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You need to prepare: clean soft cloths for wiping puppies, a hand towel, sterile gauze wipes, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, bandage, cotton swabs, Vaseline oil, a heating pad, a small box for weaning puppies during the birth of the next, a bowl for the placenta, sterile scissors.

In the pharmacy you need to buy insulin syringes, oxytocin, decynon (hemostatic), calcium gluconate, sulfocamphocaine or magnesia (heart drugs), do not forget to calm yourself.

Be sure to prepare a box for childbirth with low sides. At the bottom, you can put a dense rug wrapped in waterproof diapers.

During childbirth, you can not leave the dog alone even for a minute. You should always be ready to help her. During contractions, the bitch will begin to worry, and during breaks she may lie down. You must make sure that she does not jump from a chair to a sofa or from a sofa to the floor!

Keep a close eye on the dog's loop. As soon as the bubble appears, then the firstborn will be born soon.

During childbirth

In no case do not try to break through this bubble or pull it out. Watch what position the puppies are in. They can be born with their head and hind legs forward. If the puppy comes out with its hind legs, then it must go with its legs down.

In the event that the puppy comes out with its hind legs up, try turning it around. To do this, lubricate with Vaseline, cleanly washed and disinfected fingers, insert them into the loop and try to turn the puppy up to right position clockwise.

If the head comes out and the dog's pushing stops, stroke the dog's belly with strong but gentle strokes from the ribs to the pelvis. This should trigger a new attempt.

If the pushing has stopped and the puppy is stuck halfway, coming out with its hind legs first, your help is needed. To do this, you need to take a gauze napkin, wrap the back of the puppy and move it with a twisting movement in a spiral, clockwise and towards you. Don't pull the puppy, just move it! This should cause a push.

If this does not help, then massage the abdomen and, after waiting for an attempt, carefully pull the puppy out. In no case do not pull the puppy without an attempt, this can cause numerous ruptures of the uterus.

When the puppy was born, he needs to cut off the umbilical cord at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the puppy's abdomen, treat it with hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Rub the puppy with a soft cloth, he should squeak. Give the baby to the mother immediately. Help him take the nipple if he can't.

As soon as the next attempts have begun, the born puppies must be removed in a separate box and closed so that they do not freeze. On the first day, the temperature in their nest should be at least 28 ° C.

After childbirth

If, after giving birth, the bitch has scarlet, and not brown blood, then there have been ruptures and a hemostatic injection of decynon should be given. Enough 0.2 cubic meters.

When all puppies have been born, count the number of afterbirths. There should be as many of them as there are puppies. If you are still sure that one or more afterbirths did not work out, wait a few hours.

If everything remains unchanged, inject oxytocin 0.2-0.3 cc. If this did not help, and the bitch began to have greenish discharge, call the doctor immediately!

On the first day after birth, measure the temperature. The norm is up to 39 degrees. If the temperature rises, and atypical greenish or purulent discharge is observed, be sure to call a doctor. Delay can cost the dog his life.

If the dog eats willingly and the mood is good, then the birth was successful and there is no need to worry.

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The birth of a new life is always extremely pleasant. But taking part in childbirth is a responsible and rather complicated matter. For such an event, one must be prepared not only physically, but also mentally.

You will need

  • clean rags, scissors, small boxes, soft rags, heating pad or lamp (heat source).


First you need to know that the gestational age is 62-65 days. Therefore, starting from the 60th day, you must be extremely attentive to the condition of your pet. It is recommended to take leave during the last term of pregnancy and for the first time until the puppies grow up. The fact is that mother dogs differ, for example, from mothers in that a cat will never crush her kitten, but a dog, alas, can easily. In addition, childbirth is a very complex process. Especially if the dog is the first time, she has no experience, and it will be very difficult for her to cope, which can subsequently lead to the death of puppies.

To understand that childbirth is about to begin, it is necessary to observe the dog. Approximately 24 hours before birth, the dog's body temperature drops (38-39 degrees). The dog becomes restless, tries to hide, hide. By this time, clean rags, scissors, small boxes (preferably from under shoes), a soft cloth, a table lamp or a heating pad should already be ready.

Childbirth begins with discharge from the female's vagina, dark mucus appears, after a while attempts begin (or, in other words, contractions). By this time everything should be ready. Perhaps the dog will start at night, but never, at any time of the day, you should not leave him alone. For a dog, the presence of the owner is a moral support. After the onset of contractions, after a while, a fetus should appear in the opening of the vagina. At this stage, the puppy is surrounded by a fetal membrane (bladder). In no case should you pierce it until the baby's head is completely on the surface, otherwise the puppy will choke on the amniotic fluid. After the puppy has appeared, it is worth helping the dog with the umbilical cord. To begin with, you can slightly pull the umbilical cord towards the fetus (but only very carefully, not with sudden movements), after the puppy, the afterbirth should come out. You can offer the dog to gnaw the umbilical cord itself, or you can use scissors to carefully cut it, leaving at least 2 cm from the puppy. It is advisable to let the dog eat the afterbirth, at least one from the entire litter. Childbirth can last from 1 hour to 2 days, depending on the number of puppies and the complexity of the birth. Don't worry if the puppy walks feet first - a third of the puppies in a litter can be born this way. In this case, the main thing to remember is that you should not pull the puppy and in no case should you damage the bladder, otherwise the baby's chances of survival will be almost zero.

After the birth of each puppy, it should be wiped with a soft, warm cloth, and the mouth should be cleaned of amniotic fluid. Sometimes it happens that the baby has to be resuscitated - if the fetus does not breathe, but it moved during childbirth, it may still be possible to save it. In this case, an indirect heart massage should be done. It's pretty hard, but worth the effort saved life. To help the baby, you should put a soft cloth on your hand that warms well and with your finger, gently rub the baby's chest, thus starting his heart. You can also try to pipette excess fluid from the lungs with a pipette - for this, it is enough to put pipettes with pre-deflated air into the baby's mouth. If there is no liquid, a few “breaths” and “exhalations” can be made with a pipette, i.e. create artificial lung ventilation. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to fully expect that the baby will get out, but there is still a chance. Next, you should put the puppies to the chest and make sure that the kids stick to it. Immediately after childbirth, colostrum appears (the most useful). Further, after 10-15 minutes, you should put the baby in a box, pre-laid soft cloth. After giving birth, all bedding should be changed to clean rags. Boxes with cubs should be kept near the female, in front of her, so that she does not worry.


If you are afraid to give birth, you have no experience or weak nerves, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian. Many veterinary clinics provide home visit services.

Useful advice

If you have children who are curious to see the birth of puppies, it is better not to let them go to childbirth, firstly, this can injure the child's psyche, and secondly, it will cause unnecessary anxiety in the dog.


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The appearance of puppies in a dog is a joyful event that the owners need to approach responsibly. Often, ignorant people believe that pets do not need any help and are able to cope with childbirth on their own. However, this opinion is erroneous. Childbirth is a great stress for the dog and can be fraught with complications. It is very important that the owner at this moment be present next to the pet, be able to provide her with the necessary assistance and be able to call the veterinarian at home in an emergency.

You will need

  • - sharp scissors with blunt tips for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • - medical alcohol for disinfection of scissors;
  • - iodine or brilliant green;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • - bandage;
  • - threads for bandaging the umbilical cord;
  • - sterile cotton wool and gauze;
  • - several conventional syringes;
  • - several insulin syringes;
  • - sterile medical gloves;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - vaseline oil or "Levomekol";
  • - sterile diapers or towels for wiping newborn puppies;
  • - box for puppies;
  • - a box for giving birth to a dog;
  • - a small mattress or a warm blanket;
  • - polyethylene film;
  • - a clean pillowcase;
  • - warmer;
  • - silk surgical thread, cut into pieces of 10-15 cm.


On the preparatory stage before childbirth, care must be taken to have a place. It needs to be arranged approximately one and a half weeks before the expected date. Usually, before giving birth, the dog chooses a convenient place on its own. However, she needs the owner's close attention throughout the process, so she should not be allowed to hide under the bed or settle in another secluded place.

You can place your dog on a mattress by laying it on the floor and covering it with cling film and sterile absorbent pads. But the bed is not suitable for, because if the owner is distracted for a second, a pet or a newly born puppy can fall from it, which is fraught with sad consequences.

Pyometra, or purulent endometritis, is a disease of dogs in which inflammation of the uterus occurs. Among all diseases of the reproductive organs, pyometra is the most common and extremely life-threatening dog. pyometra happens only in adult bitches 5-6 years of age. If the disease is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, death almost always occurs.

This disease occurs most often immediately after estrus. During this period, the level of progesterone in the body of the female is the highest and the likelihood of inflammatory processes in the uterine mucosa increases significantly.

Causes of the disease

Pyometra is characteristic only of females who have any disorders in the reproductive system. The disease occurs when a bacterial infection enters the uterus during estrus. Sometimes the own microflora of the vagina is a source of infection. In this case, inflammation occurs in the uterus, accompanied by pus formation.

In some cases, pyometra occurs when a dog has cystic hyperplasia when an excess of the hormone progesterone provokes the growth of the uterine glands. At the same time, they secrete a secret that accumulates and leads to the formation of a cyst.

A number of hormonal contraceptive drugs can also affect the occurrence of pyometra. Are at particular risk dogs who are often given remedies for at.

Other risk factors include:

vitamin deficiency in the diet, unbalanced nutrition can serve as additional factors in the development of pyometra.

Symptoms of the disease

Exists two forms of pyometra- open and closed.

  • With an open form the disease proceeds in a milder form, and it is not difficult to diagnose it in time.
  • And if the dog closed form of pyometra, it is sometimes not possible to identify the disease until the moment when the uterine rupture occurs. This is especially true for obese and sedentary dogs that sleep most of the day. The accumulation of pus inside the uterus continues until it begins to pour into the abdominal cavity. If this happens, the dog need urgent surgery otherwise it will die in a few hours.

Determine the development of pyometra possible by the following signs:

  • the dog's appetite disappears, while she drinks a lot of water;
  • lethargy, slight;
  • the dog often asks to go to the toilet, but very little or no urine is excreted;
  • abdominal growth - characteristic of the closed form of pyometra; depending on the rate of the course of the disease, the stomach can grow for several weeks, or it can swell very quickly, in just a few days;
  • the dog often licks itself under the tail;
  • swelling of the loop, discharge of a dark red color, in which pus may be present - is characteristic of the open form of the disease;
  • in some cases, vomiting

After estrus, which was not accompanied by viscous, it is necessary closely monitor the condition of the dog. At the slightest symptoms of inflammation of the uterus in a dog, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian. Careless attitude and untimely assistance is fraught with the imminent death of a pet.

The disease can only be diagnosed professional veterinarian. Usually, a smear examination, which is taken from the vulva, is prescribed, as well as blood tests. But the main method for diagnosing pyometra is ultrasound- only with its help you can determine the condition of the uterus, its shape and size.

Used in the treatment of this disease medical and surgical methods. In the first case, antibiotics are prescribed to relieve inflammation, as well as oxytocin and prostaglandin, which stimulate uterine contractions.

Medical therapy rarely brings positive results. Even if you managed to cope with the disease, relapses are almost inevitable. Yes, and this treatment is very dangerous for the health of the dog - lethal doses of antibiotics needed to “drown out” purulent inflammation in the uterus can greatly weaken the pet’s body, and chopping with hormones to contract the uterus often leads to pus pouring into the peritoneum and the formation of peritonitis.

The most effective treatment for pyometra is surgical intervention. And with a closed form and in the later stages of the disease, this is the only way to save a pet.

The operation is removal of the ovaries and uterus followed by antiseptic treatment of the internal cavity. It is believed that anesthesia during such an operation is very dangerous and the dog may not wake up at all after it.

But if the operation is not done, the chances of survival will be close to zero. With the timely operation and the absence of chronic diseases in the dog, it quickly recovers and returns to normal.

Treating a dog with pyometra at home means dooming it to certain death. It is strictly forbidden to independently try to diagnose the disease by probing the dog's stomach. If a lot of pus has already accumulated there, the slightest squeezing of the abdomen can result in a rupture of the walls of the uterus. It is also impossible to choose means for treating a dog - this is the prerogative of a specialist and only he has the right to decide which therapy to prescribe in a particular case.

The main danger of pyometra- purulent peritonitis that occurs when the uterus ruptures. If the dog is not shown to the doctor in time, serious consequences, up to death, are inevitable.

The best way to prevent pyometra is to dog spaying. If the owners are categorically against such strict measures, you can reduce the risks of developing the disease in such ways as: do not give the dog hormonal contraceptives, control its diet, especially in the first month after estrus, and also increase physical activity.

Video about pyometra in dogs

This video talks about pyometra in dogs with an example. Any dog ​​owner will benefit from the information presented in this video.

It happens that pyometra manifests itself with other symptoms, for example, whining and increased aggressiveness. Have you faced similar problems? What are the symptoms of this disease in your dog? Share your experience in the comments.

Most owners who take a dog into the house - whether purebred or not - sometimes do not even realize that it can be seriously ill.

One such hidden disease is pyometra. What is pyometra in dogs, its symptoms and methods of treatment - in detailed review Further.

In dogs, pyometra is a purulent inflammation of the uterus that occurs in the period after estrus, since at this time the level of progesterone rises. Most often, individuals 5-6 years old suffer from this disease.

The vast majority of veterinarians believe that pyometra is due to a hormonal imbalance. The disease occurs in individuals with problems in the reproductive system

During this period, the uterine canal in the dog is open, bacteria enter it, which causes the formation of pus, and when the amount of pus increases, toxins enter the bloodstream.

Constant discharge causes increasing pressure in the uterus, and pain in the abdominal cavity leads to difficulty breathing.

A noteworthy fact: the bitch taking contraceptives from an unwanted pregnancy (for example, after) is one of possible causes appearance of pyometra. It can also become a harbinger of the disease.

by the most negative consequence is fatal, if not treated in a timely manner.

Attention! Progressive pyometra leads to uterine rupture, peritonitis and subsequent death of the bitch.

In addition, excessive toxicity of the body and impaired functioning of all vital organs can serve as the cause of death.

The following risk groups are distinguished:

  • NOT spayed bitch;
  • age 4 years or more;
  • uncontrolled mating / lack of childbirth (never giving birth);
  • estrus has recently ended;
  • frequent symptoms.

Pyometra in dogs: symptoms and treatment, photos


Insofar as the disease can proceed in an open and closed form, then we divide the symptoms of pyometra in a dog into two types.

With an open form the temperature rises slightly, appetite decreases. The main symptom can be called vaginal discharge - purulent, with an unpleasant odor.

Closed pyometra manifests itself acutely: vomiting appears, appetite decreases, the dog has a fever (body temperature reaches 40 degrees). Signs of pyometra in a dog: lethargy and drowsiness, increased urge to the toilet "little by little", increased thirst.

With the closed form, signs of the inflammatory process increase - bloating, muscle wall tension, pain in the lower abdomen (uterine area).

It is also worth noting that sometimes there are no symptoms at all in bitches. Therefore, only increased attention to the pet during the “dangerous” period and attention to its “illnesses” will help determine the disease before it manifests itself.

Important! If AT LEAST one symptom is diagnosed, the dog must be taken to the veterinarian.

Pyometra in dogs: symptoms and treatment, photo only information for the information of the owner of the bitch. The final diagnosis and methods of treatment of the disease should be determined by the veterinarian.


At the initial stage, diagnosing pyometra is problematic, because only general symptoms predominate. It will not be superfluous to take blood, urine and secretions tests. In addition, it is necessary to do an ultrasound.

At the first signs of poor condition, it is important to show the pet to a qualified specialist. Along with ultrasound, it is also recommended to take an x-ray. With ultrasound, it is highly likely to distinguish pyometra and, since the symptoms are the same.

Attention! Never palpate the abdomen with your hands. If pus has already accumulated in the uterus, this can lead to rupture.


Pyometra is treated in two ways:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Pyometra in dogs: symptoms and treatment with antibiotics. Drug treatment is used ONLY in the open form of the disease. These drugs are used with a conservative approach to prevent possible inflammation. Additionally, drugs oxytocin and prostaglandin are prescribed, they are needed for uterine contraction.

Important! Treatment with the above drugs does not guarantee complete healing.

Treatment of pyometra in dogs without surgery can cause uterine rupture. In addition, the occurrence of relapse should not be ruled out, especially if the inflammation occurs in a closed form.

The surgical method is reliable in that both the uterus and the damaged ovaries are removed., and it will be impossible to provoke pyometra again.

The operation is performed using epidural anesthesia, which will reduce anesthetic risks. Then a course of recovery with antibiotics is prescribed. The dog feels better already 2-3 days after the operation.

If the dog is already very old, conventional treatment will not help, the only option to alleviate the fate of the bitch is to euthanize.


Preventive measures should be sterilization of bitches at an early age. It is also necessary to beware of estrogen-based medications and control the hormonal background in mature dogs.

Veterinarians also suggest increasing the activity of the pet. Diet is also important: after estrus, it is recommended not to give much food and water (for two months), and also to exclude dairy-based products.

In conclusion, we recall that timely sterilization of the dog will not hurt, but on the contrary, it will save the bitch from torment. In no case do not delay the treatment of pyometra, and do not forget that it is impossible to heal the dog on your own, "at home", - this can be fatal.

Additionally, check out the video about the symptoms and treatment of pyometra in a dog: