A person can at any time. Unusual things

The thinker, writer and ethnographer Carlos Cesar Salvador Araña Castaneda devoted a series of books to shamanism and to the presentation of a worldview unusual for a Westerner.

For some, they have become a revelation, for others, a door to new world, others simply read with interest about a new point of view on the world around them.

Castaneda himself used the term "magic" for this approach, however, according to him, this concept does not fully convey the essence of the teaching based on the traditions of the ancients.

selected 15 profound lessons from Castaneda's teachings:

  1. Everyone goes their own way. But all roads still go nowhere. So, the whole point is in the road itself, how to go along it ... If you go with pleasure, then this is your road. If you feel bad, you can leave it at any moment, no matter how far you go. And it will be right.
  2. The only truly wise counsel we have is death. Every time you feel, as it often does with you, that everything is going badly and you are on the verge of complete collapse, turn to your left and ask your death if this is so. And your death will answer that you are wrong, and that apart from her touch there is nothing that really matters. Your death will say: "But I haven't touched you yet!"
  3. It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart..
  4. Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology. So when you explain why you can't do this or that, you are really apologizing for your shortcomings, hoping that those listening to you will be kind and forgive them.
  5. To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many spend years doing this. The hardest thing is to really want to change.
  6. I never get angry with anyone. No man can do anything that would deserve such a reaction from me. You get angry with people when you feel that their actions are important. I haven't felt anything like this in a long time.
  7. People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly .
  8. You must always remember that the path is only the path. If you feel that you should not walk on it, then you should not stay on it under any circumstances.
  9. You must not confuse loneliness with solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, spiritual concept, while solitude is physical. The first numbs, the second calms.
  10. Act like it's a dream. Be brave and don't look for excuses.
  11. If you don't like what you get, change what you give.
  12. We need all our time and all our energy to defeat the idiocy in ourselves. This is what matters. The rest doesn't matter...
  13. The whole trick is what to focus on ... Each of us makes himself either unhappy or strong. The amount of work required in both the first and second cases is the same.
  14. Art consists in maintaining a balance between the horror of being human and the wonder of being human.
  15. To become a man of knowledge, one must be a warrior, not a whining child. Fight without giving up, without complaining, without retreating, fight until you see. And all this just to understand that there is nothing in the world that really matters.

His books can be denied factual authenticity, he himself can be reproached for vulgarizing his own ideals, you can accuse him of lying, but it cannot be taken away from the fact that the “tales of Power” written by him remain a magnificent expression of poetry and the essence of spiritual search.

Behind all the mystical paraphernalia, Castaneda's books hide a completely simple and clear system of views.

  1. It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
  2. Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology. So when you explain why you can't do this or that, you are really apologizing for your shortcomings, hoping that those listening to you will be kind and forgive them.
  3. To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many spend years doing this. The hardest thing is to really want to change.
  4. I never get angry with anyone. No man can do anything that would deserve such a reaction from me. You get angry with people when you feel that their actions are important. I haven't felt anything like this in a long time.
  5. You must always remember that the path is only the path. If you feel that you should not walk on it, then you should not stay on it under any circumstances.
  6. In order to realize the reality familiar to another, it is first necessary to free oneself from one's own reality; but it is not at all easy for a person to get rid of the usual picture of the world, this habit must be broken by force.
  7. Act like it's a dream. Be brave and don't look for excuses.
  8. The main hindrance of most people is the internal dialogue, this is the key to everything. When a person learns to stop it, everything becomes possible. The most incredible projects become doable.
  9. People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.
  10. The only truly wise counsel we have is death. Every time you feel, as it often does with you, that everything is going badly and you are on the verge of complete collapse, turn to your left and ask your death if this is so. And your death will answer that you are wrong, and that apart from her touch there is nothing that really matters. Your death will say: "But I haven't touched you yet!"

Realize give/give an account To fully understand, to be aware of something. From noun. with meaning persons: father, student, doctor ... is he aware of what? in actions, in deeds ...; be aware that…

... He tried to give himself an account of whether he needed to study Feuerbach ... (I. Turgenev.)

Why did Oblomov let them in - he was barely aware of this. (I. Goncharov.)

They could not give themselves an account of how many of them were left and how long they had fled. (A. Fadeev.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what "be aware" is in other dictionaries:

    To give / to give an account to oneself To fully understand, to be aware of something. From noun. with meaning persons: father, student, doctor ... is he aware of what? in actions, in deeds ...; be aware that ... ... He tried to be aware of that ... Educational Phraseological Dictionary

    REPORT- REPORT, report, husband. 1. A written or oral report about one's actions or about the fulfillment of the entrusted order, presented to a person or institution. Travel report. Report on scientific work. Spending report. Submit a report to... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    report- a, m. 1. Official written or oral communication responsible person, organizations, etc. about their work, about the implementation of what l. assignments, etc. Report on scientific work. Member's report. Local committee report. □ Upon returning to Moscow, I… … Small Academic Dictionary

    CONSCIOUSNESS- the variety of differences and their differences (primary experience), as well as preferences (singling out one or another element of what is distinguished as the foreground) and identifications of what is distinguished. In correlation with the world as a difference of being, S. forms ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    insanity- - a condition in which a person could not be aware of his actions or manage them due to the fact that he had a chronic mental illness at the time of the commission of the crime, a temporary disorder of mental activity or other ... ... Soviet legal dictionary

    Picnic at Hanging Rock- Picnic at Hanging Rock Genre mystical ... Wikipedia

    Number- I Number is the most important mathematical concept. Having arisen in its simplest form back in primitive society, the concept of Ch. has changed over the centuries, gradually enriching itself with content as the sphere of human activity expanded and related ...

    sanity- (in criminal law) the ability of a person to be aware of his actions and manage them, which is one of the mandatory features of the subject of a crime. In Soviet criminal law, V. is the basis of guilt (See Guilt) and criminal ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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Carlos Castaneda is a writer who knows how to captivate the reader with him, tear him off the ground, from the usual mental constructions and throw him into a completely different world - mysterious, frightening, unpredictable, but fabulously alluring.

His books on shamanism and lucid dreams are accused of factual unreliability, he himself is accused of vulgarizing his own ideals and lies, but it cannot be taken away that the works he wrote remain a magnificent expression of the essence of spiritual search. Here are 10 quotes that prove it the best:

  1. It is useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
  2. Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology. So when you explain why you can't do this or that, you are really apologizing for your shortcomings, hoping that those listening to you will be kind and forgive them.
  3. To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many spend years doing this. But the hardest thing is to really want to change.
  4. I never get angry with anyone. No man can do anything that would deserve such a reaction from me. You get angry with people when you feel that their actions are important. I haven't felt anything like this in a long time.
  5. You must always remember that the path is only the path. If you feel that you should not walk on it, then you should not stay on it under any circumstances.
  6. In order to realize the reality familiar to another, it is first necessary to free oneself from one's own reality; but it is not at all easy for a person to get rid of the usual picture of the world, this habit must be broken by force.
  7. Act like it's a dream. Be brave and don't look for excuses.
  8. The main hindrance of most people is the internal dialogue, this is the key to everything. When a person learns to stop it, everything becomes possible. The most incredible projects become doable.
  9. People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.
  10. The only truly wise counsel we have is death. Every time you feel like things are going badly and you're on the verge of total collapse, turn to your left and ask your death if that's the case. And your death will answer that you are wrong, and that apart from her touch there is nothing that really matters. Your death will say: "But I haven't touched you yet!"

The best quotes from the books of the terrible and terrible ruler of thoughts, who changed many lives with his books

His books can be denied factual authenticity, he himself can be reproached for vulgarizing his own ideals, you can accuse him of lying, but it cannot be taken away from the fact that the “tales of Power” written by him remain a magnificent expression of poetry and the essence of spiritual search.

Behind all the mystical paraphernalia, Castaneda's books hide a completely simple and clear system of views. picked up 10 best quotes and tips from Carlos Castaneda:

  1. It's useless to spend your whole life on one single path, especially if this path has no heart.
  2. Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology. So when you explain why you can't do this or that, you're actually apologizing for your shortcomings, hoping that those listening to you will be kind and forgive them.
  3. To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many spend years doing this. The hardest thing is to really want to change.
  4. I never get angry with anyone. No man can do anything that would deserve such a reaction from me. You get angry with people when you feel that their actions are important. I haven't felt anything like this in a long time.
  5. You must always remember that the path is only the path. If you feel that you should not walk on it, then you should not stay on it under any circumstances.
  6. In order to realize the reality familiar to another, it is first necessary to free oneself from one's own reality; but it is not at all easy for a person to get rid of the usual picture of the world, this habit must be broken by force.
  7. Act like it's a dream. Be brave and don't look for excuses.
  8. The main hindrance of most people is the internal dialogue, this is the key to everything. When a person learns to stop it, everything becomes possible. The most incredible projects become doable.
  9. People usually don't realize in the fact that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.
  10. The only truly wise counsel we have is death. Every time you feel, as it often does with you, that everything is going badly and you are on the verge of complete collapse, turn to your left and ask your death if this is so. And your death will answer that you are wrong, and that apart from her touch there is nothing that really matters. Your death will say: "But I haven't touched you yet!"