What kind of water is needed for bathing a parrot. What you need to know about the water procedures of the wavy? Video about how a parrot bathes in a homemade fountain

Budgerigars by their nature belong to clean birds, as a result of which basic care involves the presence of water procedures. Like any other activity, bathing involves a number of important aspects that need to be taken into account. Experienced breeders through trial and error have deduced effective methods for carrying out the procedure. Let's consider them in more detail.

Before bathing your pet, fill the tub with warm drinking water. During the procedures, the parrot will definitely take a few sips. The depth of the water in the saucer should not be higher than the phalanx of the finger. You can also spray liquid over the bird's head with a spray bottle, thereby simulating rain. It is important to consider that actions can scare the pet. If he starts to chirp and rush about in alarm, you need to stop such events.

Take water quality seriously. An important element is a lamp above the cage during the cold period, since the pet needs to dry off after bathing. Make sure there are no drafts. It is worth remembering that the method of water procedures is chosen taking into account the nature of the bird. Bathing is rightfully considered an extremely exciting sight for the owner and a pleasant process directly for the pet itself.

Rules for bathing budgerigars

When organizing water procedures, it is important to adhere to practical advice. Failure to follow the rules will not only not bring pleasure from bathing, but can also harm the health of the parrot.

  1. The water should be warm (even warmer in the atomizer).
  2. Make sure there are no drafts.
  3. Adjust the depth of the water in the bath (not higher than the phalanx of the finger).
  4. The temperature in the room should not be below 20 degrees.
  5. It is important to use filtered water, as parrots have a habit of drinking it during water procedures.
  6. Do not force the bird to bathe.
  7. At the end of the procedure, remove the container of water from the cage so that the parrot does not have the opportunity to drink it.

  1. For bathing, you can add a little chamomile infusion to the water. Such a decoction will be useful for digestion and for the skin of a parrot.
  2. After water procedures, do not dry the bird with a hairdryer. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits in parrots, there is a sensitive dermis. Any exposure to thermal devices adversely affects the skin.
  3. At the end of all manipulations, leave the pet to dry on a thick terry towel or paper napkins. Do not forbid the bird to run around the cage, so the pet removes moisture from the feathers, putting itself in order.
  4. It is important to remember forever that parrots are prone to frequent colds. For this reason, it is recommended to close all windows in the house and turn off the split system. The recommendation is also relevant for hot summer days.
  5. If water procedures are carried out in winter, after driving the bird into the house, take the cage to the heating radiators. Warm air will help the pet dry faster and prevent the development of inflammation.
  6. It should be understood that the frequency of bathing depends on the nature of the pet and its susceptibility to water. It is not recommended to carry out procedures more than once a month in winter and three times per month in summer.
  7. In the process of bathing, make sure that water or soapy water does not get into the eyes and nostrils of the bird. If the oversight could not be avoided, and the liquid got into prohibited places, carefully take the parrot in your hand and lower it head down. Hold the bird in this position for no longer than 10 seconds.

It is easy to wash a parrot at home if you have practical knowledge and follow the instructions. Leave the bird to splash in warm water or clean the feathers with baby powder. Carry out water procedures with wet grass or fortified sand. Don't break temperature regime, do not allow drafts.

Video: how to bathe a budgerigar

You have probably heard that parrots love to swim. However, several days pass, and the proposed bath remains untouched. To the question of whether it is possible to forcefully bathe a parrot, the answer will definitely be - NO. The bird should want to buy on its own, do not rush things and use various options to show all the delights of this lesson. Coercion can lead to behavioral problems associated with fear of water.

There are many ways for a parrot to "take a bath":

  1. Special bath for a parrot. Not only the most popular, but also the easiest way. We buy at the pet store and hang in a cage. The parrot will bathe whenever it wants. To attract attention, you can throw your favorite toys into it.
  2. A plate or bowl. We take a plate and pour some water there (literally on the bottom), you can also attract with your favorite toy. Believe me, a small amount of water will be quite enough, and a large “puddle” of a parrot may just get scared.
  3. In hand under a faucet. A hand bird can be brought to a trickle of water (not strong). Most likely, a curious creature itself will want to get acquainted with a new interesting object. Pushing a parrot by force under water is not worth it.
  4. Wet lettuce leaves. Parrots love to bathe in wet green leaves (such as lettuce or cabbage), soak the leaves and offer them to the birds.
  5. Wet items(wet bowls, trays, cage bars, etc. can serve as a refreshing fixture).
  6. You can try spraying water over the parrot, above it. Water must be poured hot. Follow the reaction, perhaps the parrot will not like this method.

Bathing rules:

  • water should be clean, bottled, the parrot can drink it along with bathing. Adding shampoo or soap is strictly prohibited;
  • Bathing is best done in the morning, when it is still light and the feathers dry out faster;
  • water should be at room temperature;
  • do not dry the bird with a hairdryer after water procedures;
  • the water level in the tank should be low, otherwise the bird may drown;
  • make sure there are no drafts in the room or bathroom;
  • a bathing parrot should not be left unattended.

Bathing parrot video


Place a bath tub in the parrot's cage. Pour clean water at room temperature into it. Most begin to splash actively, especially in hot weather. After bathing, be sure to remove the dirty water, otherwise the parrot will start drinking it. If for some reason the parrot refuses to bathe, try putting his favorite toy or treat in the tub. There should be little water in the bath - about 2-3 ml, this automatically excludes the possibility that the bird will drown.

Some budgerigars like to wash in running water, for example, under a tap. In this case, make sure that the flow is not strong and the water is not hot. In order for the budgerigar not to be nervous, the situation should be as calm and not tense as possible.

When bathing a bird, never allow drafts, because parrots catch cold very easily.

If the budgerigar refuses to bathe in a bath or under a tap, then you can refresh it with a spray bottle. The water in this case should be warm enough so that it does not cause discomfort to the bird when sprayed. At the same time, do not direct the water strictly at the parrot, it is better to aim above the head so that drops of water fall from above. Regular spraying is also beneficial in that it helps to get rid of the common habit of parrots to pluck their feathers.

The water in the bath should be clean, and after bathing it immediately changes and completely pours out.

After bathing, try to clean up the water in which yours bathed, because. he will drink this dirty water. Put a tub of water for bathing no more than once a week. The exception may be hot and sunny summer days.

In order to interest a parrot who does not want to, throw his favorite toys into the water. You can also try to lure him with your favorite sweets. The best place for bathing will be the bath, which is behind the cage, and not vice versa. You can also use different containers for the bath. For example, an unused cat litter tray, etc.

Some parrots deliberately pretend that they do not like to swim. They love to do it, but they don't like the tank you offered your pet. Some parrots like to bathe in pots lined with grass. As a "green bottom" you can use plantain, dandelion or other similar herbs.

If it seemed to you that no method is suitable for your feathered friend, then try the following option to entice him to swim: for sure, he will appreciate the raindrops that can be artificially obtained using a spray gun.

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Water procedures are useful not only for people, but also for birds. This is especially true in hot weather. It also happens that your bird gets dirty - and then it definitely cannot do without a refreshing shower!


Water moisturizes the skin and feather cover, which, in turn, prevents dryness and brittleness. Also, the constant opportunity to swim allows the bird to avoid heat stroke in the hot year.

It is better if you are used to taking water procedures on your own. To do this, from the days of your pet's arrival in the house, a bathing suit is installed. The water in it should be at room temperature, always clean (it is recommended to change the water in the bathing suit at least once every two days). If necessary, your pet will climb into the water and splash with pleasure.

If the bird ignores the bathing suit or its feathers are very dirty, then you need to use the shower. Experts advise you to remove feeders and drinkers from the cage, take the cage to the bath and turn on the shower so that part of the cage is under water. Thus, the bird itself can climb under the jets of water.

There are situations when a bird categorically refuses to swim on its own. Then you can carefully take the bird in your hands, take it to the bath and, carefully pouring a shower at room temperature, rinse the dirt. Shampoo is not recommended.

You can also try to teach the bird to wash with a spray bottle. To do this, put the sprinkler closer to the cage, let the bird get used to its appearance. Then gradually start puffing at the bird. Do it gradually. For example, today they sprayed once, tomorrow twice. Thus, gradually bring the plumage to complete wetting.

Take care of the proper removal of moisture from the feather cover. To do this, carefully take a wet pet in your hands, wrap it in a soft towel. As soon as it gets wet, replace it with a dry one. Do not rub the bird - this will only damage its feathers. Once you've blotted out excess moisture, release your pet to a clean cage and let it dry. Make sure that at this moment the room is warm and there are no drafts, as a wet bird catches a cold very quickly.

IN natural conditions many parrots bathe in dew and rain water with great pleasure. And our parrots need to be bathed. After all, this is necessary to maintain in order not only plumage, but also all health in general. Remember that for a parrot, everything that is new is scary. Therefore, they need to be taught to swim gradually.


The main thing: everything should happen voluntarily. Never try to redeem by force. This can discourage you from approaching water or cause stress. In addition, you risk losing his trust. You should try to interest the bird with some water. You can, for example, put his favorite toy, favorite treat in water or put a mirror, then, looking at himself, he will use it more often, but this is all individual. Offer her different options, but never try to redeem her by force. Sometimes they just don't feel like it. So offer the opportunity to bathe again and again.

You also need to decide what yours will bathe in. For bathing, you can use hanging plexiglass baths or special baths, but often simple saucers. While bathing, the parrot can drink this water, so make sure that the water is suitable. Pour a little warm water. When bathing, parrots spray water, so it is better to put the parrot bath away from its food.

While swimming in the apartment there should be no drafts, watch the air temperature, the room should be warm. And if you leave the bath for a long time, then the water for parrots should be changed regularly. The water in the bath should be no more than 2 cm. Do not pour into deep containers, it may drown.

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No need to specifically dry the parrot - neither with the help of electrical appliances, nor with a towel. The hair dryer is a mortal danger to the bird. If, nevertheless, it gets very wet, install an ordinary table lamp above the cage.

Useful advice

It will be good if you wash the cage, the parrot will be pleased to be in a clean and tidy place after bathing.

You have a budgie in your house. And now periodically it needs to be bathed in order to monitor the feather cover of the pet. Simple Tips will help you to easily accustom the parrot to bathing.


Wavy ones are very clean. To do this, you can swim in a pet store. Since most people like to swim in a cage, it can be hung on the door. Make sure that the water is always at room temperature and always clean. Immediately after the pet bathes, remove the swimsuit from the cage so that he does not drink dirty water. Once a week will be enough. But if it is very hot, you can hang a bathing suit more often.
If the parrot does not show interest in bathing, you can put his favorite toy in this container - a mirror, or a favorite treat. Or you can try to first pour some food into the bathing suit, and when the parrot gets used to climbing there, pour some water.

In addition to bathing, you can use a pallet. Ordinary cat tray for example. This is where the real space for the parrot is. It can spread its wings and tail, as well as dive under water. Some budgerigars are very fond of having their owners nearby. To do this, just be near him. If the parrot ignores this method, do not be discouraged.

You can use an alternative method - bathing in a wet salad. Indeed, in nature, parrots bathe in the grass when there is morning dew. This will be great fun for your wavy pet. And if you have a hand parrot, you can bathe it in running water. But it is necessary to monitor the flow and temperature of the water.

Useful advice

Do not dry the parrot with a hair dryer or towel, this can harm him. And never force bathing. This can cause stress for the parrot.


Many parrots love to swim. If you want your pet to take water procedures regularly and with pleasure, then you need to know how to properly teach a bird to water.


The very first thing that the owner needs to learn is that bathing should only be voluntary. The bird itself should become interested in water, in no case do not try to force the parrot into the bathing suit - this will only scare the pet and forever discourage him from climbing into the water.

If your categorically does not want to swim in the proposed bathing suit, then you should not be upset - perhaps your bird simply does not like the design itself. Try to replace the bathing suit or offer the parrot an ordinary bowl or basin filled with water at room temperature. It happens that the birds ignore all bathing suits, but they splash with pleasure under the open kitchen tap.

In order for the parrot to start swimming at once, it is necessary to draw his attention to the bathing suit. Put your favorite toy or mirror on its bottom. You can also try putting something tasty in the water.

If you want to teach your pet to swim under the tap, then you should carefully bring the parrot on your hand to a thin stream of lukewarm water. As a rule, the birds look closely at the water, understand that there is nothing wrong with it, and only then they try to swim.

In hot weather, you can try bathing your pets in lettuce leaves. Take a bunch of this, moisten it with plenty of cool water and place it on the cage. Parrots not only enjoy fresh greens, but also swim.

During the time, make sure that the apartment is warm and there are no drafts, because a wet parrot can catch a cold very quickly. If your pet bathes in a bathing suit, then pour water into it that can be used for drinking, as many parrots are very fond of drinking while taking water procedures.

After bathing, in no case do not dry your pet with a hairdryer - a sharp temperature drop, as well as hot air, can be fatal for a parrot. If you see that the bird is very wet and cold, then it is better to put it under an ordinary table lamp, under which the parrot will dry out with pleasure and smooth the feathers.

Bird owners often have a question about how to wash a parrot. At the same time, the attitude of the bird itself to water can be radically different. While some parrots try to splash with pleasure even in their own bowl of water, others categorically refuse to wash. But in all cases, when bathing birds, certain rules must be followed.

You will need

  • bath with water, spray


The concept of "" is quite broad. Sometimes the owners try to bathe their pets due to the fact that waste products accumulate in the tail area of ​​​​the bird. No matter how unnatural it may seem, here we are talking about the cleanliness of the bird itself. In some cases, birds wash themselves according to the same principle as removing dirt with their beaks. However, sometimes, especially when a bird has the ability to move freely around, its chances of getting into substances that just need to be washed off increase. Therefore, avoiding washing is simply not possible. There are cases when they bathed in a cup of flour, got dirty in vegetable oil and other substances that the hostess did not have time to remove from the table.

Many owners make the mistake of trying to bathe a parrot immediately after purchasing it. At the same time, forgetting that the bird is under stress from acclimatization and has not yet got used to new owners. In this case, it is better to put up with the dirtyness of the parrot for at least a couple of weeks, after which he will get used to the new owners.

Useful advice

It is believed that in the summer, parrots are much more interested in water, while in winter they refuse to swim. Therefore, it is not worth bathing a bird purely for preventive purposes, this is not provided for by nature.

Your feathered pet, of course, is a terrible tidy in itself and endlessly cleans its magnificent feathers. But, however, his curiosity can lead to various comical consequences, which may have to be eliminated with the help of a bath. So how do you redeem parrot?


Put a bowl in front of him. You can buy a special bath at the pet store, or you can get by with a not very deep plate. The bird loves to bathe very much. Therefore, he will gladly take up entertainment. Just put it aside, as it will splash water noisily and shake.

If the pet is really dirty, then wrap it in gauze and carefully place it in a bowl of warm water. The water temperature should be around 40 degrees. Wipe heavily soiled places with the same gauze. You can add a little baby shampoo to the water, but in this case, after that, be sure to rinse the bird in the same way in plain water. Dry parrot by wiping it with gauze.

Or get water in a spray bottle. Only necessarily hot, but not boiling water. You can add infusions of various herbs to the water, such as chamomile or burdock. After such a bath, the bird's feather will be especially shiny. Sprayed, let the bird shake off and dry. And so you need to repeat two or four times, depending on the degree of contamination of the parrot.


Remember that you cannot bathe a bird until it is three months old or until the juvenile molt has passed. Before this period, her feather has not yet grown strong, and you can easily wet the whole parrot, which will cause hypothermia and illness in the bird. And be sure to monitor the temperature of the room when swimming. Avoid drafts and cold. Let the bird dry thoroughly before opening the window or turning on the air conditioner.

If the parrot is healthy and cheerful, keeping the feathers clean is not a problem for him. Most parrots are clean enough to bathe on their own, but human assistance in this matter will also be useful. At least in order to create a feathered the necessary conditions for comfortable and safe swimming.

You will need

  • Bath-bath, spray or wet lettuce


There are several ways to swim. Try to choose the one that suits your pet the most. In nature and their relatives prefer to take a bath among the leaves of plants moistened with dew. Try offering your parrot a bath filled with wet lettuce - maybe he will like this kind of bathing option. At the same time, the bird will enjoy healthy greens.

If you notice that your parrot is in a drinking bowl and is trying to swim in this way, then it makes sense to put a saucer of water in the cage or a specially designed

There is a pet in the house! It is clear that you need to love him, feed him, clean up after him, and also bathe him. And how to bathe parrots so that the procedure gives pleasure to both the owner and the bird?

Bathing as a forced measure

It happens that the hostess washes the dishes, and the parrot moves from the shoulder along the arm to the hand, and climbs right under the stream of water. So, you can bathe your pet, since he has such a desire. But it happens that bathing is simply necessary if the pet gets dirty (fell into a bowl of borscht or climbed into gouache to help finish the masterpiece).

Learn how to bathe parrots and under what conditions. So:

  • Make sure that there are no drafts in the room so that the bird does not get sick.
  • Pick up your pet and take it to the bathroom or to the place where the bathing procedure will take place.
  • If the parrot protests and breaks out of your hands, you should take it with a towel and hold it just above the cheeks. The case must be fixed so as not to harm the pet.
  • Bright lighting excites the bird, so it is better to bathe it in twilight.
  • So that the dirt is better washed off, the pet needs to be lathered. It is better to do this along the growth of feathers, then wash everything off with water. Do not use aggressive chemicals.
  • If the parrot is stained with paint, oil, or something that is poorly washed, you need to patiently lather the plumage as many times as necessary for complete cleanliness, and rinse thoroughly. Birds after bathing, as a rule, clean their feathers themselves. In the process of cleaning, they can get poisoned. chemical composition, which will remain on the plumage. If you can’t completely wash the parrot, then it’s better to cut the most unsightly feathers.

After buying a pet, many questions arise, including whether parrots are bathed. Most of them love this procedure. In their native Australia, they often bathe in nearby water bodies.

Taking a bath with pleasure

Each bird has its own character and preferences. In nature, many feathered friends take water treatments. To keep their feathers clean, parrots do not have to dive into the water like ducks. If the pet climbs into the drinker and splashes water - this is a signal for action. The bird is deficient in water procedures. So something needs to be done about it.

A few tips on how to bathe a budgerigar at home:

  • If the bird is not inclined to take water procedures on this day, there is no need to insist, it is better to choose a more convenient moment.
  • There should be no drafts in the room, and the temperature in the room should not be lower than +22 ... +25 degrees.
  • It is better not to let the parrot drink from the basin in which you bathe him. If he still drinks, you should change the water more often.
  • A feathered friend is not wiped with a towel and is not dried with a hairdryer. A wet bird is left under the included table lamp, where it will dry out and put its feathers in order on its own.

In order for the bathing procedure to be successful and without consequences, there are several recommendations on how to bathe parrots at home.

Bathing rules

When organizing a "bath day" for a pet, it is better to take into account a few more important points. This will help you not to fatal mistakes:

  1. The water in the container should be comfortable for the temperature of the bird, parrots love warm water.
  2. Do not use deep dishes and pour a lot of water into it. Wet feathers and slippery sides of dishes will not allow the parrot to get out, the bird may drown.
  3. Given the quality of the water in the tap, it is better to use filtered or boiled water for bathing a feathered friend. The pet will definitely drink it while bathing.
  4. Chamomile infusion is sometimes added to the water, this will benefit the skin and digestive system of the bird.
  5. After the bathing procedure, the pupil will begin to rush around the cage. This is normal, as the pet shakes off the remaining moisture from the plumage.
  6. If the bathing process takes place in winter, the parrot needs to be helped to dry. A cage with a bird is brought to the radiator, a stream of warm air will help to quickly dry wet feathers.
  7. In the summer, the pet is bathed more often - three or four times a month. In winter, once a month will be enough. It is better to save the bird so that it does not accidentally catch a cold.
  8. If the bathing container is in a cage, it is better to remove it immediately after taking a bath so that the parrot cannot drink from it.
  9. If the pet starts to rush about and chirp, it means that something frightened him or does not suit him, it is better to finish bathing.
  10. Bird lovers, children or guests will be interested in watching a budgerigar bathe. This brings joy not only to the feathered one, but also amuses the owners. The birds fluff up their feathers in a funny way and become funny.
  11. If the parrot has just appeared in the house, then it is better to postpone the bathing procedure for a month or a half. Let him get used to the owners first. When the pupil gets used to it and becomes bolder, he needs to be accustomed to the container, and only then to bathe. To do this, a small amount of sand or food is poured into the bathing suit. When the pet will safely climb there, then you can pour water.

There are several ways for birds to take water procedures. Experienced bird breeders recommend to owners different ways how to bathe a budgerigar at home.

tropical rain

Fill a spray bottle with warm water. Carefully, so as not to scare the pet, spray some water from above his head. Small drops should, like rain, fall on the plumage. If the bird wakes up and substitutes its feathers, this means that she liked the method.

Bathing under running water or in the shower

Adjust the faucet in the bathroom so that the water flows in a thin stream. Well, when a parrot is not afraid to sit on a finger, you can gently bring it to a trickle and look at its reaction. If he is interested in some water, he will get closer, and if not, he will move away or fly away. The same goes for the shower. The water pressure should resemble a little rain, the bird is brought into the bathroom and brought to the rain, if the pupil showed interest and climbed into the water, then he can be bathed in this way.

Special bath

There is another option, how to bathe parrots - in a bath. It can be purchased at any pet store. Such devices are fixed in a special opening in the cage. If this is not found, it can be attached to the main opening. Bathing suits are made of plexiglass or plastic. But often the bird confuses the bath with a drinking bowl and simply drinks water from it, but does not even think about swimming.

Swimming in the grass

Wet grass reminds the pet of natural conditions for taking water procedures. Grass can be picked up on a nearby lawn, in the country, in a park, or bought at a pet store. It is better to wash the weed with your own hand, then put it on a tray, oilcloth or plate and show it to the parrot. A little rustle of grass, feathered friend will be interested, and the result will not be long in coming. As a rule, birds begin to rub their feathers on wet grass with pleasure.

Bathing in dishes

Dishes are a good option for water procedures. You can bathe a parrot in an ordinary tea saucer, a la carte plate or a small herring box. The main thing is not to take a lot of water, the liquid level should not exceed the thickness of the finger. It is better to lay a cloth under the dishes so that splashes are absorbed. The parrot will walk around the vessel and periodically run into it.

Hygiene in the sand

Talc instead of water

If the parrot flatly refuses to swim in the water, then you should purchase ordinary baby powder (talc) for it. It must be evenly distributed over the plumage of the bird and rubbed thoroughly, but gently.

Now you know how to bathe a parrot at home. During the hygiene procedures, it is necessary to take into account the mood of the pupil and his attitude to water. Having tried many ways, the pet will choose the best one for himself, which will give him pleasure.

Budgerigars are big fans of water procedures. And a properly organized process of taking a bath will bring the wavy to indescribable delight! But there are also birds that sometimes refuse to swim, and if you force them, then the parrots can experience severe stress and be offended by the owner. But since it is still necessary to observe hygiene and bathe the budgerigar, you can invite the feathered comrade to choose the method of bathing that is convenient for him, which your winged pet will definitely like.

Swimming in the wet grass
Wet grass is good because it creates natural conditions for swimming, since in the wild parrots bathe that way. Grass can be collected on the street or in the country, or you can buy fresh grass for animals at the pet store. Grass should be soft and clean, so outdoor grass should be thoroughly washed. The grass is placed on a plate or oilcloth and a parrot is brought to it. Most likely, the pet will like this method, and he will happily rub his feathers against it.

Bath for parrots
In a pet store, you can buy a specialized bath and bathe a budgerigar right in it. Such baths are attached to an additional opening in the cage. If there is none, then you can fix it in the main opening. Bathing suits are made of plastic or plexiglass and have a plastic lid that prevents splashes from flying in different directions. But it is difficult to accustom a parrot to this method of bathing, since the bath looks like a large drinking bowl, and the birds begin to use it for other purposes.

Bathing in a bowl
For bathing, you can use an ordinary saucer. It can be placed in front of the cage or on the cage itself. Under the saucer, you can lay an oilcloth or a piece of cloth in order to collect splashes. Bathing budgerigars in a saucer is very convenient. They can frolic, running around the saucer and periodically running into it.

"Tropical Rain Effect"
To do this, you need to collect warm water in a spray bottle and sprinkle it on top of the parrot. If the parrot likes this method of bathing, then he will happily expose his feathers to such rain. But it can also scare the bird. Then the parrot will be noticed, chirping loudly. After such a reaction, you should stop bathing with a spray bottle and forget about it for a certain time. After a few weeks, you can again try to bathe the parrot under its spray.

Bathing in a shower or stream of water
You can make a real shower for the bird or bathe the budgerigar under a thin stream of water. Well, if the parrot is tame, then you can put it on your finger and bring it to a stream of water. The water pressure must be made such that the shower gives the effect of a light rain or a thin stream. Bring the bird to the water and wait. The parrot should show interest in this method of bathing itself, and perhaps it will begin to move towards the water. To avoid water getting into the nose or ears, substitute the budgie to the water with wings. If the feathered comrade does not want to swim - do not insist.

Whole pool
To create a pool, you can use a kitchen sink made of of stainless steel. Plug the drain with a cork and draw water so that it covers the bottom. Place the bird on the edge of the sink and tap the water with your fingers to draw the bird's attention to it. In such a pool, a parrot can spread its wings, splash around well, as the kitchen sink is a spacious place for swimming. But you can not leave the parrot alone for the sake of his safety. Moreover, domestic birds love it when the owner takes part in water procedures.

Rules for bathing budgerigars
There are certain rules for organizing water procedures, non-observance of which will not only not bring pleasure from bathing a bird, but can also harm the health of a parrot:

  • bathing temperature should be warm, slightly above room temperature (even warmer in a spray bottle);
  • there should be no drafts in the room;
  • the water level should not exceed 2 cm or should be up to the knees of a parrot;
  • room temperature should not be below 20 degrees;
  • the water in the bathing place should be potable, as the birds drink it during water procedures;
  • do not force the bird to bathe;
  • parrots do not need to be dried after bathing, especially with a hairdryer;
  • water after bathing must be poured out so that the parrot does not drink it.
Most parrots just love to take water treatments, they like to splash and frolic in the water, like small children. You need to bathe a budgerigar once a week, and in the hot season, the frequency of water procedures can be increased up to 2-3 times a week.