Competitions for the anniversary of 65 years for a woman at home. Funny contests for the anniversary of a woman or a man

Anniversary celebration is an important and responsible event. The reason for such an event can be a birthday, company anniversary, creative anniversary, wedding anniversary. All of them are held in a special atmosphere of solemnity and fun with a large number of invited guests. In order for the holiday to be a success and leave a lot of positive emotions in your memory, you should think over an interesting scenario in advance, including a variety of mobile, game, joke contests with incentive prizes.

Anniversary birthday

Such an event is best organized as a surprise holiday. The hero of the day should not know what program is prepared for this event. You need to select contests for the anniversary depending on the status and age of the birthday person.

If the celebration takes place in a circle of close friends of about the same age, then you can dilute the script for the anniversary with fun compromising contests.

Where is the stash?

2 men and 2 girls are called to participate. Participants are given 10 banknotes each. Within a minute, they must arrange the bills in the pockets and other secluded places in the clothes of their partners. Then the girls are blindfolded and offered to spin a little around their axis. At this time, the male participants are swapped and the ladies, who are unaware of the substitution, are asked to take back all the hidden bills.


6 girls take part in the competition. Each of them must name the part of her body (shoulders, arms, hair, and so on) that she considers the most beautiful. Then the participants in turn should dance to the music with the very part of the body that they named. The winner is determined by the number of applause.

Simple moves

A couple of participants hold a round object (an apple, an orange or a small ball) between their stomachs. Then they must move this object from the abdomen to the chin without the help of hands.

When compiling a program for an anniversary for a mother or father, one should choose games and competitions of a neutral nature, within the bounds of decency, that will not embarrass guests. The theme of entertainment can change, taking into account who the hero of the day is a man or a woman.

When choosing cool contests for a woman's anniversary, it should be borne in mind that ladies really appreciate the attention to themselves when they admire their beauty and spiritual qualities. At the same time, they do not like mentions of their age. For entertainment, competition games with the participation of men who will give compliments or come up with original congratulations are suitable. You can include contests on women's topics: makeup, clothes, children.

Evening Dress

Pairs of a woman - a man participate. Ladies are given a tape or a roll in their hands toilet paper, and gentlemen must wrap this around their partner without the help of hands. Those who get the most interesting outfit win.

Crazy hands

Several guests are called from the hall and each is given a newspaper or magazine. Then they are handed scissors (according to the number of guests) and asked to cut out a gift for the birthday girl. It can be a word (“wealth”, “health”, “car”), a figure or a picture. The one whose gift the hero of the day recognizes as the most valuable wins.

Princess Nesmeyana

Guests are divided into two teams. The participants of the first become "Princess Nesmeyans", they sit down on chairs and take on the most severe look possible. The goal of the members of the second team is to make their rivals laugh without touching them. Anyone who smiles is out of the game. If in the allotted time a team of jesters can make all the Nesmeyans laugh, then they become winners. If not, the first team wins. You can switch roles if you wish.

We make the hero of the day

For this competition, you need to prepare 20 balloons, two felt-tip pens, two spools of thread, two adhesive tape. Players divided into two teams receive their own set of materials. Their task is to make a figure of a woman out of balls and decorate it with felt-tip pens.

At the men's anniversary evening, entertainment on the theme of cars, sports, fishing, and jokes is a success. Most men are not afraid to show themselves in public, so they are happy to take part in games without fear of what people will think. Such anniversary contests often involve the use of alcoholic beverages.


Glasses with different drinks are put on the table, but their number should be one less than the number of participants. Men begin to move around the table, and on a signal, everyone should grab a glass and drink its contents. The one who does not have enough glasses is eliminated from the competition. The number of "tare" is also gradually decreasing. The winner gets the last glass.

Toast to the hero of the day

Two men are invited to participate. They are given a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. The winner is the one who first uncorks his bottle and pours it into the glasses of all the guests present. As a winner, he must pronounce a congratulatory toast.

Best Dancer

The selected participants must dance with the proposed items (fruits, balls, chairs, a glass of wine) to dance melodies: “Apple”, “Lezginka”, “Letka-Enka”, “Gypsy”.

Catch a fish

For the competition, paper fish on strings are prepared in advance. Several couples are invited to participate. The girls are tied to the belt cooked fish so that they touch the floor. The couples then begin to dance. The task of men is to cut off the fish of their rivals, while protecting their own. The winner is the couple whose fish will remain until the end of the dance.

Anniversary contests

At such a holiday, all employees of the company, including bosses and service personnel, gather. Corporate events often carried out with on a large scale and require careful preparation. In order to fill the anniversary celebration with dynamics and entertain guests, it is necessary to include in the program Interesting games, quizzes and contests that will work for team building.


Each participant is given a sheet of paper, newspaper, scissors and glue. Their task is to make a mini-story about their organization using cut out words. 5-10 minutes are allotted for completion, after which each masterpiece is read aloud. The winner is chosen by general vote.


Each participant in this competition must, within three minutes, compose the most fantastic explanation about why he was late for work three times in a row. The best "fantastic" should be determined by the head of the company.

Squeezing out all the juices

Several people from the leadership of the organization are called to participate. Each is given half a lemon, an empty glass and an apron. On command, the players must squeeze the juice from the lemon into the glass. The one with the most juice wins.

Wedding anniversary

This event is very often celebrated in the same way as the wedding itself: with comic traditions, laid-back fun and dancing. The original will be a win-win lottery or auction with funny lots. Selecting contests for the wedding anniversary,It should be borne in mind that there may be many married couples among those invited.

Building a house

Several couples are invited to participate, including anniversaries. Having received a deck of cards, they must build a house within 5 minutes. The winner is the couple that was able to build the tallest house. Cookies, dominoes or cubes can also be used as material.

Men's worries

This is a women's competition where ladies compete in the ability to hammer nails. Each participant is given a block of wood, ten small nails and a hammer. The one that does it the fastest wins.

Women's Affairs

Now men are being tested for strength. They are given a spool of thread, a needle, 10 buttons and a piece of fabric. The one who sews the buttons faster than the rest of the participants wins.

Who is who

This is a joke test for couples. Men and women are offered to secretly write from their halves in a column 10 names of representatives of the fauna (animals, insects, birds, and others). Then what happened is substituted into the lists prepared in advance:

  1. Husband happens:
  • gentle like...
  • steadfast like...
  • talkative like...
  • famous as...
  • free like...
  • funny as...
  • neat as...
  • affectionate as...
  • brave as...
  • beautiful as...
  1. The wife behaves
  • with family like...
  • at work like...
  • with superiors...
  • in a taxi like...
  • on the market like...
  • with kids like...
  • with my husband like...
  • in a restaurant like...
  • with friends like...
  • at the doctor's appointment...

When organizing an entertainment program, remember that a well-written script is the key to a successful, memorable holiday.

If a woman decides to celebrate round date in the family circle, without resorting to the services of holiday agencies, please note: celebrating an anniversary at home is a troublesome and responsible task, requiring considerable financial investments, organizational skills and a creative streak.

This is not an easy task: decorate the table beautifully original script with heartfelt wishes, riddles and funny contests at home, especially if the hero of the day is a woman.

I so want the evening to become not a boring banal event, but a bright joyful event in family history. And for the hero of the occasion - the embodiment, albeit short, but fairy tale with the fulfillment of her cherished desires.

What underwater reefs are waiting for the organizers of the anniversary in preparation for such a significant day?

The organization of a feast at home is easily feasible for every hospitable family, and in this case, you can fully rely on the help of junior female staff. The daughters and granddaughters of the hero of the day will willingly take on the usual care of housewives - they will find how to surprise the invited guests, how to decorate the house of the birthday girl.

But as for the script with pleasant surprises and competitions for the anniversary, the choice of a sparkling cheerful presenter - you will have to rack your brains over this for more than one day. It is desirable that a familiar man become a home toastmaster- perhaps the owner of the house, talkative, self-confident, humorist without complexes and a bit of a womanizer.

We offer a choice of gaming competitions various directions, which will help to leave the most pleasant memories of this day:

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: intellectual

  • Competition for the development of deductive abilities

Suitable for any family party. Participants are divided into two teams, for example, women's and men's. The host, or one of the players, thinks of a specific item and describes some of its features and properties. The team, paying attention to the suggestive clues of the narrator, must guess what it is about.

Female examples:

1. - Finding it on a man's shirt, any woman will be upset;

- Every woman has her own;

“Men have to taste it.

Answer: lipstick

2. - Not a single woman can do without him;

- It can be of any shape and size, and breaking it is not good;

Answer: mirror

Male examples:

1. - Every man dreams of having her;

- He is ready to wash her, cherish her, look after her with trepidation and even without a reminder;

- He does not spare any money for her, and is ready to get into a loan, paying it off for years, if only to own it fully.

Answer: car

2. - Before this weapon, any man is powerless;

- it tastes salty.

Answer: women's tears

The winner is the team that answers correctly to maximum amount questions.

  • Competition for the best awareness of the life of the hero of the day

You can jokingly call him "Yellow press". It is necessary to find out in advance from the hero of the day not well-known events from the biography. And rewrite them on a piece of paper, at the same time writing in fictional false facts about the life of a birthday girl.

At the celebration, the host reads out a list of false and true stories. And if the player thinks that it was, then he raises the YES sign, otherwise - the NO sign. Those who make a mistake two or three times are out of the game. This should continue until there is only one left who becomes the winner.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: creative

  • Poetry competition "for the best acrostic"

Contestants can showcase their talents by coming up with funny quatrains, in which the initial words at the head of each line are the name or word of the previous player. For example, the name Galya:

Glamorous and beautiful

And sometimes dangerous

It's easy and pleasant

I am happy many times

There can be multiple winners in this competition.

  • Competition "Draw a portrait of the hero of the day with closed eyes"

A very funny competition for a woman's anniversary at home, the essence of which is to try to portray the intended object - that is, the birthday girl, blindfolding the artist. It will take several players willing to demonstrate their creativity and measure them against each other.

Each participant in the game is blindfolded, given a pen or pencil, a piece of paper, and they simultaneously or in turn begin to write a portrait. You can turn on the music and end the contest at the end of the melody. What happens in the end will amuse everyone.

  • Competition for the best compliment for the hero of the day

Players take turns singing praises to the birthday girl. The hostess of the banquet will evaluate the results and choose the winner.

  • Funniest Paparazzi Photo Contest

At the very beginning of the evening, several players are selected to participate and given a secret task: to film the funniest and most interesting moments during the anniversary evening on the phone. At the end of the program, all photos, if possible, should preferably be displayed on a wide screen. The competition can be a surprise moment of the anniversary and cause unpredictable reactions, so photographers need to be extremely careful when shooting participants. However, this is also the most interesting competition at home - guests will eagerly look at the photos with great pleasure, giggling at themselves and at each other.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: mobile

  • Competition "Cavaliers and Ladies"

Rules of the game: the team of gentlemen is male, it is enough to choose several people. Each gentleman must give his lady a flower, which is located at a distance of 10 meters.

Playing gentlemen line up at the starting line. The task of the players is to travel a given distance on a tricycle as quickly as possible and get to the flower first, and then deliver it to its destination. Whoever gave the flower first is the winner.

  • Balloon fight contest

Each participant in the game is tied to the right foot of a balloon. After the leader's signal, the players try to pierce the balls of competitors, while saving their own ball. Those whose balloon burst are out of the game. The last player to keep his balloon intact is declared the winner.

  • Competition "Tug of war"

A popular type of competition in the school environment, but quite acceptable for holding an anniversary at home. Well entertains and develops a sense of collectivism. The participants of the evening are divided into two teams. The leader delivers the rope, the middle of which is marked with a colored tape and draws a dividing line between the two rivals. At his signal, the teams grab the rope and try to pull it to their side.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: musical

  • Competition "Karaoke Star"

Now almost every house has a computer and a microphone to it, or a karaoke system is installed. You can use the special program "Karafan" or on the Internet to find a selection of the necessary backing tracks and lyrics for songs. Anyone can sing, and the audience will choose the winner.

As an option, you can offer the "Battle of the Choirs" competition with various nominations: female choir, male, children's or mixed. This type of competition at home is one of the most interesting, because everyone loves to sing, but not everyone can take the risk of performing solo, and in the choir, participants feel more relaxed.

  • Competition for the best ditty

If one of the invitees knows how to play the accordion, or there is a corresponding record, be sure to hold a ditty contest. Hand out the finished texts on the sheets of paper to the guests, while they can sing their prepared ditty at will, invented on the go. The winner will be determined by a competitive jury, which can be selected in advance. In this game, the most mischievous and resourceful performer who manages to generate the biggest burst of laughter wins.

  • Competition "Musical Hat"

The players stand in a wide circle, the host announces the rules of the game: while the music is playing, you need to have time to take off your hat and put it on the head of a neighboring player. In the case when the music stops, the one who remains in the hat is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner left.

  • Competition "Dancing on the newspaper"

This is a game that is always a huge success and goes with a bang at any event, and even more so at home. The participants of this fun game are couples or mothers with children. The rules are as follows: a newspaper is spread under the feet of each dancing couple, with the condition that they do not step beyond it. They turn on slow music, the couples dance, and after a while they turn on a pause - at this moment the newspaper needs to be folded in half - the dance floor should be halved. The dance continues, then the music is stopped again - the newspaper is folded in four, and so on until the most persistent and resourceful couple remains, who managed to maintain balance on a small piece of paper.

Competitions for the anniversary of a woman at home: unusual

  • Contest "Makers of desires"

The wish of the birthday girl is the law for the guests. Notes with the tasks of the hero of the day are placed in balloons and scattered around the room. These can be the most ridiculous and ridiculous requests - read a poem, sing a verse of a famous song, crow and so on.

Players catch each of their balls, then they must extract the notes, having previously burst the ball, and perform what they read in the attached sheet. The winner is chosen by the hero of the occasion.

  • Contest "Guess what's in the bag"

Any few items or items of clothing are placed in a colored bag made of not very dense material. The host offers to guess by touch what lies there. Each player who guesses correctly takes the item won. A very cool option is when the players put on what they won - it can be funny lingerie, men's family underpants.

  • Competition "Make the princess laugh"

The participants of the game are divided into two teams - the team "Ivanushki" and "Tsarevna - Nesmeyan". The first team sits on chairs - conditionally, these are princesses who take on the saddest dull look. The task of the second team is to make them laugh in any way without touching them. You can tell jokes, show pantomime, build grimaces and funny faces. Each smiling princess is out of the game. The teams can then switch roles.

All competitions are indicative, in which you can and should add your own additional nuances.

Each winner will receive a commemorative prize., let it be any pleasant trifle - a beautiful fountain pen, a chocolate medal or a badge. At the end, you can arrange a game with a super prize, in which only the winners of the previous games are eligible to participate.

The main thing in holding the anniversary evening is the resourcefulness and organization of the host of the program, the ability not to get lost in force majeure situations. It is equally important to prepare the necessary attributes for the game, provide musical accompaniment, cheer up the hero of the day and all participants in the celebration.

Surely in your life you have happened to be far from one holiday. Among them were interesting and funny, and were, to put it mildly, not very. When all the fun was limited to a feast and, perhaps, dancing. People drank, people ate, said a couple of toasts, danced and .. all. That was where it all ended. And all why? Because a detailed script was not prepared for the birthday and.

If an anniversary is planned to be celebrated in the near future, then the script for it must be prepared without fail. After all cool script Anniversary of 65 years is able to significantly transform the festival, fill it with interest, dynamics, fun and positive. Entertainment should captivate every guest, and although it is quite difficult to work out the ideal scenario, we have something to offer you.

If you're looking for a fun 65th anniversary script that takes the holiday from mundane to unique, then you've come to the right place. This section is chock-full of such scripts just waiting for you to use one of them. Plan your holiday the right way and enjoy it. Well, we will provide you with free assistance in this matter!

Scenario of the anniversary of a woman of 65 years

For a woman, a holiday should be every day, and such an anniversary as the 65th anniversary should be not just a holiday, but a real celebration. Give it to your grandmother or mother, beat everything according to interesting scenario, create an atmosphere of comfort and at the same time some euphoria, and there will be no limit to her gratitude.

“Oh, and my pension, why are you good”. The script tells that retirement life is not as bad as it seems, it also has a lot of interesting and funny things. We decorate the room in which the Anniversary will be celebrated balloons, fresh flowers, you can also lay out photo albums in a conspicuous place, in which the life of the Anniversary will be fully depicted from the beginning to the present. You can order an individual, nominal poem for your grandmother (information can be found on the Internet), it will be very unusual and pleasant for her.


I welcome all guests
I ask you to smile more cheerfully,
After all, today is a very expensive day,
For (name, patronymic) perhaps, and native,
Exactly 65 years ago,
How once her spiritual garden bloomed,
As she said her first words
And she's still just as good
Well, let's welcome her.
Applause, bitter, more!
(The hero of the day enters the hall)


I just won't let you at the table
I will reward you first
For the fact that you are here with us,
For this anniversary news,
I present the medal for the 65th anniversary,
And with this Anniversary, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations!
(gold medal with the number "65", can be purchased at a specialty gift shop)


And now I see no obstacles
So that you go to the elegant table,
I just can't hear the applause
Now I will shake my finger at the guests!
(she smiles and shakes her finger, the guests applaud, the hero of the day goes to her place, pushes back her chair, and there is another surprise, a large bouquet of her favorite flowers)

Presenter (toast):

For these numbers - "6" and "5",
They are capable of admiring
For (name, patronymic) health,
For this fun party!
(musical break, meal)


What do we love in retirement?
Watch TV all
Let's not forget all the series
We can't see them!


The competition is called: "Mysteries about television series." The presenter makes riddles, the answers of which are the names of various television series. Whoever guesses gets a gift. For gifts, the most suitable are: mugs, chocolates, napkins, hot coasters, etc.


The old series is remembered by everyone in spite of
Barbara also played there, did Sisi too?
(Answer: Santa Barbara)

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk in this series is like a flame,
And his name is "Beautiful ....?
(answer: nanny)

In this series, Maxim Averin is simply not a cop, but a king,
And the title of this series...?
(Answer: Capercaillie)

This series is remembered by my ancestors,
And its name is “18 moments ...?
(answer: spring)

The series about gypsies, there was a great memory,
And its name is “Kar…?
(Answer: Carmelita)

There Nilov is proud of his role,
And the name of the series: “Street ... ..?
(answer: broken lanterns)


You know all the series
Here you are experts
Now the glasses are ringing
Take yours
And fill them with a mountain,
The finest wine
So that happiness is bright joy,
Always came to your house!
(musical break, meal)


All grandmothers in the world bake pancakes,
And they give us joy with such goodies!


The competition is called: "Pancakes with condensed milk." Couples take part. Each is given two plates, on one there will be three pancakes rolled into a tube, and on the other condensed milk. Task: a woman takes a pancake with her teeth, dips it into condensed milk and gives her partner a bite, and so on until all the condensed milk and all the pancakes run out. Whoever eats everything ahead of them, he wins. Prize: cake with boiled condensed milk.


The competition was played sweetly,
But don't forget about the anniversary
So (name, patronymic) - for you,
We will drink at this solemn hour!
(musical break, meal)


And grannies love
Walk around the shops
Goods are being sold there.
They love to buy everything!


The competition is called: "Shop". Everyone is welcome to participate. We divide into two teams. Each team is given a trolley (baby stroller) for food, at a distance of 5-6 meters a table is placed on which the most everyday goods are laid out: sugar, salt, mayonnaise, sunflower oil, pasta, stew, canned fish, cookies, milk, etc. d. Task: each of the team, in turn, drives up to his table, takes two goods and returns to the team, the next one writes it all down on a piece of paper (makes a check), and also runs with the cart to the table. The team that drags all the products ahead of everyone, and correctly write down their name. She wins. Prize: all available products.


We all went to the store
The hero of the day was tired
After all, she doesn’t need shopping so much,
She deserves a holiday
So all the guests come out,
Dance and dance!
(good rhythmic music sounds, guests dance at will)


Now smiles are everywhere
Now you're all tipsy
So it's time for congratulations
It's time for gifts and admiration!
(guests alternately congratulate the hero of the day, give gifts)


For your wishes, words,
I really want to drink wine
I ask you to pour glasses with a slide,
We will drink for the guests and for the hero of the day!
(musical pause)


And the congratulations don't stop there.
And congratulations continue
And relatives are fulfilled!
(the song is rehearsed in advance, the granddaughter is suitable for the role of the performer)

Song-alteration on the motive of Russian folk song"Am I to blame?":

How I love you, how I love you
My dear grandma,
You bake pies for me and give me advice,

How can I sew a line, how can I sew a blouse,
And you teach me how to knit
Because who are you?! You are my grandma
I can't live a day without you!

How to create in the kitchen, cook miracle cabbage soup for everyone,
You teach me day by day
So thank you my dear
How could I be without you!

And I'll sing, I'm definitely not silent,
Happy Anniversary Grandma to you
65 years old, and you're just beautiful,
And there is nothing better than you!!


This is a congratulation
It was the best without a doubt!
Let's drink to the Anniversary for all this,
So that everyone has warmth in their hearts!
(the holiday continues, but without a host)

65 years for a woman is a certain feature in life, when children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives surround her. At this age, a woman feels self-confident and experienced, but every year she needs the care and love of others more and more. And the anniversary date will be an excellent occasion to gather everyone at a single table and celebrate a birthday in a cozy atmosphere.

Anniversary celebration

Before you write a script for a woman's 65th birthday, you need to decide on the venue for the celebration. It can be a cozy restaurant with quality service. It is necessary to take care of booking tables a few days before the festive event, discuss the anniversary menu with the restaurant employees, order from a special agency or choose from among your friends the host who will lead the celebration. You should also take care of the design of the hall, musical accompaniment and agree with the DJ about the music. After that, you have to carefully work on the scenario of the anniversary, prepare beautiful congratulations and toasts.

On a warm summer evening, you can spend an anniversary in the country, for this you need to set tables, decorate the arch beautifully, where they will meet the birthday girl, prepare a banquet and choose a host.

If the birthday does not fall on a summer day, the anniversary can be spent at home, which will allow the hero of the day to worry less and feel free and at ease during the holiday. In this case, it is necessary to create a real festive atmosphere in the room, decorate the rooms with multi-colored garlands, flowers, posters and photographs of the birthday girl.

It would be better if the role of the host of the anniversary goes to the daughter or son of the hero of the occasion, who will remember with pleasure the most interesting and unusual moments from my mother's life. It is also desirable to involve grandchildren in the production, let them learn beautiful and kind poems, read congratulations, perform a dance or song number, will show a congratulatory scene for the grandmother.

If children become the hosts of the celebration, on the eve of the holiday you need to make a list of the mother’s closest people and prepare beautiful original invitations on behalf of the birthday girl. Birthday for mom is best arranged immediately from the moment she wakes up. While the hero of the day is sleeping, you need to hang a bright congratulatory garland in her bedroom so that when she wakes up, her mother first of all sees congratulations from the people closest to her. Such a gift will delight her.

For a banquet, you need to prepare a rich table with the most favorite dishes of the birthday girl. If there are many guests, it is advisable to make small plates with the names of the guests so that the guests can immediately choose a place where they sit.

During the festive celebration, let numerous compliments, congratulations, kind words, toasts and wishes sound to the birthday girl.

Anniversary script for a woman

The scenario of the anniversary of 65 years can be both cool and classic. In any case, it should include a congratulatory, entertaining and final part of the holiday. It is necessary to choose such toasts, congratulations and contests that emphasize how dear the birthday girl is to everyone and how much everyone appreciates and loves her.

For the introductory part, a small quiz is perfect, in which the guests of the anniversary will take part. The host asks a variety of questions regarding the birthday girl, and those present should answer them as accurately as possible. These can be both standard and unusual questions that guests will have to think about:

  • What date was the birthday girl born?
  • In what city was the hero of the day born?
  • Exact time of birth, height, weight at birth?
  • What marks did the birthday girl study at school?
  • What is your favorite toy as a child?
  • What are your favorite flowers?
  • What is your favorite dish?
  • What hobbies did the birthday girl enjoy or do?
  • Name your favorite drink.
  • What color does the birthday girl prefer?
  • What is your favorite song?
  • Who is your favorite performer?

After the congratulatory part, you can slightly dilute the script with stories about the hero of the day. It is necessary to prepare in advance and select interesting information about the name of the hero of the occasion, its meaning, to tell which of famous people has the same name.

The presenter also offers to decipher the meaning of the name of the hero of the occasion by letter. To do this, the guests will have to name adjectives for each letter from the name. You can complete the story with a eulogy and a toast in honor of the birthday girl.

After all the toasts and congratulations have been said, you can proceed to the entertainment part, which consists in organizing fun games, cool productions, contests and quizzes, all this suggests.

Games and competitions for the anniversary

We study anatomy. This cool contest will defuse the situation, amuse the guests and force them to show intellectual knowledge. Several teams are selected, each of which has two people. The task of one player is to attach pieces of paper to the clothes of the second player using clothespins and write on them the names of the body parts to which they are attached. Whoever lists the most body parts is the winner.

I love, I don't love. This game is most often played at the table after the guests have already eaten and are ready for the entertainment part. Everyone is invited to turn to a neighbor and say what the participant likes from him and what he does not like. After everyone has spoken, the host returns to the first participant and offers to kiss the neighbor what he loves and bite what he does not like. This procedure is repeated in a chain until it reaches the last participant.

Competition for the most sober guest. The host proposes to calculate who of those present is the most sober at the holiday. To do this, guests will have to take part in a small test that will amuse all participants. The host calls in turn what needs to be done, and the player performs desired action. For example, salute with the right hand, show the thumb of the right hand, clap your hands, change hands and repeat everything in reverse order. Or, alternatively, touch the left ear with the right hand, and the nose with the left hand at the same time. After clapping, hands need to be changed in the opposite direction, by the way, sometimes it’s like an anniversary here.

Dance competition. Several couples take part in it. The host turns on energetic music and offers to repeat those movements that are called in turn. So, the text is as follows: attach the left cheek to the left cheek, attach the right cheek to the right cheek, attach the left leg to the left leg, attach the right leg to the right leg, attach the right ear to the right ear, attach the left ear to the left ear, nose attach to the nose, attach the back to the back, and so on. Which couple danced the most energetically and most accurately carried out the commands - that one is the winner.

Best fisherman. Pairs of women and men take part in the competition. To play, you need to prepare in advance two fish cut out of paper and hang them on a long rope. The ropes, in turn, are tied to the belt of the partners in the competition so that the fish lies on the floor. After the leader's command, the partners will have a difficult task - to catch the fish of the rival pair and save the fish of their partner. The pair that manages to keep their fish wins.

Competition for the best wind blower. Participants of the competition are given balloons of various unusual shape. Their task is to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible to such an extent that it bursts.

The competition is focused mainly on the birthday boy. Several potatoes are placed on a chair and covered with something. The birthday boy is invited to sit on the covered potatoes and fidget, and he must do this, in order to ultimately determine how many potatoes lie under him.

Drawing from words

To conduct the competition, several people will be needed, one of which is the leader. The host takes out a simple drawing and shows it to one of the players, all the rest should not see it. The player who saw the drawing must explain in a whisper to the other player what was shown in the drawing. The second player tells the third player from the words of the first and so on.
The last player to be told about the drawing takes a piece of paper, a pen or pencil, and tries to draw what he was told. Then the drawing drawn by the last player is compared with the original.


Players sit in a circle. The first player thinks of a word and speaks it in the neighbor's ear, so that the others do not hear. The second player comes up with an association with this word, and says it in the ear of the third player. And so on until the very end. The word is returned to the first player who speaks it out loud. It is interesting at the end to compare the original word and the final association.

catch a butterfly

Two players are invited to participate in the competition, each of which is awarded a large net on a long stick. Along with this, they are given balloon. The task of the players is to catch each other in the net without dropping the ball.
The competition is quite funny and gives pleasure not only to the players, but also to the guests.

kiss ribbons

For the competition, you will need several ribbons of the same color and length. The host folds all the ribbons so that the edges match, then compresses the middle of the folded ribbons into a fist, and arbitrarily lowers their ends down.
Each player must take the end of the tape. Then the host opens his fist, and the couple who hold on to different ends of the same ribbon should kiss.

Bouquet for the hero of the day

Guests are divided into equal teams (5 or 7 people each). Each participant receives a rose with the same number of thorns. On the “start” command, the teams begin to form a bouquet for the birthday boy - they remove the thorns from the roses. As soon as each participant frees his rose from thorns, the team collects all the roses in a single bouquet and hands it to the hero of the day. The team that will be the first to complete the task will win and receive a prize, and the birthday boy will be extremely pleased to receive additional bouquets as a gift.

Ride the ball

All players are divided into two teams, the captain of each team is given the ball. Each player is taken by the hands of the other two, and his feet are placed on the ball. The task is to step on the ball and reach the end of the hall.
The team whose players reach the end of the hall the fastest wins.


A stool is placed in the center of the hall. Each leg of this stool becomes one player, in whose hands is an aluminum spoon. All players stand with their backs to the stool and, accordingly, to each other.
Then, at the command of the leader, the players move three steps away from the stool and turn around. After that, the host gives another signal, after which each of the players should try to put their spoon on the chair first.

draw an elephant

All players are divided into two teams, they are blindfolded. The presenter takes out big leaf papers and pencils for all participants. Teams are invited to draw an elephant. And the whole team should draw. One player draws a trunk, a second tail, a third leg, and so on.
At the end, the players take off their bandages and admire the drawing. The clearest drawing wins.

Bowling in reverse

If the task of the bowling player is to knock down all the pins, then in this competition the point is not to knock down a single pin. All players are divided into two teams, they are blindfolded. Skittles are placed along all trajectories. Players, holding hands or lined up in a snake, must go through the entire trajectory without knocking down a single pin.
The team that knocks down the fewest pins will be the winner.