Scenes in a narrow circle for a birthday. A new script for a woman's birthday or anniversary "rainbow of life"

Whenever a birthday approaches, chores and worries begin. And the point is not only that it is necessary to prepare a treat for guests. The point is more that you need to figure out how to entertain guests. After all, there will be a lot of wine and food, and the guests will quickly get bored. What to think? You may need a new birthday script for a woman, which is cool and can be done at home. Watch it to the end, take it in full or only the best moments. And then your birthday will be remembered forever.

And so, the guests have gathered and the evening begins.
First, to warm up and shake up the guests, we will arrange a game of riddles for them. But the riddles are not simple, but snags. So be careful. And those who guessed correctly are entitled to a small souvenir or prize. For example, a photo with a birthday girl.
And here are the riddles.

After riddles and joint photographs, it is worth saying a few words about the birthday girl.
Let's do it in a playful way. The host asks the birthday girl:
- I know that in the previous years at that birthday party you dreamed of something. And I know that your dream has come true. Tell all the guests what happened?

The birthday girl, bewildered, begins to list everything that she or the whole family has managed to do. For example, build a house, make repairs, go on vacation, and so on. Then the awns come to her aid. They also begin to say what they noticed for Last year in the life of a birthday girl. And when everyone has already given up, the leader says:
- you see how much you managed for last year. I propose a drink for what you have done no less this year!

New competition.
In this competition, we will ask guests to guess proverbs. After all, everyone knows proverbs, but if they are “submitted” a little differently, then you can arrange an interesting competition. And the guests, already tipsy, will strain their brains a little.
And so, guess the proverbs:

Next game of speed. True, playing this game you can say too much, but it will be more fun.
The essence of the game is very simple. The host asks the guest a question, and he must answer it without hesitation. Here are some sample questions:
- In the morning, I love most of all ...
- and in the evenings I do ...
- When I sleep, it seems to me ...
- not many people know, but I can not live without ...
- forgive me, but on Saturdays I ...
my cherished dream...
- I want to go…
- At home I like to walk straight ...
I always wear at night...

And other questions. The answers to some may be such that there will be laughter!

It's time to sing!
For this we need men. And we also need music from the movie "Prisoner of the Caucasus" - if I were a sultan. Men can be dressed up for better effect.
And here is the lyrics of the song.

Birthday is an important holiday. And you can not spend it gray, boring, ordinary. But what can you think of to make this day memorable for a long time, so that guests do not spend time in boring conversations, looking for a new suitable topic, but unite in exciting games and contests, jokes, recharged with positive and drive for a long time? Three bright and funny scenarios for a girl who will help turn a birthday at home into an extravaganza of emotions and joy, are waiting for you further in the article.

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Scenario 1 "Land of the Looking Glass"

The hall is decorated with mirrors, bizarre elements resembling the tools of an alchemist - a large glass ball, flasks with multi-colored liquids, decorative candles are burning. The room is twilight, muffled mystical music sounds. There are tables laid out against the wall, but now they are hidden from everyone by a screen. Before people take their seats, they must pass the control of the Alchemist.

  • ALCHEMIST (host 1):

    Hello, dear guests, hello good people. For what reason did you come here, to my castle, to my abode of riddles and secrets?

    (Something appears from the depths of the hall shaggy, eccentric, but infinitely cheerful - a resident of another reality, let's just call him the Leader 2)

  • HOST 2:

    - But how are you, oh the wisest, oh most talented, who knows the mysteries of nature and the secrets of distant stars, the language of animals and birds, and the fact that Alla Pugacheva is going to arrange the twentieth concert in honor of her farewell to the stage, and you do not know such an important! Because today is an amazing day!


    - Yes, what is it? Don't languish! You know I don't like puzzles!

  • HOST 2:

    - Today is the birthday of the most beautiful of earthly girls, the kindest and sweetest! Here she is! (points to the hero of the occasion)

  • ALCHEMIST (looking closely):

    - Yes, yes ... now I understand why the stars in the sky today shine brighter than usual. Now I understand... But who are these people?

  • HOST 2

    - Well, you are a chick! Forgive me, these are the guests of our beauty! Who also want to congratulate her.


    - I have an idea!

  • HOST 2:

    - You are! Again he with his ideas. Now he’s thinking up something that won’t be cleared until the night ... Oh, ho-ho-hoshenko, I feel today I can’t eat cakes. And I love them so much...


    - Don't goofy. Here's what I came up with. Now we will find out with what thoughts our dear guests came. (addressing the guests) Please choose one of the balloons from those that hang on the wall (points to the wall where the balloons are preliminarily hung).

  • (Leader 2 draws the audience to choose their own balls, then the Alchemist takes out a needle and approaches the first person with a ball, pierces him. Inside the ball is a twisted note with a wish or some kind of joke)

    “Well, well… what is this guest thinking about?” (Reads) “There is no friend in the world more wonderful and kinder than our birthday girl!” Yes, this is a good idea. Come in, please, take your place at the table.

    (So ​​the Alchemist goes to everyone and reads aloud the note stored inside the ball, or gives this right to the one who holds the ball.

    Notes should be kind and funny, without negative statements.

    After reading, everyone sits down at the table. After the feast good wishes and songs with a guitar, a series of fun contests begins).


    - Many of you probably know that the word has great power. I propose to do this: we will now wish something good, good for our birthday girl, but not just like that, but by doing Hedgehog. What it is? Tell you. I explain. We take an apple and stick a match into it along with a wish. The result is a lovely hedgehog, a talisman for the happiness of our beauty. So let's go!

  • HOST 2

    "Now, let's play!" I have one word in mind, and now I will quickly draw it as best I can. Of course, I am not an artist, but I will try my best. Your task is to guess what word I originally conceived! Whoever guesses first will get a prize.


    - And now I would like to check how well you know our birthday girl! (Takes her behind the screen and returns with a mysterious expression) So, you must correctly answer simple questions. What color was the blouse (dress, skirt) of our beauty. What color are her eyes. What color is her lipstick and eye shadow (if any). What she loves the most. What he dislikes the most. What kind of music does she listen to. Do you think she has a dream, if so, what kind.

    (Questions can be different, funny and simple. The person who gives the most correct answers wins a prize)

  • HOST 2

    — Yes, you know our birthday girl well. But I think we've sat too long at the table. It's time to joke and have fun. Well, get up, I'm announcing the start of a new contest!

    (The essence of the next competition is as follows: the guests are divided into two teams, one stands against the other, in two lines. The competition is something like a relay race, but not
    sports, but theatrical,
    that is, the host asks the first in a row some simple task, for example, to portray friends who met after a long separation or, conversely, inveterate enemies, and people should try to portray the task. Then they go to the end, and they are already the second in the row to complete the task, and so on until the end of the row. Those who do not cope with the task are eliminated from the competition. There are no winners here, friendship wins, and as a sign of this, all participants in the game are awarded with souvenirs).


    - What talented guests gathered today! We can gather a real theatrical troupe, worthy of the capital's theater stage. You have done a good job in our contests. And now I'm turning the dial of my time machine back by... oops! I wanted to turn it back only half an hour to see the beginning of the holiday again, but now ... we move in time and find ourselves ... in the 19th century, at the royal ball! It's horrible!

  • HOST 2

    - This is wonderful! How many of us have had such a wonderful opportunity to get into the romantic 19th century before? Music, maestro! (beautiful music plays, dancing begins)

Scenario 2 "Dancenight"

The room is decorated in a youth style - posters, posters of famous rock stars, some attributes of active youth - headphones, CDs, sheet music and song tests. Incendiary music plays.

Instead of tables, there are pillows and rugs scattered across the floor;

Scenario 3 "Funny pun"

The hall is decorated with bright pictures, tinsel, in general, everything that can be found in the house - sweets, oranges, bananas, so that the room turns into a harmonious chaos of colors, aromas, things. Dance music plays.


This scenario is suitable for the anniversary, which is celebrated in the family circle without a toastmaster.
The hero of the day is a woman. For the holiday, you need to prepare the following:

The middle of the flower (as an option, made of colored cardboard);
- flower petals, on which the wish text is already printed (can also be made of colored cardboard);
- put double-sided tape on the petals, peel off only one inner side.

For the competition, you need to prepare some kind of blindfold, it can be a scarf. At the end of the anniversary evening, all congratulators sing a song-alteration to the motive "Let the clumsy run ...". To do this, you need to turn on the backing track of this song or play the guitar. It is also possible that the song is sung without music. The number of congratulators (family members) can be any. This scenario is easily adaptable. If there are fewer than 5 family members present at the party, then family member #5, for example, becomes family member #1. pleasant, Interesting games and entertainment in a cozy, warm and family company will decorate any anniversary!

Close relative (family member #1)

So, the whole family is in the gathering,
So, I'm starting the holiday!
Happy anniversary, (name of the hero of the day), my!
All for you today
Both artists and friends
And, of course, here I am!
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
And leave gifts
And sing and dance
Let's rock with the whole family!

(Everyone explodes confetti crackers, music is turned on, which will sound like a background throughout the holiday.)

The first toast I raise
And I wish you love.
Attaching a petal
There will be a flower in the evening!

Everyone who will make a toast must say a word or phrase written on a separate petal and attach it to the middle of the flower. Double-sided tape is glued on the petal in advance. After the wish, the second side is detached and glued to the flower. Having done this, at the end of the evening a beautiful, multi-petal flower is obtained, which is presented to the hero of the day as a keepsake.

Family member #2

Now let me
Congratulations to tell you
May you always
There will be a friendly family!
Attaching a petal
There will be a flower in the evening!
To start everyone having fun
Will need to open up!
I will name something
Everyone needs to say:
"It's me, it's me,
This is my whole family!”
Or somewhere to be silent,
I can't always tell the truth!
Is everyone ready? Getting started,
Friendly, we answer in unison!

One person (in this case, a family member) says something loudly about the family, and the rest must confirm this fact with the phrase: “This is me, this is me, this is my whole family!”. Or, if it is said incorrectly in relation to your family, keep silent. The interest of this game lies in the fact that someone by chance, mistakenly, can start saying this phrase by inertia, and everyone is silent at this time.

Which one of you always
Washes in the morning?
(Everyone should say: "It's me, it's me, it's my whole family!")

Who will help if suddenly
Is a friend in trouble?
(The answer is the same phrase)

Who enjoys
When does he cook, clean up?

who washes his hands
Before going to the movies?
(Answer may be ambiguous)

Which one of you is sloppy
Will it overturn the pelvis on purpose?
(Everyone should be silent)

Well, we did the job
Time to get back to wishing!

Family member #3

Dear, (name of the hero of the day), mine!
I wish you
wonderful moments
And pleasant surprises!

Attaching a petal
There will be a flower in the evening!
We're dancing now
What will you indicate to us in time.

The music is very energetic. Everyone leaves the table without exception. The hero of the day, for example, says: “We all dance with our hands.” Then, for example, only with legs, etc. Options for body parts can be very different. It depends on the creativity and mood of the hero of the day herself. Five different dances will be enough so that the game does not drag on too long.

Family member #4

My turn has come
I wish you well.
Attaching a petal
Soon there will be a flower!
And still outside the petal
I wish you warmth
To warm smiles
Only for you all the birds sang!
Since we are one family here,
I will check you all now!
Come out, two of you
Who's already here.

Two volunteers must, with their eyes closed (a bandage is put on, for example, a scarf), guess who is who by feeling their heads. You can also touch your shoulders and arms. Two contestants must take turns guessing. Whoever guessed the most correctly, he won. At the same time, everyone should be silent, not prompt and not give out their voice.

Family member #5

The role of honor went to
Finish what started
I wish you happiness
Anniversary, for you!
Attaching a petal
It turns out a flower!
We hand it to you
To warm the memories in the soul!
I offer a game
Guess in a circle!

The game is as follows: one person comes out and stands in front of everyone. His task is to portray without sound any word or phrase that he himself will come up with. Everyone else must guess. Whoever guesses, the next one shows what was hidden, etc.

Family member #1

In the name of the hero of the day, we
Let's say all the good things.
We start in circles
(Name of the hero of the day) praise!

(For each letter of the name of the hero of the day, an adjective is pronounced that characterizes the hero of the occasion. For example, the name of the birthday girl is Anna: A - neat; H - beloved; N - gentle; L - athletic).

Your wonderful anniversary
We celebrate with the whole family
We would like to wish again
Live, make money!
And health and love
And the fulfillment of dreams
To be everything and everywhere
And miracles appeared out of nowhere!
So that you grow up, not knowing troubles,
And at the peak of only paradise!
Rejoice in everything
I love you so much!
Let the anniversary not every year,
Once every five years people gather
But we are a family together
We celebrate everything, not just the anniversary!
I wish your family
Waiting for replenishment
Every year there will be more of us
And that means the holiday will be longer!
And now we'll sing
Don't judge too harshly!

(the backing track is included on the motive of the song “Let them run awkwardly”)

Let your years run
Don't wait for bad weather
And believe in the best ahead!
We wish you health
Congratulations with all my heart,
Don't look at your age!

We gathered with the whole family,
In the circle of home at this hour,
It's a pity that anniversaries,
Only once in five years!

Smile wider
You are not more beautiful in the world
You are beautiful at all times!
Rest and work
Let sometimes not hunting
Well, let there be plenty of money!

We gathered with the whole family,
In the circle of home at this hour,
It's a pity that anniversaries,
Only once in five years!

The script worked! Great!
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The scenario is designed for holding a birthday (anniversary) of a woman. Congratulations can sound both during the evening in a restaurant and at home. In this scenario, birthday greetings are presented by the rulers of different eras, states, and even Galaxies. In advance, you should take care of the appropriate "outfits", as well as gifts.

Scenario for a man's birthday "Gentleman of Fortune"

Script for adults. With the help of this scenario, you can have a lot of fun celebrating a man's birthday. You can hold an event in a cafe, restaurant, or at home. The script is designed for a married birthday man.

Children's birthday script "Two years is a great date!"

The scenario is designed to celebrate the birthday of the baby in the circle of relatives and friends. The holiday is held for guests who came to congratulate the baby on his second birthday.

Scenario for the birthday of the child "Treasure Island"

The script can be used to celebrate the birthday of a child aged 8-12 years. The main theme of the holiday "Pirates" - the characters of the novel "Treasure Island". It is important that as many peers as possible participate in the game. The performers of the roles of Silver, Parrot, Black Dog and Ghost are selected in advance, having prepared costumes for them.

Birthday Scenario "On a Picnic"

The scenario of the birthday is designed for an adult birthday. The team should include 7-20 people. The duration of the event is 6-8 hours. The organizers are relatives and friends of the birthday boy.

Children's birthday script "Pirate Treasure Island"

You will need pirate costumes, balls, sheets with unfinished drawings, a basket of balls, a dish of vegetables. Children complete tasks and solve riddles as they move around the map to find the treasure of the pirate John Silver.

Children's Birthday Scenario "Visiting Lesovichka"

Scenario for holding a children's birthday in nature. The scenario is designed for a children's team of 7-20 people. The host of the program is a Resident of the Forest (Lesovichok), who holds funny contests with guests. It is advisable to organize a picnic with a snack, juice and cake.

Scenario for children "Birthday with Funtik and Nafanka"

Birthday for a children's company, whose age is from 7 to 12 years. The holiday takes place in a spacious room (you can in a cafe). Leading holiday - Funtik and Nafanka. The guys go to the Caramel country.

Birthday Scenario "Feast of the Elements"

The scenario can be used to celebrate the birthday of a child aged 5 to 10 years. It is interesting for both boys and girls. To organize a holiday, a leader and a judge are needed, who will have to issue tokens.

The first year of life - the first birthday of a little man

The first year of a baby's life is a significant date. But he is not yet able to participate in contests or games, so this scenario is for invited adults who also need to be entertained. Throughout this year, the parents of the birthday boy studied, tried, laughed, rejoiced, were nervous, scared and looked after the baby.

Children's birthday script "Real Pirate Party"!

The scenario is designed for a pirate-style party. Each task must be accompanied by appropriate paraphernalia. The presenter should be dressed in a pirate costume - red pants, a T-shirt or vest, a hat.

Scenario birthday in nature "Zarnitsa"

An excellent scenario for lovers of active pastime. Suitable for a friendly close-knit company that often spends joint vacations (trip to the sea, hiking, etc.). A birthday party based on the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" includes energetic sports games-competitions and a search for a birthday gift (competition "Topography").

Birthday script for children 10 years old "Disco with Vasilinka-Veselinka"

10 years is the first real anniversary in a person's life. Clown animators or cartoon characters are no longer suitable here. The little man has matured, therefore, everything should be for real, and preferably, without the presence of parents. This scenario assumes that the event will be held in a small cozy cafe, where there will be almost adult party with the first real disco.

Birthday script 1 year "The best holiday is the first year"

Proper organization The first birthday of a child is a responsible task for every parent. The proposed scenario is perfect for a holiday that will bring together guests of different age categories. This event will be interesting for both children and adults. The hero of the occasion himself is not very tired of the noise and crowds.

A cool script for a woman's birthday "Holiday, holiday, holiday!"

Birthday is a special day of the year, a day when all close and dear people get together, in a friendly circle and have fun. This is the day of congratulations, good, kind emotions and surprises.

It is unlikely that anyone will say that an anniversary is the same birthday as all the others. Round dates they celebrate, as a rule, on a grand scale: they call all relatives, friends and colleagues, gather in a cafe or restaurant, invite a host or toastmaster. But not everyone loves magnificent celebrations, many prefer to manage on their own, celebrating the anniversary at home.


Even if the toastmaster is not planned, one of the relatives of the hero of the day should still take on the role of host - a person who will explain the rules of games and competitions and tell the guests what needs to be done and at what point.

So, first you need to prepare a solemn meeting. It can be done different ways, which, first of all, depend on the style of the celebration. If there is no specific topic, then it is worth stopping at the following options:

Also, to meet the hero of the occasion, they often lay a “red carpet” from whatman paper or a roll of wallpaper and at the end they award a symbolic Oscar for the best female role of themselves. And if the birthday girl is a fragile woman, then she can be brought in on a palanquin and greeted with oriental dances.

Table contests

When the solemn meeting is over, the first toasts are pronounced and the first gifts are presented, it's time to move on to the entertainment program, namely to table competitions. Contests and games for which you do not have to get up from the table are one of the best options.

At the table, you can sing songs, solve riddles, hold a tongue twister contest (for the most daring - with a mouth full of candies), compose congratulatory odes, etc. All this will fit perfectly into home scenario holiday.

Outdoor games

The second part entertainment program includes dancing and outdoor games. They spend it when the guests have already sat at the table, and it's time for them to warm up.

  1. Among those present, there will certainly be couples (husband and wife). They are called from the table, the man is put on a shirt, and the woman is dressed. Everyone should also wear mittens. On command, they begin to fasten each other. Whoever copes faster than the rest, he won.
  2. A rather difficult competition that requires preparation is “Sensitive Nose”. And it's not about smell. For this game, you need to sew identical bags of opaque fabric and pour peas, rice, small buttons, sand, foam balls, etc. into them. The more bags there are, the more interesting. The player puts his hands behind his back and, poking his nose into the bag lying in front of him, tries to determine its contents.
  3. You can also play the well-known game “Tale with sign language”, when one tells a fairy tale, and the other shows it. Only for such a holiday it is necessary that the narration goes about the life of the hero of the occasion, and the sign language interpreter shows all the actions not on himself, but on her.

All outdoor games should not be played at once. They need to be diluted with dancing and, possibly, karaoke. You can also invite guests to surprise the birthday girl with some kind of concert number - such an unexpected turn in the script should please not only the hero of the occasion, but also the rest of those present at the holiday.