple before. They entered into an agreement with the dispatching office and received orders, while paying the employer once a week. Now, companies often require drivers to have a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. This is connected constant checks on the part of law enforcement agencies that are fighting illegal business and illegal cabs.

    Among the undoubted advantages of such work are freedom, a complete lack of control and the ability to choose orders. The only disadvantages can be attributed to the cost of maintenance, as well as car maintenance. I only start working after eight in the evening and only take night orders. It is very convenient - no traffic jams. Moreover, on the way back if there is no interesting offer, they can pick up a voting passenger. I earn 3-4 thousand rubles on weekdays, twice as much on holidays and weekends, Mikhail Metelkin told us. Subtract the dispatcher and gasoline - it turns out about 60-80 thousand. And he is very pleased.

    Private taxi

    If the lease and the staff give the opportunity to work in a taxi for people who do not have their own cars, then the bulk of car owners-taxi drivers prefer to make a living privately. Those who follow the legal path receive a certificate of an individual entrepreneur with a license allowing them to work as a taxi, otherwise the driver goes into the category of "bombing" and may be prosecuted for illegal entrepreneurial activity.

    The general fleet of private traders is huge and diverse, since the brands, condition and age of cars depend only on financial capabilities, as well as the wishes of their owners. However, Dmitry Morozov, who has been making a successful living as a private cab driver for two years now, is absolutely sure that the better the car looks, the more chances it will attract the attention of a potential passenger. Previously, people did not particularly look at the car, he says, they had to get the main thing to their destination. And it didn't matter what it was. But now, when there is a large choice in front of them, the voter will sit down better in a well-maintained car than in a broken-down trough with broken seats and doors opening every other time.

    On his neat, new-looking Daewoo Nexia, Dmitry sometimes manages to earn from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles per exit - however, he has to work 12-14 hours a day. According to this taxi driver, he has his own base of regular customers, so you don't have to complain about the lack of orders. He spends every day on gasoline from the proceeds 600-700 rubles, and about 300 for a car wash, and the rest goes to the family budget. Of course, you have to periodically allocate money for scheduled maintenance of the car.

    And this way of working as a taxi driver has its own pitfalls. For example, illegal guest workers who do not allow work near metro stations, as well as train stations and near large retail outlets... Once Dmitry tried to insist on his own - so two wheels punctured his car. He thought that he got off easy and tempt fate - the car is more expensive. Moreover, from the same station, two hundred meters away, you can easily find passengers who leave, in turn, catch the car aside, also not wanting to get involved with visiting "bombiles" on the killed classics.

    What should you choose?

    Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Work in the state is more stable, only here labor code the driver is protected and can afford a couple of days off per week, while receiving a stable income. In addition, all other options for registering as an individual entrepreneur and self-paying taxes will be required from you.

    Renting looks more attractive, but it is not suitable for all drivers. Gasoline costs and mandatory payments can leave you unemployed, and you will have to work almost seven days a week. A separate bonus is the ability to redeem the rented car after a certain time.

    If you have a personal car, then the best option cooperation with several control rooms is seen, since in this case the planning of working hours, as well as expenses, depend only on the taxi driver himself. But at the same time, it must be remembered that the maintenance of the car completely falls on your shoulders.

    But we do not recommend to engage in illegal private cabs, it becomes more and more difficult every year. Firstly, you can ride all day and not earn anything, and secondly, our state threatens to toughen the punishment for all illegal cab drivers.

    The choice is yours!