An interesting scenario for halloween at school. Halloween Contests for Kids

Halloween is a wonderful holiday and there are many ways to celebrate it in the classroom to keep students excited. As a teacher, you simply have to keep up with the times and be on the same wavelength with “your” children. Halloween is a great excuse to take a break from the boring classroom routine and bring a little fun into the everyday life of schoolchildren. Here are the top few ways to celebrate Halloween in the classroom that your students will love.

1. Suits

Dressing up in different costumes is the most important part of Halloween for most kids, because it's their opportunity to fulfill their dreams and desires, like being Superman for a few hours! If your students came in their costumes, then let them come up with a legend about themselves, give each child the opportunity to parade in his costume.

A very important pedagogical moment: discuss in advance with the children who is making what costume for themselves, find out who will help them with the outfits. If there are children from unreliable families who cannot prepare anything, leave them after the lesson and by joint efforts. Children should not feel defective in something on the day of general fun.

2. History lesson

Since Halloween is all about fun, it's a good idea to add an educational element to the Halloween celebration in the classroom. is a great way to do it. You can tell the children about how the holiday started and about several traditions that used to be associated with Halloween. You can also tell how other cultures celebrate Halloween, such as All Souls' Day in Central America. For older children, you can delve into history and tell local legends.

3. Sweet table

The best part of Halloween is... candy! In America, there is a tradition when children go from house to house and with feigned rigidity demand money or candy from the owners with the words: “Trick or treat!”, “Candy or life!”. But I am against it at school! All children are very different, so such phrases can provoke conflicts, and in the end it is you who will get the hat.

Children will already enjoy the holiday if you just arrange a sweet table. Ask the children to bring sweets, cakes, etc. the day before, and have a tea party at a large friendly table. This will be an excellent culmination of the whole event, and most importantly, the children will be satisfied.

4. Time for scary stories

Scary stories wouldn't be so popular if kids didn't love them. Take a break from your studies and read scary stories to your students. You can find them on the Internet and make this day somber. Just make sure they're not too scary for your students and have some humor in them. You don't want kids to come home in tears and complain to their parents.

5. Talent show

There are many songs that are perfect for the Halloween theme, so why not put on a talent show to get the kids in the mood. Divide them into groups and give each group the lyrics of a song. Give them some time to prepare the song and choreography. You can even capture them on video, and then show this recording on a classroom parent meeting so that they can see the talents of their children.

6. Prepare the skit

If your class doesn't like to sing, you could put on a scene from a scary story, local Halloween folklore, or a scene from a game, movie, or TV show. It will be fun for them, because the children will get a lot of emotions while preparing the production.

7. Coloring pumpkins

What's Halloween without pumpkins. At a time when carving pumpkins can be messy, your students can get creative and paint pumpkins themselves, make them and decorate the classroom with them. You can let them choose what to draw, cut, find on the Internet and print ready-made ideas, and the children will only have to bring them to life. Either way, fiddling with pumpkins will cheer up your students for the day.

If you let your class celebrate Halloween at school during the lessons, the children will be very grateful to you, because they will get a lot of positive emotions! It's so great to spend the whole day among vampires, werewolves, ghosts and cartoon characters! Have you already come up with a holiday scenario for your children? What do you think of my ideas? Perhaps you want to add something to the above? I'd love to hear all opinions!

An interesting and detailed Halloween script for school students.

Halloween. Scenario for school

Goals: to acquaint students with the holiday and its traditions; develop creative abilities.


Imp, host of the evening.

Isabella, heiress of Lucifer.

Lestat, the vampire.

Jack, the pumpkin king.

Whooperi, the sea witch.

Dick Turpin, ghost of Heathrow.

Event progress

Imp. Haha! Hello, vampires, witches, ghouls and other not quite pure power. Today there will be a grand Sabbath, which you will remember for the number of perfect nasty things, troubles and other dirty tricks !!!

An eerie laugh is heard. Isabella flashes. She walks surrounded by her retinue.

Imp. Vivat young, beautiful and terrible Isabella! Vivat the most beautiful and most unpredictable!

The vampire bows before Isabella in a respectful bow.

Lestat. Greetings Isabella! You, as always, are beautiful, like a true child of darkness.

Isabel. Thanks Lestat! I knew that you would not let me down and come to our Sabbath. Help me complete the mission: my uncle asked me to choose the king and queen of the evening.

Lestat. With great pleasure I will choose a candidate for the title of "Our Royal Majesty".

Flashing light. Lestat comes to the fore, two demons choose participants in the hall.

Lestat. First, all applicants must drink fresh blood!

The children are brought a glass of tomato juice.

Lestat. And now I want to know if you know how to scare someone. So, demons, don't be shy - let's demonstrate!

A musical excerpt from some horror movie is included.

Lestat. And now you, dear participants.

There is a competition. Three winners are given medals.

Isabel. Yes, they make great villains! Thank you Lestat, you truly are a horror genius.

Lestat. That's not all, but I'll probably save the next contest until we choose a queen...

Imp. Mistress Isabella, it's Jack!

Jack. Hello! Sorry for being late!

Isabel. Oh, Jack, you will choose us the queen of our coven.

Jack. My most favorite activity!

The hall is completely dark, only candles are burning, which the contestants need to blow out. The first three who blow out all their candles become winners.

Lestat. The conclusion to choosing a couple of the evening will be dancing! Cavaliers invite ladies!

Lestat invites Isabella to the dance, dropping to one knee, Jack - a gallant bow.

Isabel. It was impressive! Musicians, play! I dance with both!

The boys invite the finalists to dance, how they do it is taken into account.

Classical music sounds, the dance itself is evaluated.

Lestat. I'm having a hard time choosing...

Imp. The most famous ghost of the British Isles!

A ghost appears above the stage, giggling eeriely.

Dick(in a whisper). Hello!

Isabel. New guest!!! (Claps his hands.) Dick, we need to choose a couple of evenings from the remaining applicants.

Dick. I'll be happy to help you choose! I really love to play! Here, in England, everyone loves the game "Find Me". But, as a rule, we find only parts: hands, feet, ears and other parts of the body. And you have to collect all the parts that are in the hall. All clear? On the search! Our couples support groups help them.

Participants collect paper bones that are pasted in the hall. By counting, one pair is determined as the winner.

The sea witch Wuperi enters.

Whooperi. Good evening, most beautiful witch! My father apologizes that he cannot appear at today's Sabbath, he is all dry.

Isabel. I am glad to see you! Bring someone a rag, we have water on the parquet!

Whooperi. You don't have enough water, there are no marshes around. So I brought water with me. She is the best, from the distant marsh reserves.

Imp. I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have... everything in moderation, and water...

He does not have time to finish, one of the demons closes his mouth and drags him backstage.

Imp(from behind the scenes). Let me go, I have to perform the coronation ceremony...

Isabel. He's already worn me out! Perhaps my dear guest will conduct the ceremony today. Whoopee, do you agree?

Whooperi. Of course yes! Lestat, Jack and the Imp, it's your job to get everyone in this room to swear allegiance to our royal couple.

The guys are divided into three teams. They take out three empty and three filled soda bottles, three glasses. The competition consists in the fact that each team member takes turns pouring water from a full bottle into a glass and runs to fill an empty one. The amount of water, the speed of the team is taken into account. According to the results of the competition, the winner is announced.

Isabel. I like it! Amazing ceremony!

Imp. Oh my lady! With the coronation ceremony, we completely forgot about your birthday!

Lestat. Have a terrible birthday, Isabella!

Jack. All the evil spirits of our coven have prepared a gift for you!

Imp. Premiere of "Halloween Night"

Music sounds, a screen is taken out onto the stage: a shadowy horror film that shows evil spirits. Next, the guys show their performances. The children are given tasks - horror stories pre-written on cards. It takes 5-10 minutes to prepare the miniature.

Whooperi. Happy birthday again, Mrs. Isabella!

Isabel. Thank you, my terrible ones! I want a real coven!

Dick. Then it's time for some real Halloween fun!

Jack. I love yellow! All the same three teams participate, your task is to find yellow bows in the hall, which are made of ribbons and tied in remote corners or attached in a conspicuous place. The one who finds the most bows the fastest wins.

A competition is being held.

Lestat. I propose the following game "Voice quiet, mysterious." Everyone sits down at the table again. A player is selected by lot, he sits away from the table with his back to everyone. Going clockwise, one by one, each says the word "Halloween". The driver must guess who said it. For each correct vote, he receives a point. The game continues until everyone is in the role of the driver. The scores are then added up and compared. total amount team points.

A competition is being held.

Whooperi. Based on the name of the holiday - Halloween - let's guess the letter "X" as the main one in such a game. I ask one of the teams the question: “Who?” Members of this team must answer with the letter "X". For example, a hamster. The next question to the other team is: "Which one?" Answer: "Skinny". Question: What does it do? Answer: "Want." Etc.

The game develops a fast reaction. The team is given 15-20 seconds to think.

Dick. We, ghosts, love dark and gloomy places very much... From each team, I will ask two people to come here to me. Now Lestat, Imp and Jack will help me attach clothespins to the clothes of the remaining participants. Those who came to me blindfolded must remove all clothespins from the clothes of their team members.

A competition is being held.

Imp. Now we are expelling one player from the team from the room, we will lay out the items on the table, each team has its own, but all the items are together. The team comes up with an action with the proposed items. The player does what the blindfolded team has in mind. All his actions are controlled by the participants. When he does the right thing, they shout "hot", if he does it wrong - "cold".

For example, we put a ball, a spoon, a plate, a sugar bowl with sugar on the table. Now we make a task (for example, you need to take a spoon, collect sugar from a sugar bowl with it, put it on a plate and throw a ball). The player is blindfolded. Not knowing the task, he approaches the table, tries to determine first what is there, tastes sugar on his tongue. Then he performs various actions with objects. For example, he takes a ball, puts it on a plate, pours sugar with a spoon into a plate next to the ball. The team with the least amount of time to complete wins.

Besenok's cell phone rings.

Imp. The boss is calling! Ma'am, it's time for us to go home!

Lestat. And that's right! See you soon!

Isabel. We say goodbye to you and leave on your Bald Mountain to command the king and queen of Halloween. Sabbat! Ball!

All other heroes of the evening say goodbye to the guys.

The party disco begins.

Supplementary material for the teacher.

About Halloween for schoolchildren

halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st in the United States of America. Children dress up in masquerade costumes and masks and go from house to house begging for sweets. Many of them carve pumpkin lanterns. Divination and stories about witches and ghosts are popular pastimes.

Halloween evolved from New Year's Eve and festivities in honor of the dead. The Christian Church established a holiday on November 1, called All Saints' Day, so that people could continue to celebrate their holidays. The mass celebrated on All Saints' Day was called the Allhelowmes. The day before All Saints' Day was called All Saints' Eve or "All Halloween".

The main entertainment for children on Halloween is begging for sweets. Children dress up in masquerade costumes and masks, go from house to house and say: "Treat me, otherwise we'll play a joke." Neighbors give the children treats such as candy, fruit, and change so that the children don't play tricks on them.

Halloween lanterns are hollow inside pumpkins with a face carved on one side. Most lanterns have a candle inside. Irish legend says that Halloween lanterns (English jack-o "-lanterns) are named after a man named Jack. He could not go to heaven because he was a miser, and could not go to hell because he played playing tricks on the devil, resulting in Jack being forced to roam the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day.

Divination is an important part of Halloween. For example, at this point, the ring and thimble are baked into a pie. It was believed that whoever finds the ring will soon get married or get married. Today, people use fortune-telling on cards and fortune-telling by hand.

People once believed that the earth was full of witches and that they met on October 31st to worship the devil. Today we look at many things differently, but we still love to tell stories about witches on Halloween.

Event form: masquerade + disco

The target audience: 5-7 grade

Event goals:

  • introduce children to the traditions of other peoples;
  • talk about the traditions of celebrating Halloween - All Saints Day;
  • aesthetic and creative development.

For Halloween at school you will need:

Decorations for the room in the form of mystical pictures, posters, figurines of ghosts, cobwebs, skeletons, pumpkins;

Make-up for the participants of the holiday, masks of various "evil spirits";

Costumes for the participants of the holiday - ghosts and other horror films of the choice of the child;

Treats for holiday guests;

Details for competitions;

Prizes for participants of the event.

Halloween plan at school:

Preparation of the hall for the holiday;


Official part;


Disco "unclean".

The hall for Halloween at school must be decorated in the appropriate style - with pumpkins, skeletons, spiders, cobwebs, various goblins and monsters, brooms, candles and other paraphernalia of the underworld.

Event progress

The Halloween holiday at the school begins with the fact that guests dressed up in various costumes enter the hall, and a masquerade of "evil spirits" is held. At the entrance to the hall, each guest introduces himself as the leader, and he is given a small pumpkin - a symbol of the holiday.

When everyone is visiting in the gathering, the hosts of Dracula and Zombie open the holiday.

Dracula: Hello, our terrible, vicious, scary and respected guests! Welcome to the party of the best creatures of this universe! Tonight is a magical night! And it belongs to all of us!

Zombie: This night we worship our Lords! Raise your left hand, now your right hand, and let's clap for all of us! We flew here from all points and places of the afterlife in order to have a great and terrible time! Today is the night of dirty tricks and horrors! .. So, we begin our night!

A small excerpt from a Gothic melody sounds.

Dracula: Zombies and Zombies...

Zombie: What, my nasty and nasty best friend?

Dracula: Undoubtedly, this night is terribly terrible ... but ... don't you think that we should choose our queen of the night? Two unusually vile leaders cannot be only in a male company. ... What do you think, our invited evil spirits?

Hall supports Dracula.

Zombie: Well, since our terrible and vile guests agree, then ...

Dracula: So, we invite all witches, sorceresses, drowned women, fortune tellers, voodoo dolls, cats and other scary and vile ladies to join us in a circle to sort things out and determine the most terrible, ugly, vile, disgusting and beautiful queen of our night!

All willing girls come out in a circle to Dracula and Zombies.

Zombie: Here they are! Our contenders for the title of the most terrible lady of the night!

Dracula: Let's choose from you the very, very… very, nasty Queen!

Zombie: To do this, you need to pass several tests. The one of you that the public recognizes as the best will become the winner and ruler for tonight!

Dracula: So, the first test, my vile and ugly beauties!

Zombie: Now we will be transported to an old abandoned cemetery, where the witches of the Dark Order annually arrange their coven. We give each of our terrible participants a broom from the collection of witches. Your task is to dance with a broom to the song of the Sabbat. The best dancer is determined by our nasty audience. Pouhhaaali!!!

Girls dance with brooms. The audience applauds chooses the best of them.

The winner of the first competition is announced.

An excerpt from a gothic melody sounds.

Dracula: We're moving on to the second challenge, you ugly ladies! Undoubtedly, each of you knows how to conjure and tell fortunes! Now we will make sure of it! You need to come up with and say the most terrible and terrible spell for us. Naturally, we all need to know what it is for.

Girls are given time to think. They then take turns casting their spells. The audience determines the winner with applause.

An excerpt from a gothic melody sounds.

Zombie: The previous test showed how strong you are in witchcraft. Now we will see your terrible creative and mystical abilities!

Dracula: So, our horror stories, you are given these balloons. In 5 minutes, you must draw with felt-tip pens each on your ball the face of that monster or monster who is dearest to you. Whoever has the scariest monster wins! The public chooses the winner!

After this competition, the results are summed up. The girl who performs best in the tests becomes the winner.

Zombie: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Now we are not alone! We have our own Queen! Vile, terrible and terrible ... (name and character of the girl). Rejoice children of darkness! We have chosen our Ruler!

Dracula: Let's properly celebrate this event with our treat for you! We invite you, our vile and nasty guests, to taste our dishes of stink, blood and bones! Well, then you will find a disco of evil spirits! Everyone is at the table!

Music is playing. The guests move to the buffet table. And the holiday continues in free mode.

The word "Halloween" comes from the English "the Eve of All Hallows", which means "All Saints' Eve". It was believed that on Halloween the spirits of people who died during the year could return and find bodies for themselves. next year. Nowadays, Halloween is an opportunity for children and young people to dress up in carnival costumes and have fun. Usually a school Halloween party is remembered for a long time.

What should be done in order to spend at Halloween school?

1. Getting ready for Halloween at school.

It is necessary to discuss in advance with teachers or the school administration how Halloween will be held at school, how long it will last, who will be responsible for organizing it: teachers, parents or the children themselves.

2. Decoration class (school) for Halloween.

Such a holiday cannot be held without decorating the office with various ghosts, witches, bats, black cats, cobwebs and pumpkins. It's better to do it in advance.

3. Table setting for Halloween.

The table and the snacks themselves can also be decorated in the theme of the holiday, for example, buy jelly worms. But the most important thing is to stock up on disposable tableware, tablecloths and napkins in advance.

4. Making Halloween costumes.

Let each student decide for himself who he wants to be on Halloween, prepare a costume, make-up and props for himself.

5. Fun and games for Halloween at school.

For Halloween at school, both special themed entertainments and ordinary ones with minor changes are suitable, for example, for elementary grades, a blind man's blind man's game can be called "Run away from zombies." It is important not to forget about the special musical accompaniment and selection of suitable music for the theme, under which schoolchildren can dance.

Ideas for fun and games halloween at school

1. Scary stories for Halloween at school.

Many children love scary stories that are perfect for this holiday. You can enhance the effect of a regular horror story with the help of items: a peeled tomato, boiled spaghetti and two peeled round grapes. Children are told a scary story about a monster that ends in his death, and are offered blindfolded to touch his heart (tomato), eyes (grapes), and brain (spaghetti). But be careful, you need to take into account the age of the children so that the holiday does not end in tears.

2. Competitive program for Halloween at school.

Instead of the common competition for the best costume, you can invite students to write some background of their character, and then read it to the class. Such a competition, for sure, will amuse the guys very much, and the winner will be awarded a prize: a pumpkin, for example.

3. Pumpkin decoration for Halloween at school.

If it's possible to get reasonably good Halloween pumpkins at school, kids can carve the traditional eyes, mouth, and nose into them, or they might want to come up with something of their own. For safety reasons, a teacher should always be nearby.

4. Playing scary stories on Halloween at school.

Scary story game good way to use your imagination. A stack of cards is prepared in advance, where the beginnings of phrases are written for scary stories: “In the silence there was a cry and ...”, “The door opened with a creak and behind it ...”, “A dark deep night a man ...”, etc. Each student chooses a card. One of them starts the story with the phrase he read after a predetermined time, the next student continues the game, starting with the last sentence of the previous one and his phrase, and so on until all the cards run out or the time comes for a logical outcome.

5. The game "Memorize the items" for Halloween at school.

And even on a holiday, you can train your memory with the help of the appropriate game. At least 20 items related to Halloween in one way or another are placed on a tray or desk under the fabric: figurines, toys, candles, etc. The student is asked to look at them for a minute, then they are again covered with a cloth, and the student must list items. Whoever can remember the most items wins this game.

6. The game "Guess what" on Halloween at school.

The game "Guess what" will allow schoolchildren to show their resourcefulness and ingenuity. For this game, you will need cards on which the words of the holiday theme are written: monster, bat, witch, web, etc. Schoolchildren are divided into two teams, one participant from each team must take a card and draw an object that is written on the card. The difficulty lies in the fact that you cannot draw the word itself, that is, if the card says "spider", the student does not have the right to draw a spider, but he can draw a web and use an arrow so that his team guesses. If one of the teams could not guess the hidden word, the opposing team can try to do it. Teams are awarded one point for each correct answer.

The British controversial holiday Halloween burst into the life of the Slavic people just a few years ago. Many scholars attribute the interest in the frankly aggressive holiday to political or economic events. Others suggest that Halloween became popular as a result of rising levels of curiosity or the spiritual decline of society. In general, regardless of which of the reasons is reliable, the triumph of evil spirits more and more captivates the minds of young people and guides the temper of the Slavic nation. Moreover, in hundreds of universities, schools and kindergartens, the holiday of All Saints' Eve has already been included in the mandatory program of extracurricular activities. Halloween at school has become perhaps the most anticipated event! And teachers can only think about how to properly combine the Russian mentality with the fashionable Western trend? How to spend a holiday with dignity, so as not to harm the fragile psyche of children? What are the positive ideas of the British celebration to use in creating impressive costumes and scenarios for high school students?

How to celebrate Halloween at school: important nuances

To celebrate Halloween at school, you need to write a script in advance, calculate the number of participants and make bright posters or invitation cards. For the last two points, you will need improvised materials and familiar stationery items. The creation of the poster can be entrusted to high school students, and it is better to make invitations on your own. For example, in the form of bright images of a pumpkin, an owl or a bat. These symbolic attributes of the holiday are considered very harmless, so they will not frighten younger students. Don't forget the accompanying text. The invitation card should indicate in advance the exact date and time of the upcoming event. As well as proposed competitions, so that guests and participants can prepare outfits, crafts, dishes, etc. in advance.

How to Decorate a School for Halloween

One of the most important roles on Halloween is the original "creepy" decoration of the stage, classroom, school corridors, etc. We offer several unusual ideas for decorating a festive room:

  • artificial fog. Place containers with dry ice in the corners of the proposed stage, and fill it with warm water before the start of the concert. As a result, a bluish haze is formed - a frightening Halloween fog. The main thing is to keep small children away from dry ice. He is dangerous!
  • gauze ghosts. Inflate 5-7 white balloons helium and glue the thread to the floor so that the balloons rise to the level of children's growth. Cover each ball with a thin layer of gauze with painted eyes and a mouth. A ghost like Casper floating in the air is ready!
  • Wall and window stickers. Cut out the silhouettes of black flying mice, ghosts, spiders and cats from thick cardboard. Paste the shapes on window panes, according to the principle of New Year's snowflakes, or on the walls if there are no windows in the room. In the dim light of street lamps or a room lamp, the silhouettes will look very colorful.
  • jack o lantern. Decorative pumpkins for Halloween should be made in advance using one of the many master classes from the Internet. On the day of the event, simply arrange them along the edge of the stage or in one of the corners with a luminous composition.
  • Scarecrow. A tall straw effigy made from improvised materials (pumpkin, straw, old shoes, clothes and hats) will not only cause great delight among the guests of the holiday, but will also become a reliable defender of the school for the entire period of rampage of unclean forces.

An interesting Halloween script for high school students

Interesting scenario for Halloween at a school for high school students begins with well-chosen sociable and uninhibited hosts. Of course, they should be in bright thematic costumes: a witch, a devil, a merman, a goblin, a swamp kikimora or any other representatives of the Slavic mystical culture. As is known from the great domestic literary works, our evil spirits are not as terrible as they seem at first glance. All participants in the concert should not be evil and cruel characters, but reckless, cheerful and slightly stupid masters of the elements, otherworldly forces, etc.

At a school holiday in the company of Russian evil spirits, one cannot remain serious and thoughtful. You have to have fun, dance, joke, compete, play various, sometimes stupid games. This should not be forgotten when creating a script for high school students on Halloween at school. There is no place for sad lyrical skits about school days and first love on such a holiday. The same applies to the musical and choreographic part of the event. Classical waltz and mournful songs with a guitar are best left for an autumn ball or school competition talents.

A successful Halloween scenario at school is nothing more than a competent symbiosis of pre-holiday preparations, scary decorations, stunning outfits, charismatic hosts, themed entertainment (sketches, dances, contests, games), unusual treats and souvenirs. Only a harmonious combination of all the above components will help organize a truly unforgettable triumph of evil spirits.

Games and scenes for a Halloween scenario at school, video

The scenario of the Halloween holiday with the school should be full of all kinds of games, contests, skits. Evil also likes to have fun. When writing a script for high school students, leave a half-hour window of time for competitions for the best costumes, the most successful crafts, the perfect Jack-o'-lantern, the most delicious themed recipe. In a script for elementary and middle school students, pay attention to children's fun. For example, humorous scenes about ghosts or fun incendiary games:

  1. pack the mummy. For the game, bandages and a stopwatch are useful. Participants must be divided into pairs. In each pair, one student is a mummy, the second is a priest. The priests simultaneously begin to wrap their mummy with a bandage. Whoever wraps most of the body of his partner in 1 minute wins!
  2. We steal pumpkins. To carry out, you will need 30 small pumpkins (can be artificial). Participates from 5 to 15 people. All players must be divided into 4 teams and placed in the corners of the stage, and pumpkins should be placed in the middle. At the signal of the host, 1 person from each team runs out and grabs 1 pumpkin in their corner. Then the second player, and so on. When the mining is over in the middle of the hall, steal pumpkins from a neighbor in the same way. The team that collects the largest crop in 2 minutes will win.
  3. Racing on three legs. The competition involves several teams of 2 people each. The host ties one leg of two participants together. Thus, for 2 children there are three legs. After the announcement of the start, the guys need to overcome the distance to the finish line at speed. Whoever copes first is the winner.

DIY costumes for Halloween at school, photo

Do-it-yourself Halloween costumes at school should not carry too negative a semantic load. Best Options- harmful little witches, Grandmother Ezhka, funny zombies, bats, ghosts and Koshchei Immortals close to the Slavs. To make such costumes with your own hands, you need to look in the bins for old long skirts, dark leggings with holes, sweaters in gloomy colors, dusty hats from the mezzanine.

Often, to create a Halloween outfit, the school remakes costumes from New Year's parties or the autumn holiday. If you pin small black bats to a pumpkin dress, you get a great symbolic outfit. Under bright costumes, you can pick up gloomy accessories, make a chaos hairstyle and a festive make-up, add a hat with any "Vedsky" attribute, and the resulting picture will exceed any expectations.

From an ordinary white coat, red paint and a respiratory mask can be folded perfect image. An intimidating doctor with a toy stethoscope or a huge plastic syringe will look great on Halloween at school.

If you still have not decided how to spend Halloween at school, use our ideas. hilarious scenario for high school students, videos of scenes, games and dances, tips for making themed costumes will help you create a real grand celebration.