How to print a large poster on a4 sheets. How to print a large poster from A4 sheets on a home printer

Here, as in that joke, we have several options. To begin with, let's clarify that a picture (or other information) that needs to be printed on several sheets is called a poster. The simplest and most versatile way to print a picture on several sheets is to use a spreadsheet editor. Its main advantage is the ability to print a poster in any case, using any number of sheets; the disadvantage is that it takes a little longer than when printing a poster using the printer options. It takes much less time to print a poster using the printer interface, however, not all printer programs have this option in their composition. Therefore, you have to use the first method. So, let's consider the options for the first way to print a poster, i.e. using editors on the two most common operating systems: Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS. 1. In operating system Microsoft Windows The most versatile way to print a poster is to place our picture in MS Excel. The algorithm of actions is as follows: Start->All Programs->Microsoft Office->Microsoft Excel; in the menu, select Insert-> Picture (-> From File), after which the "Insert Picture" window opens, where we find our picture and press the "Insert" button; File->Page settings (Page layout->Page settings)->"Page" tab - go to the direct choice of the orientation of the sheets of the poster in the "Orientation" field (landscape or portrait), their number in width and height in the "Scale" field - > "number of sheets:"; go to the document window with a picture, increase our picture to the required number of sheets. The "Preview" option (File->Preview or File->Print) allows you to see exactly how the image will be placed. When the result satisfies us, boldly click on "Print" and print our poster. The result is carefully cut where necessary, and glued. 2. In the Apple Mac OS operating system, similar manipulations can be done using the Calc editor from OpenOffice. Actions in this editor are almost the same as those in the MS Excel editor. That is, we open the Calc editor, set the parameters of our poster through the Format->Page menu ... select the "Sheet" tab, look at the "Scale" option below, where we are interested in choosing the property "Fit print range to the number of pages" in "Scaling mode " on the left, as well as the choice of the number of pages in the "Number of pages" property on the right. Now we insert our picture by selecting Insert->Image->From File... in the top menu, expand its size to the required size with control in the "Preview" (in the "File" menu), and then boldly start printing. Let's consider the software for printers of the most popular firms Epson and Canon. Since their interfaces are most typical for all modifications of the Epson line, as well as Canon, it is easy to build general algorithms of actions. 3. The Epson printer software has the following interface and procedure for printing a multi-sheet poster: "Properties" -> "Printing Preferences" -> "Layout" tab; on the left we look at the "multi-page" field and put a bird there; also put a dot in front of the "poster print" property; using the poster layout counter, select one of the four options - 2x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4; when choosing poster options, we look at the preview layout. 4. The printing program for Canon printers requires the following algorithm of actions: "Properties" -\u003e "Printing Preferences" -\u003e "Page Setup" tab; option "Orientation" - allows you to select a portrait or landscape type of poster sheets; the "Page layout" option has a selection box, by clicking which we can choose one of the three options we like - poster, poster, poster; when choosing poster options, look at the preview window on the left. After confirming the printer settings changes, we can print our poster. I hope this explanation helped you, and in the future it will not be difficult for you to print any poster on several sheets. Good luck!

If you need to print big poster at home without resorting to the services of a plotter - then this article is for you. But how can this be done? You can break our document into a large number of small fragments and print it on A4 sheets with your home printer. As a result, we get a large, almost seamless poster. In this article, we'll take a closer look at two methods. print a poster - no additional software required, only standard means, and also consider a special program that can print with a simple home printer big poster. As always, the article will detailed instructions how to quickly achieve the desired result. Let's say we have a large document, a picture, a graph, a map of the area - in general, anything from which we need to make a large poster. We will need a printer, a pair of scissors, PVA glue and half an hour of time. If everything is ready, let's get started!

To print a large poster from A4 sheets, you can do without additional software. In standard software The printer has a variety of print settings options. Among other things, there (in most cases) there is such a function as "print poster". It is she who will help us print any document on a variety of A4 sheets. Thus, after gluing the sheets, we will get a large poster or picture on the wall. If this is the result you are trying to achieve, then let's look at an example.

Example: How to print a poster from multiple A4 sheets

Open the picture or document from which you want to make a large poster and press "print" or the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + P". You should have a similar menu (see Fig1)

in which you need to select the properties of your printer.

Set the page size and the desired orientation of the sheets (Portrait or Landscape). Then, scrolling down a bit (in my Page Layout section) you need to find "Print Poster". Standard poster print sizes are 4 sheets. This means that your picture will be divided into four fragments, which will be printed by the printer. After putting these pieces together like a puzzle, you will get a large drawing. If the size of 4 A4 sheets does not suit you, click the "Set" button.

Here you can specify a different number of segments into which your image will be divided. And also (very conveniently) you need to check the "Cutting lines in the margins" and on each sheet the edge will be taken away ( Cut ) which needs to be trimmed evenly and the field is marked ( paste ) on which you need to apply glue and apply the next fragment of our large poster. All settings are made - we send everything to print. The result is an almost seamless large poster. If you are satisfied - then we have achieved the desired result by standard means. But as you can see, there are quite a few settings for printing a poster. That is why there are special programs for printing large posters on A4. They allow more flexible partitioning. We will talk about this in another part of the article.

Sometimes there is a need to print a photograph or any image in the form of a large poster (poster). However, "mass" printers designed for home / office use only support printing on A4 sheets.

In this situation, you can use a solution that will "divide" the image into several parts, which can later be printed on A4 sheets. By gluing all these parts, you will get the desired poster (poster).

Splitting the image for further printing as a poster

It should be noted that popular programs for viewing and processing images do not have the ability to separate the image. Therefore, we will resort to using a specialized utility - Pics Print.

Official website of the program.

This program specializes in dividing the image into parts (A4 format), and then sends them to print. By gluing them, you will get a large poster (poster).

Now let's look at a specific example of how to add a picture and print parts of it on a pre-selected number of A4 sheets.

We print a large poster (poster) on a home printer

Open Pics Print. In the top menu, click on the magic wand icon, and in the menu that appears, select the item Poster Wizard.

The welcome window of the wizard will open, with the help of which we will set the necessary settings and select the image to be printed as a poster. Click the button Next >

The next wizard window will be displayed. It provides information about the printer to be used for subsequent printing, paper orientation, and paper size.
When you press a button change you will be able to change these settings.

Window for selecting a printer and changing print settings.

If the specified parameters do not require changes, then click the button. Next > to continue.

The next step is to choose where the image will be taken from, which will subsequently be divided and printed as a poster. There are three options to choose from: from a hard drive, from a connected camera, or from a scanner.

We will select an image from the hard drive.

This window prompts you to select an image that will be used for printing as a poster. Specify the required image.

After specifying an image, it will be loaded and displayed in the wizard window. Click to continue Next >

A new window will be displayed in which you can set the image splitting settings.

The first option sets the image split along, and the one below it - across. In the example, we will divide the image into 2 parts along and across.

If you slightly move the wizard window, you can visually evaluate in the main program window how the image will be divided.

After entering the desired parameters, press the button Next >

In the last window of the wizard, we are told that everything is ready for printing. You just have to check the box print document, and then press the button Finish.

As a result, the printer will print four sheets, which will be constituent parts the originally selected image. Glue them and the poster is ready!


In this review, we examined a utility with which you can print a poster in just a few steps. Moreover, the components of the poster will be A4 sheets, which can be printed from any home or office printer.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

I work as an educator. Therefore, a large format image is often required for clarity and design. well, at home New Year You can decorate as in this photo. This Santa Claus was printed on a regular printer for A4 sheets. and how to do it - I'll tell you more. because in our SM there are a lot of creative people who may need a large poster. And not everyone (like me, for example) has a special program ... (I didn’t meet such a master class here, maybe I overlooked it - then I apologize!)

Open the Microsoft Excel program ----> select the "Insert" tab ----> Picture

A dialog box opens ----> Choose any picture from your files -----> Click "Insert" (I chose this clown for example)

We see the picture appeared

Opening the preview

We see that our clown is small, only one sheet (indicated by an arrow, how many pages will be printed)

close the preview window, and Oh! miracle, we see that some cells have appeared (you may not see it right away, then we zoom out in the lower right corner) the cells that I showed with an arrow are pages - future A4

now we confidently pull the indicated corner, stretch it to the required number of pages

look again, see how many pages it will turn out (indicated by the arrow)

And - voila! we print it out, glue it like children's cut pictures, use it ... and our craftswomen will find where to use such posters !?

As an option, you can print contour images, then color them yourself (there are a lot of coloring pages on the Internet!), You can do this. make any patterns, cards ... well, in general, use it, I'm waiting for feedback!

Hello. Before Happy New Year. And here is a program for printing large formats. called PosterPrinter. It is installed very easily, it is Russian-speaking, there is a registration key and, most importantly, it can print large-sized photos, up to 2-3 meters. I often use this program, although my printer only prints up to A4 size. Go to the search engine (I have Google) type the name of this program and download it for free. Download the program and install it on your computer and that's it. Here's the link I just found. Why is it so difficult? Each printer (if it is not quite antediluvian) has a "poster printing" setting, where you can choose how many sheets the image should take up. And it's much faster than opening Excel. Everything is long in Excel, there is a simple Poster Printer program and print any size Hello! thanks for useful information. But I don't understand point 6. I opened the preview, saw 1 page ... and then what to do ... if, as you wrote, I closed the preview and nothing happens .. how to specify how many sheets the drawing should be printed on? Please explain the transition from point 6 to point 7 ... When you uploaded your drawing, you can not see it first, because it's still small, Start stretching it. And when you stretched it, then look in the preview how many sheets you got. It will be indicated in the lower left corner - 1 sheet from ... (how many sheets you stretch will be indicated). If you are not satisfied - a lot of sheets or few, then close the preview and reduce or stretch the picture again. And again, in the preview, see how many sheets you have.

If you need to print big poster at home without resorting to the services of a plotter - then this article is for you. But how can this be done? You can break our document into a large number of small fragments and print it on A4 sheets with your home printer. As a result, we get a large, almost seamless poster. In this article, we'll take a closer look at two methods. print a poster - no additional software required, only by standard means, and also consider a special program that can print with a simple home printer big poster. As always, the article will contain detailed instructions on how to quickly achieve the desired result. Let's say we have a large document, a picture, a graph, a map of the area - in general, anything from which we need to make a large poster. We will need a printer, a pair of scissors, PVA glue and half an hour of time. If everything is ready, let's get started!

To print a large poster from A4 sheets, you can do without additional software. There are many options for setting up printing in the standard printer software. Among other things, there (in most cases) there is such a function as "print poster". It is she who will help us print any document on a variety of A4 sheets. Thus, after gluing the sheets, we will get a large poster or picture on the wall. If this is the result you are trying to achieve, then let's look at an example.

Example: How to print a poster from multiple A4 sheets

Open the picture or document from which you want to make a large poster and press "print" or the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + P". You should have a similar menu (see Fig1)

in which you need to select the properties of your printer.

Set the page size and the desired orientation of the sheets (Portrait or Landscape). Then, scrolling down a bit (in my Page Layout section) you need to find "Print Poster". Standard poster print sizes are 4 sheets. This means that your picture will be divided into four fragments, which will be printed by the printer. After putting these pieces together like a puzzle, you will get a large drawing. If the size of 4 A4 sheets does not suit you, click the "Set" button.

Here you can specify a different number of segments into which your image will be divided. And also (very conveniently) you need to check the "Cutting lines in the margins" and on each sheet the edge will be taken away ( Cut ) which needs to be trimmed evenly and the field is marked ( paste ) on which you need to apply glue and apply the next fragment of our large poster. All settings are made - we send everything to print. The result is an almost seamless large poster. If you are satisfied - then we have achieved the desired result by standard means. But as you can see, there are quite a few settings for printing a poster. That is why there are special programs for printing large posters on A4. They allow more flexible partitioning. We will talk about this in another part of the article.